Anime girls you wish were you

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I want to live forever.

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>gender dysphoria thread
It's a mental illness. Get help.

which ones have a penis?


I fucking love Wa's art. The tans and browning he does is fucking delicious.

People would stand in line to eat my ass.

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I want VIP access!

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Gotta pay monthly for that.

I thought we were all cute girls here though?

If an user combines with a 2D woman, does that make them a 2.5D futa?

but you're already a fatty who eats all day

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I wish I could travel and collect fictional characters then make them kill each other.Or just stay in their world to explore until I decide to destroy everything just like your average isekai MC.

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Doesn't this girl have a dick?

I would unironically date you and not make you prostitute yourself.


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I can't tell if you fucked up your grammar or if you're asking us for anime girls we hate so much we want them to be fat ugly men like us.

In which case, this is my answer.

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I want to be forever small but powerful

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I'm intrigues me what's the cutout between dudes who want to be these anime chicks here and girls who want to be these specific anime chicks.

>but user, obviously there's no girls on Yea Forums
Your'e right user, your'e right

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Wannabe busty sluty gyaru. Walk around in search of cute virgin shota. Watch out for lustful onesan.

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So what?

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Many, but this one in particular.

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Damn she looks sexy and cute

That's the goal.

A little on the boring side but I wouldn't mind

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I'd like to be a sexy straw hat, the One Piece universe is the most fun.

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>discord trannies literally take over Yea Forums
>they're here too

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They could be femannons...

I hate discord and I've been here for many years. I'd still like to be a sexy, cute anime girl

What are you talking about? Yea Forums was always filled with little girls.

>ywn be Ranma

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Go back there newfag retard.

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Good taste.

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We’ve always been supportive of trans rights retard, fuck off back there

lol tranny faggot

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Can I choose my headcanon version of the girl I pick?
Well if you HAD to be an anime girl, which one would you want be?
If they are best girl, they most likely have a cock.

kek noticed that too

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>tfw imagining her giving birth to goblin babies

Threads like these a good reminder of why there's so many trannies that are weebs

>we always supported the mentally I'll


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>can't crossboard link
>replies to an obvious samefag
I wish newfags never colonized Yea Forums.

You were saying?

Did you forget "I wanna be the little girl" posting?

Does anime create trannies through conditioning or are trannies just attracted to anime?

>implying he even knows what the fuck you're talking about
Why are you replying to him?

>Anime girls you wish were you
>girls you wish were you
>you wish were you
>wish were you
>were you
user . . .

You have to have been around long enough to experience something to be able to forget it. People like these don't even understand the difference between 2D and 3D.

post bepis!

If you were her, your IQ would drop to 70. You would be a literal retard.

This image needs to be posted more often

>acting like you are on /pol/ while on Yea Forums
why are crossboarders allowed to live

Yea Forums has been like this for years newfag
nu-Yea Forums is just constantly newfags trying to prove to each other that they're oldfags without realising that Yea Forums has always been gay as fuck

>on the internet

You have to be a male to be a tranny. This is a board for little girls between 6 and 12 years old
Please go back to your shitty board and leave us alone

> vast magical power
> cute horny boy to tease
> jealous best friend to tease
Akeno has it made.

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Reina, so I can do many things to and with Kumiko.

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>Yea Forums likes yuri

Life is so fucking unfair bros

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I don't know if I'd rather be Nanoha and have Fate as my wife, or be Fate and have Nanoha as my wife.

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uh, you want the canon outcome of that story or you want to be her so you can steer it another way?

>ywn get stolen by horse-cock chad and give birth 10+ times to children made from his thick sperm

I would love to be an invincible cute 4 foot tall demon lord(with hips)

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Sweet Lucifer!

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Trash queen

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Good taste, I'd be your sister.

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For me it's Petta. Cutest overlord ever, check, overwhelming power, check, and a badass dad that will dote on me, ultimate check.

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delete this my shota heart can't handle it

>Naruto doesn't belong on Yea Forums
>Yuri does

You wanna call Hiro and double check yourself? even disgusting cross dressers are allowed by his standards and no female tits whatsoever let alone yuri

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Hiro doesn't decide what belongs here. We do.

Nice Yea Forums related image and post, faggot.


Right. And how is that enforced?

There are many other answers I could give, but this one is the most accurate.

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You guys have the right idea. Immortality, phenomenal cosmic power, and wearing frilly dresses. Mini-maou is the best choice here.

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why don't go you go back there

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Because I'm a cis white male.

No, Lucifer in that series is a sexy red-haired guy who can flip his gender whenever he wants.
Milim is Wrathful King Satan.

I dunno about me, but I have a friend we both agree already is Kaos-chan without the pink or the female.

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Why would you want to be a potato?


shipfus drawn by that artist are called potatoes. i have no idea why. i think Intrepid is a total cutie and she's a potato.