What does Yea Forums think of used goods?
What does Yea Forums think of used goods?
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They belong in the woodchipper.
I can sometimes over look it when the girl is perfect in every other way like Chris is.
They are fine too.
It all depends on their mentality. If they didn't lose it willingly and still put in the effort to act pure afterwards, then treating them as still being pure is common courtesy. Sluttiness, on the other hand, is disgusting regardless of whether the girl acting slutty is a virgin or not.
Depends on the state they're in. Nothing wrong with getting something slightly used, but I'll leave damaged and badly worn stuff to dedicated restorationists.
God is Chris perfection
It's not like she sleep with dudes and whores herself out on a regular basis.
I'd use her goods if you know what I mean.
unless they were raped against their will like sakura or kohaku that's a yikes for me. Can't think of any more used goods i like other than these two but that's the way to still make them likeable i guess.
I'd fuck it given the chance but never marry or date it, that's what virgin girls are for, loving and marrying. Non-virgins are for loveless animalistic fucking.
They are for healing. If they don't want to be healed though, into the trash they go.
Well,call me a cheapskate
As they say, one man's trash is another mans treasure and by god, Chris would be my diamond.
It's not a "pure/slut" one way street deal. There's a sliding scale.
please don't remind me of this
Chris is PURE.
Based wing nana
That was ret coned
She was more pure than even those sexually clueless lolis that are everywhere these days.
My wife is the cutest.
I don't watch Symphoshit. Did she get raped or she has a bf?
She has /ss/ with a little brown shota.
Oyakodon with their daughters!
She was ambiguously raped by old men as a kid, canonically and on-screen raped by a crazy old lady, then redeemed and now has an off-and-on crush on a sword (wing) while babysitting some super gay children and constantly has to tell them to quit being such faggots. She also tries to be a good girl for her new daddy.
Who's the daddy?
Being so focused on purity / virginity is probably one of the first steps to being pedo
Smile Chrisu!
>wanting second-hand goods even in your own imagination.
Depends who used them in the first place.
If it was me, then they're great.
Worst geah
They are sometimes good. It all depends on how they act after being used.
This isnt a Shirabe thread.
Are you implying something about akarin
Depends on the girl like others say. Personally, when you're twice the Japanese average like me, getting a slightly used girl might be a good thing since she won't prolapse as easily.
That's not the two girls that hang on to Maria.
Objective Rankings goes
Middle-school Lesbians.
Fuck you, shit cunt.
Only virgin losers are insecure about other girls with sexual experience. They hide their incompetence of getting laid on puritanism excuses.
>dead girl
user please. Also, everyone knows Maria is worst girl.
No, just making a general statement.
Yeah, bottom two are the most prone to slutifying NTR corruption desu
t. guy who waits for the Bull to finish before sucking the cum out of his "girlfriend"
shoo roast shoo
They really take the pressure off. Especially if their previous boyfriend was a massive asshole or even abusive, that way you have to do the bare minimum to please her. Virgins have really grandoise delusions about how perfect relationships should be so they are easily disatisfied.
Excuse me Satan but Maria has actually done something at some point. Shirabe and Kirika are worth AT BEST half a geah each.
Kanade gets top spot because you can't fuck her character since you can't give her more scenes so the stuff we got puts her at the top.
I think Chris should kill herself.
Well, she did get raped by a chink.
I gazed upon your eyes and knew you were my nigga.
>Shirabe and Kirika are worth AT BEST half a geah each
No shit, that's their whole gimmick.
>Excuse me Satan but Maria has actually done something at some point.
Pic related.
t. Misogynist
If their gimmick is being half a geah each then they deserve to bottom spot because of their gimmick alone. The fact everything else about them cannot be saved is just icing at that point.
as long as they are pure in soul
>The fact everything else about them cannot be saved is just icing at that point.
Explain, cause I'm absolutely sure they contribute more than Maria.
>Hagfags stealing Sawashiro's graph for their own nefarious purposes
Excuse me but I can tell this picture is shopped and that by the actual source, Fine/Ryoko would be best girl.
I think I should kill myself so I can go meet her.
Shit design, shit weapons, shit story arcs, minor contributions with their best being killing Micha when she wanted to die and still requiring both of them.
If you only have one, you're immediately burdened by the lack of strength. The relationship between the two was tumoriffic on the story of Season 2.
Maria on the other hand at least chose to be tactically useless but still have moments where she would help by saving someone better than herself like Hibiki or Tsubasa.
the Sawashiro chart became outdated when she took over as Fujiko
I mean, if you have a huge dick anyways, big enough to make a black man blush, does it even matter?
You seem to have a hateboner for them. At least give Kirika credit for the team up with Hibiki in XZ.
New chapter fucking when?
>At least give Kirika credit for the team up with Hibiki in XZ.
I'm not a fan of them but I make an exception for Chris.
Would you rather a used clock or a unused clock?
Chris isnt used goods until the creators say so.
69 get kek
Did you miss Season 1?
And they wont ever risk those precious cd sales by straight up saying anything.
>What does Yea Forums think of used goods?
Don't want them, because I'm man enough to admit that I'd be too insecure that someone they've been with has been better and I'll never be able to make them that happy.
We need a GR15 rule for frog and wojak posting.
Meant to use this, didn't think anyone would mind
I love Chris and her brown rape loli no matter what!
Why is Chris the most poplar in this show? she's nothing special.
Also would Tsubasa be more poplar if she had tiddies?
We pretty much already do. All images have to be anime and manga related. Its enforces pretty well too. I got banned for using non anime reaction images a few times. Costanza posting never gets banned though.
I like Tsubasa but Chris just obliterates her in the best girl category. They're all good girls, it's hard to choose, but Chris is just square in my strike zone, man.
t. Raphi
>Why is Chris the most poplar in this show?
muh tits.
This is how Chris won me over.
Would imagine it's the same for a lot of people.
I initially liked Chris because of her design; short and stacked, with cute fluffy hair, but her backstory, voice, and attitude all drew me in as well. The fact that she used to be a villain and tried to kill the other main characters before she joined them makes her stand out in S1, and her spicy attitude in contrast with her girly features makes her feminine side even more pronounced.
Who else can act this cool and tough while completely naked in front of an old homicidal perverted scientist?
Only Chris, because she is used to being naked in front of strangers.
I want to punch Chris in the face already.
Maria is best. Fuck you guys for always bullying her.
>Fuck you guys for always bullying her
We don't have to, she bullies herself. Tomato
Beats me. I find chris' personality bland and voice grating. I'd rather a fine than her
Catmom a cute
Maria will be best again when she gets her Gungnir back
Dumb frogposter.
>muh tits
Yet everyone shits on Maria, so that's ruled out.
Ooooh he's right. Maria has mega tits and she's still garbage! Even the used goods is way better than her!
I don't like Chris because her name makes me think of a different Chris. It doesn't help that Hibiki constantly calls her Chris-chan.
If you EVER manage to find a woman
100% of the time she will BE used goods
The best
Is she actually used goods or is it a meme? I'm a purityfag so I'm sensitive to such things.
I don't like Chris because she has silver hair and every girl with silver hair is trash.
I like Chris because of her silver hair, and her name sounds nice and western.
Worst post of the century.
Gayest post of 2019
Like your grandmother user, she is turbo trash.
I wanna fuck his busty 52 y/o grandmother though
>hating Russians
You should be shot for taste that shit.
Those are only busty because they are around her waist.
>has a cute voice that can go hot blooded when needed
>manly sideburns
>great ass
>fights by punching and befriending
Hibiki truly is the best.
>crap face
>no tits
>no tits
He was talking about Hibiki, not Tsubasa.
Hibiki's Symphogear Live songs are always the best
I love Miku
well, since a lack of virginity would suggest for her to have been impregnated, wouldn't natural selection try to push males towards wanting to impregnate increasingly younger females? first come, first serve. so it's perfectly natural for a male to desire young females. or females without mileage. which wouldn't have to be a
We know, Biki.
You might not want to ever say those words aloud. Besides, its a fact that grown women are more likely to survive childbirth than little girls, so your argument is invalid.
Woman dying in childbirth > having to raise another man's kid
From a man's perspective he's right.
post the screech
Tomoyo was best girl In Clannad.
i want to be bikki in a bikki-miku relationship.
Chris sucks.
PV of season 5 when?
What the fuck, I thought this is the zombieland saga thread.
dumb flat chris poster.
they belong In one place and one 0lace only(pic related)
Idols are all used goods so I don't blame you.
>the hymen in my heart is there therefore I'm pure
>questioning the nana
Get your eyes fixed retard
wat a hussy
The G boxeset is dropping next week so that's a good time for something e en if it's just what the title looks like
It wasn't her choice so I'm okay with it
You're not wrong.
Fine as long as you don't invest anything in them
What did Tsubasa do to deserve being paired up with worst girl?
It's been a while since she was paired up with Chris, user.
I'm fine with them if I can ZENBU ZENBU ZENBU with them.
How wrong can a single user be?
IIRC, a study has shown that men prefering younger women isn't solely based on the egg quality (since older women = older eggs = more genetic defects), but also on potential. E.g. 18-year old has the potential to produce way more offspring compared to a 30-year old woman based on time alone at the same pregnancy rate.
Sword is second best girl, just because of coolness factor, but Chris is my waifu
> miniskirt, tights and whoreboots
I have never noticed that combo before.
Any news when we get S5? July this year maybe?
You're a whore boot.
Chris is used softly these days.
Can you please stop being such a massive fucking retard and trying to "trigger" people with every single post you make.
Hey, here's an idea, talk about anime.
Not even girls want used goods. Especiallly a married couple.
Chris is so cool, I'd let her fuck me in the ass.
According to the gachashit this is your new Hibiki for XV. Say something nice about her.
God I wish I was Chris
Stop replying to your own posts, you ass hurt mongoloid subhuman.
They're unworthy of real love
Why is Chris so cute Yea Forums?
Reminder that rape victims are "damaged goods" not "used goods".
Used and abused goods.
Stop replying to your own posts, you ass hurt mongoloid subhuman.
How do you function? Can you even talk to women in real life?
Real women are irrelevant
Shut the fuck up Maria
I may make an exception in very particular cases but in general nah.
Talk yes, marry a random cumdump just because she tells you “that part of my life is over” no.
This isn't the stone age, incel. Beating your dick to underage Pakistani cartoon pussy isn't furthering the advancement of the human race. Grow up.
ITT: Real men vs. roasties pretending to be men and hyping up slutty characters to increase their own desirability.
>want used goods
>hurr you only want them because you want to get laid
>want pure girls
>durr incel
You just can't win against roasties.
Can we trade her back for Kanade?
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
That's a big part of why I like Chris. The show's done a great job of showing that she still has real issues. Her trauma and PTSD didn't just vanish after one Healing character arc or some bullshit; like real life, it sticks around, a constant battle.
And despite that, she kicks ass, takes names, and generally gets shit done.
chris best geah
G boxset next wednesday. News next week probably too since the Gachashit is treating it like a big deal.
Reminder that Symphogear peaked at G.
Isn't this the point? "Roasties" today are acting as if they are living in the stone age, slooting it up, and if left unchecked, mating only with what people refer to as "chads." Which makes sense, under consideration of how supposedly only a small % of all males reproduced back then. Then there's also the point of a person taking it as a personal insult if a woman mated with inferior males (the ego of some always perceives itself as most superior specimen)... and I am sure it's also a question of trust for a woman to display her lack of loyalty. Whereas some today even go so far as to say "virginity = trust (and stake) is a social construct." Which is quite ridiculous under consideration of cryptos and co. Etc...
Are there any statistics in regards to egg quality and fertility of goddesses? Or can I just breed until I drop dead. Somewhere deep within my subconscious mind I am sure resides the wish to sire hundreds of little demigods...
>not raising another man's female child and making her your wife
Once you start pushing 30 you stop giving a shit about sexual (in)experience and start caring about compatibility and not wanting to die alone.
I don't really care if a girl has had 2 or 3 boyfriends during her teens and early 20s. In fact, a girl at age 27+ with zero sexual experience raises all sorts of red flags with me. Is she mentally stable? Some sort of fundamentalist christian? Will I have to deal with near-constant psychotic or depressive episodes as her boyfriend? A woman with experience in long-term relationships (as opposed to purely sexual relationships) is normal enough to interact with people and has -probably- disabused herself of all the dumb ideas teenagers and uni freshmen have about how relationships work.
You want a partner who before everything else is competent and not tiresome or stressful to be around. Beyond that, shared interests and a minimum degree of physical/emotional attractiveness is ideal but again, once you start seeing your hair turning white-grey and you start finding it harder to bounce back from a hangover, you really do stop caring so much about those things, especially physical attractiveness. I would kill for a 6/10 gf with a library jam packed with BL doujinshi, otoge and miscellaneous anime and manga but I'd probably pass on an 10/10 that I share no interests in whatsoever - what the hell are we going to talk about when the sex gets old?
Of course, women who have four different hookup apps in a folder on their smartphone labeled "shopping" are just as much a risk to me as the 30 year old virgins.
tl;dr women with some sexual & romantic experience demonstrate a basic emotional and social competence you really start valuing when you get into your late 20s/early 30s.
Are you me?