Kemono friends 2

is it worth watching or is it just a pandering money-grubbing shell of the first season ?

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Not even watching because the character designs just don't look right
I can't take them seriously, it's like Mitsudomoe meets furries

Read this. Its definitely better than the current season.

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I’ll have two Japari Buns, a large Japari Bun, Japari Bread with extra dip, a bag of Japari Chips, two Japari Sticks, one with Japari Cheese, and a large Japari Soda.

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What is this, a Pre-sequal?

And a Shoebill for rape.

t. Lion

I think it's good. A far cry from the first season but definitely okay to watch. The worst is that Serval's VA forgot how to do the voice or can't do the voice anymore? but it's ok.

yes and yes

I still can't believe Serval fucking died.

Kemono Enemies

>is it just a pandering money-grubbing shell of the first season ?
Welcome to the real world
But aside from that, yes, it's worth watching

fan made sequel

Was the last episode the breaking point for anybody else? I tried to give it an honest chance, the first two episodes were bad but it improved afterwards, but now we know that Serval was eaten by a Cerulean and lost all her memories of Kaban that's where I draw the line.

It's not even close to the first season but it's still good and worth watching.
The first episodes are absolutely shit tho.

It was for a lot of japanese viewers if those ratings are correct. But for me I really need to know how this trash fire ends so I'm gonna keep watching to the end while reading each week.

If episode 3 was as Tellitubbies-tier as episode 2 I would have completely dropped it, but instead it delivered huge and I've enjoyed all the other episodes since.


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It isn't a good idea to post pictures of yourself on here.

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everyday until I fucking kill myself, huh

>The worst is that Serval's VA forgot how to do the voice or can't do the voice anymore?
I think she had an illness she hadn't fully recovered from by the time recording started.

It's time to move on, Kaban

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>is it worth watching
>pandering money-grubbing shell of the first season
It's not even pandering nor is it even a shell of the first season. It's something else entirely pretending to be the first season and wearing Kaban and Serval's flayed skin. Tanoshii is literally dead.

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I'd believe this more if she didn't sound perfectly sugoi last season as Kohane.

>people love Kaban, Serval and Bossu's cute, wholesome friendship and chemistry
>kills and separates the inseparable trio from each other and dashes all chances of them finding humanity, happiness, and hope together in the sequel
Can anyone here reasonably justify this?

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Jesus christ.

I feel this in the pit of my stomach.
The pain in their faces is too real.


Honestly it not the fact they did it that bothers me the most. It's the fact that they will do nothing else with it besides being a one off plot point.

I just find it completely unnecessary as viewers were already shown just how much they all mean to each other and how completely devastated and heartbroken they'd be if they lost each other, be it Kaban, Serval or Lucky. In fact, all three of them died (technically) at the end of KF and were only really saved and brought back to life by the power of friendship and by the strong bonds with all the other Friends they met along the way. Not that any of that means anything anymore.

Whether it's thematically or to expand upon character relationships, it's a redundant point that they have no choice but to put more time and effort on retreading the same ground.

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Between no one remembering anyone essentially implying everyone got cerulean'd and re-friended, the drawer of Lucky Beasts, and the Owl's being Kaban's assistant, yes it was. I was also ok with it at first but I can't really believe everyone got cerulean'd. Also making the Owl's someone elses bitch just feels wrong and unwise.

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>Hakase was demoted to Assistant and Mimi-chan was promoted to Senior Assistant
Truly KF2 must be a glimpse at some sort of bad end timeline.

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It’s fine, don’t listen to butthurt Tatsukifags. Granted S1 is alot better but I’m finding it ok so far

You guys think the Big Blue Bird did this on purpose? Just to shit on everyone? They made the crappiest sequel possible, it's worlds apart when you compare them

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First season was shit, the only ones that liked it was bronies and refugee welcome betacuck

Second season was also shit, the only ones that liked it was unironic weebs, and dirty whores

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Them having 4 ears has been a thing since episode 1. Their animal ears are almost pure kemonoplasm and while they function they aren't actually really biologically attached and can even be made to disappear is they focus enough. Same with their tails.

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Kaban, please don't
It is dark there Kaban.
I will not fail you again Kaban.
I am sorry.

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