Boogiepop Wa Warawanai

Gotta go fast.

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Other urls found in this thread:

waiting for subs

>80 mins of Boogiepop goodness in one day

im platinum sad


Russian subs and dubs (fucking how?) are out if anyone is interested.

Loli Suiko is for ________

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boogiepoppu da!

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fuck the scenes with boogie and echoes were amazing.

Rough fugging.

I want to fuck a possibility

making into an enemy of the world.


t. prime chuuni

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I am reminded of that time when the russian fandub of Made in Abyss ep1 was out before it even aired on TV

mating press

>animation background
Whats kind of miracle is this

Is Crunchyroll gonna sub these episodes? They don't say anything about it in their Boogiepop page.


>Is Crunchyroll gonna sub these episodes?

The fuck?
What about fansubs?

I hope this episode kills the idea of boogie being some sort of counter force body jacker for animeonlys

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I doubt it would. The novel is a little more clear about your pic being the moment when Boogiepop is born from Touka for the first time. In the anime, it just looks like any of Boogiepop's random appearances.

I hope so too, as an animeonly who feels like Boogie is some sort of counter force body jacker.


have I been staying up for nohing

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It hurts to see so little interest in the show, man. Maybe that's for the best but hopefully once all the eps are out, people can appreciate it more.

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This show is pretty much the epitome of binge-watching since A LOT of details and characters are referenced back and forth, it was probably hard to keep track of if you watch it weekly

I am very interested

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It definitely doesn't help that nearly all the characters have full Japanese names and that they don't get formal title cards when introduced.
You're decent, user

OST release when?
It's the only redeeming point of this series.

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That's cool. But anime-onlys would never understand these sort of things, and I can't blame them. There should be more emphasis in the fact Boogie took his signature non-smile smug from Kuroda. Maybe Boogie should have made the gesture just after Kuroda did, as if mirroring it. That would have make it easier to understand.

>That attention to detail on the cloth and fabrics

Can anyone confirm this? Are we really not getting subtitles for this arc?

Just finished watching all 4 episodes thanks to Wakanim.

Best fucking arc yet. Hope you guys get good subs soon.

We're gonna get it but we'll have to wait a bit.

I'm just hoping for horrible subs.

Okay. I don't mind waiting, but I'd like to know how long. It bothers me that Crunchyroll is not saying anything about it.

The first arc was completely ruined by cutting out or shortening character arcs. The first episode essentially lied to the viewer by suggesting this would be an unravelling mystery you can piece together over the course of 11 episodes, like Haruhi or Baccano which of course were inspierd by the original novel. Instead it's over in 4 episodes and manages the impressive feat of having two endings but no closure on anything.

The second arc was much better paced but still cut out entire character arcs, again, for no conceivable reason. Why even bother introducing gay kid if his entire MK Ultra adventure was finished in 9 minutes and he doesn't show up again?

I'm still watching but it's like seeing a clip show of a better anime.

>Instead it's over in 4 episodes
3 Actually

>cut out entire character arcs, again, for no conceivable reason
They didn't have enough episodes. They're giving King of Distortion 5 eps and At Dawn 4 eps, which is the right choice imo.

The point of the gay kid is to show what happens when you live a life that it's not really your own. It's not a nice place to be, and there's no happy ending for him, but that's just what happen in real life sometimes (a lot of times, actually).

That said, I do agree the execution could have been better. Specially when it comes to help non-novel readers understand what's going on. The novel can do that by explain things in narration, but the anime can't rely in narrations. It takes a skilled director to shown in images what a book delivered in narration. Boogiepop fails at this.

>next is king of distortion

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I suppose my argument is either give him a whole episode, or write him out.

It's completely insane to me he gets any coverage at all despite never being relevant again, meanwhile the kid who literally kills the villain of arc 1 is a nobody in comparison.

What IS this writing?

>meanwhile the kid who literally kills the villain of arc 1 is a nobody in comparison.
You will be surprised.

>I suppose my argument is either give him a whole episode, or write him out.
It would be nice to give him a whole episode, but the conclusion would be the same. At most, giving it more time might help to make things more clear. But it would change his fate.

>meanwhile the kid who literally kills the villain of arc 1 is a nobody in comparison.
He shows up in the next arc so you're get more of him then.

*it wouldn't change his fate
It's too early for this shit.

The weak should fear the strong

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and everyone should fear boogiepop

All of them are reoccurring characters
You see that kid again after this arc

Sub out

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2 episodes are already on their site, the issue will be waiting for rips

Even if subs were to come out, the springs warmth would mean it would never take.

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Oh you're right. They have 3 up already. Cool.


Shut up weird Touka

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>Echoes is still alive
>Next arc is called KING of Distortion

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nope, sadly

Is it just me or did the animation suddenly get a whole lot better?

when boogiepop phantom arc?

no webm yet, so this image will do for now

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it seems like the first 3 episodes were made in hurry

It's the only possibility and it makes sense.
And I need more of him god damn it.

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Loli Nagi pleasing old men

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why episode 12 only have english subs?

watch phantom

does it matter?

yeah, esl here

Literally only lasts for an episode.

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Horrible subs when?

Just watch Erai. They rip their releases from the same places Horrible does.

yep, reminder that after Boogiepop At Dawn you should watch Boogiepop Phantom. Now you have no excuse anymore.

I already knew that.

like every other character

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Mo is pretty based

Wow, it's so good. This arc linked a lot with Boogiepop phantom.

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i'm a handful of episodes behind, did die meistersinger show up yet

too bad the boogiepop phantom character design was WAY cooler than this

Phatom fags are pretty sad existences

German and French as well.
How the fuck is Wakanim infinitely more competent (and transparent) than the much larger CR

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The fuck is her problem

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Nevermind turns out that Erai has all subs up

I was nicely surprised by bug eater guy showing up. I thought he was Phantom-original being loosely based on Jin but not at all actually.

Guess Manakete and Poom Poom are the only things Phantom really did all on its own. Fitting since they're the best thing about the entire franchise, being even better than most of the actual novels' arcs.

Being MPLS

Evolution gone wrong

She's not. She gained power taking the drug that saved Nagi's life. MPLS got their powers naturally.

It seems weird that they would just dump 4 episodes randomly instead of releasing a movie or something. Has this ever happened before?

Not that I'm aware of. The 18 episode count is already a strange number and I guess the TV stations couldn't accomodate their schedule.

>4 Boogiepop episodes back to back
That's nice and all but I'm fucking tired from attending a wedding so I'll just watch it and go to sleep. Hopefully this thread will survive so that I can ask questions.

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I just finished reading the fourth novel.

Jesus Christ, that was some really bizarre shit.

Does...does the novels get stranger than this further down the line?

Why do nips love this phrase so much?

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In the translated parts no.
It nevers gets stranger than zombies on roller skates chasing a car and beating it with steel tubes.
Being a special isn't that out of the ordinary. Usually it's just at the end of the show or the beginning instead of in the middle. But Boogiepop novels are so self-contained that it doesn't really matter.

The drug induces or stops evolution.

It induces evolution on a normal human, but stops evolution of an MPLS.
MPLS are people who evolved naturally, like Suiko, Jin, Touka and such. Nagi was an MPLS but her evolution was killing her body.

>Nagi was an MPLS but her evolution was killing her body.
Befitting to the daughter of Kirima Seichii, the most chuuni of evolutions

>afraid of old men
Touka-chan is used goods, so is boogiepop. That's kind of hot.

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Bakemonogatari has the same episode count, though there the last 4 were ONA

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Retarded question.

Why the utter fuck are there four episodes out today? Is this covering the third or fourth novel?

Yep, twice. At the end of VS Imaginator 6 and Boogiepop at Dawn 1

Why is that?

The third novel was already covered. It's VS Imaginator part 2.

But today's episodes cover the sixth novel.

At last, I can truly imagine

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the 2002 anime was also fandubbed in russian

Because At Dawn got a 2 hour special this morning

Why doesn't Boogie ever get involved before tons of people have fucking died?

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You need to involve a weird girl carrying a big bag first

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Because he only takes action if it's strictly necessary. Nagi was doing okay against Fear Ghoul so Boogiepop didn't see the need to intervene until the end.

>bug eater guy
Really? Is he not anime original? Well maybe we will see poom poom too

How in the fuck

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Why is Boogiepop such a delusional freak?

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As someone who hasn't watched Phantom in atleast a decade and who didn't like it much.
Who is this Bug Eater based on?

Fear Ghouls body was rapidly degrading, probably because she was afraid

Do we have any anime-only viewers here? Do You guys understand what MPLS means just by watching these episodes?

she looks really fat here

There were a lot more anime onlies in the last thread than I expected.
They really shouldn't have a problem with MPLS after the first episode of At Dawn

Oh boy, time to maybe get confused and try to digest the 4 episodes out right now.

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thats a pleasant surprise

What confuses me here is why people think it's confusing

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Its okay user, you'll understand someday.

Rei cosplaying as boogiepop when?
When you guys said it was going to be a Nagi arc I thought it would be her side of the imaginator arc. Not like I'm complaining this arc was amazing.

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Prime Chuuni at it again corrupting another innocent soul

King of Distortion soon

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Shit forgot image

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>crocs with socks

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Oh baby.

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Ever read the fifth novel?

It is kinda confusing at times because of all the perspective shifts that I can't even keep up with the characters at times

Why do people in anime say that so often? Is it a japanese thing? Do they not realize it only makes you look more suspicious?

I love Mo
It's immediatly followed by the girl running away

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Just read the fifth novel days ago. It's true that the sudden shifts makes it confusing but it will clear up after reading a paragraph or two

Looks like Nagi's evolution was fire or heat-related.

>eurobeat intensifies

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I keep hurting my brain trying to understand wtf is happening in this show

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>mo murder is ironically framed for the murders he didn't commit
>scarecrow murdered for saving Nagi
>pigeon manipulated into killing herself
>nagi's father murdered, pretty much in front of his own daughter
I get it isn't meant to be happy story, but goddamn.

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Scarecrow met Touka in the backyard of crematory. It's not stated in the anime but in the novel they said Touka was there because they were cremating someone from her family.

So much death.

Where can i watch/download subbed?

Consult a physician about your retardation, and read literally any filename, hell it was even linked in the thread.

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I like both.
Suiko smile and Boogie smug feels good in a new version.

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Snip snip.

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watched all of them
I really liked it

This arc should prove beyond reasonable doubt that pigeon is worst girl


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The man faces on the girls makes me sick, like I’m watching trannies.

Why? She loved Scarecrow and the guy was killed by Sasaki under Towa's orders. Why is it so bad that she sought out revenge?

This gonna be good.

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my waifu Nagi isn't a slut, bitch

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I really wasn't feeling the last arc, but this one was enjoyable. Renewed my interest in this series.

erai-raws you dumb nigger

I thought everyone dropped this. Is it actually worth watching?

Then why does she exclusively hang out with old men?

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No user, literally every person in the whole world did drop it, this is just a big joke and you fell for it, nice job.

Mo is a good boy who did nothing wrong

She hangs out with pure old men. A hero of justice will never hang out with unclean people

Reminds me of those resized face meme.

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>Mo Murder mercilessly killed countless innocent people

Why did all these episodes come out in one day?

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Fuck, this arc was actually enjoyable. I might be selfish for wanting Boogiepop to just drop more episodes but damn I genuinely enjoyed this arc even more than the Imaginator arc. I suppose the only bad thing is that there's less OC like this.

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so boogie isn't a world defending mechanism but touka being an autist? I suppose she has superpowers otherwise how would a fucking little girl go out wrecking supernatural beings?

When do we find out about his evolution?

The show was cancelled so they just dumped all the episodes they had finished.

Yes. Touka is an MPLS just like Suiko, Jin and others out there. Her power is.. well, Boogiepop. Or it would more accurate to say her power manifests as an alternate personality that calls itself Boogiepop, But it's still just Touka.

Never. But don't you think it's weird most of his readers were MPLS? Maybe he had some power that manifested through his writing.

I have only one question.
Why is Boogiepop hanging out with Echoes on a dead planet?

You'll find out next arc

Well now everything makes a lot more sense.


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this arc confirmed boogiepop as my aots
even aoty if i keep enjoying it

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If you are a leader of all chuuni in the world, you can have philosophical conversations with a random loli any time you want.

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>boogiepop is sheer concentrated chuuni autism given "form"

who's the king of distortion?

guess who

why you say so?

His identity is the main mystery of the arc. Just wait and see.



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father complex x 10000

>someone might take advantage of you
>It's okay if it is you

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Good arc.

>just doing my order and shit

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Nagi's so fucking naive. Imagine what would happen if she finds out he killed her father.

I want to headpat loli Boogie.


who then?

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In the novel that scene had such an eerie feel to it. Suiko felt pretty otherworldly from Seiichi's perspective. In the anime she seems like a pretty peasant and nice loli instead. I don't dislike that change in tone though.

what's up with this scene in the OP? is it something we're going to witness in full in future episodes?

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is this subbed yet?
I can't find it on any off the usual places

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i want the next arc NOW

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Keiichiro Watanabe did this scene.

>you can have philosophical conversations with a random loli any time you want.

I've read enough SMBC to know that's usually a bad idea as a handful of times, it'll just lead to you having an existential crisis

So. It's always the same structure since boogie-loli.

>Shit happens because of some evo-people.
>Nagi trying to to something but failed.
>Boogie come and easily defeat every-fucking-one.

What a power fantasy.

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Boogie too OP. Please nerf.

Nagi already beat it this time though

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Well, fuck.

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Yeah but Nagi couldn't chase it anymore and if Fear Ghoul managed to escape, who knows what would have happened later on. Boogie saved the day by preventing her escape.

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For what is worth, Nagi has her own spinoff series when they show her successful cases.

MUH KYOUFU. Crazy bitch.

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She lost a leg while running away, she was already defeated before boogie went for the kill.

Lets armbar some enhanced human.

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I'm pretty sure Boogie cut her leg.

What does MPLS mean again?

But didn't those people who read his book state that they have been hiding their powers since forever, even before they read his books?

Evolved humans. People who were born one step further the evolutionary ladder than most people. Basically X-Men.

Basically yes. But reading his books is what turned them from regular people with powers into enemies of the world

Why would Boogie attack MiyashitaMama?

The novel explains he was traing to get out of the house to fight some enemy shit and Touka's mother tries to stop her.

Wasn't that because they then proceeded to reveal their abilities? None of that would have happened to them if they kept it a secret like Suiko.

That sounds hilarious.

Has anyone here read the untranslated novels?
Are they good?

Yes. But they were influenced by Seiichi's writing. It's what gave them the courage to reveal their abilities.

One cute spooky bubble.

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It must have been a really awkward situation.

somebody PLEASE make a webm of boogiepop spanking the furries

Episode 10 > E11 = E13 > E12

& Others: 8/10
Vs Imaginator: 7.5/10
At Dawn: 9/10

Unless King of Distortion is really, really bad, then this anime won't be at least under 8. Although I feel like I might have been spoiled who the king is, if the themes of the arc are delivered well-enough to be the meat of it instead of the twist then it's good enough for me.

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Will there be any satisfying Boogiepop battle or will Boogie be the cleanup?

>4 boogiepop episodes
What's going on?

Great smug here, also the arc was a great watch.

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Is it just me or was Suema supposed to get more screentime in this arc?

trying to fit within the "seasonal limit" is my guess

How to fit 18 episodes into 13 weeks


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>so chuuni you transport yourself into another world/dimension

That was pure bullying

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No, that's another chuuni that's doing that

She and this case were mentioned by Kentarou in the dead crows subplot, but I think Suema herself didn't have any more appearances here.


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I don't think so. She had more screentime in the first arc, but the anime removed some parts. For example the part where Nagi reveals she knows Suema is the survivor of the murders from 5 years ago and that's the reason Suema always get involved in weird shit. Anime-onlys have no idea why Suema is so drawn to weird shit because the anime fucked up.

why is he green?

It's Takeda, idiot.
It all comes back to episode 1. Absolute kino incoming.

Wasn't he headshot by Echoes' laser?

i wish

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The doctor in phantom was the serial killer who tried to kill the megane girl? there was some fighting flashbacks of boogie killing someone like her. Is she the killer?

>seigi no mikata
>translate it as superhero
god I fucking hate these losers

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If Echoes survived then so can he.

Anime doesn't spell it out but it should still be clear for those who pay attention.

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Saotome is dead. The fucker got his wish granted. It would make no sense to bring him back, it'd only ruin his character.

Nah, you have to be psychic to get it from the anime. It was complete stupidity to skip those parts.

I don't see a bug eater around so far. Must be phantom fag delusion.

It was pretty obvious to me and I'm an animeonly.

What was obvious to you?

am i brainlet , how did nagi just rip the doctors arm off
does being electrocuted make your flesh / joints , whatever weaker?

>ywn comfortably watch the destruction of a world together with boogie and echoes whistling die meistersinger von nurnberg

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A rare ??? Touka.

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Literally Nyaa for fucks sake.

Will Zoragi be CG? Place your bets. I have faith.

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Did you notice how she was literally falling apart.
And how Boogiepop said the electro shock fucked up her evolution?

Her body was forced to evolve too fast because of the magic drug she took. Because of that it was more fragile than it should have been. Nagi didn't know that. She just got lucky.

That Suema is obsessed with criminal stuff because she was stalked by the serial killer on Dawn.

Lurk for two years before posting newfag.

Are you retarded ? The whole episode is about the insects in the heart metaphor and you even have a character speak directly to Mo Murder about it.

Kisugi targeting Suema and her photo in Sasaki's apartment is enough to reconstruct everything.

granted , i asked this question as soon as i saw nagi do it , but it got explained like a minute later anyway
i really should finish episodes before posting , im sorry

But you didn't know that during Vs Imaginator. As a result, most of her action in that arc don't make any sense. In the novel, you already know her motives at that point. That puts her actions and mindset in proper context. It's how it should have been.

Fire Witch


>but the anime can't rely in narrations. It takes a skilled director to shown in images what a book delivered in narration.
Actually, you could just have a narrator.

This kind of shitposting is by far the worst consequence of the split.

Yeah, but that's kind of a cop out. Mind you, Boogiepop is one of few cases when having internal narration would have made sense.

I know it's maybe asking too much but I really hope to see just a little more of Naoko in KoD.

She actually feels like the most important character in the series. I want to know more about how our savior was really like.

Eh, I thought it worked pretty good in stuff like Durarara. Probably more anime could benefit from narration.

>Phatomfag though the miracle boy, hidden talent awakener was a 'bug eater'

I haven't seen a single piece of CG so far.

One of the chapters the anime skipped in the first arc elaborated a bit on Naoko. I guess whoever wrote/direct the anime didn't think the world's savior deserved much characterization.

You are fucking stupid dude.

I'm aware of that. It's why I'm hoping that specific chapter "somehow" get an episode in the middle of this last arc.

Since if my theory's right, that chapter could take all its importance now considering the King's identity.


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Bugs are just prime chuuni quote, that guy power is nothing about bugs. Not to mention the meaning is very different.

I wouldn't bank on it. 5th novel is the longest out of first six and it definitely could use all the episodes it gets.

In the novel, her body is described as melting. like sizzling and popping from the electricity making her evolve more.

What is she doing?

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The novel also said she was planning on escaping and it seemed plausible until Boogiepop showed up.

The story of Boogiepop is one that still weights heavily upon me.

I'm curious on this as well.

Mainly because with a handful of LN, like Kino or Konosuba, there's at least a fanbase to translate chapters or give a summary

But with Boogiepop...there's literally nothing. Hell, I can't even find any of the novels on mandarake.

Just like Boogiepop himself, the novels are a complete mystery.

This one will be useful

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It's weird, I thought the old anime had a cult following for a little while but then no-one seemed to talk about it at all after a couple years.

The Phantom cult following revolves around schizo Lainfags who need their "muh psychological anime" fix, they never gave a fuck about the novels.

Why boogiepop is so arousing? What would it feel like having sex with her?

she'd cut your d with her wire

I love Phantom but fucking hate Lain. Don't lump me up with those fags and stop trying to stir shit up between those who like Phantom and those who like 2019. They're not mutually exclusive.

Were the subs of episode 10 wrongly timed for anyone else or just me? It's like they were a second or two too early.

I'm not lumping phantomfags with lainfags, just saying that there is a tendency between lainfags to enjoy phantom and most threads before the current anime was announced were full of lainfags.

that's hot

That still didn't change about how the majority of these fags not giving a fuck about the source material.

boogiepop doujin when?

Why is Boogie so fab?

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Why did loli Touka feel fat?

Learn to pirate properly.

The animators probably wanted to increase her moe charm with soft, puffy cheeks. But it just looks fat.

Ask Takeda

im just imagining boogiepop taking her over and going to the gym to get /fit/ because his vessel was getting too fat to move around in

Attached: GET HUGE.webm (676x720, 576K)

She made her debut on high school.

[HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 10 [720p].mkv

but it will NEVER accumulate

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the most powerful chuuni

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Don't be a fag Phantom is a good show, the one problem it has though is that it expects you to know about the universe beforehand

What happened to him he showed up at the start and never again despite us seeing touka plenty. It's also weird how it was made out to be a tragedy for him that boogiepop is gone when he actually turns up all the damn time even randomly in touka's normal life.

what dialect are they speaking or am I just retarded?

Didn't boogie pop say that the electric shock upset the balance of Fear Ghoul's new body causing it to degrade?

The first few episodes were confusing because all the characters look alike and it was non-chronilogical

Sounded like fairly standard Japanese to me.

>all the characters look alike


Maybe I'm being a brainlet and missing something, but who the fuck killed Scarecrow?
He jumps out of the window being mostly fine, then there's the chase shown earlier and then it cuts to Mo Murder walking up to a pool of blood,then in the next scene Scarecrow has a knife stuck in him.

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Kuroda succumbed to his injuries, He didn't jump out of the window fine.

My guess:
Higher ups don't give the staff more than the standard single cour worth of timeslots. These higher ups don't want to go streaming only for episodes after 12-13 (like Dies irae and Satsuriku no Tenshi did)
Staff wants 18 episodes, so they reach this compromise (airing the first 2 episodes in the premiere day, and airing 4 episodes (10-13) on free timeslots they happened to find as a 2 hour special, besides the weekly episode (9))

what the fuck is her problem

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Overdosed on KYOUFU.

Shes feeding on fear.

Is boogiepop the strongest force in this series or are there some who can give him/her a good fight?

What do you watch that doesn't use japanese names and has title cards

Exclusively americanized english dubs

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are 12 and 13 getting subbed today and is 13 the last episode?

they're all subbed?

Yes and yes.

are you asking if theyre all subbed?

No, they all are subbed already.

theyre all subbed and this has 18 episodes

why is there a question mark?

Made for old men

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Nagi will never give it to you roughly

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.05_[2019.02.23_15.39.03].j (1920x1080, 75K)

So why was Towa killing chuunis? Because they might pose a threat to them or something?
Do all MPLS go through some type of change while evolving like Nagi did with her being in extreme pain? Nagi's was going to kill her if it didn't stop. Boogiepop just kind of manifested when Touka found Scarecrow.
Does Nagi have no idea Murder killed her dad? She had a little flashback towards the end but that seemed like the doctor lady just trying to elicit fear from her.

God I wish that were me

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I don't think so

Boogiepop is still Touka, so does Boogiepop's mission influence Touka's life in anyway? Like what is Touka got pregnant, that would make it difficult for Boogiepop to fight properly. So would Touka avoid having children or doing things like that that would burden Boogiepop?

So Imaginator vs Imagine Breaker?

>Eurobeat starts playing

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>IMAGINATOR just sort of gives up and dies
this is what happens when you stop imagining.

Wow, Nagi really fucking goes after the old guys.

We got the whistle!

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This bitch is wild

Attached: boogiepop patient bullying bloodsuck.webm (800x450, 2.73M)

They really wen't all out with the smug
I love it

>gives up
user please, she got something from the event. It's still a positive outcome for her I think.

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This one shot and she already seems like instant worst girl material

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Not that user, but why do Japanese people keep drawing white people in their anime and then give them dumb names that they can pronounce. Why don't they just draw Japanese people for their series? It's almost as if they have some kind of complex.


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>are you not entertained? Is that not why you're here?

She has a huge Daddy complex.

I feel bad for the hacker boy

> my dick is thiiiiiiiiiiiis big

Okay what is boogiepop's powers? General Superhuman + some sort of target based information ability?

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Nagi is a massive chuuni


Nagi wants to suck old man dick.

That's not chuuni.


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Why is there so many episodes today?

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Today is boogie day

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Holy shitty titty! Episode 10 was so fucking great. Might be the best episode of this shitty winter season.

Pretty much all LNfags I know come to the conclusion that boogiepop is just Touka chuuni form but there seems to be a few who don't think so. Quite surprising, I mean what else makes any sense?

Woah there sick fuck

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 12 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.30_[2019.02.23_17.51.52].j (1920x1080, 101K)

comfy thread
so did you enjoy this arc?
i really liked it

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>Is boogiepop the strongest force in this series or are there some who can give him/her a good fight?
Ah that's a good question. Touka's definitely one of the strongest MPLS around. But she's not the strongest. There's a guy from Towa who can literally disintegrate atoms.

>So why was Towa killing chuunis? Because they might pose a threat to them or something?
Yes. Towa doesn't want them to upset the status quo of the world. Normal humans are in power, what if the MPLS revealed themselves and organized, they could take controls.

>Do all MPLS go through some type of change while evolving like Nagi did with her being in extreme pain? Nagi's was going to kill her if it didn't stop. Boogiepop just kind of manifested when Touka found Scarecrow.
No, some MPLS had their powers since birth.

>Does Nagi have no idea Murder killed her dad?
No idea at all.

She never gives up and she never really dies.

Absolutely kino how it ended with boogie going pop at the end. It is such a shame that this show came 10years too late.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.03_[2019.02.24_10.12.39].jpg (1280x720, 31K)

Boogiepop has super strength, super speed, enhanced senses, immunity to every kind of mental manipulation, absolute absence of fear. No sure how he gathers information though.

Haven't watched it yet but glad to know that an episode storyboarded and directed by the man Norifumai Kugai himself was the best of the bunch.

Besides, there is another MPLS who is just like Touka/Boogiepop. That's the king of distortion.

Fortissimo? I heard he got played like an idiot by Imaginator

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Boogiepop is probably some kind of all-seeing entity that manifest himself from time to time in Touka body. He is probably just observing humanity as a whole when he is outside of Touka body. How else did he know about what happened to Kirima Nagi and Scarecrow.

Why it doesn't surprise me. At the end of the day, the Imaginator is the best. It's not a matter of powers.

No, Touka's just an MPLS. It's more and more confirmed as you read along the series. There are others MPLS who are just Touka/Boogiepop. Evolution sometimes manifests as a alternate personality. It's actually quite normal among them.

*who are just like Touka/Boogiepop

That doesn't explain how boogiepop and echoes was talking in their own alternate world unless that is another of her own chuu2 power.

That wasn't an alternate world. It was a distortion created by the king of distortion. It was happening inside a dream.

Boogiepop just happened to recount her story to echoes during the next arc timeline? That said I thought echoes went back to his planet, how come he is there?

>Masaki got a "breakthrough"

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Echos is a thought being and was just pulled into the distortion by chance. He probably decided not to go back to his planet and stay here to protect the world just like Naoko wished for.

That gut punch

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that gut punch looked really soft , like there was no real power behind it
was that due to sensei's body being crap due to forced evolution?

I wonder if she was always this crazy, or the drug and the forced evolution affected her mind and turned her crazy.

This OST is god tier.
I need it now.

She'd have to be crazy to fuck with that drug in the first place.

Best arc so far. Episode 10 is by far the best episode of this season but the whole arc itself is so damn great. I love that this arc came out in complete episodes. I doubt I could remember some stuffs happened in this arc if the episodes of this arc was released weekly like normally. Young Nagi is so pretty and I admire how strong-willed and smart she is.

That was acid trance you pleb.

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Yeah JP wiki has him as the same type as boogie. Yet even the seven seas translator doesn't seem to think so. Weird.
Screw that I am just going to ask JP readers.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Don't get your panties in a bunch over it.

I'm now convinced that Towa and Umbrella are practically the same.

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How do they differentiate them?
imaginator/distortion is spiritual type?
boogiepop is physical type?

I think I'm gonna rewatch this anime after it's done.

They're the same type. There's no difference.

boogiepoop is still relevant?

King of Distortion is not the Imaginator, user. You're mixing shit up.

What kind of music Imaginator is listening to?

I am not saying they are the same.
They have the same type of power, appearing in people mind and influencing them

Denpa music

Okay, but weren't talking about their powers. We were talking about their nature. King of Distortion and Boogiepop have the same nature, in the sense that both manifest as alternate personalities of a human being who doesn't seem to be aware of their existance. In Boogiepop case, that person is Touka. For the King of Distortion, that person is... well, that's a huge spoiler. You'll find out in the next arc of the anime.

opm s2 died for this

enjoy it

Probably Debussy since Boogie's is Wagner.

Towa is way more successful than Umbrella.

my guess as an anime only is that suema is the KoD
am i right?

I'm not gonna affirm or deny. You're gonna have to wait.

Is this a remake of a 20 year old anime?

no. the old anime is an original story based on the light novels. this is just the light novels being animated

Heeeeeere we go again.
This is neither a remake or a sequel. This is an anime that is faithful to the LN. Phantom was an anime original.

Attached: s5gXchc.jpg (640x360, 33K)

>Hollywood decides to remake Boogiepop
What's your reaction?

10x less dialouge, 10x more explosions

So did this get good after the first episode?

Fuck that glasses dude. Scarecrow was the best male character in this show.

It would be cringe chuuni shit that wouldn't translate well. The first Resident Evil movie was so bad that it was enjoyable.

>canon boogiepop x Nagi

episodes 2 and 3 are good

then they introduced a whole bunch of literally whos

Only if you care to piece together the story yourself.

I just remember feeling like I was memed because the PV had really cool animation, but the first episode looked like it was made on a budget of 100 yen.

the show doesen't look like the pv, if thats what you are asking

Not sure if anyone will know, but when will the ost be available?

So far haven't found anything about it anywhere. Some of the music sounds neat but is either cut out or quiet because of editing.


>>Hollywood decides to remake Boogiepop
>What's your reaction?

It needs to be a TV series on AMC or HBO
march 27th

Why wasn't boogiepop actually adapted properly 20years ago? Was it due to the live action flopping?

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can they really be called a chuuni if they actually have powers?

>Boogiepop Wa Warawanai
idk what's this but im gonna watch it

>also one of the lowest selling shows of the season
This is a crime. Are people really that scared of a show that doesn't spoonfeed everything to them?
I realise I'm a bit of a hypocrit by complaining about low sales when I haven't spend a cent myself.

are you watching it?

shit is boring

Who thought it was a good idea to make a live action of Boogiepop anyway?

how bad is the translation of the LNs?
i was thinking on reading them after finishing the anime

It is the king and mother of all LN.
Boogiepop directly or indirectly popularized the LN industry and hugely influence bakemonogatari and typemoon works like fate, knk, tsukihime.

Some are chuuni because they're fancy themselves superheroes and shit. Motherfuckers don't know their place.

I think it's pretty good.

>It is the king and mother of all LN.
isn't slayers older tho?

It is definitely not boring but the animation leave much to desire. OST was also on point. I don't think this series is meant to be watched weekly since they drop the plot point here and there. Unless you are a brainlet, you just have to keep watching to get the answers.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 03 [720p].webm (1280x720, 471K)

still hilarious. they killed her off before we even knew why we were supposed to care about her

I like her face as her head is leaving her body. She's not surprised or horrified, just irritated at him.

Is this going to be explained more further or I forgot something?
I though the reason Echoes came to Earth was because of a test on humanity by the "aliens", what Kirima influenced in that?.

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Thank you.

Let me see what the novel says in that part. I don't trust the anime or its translation.

Probably something to do with how Scarecrow rekt the lab and they escaped? Not sure how that fit the timeline.

It is considered the king of LN because it popularized the LNs in Japan, not because Boogiepop is old

but slayers is way more popular, with over 5 seasons

Looks like this is anime original. I don't see it in the novel. So just ignore it.

Looks like anime-only shit to me
>Boogiepop again produced that asymmetrical expression, half smile, half smirk.

>“This world is almost finished. We must say goodbye, Echoes-kun, but I’m glad we met.”

>“Yes. I am grateful that we were brought together here. I know not what quirk of fate it was, but just as Kirima Nagi carries on her fight, accepting the feelings of those she meets, I am grateful for what fate has done. Thank you,” he said quietly, placing his hand on his chest.

>Boogiepop nodded lightly.

>The world around them was vanishing quickly.

>“Where will you go now?” Boogiepop asked.

>Echoes smiled. “I will watch over the world from a distance. No matter what happens to me. Yes. . .I’m just taking my turn.”

>“I see.”

>“And you? Boogiepop, what will you do?”

>“Well...” he shrugged. “First off, I’d better meet the Piper-he made this world before Zoragi destroyed it. He appears to be waiting for me.”

>His eyes looked rather stern.

>“And then? You will fight on?”

>“Well...” Boogiepop started to answer, but the vanishing of the world had reached Echoes.

>His figure went out of synch with this world, blurred, and was gone.

>All that remained was Boogiepop.

>“so,” he said, absently.

>And, left all alone, he began to whistle once more.


>Even time had vanished. Only the hazy light of dawn remained. And there, Boogiepop whistled quietly, his Whistle reaching nowhere, and no one.

>“Boogiepop at Dawn ” all over.

how many LNs are there?
how many are translated?

22 in Japan, 6 translated.

that's depressing

seven seas just released 2 more, so not really

What would you prefer, "ally of justice", that sounds fucking stupid.

Are they releasing 23 anytime soon? Is this why we are getting an anime now?

The first episode got me interested enough to order the LNs, but I haven't bothered watching past that because even before I read them it was obvious that it was a shit adaption with none of the flair that this sort of series deserves.

what a terrible kind of anime addition

How are the subs for this series? Is it worth waiting for GJM?

I agree. The anime staff have made several decisions that left me scratching my head. Some are downright retarded.

The animation in this show is so soulless, it's like no one in Madhouse gives a fuck about Boogiepop and they just do a quick side job

I don't know if they care or not, but it does look like a rushed job. Their schedule must have been pretty tight.

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They tried to make it realistic, but thats the problem.
Reality is soulless.

Man those 4 episodes were great. I can't tell if it was because i watched all 4 episodes together for once or it was actually a really well done arc. Maybe il go back and watch the old arcs later.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 13 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.41_[2019.02.24_00.21.01].j (1920x1080, 605K)

23rd will be out somewhere in spring.
Volumes are coming out almost each year. We got an anime because of Dengeki Bunko and Boogiepop anniversaries.

yes I would prefer that
"super"hero implies you are using some sort of power instead of just attempting to uphold justice

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You are right. Most people probably liked this arc better than the others because it was all together.
People like me that forget details over a week, have a hard time following Boogiepop.
Probably Boogiepop will get better ratings when people watch all episodes together since it will be more easy to follow.

How does King of Distortion compare to At Dawn and Vs Imaginator?

As a LNfag I'd say it's a bit of both. At Dawn is the second best of the translated arcs but watching in one go definitely helps, especially if you're a secondary.

Technically she is right because all this time Mo Murder only killed people because he was following the orders of the Towa Organization. Mo Murder would never kill people of his own will

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King of Distortion happens in a very short among of time, like a few hours I think. And It's very much character-focused with more character development than the previous arcs. There's more Boogiepop as well. And we get a comeback of characters from the first arc like Takeda, Niitoki Kei and others.

What even is the Towa's plan?
>kill natural evolved humans
>make their own evolved synthetic humans
Are they trying to use their synthetic humans to control the normal human populace?

Yes. Their ultimate goal is to conquer the world.

For once i felt no need to spoon feed me anything from this arc. I probably would have felt the same about the first arc if i knew who the characters were but i got lost remembering some of the characters. The second arc was so long i forgot a ton of the details waiting weekly. I think i'm going to skip the next few episodes til the arc ends which will probably be the final 5 episodes.

>Act out your other personality!
>I-I don't know how
>smug engaged: You're an enemy of humanity. I'm going to kill you, by the way.
Boogie doesn't mess around

Scarecrow's death scene is probably my favorite part of the anime so far.

Episode 10 as a whole was great. Scarecrow is on of my favourite perspective characters the other being Takeda

Yeah, it was really enjoyable. I love the style this show has.

I just watched the 4 eps on crunchy and theyre subbed

Touka trying to speak as a man was really cute.

Way too cute. Aoi Yuuki is doing god's work.

Is it gay if I like how she talk the boogie way?

one anime that should have been netflixed

Liking Boogie or his voice is never gay.

should I watch the first season to understand this?

No. The "first season" is actually just an spinoff. You don't need to watch before this.

First season? You mean Phantom? It's the opposite, you need to watch this first to understand Boogiepop Phantom

Interesting bit at bottom of the page that gives away the time frame of the events in this arc.

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Didn't this arc end around 5 PM? So how did it reach 6:50?

Zoragi? Literally who?

How cheeky of you, user-kun.

The monster in arc 5. Next week covers this arc

>Zoragi? Literally who?
You'll find out in the next arc. The point is this little meeting between Boogie and Echos happended during the events of the next arc.

>next arc
Are we back to weekly release or are they releasing all episodes of the next arc like today?

Weekly release, they only released today's episodes back to back to fit it in one cour

For LNfags.
>Boogiepop vs Fortissimo
Who comes on top?

Just finished watching episodes 10-13 and damn, that was the best arc so far. Will the next arc be as good or better?

In the LNs the next arc is a bit better than At Dawn, though it may be a bit harder to adapt properly so it could go either way.

Okay, I'm dumb, I sort of get the pop bit, but why the boogie?

Don't read the subs, listen to what they are saying

He's a chuuni, chuuni loves weird names

Doesn't help, the closest he comes to anything like the name is 'bukimi' which isn't really actually anything close to boogie, and at that point you lose pop because he's not saying that in english or anything.

Yeah, but what about what Scarecrow said was supposed to lead to the name 'Boogiepop'? That was like the entire point of this story, and I can only maybe justify the 'pop'.

Scarecrow says Boogie was a like a "sinister bubble." That phrase inspired Boogie to come up with the "Boogiepop" name.

The Bogeyman (/ˈboʊɡimæn, ˈbʊɡi-/;[1] also spelled boogeyman, bogyman, bogieman or boogie man) is a mythical creature used by adults to frighten children into good behaviour

I don't know how to break this to you, but nothing about sinister and bubble have much of anything to do with boogie and pop. And nothing about how those are pronounced in japanese or the actual japanese words lends itself to that either.
Not sure how you expect me to get a direct line from Bukiminaawa to Boogiepop, even if I torture the 'k' into a 'g' because japanese considers them fungibly the same thing.

Okay brainlet. Sinister is the boogie part as explained by
Bubble is the pop part. That should self-explanatory.

It's really not that hard to understand.

You understand that the boogie part is not the operative word really and not used as a standalone right? Boogie on it's own as a concept is just a dance, if you were to try and break out the first part of the boogieman you get bogey, which is the actual word.

So what about that has anything to do with how Scarecorw was pronouncing anything? That's also not what 'boogie' means, it's not an adjective in that way, it's not usable outside the stock existence of the boogie man and still maintaining any intelligibility. You can't say it's a 'boogie goat' to say a spooky goat, people will think you mean a dancing goat, or that you're being old timey racist or something.
I can maybe accept some random Japanese author abusing the language like that since they don't know any better, but it doesn't make it not retarded.

It doesn't matter. The point is the boogieman is a sinister figure, so I can see how "sinister bubble" inspired Boogiepop to call himself Boogiepop. I'm not saying it makes perfect semantic sense. At the end of the day Boogiepop is just Touka, a chuuni 14 yo kid after all.

>I can maybe accept some random Japanese author abusing the language like that since they don't know any better, but it doesn't make it not retarded.
You have to consider the one who coma up with the name in the story is a 14 year old chuuni girl. It doesn't have to make perfect sense.

The author is/was a 14-year old girl when they wrote this??? And again, what the fuck does how Scarecrow pronounced anything he said during that little spiel have to do with anything?

will she ever get dicked enough to drop the chuuni phase?

>The author is/was a 14-year old girl when they wrote this???
I mean Touka.

>And again, what the fuck does how Scarecrow pronounced anything he said during that little spiel have to do with anything?
Why do you think the pronunciation matters. Where did you get that idea? What matters is what he said, not the pronunciation.

Boogiepop strategically ruins all her dates so probably not.

>Why do you think the pronunciation matters. Where did you get that idea? What matters is what he said, not the pronunciation.
Because what he said is what I started with and you jackasses said to listen to how he says it.
>I mean Touka.
You know Touka is a fictional character and doesn't actually make decisions right?

Anyway, whatever, I basically got my answer. This is just another 'Donkey Kong' thing all over again.

>Because what he said is what I started with and you jackasses said to listen to how he says it.
Sorry I've no idea what that user meant. In the novel the line that inspire the name Boogiepop is this:
>“’re probably just a delusion, an illusion you see and hear as you die. A fragile hope, like a bubble, that will pop and vanish in a moment. . .you’re kind of a creepy one, too.”
The pronunciation doesn't matter.

You know writers don't need to be 14 years old to write teenagers right?

This was such a comfy thread. I hope we can have a lot more of them before the show ends.