>he learned japanese because a chinese cartoon told him to
He learned japanese because a chinese cartoon told him to
Is there any other reason to?
>he didn't learn japanese because a chinese cartoon told him to
if you don't learn japanese you're literally an ironic weeb
>a chinese cartoon has the power to make you do things
just like a dog
huh?When did i imply that i was weebtrash like you?
learning japanese is impossible
>he learned japanese from watching so many chinese cartoons
you're just a loser on the web wasting your time
let me fix that for you
>a chinese cartoon told him to learn japanese and he didnt
the because clause doesn't work anymore, as
>he didn't learn japanese
is due to this fact, bc of the because clause
>chinese cartoon told him to
which makes no sense
But I learned it because I had to work there for 3 years...
>correcting someone on the site that invented saying retarded shit like LULZ YOU WON THE INTERWEBZ
Go back
I'm learning Japanese because I have a 3.14pi JP GF and it helps to deal with her parents
and anime
You're not the exception
no exception,salaryfag,you're chinktrash now
No chinese letters in my chinese cartoon board!
It actually does work and you're making a fool of yourself
Cant they just ditch their retarded language already and implement something more practical like english? I mean can you imagine someone taking their time to actually draw all this scribble garbage?
Perks of learning Japanese:
>enjoy anime in the most authentic form
Cons of learning Japanese:
japanese people use japanese perfectly effortlessly
only retarded americans want them to change their own language
It was really hard. My professor was really scary. One time I totally bombed a Kanji quiz because I didn't study for it at all and felt that I could take a 0 on it and be okay, but she wrote "6/100, UNACCEPTABLE!!!" on it, literally covering the whole paper, and called me out in class in front of everyone and said I had the bottom score and needed to actually study lol. It was just for one quiz!
Have you ever walked 3 miles from your town?
brainlet detected
i'm learning japanese as we speak you're just attention whoring because you're 15 and should kill yourself
do 700 miles count?
Don't make me turn this into a blog,i'm begging you
Yeah they use it so effortlessly and then create all these MISUNDERSTADNINGS. Its a cursed archaic crap.
>i'm learning japanese as we speak
not relevant,Yea Forumslogger
> you're just attention whoring because you're 15 and should kill yourself
Oh my,you discovered my secret overly thought plan,how could i recover?this is totally not projecting at all!
>he made something productive out of an unproductive hobby
impotent underage tier smugness. kill yourself
Wince you are probably from colorado... let's say no, it doesn't count
>not learning the language of a radioactive volcanic island for the sole purpose of masturbation
>let's say no, it doesn't count
Hey that's subjective!
and why am i now from Colorado?
>impotent underage tier smugness. kill yourself
>you're just attention whoring because you're 15 and should kill yourself
you're mad,aren't you?
you don't even know english
>Your grammar isn't good
>correcting the grammar of a complete stranger on the internet as an insult
that's the cry of someone who just lost
only brown stupid ESL pieces of shit like you think anyone will emerge from this conversation as a "winner." learn english before you put on that air of fake smugness.
Because 700 miles from colorado there is still nothing.
I started learning japanese because I was interested in sengoku literature, still can't speak enough to read any of it but I'm getting there even a small bit of progress each day is progress
like i've said,i'm not from Colorado,but even if i was from there that would mean that i did walk 700 miles from where my supposed hometown in Colorado is
sounds interesting,where could i start?
you sound incredibly homosexual.
Please end your life.
that shit eating grin that perpetually mocks my failure
>he didn't learn japanese because a chinese cartoon told him to
nah, see
>he learned japanese
>a chinese cartoon told him to
here its clearly saying the result of learning japanese is because a cartoon told him to. so, without any change to because or the purpose clause, why would this make any sense?
>he didn't learn japanese
>a chinese cartoon told him to
here the result, not learning japanese, is done on account of the purpose clause, "because a chinese cartoon told him to"
now go fuck yourself retard
I learned japanese for deep and complex reasons
>spending time learning a language to watch cartoons
Unironically this is why I learned. Nukige is so good. And reading doujin before they're translated.
Wrong, it was turned into a joke here and propagated out into the rest of the internet here, but it didn't start here. It started with actual engrish posters on gaming and anime sites on the early internet in the late 90s early 2000s. Newfag.
>wanting to speak any language other than English
It's even worse when you think about the people who actually learn nip because of fucking cartoons
>watch Angel Beats
>enter into a year long anime mania
>binge everything from LOGH to Yuru Yuri
>read Umineko and get further into visual novels
>start learning Japanese in the hopes of one day being able to read the highly acclaimed VNs like Muramasa or (the then untranslated) Dies Irae
>Quickly reach N2
>But meanwhile have lost all of my interest in weebshit
Mishima and Dazai better be fucking spectacular to make up for this utter waste of time.
How do we force nips to learn English?
>he learned japanese because no one was translating his favorite doujins
>not understanding the concept of an ambiguous sentence
It's one thing not to know a second-language. It's another to have that as your reason for insisting people should give up their language and just speak your language.
But I'm bilingual.
Learn nip faggot.
Fucking 出来ない
All non-white languages are shitty
>sounds interesting,where could i start?
Start with what? Learning Japanese? I just did Genki and now I'm doing a JLPT Anki deck every day probably nowhere near the most efficient way to learn but it fits my schedule
Not until I get a bf to hari-kari with
>he can't read Japanese manga
>he learned Japanese because some smug anime girl said he couldnt*
Okay.Let's do it now!
I feel like learning nip will ruin the magic.
It really doesn't. In fact it makes you better understand what the original character intended before the gaijin translatorfag ruined it.
>he learned to shitpost as a defense mechanism for not having the motivation to enjoy his hobbies to the fullest
>don't learn jap
>go to japan and speak anime
>be popular while the actual fluent gaijins get ignored by nips
the levels of weeaboo autism is staggering.
nice grammur, dekinai-kun
>hes actually of japanese heritage
just wait for piracy apocalypse in the near future. you EOP won't even be able to beg for translation anymore. invest your time to learn the language for the inevitable. especially when you're still young.
>he decided not to learn the most relevant language for his interests because NEETs on 4channel told him it was a useless language