Underrated Manga

Starting with this rollercoaster

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Other urls found in this thread:


shes a qt

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The MC finally has a reason to not ravage this thirsty girl.

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Sekitou Elegy is a great realistic romance series with great art style and comedy. Never see any threads about it.

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>ywn have a ghost waifu helping you out when solving mysteries.

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I lament greatly that the translation for this is DEAD

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>Tokyo Ghoul but with vampires and some romance elements

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She's objectively hideous. But subjectively definitely a qt.

sell this to me. i don't acre about spoilers

Violence Action. I hope the Mangaka gets well soon.

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I love the MC. She's got the fluffiest hair.

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Ugly girl steals peoples faces (with magic) so that she can become a famous actress. Everything goes horribly wrong.

I enjoyed the anime quite a bit. I really should read the manga

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Hopefully Renjoh Desperado will make people look into his other works and translate this one.

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Sounds boring as fuck. But thanks

>I really should read the manga

Please do. The anime skips over quite a good amount of content and the characters end up not as fully fleshed-out as their manga counterparts.

What's Murcielago about? That lady's a cute.

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>What's Murcielago about? That lady's a cute.
That girl is literally gender bend, lesbian Alucard. Lots of over the top edge and gore with occasional lesbian "sex".

A former murderer who gets hired by the government to kill criminals. Shes also a lesbian and sexual predator

Fuck you all I liked it. Just because the anime was utter shit doesnt mean the manga is bad.

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Lesbian rapist murderer on the death row gets an offfer from the gov to work for them to hunt down psychos. It's pretty fun. New chapters never

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Came here expecting more Tasogare Otome shenanigans. Instead I got the lamest horror story collection I've read in years.

Sounds edgy. I'll give it a look. Thanks.

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Yoru ni Naru to Boku Wa

It's a manga about a dude who finds out he can kill people through his dreams, so he goes after the rapists and murderers of his older sister.

Translation is slow, but it's happening at least.

Also, pic is MC disguised as a girl.

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Its not that edgy (though it has its moments) and it doesnt take itself too seriously

From the author of Kuro, true art.

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A rare legit good isekai: Handyman Saitou In Another World

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>oh this artwork and monster design are incredible
>big guy with two big swords
Fastest drop

>Hating Shibito

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now this is a good acting manga, act age can't even compete.

>Author of Kuro
>Piss fetish manga
Well, okay, fine.

I still remember this "an eye for an eye" scene. It's a shame that she becomes more and more retarded later.

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Thank god someone is translating it.

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Look buddy, I like ghost girls as much as any user, but Shibito is legit terrible.
>Literally who is introduced.
>Suddenly, shitty monster.
>Literally who dies.
>Plot is easily solved.
>MC doesn't give a shit, neither does anyone else.
>Rinse and repeat.
Hayakawa's the only redeeming feature of this shitpile, and it really shows, since the series goes to shit the instant the focus isn't on her. Everyone else acts and speaks in such a stilted way it's almost like the manga was written by an alien.

I love you user for introducing this to me.
Only 8 chapters in but Kay has to be one of the best fictional characters ever created.

>not even knowing it's an episodic horror comedy

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>Underrated Manga
This series

Next chapter when

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Mieruko-chan does a better job.

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Anything by Abe Youichi.

I remember enjoying it but the scanlation seems dead.

It fails at both. It's awkwardly unfunny and takes its horror plots too seriously to be a comedy, whereas its horror just plain sucks. Again, haven't seen writing this awkward in years.

Despite her cursed face, she does have a fine body.

Sekisei Inko is getting translated again, I completely forgot about it for a while but it seemed interesting. I like the art.

Considering I saw a lot of anons liking it and lasting this long, it obviously did not fail.

This one better than I expected.

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Big shoutout to the user that recommended Heterogenous Linguistics when it was first translated.

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>It's good because it's popular
He desperately argues, after recommending it in an "Underrated manga" thread.

Shut up niggercum.
That bitch had me hooked from the start and i really wished that she had gone depeer into the MC.
It was a wild fucking ride and i wish things had gotten crazier instead of the last arc we got.

Not really the same type, that series is way more weird

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shit that looks genuinely good

I didn't recommend it, not all posts are made by the same user in case you didn't figure it out
Also 20+ anons liking it is not popular faggot

no worries user, he died shortly after. Narakunoadu is great manga. Fuck kirei for focusing on shitty harems

you think it was intentional that they used cringeworthy insults, or was that just translation issues?

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>That censorship bar

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it's pretty edgy but I've been enjoying it so far.

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whats it about?

>A victim of endless bullying, Aito Eyama is plagued by his classmates' constant taunts and beatings. However, through a fortuitous turn of events, he receives a strange invitations for the "Captivity Game," where victory promises unbelievable wealth. To participate, he must accept the role of captor and choose one victim to imprison for a month. For Eyama, the only choice is Aya Kirishima, the ringleader of his bullies and the source of all his suffering. The rules of the game are simple: the jailer may do whatever they please with their inmate barring murder; but in order to win the game, the captor's identity must remain hidden. Exemption from the law, an isolated cell, and the funds to purchase supplies—all the necessary tools are provided. As Eyama administers his sadistic revenge and "divine" retribution, he encounters other captors, each with their own hidden agendas. Meanwhile, Aya refuses to be a compliant prisoner and will go to any length to escape captivity. However, her endeavors threaten to awaken a darkness buried inside Eyama that craves to be unleashed.

So school shooter starts saw games but then falls in love with his bully. K got it, dont need to read it now.

I know that feeling user.


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Her insults are top stuff , fuckface.

I want to be her worm and squirm inside her.

How did she get those scars?

that's... pretty edgy.

First one was in a quarrel with a fellow student who threatened to fuck up her borrowed face.
Second one was made by her manager to remind her how much of a monster she is.
Third one was made by slashing granny.

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I'm up to the current chapter and he hasn't fallen in love with her but it could definitely go that route. MC is kind of a loose canon though.

Usogui. Probably one of the best gambling/mind game/psychological battle manga, mixed with bits of over the top and gorgeous martial art fight. Art alone is worth it.

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I'd probably just kill myself after all of that desu

I dunno. She kind of deserved it what with the all the murder, identity fraud and kidnapping she did.

Arachnid is great, the only person more autistic then MC-Chan is TL-Kun

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What's Yea Forums think of Dead Tube? I've jacked off to it dozens of times by now.

Maybe due to the licensing but I haven't seen much talk about Kuutei Dragons, it's a fantasy steampunk manga with pretty gorgeous art specially the highly detailed spreads.

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it's kinda enjoyable for what it's worth. the middle school arc was unironically great though.

fun shit manga, it's shit but still fun

I like fantasy Moby Dick's art and designs, but I could never get past the "whaling with a coat of paint" premise. The characters weren't interesting enough to keep me hooked, unfortunately.

I just finished Kasane after starting it years ago and the ending hit me like a fucking earthquake.

Dumb as a brick, from probably the worst writer in manga history. Surprisingly, Dead Tube is one of his least asspull-y series yet.

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The guy with a revolver in the head.

The ending was too abrupt and a bit weak, honestly. It was always going to be bittersweet, but the kiss really just came out of nowhere.

Someone posted this on Yea Forums once and it blew me away. I have NEVER seen another series that really sold playing music like this one did. There's so much energy in this manga and how they portray playing music. It's fucking ace.

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I totally get that. I was basically hit with whiplash it was so fast. I feel like it just needed one or 2 more chapters. Though I guess how abrupt it was was meant to signify how quickly everything fell apart. It took several rereads for me to even get what happened.

The ending was fucking perfect.
Kasane got her retribution.
Habuta was fucked up just like the other guy.
The mole-looking motherfucker got his waifu and kasane's half-sister ended up with a single man instead of whoring herself out.
Slashing granny got her revenge.

It was bloody perfect m8.

Not really family

I can't believe it. There is another user who reads this manga. It's the only manga I know where a girl is reincarnated as the main guy

Yeah but it's got a nigger in it.

The ending is unsatisfying, but hell I felt physically hurt reading this.

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plz read this cute witch manga

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Hey there's like five of us!

As a fa/tg/uy I really want to make a working magic system out of this thing.

knight QT all day. Also magic money fairy can fuck off.

kasane is so good
anyone know where i can find the final volume?

Sword oneechan a best.

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It's on Goddess.

It has been released for a month user

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>anyone know where i can find the final volume?

Instead of shitty isekai, nips should make more reincarnation manga where past lives actually matter.

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Natsume Yuujincho?

The early days of Kirei cakes were weirdly quirky and adorable, compare to the dead mom we have today.

>dead mom
Please explain, I don't understand

Huh? I though Kirei Cakes' sick mom was already there from the beginning. I actually felt bad the first time I read it.

underrated series and translations slow as a kid with down syndrome

Releases have been more frequently lately, but I still wish they speed up a little bit. Looking at the raw I can tell the feel trip art is great.

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New chapter when?

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I keep trying to recommend that to people and they never end up reading it.
I liked the face taking premise and psychological edge to it, the protaganist was tragic.
I'm a /d/egenerate so honestly I found her attractive anyway.

This is exactly the kind of shlock I miss and want more of.

I've accepted that along with arusumente and Amatsuki I'm going to have to wait until that finishes so I can marathon the whole thing.

I think pic related is underrated, it has a different artstyle and good atmosphere, it is slow but its really picked up, new volume is out in a month or so.

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manga is called Shiori Experience: Jimi na Watashi to Hen na Ojisan for anyone wondering. if you want people reading it, include sources friend

I imagine anyone actually interested would ask for sauce.

I'll add on by saying that, nobody ever mentioned With the light on here, onward toward noble death, drifting life, rivers edge, in the clothes named fat or Godchild.

I'm pretty much in the mood for reading a load of these buddy adventure manga now, still need to read its my life.

Crossover when?

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This was a great read which surprised me since i'm not very fond on the death game genre

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Forgot pic

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This looks pretty good. Quick spoiler free rundown?

Mother I'm scared. For a minute I saw horse guy and immediately though of Orange Citroen by Matsumoto Jiro, speaking of him, someone needs to adapt freesia.

Instant Bullet. Hopefully we get something like it soon now that kaguya is wrapping up.

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Autistic forest golem getting on in years adopts a child and they go from place to place on a journey together, its episodic and adorable while not avoiding darker parts of its story.

Why is Kasane missing ~10 volumes past the third?
KC picked it up there should chapters fucking somewhere

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I tried magus bride many times, but I always end up preferring Totsukunai no shoujo, I like slow stories but magus bride felt like wasted potential, its world never gripped me and it never seemed to go anywhere.
Elias is skullhusbando though.

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All over on nyaatorrents in a single torrent.

Sounds comfy, I'll give it a go. Thanks.

Mangarock has all 14 volumes.
Use Tachiyomi.

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Young Adults Living Life in the Fast Lane: The Manga

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Back in the early 2000s someone on Yea Forums recommended this, fair warning though, its up there with gunslinger girl if not more in terms of sadcore tier.

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I'm retarded. When exactly did Kasane's mom switch places to give that other woman back her life?

Yeah just checked
Apparently I've been typing the name wrong till now like a retard
Is it still getting translated?

>Instant Bullet
People gave a shit about Kaguya in the first place was because it's written by IB's author. And no, Aka won't go back to IB because he's already too far away from his chuuni self.

>Back in the early 2000s
Just curious, how does it feel to be on this site for so long?

when are they gonna fuck?

The same night she died.

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Old for a start and that I've seen the place change. Reminding me I also have alot of free time to kill aswell.
Also, that maybe I've developed too much of a habit for occassionally shitposting against better judgement.

Yuusha Ga Shinda is perfect

>Is it still getting translated?
Not that I know of but it did just get licensed

Hmm, lets think of a few others that don't get mentioned, Ultra heaven,and The case records Munakata for a start.

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Women swoon over the MC a bit much but it’s a great read. The drawings are spectacular and brutal.

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Thanks for humoring me. And I doubt a habit over this many years is going to break anytime soon, though I suppose there's no harm done if you have free time. All the best.

I'm not usually into edgy torture shit but goddamn does the plot seem to get interesting later

No way gantz is underrated. It had fucking movies.

first hikki manga i've seen done right, and be entertaining
>character suffers from extreme social anxiety
>doesn't leave room unless absolutely necessary
>creepy as fuck when forced into social interactions
>believes he is somehow better than everyone else
>big benis

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>include grandma
>not include grandpa or doggo

Please be better than Akame ga Kill

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I still don't know what to feel about the ending.

>forgetting about the panda
>forgetting about Muscle Man Rider
Everyone I know has heard of Attack on Titan but nobody I know has ever heard of Gantz, despite both getting movies and anime adaptions.

What are these manga doing in this thread? You are supposed to post underrate/obscure manga.

I think Souten No Ken is much better than Hokuto No Ken. For one, Uncle Kenshiro is much more charming and fun to follow than eternally moping and dreary Nephew Kenshiro. I also like the Chinese noir setting better than the Mad Max setting. It also doesn't fall apart halfway through unlike HNK.

A damn shame that both of SNK's anime adaptations were complete garbage, with the latter resorting to fanfiction instead of sticking to the manga's plot.

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>translation is dead
It's a cruel world

You patrician motherfucker.
Sad and tragic romance stories like this are my JAM.
I havent been able.to find.anything else that makes me feel like this.

expecting good finish from this one. will be very disappointed if it doesn't have a good ending.

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My greatest beef with this manga is how rape never occurs in the MC's mind when he's taking revenge on his bully. Rape is a legit torture tool in real life. It should be the first thing in your mind when you want to torment a female, a decent looking virgin at that.

>Oshimi Shizuo
>good ending
Pick one.

New chapters fucking never

There were a couple of those kinds of stories back in the 90s after being inspired by Sailor Moon. Please Save My Earth is a good one for example.

Just read the first chapter and it has me hooked. Where did you find the rest of the series? MU says only the first one got scanlated.

It's been licensed, so I don't expect them. I just buy the volumes.

Both River's Edge and Drifting Life are very close to my heart user. I'll checck out the others you mentioned.

anyone read on their kindle? I'm using a PW3 and considering to upgrade for the new 32gb model.

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I fucking hated the last volume because it felt so tacked on/rushed and the ending was a huge curveball that doesn't make sense considering Kasane's development

I thought the Granny slashed her (Kasane), and then the Granny stole Kasane's face. Or is it the other way around?

So what actually happened? Who did what?

I read physical whenever I can, but typically on an iPad. Older sister reads manga on an older model kindle and its been fine if you can put up with the lack of storage and lighting. Hasn't felt the need to upgrade, but if can afford it I don't see why not.

Granny cut herself, then Kasane, then swapped faces and killed herself. Hence why Kasane was trapped in her body at the end.


granny stabbed the sister and then slashed kasane's eye.
Afterwards she performed the exchange with their blood and slit her own throat , now with kasanes appearance , leaving kasane with the granny appearance and the charge of stabbing the sister and murdering kasane.
No one but granny and Kasane knows what really happened and everyone else thinks that granny killed kasane and slit her own eye.
Kasane knows that she cant live a happy life and must pay for her sins so she goes along with it and spends the rest of her days as the gramny inside an isolated cabin.

Thinking about it, Kasane is still only in her twenties, even with granny's face.
Also, do you think Habuta was standing in front of her house at the end?

>I read physical whenever I can, but typically on an iPad
I think I might just go with that. Just noticed the 32gb kindle cost roughly the same price as an older model ipad.

Yes, see the house nameplate.

Recommend it. Large vibrant screen, good storage, and can be used for other things. Only downside is that the battery life is significantly shorter than a kindle's, so you'll have to charge it often if you use it a lot.

This is the craziest manga I've ever read

As in I'm pretty sure this was made by a crazy person and the more I read, the crazier I become

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>mutant chicken going around murdering people
Yeah, it was weird.

For starters he has no sexual interest in her whatsoever and is too busy breaking her bones with a sledgehammer, secondly the reason she started bullying him in the first place was because she was brutally gang raped and wanted to regain a sense of control

literally the only person Yea Forums that has read this
anyone else claiming they have is a liar

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it gets weirder than that though

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I like the atmosphere this has. It had a few threads at first but it got licensed so discussion has died.

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please tell me he just runs up and hugs her one day

He can't touch her because he got visited by truck-kun and came back as a ghost to stop her from killing herself

Doesnt matter.
The permanent exchange gave her a granny body and she doesnt have much left to live.

>Granny body.
What? I thought it was just faces.

They pretty much switched souls.

It already ended, and the ending was shit

I thought that was the case as well, but I think she mentions that her hands are shrivelled in the final chapter, so maybe the permanent is a full body exchange.

I was happy with the actual content of the ending, but it as you said felt to hurried.

I lost track of it when the translations stopped, drifting classroom was just as creative.

Helter skelter was a pretty uncomfortable read too overall, although the detective guy felt kind of tacked on.

you're welcome.

Yugami-kun. Funniest manga I've ever read with the most based autist MC.

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For the very life of me, there was this really obscure (non-hentai but adult) manga, can't remember the author, had a real weird artsyle, was psychedelic in some parts, all oneshots and one of them had a bit where these giants shrunk themselves down, but eventually began attacking a bunch of villagers and raping the women.

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>I still remember this "an eye for an eye" scene. It's a shame that she becomes more and more retarded later.

Don't worry, she'll get her unexpected badassery back

I love Kasane

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Same here

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Permanent exchange changes EVERYTHING but the mind.

Kasane's mom swapped with the slave girl so well that not even habuta or their husband was able to notice it

What happened with the serial killer girl?

How behind are the translations?
How many chapters are therr left?

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Is this by the rainbow guy

Those hips.

Also he had a dark and possessive side that almost killed her

what hips? I'm too busy staring at beautiful faces

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Speaking of him, has anyone read green blood? Its a manga western, has Indians, cowboys and stuff.
Also there is a blaxploitation horror manga called Blaster Knuckle.

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Also going to give a shoutout to Me and the devil blues, really weird that its also by the same guy who did Prison school.

Sorry can't help for source but it's up on cartel sites like manganelo etc up to chapter 45 if you want to read it

Also chapter 46-48 are up on the archived thread
I really recommend this because it feels like watching the stupidity and recklessness of 20-somethings in a manga format. The main girl is great and a real bro too, though not the kind of girl people would like to marry

Kasane was FUCK UGLY , like jesus fuck please get away from me.
The live action was a fucking piece of dogshit , kasane just had a poorly painted on scar aside from being a normal jap girl.

I also want to thank everyone itt for being civil and bringing wholesome discussion.
I wanted to talk about Kasane and you bastards didnt leave me wanting.
Thanks and godspeed.

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I nominate Asebi and the Adventurers of Skyworld. I almost skipped over it because the title is so stupid, but when I finally got into it I was happy how much it reminded me just how exciting and enjoyable a good adventure can be. The MC is competent without being a mary sue, the heroine is cute and also competent, and the supporting cast is great. The fights are surprisingly well drawn.

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The mangaka really did a good job. Kasane is undeniably ugly. Far too often you just get a generic anime girl that people call ugly even though they look like any other cute anime girl. Yet despite this, Kasane is still moe and makes you want to protect her. Really a 10/10 character design.

I love that Kasane is pretty much a 10 from the neck down. That said her face wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me. She's got that passion in her eyes.

Agh you beat me to it user.
This manga just kind of reminds me of simpler days. Playing little silly jrpgs or watching adventuring cartoons. Makes me feel fairly warm inside. Plus, floating islands.
Speaking of floating islands, that reminds me of of pic related, which is just a short feel good series about a little god of a floating island. Well, a girl who inherited the role of a god, or guardian spirit

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She's just actually a fucking monster. Jagged teeth, fuckin' gator face. piercing gaze. That scar isn't doing her favors either. She should've tried to get parts as a movie monster.

That's the best comparison. It reminds me of a lighthearted JRPG or a saturday morning adventure cartoon/anime from your childhood. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and keeps me excited for the next chapter, kind of like back when I'd be hyped for saturday mornings as a kid.

Blue Period. The translation just started but man, it's got a killer sense of atmosphere. Can definitely see why it got a Taisho nom this year.

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I was the one who posted looking for lighthearted adventure stuff and being in mood for that. Those two I might look into, thanks.

I have been stuck to my screen the last 5 hours reading this. It's fucking great

Thanks OP

It ended with chapter 78. I can't exactly read moon but from what I can interpret from the pages, Kishida goes to the otherside to fix some shit because Cthulhu is gonna kill everyone. Also one of the reasons why Hayakawa is dead is because of Ghost-chan

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Soon I hope. The Zeze chapter was great

Why was the live action of Kasane shit? What significant changes were there? When it was released in theaters in Japan, I heard it was very well received.

What a load of bullshit.

Glad to havr brought love into your life.

I love japan tengu party

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Too bad translation has been dead for a while?

>Nobody post this wild ride
Best superheroe manga ever

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This was worth browsing the thread through, thanks!

whats it called negro


Y'know between Kasane Fuchi and Fuchi from Junji Ito, I can't help but think that monstrous actresses named Fuchi are my type.

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Keyman: The Hand of Judgement

Did you read Kako to Nisetantei? Pic not related, but also great

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Not sure if it counts as underrated or not, but I found out recently that Blame/Sidonia's author is working on a new manga. I'll start reading it soon.


Sell me on it.

Is it still being translated? I need more Shiva cuteness.

Too bad it jumped the shark at some point and stopped making sense .

Kako to Nisetantei (this image) is about a detective with a toothsome ghost companion. Neko Musume Michikusa Nikki is maximum comfy SoL in a small town with a large youkai population. Main character is as the title suggests. She often bugs the komainu twins. My favorite part is probably reading about new cultural tidbits or particularly obscure youkai.

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Thanks for posting this, it's been a fun read so far. Pic related fucking triggered my inner /k/, though. High caliber sniper, light, and low recoil don't mix dammit

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World Gaze Clips

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I thought it was even deader than it was because I went to check and there were two chapters I hadn't read. At least it isn't on actual hiatus

both have a decent 1st half, and a 2nd shitty half. Cestvs is a much better manga, specially the first part.

I actually bought 4 books from that series from one of my local book stores. I’d totally upload it if my scanner hadn’t died. It is underrated and surprisingly not loving in its inspirations shadow.

Any recs for edgy gory shit like Higanjima, Gantz and Kamisama no Iotooru?

Good news Franken Fran is getting a new manga that's set to be a direct sequel but i don't know any real details because i can't speak moonrune

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MC is both best boy and girl aside from being so damn awesome.

You can read text translation here it's up to chapter 83.

I agree. Also Asebi is a cute robutt.

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Wait what, I thought it fully ended with that final chapter, considering it was quite a nice send-off to the series.

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i'm just happy to get more fran

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Not sure how to feel about it. As mentioned before, it was finished nicely, and sequel after so many years is arerly a good thing, still... Franken Fran was so much better then most of the manga around, I miss it dearly.

>The live action was a fucking piece of dogshit , kasane just had a poorly painted on scar aside from being a normal jap girl.

Pretty much this desu. The actress who plays Kasane looks too cute. They didn't do enough to make her to look hideously ugly like in the source material.

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Reality gets in the way of /ss/.

Yea Forums all read Shamo and shit on its ending though.

Most of the translated chapter got posted here. Same author of Nude Model oneshot.

You should check the author's newest manga if you are still here user

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The story was clear throughout you brainlet

I'm so glad that this gem is getting an anime adaptation.

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>though not the kind of girl people would like to marry
Speak for yourself. She's absolutely wife material.

Didn't this end? What's up with the missing translations?

I never heard anyone ever talk about this gem by punpun's author. Pretty much all his works are at least 8/10.

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All the English versions are out. I know because I uploaded them to a private torrent site last month.

God bless user, I was searching for this series for some time, it is great.

Only 2 chapters translated so far, but it's pretty comfy.

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>dislike boys other than dad
Apparently it's an award-winning, long-running series too.

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I find shoujo with male leads are often really good, especially when they are not strictly romance. Many of my favorite male MCs are written by women.

I am pleased by the kasane disccussion in this thread. I am planning to collect all the volume in my language. I really love kasane because it show the hard reality of the need of presentable or beatifull face in order to advance in life.

And kasene remind me of Tsuyu from Boku No Hero Academia if her character design become not presentable.

Hello fellow reader, i need to read this. The number of character and subplot/scheme is numerous lol.

Kinda remind me of Suikoden or Trails game series in number of character involved.

KOT isn't shoujo. It's a sports manga geared towards the shounen demographic.

I will say she does have Kasane's piercing gaze down but beyond that yeah. They could've used makeup or CGI to make her more monstrous looking. The movie implies the only thing ugly about her is her scar, but in the original Kasane was so ugly that you almost didn't notice the scar.

Dang. Thank you, based user.

Kasane made me realize that more than anything, ugly people are pretty much the most discriminated group. Like everyone else at least has a community of people that care about you. But Uglies don't even like each other. And they're the only people it's ok to treat badly because of their appearance. And in cases like Kasane it's completely out of her control.

>Never see any threads about it.
The reason is precisely because it's a realistic romance. Underage ironic weebs and NEETs just want to see super model looking girls acting cute and pure.

Jin is a fun proto-Isekai about a Japanese neurosurgeon being sent back in time to 1800's Japan and saving people with modern medical knowledge like creating Penicillin. I haven't read it for a while so I don't know if the TLs are finished yet though, I remember them being dead at some point.

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Is this Japan's answer to Lolita?

Good shit.

The author still translates it on his patreon: patreon.com/motokamurakami

It's getting pretty repetitive though.

Can't wait for the Usagi Drop timeskip.

this'll come in handy

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Mm... yes, dear. Indeed...

I'll check this out.

Please do. Shiori Experience is a fucking ride. I will say the updates are pretty slow but it's pretty great.

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>updates are pretty slow
more like glacial

Aren't there gook scans? I saw them last week on mangashow.

It was hard to keep track of characters and their reincarnations at first, but trying to figure out who's who is part of the fun.

Seems like it has some of ryona, guess I'll give it a try.
Btw Ase to Sekken fits for this thread

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To be fair, Kasana is not simply ugly. The girl is hideous.

They are blood-related though, so I doubt anything like Usagi Drop will happen.

This thread is a gold mine. Keep them hidden gems coming, anons.

Found it.

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Pretty great. Hanako, I know you're dead but stop being a dick in this arc.

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Oh who gives a fuck about people who are underage.

I was surprised by amount of paranoia, schemes, keikakus and backstabbing

The character charts helped a lot, even then a few of those little shits could be lying.

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Having seen Kasane's face, how many of you would sleep with her? No doggy style anything either you have to maintain eye contact the entire time.

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I find it interesting that the MC himself, while being a nice guy at core, is quite manipulative and scheming. One the most amazing moments is when he pretends to be the cold-hearted
husband of his past life. He plays the role so well that the other faction is fooled completely.

I doubt I can maintain eye contact with her during normal conversations.

What chapter is this from?
I would ship Minami and Veronica together.

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How she's depicted in the manga I could probably manage, she's honestly sort of ugly cute in some way. You know that weird area where something classifies as both.
But if we applied it to real life and take it really as that she's so hideous that people genuinely have those reactions and it's not just her insecurities amplifying how she perceives them, then I doubt it.

translations, when?

Chapter 68
I wonder how would Rida/Takao feels about that ship.

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Sign me up, then. Loved that oneshot.

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This had the worst possible ending. Ruined it for me.

He doesn't rape her because he thinks of her as subhuman scum who isn't worthy of his penis. He definitely wont rape her now that he knows she's been through that ringer and is used goods.

Huh, that's cool. I'll probably pay a bit once I return to it. Do you know which chapter he's at? The patreon posts seem to be marked by arc or whatever so I'm not certain

still mad they axed this one

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How long did it last?

only a little over a year

Can someone recc a decent non-harem/ecchi manga with a good MC?
Offering this is in return.

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Did it at least have some sorta ending or did it just sorta end?

World Trigger

Forgot the name but its a loli girl that has prosthetic limbs and deals with the supernatural and summons giant skeleton. Plus there's a guy who broke up with his old girlfriend, and the loli girl becomes the new gf.

I get you people are these special types who obtain the most obscure mangas simpletons like me have never heard of, but does it really kill ya to lose a bit of your specialness by putting names with the "obscure manga nobody has heard of"?

Learn to reverse image search.

Kyokou Suiri, maybe?
I dropped it early, so I may be wrong.

I enjoyed this one, but then again decent time travel always hits a sweet spot for me.

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This is my favourite manga, it's great. It also has sex in it, and it's consensual sex between two like minded individuals and not teenage boys who lose their minds when they see a nipple.

On an unrelated note, Gasha Dokuro is such a cool monster. The Nips have an excellent taste in their folk monster design.

Yer. There was some rumor about anime being made.

I want Yashiro to highdrop kick him. Let Yashiro highdrop kick everyone and their bullshits.

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went from the beginning of a tournament arc to timeskip of the goal of the protagonist. Last chapter was just a "lmao he won ok we're done" thing. it was super obvious that it was a last-minute editorial decision.

I think she fits under "grim-moe", in that I end up feeling sad for her despite what she does, also I would feel awkward at times looking at her, not because I couldn't stand her face, but I'd feel bad for her if it seemed to her I was staring.

>have to
bitch please

While we're at it bokura no kiseki isn't shoujo either, its marked as josei.

Only official translations now, but the new volume will probably still be uploaded as was the currently most recently translated one.

Pretty much the same for me, very nostalgic. Must also admit petite blonde girls like her tick my boxes!

The Ninja Slayer manga is GOAT but it seems like Vertical just dropped it after vol 8

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Even a carefree princess would hold a grudge if her castle got nuked I suppose

Just starting this, already looking nice

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I'm surprised Pumpkin Scissors is never talked about.

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IIRC, I read the vampire manga the writer of that series did. That had plenty of twists and turns.

To add to the comparison between manga disfigurement and real-life disfigurement, manga characters with facial injuries are typically able to change facial expression like they are wearing makeup. Normally scar tissue is frigid, it won't fold gently or stretch or ripple like normal skin, it's deeply unhealthy skin. For people who are facially disfigured, trying to smile or frown will twist the skin unnaturally. It's not like these people are ugly because they're unhappy, it's not like making them happy will cure unhealthy scar tissue and make their face radiate with happiness, but that's often how anime or manga will play it.

that boy is a slut

There aren't enough mangakas that are unabashed ass men

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Yeah, but at least his lady friend is cool.

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Is this the sama mangaka from the "My wife is an alien" series? Those eyes look familiar.

Kasane's ending was ok albeit rushed but its not like it ruined the manga.

sure is.

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It stopped during the worst arc, not knowing that it gets better after.

I love this series so much I've bought untranslated volumes just to own them, fuck man, I miss it so much

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Would you give him your body, anons?

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I'm reading this, and words fail me.What the fuck man.

Bless this series.

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Umezu is a weird guy

Thanks, I love it!

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Hits that sweet spot between sexy big tiddy goths and heartwarming, don't it?

That fucking author used TWICE the scene of a classroom of children "pretending they aren't here" and surviving horrible monsters, or in one case, aliens from outer space raping their teacher to death. He did it in Drifting Classroom and then did it again in Fourteen. That's real dedication to illustrating a fucked up scene.

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the Drifting Classroom scene

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Been reading the first 4 chapters and this gives me the Revenge Classroom vibes, please tell me is not the same as that piece of shit manga

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Completely different genres, user.

I can guarantee that Kanase is a good read and nowhere like garbage that is Revenge Classroom.

The ending of Kasane was poetic and well deserved.
Some claim that it was rushed but i felt like it was perfect.
Dont worry user you are in for a good ride.

Glad to have helped.

>tfw no leggy otaku gf to dom you with her stocking-clad feet.

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Who here likes reading manga about radiologists?

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This one, kind of like reverse Léon: The Professional

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I love Kasane but it feels like the first chapter was written when the author hadn't really decided how the face swap would work. According to everything we've seen after in the story thereafter, Kasane shouldn't have kept the scar. After the bully died Kasane should have kept the stolen face for a few more days, because that's what happens when the owner of a stolen face dies. Kasane's face should have eventually reverted to normal and in the end the corpse of the bully should have had the face scar. Kasane's original face was never cut.

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it might just be her making a threat or blackmail to prevent her from slicing her face up

Same shit happens in the ending

Kasane gets slashed in the eye by granny her sister gets stabbed , granny makes the swap , granny kills herself now with kasanes appearance and Kasane now in Granny's appearance has a slashed eye.

Nice to see this many Bokura no Kiseki readers around here

I wish I wasn't that lazy for a storytime

And what's wrong with it?

I'm not even enjoying it but I kinda want to read it to the end.
Who even let this guy make nearly 300 chapters of this?

Well, guess I'll continue my fellow anons

It's Kazuo Umezu. The guy's a manga legend. He can draw whatever the fuck he wants.

She would probably cheer for them on the side and then join them

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I tried making a thread once but no one replied. You're both right, but the arts are shoujo-ish, and both authors are women. I often find male leads written by female mangaka more interesting than one made by their male counterparts.

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These omake are pretty funny.

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>I often find male leads written by female mangaka more interesting than one made by their male counterparts.

It might be because I'm a faggot but I find that male writers write male characters they want to be, or a blank slate that readers would want to be, while female writers write male characters they want to fuck. As I feel the same way as they do, I'm much more interested in the latter than some cardboard cutout type of guy.

Everyone likes boobs.

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Reincarnation land mines and ptsd moments are plenty in that series

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What is the name of this manga?

Bokura no Kiseki.

Bokura no Kiseki

A princess got her castle nuked in one messy invasion and reincarnated as a boy in Japanese. Problem is, he is not the only one. So mass reincarnation panic, general paranoia about who is who, personality shifts, keikakus and backstabbings ensue in highschool

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So is he/she gay or straight in his new body?

wait what

I believe this pic should explain enough

>retroactively perving on girls in the bath
The absolute legend.

What are something about the princess that only her husband knows?

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This one even perves on her own body.

Yugami-kun is the most heartfelt MC I've ever seen. Totally blows guys like Hikigaya or Oreki out of the fucking water.

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>tfw your favorite obscure manga has no anime adaption.

It's not fair, l/a/ds.

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>He actually fucking used that as proof

>I mean, crap, man! Look at that! That's, like, his stomach plug on the ground back there. You don't see that every day. I mean, that doesn't really even seem possible if you think about it — with body organs and cartilage and bones... I mean, I'm no doctor, but that was like one clean chunk!

It's a good thing and that's beautiful, let me show you why.

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These and sports manga always made me felt like I was reading about aliens. I never get their hype.
These two are pretty good read though.

Good read. Thanks for showing this to me user. Shit is too beautiful and horrifying at the same time

gud except for the cuck shit that happens later on

He's autism personified, except that he feels good about it.

Just waiting for the last few chapters but barring some catastrophically bad ending it's a masterpiece.

Also since I'm storytiming it I'm obligated to say Kenrantaru Grande Scene.

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Just read this after seeing your post, what a wild ride it was.

I feel ya user. We'll become popular, just you wait.

>Instead I got the lamest horror story collection I've read in years.
Speaking of, more people should read Eko Eko Azarak. Not every story's a success but when it hits goddamn does it hit either with a really great twist or being balls out insane.

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have you read the raws? can you spoiler me the end? I've read this shit since I was a teenager.

I honestly think that regardless of her face, Kasane herself looks REALLY SEXY with lipstick. Granted I wouldn't want to switch faces with her so I'd prefer to kiss her with regular lipstick, if she's ever worn that. Maybe it's just because of how the manga shades it but a super dark red or even a black would look great on her.

She has the body of a model , though.

Oh, no Kasane's body is a straight up 10. When we get a good look at her it's CRAZY how nice it is. I wonder if she died a virgin.

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I'm only reading this now and I fucking love it. She's such a DORK despite being a crazy psychopath.

This shit is wholesome af, one of the better shojous out there

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It's good until the timeskip, then it's really boring and the MC just wins all the time with no actual effort. I dropped the series when he just autistically burst into the girl's workplace, confessed loudly in front of customers and all of her co-workers and she left with him. It should've ended with the festival and left it open ended about whether or not they were actually dead since that was the actual climax of the story but you've still got half the fucking series left at that point and the back half sucks. It's like OMK if it was written by a hack.

Only good chapter after the timeskip is when Saeki shows up.

What the fuck man.
She got dicked several times by that actor she played with as neena.
Please dont speedread.
she had to leave as soon as she got that baby batter otherwise the disguise expired.

Never read the raws. My only other experience with the author is Tetsuwan Girl which starts off as an occupation era series about a women's baseball team and ends with some international crime shit, the MC being locked up in a military hospital in Hawaii and timeskipping to the present where the granddaughter of one of her teammates visits her as an old lady. Like it just goes off the rails which was shit since it was great up to that point.

The guy scanlating Bakuon said it was going to be like "two weeks" for him to get the last batch of chapters out and that was about a month ago.

bumping, but for this


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Actually, it's in the image. What the fuck user

Cesare is one of the best historical series I've ever seen. It's done really well, the research and I assume accuracy is on point and it has some of the most gorgeous art I've ever seen. Naturally the group scanlating it died a few years ago and nobody else has any interest in it.

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It's funny how their organizaton is called SS and they are hunting a Jew.

I thought it was going to be about a girl getting revenge on a male bully but this is alright too.

I honestly couldn't remember. I didn't speedread. Rather I read it as it came out. So y'know...that's like 3 years ago that all those events took place.
I remember Neena fucking that guy and saying that Kasane probably wouldn't be able to get away with having sex with him because he'd know how her body felt. I couldn't really remember if she fucked him after Neena's coma.

Although now that I'm rereading it I'm seeing that Neena lied about that. Or was it with the guy after that?I thought Nogiku killed her before their relationship progressed?

Kasane anime when?

While Neena was in coma, Kasane competely took over her life and started fooling around with that man. Nogiku comes after that.

Neena lied about the first one but Kasane did have sex with Uno, the actor for Macbeth

Scans never.

Ok. I'd legitimately forgotten.

Dasei 67%, fun manga about college kids hanging out and getting into perverted shenanigans.

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No sane person would sleep with her. Was it ever explained how she got that face? Was it from birth?

God I love Shimimaru's girls. It's sorta fun to see a female character who is personally modest but also a huge pervert. Fun dynamic. Also got me semi-interested in bondage.

I'm just reading to see what happens next, because thre's no way to predict fucking anything.

It's like the editor thought "What would happen if I gave psychodelic drugs to a manga legend and just let him do whatever?"

Some people are just born ugly.

It just her mom is born ugly just like that, her mom should be dead if not saved by the old woman of her village.

It's bad to blame kasane hardship on the old wowan, but if she let kasane mom get killed would it make drama and suffering of kasane not happen at all.

It will be hard to do, i have interact with girls who have disfigurement in her face, even if it just minor you get the feeling want to looked away, if it as bad as kasane i will looked away and avoid her like the crowd reaction looking at kasane face.

Reminds me of Seki-kun

Starving Anonymous. It's got some spooky panels.

is it still being translated?

Nana to Kaoru

Very relaxing and nice manga with great side stories and a great main duo.

It's a shame it's been on hiatus for at least 2 years now. Hopefully we'll see it continue again soon.

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Kickstarter soon

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>Japanese cold
I wouldn't count on it. What's the author's relationship to Mori anyway? The influence is very obvious but I've heard that she was either an assistant or her neighbor or both.

>Japanese cold
Sometimes is just a excuse to end the series or work on something else. Like Criminalle ended because of japanese cold, but hell, the artist still work on other stuff.

Hardly I see real sickness stuff coming up, like Neet-juu susume's author. I still feel bad when I remember the post on her blog.

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Yeah, and Im sure NANA will start up again any day now.

Looking at it it looks like she did a short two volume work for the magazine Gisele Alain is published in last year and then maybe one short story back in 2016. If she put out something last year maybe there's hope for Gisele Alain to come back this year or something unless she feels like she either wrote herself into a corner or lost her inspiration or something.

The setting and art are beautiful though so I hope it does come back.

The thread really made me wanna draw Kasane so here's a quick sketch

Attached: Quick Kasane.png (445x556, 116K)


You drew her beautifully.

I think most of the people who have seen this have seen the anime and not the manga, I really like how the creator uses regeneration and immortality in ways no other creators have ever thought of. Either way it's a ride and it does start off a little slow but it gets way better. Its kinda like if Tokyo ghoul and Jojos bizarre adventure had a baby. Definitely worth a read

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I may have just missed 'em, but I've never really seen people talk about Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa

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Dorohedoro. It is not actually underrated because everyone who reads it falls in love with it, If I were to say that it is underrated is because very few know this manga since it artstyle seems to put a lot of people off IMO is fucking great

Give it a try you won't regret it.

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>Story about flying Japanese marine research boat

I wonder if the editor forced the steampunk angle.

Why does he use his mask backwards

>big penis

Yeah haha... done right.

New chapter when? I need to find out what happens next


I'm reading munakata right now. It's enjoyable and I really need more historical shit.

What other historical series do you like? Something obscure please.

This, also main antagonist is based as fuck.

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Read this and prepare for a W I L D R I D E.

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I don't think this W I L D R I D E is underrated though

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>furries still trying to shill this shit made by jew author

Fuck off with that shit.

Too bad the author don't want baka gaijins to read it.

Wild ride is an understatement
Any high iq psueds here understand why the daughter was called misery? With the heavy handed metaphors and theme I can't help but feel like theres some element im missing here
She feels like "Hope" from pandoras box

Pretty much Terminator with plants. It ain't nothing special but I think it's worth a read just for the fact that it got a satisfying explanation and ending. Which is something these kinds of "teenagers try to survive in a world that's being attacked by wacky yet horrifying monsters" genre doesn't do often.

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Dropped when she got a bowl cut
>"teenagers try to survive in a world that's being attacked by wacky yet horrifying monsters"
I love that genre. Any other worthwile mentions? I only remember Dragon Head.

This is actually a good thing. If something is above average, the odds are that the anime adaption would be worse.

Huge spoilers for the story of Kazane

I don't get that. so Kazane's mom Izana switched with Nogiku's mom Sukeyo, but Nogiku's mom was already beautfiul, so why would they need the permanent switch? It's already established that Kazane's mom was born ugly, and that Nogiku's mom was born beautiful, but if the woman who saved kazane from drowning wasn't her mom, then she was nogiku's mom, and while we get to see her face, we never get to see the face of the one Hubata killed bundled in cloth, but the woman who saves Kazane is beautiful, though if she's actually not kazane's mom, but nogiku's mom who we've established was born beautiful, then there is literally no need for and no evidence that Kazane's mom ever permanently switched with Nogiku's mom, at most she merely convinced the father that she did, and for some reason hubata also believed that.

What that really means is that both the father and Hubata were superficial. They only looked at the appearances of Izana and Sukeyo and never learned to tell them apart. Why was hubata so willing to believe that Izana was able to do a permanent switch? because he never questioned all the dark things he had done, after a certain point he never valued human life, and merely saw it as a means to an end, so it's no wonder why he didn't care to talk the person bundled in cloth or to be certain that it wasn't Izana, he also never really understood the heart of Izana, because Izana cared for Sukeyo, and Hubata never recognized that.

The father was obviously superficial, but I can only speculate why when he had Izana is his house that he treated her so poorly, but then maybe it's because the woman he fell in love with didn't exist. He fell in love with the persona that Izana created while in Sukeyo's body, and that persona was entirely made of lies. It also shows you that Kazane's relationship with Uno could never work, because that would have been the exact same thing.

Too early to say, but I really liked it too.
I saw it was one of the top-rated manga in some poll in Japan too.
Only thing is that it makes me wish the whole thing was in colour.

>It might be because I'm a faggot but I find that male writers write male characters they want to be, or a blank slate that readers would want to be, while female writers write male characters they want to fuck. As I feel the same way as they do, I'm much more interested in the latter than some cardboard cutout type of guy.
Agreed, many of my favourite MCs are male by male writers, but for you average manga, I usually like the male lead better when it's written by a woman because they're much less likely to make them a self-insert.

Izana and Sukeyo never did the permanent exchange. Sukeyo died saving Kasane and Izana died by Habuta's hand. It's a big part of volume 13, where Nogiku realizes that the one she thought was her mother was actually Izana and that Habuta killed the woman he loved.

How'd it end? Stopped reading it years ago.

Why not read it yourself? There are also several spoilers ITT.

yonkoma suffering

Final volume is getting translated in May. Amazing read.

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It's long and depressing.


It's "Kasane" user.

Yeah but why would I want to reduce her suffering if I didn't value her existence.

The ending was so rushed and disappointing, especially considering how kino everything leading up to the final volume had been

This manga is hilarious to me because every other chapter you get like three NPCs getting brutally murdered and no one ever gives a shit

I am quite sure Qualia the purple isn't about teenagers surviving wacky yet horrifying monsters.

Nah the ending was kino as fuck imo. Kasane finally realises the worth of her identity when its ultimately permanently taken away.

>Inside me Kasana Fuchi never fades, and in fact with time she becomes more vivid, clear and brilliant, as long as I wish for myself

Fucking beautiful ending quote.

Fuck off.

Well, it has one of those fancy clips for the shell bullets, I'm sure this makes the shotgun recoil less.

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Can't wait, I couldn't get enough of Fran.
She didn't die at the end fuck all of you.

I frankly liked seeing whenever her real face showed up, I found it very cute.

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There were threads a while back, it's pretty good.
The fact that they made a sequel is a gigantic mistake though.

She's like that frog grill from Boku no Hero.

Guess I can project her onto porn of Asui then

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What got me was the words Izana said to Nogiku "Hate Izana"

Same. It's pretty fun.

Conceptually the ending was fine, but the execution was clearly rushed by editorial mandate

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It helps that all the girls are pretty hot. It's also rather good about using the guy's Save powers.

You are the one who should fuck off back to /trash/

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I would just go with canon one now, I don't really like it at first.
Veronica and Eugene ship is actually pretty interesting too

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Been reading Shiga Hime.
>MC gets turned into a monster to harvest hearts for hot monster lady
>hot monster lady uses his love interest as leverage to get him to do this
>slowly leads him to become more and more of a monster while leading him away from his love interest
It's fun.

Fuck you people. This shit was drawn out and boring. What was with the aliens at the end? What was actually wrong with his body? Japanese suck at Nihilism!

It's a great setting but the final arc is kind of bland.

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Man did that series fall apart. Kung Fu arc was the last half-way decent part.

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One of those rare gems nowadays ...

Love this and am sad it isn't being translated anymore

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>nobody mentioned this piece is sublime genius

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>not using the proper term "magazine"
as someone working in the firearms industry you have no idea how much this annoys me.

Hello fellow art connoisseur, david is best boy.

And the art reference is great every chapter.

Kuro's such a good girl.

Attached: __kuro_hitsugi_katsugi_no_kuro_drawn_by_kikai_akita_morgue__799e79e2d6569e0898ea972e710c4b0e.jpg (800x600, 64K)

>tfw my HDD has full of underrated manga
>colloumb fille
>haru no houtai shoujo
>kono shima ni wa midara
>my girl
>tetsugaku letra
>world embryo
>billionaire girl
>boku to kanojo no renai mokuroku
>game over
>girls go around
>god tell lies
>itoshi no karin
>kimi wa midara boku no joou
>shiki no genjitsu
>oniichan control
>sakurasaku shogokogun
>shinonome yuuko
Pic related is probably my personal favorite

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looks like the stock could be spring loaded like you see on some grenade launchers, and if everything but the barrel and receiver are made of carbon fiber or some fantasy equivalent material it could actually be pretty light. assuming that girl is like 5'4" it's probably some sort of 40 cal rifle round. the biggest issues i see with it are that there's no optic and putting a spring loaded stock on a rifle is goofy unless you're exclusively arming anime girls or pencil wristed harem protagonists.

I like art styles like this, I'll give it a read.

RIP author. Why do the good ones always die young?

>tfw no translation

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>Veronica and Eugene ship
They are already more than a ship, being officially married and all that.
too bad for Glen

What? Her iceland manga is still ongoing.

>tfw no loli dragon gf

Translation never.

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Oh shit I misread the news. It was Rain's author who died. Still a terrible loss.

I really have to wonder. Does Kasane not have a nose? I don't think we ever see it.

Good sketch, user.

So World Break?

Man, who knew that a manga about a guy who likes to smell the sweaty office lady could be so sweet and wholesome.

>If something is above average, the odds are that the anime adaption would be worse.

It depends on the studio and how much time, money and talent they're willing to invest into the anime adaption. Animes aren't always inherently inferior to the manga source.

It's not english. I can transliterate it with slight differences.

I sentence this blessed thread to death.

Thanks for the comfy thread. You guys can be alright sometimes.

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OP here.
It was a good thread

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I recommend this old gekiga: Zenigeba (money crazy). It's about a poor boy who learns though terrible life experiences that making money is the most important thing in one's life. The art style is a bit crazy but works well with the story.
There is also a great live action adaptation starring Matsuyama Ken'ichi.

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