Daily Kenrantaru Grande Scene

Chapter 34

Last time, Kanade's started taking lessons in earnest to prepare for the YAGP. Still unsure of how to mime shooting an arrow though she's decided to talk to some friends from her school's kyuudo club. At the same time, a few new dancers arrived. Namely a boy around Kanade/Shouko's age named Akito and Ryou, a younger boy that Kanade helped teach pirouettes to when she took Tamaki's Just Dance for Fun class.

This chapter, Kanade makes that visit to the kyuudo club and we'll actually get significant page time for one of her non-ballet school friends.

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Other urls found in this thread:


For the record I think these are the variations that they'll all be performing.






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Poor coach. Trying to draw acting from someone with no acting skills.

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I honestly can't tell if Yuki and Hikari are the same friends she's been with since elementary school or not. If they are then Hikari's drawn way differently than she's been before.

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Kanade is the purest little geek. In fact this chapter is basically Kanade at her absolute geekiest.

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She'll show up next chapter too but Hikari unsurprisingly will be a victim of Kanade's (and the series') ballet/YAGP focus which is a shame because she's really fun. Up there with Tamaki as my favorite tertiary character. Hopefully she gets some stuff after the YAGP.

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So Kanade's learned the importance of miming and of emphasizing movements for the audience's benefit. Also, Hikari!

That's all for this chapter. Next time, a rather significant and more serious one as Kanade must face the reality of what going abroad would entail.

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>tights so tight you can see their asscrack and dick

they should, like, change that kind of fashion

I guess the ladies (and gay dudes) need something too.


Honestly after watching stuff because of this series contemporary does nothing for me. It's just post-modern ballet.

These small parental moments are golden.

How is this so funny?

Dude, Tamaki is top tier.

>How is this so funny?
Because it's not just "funny anime reactions" but them intentionally cheesing it up to have fun since they start laughing right after. It feels like actual goofing off.