Last thread got 404 for whatever the fuck reason
blame the aquafags
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As always, here’s the complete novel
Does megumin dream of exploding sheep?
Why Yea Forums hates Konosuba now?
I'm catching up on these 2 seasons and all I can say is Kazuma and the shit that happens to him carries this show, the 3 girls are way too gimmicky to actually be entertaining.
i want to lost myself in Yunyun's nude body
Anyone has that comic of YunYun getting preggo and losing the child?
Shame, people watch the anime for the girls. I guess its not everyone’s cup of tea
>for whatever the fuck reason
I'm innocent.
>blame the aquafags
Mods hate aqua
Her anime design is so fucking ugly
It should be even sluttier, if you ask me.
i agree, but she looks pretty in her first time in screen.
At least the thigh highs is the only part they did right
I want Megumin to make my staff explode!
In the inevitably sex scene, would Megumin yell "explosion" after Kazuma cums or will it be the other way around?
Megumin will jerk Kazuma off and smugly whisper "explosion" into his ear as he cums
I want to _____ Whiz
id fap to that
hold hands with
Afternoon, you all doing good? So how're all your weekends going so far? I got free movie tickets from a raffle at work
delete this filth
Megumin belongs to Kazuma. Not to boku no pico academia spiky hair dude
I just finished fapping to that, was pretty good
I refuse to stop what I do, for I like what I do. So how go your days?
Quick heads up. Don't reply to that guy. He is a shitposter in BnHA threads who always posts Bakugo and Megumin accompanied by some social faggotry asking people how their day is.
People told him a million times to fuck off or kill himself but the most effective method is just to report and ignore.
Alright thnaks for the advice
>that little story about Aqua mercilessly tickling Megumin while she can't move from an Explosion
Relax. Here. Look. I've put em apart again.
I hate you
I am no shitposter, I like asking questions to encourage discussion and no one has a problem with it. Besides, the last time someone told me that was at the begging of last year. Now, how about we throw this negativity into the ocean and have a good thread?
Very nice
>Yea Forums
whatever we have here they're not mods
do you think they have a good looking bush?
Megumin probably shaves
Yunyun is incompetent and she has a jungle down there
>Yunyun has a jungle down there
So much jungle fever this evening, no matter what bread. Amazing.
Excuse me, but I can say that without a doubt, Yunun most definitely shaves down there and is absolutely spotless in comparison to Megumin's Mandrill pussy
Why would she shave then? She doesn’t get dick unlike meguwin. Unless Yunyun is a prostitute...
It probably hasn't started growing in yet for Megumin.
She is 15, so Id say she got some pubes already
>incompetent but is the best student at her school and one of the highest level adventurers
I bet Yunyun pube is in shape, she will not shave it completelly but she will let it out of control.
No, I swear on my life, Yunyun is fucking pure as ice. In fact, I bet Megumin lures men into sex under the threat of accusing them of being a pedophile, just for the constant cluster bombs going off in her black panties
>is the best student at her school
Wrong. It is stated several times megumin is the top student.
Ive fapped 3 times today to this image alone
Try this one next, faggot. Have fun.
I will, thanks
You're welcome.
That's pretty hot. May I interest you in some of this?
I pass, thanks.
I'll take it instead
The books give the characters much more... character. If I ever restert Konosuba im reading from the beginning and skipping the anime cause the books are funnier and have more interactions between the characters. Also kazuma has way more inner monologue
this, I can't believe it still happens.
Threads get 404'd just because the discordfag mod gets called a pedophile for liking Megumin
Kazuma is the protagonist obviously he carries the show. He's the narrator too
This should be the last scene in the novel
I want KazumaXEris fan fiction RIGHT NOW!!!
Aqua > Darkness > Megumeme
>Hey Eris
>Yes Kazuma-kun?
>If you allow me to steal your virginity, you're breasts will get super huge.
>I don't know
>Also you'll be bigger than Aqua
>I'm stealing all your clothes, NOW.
>And then they fucked, Eris still has shitty titties, Aqua still has a shitty brain, Darkness is still looser than than a fat man's infinite chins, and Kazuma fucked Megumin in the pussy afterwards.
>The End.
B-but assistant-kun, that is forbidden love!
Aqua < Darkness < Megumeme
Darkness = Megumin > Eris > Wiz > Shit > Aqua > Yunyun