I can't believe he jobbed that hard. I still can't get over it. Help me recover bros

I can't believe he jobbed that hard. I still can't get over it. Help me recover bros..

Attached: peakjobber.png (722x718, 363K)

>Ever not jobbing
I can deal with almost any other martial art being portrayed as strong and useful, I can immersive myself in that magic circle. But aikido is the biggest scam in the world of martial arts. The aikido cuck got what he deserved.

>character backstory is he jobs non stop
>get surprised that he jobs at the end

>But aikido is the biggest scam in the world of martial arts.
Systema says hi.
It's like a bunch of drunk russian dudes learning aikido through a shitty smuggled video tape back in the soviet days.

He is lazy and this is why he is unsuccessful. Sorry for your self-inserting gone awry.

Attached: 224-2.png (728x222, 162K)

Who cares about Systema if Sambo exists.

Come to think of it, Systema is to Sambo what Aikido is to Judo.

>portrayed as really strong but lazy type
>scouted as the fifth fang
>only losses were due to carelessness
>'He is the best if he tries'
Of course I was surprised

>Of course I was surprised
The other side of the fight was against
>combat autist that does custom fighting styles against every opponent
>just got his face caved in by the Thai god of Boxing
>is pissed that his opponent could stand up to him
>is shown to take things more seriously
>doesn't even engage in pre-fight banter
Agito walked into that arena looking like he was going to murder Hatsumi, I hate to say it, but the floating cloud getting grounded was really obvious.

He deserved it for what he did to Bando

>like he was going to murder Hatsumi
And he went EASY on him

I knew Fang was going to beat him, I just didn't expect a complete annihilation. They were building Hitsumi up like he was super strong when he got serious, and when he got serious...he got unequivocally BTFO. I just thought that there was going to be more of a fight, is all.

>I just thought that there was going to be more of a fight, is all.
In that case, yeah I feel you. Hatsumi got completely no-sold by Agito and it was humiliating to say the least. I also expected more from Peak Sen but his final move being one he'd already used was probably his biggest downfall. Ironically the actor forcing Sen to go "all out" in the first round wound up biting him in the ass. Sen spending too much time in thought didn't help.

Attached: 1548346528892.png (690x2600, 1.14M)

between him and Gilgamesh, who would job harder?
I put my money on Gil because of the powergap

If Bando just decided to start using his inflatable tube man strikes, I wonder how many fighters could have survived. I guess if he had killed Hatsumi though, the Fang probably would have seen enough of the stretch arms to do something. Not sure if he went in blind though.

The most bs fight for me was easily "The executioner' vs cosmos. I like my comebacks but this one felt extremely unnatural.

>inflatable tube man strikes
>how many fighters could have survived
Rei has the speed and Muteba is cautious enough to dodge it even if they dont know about it, Setsuna too if Fallen Demon activates. Saw Paing and Julius could probably tank it. Beard foresigns it and parries it. The rest is fucking dead

Yeah I have to agree. Seishu had a 20 cm height difference and a 100 pound difference in weight yet Cosmo could damage him with that bad with his strikes. The dude had like some crazy reaction speed and yet Imai chokes him out? FUCK OUTTA HERE!

Seishu should have beaten him and then spared him due to his respect but no instead Cosmo apparently able to come back from death and turn into a monster. He pulled a Agito-esque revival.

Fang going 100% serious business from the start was great though.

>yet Cosmo could damage
Akoya´s only wound was a poke to the eye. Cosmo beat him the same way he beat Adam, by cutting his oxygen supply
>Seishu should have beaten him and then spared him
>spare him
user did you even read the text or just looked at the drawings?

Except Seishu is twice the fighter Adam was and had a chip in his head to give him commands. The fight was stupid in that they nerfed him but instead buffed cosmo hard.
I know the guy was an autist who branded his own type of justice but it would have been nice to see him as something else as a one dimensional justice type who clears all evil. Some progression would have done him well but instead he gets his ass kicked by Cosmo and doesn't grow form the situation.

Cosmo won for the same reason Ohma won the match after that; their opponent decided that instead of taking the win they needed to prove a point. On paper that's fine, but in practice it just makes it apparent the amount of plot armor both characters had.