Why can't we have more animes with happy endings?
Why can't we have more animes with happy endings?
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>SukaSuka having a happy ending
Japs are allergic to feeling good emotionally
Doesn't sound any different from us.
For some odd reason they feel the need to add more depression on top of what they already have. Maybe to cause more people to voluntarily end themselves. I dunno I don't get it.
This picture hurts me on an emotional level.
No our movies and media often have good endings, almost comically so where every problem is resolved neatly and the main characters in the show are given happy conclusions.
The vast majority of anime I've watched has a bittersweet ending. In the better cases, things will be resolved but there will always be some level of melancholy. Sometimes you'll get a setup for a happy ending but rarely the confirmation of one.
I think culturally 'totally' happy endings are viewed as mental masturbation and something to be looked down upon.
A better question would be, why can't we have more anime with fucking endings?
the light novel has a happy ending in the epilogue