ITT endings that were perfect for their series.
ITT endings that were perfect for their series
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Everything about Samurai Champloo was perfect though.
It really was
jin and mugen deserved to spitroast fuu
Mugen's ends the series going off doing his thing and ending up with Yatsuha as a his girl.
>ywn bust a counterfeiting ring through the power of pure unbridled horniness
It's good but it is not. Fuu has no future. The creators should have given at least a tiny hint of hope to poor girl and poor me who is upset by this shit.
wasnt she an unironic slut tho? she literally got cummed inside of for who knows how long when she was a spy.
Which was pretty weird, because I remember her being the daughter of some Noble, and you would think they wouldnt be okay with that sort of thing
This was an appropriate and consistent ending.
I think one of the themes of this series is strong are able to not give a shit and do whatever the fuck they want. For example, Fuu thought she is now strong enough to reject a pity help from Jin and sail off alone. Yeah about that...
She got the closure she was looking for and now she can go on and live a normal life. If she really wanted to she could have gone with Mugen or Jin but she's at peace now so she's "free" in a sense and can just do whatever.
Japan was literally the rape capital at this point in time. So Fuu wandering by herself most likely got her the dick.
>she literally got cummed inside of for who knows how long
But she was kidnapped by pimps like 5 times through the series. That's nice, all that f r e e d o m till the very next corner where some fuckers will bag her and sell her off.
True, but that's considerably less likely to happen now that she's not hanging out with two samurai who can't stop pissing off gangsters.
I mean all 3 would have been totally fucked without each other because of what they were getting up to.
Even the baseball episode was perfect which shocked me since it sounded like pure filler.
So what was the message of the show?
Literally the only manga ending to ever satisfy me.
life goes on, but its important to cherish the things and people around you while they are there, because you never know when you'll be parted for good.
I listen to her final message Kousei every day...
the journey is more important than the destination
Hows your journey so far lads?
Oh Christ, here come the tears.
i wanna kill myself
This is what, the 4th or 5th time the three of them part ways intending to never meet again? I never understood why everyone seems to think it was final this time. They obviously ran into each other shortly after. The repetition throughout the anime was for the payoff here. It's a joke without a punchline because you should already know it by now.
Walking with the wind blowing on your face.
Walking towards the future.
Busy days with no compass to guide you.
After traveling to distant exotic countries...
You will return to where you belong, one sunny day.
What a fucking perfect anime full of soul, OP.
*Sips Monster*
They just don't make em like they used to, now lemme tell you a story about life once I find my dusty old reading glasses, friendo
i actually thought they were gonna meet again after splitting up,but i was a little surprised when they didnt,i liked the ending anyway
I watched this again after graduating college and man the ending hits so much harder after you’ve had a moment like this parting ways with good friends
Oh god oh fuck why ;(
Why is this ALWAYS the message?
I'd like that ending more if it wasnt implied Kosei moves on to the shit childhood friend
because it's true
People will literally argue against this.
So was Fu a virgin by the end of the series? How does she run into so many almost-rapes?
Yea believe me I get that the real treasure was the friends we made along the way by now
All three of them are dead by this point, right?
Hana best girl
it was dumb, they should have continued together 4ever
I would have been satisfied if this was the actual ending to the series, but i'm happy that it wasnt.
>Have the most bullshit grand epic battle on a cosmic scale that everything has built up to
>Have it break down to the absolute core of why this was all possible to actually kill the big bad
>Simon is given the option to basically become a god and refuses for the sake of setting an example of what the limits should be. Loses his wife that he spent so much to protect. And throws control of everything he's worked for to the one person who'd walked enough on both Spiral and Anti-spiral lifestyles to understand the balance better than anyone.
>in an original
>series pads out the season by having a pointless sports episode
>not filler
>no source material to compare it to
>commissioned for X amount of episodes
>your story only needs Y amount of episodes
>throw something else in to take up the space, to "fill" it, if you will
Rip perfect ending
Was anyone else aroused that her dub VA was just fuu but doing a deeper voice?
Samurai Champloo's ending reminds us that we must learn to let go of a good thing especially if it binds us to the past. The relationship Mugin, Jinn and Fuu had was a happy, emotional extension of their past. This past was painful, full of guilt, shame, sadness and burnt of a lack of emotional closeness.
Their quest for the flower samurai is a clever metaphor for severing the heavy chains of the past while walking towards it, confronting it, understanding and making peace with it.
It marvels me with how much levity they were able to part but when you consider human nature... it makes sense. We all need to grow, reach our higher selves and give a chance to love and embrace peace of mind.
For that to happen a separation had to take place.
found this in a comment section from the samurai champloo sountrack
this is the sole reason why this part is in one of my fav parts. I know next parts were more "jojo", but I still think ph is underrated
>Season 2
it was an alternate retelling but okay retard
I love this ending so much. It was an entire series about people getting invested in things that are ultimately meaninglessly. The only way a series like that can end is by pulling down the main characters' pants to remind you he's been running around in panties for the past 30 chapters and this isn't a series you should be taking seriously. Chiyo's transformation at the end mirrors the reader: She also got emotionally invested in this stupid story only to be burned.
It is somewhat diminished by us getting a season 2, but I would have been content with this being the actual ending of the series.
Ninjas gotta do what they gotta do
Besides, I expect Mugen would be the type to like a sexually free woman.
Seems dumb to complain about "filler" in a series that is like 90% episodic
I prefer the anime ending of Nausicaä over the manga one.
It ends on a high note and gives hope. I really liked that.
probably died of syphilis down the line
I like how they expect people are gonna read this guys next work
What happened to make it so bad? I've never seen/heard about the series, but I'm interested in knowing how someone wrote an ending so bad people wont read his next stuff. Is it really worse than NGE?
It's not good but it's fitting
The only Ed I know is Romi Park.
Pretty sure this manga is STILL fucking going.
>no one died
>no one fucked
it was shit
user, pls.
Movie is AU, we're free to ignore it like the insult it is.
just fuck my shit up: the show
except it being trash
>watching dub
>trash anime
Is it bittersweet enough that I won't become depressed after finishing it? I got a little over halfway before I had to give it a rest.
You'll be depressed.
This. Putting in a post-credits monologue is the peak of kino.
>Fulfilling, satisfying ending
Pick one. Literally 0,00000000000000000000001 % of Anime has Fulfilling, satisfying ending
At what point did you realize that this is masterpiece?
For me it was when Yoshii killed the prostitute because "half measures won't do"
I loved the bittersweet ending of the tv series.
It really gave a nice closure.
Even though girls still had to fight and face their own demons it was more honest and filled with the promises and hope at the end.
Rebellion turned it into open ending with despair and world of lies again.
Shame about AO though, what a disaster.
Gintama ending is so perfect
Explain how EoE isn't a masterpiece.
When Ichise opposing Yoshii actually led to the downfall of the City
We will all watch whatever comes next, but goddamn was it perfect.
Probably she was a woman in the samurai era
I don't know, the more I hear about the movie, the less I wanna see it
Babby's first 2deep4u
to soon?
Genuinely one of the best scenes in any anime.
Fucking fight me.
Ye, I suppose I already knew there was no way around harsh reality...
I don't get the problem here, it was a perfect ending.
please dont do this to me, come on man why did you have to do this to me...
I’m so sorry
>I burned my fire until there was nothing left, all that remains is pure white ash
for me, it's
Came to the thread for this
>Everything about Samurai Champloo was perfect though.
not the amount of fuu porn
I like how you think user.
Just a season anime-only ending, but still.
FLCL until they made those unnecessary sequels seriously what the fuck were they thinking?
Stop using filler to mean "anything that doesn't involve the main plot."
Filler means "anime original episode in order to let the source material get ahead a bit". It doesn't mean anything else and you'll never MAKE it mean anything else.
but it isn't deep.
If only
You just don't GET it!
Adult Swim and Toonami are both hemorrhaging viewers so they made a desperate attempt at cashing in on nostalgiafags. It didn't work.
I still wish we'd gotten a third season like the creators wanted, but I'm also happy with the ending we got. Sometimes a story doesn't need an explanation to be satisfying.
Are you serious?
This ending is garbage and it was wholly contrived just to be different from Bebop
>it was wholly contrived just to be different from Bebop
Nah, that's just your brains on stupid.
>being so stupid you can't see a contratian "hah expectations subverted xd" ending
>but calling other people stupid
The total non sequitur ending of Champloo is the worst thing about it, bar none.
You had expectations. Those weren't met. Then you had to cry. That's a lovely story, bro, but doesn't make the ending a bad one. It just means your a brainlet.
>muh subversion
yes, everything is a subversion if you just look stupid enough at it for some time
are you?
Yep. Champloo had to subvert Bebop's completely organic and totally in line with the entire series band breakup by having their own that was wholly contrived and not consummate with the arcs of every single main character in the series. It's subverted it's own in narrative development just so it wouldn't look too much like Bepop. Brilliant. 10/10 would watch again.
We truly live in a society
But in both of them they go on their separate ways to live their own way (or die). It's like you didn't watch either.
why doesn't it work with their arcs
It's just a shame that the entire show conditions the viewer into thinking that after they go their own ways, Fuu will be sold off into slavery before nightfall.
Man, S;G always get me
Everybody dies. How do people like this ending? At least they had cycles in Devilman.
It's like spies in the real world do that or something. One might be lead to believe that you spend too much time watching cartons made for children.
Filled with milk.
>How do people like this ending?
Your not suppose to like it.
It is soul crushingly depressing.
The real problem is ZZ
Welcome to the real world moron.
Imo she was a selfish bitch
>refusing godhood
Because the foreshadowing behind it was good and the character's actions felt fitting in how they destroyed everything?
It actually blows my mind that Monogatari had such a great ending. There were so many ways it could have been fucked up. Nisio is a god
>happy that they're needlessly milking it after a very satisfying ending
You're part of the problem.
agreed, there is a criminally low amount of hentai made based on samurai champloo
One of the few times I've successfully bet on the winning horse.
I thought the first episodes were ridiculous, as they have so little dialogue. but it definitely got a lot better after that.
A happy ending to what ultimately was and still is my favorite anime.
5 years later and I can still go back and rewatch it with love
>MC gets girl
>MC gets closure from past girl
>MC best friend gets the girl he wants
>they go on to play baseball
Its perfect.
No, fuck season 2 and fuck Konaka for ruining the MotW format it had in season 1. Fuck, I hope we get a reboot one day that's properly done (and not from CN)
Couldn't have said it better myself. The ending of Champloo is the worst part and how they all split up defeats the bonding they do over their journey
From bottom-selling underdog to AOTS in one episode
filler means something worthless used to bulk something. you're a pedantic faggot.
fuck you for reminding me of how fucking terribly that all ended
and the final ending theme was fucking beautiful, it makes me furious just thinking about how they wasted this beautiful piece of music
Two I was hoping to see.
>best friend kills himself last year
>we were going to buy a house and move in together
>sometimes go to the same places we used to go to together but it just makes me feel bad feels
>still hang out with people he introduced me to
>one of them is a qt and i want to hold hands with her
>still wanna die tho
i don't know what kind of journey this is bros
>not wanting more gatari shit.
Get the fuck out fag.
The kind that you'll be better by the end of
No one?
>say goodbye to your spirit animal bro after an amazing battle
>get into a fist fight with your rival bro
I gotta go back and read that shit again.
I don't think I've seen a better case of a satisfying ending that wasn't an ending at all. Not meaning open-ended stuff, this was just an abrupt cut in the story and somehow they tied a bow on it.
Kemono Friends before we got whatever the fuck season 2 is
It's meh, I live comfortable i guess
It's one where you just keep going i guess
Come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me!
Everything went better than expected.
>implying it ended there
>implying everyone doesn't want a S2
My heart wanted so much more Aoba dere tho
The best ending and most iconic possible to eva and to a masterpiece of animated cinema.
Fight me.
>*the best and most iconic ending possible
Came here to post this. The boss rush was completely sublime.
If I didn’t know about the ongoing light novels, I’d have thought that this was the most Kino fucking ending ever.
>Samurai Champloo is digital so it looks like trash compared to Bebop in HD
Far too few people have seen this to experience true perfection of an ending.
yeah, uh, eoe was so shitty and cynical and literally contrived because autistic weebs couldn't accept a genuinely inspiring message because they were too goofed up on mindrape
but the imagery was pure kino