Post your favorite pleb filter series
Pleb filter
Saw the first episode when it came out. Seemed okay.
This is the only acclaimed anime I ever managed to finish...
Utena was trash.
Explain your reasoning in a 3-5 sentence paragraph.
>pleb filter
Do you mean "pseud magnet"? Utena is great but i attracts a lot of posturing retards.
>Pointing out a series has themes from religion and philosophy makes you a phony intellectual poser
When will this meme die?
can we please not use that word here
>it attracts a lot of posturing retards
What do you mean?
My friend watched Utena and rated it 4. Then I showed him the movie and he rated it 2 and changed the shows rating to 3. He really hates it.
>show Mawaru Penguindrum to a person I know
>They act disgusted and ask WHY IS THERE AN INCEST HERE?
>Have to explain they need to keep watching
>They don't keep watching because ep 1 ends with an incest kiss
And that's how you identify the cowardly milquetoast normies in the anime community
It was honestly just bad.
It's the most disjointed anime I've ever watched.
came here to post this
posting the only good thing from this series
Utena has a pretty annoying fanbsse up there with a lot of the "deep" shows, it's like hxh posting except actually believing whst they are saying. It's not a bad anime though.
Fantastic series making use of subtle, yet effective cinematic devices to convey a straightforward story full of emotionally engaging characters in simple elegance and beauty.
Pretentious shit that conveys simple messages through unncessary metaphors, trying to appear deep through unorthodox directing instead of actual substance.
What I hate about the fanbase is all the yurifags seeing shit that wasn't in the show in the first place, and Ikuhara only added it into the movie because he guessed it was controversial and lesbians were the new hotness now.
It's kind of funny how there is so much gay sex in the actual show but Utena and Anthy are good friends and that's where the line is drawn.
I think one reason that princess tutu is good for this is that it isn't really "cool" enough for people to want to like it before watching, and often people will have kind of a negative attitude about it based on how it looks, but if they can appreciate it past that then you can tell it's because they really took a bite out of it and it's not a pretension
Maybe. For me it was the small things that really brought the characters to life. Like that scene where Ahiru was mocking Rue for her lacking stamina by imitating her heavy breathing after running for a while. It was such a contrast to the characters usual personality and relationship but at the ame time totally made sense and illustrated how the two got closer together that they were able to joke like that.
Oh yeah absolutely. The story and the characters being really solid under what looks like a veneer of normal mahou shoujo type stuff is what makes it a "pleb filter" I guess. If you can appreciate what it is underneath, then that illustrates some grasp of substance.