Fucking static characters

As someone who only recently learned about flat arc's qualities and wanting to write a story with a static main character, I'm confused as to why it exists.

At what point of abandoning your boring protagonist to tell a more dynamic secondary character's story do you just make him the protagonist instead?
Specifically with these two mistakes.
So here's the plot of Vento Aureo:
Bucciarati's life sucks because of junkies and bandits, so he wants to find boss and kill him because he is responsible for everything. He was protecting the weak and doing all that other cool shit, but too scared to go after the boss until Giorno arrived and impacted him.
Why couldn't it be other way around?
Giorno is only protagonist because he is the Jojo and is descendant of another Jojo. His only connection to the story is genetic.
He somehow magically realizes Bruno's entire character through his face, then helps him overcome fear and betray the boss, and then for the final showdown he finally defeats the boss by the plot itself giving him an OP stand.
Bruno just dies.
Giorno is a static, boring character who has no investment in Bruno's goal and no real motivation. He's artificial and he sucks.
Why couldn't it be the other way around?
Replace Bruno's backstory with Giorno and have some other asshole impact him to start the climb the ranks kill the boss bullshit.
He wouldn't be static then, like all other Jojos are barring Jolyne and Johnny.

Speaking of Johnny, it's even worse.
He's basically a background character for half his part, with Gyro being clear protagonist. His motivations don't make sense either - he doesn't really need the corpse, he doesn't need to win the race and he doesn't need to kill the president, but he does try to do all of them even though his only goal is to talk again, which he can already achieves after getting his stand to develop.
Did Araki forget how to write static characters?

Attached: bruno.jpg (848x470, 92K)

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A dream about character development
You know like other Jojos
Oh wait they were all static

nice pasta

where did you get it?

I just typed it with my own hands. I'm genuinely confuddled at the concept of character arcs and also why Giorno is the worst protagonist.

Attached: what.jpg (298x275, 24K)

lol where do you think you are essay city? i aint reading that shit

>Bucciarati should've been the protagonist

every jojo, except for joseph, has been worst character in their arc

oh cool something people were already saying like a decade ago
i sleep

But here's the next part:
>How does one write a static protagonist without making him boring like Giorno

Joseph is the worst character in the series though

Is it because he's static?

Attached: AlienBoi.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

No, it's because he's annoying and retarded. Just because a character is static doesn't mean it's bad. Unless you are a plotfag who thinks every story should have character development

>it's because he's annoying and retarded.
oh, you just have shit taste I see.

>Part 1
>Dio comes from nothing, hates everything
>meets the Joestars
>comes to resent everything they have; now wants The World

>Part 5
>inverts this dynamic
>Bruno comes from nothing, loses his father, joins a gang hoping to find some sense of family
>they're selling drugs
>but he's too cowardly to do anything
>meets Giorno, who gives him courage

it's like none of you have basic storytelling comprehension

Reminder the Protagonists of each part are:
1 = Jonathan
2 = Joseph
3 = Polnareff
4 = Koichi
5 = Bucciarati
6 = Jolyne
7 = Gyro

Attached: 1545361730675.jpg (405x405, 44K)

What's wrong with Jolyne?

>stand name is Baby Face
>looks like Baby from Dragonball GT

was this a reference?

Attached: [Some-Stuffs]_Jojo's_Bizarre_Adventure_Golden_Wind_17_[D14B7B1C].mkv_snapshot_21.03_[2019.02.25 (1280x720, 153K)

Just write your story, brainlet. Don't get too worked up about "rules" that really should be treated as "guidelines" for anyone to write cookie-cutter drivel with no heart or originality.

No because Bruno is not a JoJo.

ill give you Giorno but Johnny's character is based around hes shitty motive of wanting to walk again. He is a well written character because hes actions make sense because he is selfish.

>Bubu's Bizarre Adventure
It's just not the same

>Giorno uses Gold Experience to take Bruno FOR A RIDE
>doesn't land the killing blow
>Diavolo uses King Crimson to take Bruno FOR A RIDE
>delivers the killing blow


Attached: Sticky King Crimson.png (1031x1196, 542K)

You don't.
A static protagonist is either an empty vessel for the reader or a device through which other characters can grow.

Nah he is obnoxious and annoying. Worst JoJo.

Johnny was in fact not static.

Part 1: none of them are really even characters it doesn't matter
Part 2: Caeser
Part 3: pick a Stardust Crusader and roll with it you have an argument for each of them
Part 4: Okuyasu
Part 5: Fugo
Part 6: Hermes or Anasui
Part 7: Both Gyro and Johnny are good and no one else qualifies as a character
Part 8: it's not over yet but Joshu