Is there a more iconic villain in anime/manga history than this piece of shit?
Is there a more iconic villain in anime/manga history than this piece of shit?
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>being a Westerner
Looks like the answer so far is laughably no
No. The answer is no. After Frieza, the most famous anime villain is probably Raoh, and then, maybe Dio? Mewtwo's up there if he counts as a villain. But Frieza is the biggest.
name me someone, worldwide who is as well known as Freeza? i'll fucking wait
donald trump
There is.
Believe it or not this is more well known world wide, it's close though.
Wut? He's popular but no way he's iconic.
Who's Freeza?
Damn you guys are pathetic
Nope. Kaiba second best, maybe, if he even counts
>b-but anime/manga
he has manga adaption
Shinji ikari.
Orochimaru is way more iconic
literally who?
Kaiba is up there, also Mewtwo like said
Only people recently know about Dio, and he is just a meme.
Based. came here to post him
>Only people recently know about Dio
Retarded zoomer.
That said Dio doesn't compare to Frieza's popularity.
Johan Liebert (monster) GOAT villain
Oberstein a villain? Debatable
I don't know but there's a good chance Cell is more popular in the west.
Prove me wrong
as a kid I thought Frieza was a chick. I think the voice actor was squeaky and thats why I made that assumption
To this day, I'm a little disappointed that Frieza wasnt a stone cold killer alien woman. Need more female villains to fap to
No one cares about Edgy Pedophile Clown
Not even the most iconic within his own show, but dragon ball is so long that all the villains end up being good guys, makes it hard to qualify.
thought he was a chick too
Frieza is supposed to be androgynous.
Jobgeta is clearly more iconic as an anti-hero than a villain
Hisoka is as much of a villain as Kenpachi is
Toguro brothers
Kaiba is a rival character, not a villain.
I meant vegeta and that was the first pic I had laying in my memes folder.
I do agree though, which is why I said I'm hesitant for vegeta as a whole. He is an iconic villain but he's an even more iconic good guy as the series progresses.
People like to shit on Kai, and some of it is deserved, but the voice acting (especially in the dub) alone makes up for the occasional redrawn QUALITY.
>That said Dio doesn't compare to Frieza's popularity.
He is iconic. Maybe not as popular but iconic. Normies are ruinedJojo.
Shitty one dimensional villain. The writing in DB after the Saiyan arc is awful
Not a villain
ITT: OP is actually right
>ice ice ice ice ice ice FRIEZA
I don't know anything about this random edgelord because I rightfully stopped watching Naruto when they were still kids. So no you are wrong.
>normies ruined
>says normies
>yfw Pagliacci becomes evil
op said villain not hero
Hisoka is an ally to the main characters and has killed more evil people than good people.
The truth hurts.
>Asking Yea Forums to name iconic characters
Get ready for a flood of literally whos
Frieza got turned into Team Rocket now.
>blasts off again!
Now Satan is the main enemy
In America maybe. Frieza is more popular everywhere else.
Freeza is a joke.
He's literally evil for the sake of being evil. He has no real character.
Team Rocket
Raoh had a fucking funeral IRL.
Sup bitches.
based and nenpilled
Team Rocket is the correct answer. I never thought about it. Sure DBZ is one of the most well known anime, so Frieza is up there. Still feels weird to think most people I cross in the street know who the guy is. But, Pokémon is the actual most famous franchise in the world thanks to the games and never ending anime, so team Rocket wins even if they aren't that evil. If Giovanni or Mewtwo were more of a recurring serious boss they'd take this in a heartbeat.
Can someone explain this to me?
Cell has a better personality, backstory, and design than either Frieza or Buu yet isn't as popular as Frieza is massively
Though reading again, he asked for most iconic not popular. Team Rocket isn't especially relevant, just well known. Frieza feels like the father of most Villains and even Mewtwo was inspired by him.
Cell saga came after DB blew its load. Some robot on earth is not a satisfying followup to a galactic overlord.
Well shit, as much as I hate to admit it's actually this.
smash when
Cell was some dude who showed up halfway through Z to eat the other two main Villains of the arc, the ones who destroyed the future. He was cool but came out of nowhere and he had to build up his presence, getting rekt by people as he tried to power up.
Frieza though was established since the beginning and is a big part of the lore. The Saiyans attacking earth were just his lackeys and through all the Namek arc he was the true big boss who just laughed and transformed without even needing to. He could have crushed Vegeta on his first form in a serious fight, but he transforms to crush his hopes instead. Piccolo comes to save the day and matches him.. But Frieza laughs and admits he wasnt full power yet and could still kill them all. They get scared but no, Frieza isn't one to put effort into his fights so he transforms into a xenomorph and tortures them. And just because he goes final form and Annihilates Vegeta with his suicidal power up... Using 1% of his strenght so I'm pretty sure even his previous form was enough if serious. Goku saves the day and guess what no power up is enough to push Frieza so he has to fulfill a legend and go for a suicide victory against him.
All in all, Frieza was a legendary bastard and the japanese Devil,while you knew Cell could be realistically beaten. Same with Buu.
>based and redpilled
Best villain.
Other shounen cucks on the suicide watch
>you knew Cell could be realistically beaten
yeah but that's what made him a cool and realistic villain, maybe I just like the android and cell arcs alot but having to listen to 40 episodes of the cast jerk of Frieza was pretty annoying, then his fights felt flat to me
Considering how popular Jiren is in DBS while his only trait is being strong... I think people really buy into hype
>Cell has a better personality, backstory
Retard. Go stuff your face with burgers.
Okay but these guys are gag villains and that's fucking CHEATING AND YOU KNOW IT!
Cell is shit.
you know what yeah
there are more normies who will know about and mention these fuckers than anything else that would be posted in this thread
Prissy cunt is not a good personality.
He's just frieza 2.0 except he's more hands on.
He was only ever a threat and interesting when he was bugman cell.
After that he stopped being interesting and fun. Just another punchy kicky preening arrogant asshole.
If you think about it, he actually became less of a threat after he became perfect.
trending =/= iconic
There's literally nothing wrong with this
>nobody mentions fucking Char
If you don't watch one of the most iconic anime of all time, then of course you won't see one of the most iconic villains of all time you numpty
>iconic anime of all time
Nah, it's sequel is barely mentioned.
Jojo is as iconic in Japan as DBZ is in the west. Dio is THE villain and Jotaro is THE hero
Boruto's a different story because it's just a shadow of what it once was. You have to be living under a rock for the last 15+ years to not see how iconic Naruto's been ever since it first became popular
Naruto is just popular, not iconic. Kids these days don't mimic Naruto but they still do the Kamehameha.
Literally Char. Also I would say Team Rocket for people who don't watch anime. They are super easy to recognize and iconic in their own way.
>Kids these days don't mimic Rasengan, Chidori or the ninja hand signs of a million other jutsu like Fireball and Summoning
>Kids these days don't do the "Naruto Run", an autistic form of running that's named after the show
I literally know a guy who impressed everyone in his drama club because he acted out Deidara's final suicide bomb speech. That day also introduced him to a Nardo fangirl who later became his first gf. I'm not making any of this up
They don't do any of that crap anymore, no.
I live next to a Primary school (bongland) and my firsthand experience says otherwise
Kid do naruto shit all the time
Naruto reruns are a thing
That said, so are DB and now Super reruns.
I would say DB is obviously more iconic, but Naruto is up there
What about Vicious from Bebop? Normalfags watched Bebop
Freezer and Dio are my two favorite classic villains. They're just so charismatic.
>What about Vicious from Bebop? Normalfags watched Bebop
Keyword being "watched".
He's a villian who only gotten as far as he did due to other's incompetence rather than his own power and cunning.
These two probably qualify over Freezer.
Yep, Frieza was very well built up, and in turn that made the Super Saiyan transformation even more memorable. Now that heroes getting new forms is so commonplace, it's easy to forget how well done the Super Saiyan transformation was. Though maybe it's only because the concept wasn't so common back then.
>That said Dio doesn't compare to Frieza's popularity.
Dio has inspired more villains, for sure. JoJo has the weird effect to inspire the people that go on creating other characters.
It was a dance of every character's flaw playing against them
The only one he actually manipulated was Vegeta, and that was more of a plea of mercy than a legitimate tactic.
lol no.
Unironically based
uc gundam has no villians
except for Tem Rey
Buutenks is Cell done right
When Super Buu was confronted by a superior fighter he tricked him despite being way less intelligent; then he absorbed Gotenks and defeated Gohan
When Cell was confronted by Vegeta he cucked out and begged Vegeta to absorb 18. I think that really damaged Cell's character in the eyes of the Nips.
All of the naruto villains are forgettable as fuck.
Guarantee if you asked around, the most popular and well known villain would be Zabuza.
Not even the most iconic villain in his own series
Shitzoka is a literal who compared to Frieza though, and that's not an opinion. The only characters that come even close posted so far are Raoh and Mewtwo.
bugman is DB's shittiest villain
Frieza is both though.
>all these pop-shounen weaklings on this thread
DB is still popular among kids but I haven't seen them playing pretend, they just do the Fornite dances now.
>Cell has a better personality, backstory
You have to be joking.
Dude has no personality and his backstory is that some dumb geezer invented him.
Vegeta was only an anti-hero in Namek saga(where he was at his best). After that he became a good guy which was lame.
Every villain in DB is one dimensional.
Freeza is not the best DB villain but he's up there.
Go back to Tumblr.
>he had to build up his presence
And the best part of the Cell arc was him stealth killing entire populations while generally being the creepiest fucking thing in the show by miles
He's not evil for the sake of being evil. He's just a galaxy conqueror and wants immortality.
"Life is unfair..."
He was still an antihero in the Cell arc and first half of the Boo arc.