Well, I guess I'm done with Yea Forums.
The majority of threads are shounenshit, and people are okay with this. Under Hirojew's control, this board won't improve, this also applies to other boards. Soon this site will be nothing, but Reddit 2.0.
Well, I guess I'm done with Yea Forums
where are you gonna go now user?
k bye
See you tomorrow.
It's already been like that for awhile now. I only check the catalog now for tsugumomo. I miss some of the threads we used to have but nothing in this life is supposed to stay the same. Everything changes for the good or bad.
damn I want a third Kyle Hyde game so bad
indeed, goodbye
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
God damn these shounenshitters, I want to only talk about adult amine like VEG and Mitsuboshi Colors
This site isn't your blog.
4channel is dead
Moderation got so strict it killed slightly off topic threads and good bait threads, and those were great at flexing Yea Forums's smartass side.
Without them the options left for threads are very limited.
Boku no Hero
One Piece
Are always there since they are ongoing. Oh, and the mod likes them
>and people are okay with this.
I'm fucking not. Campaign with me on /qa/ to make a Shounen board, user.
i'm fine with jojo, jojo is seinen
Just pay Hiro to create an /e-celeb/ board
new thread, discuss
well, on /qa/
I was here when 4channel had it's first day. I can;t believe how much it has declined since. It hurts my soul more than I can say.
i respect you with all i can, user
Still better than moeshit, dumb manchild
Moeblob tool saw a One Piece thread and started autistically screeching
2016 election was the straw that broke the camels back
There's only one way you can actually leave any of the boards for good
Can't we just deport moefags and give them their own cute girls board so they stop whining?