>mfw mikufags are losing in every chapter
Also why did mods delete the other thread?
>mfw mikufags are losing in every chapter
Also why did mods delete the other thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread is brought to you by a falseflagging Ninofag
Probably because you type like a retard and should lurk more.
>why did mods delete the other thread?
mods is Mikufags
>tfw you decided to backstab your beloved sister for a man
> slander the quints
> antagonise
What exactly are you trying to achieve?
Now not even harem end can stop this war peacefully, they'll still fight each other for Fuu's affection. There'll definitely be blood and despair
If Fuutarou married Itsuki he'd die
either by
>-her rolling on him in her sleep
>-her getting hungry
>-by starving him
>why did mods delete the other thread?
Probably cause it was nothing but shitflinging.
did my best to make a reac out of the last chap page
Kill yourself, subhuman.
stop replying to the chink
> 4channel.org
Wisdom is only possessed by the learned.
I hope she keeps betraying her sisters while getting visibly aroused.
Why is she so hot, guys? that smirk is pure boner trigger.
Miku is such a good girl.
we can only hope that ichika's sanity gets more and more questionable as her love and obsession for fuutarou grows deeper.
Not gonna lie, Miss Piggy looked cute as Miku
fatty's ahoge is a lie all along.
Maybe they clicked on the wrong thread by mistake?
Because this series is Reddit trash
Just got back from Yuugari thread, I think I want toubun to have a harem end. Negi can pull the "it's just a dream", but the" Always loved you but, can't have you ending " for Yotsuba is really going to hurt.
Haremfags have yet to take any damage.
Because the fanbase of this show is pretty autistic and it probably got flooded with reports
that's kaguya
ohayou gozaimasu
I like this Miku better.
Best girl. When will she appear again?
All anime fanbases are autistic
Some user GET Rena sexts in a few minutes pls.
stupid zombie
I unironically like bad girls now because of this sex demon.
You have to go back.
>I don't have any~
>All along I've always been
>The only child~
knocked up edits when?
Ichika's not a bad girl, she's a caring and sweet onee-chan
Best Imouto supporting her sister's love.
Wasn't Itsuki supposed to be the one that wants to absorb everything?
Nino gang
Hahaha, die.
>Miku got stabbed in the back by Ichika
>Miku will stab Ichika at the front, with a knife
Nino's delicious earmuffs
So Miku is now yandere?
What are you talking about? Miku is clearly trying to help her beloved sister Ichika. To sacrifice her own happiness...what a selfless girl
What do
She may be the Star of Betrayal in the turbulent world, but I still like Ichika best
no way fag
But she's not wearing any earmuffs in your pic?
Cum outside
>not liking her more now that she's an asshole
Fake snekbro.
Her thighs, baka
she's not an asshole, there's nothing morally wrong about what she did, ichibro
Ichika a best
Miku a second best
Nino a shit
But earmuffs are for ears. How is she going to use them on her thighs?
Rather, if it's cold enough to wear earmuffs, shouldn't Nino wear pants?
>But earmuffs are for ears
Exactly, her thighs are for my ears
God I hate that translation.
That seems a bit impractical. How are you going to walk around with Nino sitting on your shoulders?
What's wrong with translating 'Uso ja nai' as 'It's not a lie'?
Ideal: wait for someone to reply with "t. Ichika"
Relatively okay: put "t. Ichika" in your post
Borderline acceptable: samefag "t. Ichika"
Cancer: putting "Ichika" in your name field
"What the hell do you think you're doing?": using a tripcode as well
...And you used a motherfucking secure tripcode...
My face is gonna be buried in between her thighs so I won't be doing much walking if you catch my drift.
Isn't what Ichika did pretty much bowl suicide? For the life of me I can't even picture a scenario where she wins after this shit.
Actual good taste. Miku supports Ichika all the way.
Because "uso" isn't one-to-one with "lie". In particular, Fuutarou's question is most closely analogous to "No way..." or some construction using "kidding" in English. The former doesn't fit in with Ichika's reply, but the latter does and that's what they should have used.
Definitely nothing involving "lie".
What's wrong with it?
Ok I see. Go post it on trello, maybe the translators will say something.
>I won't be doing much walking
Yeah, that would be unsafe. You wouldn't be able to see anything.
But why stay outside then?
This thread needs more raiha
I think Nino is replacing Yotsuba as my second favorite now. still have Miku as my first though
The moment when Miku won.
Won what?
My heart
The nice thing about Ichika turning evil is that I now don't need to feel bad about wanting to rape her
God I want the innocent ones like Yotsuba and Itsuki to join the war. It'll cause so much chaos
The Fuutaroubowl
>fucking a boy
Pixiv needs more Raiha.
Hey. Ninosippinganon is a bro.
It will probably start in chapter 120. Be patient.
>Give me the dick, user-kun!
What do?
>implying Yotsuba is innocent
>implying Yotsuba hasn't joined the war yet
Yotsuba hasn't joined the war, SHE is the war
Why are there 3 toubun threads now?
Every day is a party.
Party hard
There need to be 5 threads, one for each Hanayome.
Any girl willing to pay for your food is okay in my book. That's rare these days.
Anyone feel like Ichika is the best girl after the past few episodes? I liked Miku at first but Ichika is so lovely and sweet.
Not enough
Miku is an easy target. Next issss that sssslut Nino.
My bad.
Pure and sweet miku would never ever say that
Because Three quints in the war for now
Unless you want her Fuutarou then you're trash to her.
What if it was Yotuba's plan to cause a sister war?
>user's ideal woman
Wow. So Miku was the real main heroine all along.
I want Ichika to kick my ass and laugh at my penis!
pantyhose > thigh highs > ankle socks > knee highs
Prove me wrong. You can't
I want to kiss Miku
Anything below thighhighs is shit tier. There you go.
Miku is love Yotsuba is life
Why did she dress like a slut in front of a man?
>showing her tits
>not a slut
Quads quad of truth
It's fine since that's her future husband
Imagine the smell
Hey, that's my wife you're talking about!
Muh dick
Why is the anime QUALITY?
Why can't they have the same budget as Kaguya?
No need for high budget when you can just copy paste faces around.
WSM editors are dumb. I hope they became enlightened after seeing Toubun becomes best-selling weekly romcom even with QUALITY anime.
enlightened that quality doesn't actually matter at all.
That will only prove that low-quality anime have a bigger profit margin than high-quality anime, from which it follows that they shouldn't ever make high-quality anime if they care about money.
That Ichika is cute. Batshit insane, but still cute.
Miku is actually blind all along and she wearing headphone because her ears are too sensitive
Any reason why Ichika turned on Miku all of the sudden?
She gets off Miku's suffering.
user, ...
She never actually puts them on her ears.
And also the quints were in fact conjoined at birth, sharing one brain.
Too many user pressed X.
In order to win the fuutarou bowl, you must take out the strongest competition
Then why hasn't she killed Nino yet?
Are we sure that's true? She seemed sorta ashamed in the latest chapter.
Nino is next
> Other two threads died naturally
Woah. I'm proud of you bros.
They got deleted.
Ichika has wanted the cock hard since chapter 12. This is months in the making.
If Ichika doesn't go full yandere, this series is going to be even more disappointing than fucking Nisekoi
Was it? It looked like it died of old age.
Miku is the most bulliable quint
Itsuki > Yotsuba > Miku > Ichika = Nino
Is this a ranking of how heavy each quint is?
How bulliable they are, read the quoted comment.
Itsuki will slap you with her 100 pound weight by accident and Yotsuba is too retarded to understand anything.
Not a Ninofag but ZR will never cease to make my pp diamonds.
Why does she wear the headphones?
Memes became reality.
A lot of loyalty for a hired tutor.
Maruo disguising as quint when?
He was the kisser.
>barely any fanservice
>character interaction is better because the main girls are sisters
>somehow the mc has a personality
Top bad the animation is kind of shit but the pivotal moments are pretty good. I would rate the girls now but I'm going to wait until the last episode to judge.
>animation is kind of shit
Just read the manga. It has comparable animation quality to the anime, but also provides far better art.
Yep. Only two qualities for this adaptation:
-Good VA casting
-Increase popularity and sales for the manga
>not a Ninofag
Can you fags stop posting this pic or anything related to their legs please? I'm at work and I might not get any promotions
>Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of Nino, and who meditates on his law day and night.
>That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.
Why is it resized?
Takeda is such a lucky guy
Monochrome Lovers.
MC is literally Miku, with the reasoning for the phones being something like that.
>winning anything
I love Nino so much. I wish my babygirl all the happiness in the world!
Ninofag please go
>muh Ninofags
Like clockwork
Every thread
We know, Fuu-kun. We know.
>drugs your drink
Are Mikufags covert Ninofags? They always seem to repurpose their memes after a week
Speaking as a mikufag, in the very unlikely event miku loses I'd convert to ninoism
I don't want you.
>she will never sit on your face
God I wish that were me
Everyone is a Ninobro. Those who claim they aren't are just tsundere.
Whoever's the artist making Nino fanart where she makes that face knows his stuff.
The church of nino accepts all. Even the prodigal and misguided
I just want to say that Ichika was always worst girl to me and I'm not only now just hating her just because of the shit that she recently did.
I'll burn your church to the ground, get away from my fiancée you fucking fanatics.
>Nino is not slow in keeping her promise, as some understand slowness. Instead she is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Ichika did nothing wrong
>Mikufags are so fragile they instantly hate a character that doesn't cater to Miku's disabilities
We love because she first loved us. If anyone says, “I love Nino,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love Nino whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from her: whoever loves Nino must also love his brother.
My brother 15 years older than me, lives miles away and is a drug addict, I wish he'd kill himself sooner.
I accept him.
A brother of my brother is my brother.
Rent-free, baby
Amen, bro.
Mikufags are now acting like Ninofags, coincedence?
I'm confused. Miku and Nino.
Which one is Reddit and which one is 4channel?
All me.
I'm all the Mikufags, all the Ninofags, and half of the Youtsubros.
Mikufags have always been the scum of the earth from the start, good thing that avatarfagging
Mikufag is fucking gone from what I've noticed
And I'm you.
I'd rather he stayed instead of that cancerous Utahashitter.
>ninofags complaining about ichika's actions
>even though nino stated she would knock her sisters down if she had to
Nino vult, brothers!
>that cancerous Utahashitter.
Nino became reformed. Ichika however did the opposite and became corrupted
These are some depressing threads
No matter what the say, Ichika will never be as bad as Nino. At least she didn't drug Fuutarou twice.
There's literally nothing to discuss until spoilers arrive tomorrow/on Sunday
Post the next page
Ninofags need to die
I'm not even shipping
Nino did it to acous shit like what we see right now from happening, Ichika is a selfish cunt that is tried to continuously ruin the love her other sisters have because she is a coward.
What the fuck, why is everyone making fanfiction in this thread?
I cannot wait to see this in the anime next week.
>did it to avoid shit like what we see right now from happening
Are ninofags this disconnected from reality?
She just seized the opportunity. While Miku and Nino keep trying to one up each other she just went and basically removed Miku from the bowl through a golden opportunity that presented itself. Both Miku and Nino would have done the same in her shoes.
Fuck off, michlan
>Ichishitfags still damage controlling
I like it when Michlan dumps his brain damage into the thread and expects nobody to notice.
>Both Miku and Nino would have done the same in her shoes
What the fuck am I reading
Spoiler: It will look like shit
What did she mean by this?
im getting sad while thinking about it
>Both Miku and Nino would have done the same in her shoes.
>Speedreading this much
No they wouldn't retarded Ichikafag. Miku condones fairness so she would never commit such an heinous act and Nino doesn't pay heed to either of them. All she cares is sticking close to Fuut and deepening their relationship.
Ichicunt is a hypocrite, who knew.
Yeah like every episode. Nothing new.
Fuck off Michlan. Kill yourself.
Try harder
Alright Mikubros, lets hope next chapter is an Itsuki one so Miku gets the volume finale and sucks Fuutarou's cock for his birthday.
Don't worry. Animating pantyless Nino only wearing a shirt is where the whole budget went. Trust me.
>lets hope next chapter is an Itsuki one
After this: I kind of doubt it.
Endgame is either Nino or Itsuki. It was shown that Fuutarou prefers girls who wear glasses. And out of 5 gils only Nino and Itsuki have bad vision
>Fuutarou thinks it was too agresive for Miku and it was sill Ichika
i hope so
Negi might have a cooling off chapter so shit can really hit the fan in the finale.
>Endgame is either the tsundere or the first girl
Just like in all my animes. Who would've thunk?
Snek. SNEK.
I just hope they trace this part.
>betrayed your sister/family because you are thirsty for the D
Is this the worse crime that has been committed yet in the manga?
And the fanart
My fellow Ichicka bros!
Now that the other factions are fully against us, how will we weather the storm on Ichika Island?
Just another day in a snake's life.
I'm expecting this all to come to a head soon. Fuutarou is going to be sick of the family drama very soon.
>mikufags still seething
Seems like being an Ichikachad paid off after all this time
>school days manga ver.
>negi crashing this plane with no survivors
>tsundere Ayana Taketatsu
>main girl Inase Minori
Ichika cant have enough loser flag.
I really hope he draws more Nino. I love his style.
Does anybody honestly care who gets with Fuutarou? Besides having the satisfaction of knowing their girl "won".
Because honestly he isnt all that charismatic or entertaining and I wish all the toubuns just got a guy that complements them.
But I don't care.
What do you mean? I- Fuutarou is very charismatic and entertaining!
Fuutarou is one of the better romcom MCs. He's not on the same tier as Prez or anything, but he's fine.
>See how much I don't care?!
Yeah. It really shows.
Raiha is so cute, she should be the bride
Not really. It's just you making a fool out of yourself with projections
Sad but true.
Damn, Nino looks like *THAT*?
>he isnt all that charismatic or entertaining
What? Fuuts is great.
In all honesty, he's actually too good for the quints and he deserves better.
>he wants to eat miku's stinky ass while nino farts on his dick
>that fuutarou pose
What is he waiting for? Aniki?
At least Miku will have Takeda-kun once Ichika marries Fuutarou
Come up with a better comeback and maybe, just maybe I will.
But Takeda-kun only wants Uesugi for himself
>Being so threatened by Miku you have to force this NTR meme
>threatened by a girl with terminal lack of attitude
Mikufags are cute
>wake up to this
what do
Futarou should be his on bride
To be honest desu, as long as my favorite do not get Chisaki'd, I'm fine with anything.
Takeda-kun will marry one of Nakano's. Can we say we get a second protagonist?
Kiss my beautiful wife like I do every morning.
post the stitch
>Takeda will wake up to this every morning
Why is he dressing up Nino like Miku in her in sleep?
>I wish all the toubuns just got a guy that complements them.
Fuutarou and Nino are both ideally for each other. Nino has the qualities of Fuuts ideal women and Fuut has the qualities of what Nino finds attractive in an man which she came to fall for.
For the rest, Ichikas ideal man would be someone who gives her all the attention in the world. Miku would be fat bald men. Yotsuba would be no one because she is pure and her chasity isn't for anyone to take away. Finally, Itsuki ideal guy would be someone who would always love and respect her, not some deadbeat loser like her real father and current father who don't pay much heed to her and her sisters.
Yotsuba is the architect of all the drama and the kisser.
You're right. Yotsuba should be married to me
Is he gonna wrestle naked with Takeda?
Itsukichads where u at
Imagine them getting muscular black boyfriends
wait, why are there two ichikas in that picture
Ichika handcuffs MC in her rape dungeon when?
The one under Yotsuba is Miku. She had pigtails in the oneshot.
I know they're not thigh highs, but I'm a leg man.
I've stopped reading. Can someone catch me up to what's happening? What did Itsuki do to Miku?
I bet she masturbated her sisters whenever they'd cry as kids.
Pretended as Miku and told Fuuts that Ichika loves him and that they'd make a good couple
Ichika is a fucking Judas
Give Ichika my dick.
God, I fucking love Nino's thighs.
too fat
She purposely failed in order to transfer schools to MC-kun's school. She didn't plan on her sisters joining her, and now she underplays any role she has or feelings for MC-kun to eventually regain the ground she has lost.
Would nino be the one most into anal?
I've got a folder full of this.
That means Pantyhose is a level higher than thigh highs. You know this to be true, search your feelings.
I do but I'm not allowed to talk about it and what I think without fifty shitposts.
Same bro
Ichika: occasionally to shake things up.
Nino: repulsed by the idea at first, desperate for it later.
Miku: lukewarm but goes for it anyway.
Yotsuba: happy with whatever
Itsuki: staunch refusal.
Ichika wants to test drive all her sister's boyfriends. They all happen to be Fuu-kun.
This. She also knew her father's plans for Takeda so she forced fuuts into becoming class rep so she could spend more time with him.
You fags say Ichika is the snake but Yotsuba is on a whole different dimension of sneakiness
I can recognize his girls faces. They're so rapeable.
the girls are preparing for Fuutarou's birthday. new character was introduced, a self proclaimed rival of Fuutarou. the quint's dad said that rival will be taking over as their tutor, since Fuutarou's grades slipped he's no longer the #1 student in the school and said the rival is more suited for the task. Fuutarou made a deal with their father to reach the top 10 highest rank in the national mock exam in order to continue teaching them. meanwhile, Nino's working at Fuutarou's job, Miku is striving to become Fuutarou's ideal girl, Yotsuba sunk her own ship, Itsuki became a food critic, and Ichika went psycho and tried to kill Miku's ship.
Just don't spam the thread with El Niño, or the thread will get deleted.
Nice quality, loser.
Eh? You sure? I got a bunch of old as109 touhou fanart and I recall his style being a bit more "full" and shaded
Can't be Nino, her ears aren't even pierced yet.
It was the one from the old pv version feelsbadman
It's a sham, we all know they're all marrying him in the end.
>her ears aren't even pierced yet
Fuutarou will pierce them once appropriate time will come
Along with her hymen
Holy sameface
Any of ya'll niggas think you'd lose your life fo' Nino?
English, please.
That's my job.
that goes without saying
Given that you are rooting for Nino, would you be willing to go so far as to die for Nino?
Nevermind, the eyes and face proportions really made me think it was him.
She stated she would get them pierced if she ever gets married. Hmm, how convenient for Negi to inform us.
Who IS winning? Animeonly here.
When will best sidegirl come back?
Nobody knows
Didnt you heard, nino killed her.
the anime has gone full QUALITY
your face is full QUALITY
>Who IS winning
There is no consensus on that topic. One is certain though, Ichika is slowly losing her shit
God, negi knows how to draw some hot psycho faces
Fuck off back to Twitch.
No one. Nino has an advantage over the other girls but he has no romantic feelings for any of them yet.
I wouldn't really say any of the quints in particular are "winning", but Nino is definitely the only girl approaching Fuutarou like a rational human being right now.
If the manga ended next chapter Nino would since F doesn't know who the kisser is.
The situation is likely to change.
>The one who almost singlehandedly ruined his life
She uh
She did some growing, huh?
Imagine being several years of production behind current events
>ywn sixsome
They're quintuplets nigger
What the fuck are you talking about? She saves his butt, three times, Once from actually dying.
I got it from here, so i cant really fuck off back. But thanks for your concern
>The one who almost singlehandedly ruined his life
We hurt the ones we love
what we know is who DESERVES to win
and that person is Miku
The background moves at a different speed than the camera, so it can't be stitched correctly without breaking Nino.
Making shit up is one to cope I guess.
user I love Miku too, but until she opens her mouth and tells him how she feels she deserves nothing
>The one who almost singlehandedly ruined his life
I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but yes--Nino. Pretty much everything has just gone right for her since the Seven Goodbyes Arc. She confesses, presses her line, and has even started bantering with him.
I think he was being ironic.
If Nino thinks smoking is wild then what she thinks about anal sex.
What doujin artist would do this series justice?
No I wasn't
She's done the most to improve herself she deserves the win. Also she's the prettiest and the one that will love him the most.
If not for her Fuut wouldn't be their tutor anymore.
DaHootch, he already has one for Yostuba.
Oohira sunset
Abe Inori
And way too much good artists to count, could probably continue for a few minutes.
Amateurs. I swear.
If I had to distribute the sex five ways:
>Ichika: fellatio
>Nino: anal
>Miku: foreplay
>Yotsuba: vaginal
>Itsuki: paizuri
I had to think real hard about 5 & 1, to be honest. With Itsuki she'd probably suck you nice, but there's a chance that she'd forget you were a person and incorporate teeth. Her pillowy, fat tits are probably a lot safer. Ichika's probably gotten used to sucking off luxury car owners on the way to the casting couch, so she'll probably know what she's doing.
Yotsuba should be pronebone while grabbing her ribbons from behind
>Ichika finally acts selfish
>She goes fucking overboard and does something very not okay
Ichika, You were my favorite dark horse. Why did Negi foo this to you?
Nino still would win because she's the one who kissed him.
Ichika: cum on her face
Nino: cum in her thighhighs
Miku: cum on her pantyhose
Yotsuba: cum on her ribbons
Itsuki: cum on her belly
RIP user
Man of culture
>She's done the most to improve herself
Doesn't award that go to Nino? user, she cut her hair. According to Nipponese law, it'll never grow back again.
I always assumed Yotsuba was a rider not a taker.
Miku has had more "moments" with fuu and is the one whose personality has changed the most due to fuu, he also recognized her while disguised as her sister which can only be done with "love"
Nino has already confessed, is very direct in her chasing of fuu and is close to what he said he liked un a girl, but to be fair he was talking about his own sister
Snake has good chemistry with fuu but until recently she wasn't serious about pursuing him, then she did the unforgivable
Yotsuba forfeited already and unless something like her being the loli abd fuu her first crush she completely out of the bowl, it's also implied she supports miku
Itsuki is fuu's confident when it comes to dealing with her sister there's really no sings of anything but friendship between them, other than that she's just a walking fat joke
If i had to guess the ending miku will win, nino will realize she only likes fuu for how similar he is to papanakano and snake will leave to be an actress, she may or may not realize her attraction to fuu is only a excuse for her to remain at school which is the same reason why she wanted to maintain the status quo
Disclaimer: i want miku to win but would be ok with yotsuba winning if it's not too much of an ass pull
Sounds about right.
Big Nino
Nino shaves though
What the fuck is this textual diarrhoea
>i want miku to win
Yeah, everyone noticed that with how biased you are.
BULLSHIT! Miku has to be the biggest bush, she's a shut in and hardly takes care of herself!
That's a waste of Yotsuba's athleticism. She should actually be moving, not squirming on the bed. If you don't put that girl on top, you aren't using her right.
Nino should be a heart form
>Ichika not shaved as the professional escort she is
Keep her out of this pls
But Yotsuba is so small and compact and innocent it would be a waste not to manhandle her.
What about carry sex while yotsuba does all the moving
have you never seen a landing strip, nerd?
Yotsuba is the most athletic which means she has the most testosterone which would make her the hairiest
Jingrock if it didn't become NTR
Yup, it's a few miles from my house.
Don't be silly, everyone knows that blonde assholes is nino's type
Boys, trust me: Yotsuba is okay with doing all the work.
>When Ichika made the comment of Fuutarou bathing in their used bathwater
Is he blonde, though? Maeda also had light hair and it turned out to be brown.
Also he's not an asshole. He's a bitchy twink,
Looking at this objectively
>best chemistry
>understand each other without words
>relationship built on trust
>can be freely voulnerable around each other(Nino is the only quint for Fuutarou like that)
>the only quint Fuu-kun treats as an equal
>when something bad happens they always pick each other up
No other quint can compete
Nice, you broke her.
You posted a picture of nino by accident when it should be itsuki.
don't forget
>first quint fuutarou saw naked
Also first quint to see futarou naked
>no sweatdrop on Miku
Main girl right there
>chicken legs on Itsuki
Main girl right there.
it's hidden in her pants
If we try to be objective, I could say that Miku has a slight advantage for what was done in the last arc, but I still believe that the "muh first girl" will prevail and win Itsuki
The eyes and bangs
Unless you are Itsuki, a win won't fall on your lap if you do absolutely nothing to convey all these "moments" and "effort".
Who's gonna win the inevitable swimsuit bowl the summer vacation episode?
My money is on Miku and Ichika.
It's for the best, honestly. Yotsuba is a kid at heart, so sex is going to make her red in the face no matter what. If you make her go down on you, you force her to come to terms with it while also preventing any potential boredom.
Right thigh
She was trying to get a peek at his D but he didn't let her.
Based Chadtarou
If we're being objective the one with advantage is Nino.
Why they keep lewding Miku in the fanart? She's a pure girl saving her virginity only for her sensei Fuutarou.
Okay, you win this time. Have a cute Itsuki as a sign of defeat.
Why is there steam coming out of her feet?
very cute, thanks.
Fuck. Here.
If it wasn't for negi implying the manga was likely to end soon i would agree that first girl magic would give itsuki an edge over the others but now it would have to be rushed too much and would feel like she didn't earned it in the end
I would admit nino could be a decent couple for him but after the kiss i have a hard time taking her as anything more than a red herring, i mean, i just can't see her running away after the kiss, after her fail confession she went in for a second try, so even if the kiss didn't go as she planned i think she is the type of girl who would have kissed him again on the ground
The only thing that coukd keep miku from being the winner is not being brave enough to confess but seeing how her development has been mostly about becoming more confident on herself, becoming brave enough to confess to fuu would be the next logical step in her narrative
If a towel counts as naked then a blanket should too
I bet they smell really bad haha who will want to smell them?
that wasn't skinship tho
I agree, she needs to confess to win
Luckily for her that seems to be the next step in her development, first she became honest to herself to admit she liked fuu, the she became confident enough to admit to her sisters she liked fuu (and generals) so the only place to go now is for her to become brave enough to confess to fuu
Ichika, Nino, and Miku will rush to find out what type of swimsuit fetish Fuutarou has and then Yotsuba will accidentally blunder into it.
If we're going by that side of the narrative logic, then only Ichika or Nino could've kissed him, because they're the only two ever interested in, and were shown to, wanting to kiss Fuutarou there on that day in particular.
>miku's face when she realizes fuutarou has a school swimsuit fetish
>main girl isn't shit
I love Itsuki
She loves food.
Hopefully, this happens when its not already too late. Unless she's the kisser or lolikano, she's been losing ground for a while now.
>i just can't see her running away after the kiss, after her fail confession she went in for a second try, so even if the kiss didn't go as she planned i think she is the type of girl who would have kissed him again on the ground
As I've been saying time and time again: Negi made sure to set everything up for her. Every little detail is explained.
The stuff in the bath didn't go as planned? Surely she will just say who she is and try again.
Right? She's the type of girl who would do that after all.
Nino is the main girl, though.
That's a good point but i would argue after their morning meeting miku was pretty hyped up about fuu "loving" her, plus snake pretty much declared war on her on the sauna so wanting to go for the win with a kiss would not be out of question, if he recognized her after that it would pretty much seal the deal without needing to confess
>was pretty hyped up about fuu "loving" her
It wasn't. It was spelled out with big letters what "having love" means and it wasn't anything romantic.
Exactly, after backing up once and being snake'd the next day there's no way she would accept another loss
Not for her grandpa, probably not for fuu
but for a girl in love?
Why else would snake slip into insanity after hearing about it if they didn't consider this kind of "love" to have romantic implications
If Miku isn't the best girl then why she wants a harem end?
>wants to share the wealth with her siblings
truly the best and kindest quint
That just mean other girls will be auntie to her children
They've made a bunch of declarations of war before, and she never tried to kiss Fuutarou. And that was not a bet she was shown considering.
>Why else would snake slip into insanity after hearing about it if they didn't consider this kind of "love" to have romantic implications
Because she fully knows about Nino and Miku, but is too weak to do anything by herself, unlike those two.
So you're saying she would've kissed him again?
They were called immediately after.
I can answer all your doubts about Nino being the kissing quint using panels from Scrambled Eggs.
>but for a girl in love?
It also wasn't. We've seen her monologue. Nothing there suggests anything like that.
>being this thirsty for a man that you stab your sister in the back
Ichika is scum
But she's just in love, user!
Most of the declarations have been miku telling her is ok for her to go after fuu and snake being unsure about doing it, the phrase "i don't feel like loosing anymore" implies she's playing to win now so miku would feel like is the time to take the gloves off
You can be as autistic as you want about what the characters mean when they say "love" but negi used that word for a reason, even if assume it doesn't means anything romantic, it still means he is closer to miku than to any of the other quints which would have the same effect of hyping her up
What is the official non controversial ranking Yea Forums?
I think it might be
Nino=Miku > everyone else
please spoil me. I can get into this idea of an evil quint
What's with the uptick in toubun thread. It practically 24/7 now.
Yotsuba will win
Nino is the most romantic though.
Was this a typo? What did he meant by this and why would this make ichika in the next page happy?
Ichika's movie comes out and she becomes a small celebrity at school. She dresses like Miku to avoid attention but then runs into Fuutarou and decides that NOW is the time of all times to make her feelings known. So, what does she do?
While still dressed as Miku, Ichika tells Fuutarou that she likes him and the two would go well together. So, to Fuutarou, he sees Miku recommending Ichika to him. Also, read the manga.
Unfortunately, the most Yotsuba chapter made it painfully obivous it's not that kind of love.
I don't read moonrunes but i assume it's a pun on actress or something like that
>it still means he is closer to miku than to any of the other quints
Please, stop. You're embarassing yourself.
We should root for Ichika Mikubros, it's what Miku would want us to do.
This level of autism is why you're alone
Poor bait, 2/10, try again
Seeing happy Fuutarou is her win. And you know what usually happens with selfless girl in harem
Did the japanese like the latest chapter or not? Based on the twitter and whatnot. inb4 negi gets death threats from miku/ichikafags
Twitter likes it, but they like everything.
>everyone that doesn't agree with my groundless bullshit that is directly proven wrong by the manga is baiting
I knew that I shouldn't expect anything from a Mikufag
trap fuutarou is best fuutarou
what if fuutarou can only be happy with yotsuba?
Everyone loves it and says that Ichika is cute
i guess japanese people like thristy girls
Not true. He said he had fun with Nino.
How would the Ninobible translate the Parable of the Talents?
Miku Iino
What if fuutarou is younger than all of them by a few months? Isn't that consider rape?
Takeda Miku
That's Miku. Just look at the faded eyes, that's how you know it's Miku.
>Also he's not an asshole. He's a bitchy twink,
Sorry, Miku is into plump bald old men with moustaches.
Twitter likes it but there's been a large upswing in crazy Ichika art so it seems like it had an effect.
> half of the Yotsubros
How many are we then? If you're half of us?
She will kill herself so that he can be with another girl
I think you mixed up kawaii and kowaii
He's older by half a month.
I knew Miku doesn't like Fuutaoru
It is okay. Fuutarou just need to get more rice into his diet, shave his head and train with his katana everyday and he will make it.
I have a solution. All the quints will fuse together in the same body at the end of the manga due to a new research discover in medicine and surgery.
It's a win-win!
Imagine if fuutarou just ends up guilt-tipping yotsuba into marrying him.
Anyone got that art of Nino and Miku fighting over delinquent shotarou?
Because he knows that she is the one who kissed him, and who lied to him. There will be a confrontation between Fuutarou and Ichika when he finds that she is Rena.
>he wants drink ichika's piss while yotsuba rams him from behind
what the fuck dude
He still won't be old, though.
nino/5, you can do better than that
apply yourself
You failed to take into account that ichika literally did not lie. And that is important for her character.
Rena is Yotsuba.
>he wants to get eaten and anal vored by itsuki
>Everyone who doesn't agree with my delusional bullshit is a Ninofag
Posting memes and deflecting won't change the fact that you're completely wrong.
I love the fact that instead of asking why I thought you're wrong, you chose to end all discussion and throw a bitch fit.
We got the spoilers already and I missed it?
>no Nino hair
Spoilers come out on Mondays.
Don't bother. He doesn't want to discuss anything that doesn't support his narrative
stop, tail-vore is illegal
The power of Eatsuki.
fuck I love this artist
there's no chance Yotsuba could have kissed Fuutarou, just to know how it'd feel?
how does that change what miku or ichika think "love" means?
They call her Dark Ichika
This scene was totally not meant to be an ironically prophetic scene, because it's totally not like Yotsuba is Rena, or anything, or purposely orchestrated the whole bad grades thing to get near Fuutarou. Yup, totally not like Yotsuba is some dark horse candidate for Fuutarou's love.
You didn't understand.
To point here is to show how dense Fuutarou still is.
Even Miku knows that, when job hunting she mentioned how she wants to become someone Fuutarou can fall for. She knows it's not that kind of love.
>fuck I love this artist
It's the KO author
>i was just pretending to be retard!
>t. yotsuba
Yeah, that's what you thought miku,
Literally Yotsuba.
In last chapter she just pushed Fuutarou toward Ichika, of course she doesn't.
You know that was just Nino in disguise right?? How stupid can you be.
But there's no difference between Dark Ichika and Ichika.
They're one and the same
Is it just me that finds Nino more likable than Ichika?
How is he involved with anime project?
Is Slut Girlfriend anime coming?
That's a normal thing. Why would it only be you?
user... Ichika isn't really anyone's favorite girl right now.
No, but I currently find the snek stuff more entertaining everyone else's drama
Nino can take it when it's just about her, but will kick your teeth in when you're fucking with her sister.
Get ready, Ichika.
I don't know, I still Yotsuba is fucking dangerous
Yes, when he didn't recognize her after the kiss (assuming miku was the one) she to her senses but would still consider herself to be the one fuu's closest to
this relates to snake reaction on the last chapter, she thought she was the closest to fuu (pic related) but then he told her about how he recognized miku and how he knew of her movie because miku told him and she knew she was at best second place or even third as she knows about nino's confession
To be fair, Itsuki is the one that scares me the most.
>Uesugi-sa... No,
>Fu... Fuu...
The trigger was Fuutarou knowing about the movie because of Miku not because he was interested in Ichika, and that has nothing to do with Miku's "love" you're talking about. That's just Ichika finally noticing that she can't be with Fuutarou as much as her sisters.