
New episode in a few hours
Try keeping it civil next time

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Other urls found in this thread:


Been a while since I've seen a thread nuked.

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Is "I hope Mugino gets raped by a pack of niggers" civil enough?

As I was about to say, how is Othinus going to crush Touma's head in between her god thighs if she's only 15cm tall? She needs to get at least a little bigger or else we, the fans, just won't be satisfied.

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Thats just peachy

But if she's 15 cm she can kiss his nose or other cute things. There's pros to both

Mina gives the best paizuri.

That might be enough for Touma at the moment, but what about in the very near future when Touma goes full swine mode every single night? Nose kissing or anything else Othinus Miniature is capable of will just not be able to satisfy him for long.

She can bite his ears if he's looking for light physical abuse. God knows Othinus seems to have a fetish for it.

Kino is coming.

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Don't start it.

>he doesnt want a fairy to give him a full body job
>he doesnt want to fill a fairy to the brim with two ejaculations

>last thread frenda'd

I just strarted browsing last thread and got a 404 while trying to open an image. What happened?

Do not fear slav. He was banned.

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>Touma thread
Big y ikes

Slavs happened.

No, I wasn't. You're still a faggot for forcing the "kino" cancer.

Autists arguing about dumbshit instead of talking about Raildex got it nuked.

>a single mention is forcing

She really does.

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Mathers please

>through the sheer power of autism, Mathers never managed to produce a child with this

He was too busy deleting Aleisters kids to make any of his own.

Academy City for white
Africa for black
Send that ape back to the trees
Ship Kuroko back

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Извини анон, я же не со зла. Но у тебя и вправду сосач полился, что есть не хорошо. Особенно вкупе с аутизмо-радикальными методами борьбы за чистоту Yea Forums, которые вылились в удаление постов и всего треда. Мир тебе.

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Я просто устал, анон. От того и сорвался.
Каждый блядский день "кино" тут, "ох нонононо" там, лягухи и вожаки повсюду.
Может и правда всё это говно в фильтр кинуть.

Cuka bliat to you too user

>Russian Arc
>Russians kill our thread
Hamazura needs to finish them.

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I actually want to see Etzali (Rostro verdadero) interact with Misaka
It would be fun seeing him get flustered while Mikoto is being edgy as fuck

Opinions on the new OP?
I know this is late but I stopped watching after Accel vs Kakine while picking it up again after.

It's good since it shows us a glimpse of what this season could've been.

It's kino

Can't wait for pikachu to absolutely rekt the russian """"army""""

Why won't Touma just break Index' neck and impale her on a pike?

It's good. Despite their non-existence, I liked both Worst/Accel actual fight and Mikoto in middle of Ace Combat furball.

I think it's the better Index III OP, maybe even one of the best Index OPs.

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jesus christ, it should be illegal to be that sexy

You can find one like that there.

Someone needs to lock up this deviant!

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Mama mia

This episode of season III will be good, I promise. It'll be especially so cause Accelerator's getting beaten up

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Remember when Kakinefag had a get and Yea Forums died.
I'm scared. It's happening again.

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Please be right this time, kekineposter.


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I love you. TouMAN to the rescue.

Has Animesuki translated NT22 summary yet?

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There is ZERO chances of that happening.
All in all. The bad adaptation has been ZERO NI SURU'D.

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Sasuga Knight THREEder.

The clash between Science and Magic finally ended.
After Aleister was stabbed, Coronzon finally revealed his true nature
Only Kamijou Touma and Accelerator stood between him
It seems like no one will know what will happen to our next world
When the collapse of the world approaches,
In Scotland, Mikoto and Shokuhou surprisingly concluded their love-interest battle over Touma

But Coronzon made one error: Shiage Hamazura .
To save Takitsubo who vanish before his eyes, that true Level 0 make unpredictable action move.

The fate of the world has been left with our 3 protagonists.

Now New Testament finally at the end,
The greatest action will begin!


Turn this failure into ZERO

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Finally, the last one to end it all. The one that will seal the nail in the coffin. This episode will be good.
I really liked it in the novels. I just want something to be done right.

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Being locked in a room with her would be great.

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It's a little bit sad, but sometimes you have to start small to win big.

So you could kill and skin her?

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Hey! Don't do that!

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Are you gonna spam it all day or maybe fuck off already?

Etzali, please.

hello 45-kun

Calm down, it's just kino.

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Why did they make Frenda a fashion disaster?

Kill yourself.


I miss preggo autist already.

Kuroko was made for breeding.

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Imagine the stuff she could do to you in a locked room

Touma knows, and that's why Kamikuro is guaranteed.

And also love, but mostly breeding!

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Anime Of Japan 2019 Square Enix Booth News

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Wow, the Index manga is finally getting an anime?


Imagine it. I would like a reboot once the manga is finished, but the sun will probably expand before he's done.

HAHA! ;_;

I miss me too but there have been no good images to use as of late

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Based and blessed

Kindly fuck off forever


Sorry to keep you waiting.

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How prepared are you for when AC eventually pops up in the People's Republic of China?

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Damn that's almost tragic

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>sponsored by Bilibili

Espers in 20 years


>chinks have already started working on the creation of a new superhuman race
>meanwhile the west is busy bitching about the ethics of genetic manipulation
I for one welcome our new chinese overlords.

Absolutely based

Keep on seething, shithinusfag.

Wish me luck!, We probably this ].[ close to having an actual interview with Kamachi (for /a or English-Fandom)

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Did I imagine that or does a doujin with only kuroko and touman exist?

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>meanwhile the west is busy bitching about the ethics of genetic manipulation

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ZERO NI SURU on this episodes QUALITY.
NINE NI SURU on this episodes quality


That's a cute Mikoto

Its time to once again reiterate that the episode will be good.

China will be Hiroshima 3.0.

I've already given it a 9/10 on Reddit AND mal

Good luck

Stay there and never come back

>In Scotland, Mikoto and Shokuhou surprisingly concluded their love-interest battle over Touma

Is MisaMisa real?

The digits! It's happening boys!



Lets add another to the positivity

Getting excited over GETs is an act of immaturity


To connect the child and adult together is one of the core tenants of magick

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Would Kakine and Touma be friends if instead of Accel, it was Kakine that was doing the experiments and everything up to WW3 was the same?
Do you think they would become friends after NT2?

No, Kakine puts up airs too much.


Touma is too kind unfortunately

Why would he break his personal onahole?

Just like Othinus is kind! They're perfect for each other.

Reminder that Touma x Othinus is an asspull.

Reminder that Shitkoto wouldn’t even qualify as an asspull because it’s not possible.

When doed the new ep air?

So, what do you guys think of this season so far?

It's trash. Somebody put this shit out of its misery already.

Say something nice about this bully.

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It be airs on 40 minute

40 minutes
Could have been way better but i'm still having fun so it's ok i guess

Why didn't the bomb in her head kill her? I mean she was supposed to get Suicide Squaded and yet she lives? Why put a small explosive device inside her head that detonates when she fails to do her mission (eliminate Accel) if it doesn't work? Does Accel offscreen Yoshikawa her too?

Welp, time to take a nap.

So where do you normally watch it when it airs? I watch it on an free anime streaming site but it's airs 3 hours after the acctual episode comes out

It wasn't an explosive.


Where do you think stream uploaders get their videos.

>but it's airs 3 hours after the acctual episode comes out
You may as well wait for the subs at that point.

Photoshopped or real?

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30 minutes until Accelerator Azul beats the shit out of Touma!


Accelerator negro bros...

>that DAL sponsors screen

huh Misaki has a camel toe but Kongou doesn't.

It would have killed her if Accel hadn't decided to do his vector doctor thing. That's why he grabbed her at the end of the last episode.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.33_[2019.02.22_13.34.03].jpg (1280x720, 124K)

wasted potential

>angel speak in DaL

Wait for CR to mysteriously translate that

Is this the part where DAL's AAAAAA happens?


Yes yes
DaL really is To Aru alter after all

Touka is just a Baka
Oh shit Metatron, it has SMT Index, DaL has everything.


They better use the Saijaku vs Saikyou OST for the rematch

Eilish end genterumen

I love the fact that Miku has the same VA as Nagato.

Birdway Blanco>not!Kanzaki>Green Othinus

Natsume and Yoshino best.

Sakuga incoming

Horrible Taste.

we date/a/live now

Well I'd still put Kotori on top bit still

Crazy time girl > Green Othinus > notBirdway twin sisters > bakaSaint > loli

>the PV
AAAAAAAAAAAA next week boys.

The more you scream, the more it isn't coming.

Today is my lucky day user
The episode will be glorious
At least more than the rest of the season

Next Ep.

I swear every time I go for it I get the 337 one, it has happened like 5 times this past week.
Oh shit major Gintama spoilers in just a pv, nips don't care about spoilers at all it seems.

4 minutes. Bets on them skipping OP or ED? here's mine:
>have OP
>skip ED

Purple best girl.

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>Sakuga in DaL by JC staff

Kakine Gang is here. We can start the episode.

Attached: Second Round.png (568x720, 737K)

The opposite, they'll save the ED for a cooldown and after credits scene.

Fucking 883 still showing

Mathers are always the best.

DaL is a prequel to To Aru
It has Mathers, Westcott, the AAA, Kanzaki
Pre Amnesia Touma will appear in the last volume

starting get in here niggas

It's coming, guys. I can feel the sakuga in this episode.

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And 3 Othinus clones.



Which stream



Black wings looking good holy shit

Nice wings

>those fucking wings
I love them

>wings going crazy while Accel does the laugh
Off to a good startt.


The patching up scene got in.

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Touma is so handsome!

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Handsome Touma

Lessar is cute as always

Hamazura time



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>running in a straight line to run from a tank
comedy director etc etc

where's my boy, glickin?

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>That flying fortress

Based Glastonbury colonising the frogs

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>they kept the rape line


kek Carissa


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>knight leader threatening to spank carissa

Light Saber !!! Light Saber sounds !

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>lightsaber sound


Holy fuck those wings



Accelerator is having a blast

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>Accel isn't splitting Russia in half
Fucking JC Staff

I can see the animators enjoying making Accel in this scene.


>mordred armpit

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The lighting was fucking insane, holy fuck

>all of the season's budget is in those two minutes

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Cute Virgin

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The wings are too powerful the stream lags literally only when they are on screen
Also, we heavy object now?

>saving private hamazura

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>throwing landmines

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Again new OST, AAAA

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This fucking BGM




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I love this track


Poor Lessar just keeps getting knocked out by everything


The Nips used to attach them to fucking poles.

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>touma surviving accelerator punches
really JC?


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Ultra Instinc Touma.

But wasnt Touma the one who punched Accel with a rock


>In Scotland, Mikoto and Shokuhou surprisingly concluded their love-interest battle over Touma
I don't remember this part. I hope both will fuck off desu

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Kakine did, so why not?

I don't remember this fight having so many punches

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>Touma jumping 10ft in the air
normal high school boy

I fucking came


I was promised Mikoto where is she!

>no wing grab
aaaaa JC Staff

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Double Jesus is back


Well that was hotblooded as fuck.

why am i watching this

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They're probably normal punches I guess.

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>In Scotland, Mikoto and Shokuhou surprisingly concluded their love-interest battle over Touma
Pretty sure their surprised how how the supposed clash in Scotland ended

The animation was nice but the choreography was just nonsensical
>Accel punching Touma and Touma not dying
>Touma negating the wings

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I've read it fairly recently, I'm pretty sure Accel was just launching his wings at Touma constantly while Touma blocks and throws them at each other.
The only punch should be from Touma.


There she goes the madwoman

>Kuroko being inserted


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can't wait for people to edit in her body curves.

husbando spotted

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More cute Lessar

packing time

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im coming

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KAMIKURO, she recognized him from afar!

She can teleport into any scene.

>cut the dogfights
>cut Glickin
>cut Hamazura jacking the AA and shooting down choppers
a war arc without war scenes...

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Accel didnt want to kill him mate, this is obvious.

Why is Lessar even here lmao, she just keeps getting knocked out

He did in that fight. He lost his mind.

dat one smug lessar

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>A legitimate accel-smile has been animated in my life time
It feels so good, now give me that White Wings smile JC Staff

what we saw was BS enough from Hamazura desu.

Yeah, wasnt he supposed to bend and make them hit each other


ur a fag

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Super Kazakiri next episode!

Touma gets a 90% buff in endurance if he has to protect a little girl.

AAAAA SSJ Kazakiri and Gabriel!

I dont need subs to know that Lessar is saying "I cant believe how turned on watching you punch that tornado out made me"


This is the real one by js06, pretty sure that guy made a parody of it because a guy asked for the animesuki translation.

>Coronzon has revealed her true nature, Aleister has been stabbed, no one knows what will become of the world, and Kamijou Touma And Accelerator stand against it. As the world's collapse approaches in Scotland, Mikoto and Shokuhou see a surprising conclusion!!

>But Coronzon made one miscalculation: Hamazura Shiage. To save Takitsubo who disappeared before his eyes, that true Level 0 and unpredictable trickster takes action.

>The fate of the world has been left with the 3 protagonists. When every part of New Testament crosses paths, the greatest showdown begins!!


She wasn't knocked out in the novels I explicitly remember her giving some exposition afterwards.

>no FUSE Kazakiri
Alright, maybe next time I guess
Scratch that she's in the preview, HYPE

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>ssj kazakiri already
Is the next episode all gabe?

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Oh god I'm not ready


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Can this get any worse?

No even in that fight he was just throwing a tantrum. He didnt want to kill him. This is obvious.

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Hat confirmed

I see that the hat is saved?

That's asking too much from Nishi and JC staff. I'm just glad there's at least movement in the fight scenes.

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There you go, you got the hat, happy now ?

>yfw this isn't mikoto just being near by and they added anime only scenes with her fightinh Gabriel

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pregnancy stick

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Meme magic at work, she keeps asking to get knocked up so the monkeys paw knocks her out instead.


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Russian Mikoto finally

So can we all agree that this was the best episode yet?

>difference in artist skill between Mikoto scenes and non Mikoto scenes

>Mikoto fighting Gabe
>Railgun is literally ruining Index

>still having the gear halo from the vento arc instead of a rainbow halo
I bet her wings are blue too

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Incoming shitposters shitposting about muh QUALITY etc etc.

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I'll give it an 8.

Her plane got sliced in half by Gabriel and she was in free fall until she magnetized a helicopter

>the beta Mugino hiding in the back of the plane
>the chad Misaka knocking out everyone on the plane and informing the pilot she's hitching a ride.

Definitely. It just keeps getting better and better. Hope the trend continues.


yes, how dare people criticize the anime, only positive posts are allowed here

Not sure which media portrayed her more crazy, the LN where she goes because she has a hunch or the anime, where she goes the moment she sees him. I'd probably say the LN because it was only a hunch.

9. Hamazura and carissa were ok, but accelerator's every moment was 11/10

Incoming shillposters shillposting about how great the anime is.

>Literally Angles in Both DAL and Raildex next week
7/10 Pretty Decent.

The fight was hype, but I don't get the point of all those changes. They made it longer despite having so little time, had Lessar get involved and knocked out for no reason (which also means we don't have her POV with Touma doing the crazy wing-twisting shit), and I'm pretty sure precognition wasn't mentioned at all.

They can still fix that.

In the LN didn't she double check by looking through AC records and come across the plane full of spec ops guys going to get him dead or alive.

8. They made the Accel fight hotblooded to the point where it was damn near nonsense, but it was hype and looked incredible. I am seriously hoping they show a flashback to Lessar seeing Touma bend the wings to survive that shit.

>Is kuroko the one that tell about Touma to Mikoto
What the fuck JC?

They downgraded Worst. She's missing her crazed cat eyes. She just looks like any other Misaka now.

Yep, Since It's not so good or so bad.

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>World's collapse reaches Scotland
What the fuck is happening to the world outside of there? Did Coronzon start some kind of phase destruction shit by passively existing?

Mm, OST was fucking hype and wings finally looked really good, but it didn't do much beyond, like Touma redirecting them and stuff. Poor Hamazura also got his anti-air action cut. I'd say 7.5-8.

Kamikuro memes.

She's so fucking cute bros

Yep, but she knew doing so would risk her life as a normal student.

They are in Scotland.

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The animators clearly love bullying Lessar and I dont blame them

>world's collapse approaches IN scotland

it's just saying this shit is important.

Nice Theory.

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Which is kind of odd when you compare it to her time as a terrorist during the Sisters arc, this is nothing compared to what she did there in terms of hurting AC

Visuals were good but it shows that even good animation can't save this direction
>not from Accel's PoV
>not showing how Accel should have overwhelmed Touma
>no Touma grabbing his 100 wings
>no Lessar commenting on Touma being a monster too

At this point they probably want to make it as actiony as they can rather than keep too closely to the source. Blame the director.

Imagine having a girlfriend who is ready to fly over the entire world just to meet you.

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What's this arthouse show airing right now?

Lessar might not have commented that touma was a monster in the fight, but you can tell just by her expression how wet she is about it afterwards so it kind of balances out.

This series seems to have real fucking problems with human beings riding helicopters.

What did you expect from a gag director?

Accelerator sure is lucky.


It could be in a non literal sense, but I do think that it's interesting that to reach Aiwass's core whatever that is, Accelerator and Imagine breaker are needed, wouldn't Coronzon also have a similar purpose?

7/10. OST and wings were incredible but the fight was pretty meh and the punches still lack impact


How the fuck he spins it in a fucking air?

Attached: aqcua helicopter.jpg (756x527, 78K)

Based Kuroko steals the show once again.

Attached: 1470213575430.gif (350x197, 828K)


This is an english website.

She went total incognito during that time though, only a select few knew that it was her who was doing it, the normal scientists thought it was a boy ranged between 13-18 and an electromaster level 3-4.

He flied, it isn't that risky when there aren't any enemy magicians nearby.


Attached: ko.png (765x550, 482K)

ITEM's client knew it was her so the board of directors probably did as well. She just had special poster girl privileges and they couldn't touch her.

Imagine having a girlfriend who kidnap a plane and go the war only to see you

The scream at the end of the series better be good, can't wait for the suffering.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

It's called STALKER user

Yeah the board definitely knew, but she didn't think that anybody actually knew till Awaki spilled the beans to her iirc.

DMM should probably also make him immune to Peter's Spell. He was also flying vs the Amakusa and Kanzaki.

Touma was a fucking superman in this fight. It was amazing, but shit JC. I can only imagine the bullshit they are going to pull with Touma vs Fiamma.

wtf i scared of touma now

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Calling anime onlies being confused why Accel's punch didn't kill Touma as soon as the subs drop

.Touma looks better than usual in this ep.

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Yeah, "anime onlies".

Definitely. They did see him punching Worst a dozen times without killing her, so I imagine most of them will make the connection that he wasn't boosting his hits because crazy. Hell, he was smacking him with a rock.

>people joke about Mikoto fighting gabe
Why didn't she fight him? He almost got her killed and was attack everything. She has jumped head first into fights for far less.


She flew by in a mach speed fighter plane. By the time she saw him and got sliced she was already too far away

Now we are officially in Russia.

Attached: hamazura with vodka.png (608x550, 347K)

Well first of all she's not capable of flight, so when he sent her freefalling she had no other option but to find a way to not get splattered, and second of all Gabriel even scared her quite a bit iirc.

>next episode called Star of Bethlehem
Let's see if the CR subs are still going to insist on calling it B'Tselem.

Why are people shitposting about Mikoto fighting Gabe? Did they forget the part in the novel where she falls out of her jet and uses electricity to land safely?

Attached: autistic_tapping.gif (311x610, 270K)

On CR maybe there are some legit confused viewers.
I suspect anons here are just regurgitating what they are saying half the time.

It deserves a low rating for those speedlines, plot armor, Touma's superhuman jump, and helicopter scene. I also feel that Accel's VA is forcing his maniacal laughter too much. Those shots of Touma's angry face are beautiful but it sure wasn't backed up by the actual fight scene and that's a negative too. The magic battle over the frozen water lacks impact too.

Look how much fun he's having!

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_23.44_[2019.02.22_ (1280x720, 55K)

Because J.C are based enough to add some OC to shill Mikoto.

Mostly because of the OP but I think it's a joke akin to her hat missing.

Fucking why? Isn't that some jewish non profit organization? The Star of Bethlehem is an actual thing in Christianity. How do you even mess that up?

>forced laugh
>when this is craziest we'll see accel ever again

Am I missing something? Or Accel went full retard in this fight with no reason at all?

Attached: overwhelming accelerator.jpg (661x550, 77K)

I seem to remember user posting something to show the term technically fit. Much like professor when he was using some obscure usage of a common term.

Probably one person who enjoys WWIII at this point.

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But B'Tselem is Hebrew. Why would Fiamma use that when he is Catholic?

Lessar is clearly having a blast too

Because the CR translator hasnt heard of context or trying to avoid misunderstandings. I honestly wonder if its a program and not a person.

The animation for this scene didn't sit right with me, it looked like jelly.

Did they cut out IB mikiri analysis by accel part? ...forget what it called.

Seems like it. Not sure until the subs come out. I'm also banking on a flashback next episode.

They never added something they skipped in the following episode user
Don't get your hopes up

But that’s literally what happens in the novel, are you sure you guys actually read it?

Not sure why they'd have a flashback just to say that touma survived by using IB. Thats something you can probably figure out.

For Lessar seeing him twist the wings like in the novel. Otherwise him redirecting Fiamma's shit will come out of nowhere. I'm hopeful but if it doesn't happen then oh well I guess.

She doesn't fight Gabe in the novels, he slices her plane in half the moment she sees him flying towards her and immediately starts panicking because she's now in free fall, notices the pilot has a parachute but decides that she can't rely on him. But she never actually tries to fire lightning or anything at Gabe.

Cutest girl.

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Isn't it pretty unrealistic for Last Order to not be scared of Accelerator killing her? She just watched him brutalize yet another clone so what's to say he won't lose it around her?

Lessar being cute and supportive all of ww3 is probably the highlight of the arc after accelerator

Did they make dumb changes to the Accelerator vs Touma Round Two? IIRC it wasn't even supposed to be a true fight. Just Accelerator throw a temper tantrum because he doesn't feel worthy to save Last Order and Touma saying "yeah I don't know what's going in your head but save your girl yourself, I'm not special" I don't remember their fight being anything worth noting

I-is this perfection? Am I in love?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_19.00_[2019.02.22_ (1280x720, 461K)

The way Touma just pops out at the end is great.

Attached: snow wall.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

>entire episode of absolute KINO
>shitposters BTFO
>dedposters BTFO
>salesposter BTFO
>KamiKurofags BTFO
Today is a good day

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She uses her powers to get a new ride, who said anything about fighting Gabe?

Did this look like the fact of a true fight to you?

Attached: accel is ready.jpg (1271x717, 113K)

You're missing the episode before this one.

I hope she gets punched again

here, "fighting gabe"

Accel was throwing a tantrum and trying to escape by either having Touma beat him down and take care of LO for him, or he kills Touma and Accel falls into his villainy shit permanently. They made it more up close and personal and seemed to forgo the redirection and precog reveals, which is horrible since that was one of the main points of the fight.

Don't worry user. He doesn't do his laugh ever again after WW3, so enjoy it while you can.

>KamiKurofags BTFO

Man, new star wars look pretty hype.

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Iruka's sister in arms

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I just don't remember it being THAT big of deal. The speech and Accelerator's decision to listen to it and save her himself is more important than the fight.

They basically animated a different fight with the same outcome and some similar events. More punching, no focus on Touma's dodging and precognition. But they did make Accel's character development explicit instead of leaving it out like most of the narration and internal monologue, so that's good at least.

This is why Index went from something good to absolute trash on NT, everything is designed to make touma a deus ex machina with a massive plot armor and wtiting filled with asspulls in order to make him the invicible guy he is, every fight he got on NT made him the winner despite fighting against entities like Othinus, Accel el blanco, gods, Kamisato and others.

No wonder this garbage didn't even managed to sell 5k for a long time.

Attached: trash.png (778x1018, 591K)

The most important things that happened in that fight was Accelerator growing out of his edgy phase, Lessar commenting on if it was really just Imagine breaker that saved Touma there or if there's something more to it, and Aiwass commenting on his arm being very special. They missed two of those though, maybe next episode. I guess precognition was missed too but i'd argue the foreshadowing laid out by Aiwass/Lessar is going to be more important in the upcoming novel, because precognition is bullshit no matter how you look at it.

he literally lost against Hamazura, brainlet
stop reading the wiki

>KamiKurofags BTFO
Fucking based.


They took some liberties with it, but it probably won’t really change much

>winner against othinus

The dodging and Touma basically ignoring Accelerator trying to fight him is a lot of the reason I don't feel like it was a true fight. It was basically Touma going "dude, I'm not interested in a dick waving contest, nor do I know enough about you to play shrink with you, chill the hell out and save your girl yourself"

Accel blanco loses on purpose though, he would've instakilled him if he really wanted to, but he threw the fight. And he loses versus Othinus.


Attached: Hamazura Gun.gif (625x350, 617K)

>he would've instakilled him
Probably not considering all the shit Touma has survived, but he definitely had a high chance of winning or at least put Touma into a far worse state for the rest of the rush.

>instead of landing near touma when getting launched from space land on top of him instead
That was hard

Nigga dodged a small moon.

Not sure about grabbing, but you can actually see him deflecting/swiping away the wing here towards the other one.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.15_[2019.02.22_ (1280x720, 103K)

He didnt though

Wasnt that all one wing

what the fuck

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>Wins against othinus, wins against Accel blanco, wins against Kamisato
Except he wins none, Kamisato is the exception and that was barely a win and more so a stalemate

If you look closely you can see Accelerator using rocks to hit Touma instead of his bare hands, which explains why Touma didn't die instantly here.

Attached: grugcelerator_use_rock.jpg (1366x768, 111K)


I'm pretty convinced the extra punches were put in purely so that they'd actually be doing something during all their lines. The novel had paragraphs of one person speaking at a time and that's far less engaging in animation.

No, he swiped the right wing towards the left one.

Damn was it nice seeing Accelerator get his shit fucked up. His edge phase got tiresome quicker than any possible harem shenanigans

Accelerator hits touma several times without them too, he just didnt want to kill him. Why is this hard to understand?

Sakuga cubes are finally here

I know he did die to it at least once or to something similar, but he did dodge it. I'm just saying his whole thing is "he'll survive so he can suffer," and has dodged crazy shit this whole series. Instagibbing the little bastard is abnormally hard.

>Accel can't even kill Worst with punches
>on top of that Touma is getting reinforced by IT
Fucking speedreaders

I thought only Acqua used Phone.

Attached: call the knights.png (459x640, 553K)

You could just be creative with storyboarding and use visual metaphors to look artsy.


He could crush Worst's head off with a single punch if he REALLY wanted to. But he didn't, and even when he was not thinking clearly, he toned it down

>he did dodge it
He didnt

He never wanted to kill Worst though?

>Kamijou leaped to the side with all his strength. He could not worry about appearances. He merely rolled along the dirt to move even a centimeter or millimeter further from that whirl of destruction.

>All sound vanished.

>A hemispherical crater ten meters across appeared in the ground. This was not the scar left by an explosion. That space had been carved away in the exact shape and size of the black moon.

>tahn taka-tahn taka-tahn
Ok, what the fuck was Mugino humming here?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.36_[2019.02.22_ (1280x720, 33K)

Why does Last Order stick with a monster like Accelerator who could instakill her?

>10 meters
Clearly not the actual moon drop that othinus did early ya numpty

If anything they did a good job of showing that Touma isn't a normal high school boy. Christ it's like everyone forgot the narration teasing something else was going on

He clearly did tho until "muh trauma"

Why was Kuroko looking through old news broadcasts just to find Touma?

Attached: kuroko_finds_touma.jpg (1364x1536, 373K)

You could, but technically this doubles as that, note that the one speaking is usually the one throwing the punches. The fight itself, even in the novel, was already a metaphor for their conversation - the actually important part.

Wait they cut the frozen AC pilots protecting the city from Russian bombers? Completely fucking irredeemable, I was looking forward to the animeonlys going what the fuck at that revelation.

>Touma's speech to himself is finally voiced
Got summarized a lot, though.

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It does say same exact size and I did say small. She obviously could have dropped a much bigger one on him but decided not to.

>tfw never got to see the AC pilot flirting with a Russian pilot during a dogfight
9 episodes still isn't enough

How the fuck are they BTFO when a scene was literally added and Kuroko recognizes him, retard?

>no mikoto breaking into a jet and threatening the pilot
>instead we get Kuroko
I bet the next time she shows up will be in Russia already

No othinus earlier did in fact pull the moon down, that was stated. He never dodged that.

This ep will give so much bait to Accelfujos

Attached: Yuck.png (600x550, 35K)

No you moron. If he truly wanted to kill her, he never would have run away from her in the first place. He also could have killed her in less than a second when she attacked Last Order. Are you suggesting that Worst is stronger than Accelerator and he couldn't have killed her at literally any point, including the part where he was laughing? Why do you think he even said "fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it I'll save her"? Because he never wanted her to die in the first place. Or he'd have killed her the instant she said "I'm here to kill you"

Attached: 20190222083646.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

At this point, even Heavy Object had a better adaptation than Index 3.

>A giant hole opened in the night sky.

>It looked like a pitch black moon.

>Something had split open. Kamijou caught a glimpse of that evenly black world he had seen before.

>No warning was given.

>That moon merely fell toward the schoolyard to crush a single boy.
Unless she turned the moon black while she was at it I'm not sure if you're right, man.

I like how much emphasis the anime is placing on Fiamma. It really makes him seem like the final boss of OT.

Attached: all_according_to_bethlehem.jpg (1366x768, 113K)

>small moon
>10 meters

> episode 19
> i will use my powers to protect
> episode 20
> just gonna murder touma for lulz

Attached: madman accel.png (1114x715, 1.4M)

The power of love and memes

Gee, it's almost like Accelerator's mind has been fucked with and he isn't thinking straight!

HO has one of the most (undeservingly?) best LN adaptations ever. 3 vols in 22 episodes?

He did want to kill her until he didn't. Watch the scene where he finally snaps and says "fuck it I don't if she's a Sister, it's either kill her or let Last Order die"

Suck my blood, Dude.

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Looks like I misread the scene. Still doesnt change that your statement was basically meaningless in that case. Getting glassed from orbit is not even close to making a 10 meter hole in the ground with dimension fuckery

Yeah because when he was punching worst he was just fully incapable of using vectors to reverse her bloodflow, right? Fucking moron.

I imagine it's around the same diameter give or take? He did also dodge an arrow equivalent to firing a railgun across the universe.

I just double-checked - that whole 5 minute scene was definitely scored, that wasn't just a hype track, it was a hype track written to fit the mood changes of that specific scene. I love shit like that.

He was too busy having a autism attack about the whole thing, literally too angry to be efficient

Yet he still didn't kill her even though he could have easily done so. So unless you want to argue that was literally unable to kill her because he wasn't strong enough (which is bullshit), then the only answer as to why he did not instakill her when he could have at literally any point in time is he never actually wanted her to die.

Is there an end to this guys bullshit antics?

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No dude, sorry. Accel was very clearly berserking in the novels and not paying attention to “holding back” for Touma. Him punching Touma was a bad move and makes it easy for anime onlies to scream plot armor. The rest of the fight was pretty good, but that shouldn’t have happened.

Uh no? Its not the same. It literally states its a 15 fucking kilometer crater my dude.

But there was a point where he did want her to die. Quit pretending he didn't at least contemplate killing Worst

That’s pretty neat

but the rocks

>Jackie Chan
>not fucking up everything wherever he goes

He thought about it and then didnt do it. You've thought about jumping from buildings or bridges too, everyone has, doesnt mean you've done it.

HO did deserve the adapation, it didn't deserve to compete against index and subsequently flop because of it.

It IS literal plot armor. I haven't seen the episode yet, but let me guess, they cut Lessar wondering how he survived, and then the cut to Aiwass menacingly wondering about Touma's right hand?

Then why is she not dead if he truly wanted her to die? Are you really going to suggest that he is not strong enough to have her dead in less than a second if he wanted her dead?

> Look how much fun he's having!

Attached: accel fun face.jpg (1149x645, 134K)

Still make no sense since he should have been able to cave in his skull with them, and he hit him a few times without as well. Should have had Touma hitting the hand away

Here's a question I don't actually know the answer to. When he's using his black wings does he even still have his vector control?

Length doesnt determine the quality of the adaptation. I still maintain OT1 had a mediocre adaptation that dragged, and I dropped HO because it dragged too.

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I just read it again. You are right, but it wasn't even Accel who decided where that went or what they used but Yuiitsu. Accel was just cargo. Now I just have to wonder the fuck did they miss.

So ThAT'S why everyone been throwing Misaka Worst name around the past 2 years. all this time I thought worst was a meme name for LO or one of the sisters

Accel almost certainly could have changed the trajectory a bit, or they could have fired on him with an area that didnt have a convenient cave right there. Or just fire on the cave. But both Aleister and Accelerator dont want touma dead so he isnt.

Last Order, Worst, and Dolly are the clones with specific names.

Indeed, WORST is BEST


Those wings were animated better than half of Index III.

Attached: DEFEATED.png (640x356, 463K)

I actually don’t really remember him reflecting anything with wings active

Also Will-tan

Forget half, I'm pretty sure they're the best animation in the season

Kill every girl that's not Othinus.
Why would you need anyone else when you have Othinus?


Attached: 1.png (941x520, 1.09M)

That's what got me thinking about it. Even here he uses his wings to do things he'd normally use his vector control for, like the earth tsunami.

She's flat though

No one said he wasn't strong enough

You wouldn't call her a stalker if she was literally any other character. You just have an uncontrollable hate boner. I can't believe there are people who spend every waking minute of their lives shitposting about an anime character they don't like. As if it will change anything and cause an epiphany in tens of thousands of people who shovel money at Kamachi just to see more of her.

What if I accidentally step on my Othinus?! Can I get a replacement?

Othinus please, the yandere phase wasnt the funnest phase

What? Worst is the most stacked Misaka aside from the tittymonster that is Misuzu. She has like C cups

It's kind of weird because he did have soot or something on his hand when Amata dropped a grenade on his face. I know the vector control is still on but maybe the wings fuck with it?

The Bethlehem Star Project Has Started!

Attached: Smug fiamma.png (1075x600, 1.22M)

>You wouldnt call any other character that stalks Touma over the entire series and constantly chases him a stalker
Uh yes I would?
>Every minute of their lives
There's been like 4 posts about mikoto in this thread my dude. Take a nap.

I liked this part the most.

Attached: worst_pose.png (373x331, 179K)

So if he is for sure strong enough to kill her in less than a second, and he totally 100% wanted her dead, then why is she not dead then? Oh, right, the answer is he did not want her dead.

He did push Kakine into the ground with some mysterious power in BR, but other than that I don't remember him doing anything without using the wings directly. Same with Rensa when she brought them out.

If they do that it will be because that's what it is in the source material and the fan translations changed it because of autism. It would be the 4738479357498543568933th time it's happened now. No one respects the original text or the author's intent.

>you wouldnt call anyone but mikoto a cunt for hurting touma
>you wouldnt call anyone but mikoto a bitch for doing bitchy things
>you wouldnt call anyone else a stalker

No not really Mikotofag, I call Mugino a stalker too. Misaki is basically one as well. No need to get so asspained just because everyone isn’t singing praises about your waifu 24/7

*jobs to everyone*

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You really think Fiamma, the pinnacle of Christianity and smugness, is going to give his magnum opus a hebrew name?

You are the reason why Mikotofags have a bad reputation around here.

Are you really suggesting the translator who cant even get miki's gender right is more trustworthy than js06?

Let them stay obsessed. Mikotochads run this series and they can't stand it.

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You're right, it was specifically stated that he didn't reflect that

I'm about 87% sure that was sarcasm.

Oh boy, I sure can't wait for more shitposting about plot armor.

Imagine being this sensative. Your character has flaws, that’s a good thing you fucking dork. It makes her endearing. She’s already dangerously close to Mary Sue territory, making her the perfect doting stay at home waifu would make her extremely bland. Idiot.

You clearly don't understand who they hire to translate at either CR or YP. Church of the cross? Fuck out of here with that sensitive bullshit

Fucking based

>literally throws a baby piss fit when someone dares to not praise Mikoto every single post

It was going to come one way or another. Just sit back and enjoy the legitimate assblasting this will produce.

LOL, no wonder why Touma used rocks against him too in NT10.


Why are these threads so shit?
They were better in 2016, aside from Mobileposter.

Why Lessar is even here? She did nothing useful in yet another episode.

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The original way would be unjustified and we could have laughed at people making themselves look retarded. This way they would have a point and we have to actually explain what happened in the novels.

He literally tanks pure telesma near the end of WW3 so I'd say yes. Plus it's the reason Touma stayed the fuck away from him as much as he could in NT10. I don't see why he wouldn't when he's displayed vectors already in wing-forms.

Ryona bait.

To be a cute and supportive waifu to the future father of her children

Lessar is supposed to be there to comment at the end of the fight that Touma shouldn't have been able to survive that which segues into Aiwass teasing something about his right hand

>have fun threads for days in a row
>Friday’s have been mostly shit for 20 something weeks due to shitposters, then usually calm down the day after
>this thread isn’t even bad, mostly normal discussion
So are you pretending to be retarded or does it just come natural?

But was it his vector control that allowed him to tank it or was it his wings? Are his wings synonymous with his vector control or are they something else?

Because everyone is jaded as fuck because of the quality of the anime and because of how long it took for them to release it. The threads during Railgun S were top fun and the HO threads were also comfy.

On the brightside the thread quality and funfactor vastly improve during new novel releases.

>they have a point
They dont. Accel doesnt want to kill people. End of fucking discussion.

Can't wait.

Attached: 1282445176264.jpg (400x1557, 384K)

In another way we can clearly see he's trying to talk to Touma when he grabs him and hits him with the rock, and only ever tries to kill him when he swings the wings at him. At least that will be my head canon.


OT20 BR time.

>this thread isnt even bad
Its still 7 am, people usually start shitting up the threads more so when subs release

>Because everyone is jaded as fuck because of the shitposters constantly spamming*
FTFY. Also this thread isn’t even bad

From what I'm seeing, Accelerator is never said to reflect anything while black wings are active, he did with white wings though

In that particular case he only activated the wings after running out of battery, so it doesn't necessarily mean wings turn off reflection. Just that they don't turn it back on.

>Lessar will be on the cover

I’m aware, but this one isn’t so why would he be even complaining about it now

It was his vector control. It's the same reason Touma didn't just ram his left fist into Accel's face in all their wings encounters and relied on his right hand. Why is this an argument exactly? There hasn't been instances where he needed to rely on -reflects you- when he could just squash them with remote vectors.

To look smug every time she wakes up from fainting.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_21.28_[2019.02.22_ (1280x720, 49K)

though still, its possible that black wings actually do turn it off while white wings don't, perhaps because he has better control with white?

No. He tanks it with his white wings.

user raildex threads have always had their fair share of spammers, people are now more than ever getting baited/triggered by it leading to threads feeling less fun and more hostile.

Why is this semen demon so fucking cute

No, it was his wings.
>>Accelerator moved his white wings even more and his speed of ascent shot up. With no tricks up his sleeve, he headed straight for the falling golden mass. There was a slight smile on his lips.
>>(I see.)
>>Accelerator finally realized it.
>>(So this is what a fight to protect something is like.)
>>Immediately afterwards, the two massive powers clashed at an altitude of 8,000 meters.

>It's the same reason Touma didn't just ram his left fist into Accel's face in all their wings encounters and relied on his right hand.
But that was only mentioned in the white wing fight, not the black wing one

Because, as far as I can remember, we've never seen him use his black wings and his vector control at the same time. Every time the black wings come out he uses them exclusively. Touma's actions don't prove anything either because it's not like he knows if that's the case, he's playing it safe.

He was BERSERKING and made a fucking EARTH TSUNAMI to throw at him. That wasn’t holding back you dumb faggot, he was trying to fucking kill him. Stop trying to defend it. The fight was cool but nonsensical from that perspective, Touma should have been hitting the hand away if they wanted more CQC. Jesus, you’re the faggot shitposters always refer to that defends everything. It was a bad move that undermines a lot of shit, and the only way to justify it is that maybe he doesn’t have full vector control while having white wings like that one user said.

>people usually start shitting up the threads more so when subs release
Isn't that obvious? If the episode sucks or failed in some way then there would be more complaints after they've actually watched it.

Attached: 20190222091948.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

Well now we have a whole new discussion about if he can even reflect now with black wings specifically

>We've never seen him use them at the same time
He literally only uses them when he's going rage-fit autist and he uses vector control against Kakine.

He was beserking against worst too. Guess how dead she is?

The way those wings move is freaky.

Because he knows (and hopes) deep down that he can take it. Because he's the unstoppable hero who can beat all odds. If Accelerator really wanted to kill someone, he does the touch of death thing like what he did with Mathers.

Yes but threads have had way more OC and fun lately, literaly only Fridays are bad any more with a few hiccups here and there. It’s no 2017 sure, but I’m still having fun

Are precognition and redirection really that hard to animate or present probably?
It's important for the upcoming fights.

Accelerator looks like he's getting a blowjob and doesn't know what to do

It's literally just reading the opponent, the way its explained makes it sound cooler than it actually is

>teased for years that Touma's body is stronger than it should be and directly in this fight
>people somehow ignore/forget this
>fight gets adapted
>wtf why can he tank a punch??
Incredible, somehow some have managed to both overlook the foreshadowing and also overestimate Accelerator, once again.

Attached: 1487801188656.jpg (326x428, 54K)

Procog is easy just do the anime lighting bolt through skull thing whenever they realize somethings up

>we've never seen him use his black wings and his vector control at the same time
He managed to turn on his reflection for Kihara's grenade.

He wasn’t going nearly as hard on her and didn’t throw a fucking wall of literal earth at her
The point is that he was trying to crush him from afar to even prevent the chance of losing. Yes he wasn’t thinking straight, but he still wasn’t trying to fucking lose to him.

According to Amata he didn't
>And it was hard to believe that his reflection would have returned for some reason. The hand grabbing Kihara was covered in soot. If Accelerator’s reflection had been functioning, even those small stains would have been deflected

Being able to read micromovements of the enemy and the vibrations of objects around you in the middle of a fight is pretty fucking cool I'd say.

>attaches another gary stu to his image
real helpful

No this dumbass just thinks accelerator was throwing vector manipulation to reverse touma's bloodflow in every single punch. Like its weird for accel to not want to kill touma, like it would be weird even if he was truly mind broken for him to just rage punch him like he did kakine.

Accel can literally make him fucking explode with a touch, don’t try to rationalize Touma’s increased durability to surviving a reverse blood flow.

A wall of earth would have handicapped touma at worst. He didnt want to kill him. Get over it.
>he wasnt trying to lose
Still doesnt mean he was going full tilt trying to kill him

Why people are so retarded? Even half dead Kakine tanked overwhelming slaughter of Accel punches.

>Accelerator’s wings didn’t move at all. He only stared at Kakine and slightly moved his hands. With just that, he defeated Kakine who had absolute power and ground him deep into the ground.
>His right hand that had the Tweezers on it was torn off from the elbow downwards.
>(Ah! …Uwah! Wh-Wha?! Just what is—)
>Accelerator must have changed vectors and energies of some sort, and redirected those
towards Kakine as a attack.

There we go, he uses it against Kakine.

When has he ever even done that with a punch? Never, right? Wew

Attached: 20190222092549.webm (1280x720, 1.25M)

That wall of earth wasn't stopping Touma regardless.

Isn't that just Kakine's assumption though, but the question is if he ever reflected

I mean I really doubt accelerator has to grab/touch someone and cant punch them to reverse the bloodflow. That doesnt mean he was doing it though or wanted to.

>A wall of earth would have handicapped touma at worst.
A wall of earth would have fucking crushed literally any normal human, try the fuck again. That’s like saying Accel wasn’t trying to harm the windowless building when he threw a fucking building at it.
Kakine has dark matter shit and can move at super sonic speeds. Touma is normal save his right hand and IT

Not him but a fucking land tsunami would kill 99% of people. He was losing his shit and freaking out when Touma wouldn't die, tried talking to him, and started freaking out again. The whole fight was the battle between his hope of being saved and desire to fall into a pit of self loathing villainy. Basically what I'm saying is he really was trying to kill him but also didn't want him dead.

You could say more than reading the opponents. There's some sort of instinct factor too.

>normal human
user, stop pretending to be retarded.

>it would have crushed him to death
What kind of dumbass are you?

Is there really no cases of Accelerator reflecting with Black Wings? I mean its something that always bothered me


>people going at each throat trying to make sense of what is happening when they're all wikireaders
I can't wait for NT22 so you fuckers leave.

Name one fight where Accel didn't job. I wait.

Attached: D0BQ-FeUUAAsbc1.jpg (687x982, 68K)

>The sound of an explosion rang out.
>With the massive destructive power, large amounts of earth got swept up, and formed into a 15m high and 300m wide tsunami made of earth. The entire vista got covered by it, and it struck as if to swallow the tiny lad.
>He should be dead with this attack.
>Even if he was wearing military-use power armor, his body of flesh and blood would be crushed along with the synthetic materials of the body armor.

>He should be dead with this attack.
>He should be dead with this attack.

I think, just maybe, he was trying to kill him.

Are you trying to imply that a literal tsunami of earth somehow isn’t lethal to a normal human? Are you trying to imply Accel somehow know Touma had fucking precog to dodge it before all of that? Hardly any esper aside from the level 5s could fucking survive that, let alone a mostly normalfag with a negation are. Just fucking stop.

>can move at super sonic speeds
Irrelevant when he's buried in the ground
>has dark matter shit
Clearly wasnt being used when he was punching him into ground meat. Guess what, even in this scene accel didnt reverse his bloodflow. Funny how that works isnt it?

>durr Touma is normal
I'm surrounded by morons and secondaries

>[HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 [720p].mkv

Personally, i'm more bothered that we didn't get to see Touma reflecting Accel's wings but instead straight up negating them.

Magicians right before Worst?

>no one has ever survived an avalanche before
Ok guys you had your fun you can stop joking now.

>he totally 100% wanted her dead

Is not what anyone implied in the first place, follow the conversation. It's almost like you're moving the goalpost to be contraria or something. Really jogs the noggin.


oh no no no even Nogi is trashing the anime
we're finished, Indexbros

He is a normal highschool boy, just like Kamisato the kaiju destroyer.

Accel doesn’t fucking know that he has body reinforcement, stop being obtuse
Literally read the fucking novel where Lessar comments on how he shouldn’t have been able to survive that.

He did actually reflect one wing into another, what he didn't do is grab one

We do see him deflecting once here

Vs Awaki, Kakine and the one in Hawaii.

>Lessar is dumb so that means she's right
Definitely shouldnt have been unscathed, but no, it wouldnt have killed him unless he suffocated underneath the dirt

>Accel just threw literal tons of earth and boulders and shit at Touma, he definitely wasn’t trying to kill him :^)
I don’t even know what to say to that level of retardation

Cendrillion did nothing wrong, Accel a bully.

Cool. Some people have survived jumping out of an airplane without a parachute and landing into the ocean at ridiculous altitudes. Is it now normal for that to be the assumed scenario?