It's almost time.
I was literally in the process of making a thread with that exact same pic.
I wonder if we'll get to see Touma's side of the fight in the anime.
This OST should be used.
It's time for daddy to behave some edgelords
It's time for Accel to be slightly less autistic from now on.
Time for a colossal asspull that'll make O MY RUBBER NEN or MUH 7 QUIRKS look small time.
My expectations are as low as possible.
>when she says you put it in the wrong hole
Oh no he’s hot
Can't wait.
Touma with Fiamma smug tier.
This gonna be EPIC
>Accelvision of Touma makes him even hotter than Birivision
Just fuck already
When is the third BD out?
>when you don't have a gf
Holy shit he just keeps getting hotter.
What will be of him after OT ends? Some irrelevant jobber yet again?
Why is Touma so handsome?
Punished "bullied" Fiamma.
Why can't Kamachi kill any characters
Saves the world
He killed Frended
He killed High Priest.
He killed Touma
He killed Terra.
our frienda
high priest
some random kiharas
He killed Touma. A lot.
and then he also went and killed Touma
Alright carlos, you got me this time
Can someone post that 8bit Theater edit with Aleister?
I'd help if I wasnt still banned for that japanese stream IP mixup
Is this his only good angle?
That should be Vs. Fiamma, with something dramatic cutting in for the IT reveal.
He doesn't have any bad angles at this point.
Wow. They usually only make Accelerator look bad, but the hair and eyes there are terrible. Why does the anime make some characters look so much worse? They’ve improved others, so why can’t they be consistent?
Reminder that LO and Worst will fuck Touma in front of an agonizing Accel.
relevant jobber, although the people he loses too don't count as jobbing
Because the character designer for the anime is Yuiichi Tanaka and he can only draw girls properly but they are all sticcs and have the same face.
All of these characters were made to be killed before anything. Unless Kamachi builds them as such, he seems to be reluctant to even confirm the deaths of minor characters.
>doesnt count
Losing to establish that another character is strong is the definition of jobbing
>moving the goalpost
Kamachi is the author. No character is made to do anything but what he builds them for.
Frenda was but the other two were as made to be killed as Accelerator as far as we know.
No shit sherlock, if there's a death he planned it in advance. He writes far ahead of release and autistically plans things out. No decent writer wakes up one and day and thinks
>I'm killing this guy off someday
This episode will look good, and if I need to specify what'll look best, it'll be Touma vs Accelerator obviously. Anything that ends with Accelerator getting his ass beaten has been above average quality after all, make the best assbeating look like the best obviously.
Now the episode is shit again
>He writes far ahead of release and autistically plans things out. No decent writer wakes up one and day and thinks
I'm killing this guy off someday
I assume you didn’t mean to include someday there, right? Most authors can plan a character’s death well in advance, instead of just a few volumes. Also, even though he definitely had the storyline plotted out when he started, I’d be surprised if Kamachi doesn’t incorporate newer ideas since he’s drawn out the series so long.
None of the kiharas get happy endings well, most of them don't.
Not this time zero man, Accelerator's pain will make the episode golden. After all, seeing the TRUE NUMBER TWO in pain makes the episodes magically better.
Not that guy but I dont see why the someday matters. What matters is you more or less have a characters arc planned out. You dont generally wake up, look over your characters and say "hmmm I feel like I should kill one of these guys off". Doesnt matter if you then plan it 2 or 3 volumes ahead of when you randomly decided that, you probably should have created the character in the first place with an idea of what the point of them was.
I'm 95% convinced that he at least wanted it to be this long, but couldn't know for sure until he could start a 2nd series
High Priest was definitely the Magic God assigned to demonstrate the AAA and cause Touma to start doubting his power from the time the main three Magic Gods were introduced. Terra’s death likewise served to show Acqua’s ethics and leave the thread of Touma not using IB to its fullest potential hanging.
No one important is going to die. But especially not the three protags, nor are any of the girls the three protags are protecting. Including the new ones. Not going to be shocked if even Dion and 545 make it somehow, and they are characters that could easily kick the bucket and leave something meaningful besides "abloo abloo she died" behind with the protag connected to them.
Why the fuck is Leon Kennedy in this photo
You don't know?
Kek I didn't even notice
No? Should I?
We see they were used like that after the fact, but there were a dozen other gods to use and other methods of showing Acqua's ethics. It honestly wasn't clear, but I was saying that Kamachi could have dropped Accel for whatever reason and we obviously wouldn't know he was going to die until it happens. Saying that they were designed to die without him saying so and, to top it off, somehow use it as evidence that Kamachi won't kill anyone off is just plain retarded.
>High Priest was definitely the Magic God assigned to demonstrate the AAA
He was the wrinkly old guy and the other two were cute girls, so that's certainly true.
I'm guessing its the "no way fag" meme
Dion could go either way. If its not some sort of typo or error in the preview of NT22 and Takitsubo has ALSO disappeared, Hamazura is either going to definitely save both or definitely pick Takitsubou and save Dion.
UNLESS the unprecedented move is Hamazura dropping Takitsubou instead. I dunno how I'd feel about that.
>Hamazura dumps Takitsubo for Dion
I'd kek, but it'd make him an even worse character than he already is.
>Dumping your gf for a magic hologram
What is this, Ever17?
I feel like if Kamachi had really planned/wanted to kill Accelerator in particular off, or at least give him a very unhappy end, he'd have done so in either OT5 or WWIII. Killing him off now seems like such a waste now that he's gone from a screeching autist who doesn't even know how to verbalize "I just wanna be left alone. Please stop attacking me" to what we saw at the end of NT21. We've watched him grow so much.
That one Accel vs Touma track from Railgun that wasn't used should be used now.
Break Through?
How rushed will this episode be?
I really don't think he's going to kill him now but that was direction he could have easily gone since he had a similar setup to Terra and HP as a crazy menace. He just got to live and grow. Not even poor stupid Izzard got that.
>conversation is about hamazura
>reply in a non dick sucking manner
>wow so obsessed
I'm suspecting some Aeon bullshit if people are disappearing out of thin air
Remember Dion is magic from a demon. She could have easily come with a "possess whoever you find" command. Think of it like Misaki sending out a minion and giving them a command to use Mental Out on someone. Yes, I know, she can't do that, but it's just an easy visualization
Something new I would assume.
>Niang Niang didn't want Hamazura and rikou looking up chinese torture methods
>Othinus didn't want touma searching up Odin and cruelty
Why are the gods so embarrassed of their culture?
Side note but Fiamma's track is perfect
Its like looking at old photos of your chuuni phase.
Only more mikoto filler could save this episode
Is Mikoto a modern day Joan of Arc?
I'd really love for them to use this but I also enjoy most of the OSTs so far. Fiamma's ost is intense.
Not even close
>If its not some sort of typo or error in the preview of NT22 and Takitsubo has ALSO disappeared
It's 100% a typo, what would be the point?
Mikoto does more than being a glorified cheerleader
>when you learn your right hand is just the reincarnation of an arrow some old dude broke right before the 20th century started instead of some sort of explanation given to you on how to properly use it in mage combat
TouMAN needs a fucking rocket punch.
>that scene with vento where it zooms out to him under the ice and his theme starts blaring
It was spot on
No, Shitkoto is modern day trash.
O MY ___?
Shit girl.
Shit power.
Well I suppose. As I said, it would have been easy to kill or eliminate him in OT5 and have his storyline go in a completely different direction.
Example: Accelerator gets to HC about 2 minutes too late is effectively dead - but the fridge Kakine got put in still exists in this version, it's just now the Accelerator fridge and is introduced much earlier. Yoshikawa could easily be killed off in this scenario, and Last Order can become the one who has wings and connects to Accelerator's brain. That would make her probably have to go through a minor villain/controlled antagonist arc. I'd suggest putting Last Order back to sleep in a vat and using WORST as the Accelerator vessel, but that would make Last Order completely useless. Unless she shows up suddenly to calm AccelWorst like she did Accelerator in OT15, but way less lovingly and more Alpha Bitch
>yfw Accelerator could have done the Kakine "everyone uses my powers and I'm nothing but a brain" plot better
Let's all be mean to Mina.
Sounds pretty terrible if I'm honest.
Joan was pure, Mikoto not so much.
Nude edit when?
Compared to what we actually got? Yeah. But if we didn't have what we actually have and got something like that, it wouldn't be so meh
No just generally. LO having an edge arc and becoming backpack wings sounds pretty cringe
>humans have hair down below
Will Fiamma make another appearance this episode?
I don't we'll see him for 2 or 3. My memory's a bit hazy though.
Eh, that part does sound a little weird. Putting her to sleep for a bit and letting WORST having the wings and edge only to get slapped down by a Last Order saying "They got me out of bed for you? Knock it off. You suck compared to Accelerator anyway *disconnects network instead of "thank goodness" hug*" is a little better. It removes some of Last Order's chance to be cute though, which still isn't all that great.
You idiot
I want to cum inside Fiamma~
AccelWorst probably wouldn't be able to handle Aiwass, even if you wanted to say "she is saving Last Order because she's being pressured by Accelerator's will. The last thing Accelerator did before dying is save her, so his will is strongly about protecting Last Order"
This video's view count surpassed almost every other video related to season 3 except for the PV, OPs, and the Kakine battle.
Worst goes mad with power but is still weaker than Misaka
Misaki connivesb things such that Misaka has to kill Worst
We wouldn't even care about Accelerator's will or power if he'd just been killed off and turned into a power up for another character. That goes back to the original point. Kamachi's put an awful lot of effort into making people care about Accelerator when he could have easily just killed him off and let him become a literal weapon instead of a character. I don't think Kamachi's gonna kill him off - at least not without some HUGE payoff. In other words. if he dies, it's gonna be a hero's death and it's gonna be portrayed as a sad, tragic thing.
>Aleister has an entire amusement park district to just mess with vento
Holy kek
>loli saten in walking church
cursed image
didn't js06 translate the preview already ?
Why did they put frenda in there
>fusions got memed into reality too
Sasha Thompson
Misaka L. Shizuri
Saten of the Prohibited Library
It would be an awesome callback to their first fight. I would definitely be hyped.
You shut your fucking mouth. Junko is based and Rampage Dress is legit level 5 tier skill
if he actually hated her he wouldn't be saving lewd images of her
Lucia Sanctis
Fre nda (both halves combined)
Uiharu the observer
Shut up, mass of flesh.
How will JCuck Staff fuck up this week?
>KINO is bad
>e-celeb shit in thread is OKAY
The state of plebbit.
>sasha and oriana
What would Vasilisa think?
I was going to laugh at the absurdity of this but would she be able to tank one of Mugino's blasts? If she can i agree. She ain't beating #1 2 or 3 though.
Seriously, what is this?
Hey! You leave JC Staff alone! What did they ever do to you!?
"kino" cancer is always bad, fuck off.
Fuck up Index 3.
Did you guys know we like Saten as more than a friend?
Sure thing, Accelkek. Notice how fujo faggots like yourself are the only people who think Accelerator is meant to be (((cared))) about.
Can we please kill mobileposter already?
Literally who
We all know that already!
Not him but you're literally the only guy I've seen who gives a shit. Maybe dial it back a bit.
I don't get it what is season 3? is worst breaking the third wall? what happened to her that made accelerator start autistic screeching after he beat the shit out of her?
Why yes, we of course really like saten's friend Frenda.
We're getting a fucking good episode GODDAMNIT
If I'm the only person who gives a shit then it's absolute truth that Yea Forums is going down the shitter. If you weren't a newfag, you'd remember how often people rightfully told retards who use that shitty buzzword to fuck off.
Based Knight Leader
Why are Toumafags always starting shit?
SONZAI SURU, bringing out the impossible property of SAKUGA
A chinese knock off from 2013 or so.
Its literally just another word for cool. Take a chill pill.
Blessed posts
It's a cancerous Yea Forums buzzword that is extremely obnoxious and is used solely by morons. Kill yourself for defending that trash.
*cracks open can of Red Bull*
*sip* Ah yeah those were the glory days
Thanks for the reacharound kuckine
>more cancerous buzzwords
Yup, Yea Forums is dead.
Rising above ALL ODDS.
Where are you when people are baneposting? Or are only some tv memes bad?
The only thing stopping Junko is the immense pain that using the full power of Rampage Dress causes. Even at a level 4 point, she could beat Mugino, and still give Mikoto a run for her money. The combination of speed and power Rampage Dress provides would give anyone trouble outside of Cuckine and Accelerator
I just like Mikoto
This was so unbelievably goofy in what should have been a serious arc.
You don't.
I'm not here when it happens obviously, otherwise I would've told them to fuck off too.
Unless she's Saint tier with Rampage Dress I don't see Misaka being unduly bothered.
This isnt very kino of you
>An adjective named after an anime Yea Forums supposedly loves is "cancerous" now
With the zero representing null, with the off by two representing the ability to summon the impossible by nothing, with the above by 1 representing the ascension of all odds. 8 represents infinite possibilities, and one of those possibilities shall be Index III being GOOD FOR ONCE.
You're not around very often then, maybe you're the cancer if you're barely ever around and you dont mesh with the board culture? You probably didnt even watch kinos journey.
Fuck off and kys, cancer.
Don't worry, it gets dumber.
and this is not cancer?
>green eyes
Doesn't look like Mugino at all.
I'll just report you from now on
Holy shit, you're a complete retard.
Nah, moron. It's crossboarding faggots like you who use that trash don't mesh with board culture.
After you.
I reported it too, so what? The problem is I don't see it in every fucking thread, every fucking day unlike "kino".
Sorry buddy but I've never left Yea Forums. Doesnt mean I cant pick up and use harmless words.
Read this.
Modcat insight. Punished mod. You're part of problem.
Turn the QUALITY to zero.
Imagine being this fucking mad
Alita super wasn't kino. Everything Hollywood makes these days is super shit.
>Kino comes from an anime
Kino's been around for 90 years user.
Please post some cute Frendas
Then you're a retard if you think that shitty buzzword is named after KnT.
Speaking of which KnT threads are pretty much unbrowsable now because of this trash.
You're most definitely a moron.
That "insight" is part of the reason why Yea Forums is so trash. Anyone who uses "feels" is a faggot regardless of what they say.
Tell me why I'm retarded then, else I'm labeling you the retard
>That "insight" is part of the reason why Yea Forums is so trash
You're reason why Yea Forums is trash.
He told truth.
>I get so amazingly triggered by random words, and not the actual content of the post, but I'm definitely not the cancer here
So this is "quality" posting huh?
Did they seriously just do character fusions!?!
If the word kino scares you that much you could always, I dont know, filter it?
Why the fuck are you sperging out over this take 2 steps back and chill the fuck out.
>announcing your reports
>replying to the bait
You have no right to call anyone a newfag newfag.
>its not harmless
Its literally just a word. It cant hurt you I promise.
"Mikoto looked utterly exasperated, but she ultimately lent Shokuhou her shoulder"
Yeah guys they hate each other.
>Kino means movie
Banana bitch again
Stop ruining the thread shitposter.
Kino comes from a 1929 description of a Film is Kinography, or the absolute are of filmography.
For this episode shall the quality be killed. Lets bring out the best possible reality.
Mugino needs a spanking
Well maybe because it has nothing to do with KnT, you dumb fuck. Here's a history lesson for you.
>Yea Forumstards decide that their idiotic "flick film cinema" ranking is not pretentious enough
>dig out a Russian/German word meaning just that "movie"
>force it down everyone's throat. Mods delete it it at the first report, everyone is telling the retards who use it to fuck off.
>Hiro comes in
>eventually morons like you start using it and it's suddenly a norm now.
So yes, you are completely retarded.
>based and redpilled
>what did he mean by this?
So this is "quality" posting, huh?
Oh, and insults is what you deserve.
>ignore the cancer and it goes away
Fuck off.
"Annoys" that I'm surrounded by idiots who think they don't sound absolutely retarded when they use it.
It hurts the quality of a board, dumbass.
It comes from Yea Forumstard's desire to annoy everyone by their pretentiousness.
Re-read again You're part of the problem. You're cancer.
>It hurts the quality of the board
This is Yea Forums. Fucking Yea Forums. The fact that people act like the board ever had quality is why it's gone to shit.
Cringe and bluepilled. What did he mean by this?
That's a yikes from me
This is new Yea Forums
Nope, normalizing crossboarding cancer is.
>muh epic edgy site
Fuck off.
No one uses it in that manner mate. No one uses kino to say movie, it just means cool.
All your posts in this thread are below low quality. If Modcat was here you will be banned.
All Russians do, dumb faggot. Anyone who uses it to mean "cool" is a fucking moron who should be banned on sight.
What is this garbage?
Thoughts on my shirt?
>low quality
More high quality than using "kino" and expecting to be taken seriously by anyone.
one fuming autist taking on the whole thread thinking he's the vanguard of old Yea Forums
Someone already redid this with the background cut out.
>I hate this word because it is associated with this crowd who uses it in this way
>when anyone else uses the word, in a clearly different manner, I will also be mad regardless
Are you mad at any single mention of onions regardless of if its being used as an insult too?
No. He's very explicitly in favor of the new Yea Forums..
I bet he hates Accelerator poster.
>All Russians do, dumb faggot.
No ебанашка. We use фильм 90% of time. "Настоящее кино" - "True kino". True cinematography. Иди козе дрочи.
I dont think anyone expects to be taken seriously when they say kino. Just like when someone calls another poster senpai they're clearly fucking around. You need to take a nap my man.
>Just like when someone calls another poster senpai
How dare! This is against the rules.
Esto es el fin, Acceleator
>absolutely retarded conclusion
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that anyone who defends it is a moron.
Oh, you mean the word that was originally so annoying that mods had to use filter it so it becomes "senpai" in the first place?
Anyone who uses niggerspeak should quite frankly be publicly banned.
Post sasuga kino
No I mean senpai not fampai
quality posting
Eres el segundo lugar, Acelerador!
Google translate is fucking fantastic with spanish for some reason
k. famalam
>I cant wriggle out of this so I'll just say its stupid
You're literally jumping at shadows. You claim to hate kino because of a crowd that uses the word in one way, and are snapping and growling at anyone who uses it, even in an entirely different manner. Take a fucking nap.
Spanish is real chuu2 language.
>some reason
Its a pretty common language.
"After all, the two great peaks of Tokiwadai had gone out of their way to leave the school for a top secret meeting. This was more than just a dinner date. It was possible the very history of the country would change later that night. And because these girls pampered her on a daily basis, they knew how their seemingly perfect Queen was actually full of flaws they were willing to overlook. They were worried sick that Shokuhou Misaki would make some kind of careless mistake!!!!!!"
Did they think Mikoto and Misaki were gonna fuck?
She doesn't need that.
Nah, I think your brain is just fried and you decided to say something completely retarded or just lack reading comprehension.
They thought they would unite their cliques, though it is possible they also thought it would be consumated by having mikoto pound misaki.
Mikoto doesn't have a clique though..... or at least the only person in her clique is Kuroko
>still cant explain why it makes sense to be mad at people who are obviously not his bogeyman
>still has to make up garbage to pretend he has an argument
She has fans, friends and people like kongo who defer to her more than misaki. Not to mention even without one, mikoto joining misaki's clique would also change the school a lot.
Explain further. You're quality poster after all. You don't want to be reported for shitposting, right?
First you have to explain how specifying that Russians simply use the word to simply mean "movie" = whatever nonsensical trash you're spewing.
monkaS :point_right: :door:
This. There's a lot of smaller cliques in Tokiwadai. Misaki's just happens to not only be the largest, but it also has the collection of the schools most talented girls. Kuroko, Mikoto, and Kongou excluded of course. Being able to add Mikoto to her clique would mean Misaki would be able to essentially swallow up all of the smaller cliques in the blink of an eye. Like, Germany invading Poland tier domination.
The moment Mikoto admits she enjoys her company will be either super cute or incredibly tragic.
Post kino volumes
NT9 was top kino and I hold all other series that have people fight gods against it now.
NT20s ending
21 also applies
Никого не ебёт что говорят в твоём блядском мухосранске, еблан. Усёк? Никто не использует "кино" в уёбищном Форчановском контексте.
Твоя мать тупая пизда шлюха и твой отец членодевка.
NT9 And NT18. Top kino.
>w-we're not cancer, we swear
Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elder berries
that is to say your mother's a whore and your father left for cigarettes, does this make you forest gump?
>raildex thread
>start of thread, people post one or two overused meme, actual responses to OP
>continues, 90% of the time the converstion shifted to Mikoto or powerlevels 50~60 posts in
>go away for 30 min~1 hours
>people now either discuss how you could apply vectors to nuclear fission to create Thelema dragons in real life or one autist absolutely loses his shit and has a major mental breakdwon for 100 posts straight
>end of the thread, back to Mikoto, you are reminded that Misaki is a pile of shit and that ToumaxOthinus is asspull and so is the mother of the guy saying that
>starts again
I can't decide between amazing or braindead fanbase.
Actually leaked image of Touma when charging Accelerator
Этот пидорашка сломался, несите другого.
FUCK Saten and FUCK Jannie
Misaki is wounded (not mortally) by Coronzon and uses Misaka as a lap pillow. Does the same thing Touma did when she hurt him and caresses her cheek, no homo
I don't smoke I'm afraid.
I honestly imagine raildex threads as a bunch of people gathering in a large room and then spouting the shit they say.
電撃文庫 Magazine N°66
Dengeki Bunko Magazine N°66 - (Digital)
God DAMN she is cute.
One of us is discussing the series and the other isnt. Can you tell me who it is? Put your thinking caps on boys and girls this is a doozy.
It'll be
Better keep those expectations low
>spamming forced Yea Forums memes
>discussing anything
>implying I wouldnt say most of the shit I post in here outloud
To friends of course but still
Her getting into the plane will be kino
>Никто не использует "кино" в уёбищном Форчановском контексте.
Хуйню полную несешь. Образованные люди и кинокритики используют "кино" в значении хорошей кинематографии, деревенщина неграмотная. Хотя, если твой круг общения ограничивается сосачем, я тебя не виню.
Othinus looks really cute here
when is that 3 episodes from now? She doesn't even know he's in Russia yet right?
Quads confirm
Should be next episode.
Nah there are a couple of Index S3 fights in Japanese that are over 100k views
It's next episode user
>I'm not cancer!
>u cancer
The power of ZERO NI SURU is behind this episode to nullify all QUALITY.
>VN scenes and a couple special attacks
Ok but what is the gameplay like miki. We know the VN scenes will largely be anime scenes after all, so I'm not too interested in that until we meme in a dating aspect.
Кому ты пургу тут несёшь, даун ты тупорылый? Все, даже критики используют "кино" просто для обозначения ЛЮБОГО, сука, фильма.
Рака тебе, школодебил.
Please be good.
>I'm not cancer, I'm just forcing Yea Forums trash outside of that shithole and double down on shitposting when I get called out instead of accepting that I'm detrimental to the board's quality
>Made to be killed.
Saten is still waiting to eat mackerel with her.
It shall.
But you just told us Yea Forums doesnt even use it that way. Proving you go to Yea Forums more than the people who are using kino.
Not even digits can save us now.
God wills it, inshallah
>этот сосачевский салат
>"Рака тебе, школодебил"
У тебя дислексия? Иди на сосач к своим малолетним друзьям.
Понятно что ответить тебе по делу нечего.
Слив засчитан, можешь наконец-то съебать с моих глаз. Хоть одним дауном в треде будет меньше.
>user who hates kino is underage slav from 2ch
I'm not surprised he doesn't even know who Modcat is but know shit about Yea Forums.
It is blessed by magick.
Imagine fiamma grabbing your balls
I just love the irony of the one who complains about cancer knowing more about the cancer than anyone else. Now this is what the word obsessed is meant for.
Все уже было сказано в этом посте Твои сосачевские друзья и ютубные критике не являются образованными людьми. Оставь Yea Forums в покое, ньюфаг.
Mikoto will get a whole episode to herself
Ow, why would I do that.
Doesn't agree =/= doesn't know. But once again anyone who uses "kino" is a complete idiot, so what do I expect from you?
I'm older than you, faggot
Хуйня высранная и придуманная тобой никого не волнует. Сам уёбывай, я здесь был задолго до тебя пост-2015ый высерок.
Всё ещё желаю тебе сдохнуть от рака.
Super Hamazura in less than 7 hours!
It's called not being a newfag. Maybe you should try it someday.
This is a legitimately kino image
In Railgun 3
Shut the fuck up with the kino you fucking faggots. Stop derailing the thread. Just dont reply about that shit.
>I'm older than you, faggot
Judging by your previous posts in thread and google translate you're literary underage kid from 2ch and newfag.
I've been here 7 years my man, maybe I just dont worry and trigger myself over every little thing until I see bogeymen everywhere
I can't wait to see more of Fre!
God damn this episode is gonna be good
You're clearly newfag and crossborder. Go away.
Yeah, don't come crying to me when nu-Yea Forums starts accepting Facebook lexicon and using it everywhere. I can clearly see it happening.
This is the grave you dug out for yourself.
Remember, they're just words, am I right?
Impressive coping mechanism.
Misaki already has zero inhibitions when it comes to touching Mikoto, the latter just has to let her.
No one cares.
>you dug this grave
I dont see why you're acting like some random pseudo general is the last bastion defending Yea Forums. If anything you should be spewing this autism in a shield hero thread or something where there's an actual population of newfags.
>non stop insults
>"niggerspeak "
>"I'm not cancer"
>he use russian analogue of Yea Forums buzzwords in his russian speech
That's why no one likes them.
For a character made to die kamachi sure can't stop digging her out of the grave repeatedly.
>"kino" cancer is always bad, fuck off.
>It's a cancerous Yea Forums buzzword
>Impressive coping mechanism.
>"cope" buzzword in Yea Forums
What the fuck?