I always skip the OP and ED.
I always skip the OP and ED
skipping the OP is not ok unless it's bad, i always skip the ED unless it is absolutely amazing, or its like the last episode of a series im really invested in
Which one we pickin
We have a word for people like you
Depends on the anime. I never skipped Asobi Asobase's ED.
Eh, if I'm marathoning a series I usually skip every new OP after three or four listens - unless it is a really good one. Same with the endings. I listen to them a few times, then skip them.
I watch the OP once and 99% of the time after that I'll skip it.
For 99% of shows I never watch the ED.
this one is my favorite by far
If I like the OP for a show and I'm watching it in-season I'll usually watch it each episode.
I'd have to really, really like the OP to watch it for a post-season show that I'm marathoning.
I almost never watch the ED more than once.
I watch each one once and then always skip unless I really enjoy the song enough that I would also listen to it outside the context of the show.
In my experience the ED are almost always better than the OP
i could never listen to more than 3 seconds of that ending. the heavy metal just killed me. The OP on the other hand......
I couldn't bring myself to skip Cromartie OP.
Urara OP is sleeper god tier prove me wrong
I generally skip them too, especially if I'm marathoning a show. They'd have to be really good or change every ep to get me not to. Pic related.
Talk whatever shit you want about SAO this ED is amazing and I am unable to skip it ever.
Same here. It's basically part of the episode.
Same with Nichijou? Why would you ever skip one of those intros?
How can you skip chu chu yeah and paparapa?
another really good ReoNa ending
He didn't believe
You suck