Everyone loves Sakura now!
Everyone loves Sakura now!
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That's bullshit, but okay. I love sakura.
On the other hand, I'm surprised that Rin beat Saber in the latest poll.
Every Sakura is precious !!
Nah, not everybody has to, there will always people who hang onto memes and other assorted bits, and that's okay. I mean, we have people who dislike Saber or dislike Rin but like Ayako. It takes all kinds. But what is nuts is the types that say that HF True is a Disney like scenario and then later go its hell for both Shirou and Sakura, they can't even settle on a narrative for their confirmation bias do their arguments are poor. I don't mind people disliking my favorite character but making a poor argument is just crappy.
There are other things that people make poor as arguments of, saying Sakura only stayed in bed in HF, but when she constantly asks to come with the other protags and help, or uses the last bits of her life to have Rider use her NP to help everyone. But again, we don't ever have actual discussion, it's always confirmation bias to suit narratives without context.
Yeah, I’m getting my turn with her tonight!
Okay. Lets discuss this properly.
If I said that Sakura was the most "human" of all the Fate girls, in the sense that she has both apparent positives and negatives to herself, would you agree with me?
She's been "loved" by a lot of people, yeah
i'd probably hatesex her
I definitely agree with you. Not just Sakura but Illya, Shirou and Rin all became more "human" in HF, which is one of many reasons why HF is my most favorite route
There isn't any proof of that though,
For intents and purposes, she herself is not in any way promiscuous or she would have gotten a rep for that. Japan is kinda funny about even the slightest hint of lewd, and the only rep she has is that she is a loner who people stay away from.
Further, Shinji never needed to have sex with her so she'd live, it was just his vitriol toward her because he couldn't do anything against Zouken. His insults are stemmed from his own inadequacies, and are exactly the same things you would find a serial rapist espousing, both to shame his victim into giving up, and trying to illicit sympathy by poking at their conscience, which is exactly what Shinji does to get her to comply, a mix of emotional blackmail by saying she ruined his life, and then pouring on that he'll ruin her more if she doesn't comply by using things like Shirou. So not really a good case argument to say she is a slut, you'd be laughed out of any decent court if you tried to use his testimony as evidence to exonerate him.
Also, if she really needed magical energy daily, she would need a lot more than just even a few magi to fill her up, since she, like Rin has several mature magi's worth of a capacity, so getting dicked would be inefficient, she would more than likely have to drain souls. HF just provided a situation where she needed more than usual that she couldn't just regenerate on her own. She tells Shirou the semen bit likely because she knows how it feels to be mana deprived being tortured by a madman for 11 years, and it's a bit nicer than asking him to draw blood or give his soul to her, Rin suggests the same thing, but she isn't implied to be a slut, at least not by intelligent people.
So it's pretty much just confirmation bias to look at things without context, to try calling her a slut or to imply that she is, as there is more than enough proof to the contrary. Case dismissed unless someone has proof to the contrary, this matter is adjourned.
worm slut
>shilled three movies
>Everyone loves
(lol delusional wormfag
Sakura doesn't have the mindset of a slut, but no one can deny the fact that her body was used by Shinji for a long time.
I just kinda shrug at that in the realm of less than savory bits in the Nasuverse.
okay what the fuck how did the order get reversed
I would say the other girls also have some pretty big negatives as well, although they're definitely less balanced with their stronger aspects. Sakura is just more realistic as a person because she isn't a "proper" magi or a servant, which is completely reasonable. If you're talking all of the girls in the story though then Fujimura takes the cake for "most human"
I hate it, please post it tomorrow too.
I don't hate her, but I don't love her either, her route takes the porn with plot meme to a whole new level.
That's like, your opinion.
Rin and Saber also have their own humane flaws, and if you actually fell for the "perfect honor student" and "perfect righteous king" facade, then you failed to understand their characters.
Not everyone, but her popularity certainly did rise. Not like that should be surprising, Nasu stated years ago that she was rising. I remember when some anons on here were 100% sure that the nips would go back to disliking her when the shadow came into play, but the scene of her and Gil in the alley seems to be one of the most favorites from the Part II. Plus a ton of her new fanart is her in the princess dress, and we all know what the shadow was making her do while she thought she was simply eating candy. There's also a ton of new artwork turning into Dark!Sakura. I've said it before, the nips grew up and learned to appreciate Sakura and HF despite being much darker than the two previous routes.
Altima, you have to stop posting.
>while she thought she was simply eating candy
Disgusting whitewashing by Sudou. He went too far with making her look like a victim.
>Disgusting whitewashing by Sudou.
Nothing was whitewashed. Sudou just made it crystal clear that it was the shadow doing the killings. The first person she actually kills is Shinji.
>He went too far with making her look like a victim.
Not at all.
i'm reading the heaven feels route and i hate her even more
Sakura literally does EVERYTHING wrong.
Sakura is a modern evil of humanity
about damn time
At least Asuna isn't on the list
You type like an illiterate, so it figures that you don't understand the route. Watch the movies for a simplified version.
He made it look like even Shinji wasn't her fault and like she felt bad about killing him. And cut her own thoughts about shadow killing people as "something they deserved" and the fact that she came to enjoy this. He didn't even show her playing with Shinji's corpse. And made any of her negative thoughts "another personality". He whitewashed her completely.
It won't make you popular, Rin.
Every day until you like it
>like she felt bad about killing him
Yes, killing him was what broke her, after all.
>And cut her own thoughts about shadow killing people as "something they deserved" and the fact that she came to enjoy this
Because it was never anything but unreliable narration. Nasu has a terrible habit of going "but what if bad thing!" for cheap shock value without it actually being true.
>And made any of her negative thoughts "another personality".
The moments on day 10 would literally have to be that in order for them not to cause a giant plothole. Kotomine was full of shit all along, get over it.
>2019 already
>still write a loooooong reply just to discuss FSN characters
Seriously why ? FGO + Extraverse are the core of Type-Moon now. Heck, even Fate Beginner Fair (irl event for FSN 15th) uses Romani
>like she felt bad about killing him
Because she did. Sakura felt pity for Shinji despite what he had done to her.
To be fair, anime has fucked up adapting FSN since the start.
In UBW it missed the entire point of Archer vs Shirou by turning it into an actual fight instead of Archer wailing on him.
Also assorted slut/used goods types are way more popular now
no one cares a about extraverse except for maybe ccc
Kotomine was right thats the entire fucking point of the character.
Do you shitposters not get tired of this?
Clearly he wasn't, since Angra Mainyu was able to speak through her mouth and say things she never would even before she became Dark Sakura.
Why? If you're actually reading it you shouldn't even feel hate, I certainly didn't hate her in the route.
>even more
Oh, carry on then.
Clearly I don't give a flying fuck what the movies say.
Again, this sort of false flagging against Sakurafags assumes Yea Forums is retarded shitposter-kun. It's time to stop now.
reminder that assassin stated that the purer a person, the greater the affects of corruption by angra mainyu.
It happened in the VN too, secondary. The movie doesn't change anything, it just makes what speedreaders ignored more obvious.
>Believes that kotomine wasnt full of shit
>mad people dont like his headcanon.
>cant cope with the revelations in fate/hollow ataraxia
>Shirou is shirou only when hes not someone else and this doesnt apply to sakura.
>sakura was actually evil
>shirou wasnt actually evil
Sasuga user-san.
Shinji is so fucking based, how can emiya microdick even compete with the mega makiri member?
>edited screenshot
Every time.
By not being dead and a bitch? Shinji posters are weird.
Avenger in FHA has shit all to do with manjew in HF. The latter is not conscious or aware, that's the entire point of Kotomine and Shirou's final argument.
Sakura was stated and admited to being a right cunt. That is the entire point. She pretends to be a proper yamato nadeshiko waifu when she's actually a cunt.
Again shitposter-kin, Sakurafags were never this delusional. You need a new shitposting vector.
I've always loved Sakura's body.
>Sakura was stated and admited to being a right cunt. That is the entire point. She pretends to be a proper yamato nadeshiko waifu when she's actually a cunt.
Nope. She's neither. She's simply a flawed character, and that's fine. She is neither all good or all bad.
>still thinks it’s edited
Every time!
>The latter is not conscious or aware
That's just Kotomine being a delusional pro-lifer. It's clearly shown to be an embodiment of pure evil. Ilya makes it clear that Angra Mainyu is what's turning Sakura evil.
The matous are the most compelling characters in both zero and stay night. I wish we could learn more about them before they withered away to nothing, the tohsakas are boring perfectionists and the einzberns are barely even human. Kariya’s struggle was the stuff of legends, sakura gave us the most nuanced route nasu’s ever prodouced, shinji is a horrifyingly relatable fuckwit and zouken’s madness is symbolic of the entire grail war in a nutshell. I’d also like to see what a fully fledged mage of makiri is capable of with fully inherited magic circuits and perfect control of the bugs.
>relatable fuckwit
no not really
Yes and her flaw is being kind of a cunt in sheep's clothing.
You're thinking of Rin. Sakura's flaw is being too kind for her own good and blaming herself for everything.
It should have been clear from the way Gil kept getting wanked by other characters for not getting affected by it.
>upon hearing about his mud bath in Fate, Saber calls him the only Servant capable of sane after getting soaked in the mud
>Kirei in HF remarked that the mud was unable to pollute his soul
>Sakura herself says that Gil couldn't be tainted in the same conversation where Kirei supossedly "called her out" or whatever
Why would the game insist on Gil being such a special snowflake for doing this if the mud doesn't do anything to you?
Nope. She is neither all good or all bad.
>he doesn’t hate women
>he doesn’t hate himself
>he doesn’t think he deserves better than everyone else around him
>he’s kind and genuine with people
>he’s in control of his emotions
You don’t belong here
Sakura deserves to be happy
She is though at least until her back and hips will inevitably start getting sore
>Sakura and Shirou finally on top of a poll after 15 years since the VN
This a great sign of hope for used goods everywhere.
>Rin beat Saber in the latest poll.
They're making it up to her by finally giving her a higher ranking. When UBW was airing, Rin never surpassed Saber.
Rin is the opposite. She tries to act like a cold magus because daddy issues but she's not cut out for it because she's too soft.
Rin and Sakura are opposites in that sense. The jump moment solidifies that. How they reacted and how it changed them.
>inb4 special anime with Marisbury + Solomon vs all FSN master/servant pairings for 15th anni
Even this one?
In other words, she goes out of her way to be a bitch, while Sakura is kind despite having all the reason in the world to be bitter.
The only thing stopping rin from being a cold magus is literally just shirou, if it wasn’t for her love for him she would’ve done exactly what tokiomi did in the grail war. She’s only soft because she’s a woman, but you can’t compare her measly warmth to sakura’s depth of emotionality in the slightest
Yeah, she's the only girl that isn't a fucking rugmucher.
>inb4 muh official art
Official art is bait.
Yes and this one, too
What about this one?
what the fuck? why does sakura have more clones than rin? its nowhere near saber clones but last time i checked rin had just ishtar and eresh
Melt is my most favorite servant in the Sakura Five tho ;_; but overall all of them are cute
>Sakura Five
>There's three
What did CCC mean by this?
There is Extra!Tohsaka though. Anyway
>NPC Sakura
Not as much as Seibah clones tho
All of them appeared in the CCC Foxtail. Also Kingprotea just appeared in FGO x CCC collab
Reminder that the increase in Sakura's popularity is due to the increase in secondaries. Back before Fate got massive, no one gave a fuck about Sakura.
The secondaries haven’t increased, but they now have access to her route through the movies so it’s natural they would move away from inferior waifus
>downplaying her steadily growing popularity this hard
Sad. It's not like her popularity happened over night. It was growing slowly throughout the years.
>the secondaries haven't increased
C'mon, at least give a believable argument. Are you really trying to say that Fate ISN'T like 100 times more popular than it was 10 years ago? Back then, it was just a VN, a lackluster anime, and some manga and LNs. Now it's possibly the most popular franchise in Japan.
Those 2 doujins where Sakura NTRs Rin were the hottest shit ever.
That's what I'm saying. Secondaries have been increasing steadily for a decade now.
It's because mentally ill purityfags would harass anyone who favored Sakura back in the day, forcing people to stay quiet about it. Them being a dying breed and Sakurafags growing tired of hiding resulted in a gradual increase in popularity ever since the start of the decade or so.
Ouch i forgot Summer BB
Kali and Durga should be coming soon as well.
I sure do love me some worm aids!!!!
>t. Shinji
Speaking of which, i don't know much about Indian myths but why do Kali and Durga have Sakura-face ? Thank you
Parvati is an Indian housewife goddess of marital fidelity and love who felt Sakura was the human closest to her in the modern age and decided to use her as an avatar when summoned because of it. Parvati also has a dark side named Kali, fitting perfectly with Dark Sakura, as well as a more heroic fighter side named Durga, likely corresponding to post-HF Sakura.
I will never understand why purityfags still seeth over damaged goods. I get used goods, no one wants a girl who’s already fallen in love with other men, or worse just sleeps around like a slut. But the only difference between damaged and pure is a looser vagina for the first time having sex and no blood but how the fuck does that even matter when it’s not like you’ll be able to actually dick them anyways. Sakura is the only of the three girls that actually sexually satisfies shirou regardless, saber and rin don’t have the personality to be good in bed
She was always the high test choice.
Sakura is not kind. She's polite. Theres a difference. And Rin acting like a cunt is because magi are cunts so she feels she as to act like a cunt.
No I don't, I hate her and I hate you Fatedogs
That's bullshit. Rin cares for people outside of Shirou's influence, she is not built to be a magus, which is a good thing. Shirou at most gave her the perspective that she didn't need to be her dad.
Sakura on the other hand feigns softness when she's far more cynical and selfish than Rin, because of fucking course she is, she was fucking raped.
user of high taste and class
This is so pretty.
I love Rider and Sakura so muchh
When has rin not been a cunt? She’s a cunt even on matters that have nothing to do with being a mage. Like mealtimes at the emiya house
>Rin, on the other hand, is more of a free agent because her relationship with Shirou doesn't define her in any way. Of course we have the Archer/Rin pairing, but a Lancer/Rin pairing would work out just as well and be just as good in its own way
Thank you Nasu for Rin/Lancer pairing in Extra
That was Takeuchi and in the same quote he states how you couldn't do the same for Saber cause Shirou only works with her. He was clearly knocking Shirou x Rin down a peg.
That's bullshit. People disliked Sakura because HF gets needlessly padded with boring stuff involving her, cost us an Ilya route and people in general disliked her more dramatic stuff as it correlates with both Shirou having to sacrifice his ideals and Saber dying a really sad death that involved Shirou doing the deed.
Couple that with the easy target in the wormslut memes that resulted in her getting the hate. Case in point nobody gave a shit Saber wasn't a virgin.
She's still literally my least favorite girl out of the entire cast. Mostly because of how needy she is. I hate women who are needy.
>cost us an Ilya route
Why are you acting like Illya was more popular? She ranked lower than Sakura in the anniversary poll.
Takeuchi said that but Nasu wrote Extra anyway
>Saber dying a really sad death
she literally dies in every ending except sunny dies. which is why takuechi wanted last episode included in the updated version of the VN. he wanted saber to finally get her happy ending.
She's naturally playful and teasing. But I'm talking about "kill the witnesses" type of cunt.
Again Newtype is a joke poll.
Same. My favorite servant x master combo.
>I hate women who act like women
based faggot
You prefer to have women be useless dick-sleeves? I'd much prefer someone useful like Rin, Saber, or even Illya than the neurotic mess that is Sakura. The HGW is stressful as fuck and Sakura would just hold me back in every step along the way.
No, but not wanting a weak timid slut like Sakura makes me a faggot? Sure kid
Where can I buy this?
Popularity polls mean shit to Yea Forums
The HF death is the harshest
>useful like Rin
you mean the heroine that didnt take down any in her route? okay
They suit each other
>You prefer women to be useless dick-sleeves
Nah, I like being cooked for and cuddled as well and asked how my day went. If you want a woman who doesn’t act like a woman you’d be much better off with a man.
She's a magus and arguably the best magus in the 5th HGW. I'm not a Rinfag so don't start rattling around in your autistic rage you might piss yourself
It terms of usefulness
Saber > Illya > Medea > Rin > Rider > a used condom > Sakura
Nothing will come close to caster x uryuu in terms of connection between master and servant.
Fucking read the scene of that in the novel. Where she feels nothing, plays with his corpse and thinks she should have done it sooner. You're retarded if you think Sudou did a good adaptation.
She never even once felt bad about killing |Shinji in the entire novel. Don't spread fanwank.
"Unreliable" narration is a delusion of your mind. The narration itself is fine and more canon than your dindu nuffin fanfic.
Just admit Sudou changed stuff to whitewash Sakura and make her more likable for normies.
>he needs to rely on women for help
And you call yourself a man.
The woman should lust after a man’s strength and reliability, not the other way around.
Rin can cook just as well as Sakura you fucking secondary
She'd also ask how your day went and actually be useful in her reply because she's a prodigy magus
Yes she can cook well, but she’d much rather you cook for her, you quarternary
>You prefer to have women be useless dick-sleeves? I'd much prefer someone useful like Rin, Saber, or even Illya than the neurotic mess that is Sakura.
Villains who Saber defeats in her route:
Villains who Rin defeats in her route:
Villains who Sakura defeats in her route:
>True Assassin
Only speaking of the magecraft stuff, how strong is Rin ?
>prodigy magus
Doubt it. I'd just call her a good magus though
>japanese “mages”
Hearty kek. She’s nothing compared to mages from actual civilized nations.
Fuck off back to r/eddit.
That's fine, but when they are being a wet blanket all the damned time its only natural to want to upgrade to a more durable unit. You sound like that loser in high school who lost his virginity to some fat creepy emo chick judt because she paid attention to you
Real men want a women who is just as reliable as he is. Losers want timid cock-sleeves end of story
Do you forget Satsuki Kurogiri ?
GJ: I have a question about Fate characters. How high (or low) are the talents of Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin within the entire history of the Association?
Nasu: Rin really is a genius. Given time, she'll enter within the top 100 magi of the Association throughout its entire history. Shirou won't move out from being an magus apprentice, but as a spell-user, he'll be among one of the big specialists. Ultimately, he'll receive an evaluation on the same level as "Magus Killer" Emiya Kiritsugu had in his peak, maybe. If I were to put into simple numbers, Ciel: 100, Rin: 70-100, Shirou: 10 (under particular limited conditions, then 40).
(Note that the Association has been around since the Middle Ages and is also going to include Atlas and Sea of Estray; also note that this isn't battle power but thaumaturgy power.)
Go away, newfag.
>calling me the newfag when you're the one using normies
>She never even once felt bad about killing |Shinji in the entire novel.
>it literally drives her insane and turns her into Dark Sakura
Sudou didn't actually change the events of the plot. All he did was highlight what truly happened. People have been saying that things were the way Sudou portrayed them since long before the movies, and they were proven right by the movies depicting things that way. The only delusion here is your bizarre hateful view of Sakura.
>"defeating" Shinji
>same level as beating Berserker
the absolute state of Sakurafags
It took 3 fucking servants to take down Berserker in HF. And it was then mostly Saber. Saber did it BOTH TIMES, in Fate and HF you secondary.
Thanks user, but with FGO i doubt if this MA's top 100 would change
>Saber did it BOTH TIMES, in Fate and HF you secondary.
It was Shirou in HF, secondary.
...Are you implying that if Saber weren't there he could have won...?
Why is Sakura so shit? She ruined the whole VN.
>Archer beat Berserker in Fate!
That's how you sound.
She only ruined 2/3rds of the VN. The best routes barely have her in it.
She salvaged it. Imagine if it was only shounenshit, nobody would talk about the VN anymore.
Anyone seeing the film in theaters next month?
>reminding you guys that the whole JP commu started to hate Sakura when HF aired because she wasn't a virgin
She expands my penis and is the only character that seems to know that she’s in an eroge
beat her up seiba
Who are quoting?
Anybody love the lyrics to "I Beg You"?
They fit Sakura so well.
Got my ticket and can't wait!
because I am retarded
>when HF aired
No. Japan loves Sakura now, and find the virginityfags from back in the day disgusting.
What a bunch of incels. My gf and I sleep around with other people all the time, before and while we’re dating. No well adjusted male cares. I wouldn’t mind sakura sleeping with shinji if I was in shirou’s position
>iie, senpai
>this is our bathtime
桜 嫌い literally went on trending on JP twitter, half of the posts were people bragging about Sakura being annoying or Rin not having enough screentime, people defending Sakura were FGO players that actually read the VN
I Beg You > Hana No Uta
>桜 嫌い literally went on trending on JP twitter
Do you have screencaps to back up your statement? Because a few nip sites and reviews were posted into old threads and there was nothing but praise for the second film.
Fate song lyrics always fit the characters's development. Hana no Uta for Sakura in HF I while I Beg You for HF II. Last Stardust for Emiya Archer if im not wrong too. FGO has Colors + Eternity Blue for Mashu, Blank for Fujimaru to Roman and Backlight for someone to someone cuz Nasu said that was a secret lol
I have some screencaps for some of the posts defending Sakura, I sent them to my friend on discord when it was still a thing
ok so after some minutes of searching the conv i only found this
and apparently I quoted this on some posts but I didn't screen them
>i hate sakura because she's not a virgin. after what happened with shinji and the bugs i don't think i can like her again. she's still pretty hot tho but only physically
>wow that was pretty shit i thought rin was going to be the heroine but it's sakura?? fuck off
I will but I won't enjoy it.
Those tweets were half Sakura roleplaying bots that spam random Sakura quotes 24/7, several of them happening to contain the word 嫌い, and half people being surprised at how anyone could have hated Sakura in the past. The few people who did hate her after the movie were butthurt Gil fangirls.
Sakura haters, everyone.
Nice shitpost, upvote.
>Gil fangirls
Sorry I’m new to type moon but those exist? How?
Even most of the tweets expressing dislike for Sakura went out of their way to point out that it had nothing to do with her not being a virgin and that virginityfags were disgusting. You're cherrypicking incredibly hard.
Sakura achieved victory through tireless continuous effort, one fish at a time. Seiba would've been distracted by cheezburger and Rin by OLD MEN
So you have a mere three screencaps? If there was so much backlash, someone in a Part II thread would have definitely mentioned it. I'm actually surprised that you didn't unless you're new here which you probably are. I have twitter myself, and read reviews that many nips posted about the film, and none of them were bashing Sakura. Some were fans since the old days while some were secondaries.
I quoted tweets from non-RP accounts, I can understand jap so I'm pretty sure I didn't make any mistake on the context
Sakura has always been the least popular heroine (despite being my favorite), from the JP fate commu I'm in no one really cared about her until HF, some started to like her meanwhile the others just started to hate her
Sakura haters are a thing in the JP commu since pretty much forever, with VN readers hating on her for several reasons and FGO players not even knowing her
People who defended Sakura (me) were mostly uploading screencaps of people trashing on her, that's how I got the information. Assuming that I hate Sakura because I point out that a lot of people in the fate commu started hating Sakura after watching the movie is ridiculous
Why not ? Especially with FGO too. From what i remember, then some Gil fangirls was crying after his death scene in cinema lol
Fate/Zero endeared him to the fujos. Before that, he was about as popular as Shinji, though.
What ever happened to the daily fish eating threads? I haven seen one in years
Because as a woman they should know what a relationship with Gilgamesh would entail
The vile and cruel mods banished the threads.
Cultureless swine.
>Sakura has always been the least popular heroine
She beat Rin once as early as 2012, and has been above her in polls since like 2016 or so. You are outright delusional if you think the movie made people hate Sakura.
unlimited paint works
Not that user, but you originally said that the whole JP commu started hating her in your first post and now you're backpedaling by saying a lot. Then you provide a total of three tweets whereas there are many more twitter reviews and posts from a certain 2ch thread that have nothing but praise and love for second film. Even saw a few nips calling Sudou a genius. Not to mention your original post doesn't come across as someone that likes Sakura, but someone wants to stir shit up.
Dunno. I hate FSN Gilgamesh so i don't care much tho
>She truly wishes for his safety.
Please don't use pictures of my wife for your shitposting, thanks
>what is subtext
Did you just conveniently not read the last line? She's a pyschopath
ah yes thats why a small film strip from the second film of her during the sex scene was sold for over 2000k. definitely unpopular and hated on again because shes not a virgin.
Yes that’s what happens when you have the embodiment of all the world’s evils corrupting a teenage girl’s feelings of love for a strong man risking his life for her
I don't get why you fucks are obsessed with polls or what nips think. They have shit taste that's been accepted truth on Yea Forums since the beginning.
As far as we on this board are concerned, Sakura was always the least popular. She wasn't on Ciel levels but she draws comparisons.
user, it's 2019, not 2009. Sakurafags clawed their way to domination here during this decade.
>i thought rin was going to be the heroine but it's sakura??
is this person trolling? even for a secondary,sakura being plastered everywhere and in the center of each ad along with the first film should have been more than enough to let him know sakura was the heroine. on the spectrum maybe?
Ironically, the subtext is that she genuinely cares for him and fears the thought of him dying for her, with the wacky spooky yandere grin and thoughts being an overt red herring there to mislead poor readers.
That other tweet says nothing about Rin, EOP.
>and has been above her in polls since like 2016
Not really.
It has nothing to do with the fucking mud.
Sakura is selfish and borderline yan. She has issues with empathy.
Because again, you don't go through worm rape and walk out the other side a good person. Her development is learning to actually empathize again and to stop making herself the helpless victim.
You fucks expect me to think you're anything but falseflagging shitposters trying to make Yea Forums hate Sakurafags, but you act so retarded that it's the only choice left to me. Because Sakurafags were never this dumb.
My ass they did. As far as shitposting goes she's still the wormslut. You fags need to remember your place
>after all those years people still try to argue with delusional wormfags
Why don't they learn?
This artist always draws comfy stuff and i love it ;_;
>Sakura is selfish
>She has issues with empathy.
>stop making herself the helpless victim.
You literally haven't read the VN.
Some of you need to relax a bit. Pet a cute dog, have some ice-scream, smell the fresh air.
If you dont deal with wormfags you get infestations, like real life worms.
Ilya > Sakura
welp. guess saber isnt so popular going by your logical.
What we all can agree on is that the Other Night heroines are far superior to the bland as fuck Stay Night duo.
>everything is my fault don't save
>actually wants to be saved and resents people for not saving her
Stop being disingenuous shitposter-kun
This. Their interactions in F/HA are real cute as well.
>how dare a victim want to be saved
>no dont point out how she selflessly bottles it up
>price of a used car
American education
Also sakurafags
Yes, you are, secondary.
He did change a lot. Compare what we had in the novel with anime. Even manga and anime. It's like the difference between original Shinji and RN Shinji.
that was my mistake but it doesnt take away how much some of her film strip scenes are selling for.
Sakura haters have been outed as being strongly correlated with crossboarder cancer. Sakurafags have been running this joint for at least 5 years now.
Sakura reminds me of neurotic high school girls. Because she is one
She bottles it up because she doesn't think she WILL be saved, so she doesn't bother. It's a combination of sure, feelings of unworthiness, but also a general bleak and cynical outlook of life.
Because again. Wormrape victims don't make for kind people.
>Sakura haters have been outed as being strongly correlated with crossboarder cancer.
>Sakurafags have been running this joint for at least 5 years now.
Not true.
>Wormrape victims don't make for kind people.
She's a kind girl, but she's also bitter and angry and feels shame and guilt and that's completely fine.
Not really, the basic events are still the same. He could have easily chosen to outright make Sakura virgin like in RN or cut those odd malicious lines from day 10, but chose to keep it in for the sake of faithfulness. All he did was remove the misleading red herrings in the narration that no astute reader ever trusted.
sounds like us desu
Your delusions aren't fact. Long before FGO was a factor, long before captcha, Sakura was the butt of worm jokes.
That only changed with FSN going full franchise.
The funniest thing is that despite getting shat on, sakurafags were cool, you could have a conversation that didnt devolve into shitflinging. Which is why I refuse to believe this new brand of autistic defense of Sakura as some perfect waifu is anything but falseflagging.
Why does nasu like rape victims so much
Back when underage Yea Forumsfaggotry still influenced Yea Forums culture, you mean. And now, Yea Forums has since long grown out of that cancerous bullshit. Hate to break it to you.
>defense of Sakura as some perfect waifu
you blind?
It's not fine when she uses it as an excuse to go full dark Sakura, or throw shit at Rinfor having it easy (not easier, easy).
Reminder Rin's the one that took the impalement to save her sis and Sakura herself admited she shouldn't assume Rin had it easy.
Saber is losing ground but her fanboys are noble and aren't trying to start shit for her sake.
Based saberbros
>h-how dare Sakurafags defend themselves!
Sounds like you're just butthurt you're getting what's coming to you.
>an excuse to go full dark Sakura
The alternative was going full shadow. Not exactly hard to see which one is the better choice.
Absolutely worst girl
Compared to what Sakura was put through the moment she stepped foot into the Matou household, Rin very much did have it easy. Which is why Sakura is the heroine with the psychological damage.
>Takeuchi: From the earliest stages of Sakura's concept, she was set to be a heroine who was suffering from lots of psychological damage. For this reason, I knew I would be designing a character who looked more introverted and quiet. There are some generally accepted standards when it comes to stereotypically appealing elements of girl characters specific to the "gal games" genre, and I wanted Sakura to have the lion's share of these design elements when compared to the other two heroines.
Nah, he cut a lot of what was inconvenient or what was painting her in an unfavorable light.
You've grown out of having an actual good discussion and threads and are now superior intelectuals who just throw shitposting around and say the VN isnt canon because RN
You're shitposters and I want you to go back.
Rape fetish.
Gilgamesh got like crazy popular after Zero and then CCC, FGO, and Strange Fake have only boosted him
Saberfags are pretty tolerable, it's nice to see.
Yes, the VN was full of dubious narration pushing vague ominous implications about her every other second that turned out to be false once one looked at what actually happened. All the dishonest tone did was confuse brainlets into blaming Sakura, so good on Sudou for playing the story straight.
>Shirou is a self-sacrificing idealist who was essentially guided through life by the things he believed in, but Sakura was an exception for him.
Thanks Nasu.
>so good on Sudou for playing the story straight.
More like good on Sudou for not being a fucking idiot like some of the anons on here.
This is the only good Sakura.
Not only was that never trending on JP twitter, but searching that phrase brings up nothing related to hating FSN Sakura. Nice try though falseflagger.
Secondary here. Can someone tell me if FSN's Saber Alter is the "same" person as FSN's Saber? I kept to know if I'm cheating on my waifu or not
>rape victims are sluts xDDD lets obsess over these worms that get removed as soon as they're introduced and blame an innocent girl for the devil possessing them!
Real quality discussion there. Sakura haters have always been infamous cancer, while Sakurafags are the patricians of the Type Moon fanbase who know the story's ins and outs.
>giving a fuck about the three main heroines when Ilya, Taiga and Kotomine exist
Shirou x Sakura is always my best couple in Fate franchise
>Giving a fuck about those secondary characters when you could instead think about the cut Shinji route
Compared to Sakura yes, but the issue is that she thought her sister had it easy plain and simple.
Honestly though the two had the best character dynamic in HF. And after everything their relationship being properly mended was great.
Why do people still give a fuck about Shinji? He's not even a true incel so you guys can't really self insert into him. At least if you aren't a secondary and read the vn.
HF Shirou deserves a song, it'll probably be Sakura's POV again but I hope HFIII is his.
I think Last Stardust is both UBW Shirou and Archer. There's a lyric "I don’t mind if the things I think are right all turn out to be mistaken, as long as I’ve managed to protect what I believe in" which is pretty exactly what Shirou's point to Archer is.
delete this
I don't care how many other people like her as long as I can still love her
>she thought her sister had it easy plain and simple.
Rin doesn't exactly disagree.
And yet you "sakurafags" misunderstand or misrepresent the VN, or outright say the developments are shit and victim blaming, or just say the RN is the true canon when both of the previous ones fail.
Real patrician.
Because Shinji outside of being a mindbroken shitfuck rapist, is actually a pretty neat dude. He invites Shirou out for really good pasta in a Hollow Ataraxia scene.
>number 1
what kind of joke magazine is that? He should be dead last. Terrible character.
>And yet you "sakurafags" misunderstand or misrepresent the VN
Nah, that's what the Rinfags do.
I want to save Shinji from himself and make him a good person.
Always cute
It's the one thing they're right about.
VN (barring Fate) Shirou is a top tier character and cute.
>HF Shirou deserves a song
Another Heaven i guess ?
I've long loved her since I watched the ugly Deen anime and played Heaven's Feel in middle school.
>barring Fate
Ok outside of that I can admit he is less shitty. But fuck him still.
>manages to survive getting shot in the heart by a high caliber weapon
>only true winner of the 4th HGW
>literally the most complex character in all of Nasuverse, at least to date
>most interesting motivation/goal as well
>badass as fuck without having any hax or plot armor like Avalon, managed to be top tier at combat and some other things simply by training
>inhuman levels of will
>deflected a bullet with his bones once
>wolverine's and chokes the fuck out of bitches and hoes
>manages to fuck with THREE generations of Zouken males without giving a single shit
>shuts down Zouken and manages to win against a fucking servant when the odds are stacked against him
>verbally shits all over Caster
>surprisingly good at mountain climbing
>hot Irish bitches like Bazett want his dick
>doesn't actually give a fuck about hoes
>not gay
>managed to befriend an ancient half-God ruler who doesn't like anyone in the modern world
Artoria, Rin and Sakura
>have tits
>have a pussy
Kotochads where you at
Hadn't seen the lyrics for that one, yeah, that fits, but I still want a Yuki Kajiura/Aimer one
>implying Dark Sakura's regeneration powers don't make it grow back
Here, I like him and Kiritsugu. Artoria is great though. Also Zero Lancer and Rider.
im literally praying that sudou doesnt insert some fucking jpop during shirou vs kirei like miura did with shirou vs archer. good god.
I'm afraid they'll fuck it up (and Kotomine vs True Assassin) since they're adamant in not using any of the music from the visual novel. Which is a shame, since that was like 65% of the atmosphere.
>rinfags like a smart girl but are stupid themselves
>Sakurafags like a dumb girl but are intelligent themsleves
How ironic
Again, her outlook is coloured by the thought that she will not be saved, so she doesn't try.
It's easier to self pity than it is to fight. She had the fight mostly taken out of her and defaulted to assuming thats how things are. Re-read when she thinks back to watching Shirou do the jump and wishing he'd fail.
Kotochad here, currently waiting for his spotlight in LB5
>in not using any of the music from the visual novel.
pretty sure they did during the rain scene.
Fuck you, UBW had some problems but Last Stardust was kino.
Where can I watch the first movie?
>muh Rinfags
Not even a Rinfag. Ilya and Rider best girls.
he better be fucking pullable, I swear to god you delightworks fucks, you have one job to do and if by some twist of fate (hehe) I'll end up being disappointed there will be hell to pay
>so she doesn't try.
Well, she already saw what happened to Kariya, who tried to help her.
>She had the fight mostly taken out of her and defaulted to assuming thats how things are
It's called learned helplessness.
I loved Brave Shine.
I'm just praying the "I like Kotomine Kirei" line gets left in.
Shame "My face hasn't turned into swords yet." is almost certainly out.
Yeah, probably he will be playable after being defeated in the main story i guess
>but Last Stardust was kino.
inserting it into the fight was a dumb decision. should have used it as a special ed after that episode finished.
> i thought rin was going to be the heroine
I fucking hate rinfags
Me too, but it wouldn't have worked as an insert song, which is what that user was complaining about.
I love Sakura but also prefer HF Normal End. Feels like a good price for Shirou to die after betraying his ideals and freeing Sakura. Didn't feel like an asspull at all. More like he earned every victory against overwhelming odds.
It was probably the best part of the anime for me. After having gone through it all I'm more hyped for watching El Mellon Case Files with Yea Forums though, feels like the meme potential is higher since nobody actually read the novels. We may even reach full retard levels of F/Z frodo posting again.
I want to feed my King delicious meals everyday.
>Feels like a good price for Shirou to die after betraying his ideals
Shirou becomes his most human in HF. He deserves every bit of mortal happiness.
Rin > Saber > Sakura > Illya
Saberfags > Illyafags >>>>> Rinfags = Sakurafags
God I love that outfit.
That's more about Rin relative to Sakura.
Again, Sakura's fault was an inability to see past Rin's bullshit perfect magus act. Rin didn't make it easy though, and that was the entire point. Sakura wanted her sister but was too broken to make any genuine effort to reach out and Rin was too obsessed eith being her dad to be the sister she ought to have been and wanted to be.
>deserves to die because he picked the woman he loved over his romanticized borrowed ideals that he stuck to because of a misplaced sense of guilt
And that made her bitter, ie, a cunt.
So we agree that she's kind of a cunt then?
Same, except for the fact that Illya's sacrifice in True End is my favourite part of the VN. Actually made me cry and I never cry.
Maybe Ufo could just fix True End epilogue to be less shit though.
Do you think there's a way they could show Normal End as a "what if", and then rewind back? True End works so much better when you've been devastated by the alternative.
Sakura wasn’t really saved though
>F/Z frodo posting
I only read F/SN and HA a month ago for the first time, I want to know what this was.
I'd love that. Also doing the same with spark liners high.
Being bitter isn't necessarily being a cunt if it mainly manifests as self-hatred and pessimism.
Nope. I've said it before, and I'll said it again. She isn't all bad or all good.
Would be amazing, but I think SLH would be pushing it too much, especially for time constraints. The best we can hope for is an OVA.
Yes, but in her it manifests both ways.
What's so bad about admiting your waifu can be a cunt?
>Muh hero of justice
Fuck off capeshitfag
That and the steel wind tunnel scene are great, favourite parts of the route for me.
Would be a shame if it's never animated
Peak retard posting will be in Gil-kun’s Excellent Adventure threads
>Do you think there's a way they could show Normal End as a "what if", and then rewind back? True End works so much better when you've been devastated by the alternative.
Maybe a flashback during the Kirei fight? There's a scene where Shirou's all "I don't want to die, I want to live with Sakura" or something really close to that. They could show a quick montage of Sakura growing older all alone in the Emiya household, with Shirou thinking "No, that's not the future I want. I promised her we would see the the cherry blossoms together."
We already got a montage when he's about to kill her.
Speaking of which, what are you guys looking forward to most in the Case Files anime ?
Anyway, im glad that they chose to adapt Rail Zeppelin case thou
>out of a sense of guilt
>not because there is beauty in the ideal regardless if it's his or not
user please stop being such a filthy secondary.
Didn't mean to write flashback in the beginning. Meant to write montage.*
You seriously think a part of Shirou doesn't want to save a bunch of people as a way to make amends for being the only survivor of the devastating fire?
Grey, possibly getting more info on Kay since he's supposed to be in Grey's little doohickey thing, seeing more of Fast Wheels' family and the inevitable resurgence of Reines' porn (very much yes please), exploring more weird magic shit since that's the most interesting part of Nasuverse.
The sakurafags may or may not be falseflagged by Rinfags. I don't believe that fully, I think sakurafags really are just that obnxious
Maybe, but it would just make Shirou look narcissistic to imagine Sakura pining over him in misery to old age. I don't think it would work if it looks like something Shirou's thought up. Besides, Shirou still has the survive the Kirei fight to destroy the grail for that end, so it couldn't be at that point.
The entire point of UBW is that his motivations don't matter. The ideal of saving others and being a hero is not wrong just because Kiritsugu failed, or because, it's borrowed, or because Shirou does it due to ptsd.
Striving for the ideal is not wrong as long as you keep a firm grasp it's an ideal.
Abandoning it was a moral failure but a necessary one. We all make sacrificies of parts of ourselves in a relationship.
That's why Rin's romance is like one's first love but Sakura is like one's wife. He threw away parts of him for that relationship
Different guy here, but I always thought of it this way:
During the HF route, a lot of innocent, non-magi people, who had absolutely nothing to do with the Grail War, have died because of the shadow. Now Shirou was in the same shoes at the end of the previous Grail War, where countless innocent people died because of stuff they didn't even understand.
Now Shirou wanted to be a magi like Kiritsugu and wanted Kiritsugu to train him for this exact reason, to stop shit like this. The whole superhero ideal thing came later, because after Kiritsugu tells him this, he bites the dust the next minute, thus he couldn't have trained Shirou in any way or form.
Now the problem is that Shirou trained for somethinf like this every single night and when the SAME EXACT SITUATION happens, where he could do something to protect people, he just says "well fuck being a superhero, I'll just protect the girl I love". This in itself is a pretty honorable and understandable thing to do, but it means that he will potentially let the same thing happen to a bunch of people that traumatized him in the first place.
i love sakura
>but it would just make Shirou look narcissistic to imagine Sakura pining over him in misery to old age
Would it really? I mean that's what literally happens in HF Normal. Sakura dies without ever moving on or wanting to. I feel like Shirou is very much aware that any happiness that Sakura has experienced since she became Matou, lies with him and by extension the Emiya household/Taiga. The safe haven she managed to create there alongside him was her main source of happiness.
Kay appeared in the Contract of Atlas case though, not this one
Shit sucks since we also won't get to see Touko, either.
>well fuck being a superhero
It didn't go down that way you know it. It was a major conflict for him.
I know it's what happens, but there's a big difference if it's depicted as something Shirou made up and assumed would happen - at least in the way it plays out in Norman End.
There will be some OVA episodes, so maybe Touko and Luvia will appear i guess
I guess we just have different views. I wouldn't find it narcissistic of him since the films have very much hammered down that they are each other's number one. For Sakura, it's Shirou. For Sakura, it's Shirou. No one else will do.
Kotochad reporting in. HF3 better do him justice. The Kirei-Shirou tag-team is easily the most exciting section of the VN.
Go to nyaa.subs
>muh dick
where do you niggers come from?
>mfw all these Rin/Sakura waifu wars and I honestly love both and both routes
Can we all just agree that Fate route sucks and everything else is good?
Basically everything from that point onwards to the end is my favourite part of the VN. It's just great scene after great scene, and basically all the characters who aren't servants get a chance to shine.
>Takeuchi: Speaking of being powerful... Who's stronger: Ciel or Kirei?
>Nasu: Ciel is by far more powerful. Just take her lineage into consideration, and add to that her immortality.
what did they mean by this
Nasu also said that Kirei from FZ (so his peak) would be able to give Ciel an almost equal fight.
This, honestly. I get why the Fate route is important, since it's mostly meant to help guide the reader into an understanding of why Shirou's ideals are wrong in UBW, but for the most part it's just boring and doesn't pick up until the very end.
I will say, though, that remembering Kirei's basement fucks me up every time. That was the route's peak.
Nah, you're just trying too hard. The novel and it's narration are always the truth, not Sudou's fanfic.
The narration was all over the place to be honest. I understand why Nasu told Sudou he wanted to rewrite certain things. The trilogy is just cleaning up his writing.
HF is great for non-Servants but it does mean the Servant Protagonist of the route suffers. Rider basically does only one important thing all route.
>Nasu narration
>always the truth
How new can you be?
Nasu's narration is still better than Sudou's mischaracterization, whitewashing and fanfiction.
Nasu literally praised Sudou for being able to do what he couldn't. Die mad about it.
How, he literally kept all her bad scenes.
Sounds like you're just upset that seeing the events of HF in animation proved your anti-Sakura headcanon wrong once and for all.
>establish her in-universe as having cowtits, everyone envious of her chest
>never draw her with cowtits
Is Takeuchi afraid of drawing large breasts?
When is this whore's 15 minutes of fame going to end? She will always be the third option. Sakurafags we can see through your pathetic shills. She's going to be relegated to irrelevance just like before as soon as these movies are over.
Keep whining.
She'll always be the single girl with a full on romance with Shirou actually adapted.
SEETHE forever.
I didn't mean to imply that, just that Shirou, Rin, Illya, Kotomine and Sakura all have arguably their best moments in the entire VN at the end of HF. I think UBW is more even in quality as a route and Rin and Shirou have a much better dynamic as a couple, but the peak of HF is the best part of the VN.
I think pic related is completely right about Fate route. Problem is that the Fate franchise is now so well known it doesn't even work as a misdirect.
>badass as fuck without having any hax or plot armor like Avalon
what about him using his fuckton of command seals like armor and separate magic circuits?
>only character that seems to know that she’s in an eroge
Based. This is the crux of the matter, Sakura is the eternal reminder that Fate was once just porn and the shounenfags would rather denounce her character than accept they put an eroge on a pedestal.
You can't do stuff like Sakura or Caren again in Fate as a franchise, now everything is sexually sanitized.
Only really does it once in combat and once to cure Sakura. It's also not much of an asspull, if you read the novel you see that he didn't even plan for it to specifically circumvent Kiritsugu's origin bullet, it just worked out for him.
Specially her.
Ironic, since the FGOsluts are dressed much more indecently and are pure doujinbait.
It's whoring them out, not them being whores.
>not them being whores.
medb is a whore. so is kiara from what ive heard.
>conveniently cutting the line where she says she should break his legs
>makes the whole thing look like some alternate personality
>loving humanity
What? She's just a janitor tier threat at most.
Nah, Nasu is just senile now. Look at FGO. Everyone is getting whitewashed to milk money.
>What is Tiamat
Depends, as Avenger's master it's game over if he's given birth.
>like some alternate personality
Making it look like she was insane? No way, that's totally not what happened in the VN.
That was always a red herring. You know how retards kept saying Sakura was at fault for the shadow and Shirou losing his arm because of that line? The movie stays completely faithful to how the VN describes the way Shirou loses his arm, which is an explosion. Ergo, him losing his arm was a complete coincidence that had nothing to do with what Sakura said earlier.
meh, get your fucking nasuverse shit straight
all of that nonsense with angry manjew getting born is retarded when you realize the counter force exists, and it's ESPECIALLY hilarious when you realize that the world was even summoning Emiya to fuck up some literally who sandniggers
Despite the barely used Shilltype polls tell you, Gil's easily the most popular Fate male in Japan, and around the top in the biggest other Fate fanbase place China. Emiya lost a lot of ground when they made him more a cooking mama than a cool and tormented anti hero. Lancer/EMIYA fujos are still faithful.
Now if people wanted a cool rogue mouthy archer type there's his improved version, Robin who gained a LOT of fans thanks to FGO exposure.
Is Saber still the most popular Fate female or has a character from F/GO been catching up to her?
Gil has valentine scenes in FGO and in all acts like a big tsundere. Hell Caster Gil even gets mortally wounded protecting your self-insert when he was alive and nobly accepting his death in order to save the world from Tiamat, destroying his city, and thus kingdom, to do it. His right-hand person he respected above most was a woman too, Siduri. And from his Servants summoned, he greatly admired Tomoe Gozen's sacrifice to protect Uruk and praises her loyalty to her husband too so there's no sexual interest.
The character completely changed now he's not just a NTR plot device to make Shirou feel like a better choice (his character was twisted from his original concept to that anyway for the sake of insecure neckbeards).
Angra Manyu is canonically the third best thing to kill humans in the FSN setting and would eventually overtake the whole world a la tiamat.
>makes the whole thing look like some alternate personality
That was always obvious. Did you even play the previous two routes? Considering how kind and innocent she generally behaves, it should be obvious that it couldn't actually have been her.
Gil literally takes (you) into a romantic Euphrates sailing during the evening and night after criticizing being given delicious chocolates but was too small to be anything but a starter.
Even VAs laugh at the wormslut.
We know Douman and Tamavitch are. Let's keep our finger crossed.
They're not laughing a Sakura herself which is why Sakura's VA is joining in on the fun. Are you dumb?
Kiara and every sakuraface who isn't parvati are from extra cancer and they were even more whoreish then. Extra is the franchise with one note girls.
you are literally retarded
Saber is certainly not that popular as she used to be. Saberfaces are popular just not necessarily Artoria.
Jeanne and Jeanne Alter, and Okita especially. Mashu is really really popular. I think Artoria Alter is more popular than vanilla one. Proto Arthur is shilled a lot by Aniplex for some reason too.
She's still Pikachu mascot but even there Fou's pushing her off this role. Who would have thought that Primate Murder was Tsukihime's smartest character? He jumped out the dying franchise and straight into Camelot wank and then established as Chaldea pet.
>Saber is certainly not that popular as she used to be
You think so? Saberfags seem to be confident in her popularity. I was just curious as to whether she would dethroned one day as the most popular Fate female. I know Shiki is popular as well, but that's considering TM as a whole.
She's certainly never a target to grail or max even if some of those are for love (look at Izou BTFO everyone in 2018). Her valentine scenes weren't voted among the ones most wanted to be voiced too (and even if she had 1000000000 versions and new ones, thanks to Takeuchi, everyone who liked a character voted the "main" version even if a new one turned out). Okita, Jeanne Alter and Jeanne got voted instead.
In China's favorite Servant poll, Artoria Alter (any variant) made it on the female top ten when they separated the votes. I'm sure she's liked but not sure if she's the number one anymore. I feel like Emiya, she had more fans when they weren't many options.
Only BB-chan matters.
The problem is exposure. Most of her appearance is being a bitch to Mordred or being an antagonist with an AU version. Saber Alter got just more sympathetic points in Shinjuku so no surprise she's probably got a better placing. Or a parody/gag.
Very interesting. I sometimes wonder what a TM poll would look like these days since F/GO is all the rave. I wonder if the likes of Emiya and Rin would still make top 10.
you missed the entire point of heaven's feel
It's really amazing that Rinfags have managed to shit up every Sakura thread in the fifteen years since the VN came out. That's dedication. That's effort.
The theme song for the last movie better be about Shirou. The theme songs for the past two movies are shit because they wank Sakura so much.
Sudou isn't trying to make it look like an alternate personality, but rather making it clear that the Shadow is pushing her to voice all her selfish desires and panted up anger she kept repressing through all these years, basically showing her "bad" side as a person. Sudou made it that way since too many people thought Sakura was that mentally insane just by herself despite the fact she never let all those thoughts take over her personality as she hated herself more than anyone else prior to the HGW.
I seriously doubt Sudou would try do disregard the fact that Dark Sakura is Sakura when the Ending's song represent Sakura's deepest feelings.
Not only that line was a red herring for the readers, but it was also an element that made Sakura feel like all that happened because of the Shadow was because of her. Imagine what she felt when Shinji died right after she thought for a second that he should disappear from her life and how similar this situation is with what happened with Shirou's arm despite being just a coincidence. That realization is main reason she let herself succumb to the Shadow's influence and let her rawest emotions take over.
I understand why Sudou decided to take out that specific line because of brainlets falling for it but I feel he should have kept it anyway since it adds to Sakura's deteriorating mental state.
They are literally laughing at her being a fucking wormslut, it's a running joke even among VAs.
No, that user was bitching about how Last Stardust was used as insert during Archer vs Shirou fight. Brave Shine was never played during any of the episodes, only used as the Opening theme of the second cour.
Nailed it.
Nah, but keep telling yourself that.
That's exactly my point though? You're just repeating the same thing.
If it's not that, then what are the VAs laughing at. What's the context of this tweet.
they can't help it, they're retarded
The user that replied to the user that said "I love brave shine" was referring to Brsve Shine, not Last Stardust
They're joking about worms. Not Sakura. It would be more reasonable to assume they're joking about Zouken if anything.
Already seen it last month
Let's test your English comprehension skills user.
Why did you cut the text from Riders VA?
I know, that was my point. The original user was complaining about j-pop being being used as an insert song, (meaning Last Stardust, which was) and I was agreeing I liked Brave Shine, but it was never used as in insert so it's different to his which wasn't jpop in general, but as insert songs.
Twitter thumbnail cut it off and it worked better for his anti-Sakura narrative.
*different to his complaint, which wasn't jpop in general, but as insert songs.
Reminder that Dark Sakura is just this guy in drag
>They're joking about worms. Not Sakura. It would be more reasonable to assume they're joking about Zouken if anything.
Sakura is a fucking worm.
I’m surprised that she’s popular at all considering the anime community’s dislike of “used goods”
Even Japan thinks "used goods" is bullshit nowadays. It was only ever really a common sentiment during the 00s.
Yeah, when FSN first popped up. Which is why I’m surprised
I wouldn't say she is more selfish since for goodness sake she was empathetic to Shinji of all people, but cynical yes. But that is only because Rin has a romantic viewpoint of most things, while Sakura is a realist. When you compare them, you gotta have context on the subject and situation. Sakura is pretty darn kind, she just hides an edge, and constantly tries to fight it down. Rin is overbearing but also kind, and a huge daddy's girl who sometimes gets in trouble for not seeing how cruel the world really is.
But Sakura is shit and that guy is based.
Oh look, it's .
>seething wormfaggot
My pleasure.
Sakurafags are so hateful just like sakura
Are the H-scenes really this bad, or are translations just super terrible?
Sakura is just a stinking pile of shit compared to Rin.
They are that bad, they were all written by a man other than the main writer.
Not only that but the sex is very sudden and usually forced by plot. You can take them out and the routes hardly change, in fact it’s an option in the menu screen.
>mentions rin
>post her servants instead
what did he mean by this?
Reminder that you can't spell Tohsaka Rin without "O, a rank shit".
The saber vs zerker fight from heavens feel 2 was taken down from youtube, anyone know where I can watch it without having to download the camrip?
It's funny because everyone knows that's non-canon after RN and the movies.
It's funny because everyone knows that Sakura is a fucking whore who's infested with worms. She looks like shit and her personality is shit as well.
It's funny because you're an obvious secondary if even that:
Sakura is more like Aoi than she or others would care to admit.
Sakura Five a great name for a Japanese musical group (if it hasn't been used already).
>a dying breed
They are in Japan, and only /pol/fags and newfags trying way too hard to fit in ever gave a shit about virginity in the west.
Careful user, you've baited salty purityfag posts now.
Wormslutfags will kill themselves when Saber and Rin got whitewashed movies too.
Oh, you mean like the UBW movie?
I don’t care about damaged goods but used goods are a compromise which should be kept in 3dpd
>muh Japan
Yes because used good shows sell BDs...oh wait
It's not like the Heaven's Feel movies are the best selling adaptations in the franchise or anything.
Guess what the best-selling Type Moon anime ever made is?
i just realized that rin has only 2 alts and they're more popular than all of sakura's alts combined
Rin will never stop being the best Fate girl.
10. Nero Claudius Ceasar Augustus - 1228 votes
9. Jeanne d'Arc - 1425 votes
8. Artoria Pendragon Alter - 1967 votes
7. Ishtar - 2105 votes
6. Melthlilith - 2389 votes
5. Okita Souji - 2687 votes
4. Musashi Miyamoto - 2756 votes
3. Jeanne d'Arc Alter- 2945 votes
2. BB - 3680 votes
1. Mashu - 3865 votes
>2. BB
>6. Meltlilith
>7. Ishtar
>inb4 "b-b-but Sakuraclones aren't Sakura!"
You're the one who said "all of".
Is it really HF?
Yup, shortly followed by Zero. Meanwhile, UBW sold far worse than either of them.
Got the numbers for that?
preach it brudda
Fate sells regardless of medium.
>66,355 Heaven's Feel: Presage Flower
>52,133 Fate/Zero
In some ways and not others, but she argues with Shirou, while Aoi wouldn't with Tokiomi. She has the "my darling doesn't take care of himself, geez" part, but has more steel to her spirit than Aoi does.
Yes, Shinji did give his aids to Sakura. And than she gave it to the worms.
Didn't Presage Flower BD surpass 100k volumes sold a while back? Lost Butterfly is looking to do even better than that looking at the box office numbers.
Loli Sakura sold zero ofc
Well yeah, this trilogy is set to make over 3 billion in revenue. If they make a collector's edition boxset with extras, possibly more.
Don't lie to me, user. Why the fuck does Japan love Fate/Zero over Unlimited Blade Works?
Because UBW already had an adaption, and Zero offered something new.
Fate/Zero is almost universally more loved than Unlimited Blade Works.
Because UBW is generic shounenshit. It was pretty much universally panned for being yet another high school anime with a dense harem MC and a generic tsundere heroine after the dark and deep battle royale that Zero was.
>your penis
Zerofags consistently showing they have the mental maturity of 8 year olds.
I dunno I vaguely remember there being a giant shitstorm somewhat recently over mobile games having a crossover event and a ton of japs went apeshit because it meant that there would be male characters in the one game or something
fate/zero is fate for people who hate fate
jokes aside while i enjoyed zero more i found ubw to be more fun just because i'm a lover of nasu's writing cock
Love Livefags are basically as hated as bronies and furries in Japan for their autism.
They don't
Fate/Zero was new
UBW already had a shitty adaptation movie after the shitty Fate anime
UBW in 2014 was also a Fate/Zero sequel with mostly UBW plot thrown in
It's still one of the biggest things in japan though no? Seems to me that would make the purityfags still significant
The UBW anime was only 4 years after the half-assed DEEN movie, makes sense to me that that would hurt the enthusiasm somewhat
Idolfags are on a whole other level of autism compared to regular anime fans.
That may be but my point is that they are still a huge part of the core anime fans in japan
Dunno about the anime as I approached f/z as a secondary and ubw as a sourcefag, but the VN (both HF and UBW, fuck Fate) is the one that's really stuck with me over the years, and Shirou has become one of my very favourite characters ever. Zero is definitely more normie-friendly (not necessarily a bad thing) and requires much less of a time investment, but I hate how much I ended up loving this dumb VN.
And I would have been one of the people shitposting "Shirou is a boring self insert MC for losers that want a waifu" before I read the VN, having only seen Deen/StayNight so that kind of stuff really pisses me off
Pretty hilarious how dead FSN threads are on Yea Forums these days, despite the massive popularity of FGO. I remember when there would be a Fate powerlevel argument thread going around the clock. Now the only thing that can scrape together a decent amount of replies after more than half a day are Sakurafags gloating about their movies. FGO was truly the end for fate outside of /vg/ circlejerks
Do we have an updated version of pic related?
There's not much to talk about aside from the same old waifu wars.
2017 version
2019 version
Thanks user. Don't think I've been in a fate thread since 2015.
>"go away Shirou" on Prisma Illya
I don't get the idea that people don't care about Sakura being raped by shinji anymore simply from a change in attitude when that was literally officially retconned out. Obviously rabid purityfags aren't gonna give a shit about something that isn't even canon anymore.
If anything I would have thought that japan is more purity crazed than ever based on other events outside of fate.
This is missing the endless 'Is Rin Bi' shitposting I see quite regularly.
I agree for the most part about the Fate route, I would add though that Shirou actually matures as time goes on. He gets development in the VN that makes him a better person, and his shitty personality is more born out of an unhealthy lust for saber that he comes to terms with in the end. Fate also has a better ending than UBW imo.
What website do I find these threads on user?
Just wait until Babylon comes out.
10+ years ago at like 1AM US time on Yea Forums on a full moon sometimes
They know their audience
I hate it, please post it again tomorrow
sakura didn't change her attitude towards shinji, she just felt so pitiful towards him because he is incompetent as a magus which we next to no knowledge of in the VN. we only know this information when fate/zero was finished publishing.
I meant a change in attitude among the japanese audience
This. I approached the Fate franchise with next to no knowledge of anything outside it and I only knew anime as a medium. I first watched DEEN 2006 and I remember liking it despite the weird as fuck BDSM Sakura suit and the shitty teenage drama with Saber and Shirou. I proceeded to go on to Fate/Zero straight after finishing DEEN F/SN and loved it
Her BDSM outfit looks legit kinda cool like a Dead or Alive ninja outfit if you take out the leash.
When does Sakura wear that yukata?
DEEN/Stay Night still has the best music out of all the adaptations. I also like the art better although the actual animation is dogshit
Fuck you extra is great. Fate warriors was still fun. Hakuno(male) is just trash.
Sasuga Canon OTP
Newfag crossboarder from Yea Forums here, was kariya’s servant really that strong?
>ubw speech was the entire route.
Who the fuck is the secondary here. Go read the vn you troll, that ideal is beautiful shit only came out during the fight.
She doesn't love humanity. She represents destructive and obsessive concepts in a desperate attempt to be loved, but at the same time knowing full well she does not deserve it in the least because of her twisted nature.
extra is pure garbage. All of the servants in there are in FGO.
At the same time, we know that MATHMAN is going to ruin Grand Order with his Atlantis science bullshit.
Lancelot >= saber
this is literally one of the last lines in the route
>Reading comprehension = 0
sick reply
Extra is the best and Archimedes was based as fuck.
Also Extella Link will be the best game to come from the Fate series.
More like the based alien slave.
No, Sudou is trying to whitewash her and push the alternate personality so far. In the novel it did look like she was voicing her innermost feelings in those moments while in the movies it looked like "lel who was that". And it wasn't the only thing Sudou cut to make her look better. He made her blissfully unaware of the shadow situation which wasn't the case in the novel. She was aware but was trying hard to not notice it.
Translations. In original they're simply incredibly average.
This is exactly what was in the movies, though.
No she wasnt. Thats false. She even says its a dream, a nightmare etc.
She was. Check your reading comprehension, retard. There's a difference between her having happy dreams and eating candies versus nightmares where she murders and eats people, eventually coming to enjoy it because of her repressed negative emotions, fearing that those dreams might become reality. She even talks to Shirou about it when she asks him why won't he kill her, which Sudou, yet again, conveniently cut.
But she did say it was a happy dream about senpai.
Its obvious that these movies are meant to ship wormslut and Shirou, instead of being adaptations like the two TV series.
If they adapted HF even close to 90% everyone would hate wormslut just like most did when people played mirrormoon's translation ages ago or Realta Nua.
But I played it again just now and I dont hate sakura.
I didn't play RN, but sexuality had a lot to do with HF's raw and disturbing atmosphere, I can't imagine how it could work without it. But yeah, they were shoehorned into Fate and UBW.
Not sure about hate but she'd be more divisive. That's what made her interesting after all. And now most of it is gone and she's just some vanilla damsel in distress.
I really dislike how Sudou changed her relationship with Shirou as well. It's clear what he's going for but HF was great for other reasons, the romance was one of the things that was dragging it down a bit. I've got no fucking idea how the final will even look now that Sakura/Rin was barely covered and Kirei hardly exists. Don't even get me started on Illya. I still wish she had ala Hisui route.
One good thing I want to say about the dream-sequence in the movie is that it grasped Sakura's mental age quite well. Sudou did say she was mentally very young and in the dream she does behave like a 5yo.