More like Tanabae
What are they saying?!?
something in chinese
Stupid shite series.
He's saying he's finally fooled Tomo into thinking he's not gay and that Tanabe needs to buy a lot of lube for his bunghole
My turn, help me get with Misuzu! What should I do?
Get rich.
Anything else?
Not that I can think of.
Seems accurate.
He didn't say that, you ironic weeb. He said he wants to kill himself because this series sucks and the author's a fucking hack.
>guy talk
>off handedly mentione you got your tomboy
>poser goes 'you're a player like me now'
>be confused since guy can't even get any of your sloppy seconds
I'me guessing something along those lines
>tanabe arc
fuck you fumita, this better be a joke
>Have money
>Get slutsuzu
MisuzuxTanabeSr end confirmed
Fumita's a fucking hack. What did you expect.
Cry more, faggot.
>this better be a joke
it's Tanabe, so it goes without saying that it's a joke
hello wheres carol
Tanabe needs 2 arcs and to become one of the MC's
Misuzufags SEETHING
>become one of the MC's
dude, we're in the final stretch, no character has come in that late to climb up all the way to near MC status since Evangelion
>incoming Tanabe x Misuzu arc.
Wdym, tomo is still gonna have another 1k chapters
I hope Tanabe dies.
>your advice was a reference point
You didn't forget who the richest character in the comic is, did you?
Stay mad.
Yea, Misuzu does give off that vibe of her thinking of herself as a high value prize.
I was translating it myself wtffffffffffffff
>ot3 of carol's harem with sempai and misuzu
I'm okay with this. Really, anything's fine so long as Tanabe loses.
fuck you, hack
teams, boy
You say this shit every thread, and get no responses shut up
Eddie? Such a richfag thing to do, dump your old loyal 28yo wife for a hot new gold digging fling.
he's got three responses so far
Getting a wad of cash to slap Misuzu's face with
based and redpilled
Bogan! Where are you??
We need you.
got bored clearly
Her and senpai eloped offscreen
She's gone forever
Dropout, are you guys TLing faster because of Yea Forumsnonymous?
Not really, just an easy page tonight.
>Jun knows Misuzu the best
It's not fair. I know Tomo is cute and all, but I still can't stop shipping Jun and Misuzu
>>Jun knows Misuzu the best
Are you as delusional as Tanabe, in what way do you see that as Jun thinking Misuzu is best?
Jun is right with that one.
Next page is Tomo and Carol being happy and talking about doing couples dating while Misuzu gives a death stare at them for being a loner.
Thanks dropout. See you guys tomorrow.
Jun is so cute
Maybe you should reread my post because that is not what I said.
Guy's right tho
Next page.
>Tanabe: Misuzu, will you marry me if I'm rich.
>Misuzu: No.
>Misuzu: How rich?
I wonder who is behind this post
Who's more dangerous, Carol or Subject F?
I don't particularly care if Tanabe fucks Misuzu or not. I just don't want it to happen because it'd mean pages that aren't about Jun and Tomo.
>Y-you'd marry me if I were rich?
>Well, that and one other thing.
>What other thing?
>Do you know what a prenup is?
Somewhere getting fucked by her Cousin
Short haired Carol tomorrow.
Better have an infidelity clause, because I don't trust that bitch.
Nisio fuck off
Reminder: With Tomo you wouldn't need a prenup.
god i wish that were me
Of all the ones that Fumita did, this one is the best.
loli misizu is so erotic
She's kinda thicc ngl
Misuzu is the worst girl
A wizard that can't even do card tricks.
You were too slow. I took it.
I actually laughed out loud. Blunt as hell
Here translate this instead I'm actually curious what's going on here
I wasn't actually translating it, I was putting what I thought they were saying
First time I've laughed at one of these in a while.
Not to say I haven't thoroughly enjoyed this series. Just not laughed out loud
I feel bad for this loser. Poor bastard has zero chances with Misuzu because she feels absolutely nothing for him or for anyone else.
Jun is right, his only real chance is getting rich.
>anyone else
She's gay for Tomo
Everyone is gay for Tomo
>get rich
Sad but true
i hope he dropped that torch already. He deserves better.
>Misuzu is a gold digger
She didn't date Jun for his money. Tanabe needs to become hilarious or interesting.
I kinda dislike how the retarded comic relief gets Mizu, it kinda feels off when they dont compliment each other at all.
If there's one thing Tanabe is it's determined.
I'm still sort of hoping that the mangaka realizes that Tanabe is a bit of a dud, and boots him out after faking us out with a misuzu pairing
good for them
Tanabe is best boy, faggot.
go tanabe go, persist! don't let anybody tell you different.
Isn't that the point?
>Tanabe is an unremarkable nobody so much he's literally a nonperson even to people he considers his close friends no matter how hard he tries, all attempts are just offputting and embarrassing to everyone around him
It's a recurring anime cliche I think, atleast there's one on Bleach too, I hate it because it hits too close to home
All the more reason for him to break away from that shit.
>tanabe arc
are we gonna see some more tanabe sister? I want to see her react to tomo and jun dating
I've completely forgotten his sister. What was she like
I kinda want to see her attempt to kill Tomo to get her out of the way before being completely charmed by her.
Practicing multiplication
she's cute and thirsty for juncock
Who isn't desu
>two pages of tomboy
>and now you can go fuck yourself
Fucking dropped, see you tomorrow.
When will we get oyakodon?
I wish there would be an official doujin on prostitution Misuzu
if true, she wouldn't spurn Carol's skinship.
Why did you have to Swear though
>I want to fuck Misuzu but I have no money
This can be the sequel
Shitty author, he should immediately stop this manga and shouldn't ever joke about making Tanabe x Misuzu happen.
Even Misuzu doesn't deserve such shitty ending.
That will be Misuzu's daughter future role, making a tomboy milf aunt a slave to her.
Really what is left of this manga when you take away Misuzu and Carol antics?
Fuck, tomboys are boring in a vacuum.
>tanabe expants his dad's restaurant into a chain so he can finally fuck misuzu
That's pretty cringe bro
>no shota jun 3some doujins
this sucks
Break up arc when?
Poor Tanabe. He should just wanting to FUCK Misuzu like the rest of us.
>I want to fuck Misuzu but I have no money so I have to defeat the demon lord and get the reward
misuzu is way too good for this ass. and should get with a girl instead
Sounds like a LN title
If only but this is the Misuzu character assassination arc. Fumita must fulfill that petty fantasy.
fumita should introduce tomo's cute brown tomboy cousin into the story for misuzu to pursue
>and should get with a tomboy instead
I hope the author will introduce a tomboy transfer student who will aso be rich to pair Misuzu with and who also will start to compete with Jun and Tomo physically.
Like Carol roreign cousin.
Misuzu doesn't deserve Tanabe. He's too good natured and kind for her.
It would be good for Tomo to have another tomboy to be her rival so she stops beating up Jun
Misuzu deserves the bullying. Bully the Misuzu!
wow, Jun wants to fuck both the girls.
I SUCK 10 Dicks AT ONCE!!!
Maybe the artist's goal was, as a former ero artist, to inspire people to make saucy fanart of his characters by laying out scenarios like this.
"come on guys, I'm giving you gold here! At least make something!"
Fan of his own manga
Brown Tomboys
Brown Tomboys
so Misuzu and Tana... arc next, yeah?
>Poor bastard has zero chances with Misuzu because she feels absolutely nothing for him or for anyone else.
I didn't know this monster had a heart
This is the last arc, the ending one, so there won't be a Tanabe and Mizusu arc
There will be a spin-off just about them.
misuzu just wants people to stop fucking her
only then maybe will she want to fuck them...
Misuzu is still Factory Sealed
Literally a gold digging whore.
Who would ever want to read that?
ha with the shit shes pulled nope
You mean banter and ploys that never have any effect? My she really is the devil.
Fuck no
Why don't people like Tanabe? I think he's pretty cute.
He's an insufferable faggot whose number of times he has shown up in story can be counted on your hands. He exists entirely as the theorized
>Misuzu will settle for this loser
character. He doesn't serve as a good friend to Jun even though Fumita tries to play him off as such (today's page) and his happy go lucky bullshit is not endearing but annoying.
Eh I like him being always happy and positive, it's just you people from /r9k/
Nobody likes him.
People like senpai because he's a nice guy, nobody likes Tanabe, not even Tanabe.
>you people from /r9k/
You're doing A LOT of projecting there.
I like him. Checkmate atheists.
No you're wrong.
Keep telling yourself that.
>not Misuzu finding potential to expand and making a franchise out of his dinky restaurant, marrying Tanabe just because it's simpler that way avoiding all the bureaucratic nonsense and have kids with him so she can have someone she can train and trust to inherit the empire, while he basically becomes a stay at home dad.
why do you doubt how competent she is?
He's a bit of a non-entity that isn't especially interesting. He goes large-chunks of the series without appearing, so he's pretty forgettable.
I suspect the author introduced him, then didn't really have any ideas for what to do with him,so he ended up not appearing much.
He's also seemingly designed to be paired off with misuzu, who is one of the most prominent and best-liked characters.
Fumita should have dropped the 4koma and just made chapters instead. That way characters like him could potentially have a purpose. That one bully girl is introduced as a potential rival to Carol and it was brought nowhere. Tanabe does nothing. His little sister is introduced having a huge crush on Jun and nothing about it is done. But then again, that means Fumita would have to do work and not be a lazy hack.
>People like senpai because he's a nice guy
How is Tanabe not a nice guy?
>Only reason he invites Tomo along to the basketball game is to try to feel her up
And then she walks all over him.
He views a relationship not as a thing to nurture or share, but something to be won. His big ideas aren't to get to know anyone or help them. All he wants is to get laid, and damn any meaningful connections. Someone tells him "no", and he just disregards it and keeps going. If he is to deserve anything, first he must be broken.
He is.
Eh, that's the only kind of person that can go after Mizusu
Misuzu deserves Tanabe because of what she's done and no one can say otherwise.
>what she's done
This meme again.
Will Jun finally smash the fire crotch?
But that's wrong.
Misuzu went all doki-doki when she was dating Jun even though they were so different.
>Misuzu went all doki-doki
How can you speed read one page a day with half year long hiatus-es
Oh come on I lost a HD, don't make me go look that up.