In which the Hauler becomes Eraserhead AKA Captain Jobber's little errand boy.
But hey, at least he can't go any lower than rock bottom.
In which the Hauler becomes Eraserhead AKA Captain Jobber's little errand boy.
But hey, at least he can't go any lower than rock bottom.
Really makes me think...
Pop a cute.
What a loser
Minus 1 chapter until Celebrity fucking dies.
i love these guys
Wait what do you mean he dies? is that a thing we know for a fact?
Thanks for dumping the chapter. That idol is a bit too young for him.
So, where the heck are we even supposed to read these? Imgur?
Free on Viz
Not that guy, but no we don't know that for a fact. However the new villain is planning to target him and has figured out that it's possible to kill him by making him spread his force field out too thin protecting other people. So he's going to target everyone at the celebration it seems.
>One chapter gag fodder characters from whatever angle you look at it
>Become regulars in the cast
Every time with this manga.
In a way, that does help sell the idea that all of this happens is part of the unimportant street level, while the main manga has all the super flashy unique original designs.