He only reads a manga because it's about to get anime

>he only reads a manga because it's about to get anime
>tries to blend in by pretending he was a mangafag all along
be honest have you done this? I sure as hell have.

Attached: ANGRYukari.jpg (476x448, 35K)

>read manga
>enjoy it
>it gets an anime
>"yay it got an anime (now I don't have to wait 1000 years for new content)
>don't actually watch the anime
>Yea Forums shits on the anime
>I defend the anime I didn't actually watch

Definitely not me. Almost never read manga except H ones because their anime are shit. In short, if you don't have to read then why read?

you read subtitles

Nah, I don't discriminate whether or not a manga is going to get an anime, or already has one. The most an anime adaptation announcement does is bring my attention to the manga's existence. If I don't like the manga, I'll skip it anyway.

Me with Kaguya

That's what I did with Dororo.

me with jojo everytime a season is announced

>manga gets an anime announced
>learn about its existence
>read the manga
>watch the anime
>the anime is an awful adaptation

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I did for Goblin Slayer

Read and watch whatever you want.
Doing something to "fit in" and pretending to be something your not just shows loads of insecurity.

I larp as both a mangafag and an animefag in the same thread without having consumed either.


Fluffy fluff

>read manga
>happy there's anime announcement
>regret reading manga since you pretty much know the story, missing out the suspense

What if I start reading because I don't want to wait a week to know what happens next?

If you are keeping up with the official english releases of light novels, you will find out most of them series that are about to get a anime adaptation with a year or two. This is having a odd effect on Yea Forums as more people are turning out to be primary fags.

People who always read the newest manga have lost the control over their life.
It's bad enough to watch anime seasonally but manga? really? Only the biggest shit eaters do that.
You're not just digging in a dumpster, you're literally walking from door to door and collecting the trash right from the source.

>i enjoy eating shit the post



Every fucking time.
At least you get a good manga to read out of it.

>read manga
>anime gets announced
>start talking shit about manga so people won't watch the anime

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>goblin slayer the thread