Fruits Basket

New PV

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Wait this series is still around

Tohru was adorable, but if I watch this it'll be for best boy.

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>he doesn't know

It looks great

Looks good.

I came back from my training in the mountains to watch

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I can't believe they actually got Laura Bailey to reprise her role. Fruit Basket had a great dub.

I can't help to compare it with the 2001 version and while it looks worse it doesn't look that bad.

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2019 looks miles better than 2001.

If you say so.

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>now Sakurai is voicing him
Sign me the fuck in

Why is this popular again? I remember even normalfags knowing about the origional anime. It looks like your avarage shoujo to me.

It's quite hard to explain why this is such a good series.

The best thing to say is that it has a great cast of characters that each get development, everyone acts the way they due for specific reasons, nothing in the show is really pointless, it balances it's humor and drama sides pretty well and the romance develops naturally.

That's basically why the show is so good without spoilers. To go FULLY into why the manga was kind of a masterpiece, I would need to spoil some bits.

So instead, sit back, relax and watch the show when it comes out.

Also don't watch the original anime series. It barely gets to a quarter way through the manga material. Even then, it cuts out lots of important stuff from the manga that would become integral to the plot later down the line.

It's very emotional and humane which attracts lot of people

Multiple stories in it resonate with me and I'm sure a lot of others. As common as not having a mother/parent is, when you've experienced it, it becomes more than just a story.

Because it makes fujos seethe.

Kyo and Syaoran are the tsundere.

Now i'm interested in watching the new anime. Thanks for the serious responses.

Is Tohru a well-developed character too or is she the typical average shoujo heroine with no outstanding quality?

She's a well developed character.
At least in the manga. She's a really good person in the original anime and I loved her there, but she didn't have too many flaws that made her interesting.

Her character arc starts in the beginning of the manga and only ever finishes at the very end of it. Because of how gradually it happens, a lot of people don't think she goes through any development but when you look at the start and finish, you realize she has gone through quite a lot of development. It's almost too well paced though, to the point where you wouldn't notice it if you weren't paying attention.

One thing you might notice early on is Tohru talks about her mother a lot and about what her mother taught her. At first, this seems like a cute way of remembering her mother. As the story goes on, you learn that Tohru has a very very unhealthy obsession with her mother and her inability to get over the fact she's dead. Most of her actions are caused by her fear of being left alone. She's a people pleaser because she's terrified of being alone, and her mother's death has messed with her massively, even if she refuses to show it. It takes until the later half of the series for the effects of her mom's death to really start to show itself. All I can say is that Tohru is an extremely broken person like most of the cast, even if she hides it well.

Wow, sounds like the writing is the strong point of this series. I hope the do her character justice this time then. I'm looking forward to watching this adaptation.

Even if it isn't done justice in this adaptation, there's always the original manga.

>Kugyu in the cast
Picked up!

Looks good. Do we have an episode count yet? I need to know if I should get my hopes up.
Really, I thought she didn't do anime anymore.

She is fucking great.

>That's basically why the show is so good without spoilers
I'm confused. 2 sentences later you're telling not to watch the show.

>even normalfags

That is quite honestly why it was popular. Fruits Basket was many peoples' entry level shojo, if not entry level anime/manga entirely, in middle school and high school. People who are today in their thirties were reading this when it hit the shelves of their school libraries in the mid-2000s, either during a manga-curious phase or when they were just starting to get into anime and manga.

For many readers there was always one character in this series they related to and another they had a crush on. For me, I related deeply to Akito because of Akito's big moods and had a huge crush on Shigure.

It's not just nostalgia. This series coming back in any form is a big deal.

Don't watch the original one from the early 2000's.
Watch this one, it's a remake.