Did they...?

did they...?

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no dick.

Thanks doc.

burn the toad, pay the road

thanks doc

Oh you just know

Tell that to Vegeta

thanks doc

They did.

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The figuratively and literally asshurt Vegetafags screaming this every single time without fail whenever someone mentions Piccolo is the funniest part

>abridged lore

normie GTFO

No user is right, they really don't have dicks because they are an all male species that procreate by launching eggs from their gullets. King piccolo proved otherwise.

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>all male
that would make them all asexual

Exactly, didn't have that word at the top of my head at the time I wrote that.

they don't have dick and they don't have females. they are green space snails


He should've cucked Goku and fucked Chichi. He already had the love and admiration of his sons and probably would've been an at least marginally better husbando, might as well just sealed the deal.

Did they what?

Namekians are asexual,egg regurgitating,one sex race.

No, I don't believe Piccolo got his driver's license.

Pretty sure Goku did at some point, because he clearly drives a truck in Super.

Vegetal would get jealous.

but he's the dangalang man

I don't even know what the definition of "cuck" is anymore.

I've seen it used to describe a guy losing his girl to another man, like what you've suggested should happen to Goku in your post.

I've also seen it used to describe being so pathetic you end up dating/marrying another man's leftovers, and raising another man's children.

It almost seems like "cuck" can apply to both ends of the deal.

It would be the ultimate victory.

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Technically yes. Namekians have egg producing organs somewhere connected to their throat, meaning they have a mouthpussy

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Do you think you're funny?

Go back


thanks, dog.
