How the fuck did this get so much hype?
How the fuck did this get so much hype?
Kuronekos design was extremely popular because she was the first of her kind to receive mainstream attention. That is an ironic chuunibyou character. There were many chuunibyou characters of course but she was the first major self aware one. Most of these shitty light novel harem series get big because they make one interesting female character who attracts a bunch of attention - for example sena in haganai or Char in infinite stratos.
because people love shit, apparently
Production values higher than anything seen before.
Some people actually thought the main girl wouldn't win for some reason, could you imagine that?
She's sleeping.
was kinda fun
Because we rarely get to see this kind of Incest Kino
Kirino is literally the sexiest girl to ever exist 2D or 3D.
I hate my imoutos
kirino is also the absolute worst girl
Incest and otaku commentaries.
Kirino was the best. There is no purer love than that of a little sister love for her older brother. They came from the same womb, live together since childhood, took bath together, play together and had bad and good times together. They have a stroy, they were already married the moment Kirino said Onii-chan. He is the man she will always look up to and only love, I can even imagine how many times she almost cried of happiness whenever her older brother hugged her making her know that he will always be there for her. And after they wedding in the last episode they finally express the build up they had since childhood in bed. I bet they cuddled while restoring energy for another go for 1 week straight . Incest is the purest form of love digits confirm this
It got retroactive attention from all of the doujins made that had vastly better endings than the series itself
That ending was trash and Krino/Kyousuke was my preferred ship
Genuine incest and not some cop out stepsibling relationship.
I remember when Hestia was the biggest thing ever, for like 2 weeks. The show wasn't even good
Best girl is the MC's sister.
Ayase isn't related to the MC
Thank god I read the manga. Kirino was good as a character because she was stuck up but the premise was retarded. If Kyousuke was a sane man he would have chose Manami.
Why would you choose literally the worst girl in the show? At least choose Saori if you want a sane character.
I know.
She's probably the least sane of all the girls.
Are you quite sure?
Anime exaggerated her "yandere" behavior, Saori is way more nuts.
tfw no stabby yandere gf
still bestia, how is the boobstring called?
Incest is the best.
It was a great production that's why.
I'm with this guy, Manami was the only good choice.
How so?
I haven't watched this but I want to just because Kirino looks so pretty.
Also I've seen tons of delusionals kuronekofags.
Looking back on this the writing was so Fucking awful. What a terrible story this was, even compared to the harem light novel genre. The key component to writing a good tsundere character is after a major turning point when the characters bond, for the tsundere to apologize and stop being a dick. There were like 3 different points where Kirino looked like she was gonna do that and then immediately went back to kicking his ass.
Ayase was a fake yandere. She wasn't crazy at all.
Cause lonely thirsty derranged otakus
Yeah she was just a bitch the entire show. Her only redeeming quality is actually being the imouto but MC had every chance to stand for himself but he preferred being toyed around with without saying a word.
I like to think that is just a big collective joke, it's all just irony right?
>I haven't watched this but the people who like this character I know nothing about are delusional
She growled at me but did nothing else.
Plenty of DG comps go around these threads. Wish I had one saved so have this instead
one interesting character carrying the entire show, in this series case two. Ayase and Kuroneko
I started watching it for Kirino but then fell in love with Kuroneko.
There was a doujin that retold the story, except in this version Kyosuke had a spine and refused to kowtow to Kirino's every whim. She ruins his relationships with the other girls out of pettiness, and when she goes to America she mouths off to some shady guys in a bar and gets gangraped in a back alley. She calls him to ask for help and he tells her that after what she did to him she can fuck right off and hangs up. She ends up becoming a trashy pornstar and gets disowned by the family while Kyosuke gets into a good college out of town.
98% of what you've probably seen is Kirinofags starting threads about how nekofags must still be so mad their girl lost, nobody honestly believed Kirino would lose after S2E9. Most actual nekofags I've seen are either happy that she didn't end up with Kyosuke, whom they consider a shitty person, or think she should have won but acknowledge that she shot herself in the foot.
>taking off the glasses
>bringing that shitty doujin up
>Shooting him with the cum gun
Damnit Kirino. That was for you
because I see people on every board posting her saying she should have won the MC bowl or saying pedo shit
Saori > Ayase > the rest
You are trying to say that it was bad writing because it didn't beat the usual formula to death?
She was prideful because whatever she did, she couldn't mess up, and when she did, Kyousuke cleaned it up for her. That didn't make her less prideful and most of the time, she didn't ask him to do it anyway. That and she was trying to discourage him from having anything to do with her even though she felt otherwise, because they would end up in a pretty bad situation, being you know, siblings.
Saori was the best girl.
>mfw only onee-chans
>mfw always push them away when they try to kiss/hug me
i don't to be the imouto i want an imouto
What good is an imouto to a gay man?
>run away from a hard situation means "had a spine"
>proceed to talk about shit doujins
You sir are the worst kind of person here.
Kanako was my favorite. She was fun. Shame she was censored for the anime.
So you'll make that judgment based purely on hearsay?
What "hard situation" was he running away from? He was choosing not to put himself in a bad situation in the first place by not going out of his way to make his own life difficult and unpleasant. Is he his sister's keeper?
>the opiate arc will never be adapted
I'm still sad.
At least we'll get more of her when the second part of the VN is released.
Most of the world has shit tastes.
Kirino was the best character.
>What "hard situation" was he running away from?
>He was choosing not to put himself in a bad situation in the first place by not going out of his way to make his own life difficult and unpleasant
If you are going to answer for me, what's the point of replying.
>Is he his sister's keeper?
Yes, now fuck off.
Cute Girls
So you're a hard sub who literally cannot even whenever your ideal abuse fantasy is questioned? Sounds about right for an OreImo fan
incest is consistently one of the most searched for pornographic themes across 2D and 3D alike. if the rest of your product is shit, throw in some incest and it will sell.
>borthers shouldn't take care of their sisters
>people in general should ignore their family
>waaaa you are hard sub, u mad ?
Sounds about right for a shitposter, sorry, I refuse to believe someone is this stupid.