Why does japan love to make these female teacher and male student lewd mangas

why does japan love to make these female teacher and male student lewd mangas

and why do i enjoy them so much

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Nippon virgins weren't held enough by their mommy growing up
Now they want to fuck their mommy, but don't have the balls to admit it and go for the next best thing

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We have enough of these in the news in the US.

>and why do i enjoy them so much
Because you have patrician taste

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mature women are an acquired taste

Sauce me.

That one is awesome. The teacher is adorable.

I want to become the snake

Nande koko ni sensei ga


why is this allowed?

You have excellent taste my friend.

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>spoonfeeding the retard

Man will this have a lot of quality? Artsyle doesn't match the softness of Soborou's girls

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> not enjoying cute student/teacher couples
Haha fag

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Or maybe it's just appealing to the desire everyone's had at least once in their life to fuck one of their teachers. Don't fucking lie either. Everyone has had at least one gorgeous teacher in school that they wished they could bang.

I'll spoonfeed anyone who's into the same shit as me so faggots like you gradually get diluted out :^)

All of my female teachers were 40-60 crones.

Im sorry you missed out on a proper school experience

sauce me senpai

>Nippon virgins weren't held enough by their mommy growing up
Or they were held too much.

Sensei Wa Koi o Oshie Rarenai
Gotta warn you though, it's pretty much hentai. On the page right after that one she violates the fucking shit out of him in an insanely kinky manner as you can see. After that she takes it even further with that needle

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is this urethra insertion because if so it's people like you i cant trust

we had a nice thing here, a lover of senseis

but then you had to take it off the deep end


Urethra insertion is practically vanilla compared to the degenerate Baby Fuck tier shit she does with it.
She resews one of the buttons on his jacket that's falling off


>you'll never have a cute japanese teacher fall in love with you

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Are you hansome? can you build your body into that of an adonis, would you want to work as a teacher at a japanese school?

Thanks user.

Best MC

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what about the first two parts?

If I did and I could I would totally find the cutest cake that all the students are doting over, ask her out, and fuck her brains out in between classes


Pretty hardcore shit right there.