What is it about the rise of bullying manga lately? How'd they get so popular?
What is it about the rise of bullying manga lately? How'd they get so popular?
how is anjou a bully? she helped seto every time he needed help and constantly comes onto him. sexual teasing isn't bullying.
>dick bullying isn't bullying
it's an invitation not bullying. he's just too big of a faggot to make a move.
Uzaki and Nagatoro aren't bullies, they're nice and caring girls
Everyone on Yea Forums and nips in general are beta cucks. Of course they're popular.
She stopped being a bully in like chapter 3
I hate Nagatoro's stupid face so much, damn
Shit testing means she wants some dick
What more do you want?
Takagi isn't a bully. Nishitaka just can't handle the (very soft) bantz
When will people realise they got put together because they are all
Not because they are bullies?
Alpha's have retired, now the lonely Beta's make up a majority of the market.
Same can be seen in the porn industry as well, lot more Beta fetishs.
Where is Kaguya-sama, then?
Because betas deep down feel like they are unworthy and unattractive. As such they think that the only way a bih would ever show them any attention is if they were bullying them. I.e getting bullied is the price to pay for sexual attention and female companionship.
hows your psych masters coming along
it takes a massive beta to understand how a massive beta thinks. I am fully qualified in this regard
the shittiest meme of the past few years
>one of these is not like the other
But I enjoy these types of manga because I want to manhandle the cocktease and break her hymen with my huge cock.
It's Teasing... Girls also don't really tease (read test) guys they aren't attracted to, so I guess it works.
Better than the harem shit or the MC is beta as fuck and still gets attention
It’s not bullying, it’s teasing
>a bully
what a waste of trips
Anjour is the best followed by big titty-chan
these bitch stole ton of semen