What older anime should get a modern remake?

What older anime should get a modern remake?

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Kinnikuman. Actually, I'll take anything Kinnikuman related.

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If they remade HnK it would just end up being 3DCG like the modern installments are.

I hope they are still doing that Gundam 0079 remake. The show is great, but it is a bit dated. A better paced and animated version would be neat. And before anyone jumps at me with the LOGH remake, let me first point you towards Yamato 2199. Remakes can go either way. They can respect the original, or they can go the super bland cashgrab route.

Not if someone like David-pro does it. They know how to animate manly men, and they respect the material. With all the filler cut, it could be a 26 episode show.
Here is how I would see it going down:
>A double ength opening episode which covers the Shin Arc.
>eps 2-3 to introduce Rei and fang clan.
>4-5 for Jagi arc.
>6-7 for amiba.
>8-11 for Cassandra and Ken-oh.
>12-13 for Yuda arc.
>14-17 for Souther arc.
>18-26 for Brothers arc-Raoh arc.
If it is paced well, then it would be pretty high energy and action packed show.

Votoms, but without cgi.


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>0079 remake
Hahaha that shit will NEVER happen user, and you know it. If it does, Gundam fans will literally riot.

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It already got one but more dorororon enma-kun is something I will never say no to. Preferably before we lose Wakamoto so we get more grandiose flamboyant demon king