Bakitsu Doubliner - >Implication 15

First, he stole Musashi's role; now, he's stolen Motobe's job. What, is he gonna kill Kaku next?

Chapter 23: Vanquish

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Please Yuujiro come and kill him already and end the whole franchise, fuck It.

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The fuck did nature to you? Asshole sumo.

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Forgot to write "End chapter". End chapter.

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Itagaki sez:

>Believe in the power of prayer. Everyone in the country is praying for Ikee-senshu's recovery. After all this time, this is our only way to pay her back.

End transmission.

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What a fucking garbage character. Out of all the powerhouses in the series Mr. Sumo here is literally just asspull incarnate. It's like the author picked up a book on Sumo for the first time, got super fucking hyped and nut out a Sumo guy that has no fighting skill and yet is the strongest character in the show. This is worse than Muhammad Ali Jr. worfing Doppo and Gouki.

At least the others had personality, Sukune is fucking empty

>This is worse than Muhammad Ali Jr. worfing Doppo and Gouki
how about no


>This is worse than Muhammad Ali Jr. worfing Doppo and Gouki.
Thing is, after that happened, they came back on him twofold and showed him that they're still the top dogs. Actually, I literally just realized that the entire Muhammad Ali Jr arc is the complete opposite of the Sukune arc right now. Ali Jr actually has personality and is entertaining, but Sukune is not. Ali Jr is not the strongest fighter, but is still hanging around the high tiers while Sukune is apparently a god-tier fighter. Ali Jr also styled on some of his opponents, but his opponents faced him again and clowned him worse, hell he pretty much was in a beatdown marathon. Sukune on the other hand is clowning dudes left and right effortlessly with no hope of them ever getting a good rematch because he's so far above them.

Yeah, he really is garbage. You're wrong about Ali Jr though.

A lot of buildup for this guy so far, but how would Baki even fight him?

I just want somebody to fuck up this fat faggot asap.

You and I both know Yuujiro is going to soft-job by getting pushed back when trying to meet him in a sumo-off before saying "Wow you're really strong" before the fight stops for some reason

Yujiro never soft jobbed once in the entire series. The only one to ever get to him was Muhammed Ali Jr. If Pickle got tossed to the ground by Yujiro and he took down Olivia via strength...there is no goddamn way Sukone pushes him.

I consider Musashi being able to cut him with his sword to be him soft jobbing.
IE: Not getting his ass kicked. But if some character in a story deflects a literal god's lightning bolt you know they're pretty good

This happened, though.
It was a win for Yuujiro if Yuujiro had bothered to take it.

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what if itagaki is saying we have to believe in HxH's nen?


>isometric exercise, care to join me?

This manga is so fucking shit at the moment.

It's been downhill ever since Pickle arc.

Japanese trying to pass a fighting style for obese man as valid always gets me triggered. Anyway, this pose of him is even possible? His balance must be fucked up.

Didn't we already have a chapter talking about his super stomp purifying the land? Am I traveling through time or something?

so, is baki ever going back to be the mc of his own damn manga?

>Arc barely started
>Still trying to flesh out Sukone's motivations, personality and back story
>Wyhere s Bakiii Itagaki?
Do you autists not understand that he has to build up the reason for these two to fight or else people will bitch like they did the Musashi arc which was horseshit. Unlike that faggot Musashi Sukone is actually likable.

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>Unlike that faggot Musashi Sukone is actually likable.
>wanting another monolithic character that dominates the arc only for Baki to pull out some very conditional "victory"
I liked Baki better when it was a globe hopping martial arts shounen.

Sukune has no personality.
Musashi had a great personality

>that he has to build up the reason for these two to fight
But Baki doesn't need a reason to fight him except for he is strong.
He didn't have a reason to fight Olivia either.

Are you really suggesting that current Baki go on a journey? Give me a fucking break, he would be just as broken as Sukone. Seeing Baki getting his shit kicked in once in a while is refreshing considering the tear he was on the last couple of arcs. He needs to be brought down a peg or two since he so powerful at this point.

Was he ever?
Besides I thought this was a homoerotic ryona manga.

Thanks for the dump.

Always welcome.

>Are you really suggesting that current Baki go on a journey?
No, I said I liked the story better when it didn't stay in one place and focus on a single powerful fighter. Baki should have ended years ago if you want a real hot take. I don't care about Baki becoming as cocky as his dad, and I don't care about Musashi or Sukune because at the end of the day they are still just bland characters.

But that is wrong. In the prisoner arc it was held in Japan, then they did the tournament in China. Also why would Itagaki go back to something he already did like Baki travelling? He already got those experiences and grew from a spoiled idealistic brat into a mature teenager....

If Baki ended years ago it would have been retarded. Baki wants to beat his father, not fight him as an equal. Shove that shit up your ass.

>But that is wrong. In the prisoner arc it was held in Japan, then they did the tournament in China.
That's probably the last good arc for me user. Baki has always been a janky series but after China it frays a lot and started to become something I didn't enjoy reading. Hell, even when he went to Arizona after all that I still couldn't care because Baki had become a boring character
> Also why would Itagaki go back to something he already did like Baki travelling?
I didn't say he should go on a journey. Once again because your reading comprehension is bad. The parts of Baki I liked, are those where Baki is actually traveling around to fight other people. More specifically the first part is the best in my opinion.
>If Baki ended years ago it would have been retarded.
Less retarded than what we currently have? If Baki had ended with the Yuujiro fight I think it would have sat better with me and a lot of other readers because the alternative is what we currently have where people have lost faith in Itagaki and read Baki because of inertia.

Neither of them are likable. Introducing a super strong character and then making Oliva job to make him seem stronger is awful, even worse if Oliva is actually dead.
Can't we go back to prisoner or chinese tournament where the power levels were at least somewhat well balanced?
And personally I don't even like Baki, Yujiro is a much more entertaining character to read about.

Baki should've ended with Hanma Baki, at this pace Baki will never defeat his father.

>after China it frays a lot
Definitely. I think that Itagaki knows that, and I recall him acknowledging it in a certain capacity in the OAD. He makes some comment about how, without noticing, he'd changed the 'topic' of the series from 'martial arts/fighting' to 'what is strength'. Post-China is right around when things start to really slow down, so I think it makes some sense to equate the two things.

I personally couldn't stand Arizona because I felt that it was boring. Nothing was happening. While that might be sensibly reflective of a prison, it doesn't make for an exciting narrative.

>If Baki had ended with the Yuujiro fight I think it would have sat better with me
I think most people see it that way to an extent, but I think they also see it as 'settling' on a deeper level. When I finished Hanma Baki I was glad to be told and shown that Baki had won, but I felt a little sick in my knowing that Baki could never *properly* bring down Yuujiro in a fight. Redefining the goal in the last stretch is generally a bad idea.

In that sense, the Dous have come as an interesting lifeboat. We're being offered a way for Baki to make it over that hurdle. It's extreme in its method and very strangely paced, but doesn't it make sense that Baki would have to overcome these nigh-insurmountable challenges in order to reach Yuujiro's physical level? When I consider Baki fighting Musashi vis-a-vis Yuujiro, I think about a powerlifter trying to go from a personal best of 1 rep of 950 lbs to a personal best of 1 rep of 1,000 lbs. It's absurd to imagine that it could be done without training up, and it's absurd to imagine that that 50 lb difference is as 200 is to 250. The lifter is maxing out at the limits of physical strength and will have to do a lot more to make it happen than 'train really hard'.

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imagine the smell

is this achievable natty?

I don't see why not

You guys would love Sukune if he was dark-skinned. Fact.

The only bad thing about Ali Jr was the dumb thing he had going on with Kozue. He was basically the same sort of personality Baki was earlier in the story except everyone beat his shit in instead of trying to nurture his talent.

I liked Musashi as a character, his arc was just 10x as long as it should've been and should've just ended on the Motobe fight with him hanging around as a supporting character, having now learned to fight for reasons other than wanting to cut people.

Sukune is just sort of boring in my opinion. I was all for a strong sumo character but not like this.

Everyone needs to remember that Musashi was not even out of the pod until the end of the second volume of Musashi Dou. By chapter 23 of Musashi Dou, he had just finished meeting and dealing with Sabu. He didn't have much of a personality by that point, either.

You want a swordsman that cut people using an invisible spirit sword to roam around free? Musashi had no chance being left to his own devices and had to be put happened in the stupidest way possible but at least his story was done with.

a caveman who rapes cuties in public is roaming free so why not

Well I mean, to be completely fair, a wild animalistic caveman is roaming around freely. Just a reminder that one of the first things he did was outright rape a woman in front of an entire audience of people.

That is different though, the caveman is childlike and already had the fear of god instilled by him when he got his ass handed to him by Baki.

He already knows a bigger threat in the name of Yujiro would absolutely wreck his shit, so he behaves.

Compare that to Musashi who is not only arrogant in his abilities but a greedy son of bitch, he would constantly want to test his abilities which would cause carnage.

Wait didn't we already have a chapter that was exactly like this?

He endures this shiko every day.


Didn't this guy fuck up olivia?

Also where can I read this shit, I'm stuck at baki dou and Musashi

After the musashi arc he's Lost the benefit of doubt, specialy since this one is following basically the same structure

Musashi arc at least set up Motobe from early on, this arc has nothing like that in it. I dunno where he's going with this even.

Top kek what

Cyborg ribs Oliva will save

He's an asshole who shows up in these threads and Kengan threads from time-to-time to declare that 'whites' are only comfortable seeing someone strong if the strong person is black. I'm not kidding. Report him for racism as I have, please, and move on ere he elaborate.

I miss this Baki

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Being this Yea Forums i totally believe It but ive been in these Baki threads for years and never noticed him until now.


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And I miss scanlating Grappler. I've repeatedly said that we will (we really will) get back on it when Musashi Dou is done, but we pick up and lose a new team member like every fucking week. I'm like 95% sure we don't have a typesetter at the moment, despite having brought at least three people into our Dropbox exclusively to typeset in like the last month and a half.

Pickle wasn't dark skinned wtf

He has a fucking camel toe. At least this manga still includes Japs' microdicks even when they are 9 foot tall demigods.

What if the guy's thinking is this:
>Primal Subhuman=black
>Pickle is primal subhuman
>Therefore Pickle is black despite skin color

where do you get raws?

I've been searching 5ever

I purchase them.


at the local mcdonalds?

Nature's a fucking cunt. It's the biggest contributor to death after people.

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Getting K.O doesn't count as losing in Baki. According to Tokugawa, because Memetobe got in the middle of the fight, it was a tie.

Thoughts on the first anime series?

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I'm not saying that he lost. I'm saying that, functionally, he lost. There's no way to walk around Yuujiro being polite enough to not attack Musashi while he was downed.

>There's no way to walk around Yuujiro being polite enough to not attack Musashi while he was downed.
He wasn't polite, he was just acting on his own pride. He wanted to see where the fight would go, Memetobe warns the last attack of Musashi could've cut the Ogre, but that's just what Memetobe thought it could happen.

Manners, pride, boredom, it doesn't matter. My point is that it's the same 生殺与奪 as is mentioned by Motobe and achieved by Baki.

Baki is having fun. That's his answer against Musashi.

Didn't he job to a doorknob?

Well episode with time controlling stand aired today, so...

>Yujiro never soft jobbed once in the entire series

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Would Musashi be able to cut Sukune or are sumo gains 2 strong for ancient swords?

Musashi would easily cut him. But, that's no guarantee that he would win.

My first introduction to Baki. Roughly 10 years ago IIRC. I thought it was cool.

Strong is beautiful