Protagonist gets separated from friends

>protagonist gets separated from friends
>over the course of some amount of time forms a new group of friends
>encounters the first group with his new one
i can't remember where i've seen this before but i know i have. maybe not even an anime but im sure it was

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Lion king?

Kingdom Hearts?

nah it was definitely some sort of shonen-esque thing

do you remember anything else like what happened after the two groups meet

they partied together and kind of like fought over the protag
like they hated each other

mmm sounds familiar but no name is coming to mind

What kind of setting was it? Modern day? Historical? Magical fantasy or folklore? Science-fiction?

fantasy esque

Do you remember any of the character's names?

It's the fucking gook comic the tower of god.

How much you wanna bet it's an isekai?

no, but the protagonist was a male

Maybe this one?

Attached: mushoku tensei.jpg (464x661, 67K)

I don't think it was isekai

ID ?

Red hair best girl

I'm surprised Japan hasn't capitalized much on that concept in vidya sequels and later LN volumes yet


only if she's with cyan

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I'm gonna second this, it's probably what you were thinking of.