What does Asuka like about Shinji? Is it just that they go through traumatic experiences together, and Shinji is nice to her?
What does Asuka like about Shinji? Is it just that they go through traumatic experiences together...
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because Shinji is the main character
He's the best Eva pilot.
Any 'reason' that we speculate on or put forward must be considered in light of the fact that she is an established psychotic bitch with a traumatic childhood.
Asuka is literally bursting with hormones and despite being meek, Shinji is good-looking and a pilot peer (and therefore "elite" enough for her)
It's just natural she'd feel some attraction
Thanks, I just lost my job
There aren't even nipples on that pic. Your boss is a faggot
You shouldn't have been on Yea Forums at work.
He's decent looking, a skilled pilot, and they bond when they're forced to live cooperatively to fight an Angel. He also dived into fucking magma to save her ass. Bitches love magma diving.
Asuka has pathological problems with her self-worth, so Shinji's apparent indifference to her drives her up a wall, and his ability to surpass her as an Eva pilot hurts her as well. There's a kind of black comedy in how Asuka's attempts to prod Shinji into pursuing her just reinforce Shinji's own self-loathing.
Good point.
>Browsing Yea Forums at work
>considering Yea Forums as a "safe" for work board
kill self.
I'd think that Asuka is aware that Shinji is attracted to her. So Shinji's indifference implies that he's denying himself, which is opposite of Asuka's whole thing of being the center of the universe. She wants him to be more like her.
shoulda stuck to /rebbit/
Evangelion is a subversion of harem, people need to suck the MC's dick. Rei and kaworu have plot reasons misato is a whore but asuka feels somehow forced.
I wouldn't deny that she thinks Shinji should many up and be less wimpy, but she definitely misinterprets his shyness and depression as disinterest. The kiss incident particularly drew a line under that.
First of all, Kaji kinda hyped shinji up a bit, talked about this kid on her age kicking angel ass.
Then asuka, with her elitism, decided she would only befriend those on her level, aka Eva pilots. It backfired drastically with Rei, and kinda worked with shinji.
Then Asuka got forced to work with him in the dance episode, he was actually competent at his job, so he was bound to get her interested on him.
Then he saved her ass during the magma diver episode. Its one of the few times shinji grows some balls and do some good stuff (even if he was protected by mommy the whole time). At that point, she is probably wet about him
TL:DR, he is a generally competent pilot and nice guy to her until epi 15. Asuka being desperate for attention probably identified herself well into him and started liking him a bit.
The things start falling apart, shinji start cowering under the pressure, and starts ignoring her. She gets depressed, and things keeps escalating.
That's your fault, Misato. You leave two bored teens alone of the opposite gender and they're either going to fuck or kill each other.
Come on. Misato out of all people would find hilarious finding those 2 fucking somewhere inside her house.
She would probably given them some condoms and a bottle of wine to commemorate.
I don't think Asuka necessarily "liked" Shinji in a romantic way nor vice versa. It's just a mix of natural adolescent curiosity, a deep need for affection, and the fact that they're two hormonal teenagers living under the same roof. They didn't have deep feelings for each other, they just wanted a nut.
Thanks, I just got promoted
>but asuka feels somehow forced
Remember how horny you were at that age and now imagine you're a girl
Can't really have deep feelings for someone when you're crouching behind your defense mechanisms waiting for the other person to take all the risk.
Which is kind of what they were getting at with the writing.
he’s a boy and she wants attention from boys to feel like an adult
>They didn't have deep feelings for each other, they just wanted a nut.
those things can be the same and opposites at the same time (humans are so fuck up)
EoE definitely seemed to imply she came to feel more than just lust for him
e.g. "I need you"
you just described the biochemical basis for all love, user
Yes, and the same goes for Shinji, but it's not so much a romance for the ages as it is two crushing teenagers who don't want to be hurt.
>What does Asuka like about Shinji?
The answer + (By the way EVA threads are so good)
I would say you are overthinking relationships
>Attractive (or at least not ugly) boy our age, same "elite" job as yours, generally competent and roughly equal to you.
>He also cooks, cleans and is a nice person.
>Living together, while your hormones are at their peak
Odds are, its bound to evolve to a relationship
The way she treats his attraction (as something contemptible and worthy of mockery, through cockteasing and calling him perverted when he seems interested) basically ensured someone as shy as Shinji would ever try anything
Try to imagine how she'd react if it was Kaji. She would act like him being interested is flattering and awesome and encourage it
Great cellist, too.
oops, meant *would never try anything
the dynamic of power is different user
Because she actually isn't emotionally interested in Kaji. Kaji is a fashion accessory to her. Asuka scoffs at Shinji because he got under her skin and it threatens her ego. She can't 'pursue' him because if he rejects her (as he seems to do with the kiss), it means she's not good enough for him, and she actually cares if Shinji thinks that.
By being bitchy and trying to lead Shinji into a tail chase with oblique references, any sort of failure in a prospective relationship can be explained away as him not being good enough for her.
It's important to remember these two are not mentally healthy individuals.
girls can't feel love
mmm maybe. In reality the "baka shinji!" turns me off a bit in the same way I dislike when in the rebuilds they kind of get jealous over his dick
While you arent wrong, its real easy to go from "natural adolescent curiosity, a deep need for affection, and the fact that they're two hormonal teenagers living under the same roof" to romance.
The borders of their relationship been blurry the entire series. It is ambiguous. There were moments when it seemed like they just forgotten each other.
But in EoE, it was clear that they had feelings strong enough to be very hurt by how things went down. You dont have mental breakdowns like pic related when you dont have strong feelings to the other person.
But ultimately i agree with . Rei herself tells the audience that shinji couldnt love anyone, because he didnt love himself enough. He was depressed and isolated himself from the world. The same most likely applied to asuka too.
What do you mean?
The very fact she fucked around with Shinji's feelings is proof she didn't (at least initially) see him as seriously as mate as she did Kaji
>that point chart is for how much a girl is utterly disgusted by you.
Kaiji is an adult (in Asuka's mind, someone superior to her) Shinji is her equal
The only time she "messes with his feelings" in a more serious way is when she talks about his mother. Not even in a cruel way, either. It comes to the audience as almost self-depreciation humor, as she herself is in the exact same situation as him. Everything he tells him applies to her. Hell, during the same episode she let the truth about her own lost mother slip to him, so shinji can connect the dots.
Not him but just off the top of my head I can recall the thermal expansion scene and the towel scene
That's definitely messing with him
Thank God I work from home and can look at whatever in between skype conferences, e-mails, and edits.
Come on, those are teasing at most. "hey, what you think about my boobs!?".
Talking about dead mamas is the only thing that, if not properly justified, would be hard to forgive.
That is, of course, talking about the first half of the series.
The other thing that asuka did that was really fucked up was when she was gloating about shinji's possible death inside the ball angel. But that only happened in the second half, after their relationship started going to shit. Asuka was having serious self worth issues, wasnt able to pilot properly anymore, shinji kept surpassing her, then she lashed out. Even Rei told her to fuck off.
She hit him for no reason. She's an abuser.
Rei at least had a good reason to slap.
I think it's that they can connect with their experiences but she me have imprinted on him with their first meeting and the way she acts with him through the series when she's not blatently attacking him. The "do you wanna kiss" scene is a good indicator of this and other small things.
he makes her lunch
How can she slap?
>when you drop your pen and she crosses her legs despite being way out of your peripheral
>When she jokes about you Vs When you joke about her
>Thread on an old school 3deep5me anime
>zoomers exhausting every possible angle of discussion that Gen Xers already had when it came out in the 90s
You do realize there's nothing new you can say about Lain, Evangelion etc right? Everything you say in these discussion threads has already been said by someone.
So? New people are always entering the fandom and old fans may enjoy talking about it despite having done so before
You do know that the reason Yea Forums deletes its threads instead of archiving everything like a forum is exactly to allow discussion to keep happening and to fuck over faggots like you, right?
lmao what a retard
>She crosses her legs
>Christ on a cross
Must be that religious symbolism Eva is known for
Once they adapt to the eva's asuka sub-consciously feels a connection to shinji because they both miss mommy.
Stop giving Anno ideas, 4.0 isn't out yet and he reads Yea Forums
>tfw Evangelion came out within a few (5 or 6) years of Backstreet Boys' "Larger than Life" video and song
>tfw "Larger Than Life" music video has mechs
>tfw Evangelion series ends with at least one character being literally larger than life
>Lyrics include "All of Your Time Spent keeps us alive" and "can't you see how your love's affecting our reality
>tfw Shinji's consciousness manipulates reality at the end
>tfw the lyrics include "All you people, can't you see, can't you see"
>tfw Evangelion is intentionally cryptic and reveals its message like an ancient mystery cult or secret society
big if true
>End of Evangelion: July 1997
>Everybody (Backstreet's Back): June 1997
I wish I was here when that video released
>and he reads Yea Forums
Here is a suggestion:
Scrap 4.4.
No one likes Time loops introduced out of nowhere.
EoE was an amazing ending. Stop trying to retcon it.
If you absolutely want to make a movie, make something like that scrapped Attack on Titan ripoff idea, or maybe some experimental shit, like a silent movie about EoE shinji and asuka learning to live in the destroyed world.
Naw, clearly on purpose.
>shinji and asuka have sex while the ghost of kaworu watches
it'll be like a donovan moment for shinji when they first have sex
Misato told her about Shinji's huge cock
It was probably only average or even below average
>ywn have a sex with the Misato
For all we know from that shot it could be almost as long as to reach his knees, not to mention that due to the perspective him having some serious girth is not out of the question.
Misato is a cunt and lied to her.
Hell, she probably wanted those two to do it
bad camera angle
I think Misato would say something if it was a freakishly big cock. No way she would resist not cracking a joke
>"wishing I could think you in a different way, c'mon"
>Reference to Misato's last-minute, pre-death come on to Shinji?
>"I'm a run and hide when you're screaming my name, alright"
>Shinji wimps out on sexual advances from desirable women he's confused by
>Flashes of light = cross shaped explosion when an angel dies
By all means, please continue.
It's been a while since I've seen that one.
This post fills me with a sense of regret and longing for a past that never was.
That pic is truly amazing. There's something raw about it
She likes him for being a fellow elite pilot, a nice person, and for how he can show great courage when piloting.
However, she also resents him for underselling his piloting ability (which she views as an attack on herself by proxy), his meek and indecisive attitude outside of the piloting seat, and for surpassing her despite the fact that she worked her ass off her whole life while he just started recently.
Here's another example of a pic I think contains Eva feels
I have no one else but myself to blame for missing out on love, sex, and affection of the other sex in my teens. How sweet it must have been...
Shinji/Asuka shippers are tasteless fucks
dont forget the hand scene
Don't sweat it user. That line of thought only leads to depression
Don't be greedy when it comes to pleasurable human experience, but seek the real depths of being
everyone knows that kind of longing, even if they had it at the time, just dont fall into the trap of thinking that the raw emotional edge of teenage experiences makes them somehow more valid
It's depressing, but it is the truth.
How could I seek the real depth of being in a world where the waters are shallow and my reach is even shorter? For all I know, I'm a being that is incapable of such depth, too.
Or maybe I'm just not worthy of it... not even a mother could have unconditional love for her child. Why would it elude me so if that wasn't the case?
Sometimes, it's not even about romantic love, but rather the bond of love with another human being... love by a sibling, love by close friends, love by a mother...
But it does. I want the emotional edge to cut so deep, I'd never ever forget it.
>I'm a being that is incapable of such depth, too.
don't be pathetic user
have you tried going out and forming bonds like the show told ya to
you mean the picture in particular or the post in general? cause I'm pretty sure that exact thing happened within weeks after eoe
just b urself
Here is the truth anno doesnt want you to know
None of them were anything that could be reasonably called more than acquaintances. I hope this doesn't sound cringy but I feel so alienated from my environment whenever I interact with those people, it's clear that we could never meet each other halfway because there's no way, or there's no use because we simply can't click as anything more than acquaintances.
The post in general.
Thanks. At least you could have called me a dummy or something, though.
Too late for that.
post the non edited version.
nope, its just because shinji rejects her
They are good, when they don't devolve into waifu wars and "lol pseudocuck show" nonsense
>when they don't devolve into waifu wars
Are you implying Ramiel isnt best girl?
Holy shit you have shit taste
>Not supporting PenPen x Futusyuki OTP
I LMAO at your pittance
>"working" from home
>Shinji is good-looking and a pilot peer (and therefore "elite" enough for her)
>shinji is good looking
>shinji is elite
I always loose it at "Self-Waifu Paradox"
Asuka was told to get along with shinji. so she did. its in her programming.
Tiffany Grant is a crazy crazy woman
The only one to ascend and become her own waifu
Not even love by a mother? I'm sorry man, that's the one thing that should never be stolen away from someone. Still, if you integrate yourself with acquaintances more, there's more opportunity of making friends, either with them or others they know. You'd be surprised how much people can have in common with one another.
He's boyishly cute, and probably the best eva pilot. None of what was said is incorrect.
He's the only "man" who will accept her psycho bitch ass maybe?
Is there anything better than smug confident girls that actually hate themselves? They're my favorite character type.
They're not bad, but I'm a fan of the reverse, myself. Girls who are cute and shy on the surface, but are actually ruthless passionate warriors who will stop at nothing, and burn down anything and anyone, to get what they want.
Shinji is canonically attractive. Misato calls him cute repeatedly. The girls in his class start waving at him and trying to get his attention when they see he's watching them swim, but when Toji looks they call him a pervert.
His father is a Chad and his mother is MILF Rei. He's got good genes.
It is entirely about him being the pilot of Unit-01.
>misato find them and wants to join in
>jokes about it cover up her desire, but hopes they actually ask her to
>asuka calls her an old pervert and shinji awkwardly stammers out that he'd rather just fuck asuka
>misato forces a laugh and says something like "you didn't think i was really serious, did you?"
>then she'd give some deliberately awkward advice, telling shinji to make sure he gets asuka to cum or she'll double his chores
>shinji blushes and stammers some more while asuka screams at her to get out
>misato leaves the room fake-laughing, goes to her room where she lies awake all night, where she mentally berates herself for being a terrible guardian and listens to the two kids fuck with her hand in her pants
While I agree that's a big part of it, there's more to it as well. They synch together in episode 8, and break their individual records. In episode 9, they're only able to work together when they make a genuine effort to understand each other. In episode 10, he jumps into a volcano to save her. Don't get me wrong, Shinji would have done that for Rei or Misato or any of his friends, that's just in his nature, but for Asuka, who's basically been treated like a piece of military equipment since the age of 4, it's a big deal. Throughout their interactions they begin to rub off on each other, with Shinji becoming more assertive and Asuka less abrasive.
I'm not some dumb shipperfag who's going to say they have "true love" or any if that shit. Due to a combination of bad communication, trust issues and emotional instability, they end up doing more harm than good to one another. All I'm saying is, their relationship to each other is more than just physical attraction.
>throughout their interactions they begin to rub off on each other
I thought it only happened that one time.
He's a competent pilot and I guess she thought it'd make Kaji jealous if she got close to Shinji.
I watched the 3 rebuilds yesterday and Shinji is still a faggot in any timeline
He is bisexual, user. Not full blown gayness.
>Be a new adult elder millennial
>work at a college
>half of your dating pool including coworkers are insecure college students with mental problems trying to figure themselves out
>feel like Misato irl
I swear people used to understand eva more back in the day. The only person ITT that likely gets their relationship is
Their relationship is waaay to complicated to be put as "liking".
Nice blog faggot.
Asuka is a violent and evil creature ruled by her temper. If she were a spouse in a civilized society she would either murder her husband and hide the body, or get arrested for domestic abuse after smashing her husband's or children's head in with a ceramic mug or steel bat. The point is, Asuka is an abusive piece of shit and no amount of "I didn't take my bipolar meds today" excuses can change that. Of all the characters in Evangelion who are dysfunctional, which is all of them, Asuka is the one who most deserves to be put in behavioral confinement so she can not pose a danger to herself or others. She is a bad, shitty person and the only really good moments of Evangelion are seeing that piece of shit girl suffer.
My point being, fuck Asuka.
Im sure we all would user.
>What does Asuka like about Shinji?
Nothing to discuss, Asuka doesn't like Shinji.
She knows he likes her so she uses that to harass him
If she were not psychologically distrubed she would just use the stock "I know you like me, but I'm just not into you like that" line and then move on. But she doesn't because she's a headcase.
Still doesn't mean she likes him at all.
Probably for the same reason she wants to get fucked by Kaji: they both ignore her. And more they ignore her the tighter her pussy gets.
Although on Kaji's part it was 100% conscious decision and it's something Asuka can explain even if she protests, Kaji isn't a criminal after all, why Shinji wouldn't violate her ass is a complete fucking mystery and only rational explanation for her is that she is just that much undesirable.
I think a lot of people miss Kaji's setup. You can't really even blame the guy since Asuka is so forward with him. I rewatched 22 last night and he even smiles a bit when he says Asuka will have lots of boyfriends in Japan.
I could absolutely see Misato cracking an incredibly awkward joke about joining in before backing off and telling them to be safe.
She doesn't know that, she's crazy insecure about having Shinji's attention and what he thinks of her. She makes an attempt, she flees in shame when Shinji doesn't respond like she expects, on a good day she blames it on baka-Shinji not getting it, on a bad day it was muteki no Shinji-sama making fun of her.
There's something sweet about Shinji and Asuka being clueless about sex
I mean, she exists, and acts like she does, but her actions are unlike a mother who loves her child. She was an enabler in my father's abuse of us ( and her ) for a very long time. If we didn' t do anything she would have done nothing herself.
And she was almost always unavailable. I just can't help myself but see her as a roommate, or just someone. I can't perceive her as a "mother".
Shinji has mommy issues and Asuka has a maturity complex, the most "adult" thing a female can do is be motherly. Additionally, they're both horny teenagers.
*acts like she does love me,
But not like that. I hate Asuka so much. Violent, abusive control freak piece of shit she is.
The something is the both of them being vulnerable, humiliated by what they don't know, and okay with somebody seeing them like that. That's a lot for these characters in particular.
She never liked Shinji. She despised him, used him, and insulted him. Her insulting him isn't her teasing or trying to seduce him. She's 100% tsun, no dere. This anime wasn't a fanservice harem, it was Anno going through an existential crisis and major deppression which made him put all this negative light look into an anime. They all suffer mental illnesses and character flaws. She never once liked Shinji.
I'm not a shipper, but EoE makes it clear they liked eachother in some level. We can argue if it was more than sexually or not all day, but that doesn't change what is implied. Asuka came to expect more from Shinji than just acquaintance or friendship (e.g. "you won't even hold me")
Do you really believe this? People always talk about how awfully she treats Shinji, but that doesn't come until later. Before her downward spiral, she's a stuck up brat with everyone, and treats Toji and Rei worse than she treats Shinji. It's after the disastrous kiss with Shinji that she starts really treating him with contempt because she believes he's rejected her. She becomes more and more vicious as the series goes on, but this is stated in the show (by Asuka herself) to be externalisation of her own self-hated.
You only need to watch her breakdown scene to see how she feels about Shinji is not just hate. Arael tries to break her by using memories of her mother abandoning her, showing her the false personalities she uses and how she's viewed by others, rubbing Kaji's death in and a load of other things. What gets her to snap hardest? Replaying her failed attempts to get Shinji to make a move on her.
At her worst she's even threatened by friendship and people being patient with her. Rei or Shinji staying quiet and not responding to Asuka's taunts is to her an act of contempt, she's beneath their notice and they're laughing at her inside their heads. Asuka reflexively vents about her stepmother to Shinji just because he was paying attention, she wants to talk about it with somebody, and she bites his head off when she notices she's doing it.
I'm rewatching this for the third time now, with my gf who's never seen it, and Asuka just showed up last night. Gonna be paying a lot of attention to their interactions and all of your interpretations, there's just so much to read into in this fucking series its crazy.
>she believes he's rejected her.
Understanding episode 15 will forever be beyond these threads. It's about Asuka failing at dating and kissing. She doesn't get the point of romance unlike the contrasted pair of adults. Their success and her failure is proof against her delusion which she so desperately needs to stay stable, thus her self-hatred keeps spiraling outward. Shinji's "rejection" is of secondary importance.
That might be putting it a bit too simply, but everyone gets that
Ask her who is best girl.
Break up is her answer is wrong.
i'm pretty sure she's going to absolutely fucking hate asuka in a few episodes. she can't stand cunts and asuka is the queen of them, although its hard to fault her once you know her reasons/the whole truth.
its a good thing misato is the best girl, anyway, and thats apparent pretty much the whole series
He gives her attention and treats her like an equal rather than like a child, like all the adults around her. Also it helps that he lets her dominate him so she can feel like she is in control. Something she desperately craves.
Shinji and Asuka had a toxic symbiotic relationship that was forced on them by work related conditions outside of their control. If they weren't forced to live and work together, they would've never even been friends. It's kind of hard to say if they actually even like each other at all; being emotionally dependent and physically close to someone doesn't mean your fond of them.
>Hating asuka
>Hating any of the Eva main characters
Ditch that cold hearted bitch
>Kaiji is an adult (in Asuka's mind, someone superior to her) Shinji is her equal
No, Kaiji is an adult (in Asuka's mind, someone equal to her) Shinji is inferior to her.
>Shinji is inferior to her.
That why he has more confirmed kills, better sync rates, stronger eva, and so on
You did good, user.
When did asuka rubbed herself to shinji, tho?
Is it weird that I also picked up on this as a kid? I had always thought those guys had seen Eva and made a music video about it.
Which delusion is that, that she's already an adult? I guess, one can contrast Misato finally being honest, while Asuka communicates to her man via riddles. There's no real way for Asuka to know that though, all she knows is Shinji rejected her and Kaji's taken.
Shinji is a peer, he's someone Asuka feels a need to impress and compete with, favors owed to him have to be repaid. It pisses her off that he doesn't act it, he's deprecating himself by apologizing for anything, he doesn't refuse the treatment from Misato that Asuka calls coddling.
That's the way I always saw it too. If you place all of your self worth on being the best at something, it's bad enough to have someone overtake you at it, but having them gain absolutely no validation from it and even say that it makes them miserable? That's basically taking a jackhammer to the bedrock of her entire identity.
Re-Take is actually good and explores that side of their love more than anything ever transpired in the original incarnation. user should read it.
Is the H any good? If it's not cookie cutter kyaaaa body fluids flying all over the place kind of shit I just might read it.
Retake goes full retard multiple times, and fucks up most of the character's personalities
I will give it one praise, tho: It nailed the super pissed off and hateful EoE asuka.
She oozes hatred and contempt.
Its extremely vanilla in most parts, because the H parts arent the important part.
There is even a official non-h version
It's better than that for having a story it has to fit inside of with characters it has to make sense for, but it's really telling that it was redone with the sex cut out.
I get you. I have an online friend who went through something similar, his mom wrecked his credit score when he was young. He used to be completely closed off from others, didnt see anyone because he felt he just couldn't trust anyone. Now, he's successful and even has a loving, kinky girlfriend. So take heart, friend. No matter what the cards you were dealt in life, you can turn your life around. The earlier, the better.
I feel like people repeat this with no real memory of the show. Ya, she's a bit slapstick violent, but when was she ever abusive, controlling? The insults she sends Shinjis way are pretty mild, and she never does anything more then suggest to Shinji that he should be more assertive. That's hardly comtrolling.
My post was a statement of how Asuka thinks her relationship to them are, not what is true or what she unconsciously believes.
In episode 24 she throws a pot of coffee at him after he keys trying to tell her Kaji is dead. She's well into her breakdown at that stage though.
That's fair, though you're right about he breaking down. The girl just tried to slit her wrists, shes not in a stable state of mind.
chicks like project males
Correction: she tried suicide after that scene, not before.
AND i have a different interpretation of the coffee scene.
The full scene goes this way:
>A slap sound
>Asuka telling shinji to start making sense.
>Shinji real fucking mad screaming at asuka telling her to accept that kaji is gone.
>The coffee pot breaks into the floor
>Asuka face show up, she looks apathetic / surprised and her voice is weak
To me, if she smashed the coffee pot on purpose, her surprised face wouldn't show immediately after, she would be angry instead.
I think either she dropped the coffee because of the shock, or it was Shinji who smashed it to the ground in rage to get her to listen to him
>Complaining about Retake
>Hasn't read Angelic Days or that other, secret agent themed manga spinoff
You're right and wrong. You've perfectly described their initial relationship and no, if they didn't live together, they wouldn't interact. That's why Anno had them live together, to make it believable they would constantly be interacting.
However, just because they were forced into developing a friendship or whatever, doesn't mean it can't become genuine. It's shown that they do grow fond of each other. That's kind of the point of episode 9, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the action arc. If you're looking for evidence that they care about each other, there's her standing outside his hospital room in episode 16, the way he looks at her after she rants about her honor at the top of the hill when they're eating, the time that she ditches a date to hang out with him instead. I'm not saying they're in love, just that they do seem to develop a genuine friendship of sorts.
Shinji values all of the relationships he formed. It's what inspired him to come back in pic-related. He doesn't include his father or Fuyutski, or any of his other classmates or teachers he was forced to interact with. That implies at least a degree of fondness.
It seems like the Shinji/Asuka relationship on here is either
>they're soulmates and wuv each other uwu, did you know they had sex in ep 15?
>they're just coworkers that happen to find each other attractive, with no deeper emotional bond than that, just hormones
These are equally stupid stances imo.
>Director's Cut
eww, only the expansion of the break down in episode 22 benefited from new content. Everything else feels like EoE-timeline exclusive to me.
You're both wrong, there was no suicide.
She didn't /wrists, she did strip naked and wait to die.
Nothing really, she wants to let out her frustration on him.
Has Anno said something or a design document come out? It was always considered ambiguous in the past, since she's sitting in a nasty-ass old bathtub that seems to have reddish water, though that could be the tub or time of day.
Because she's fucking mental but keen enough to know that Shinji has a whole host of issue that will make him submisive to and dependtant on her if she can manipulate him right.
She doesnt like him, she likes that she could control him, that under the right circumstance he would love her unconditional and never leave her live everyone else has in her life.
The porn feels kinda disruptive because Re-Take was not written like something you would want to masturbate to, and its fandom was not masturbating to it - but they WERE buying it, which is why it got that re-release. Not that the non-h version has excised all the sex, but it's not really pornographic any more.
I feel that Re-Take did interesting things with Shinji and Asuka, but the writer didn't know or didn't care what Rei's 'deal' was. Girl was not really romantically interested in Shinji, particularly not in post-Asuka NGE and definitely not in EoE. Their relationship has to do with Shinji unintentionally humanizing Rei by treating her like a person.
>Shinji is inferior to her.
Manifestly false. The only reason Asuka was initially interested in Shinji at all was because he was an Eva pilot with a reputation as an ace. Her entire first episode was dedicated to her showing off her own skills to someone whose opinion she thinks should matter, to the point of him ending up in her fucking plug with her just so he can see how cool she is.
Asuka is absolutely driven by the need for affirmation from her peers, and Shinji is her peerest peer in the show.
You're describing a clinical narcissist, and Asuka's more of a histrionic.
The murky bath water must be straight from the lake after the surroudings were destroyed by Rei. The house is in decrepit condition and must've been flooded by the waters that the shock wave brought.
It's very likely Asuka knew Nerv would come about and take her back so staying immobile was her only way to express the deep regret and live out the clinical depression. It took them whole week to get to her, if she had actually wanted to take her life there was plenty of time for that. Either way I think the cold water must've done something to her condition as well, making her more limp and inducing hypothermia. Lots of the symptoms described here seem applicable.
Re-Take takes from both the NGE and the manga. It's important to learn of the latter as well to understand some of the interaction and moments in the doujin.
I never read the manga beyond the first couple of issues. I understand characterization (and character facts) diverge noticeably. That's new context for me.
Asuka can be very sure that misato's date with kaji wasn't boring like hers was and that kisses misato is getting aren't revolting like the one she had. Plenty of proof she isn't measuring up to the standard and that really is the bottom line.
The neatly folded clothes along with the bath is where the suicide speculations come from as that MO is apparently common for women kysing in the bathtub.
It's also really fucking weird to go sit naked in a filthy bathtub in a wasteland without the context of a suicide attempt.
So basically just what said
He's supposed to be both of those things though it's never really convincing
he's a self-insert teenager MC, don't think too much about it
I like to think that Misato tries to do everything she can to set up Shinji and Asuka.
While murmuring to herself about being unwanted and her life not being worth living.
That's her "I'm going to get fired if Ritsuko finds out" face.
Shinji is called attractive by an adult woman who has no reason to lie and his peers (female included) try to engage with him.
He's absolutely elite, as the only person who can sync with 01 and a multiple Angel killer whereas Rei and Asuka have - as far as I know - no kills to their name by the time Asuka shows up.
What does the text say?
>his peers (female included) try to engage with him
Pic very much related
It's weird they're grossed out by Toji, he's the most athletic of the boys and the closest thing to a Chad in that classroom
You never had a peer growing up who was athletic but disliked by the girls?
Nope. The girls seemed to all like the tall good-looking guys
>The neatly folded clothes along with the bath is where the suicide speculations come from as that MO is apparently common for women kysing in the bathtub.
I speculate that under the confused and broken state Asuka still tried to take care of herself and take a bath. One of the routines she remembers herself doing. A one that she couldn't pick herself out of aftewards.
You have to understand she wasn't well in the head to begin with. She ran away, probably had no sleep, had some cold nights, barely ate anything. At that state you're a walking zombie and with clinical depression one can't think clearly anymore, the decisions made can seemingly be illogical and self harming.
I can buy it, but I feel like a suicide attempt, even a postponed or incipient one, is the more logical explanation.
Toji openly ogles the girls, is quick to violence, is involved with a creepshot business with his friend, speaks in a retarded dialect and spends all his time dressed in sweaty gym clothes instead of a uniform. There's a reason Hikari was so embarrassed to be attracted to him.
The irony is that, initial treatment of Shinji aside, he's easily one of the most compassionate and considerate of the characters.
>initial treatment of Shinji aside
Even that was pretty justified.
>Asuka is absolutely driven by the need for affirmation from her peers, and Shinji is her peerest peer in the show.
Read my reply to the other posts. She does not consciously think this, and when met with that feeling, she rationalizes. Asuka's dilemma is wholly dependent on her percieved want for independence.
I don't, it's too harsh. There's nothing in the series to ease me in into the idea.
>Because she actually isn't emotionally interested in Kaji. Kaji is a fashion accessory to her
Are you kidding. At her worst Asuka pleads him in her mind even when he rejects her. In the manga she sees Kaji upon exploding during Instrumentality. Kaji isn't approachable to her only because he is cool, he knows about her past without her having ever opened up to him, similar to Misato, which is a much lesser barrier compared to opening up to others. Asuka never learned to open up and for that she suffers when Kaji says no to her.
"absolute terror field = autism"
>as the only person who can sync with 01
thats because the thing is his mom
>There's nothing in the series to ease me in into the idea
What? She has one of the most viscerally depicted mental breakdowns in anime history in episode 22. She stays over at her friend's house in episode 23 and tells her she has nothing left to live for. Then she sees them send out Unit-01 for Rei and says she must be worthless to everyone at NERV. In the opening of episode 24 she finally accepts that the person who came closest to understanding her in the world is dead. The opening also has her repeatedly reliving the moment she discovered her mother's body after she killed herself.
You can't say a suicide attempt comes out of nowhere.
Starving yourself for a week is attempted suicide
>Kaworu achieved CHIM
By Azura!
>In the manga
Manga Asuka and NGE Asuka are pretty different people.
No one really groks that, though, especially not Asuka.
Kaji would have access to Asuka's background if he cared to look, authorized or otherwise, but he didn't allude to knowing it, that was Misato. There's this tendency to construct parallels for Kaji's and Asuka's relationship to Misato and Shinji and presume he was her guardian, but Kaji doesn't care that much, he doesn't take Asuka's phone calls.
It's because they represent opposites of one another. I thought this was pretty obvious.
That doesn't ease me in. The first time I saw anyone mention this as a suicide attempt was online. Worst of all mentioning it as some degrading wrist slit with implications being that the water is murkier than anything. It never crossed my mind and I'm not going to let it get so. Asuka probably doesn't understand what will happen, but I can't take it as if she does it all on purpose to get herself killed. You may think no one cares about you, but that doesn't turn into a strong wish for death like that.
>Shinji killed Kaji
I'm going to need an explanation
Anno knowing and liking his Freud, I got the impression Asuka's thing for Kaji was a displaced desire for the affection of her father, who was a (much shittier) guy like Kaji.
You can't really logically analyse suicide and I say that as someone with too much experience with that sort of thing. People kill themselves for far less than what Asuka went through and with far more support around them.
All I know is that the first thing I thought when I saw it was that she was lying in a bathtub of bloody water and had tried to kill herself. It's what it looks like visually to me anyway. Hyuga says that he thinks the security division deliberately took there time finding her (presumably on SEELE's orders), which I took to mean they knew where she was the whole time and only stepped in when her life was at risk.
>oh shinji, please PLEASE impregnate us!
>ladies, if you would form an orderly line, there's plenty of ikari baby gravy to go around
Fucking gold digging thots
Wouldn't give him the time of day if he wasn't a pilot
Kaji is known to snoop around, so he must've known something of Asuka. Asuka probably assumes that as well after Misato confirms her knowledge. But the adults fail to realize that while they suggest to move on and not get stuck on the past, that children don't respond to that. Kaji hopes that Asuka will find someone else in effect, but that never happens.
Even in one more final she lets shinji choke her as if she has resigned to die. Every detail of that scene makes so much more sense compared to alternate interpretations if you suppose the choking was done on asukas request.
Khara managed to leak some of the character silhouettes through their Twitter. Evageeks edited the shit out of some picture and found this .
Looks like Rei Q will be sporting a version of the white plugsuit at some point in the movie.Notice the core thingie under the chest i again circular instead of the more elongated core Rei Q's black suit had.
Don't hold me no this because its barely legible but
Gotta make new designs to sell those figures.
Not sure if anyone is still discussing this but the fact she has no bandages or scars anywhere on the arms in the hospital in EoE is enough for me to take the occam's razor route and dismiss any wrist slitting in bathtubs.
>if you suppose the choking was done on asukas request
How does that even work when she reconciles herself after finding out the mother was so close to her. Even before that Asuka echoes out not wanting to die. There's nothing in Instrumentality that would turn her around as much as had before.
If you really want to explain this, then maybe it would be best to continue the line of thought of Shinji hurting others to make sure he's back in reality, with Asuka allowing herself to strangled to confirm that she does feel pain. Only a suggestion, not that I would subscribe to that either.
>Gendo was just a pawn
>SEELE were puppets
>Shinji was the mastermind all along
open your eyes
That's starting from a presumption Kaji had enough of a personal interest to bother. He was better in the manga, he approaches Asuka intentionally that time to raise her spirits and he apologizes once for how dismissive of her he always was, but there as in NGE he was more attentive to mentoring Shinji.
Fuck, wrong one and the right one is barely legible.
>One boy
>I'll tell you a few things about him
>This boy is always looking for something
>He seems so at least to me
>He stops once in a while
>He hesitates
>He meditates
>He never wants anything
>He just stops without reason
>The boy asks me something
>As if he wanted to be saved
>As if he was trying to get relieved
>Watermelons grow with water and the sunlight
>Watermelons the only thing he's got
>But no human grows
>With only watermelon and sunlight
>What else has to follow?
>A language, supports, and opponents
>A lonely boy has nothing
>So he is asking for them
>He is a boy to whom two unfortunate things belong
>He has no way of asking
>I have no way of teaching
>I can do nothing but water the watermelons
>In front of his knees
>The watermelon
>This is the only thing I can choose
>I know it is meaningless
>The boy will find the way with his mind reckless
>I strongly believe so
He doesn't take Asuka's phonecalls because he's working in Kyoto investigating Marduk, not because he's got anything against her personally. He takes her shopping in episode 9 and aside from her hitting on him, seems to tolerate her company. I don't think it's a stretch to think he was her guardian since she seemed to expect to be moving in with him in Tokyo-3, but that could have just been her wishful thinking.
Personally, I would have thought she would be living in dorms at college. I've seen a lot of times that Kaji was her guardian, but I don't know what that entails. Did he just check in on her from time to time or did she live with him while attending college? I don't get how it works.
What's this picture supposed to be? A screenshot or supplemental material?
>shinji got seele to send kaworu to seduce himself
Fuck, it all makes sense now
it's from an odd book that's illustrations and collages with kaji's musings superimposed on them
She's actually just experimenting with him, and, it turns out she doesn't like him and he doesn't even like her, and then she's probably going to die.
If her life wasn't in danger and there was no apocalypse, she probably would have never taken Shinji that seriously, she'd just pick on him at school and move on with her life.
She doesn't like Shinji, the whole point is that at the end of the anime they hate each other and only see each other as sexual objects hence why Shinji masterbated to her and choked her and the 'kimochi warui'.
Shinji you dirty boy
If Kensuke or Toji was the MC, Asuka would be attracted to those as well. Else otaku wouldn't like Asuka if she wasn't a little bit attracted to MC.
Wow, I didn't even notice that Shinji's plugsuit had a little core thingy in it. What if they go all the way back to their original original idea and give him angel-like powers?
Cool. Is there an online version of it? Kaji's always been a really interesting character to me.
Well it's implied in cut out scenes from the movie that if Shinji wasn't around, Asuka and Toji would hook up
>Maya's reaction at opening the elevator doors and seeing some hetshit
Maybe a bad example; that was all about Asuka feeling unsatisfied and degraded but not really knowing why.
They all just hate each other and their surroundings, and being forced to be together doesn't ultimately help.
>there must be a good reason for liking someone!
Attraction works in mysterious ways, and good fiction can emulate that accurately.
Yeah, if you trapped a Stacy with an Incel for long enough, they'd fuck eventually. It's not rocket science!
imo she kinda wants the attention he gives her
I'm not sure how to feel about it. It's a writer for the show, but not any of the episodes where Kaji does or says anything, and yet he was motivated and allowed to do this.
it's not supposed to be some secret look into his character that changes everything, it's just an art piece
I love slowgoing Eva threads like these.
He's the only male she knows who didn't get rused by her facade of "perfect genius girl with an attitude who don't need anyone's help".
Yeah, for once its not waifu wars and >"Lmao psuedocuck show"
Hands off, Asuka. Ikari-kun is Rei's property!
There is nothing good under the sun, and yet, we carry on
>Having the initiative to kiss
>Knowing what is a kiss
Maybe Toast-Rei, but not Rei
>Girl was not really romantically interested in Shinji, particularly not in post-Asuka NGE and definitely not in EoE. Their relationship has to do with Shinji unintentionally humanizing Rei by treating her like a person.
Rei's emotions toward Shinji goes beyond the concept of 'love'. She was completely wet for him, as much as an Angel can anyway.
Rei canonically did way more than a simple kiss.
I will assume you are just joking around, because that is one of the best scenes in the series and people who dont get it and just use it for waifufaggotry make me fuckign mad.
>Shinji falls on top of naked Rei in a position that looks like he's going to rape her
>She brushes it aside and walks away like nothing happened
You really have to admire that rare level of chill in a woman
My point being that they are quite literally feeling each other's soul and sharing what's arguably their most important moment, at least in Shinji's case. That's the moment when he has his final character arc.
Aka, they went way much further than a simple kiss.
>tfw went on some gay dates with member of same sex in high school, experimental phase, only had relationships with women since
>tfw he compared our relationship to Shinji and Kaworu
>tfw he never said who was who
Considered he had the balls to make the comment and you were too pussy to ask him to clarify, we both know which is which
Even at that the SFW subs.
My interpretation of this scene goes a little deeper:
They werent touching each other souls for 90% of the scene, which was the point of it.
While in instrumentality, even if they are phasing through each other like ghosts, they cant touch, they cant interact. And it sucks
In that scene, Shinji finally says "yeah, i want to go back, i want to leave instrumentality and interact with everyone else". After, and only after saying that, he is able to touch her (see he holding her arm while she is just phasing though him). When he touches her, its the significant moment when he starts leaving instrumentality, and she hold his hand back, supporting him on that decision.
This doesnt even fit
Shinji was 100% a powerbottom.
He romanticized Kaworu in the first place, and that was about as embarrassing as following somebody and humming a song until they come be your friend, so absolutely he thought that was supposed to be a cool kid self-insert for him.
i think you are subestimating what shared pain and trauma can do to people.
You have to give Asukafags a break, it's the only thing they have.
And Rei have what? White Lies?
I haven't Reifags ever claiming
>tehe *here is a shot of Rei and Shinji saving each other* Rei won the Shinjibowl!
To one side, Evangelion is all about shipping.
Fix their relationship
Where are these from? Some kinda doujin?
That one's from kuro tengu, I believe, which is porn doujins with a humorous edge.
Dude, they are almost always protected by their mommy. That the gimmick of these mechas.
What's with mechas and instrumentality? At this point it’s annoying and lazy.
From the laymans perspective, the EVAs were utilized to cuck the Angels from uniting with Lillith and starting Instrumentality early. The main goal of SEELE was for humans and only humans to be in instrumentality. Also, it was part of the plan for one of the EVAs to gain an S2 engine by consuming an Angels core (EVA 01 eats Zuriel or Kowaru; don't remember which ) so that the EVA would be able to start Instrumentality as well.
Or something
I am intrigued, link to the pic?
make asuka a boy
now they're just bros
>Also, it was part of the plan for one of the EVAs to gain an S2 engine by consuming an Angels core (EVA 01 eats Zuriel or Kowaru; don't remember which ) so that the EVA would be able to start Instrumentality as well.
Actually, i dont think it was part of the plan
I remember Keel saying something on the lines of "Now that rei tossed the Spear of Longinus to the moon, we will need to use unit 01 for instrumentality".
The original plan probably only involved Lilith.
>user cant use a fucking archive.
Yep, I cant and I have been lurking for 4 years
Its the one with Asuka on top of Shinji in a dark room where they both look at the door in shock cause they got caught having sex. It gets posted every time we have an AsuShin discussion.
Can't blame em though, shits pretty hot. And the looks on their faces are so well articulated and haunting.
Do you have a link? looks like the drawing has soul and passion put into it.
As a matter of fact it does have soul. Shame I don't have it
some user said, use the archives. you know how to do it? teach me please
Shinji is terrified of Rei, he loves Kaworu and is sexually attracted to Asuka.
He only ever saw Rei as a motherly figure at the beginning and by the end was terrified of her.
You're the Shinji user, accept it.
Why does everyone assume this is true?
get 4chanx and it'll automatically redirect to archives
He was browsing 4channel, a worksafe and advertiser friendly website.
is that an addon?
>there are people in this thread who dont even recognize PROMOTIONS
When did we grow up, Yea Forums?
a userscript, just google it
Im gonna spoon feed you once and only once.
Get the number of the deleted post
go here desuarchive.org
paste the deleted post number
"go to post"
They are both teenagers and live together. What more do you need?
Look at the older man that she tries to force her affections on.
Now look at Shinji.
He's exactly her type, just sullied by youthful whine and angst.
>its an "user doesn't know how to use google" episode
thanks man, now I gain new knowledge that will be beneficial for my existence
I just saw the pic and it does have soul, reminds me of the time my parents saw us having sex in highschool
You got it backwards. You don't play games you don't want to win.
Kaji is mature and experienced: She can't manipulate him at all, which is why she has a complex about him: He is the most enticing and terrifying thing in the world to her: A man who can live without her.
When it comes to Shinji, she's nervous, and tries to force things by trying to heat his blood. This leads to another shitshow, because she likes Shinji as the mild boy with hidden strength, and her tact is 100% wrong for attracting that sort of person: He either fails to respond or responds negatively and angrily.
This is something that gets missed in EOE. At the absolute end, where Shinji is choking Asuka, she reaches out gently, revealing the sweet side that he craves: Instantly breaking his composure.
It's not gay if it's Kaworu.
No. Seriously: Taberis is not a human. It doesn't think like us and we do not respond to it the same way.
If you were in Shinji's shoes; You'd think that fair boy is the kindest and most observant boy you've ever met. If you were starved for affection and attention, You'd love this pure soul, and he would love you back.
As an Angel. The Agape love is the unconditional, indomitable love of God. The love that makes a being that only had one purpose, to destroy humanity, pause... Because it would make the nice boy he met sad. He cannot deny himself... but he makes himself an easy target... Because he loves Shinji.
So the humans are basically smaller angels that oppress the bigger angels from their instrumentality.
Yes. With Not-Mechs
Simple. There is nothing to live for as the only people to came back form instrumentality were the two that had the luxury to be in entry plugs and one of them is a guy she finds kimochi warui, yui's poetry notwithstanding. Again, all alternative interpretations are far less complete or nonsensical like the trading card one.
There is nothing between them.
>The things start falling apart, shinji start cowering under the pressure, and starts ignoring her. She gets depressed, and things keeps escalating.
The problem isn't exactly Shinji, Asuka is the big part of the main problem because she feels inferior to him.
this basically is why she was my favorite rather than rei. thanks user
Comfy but completely ooc. That kind of scenarios can't exist between these two.
>Couldn't even have the complete Rei route in the manga
Would there be a part of Shinji that would play mindgames with Asuka as part of some petty revenge? I don't think its his personality at all but everyone has that side to them
I never thought she did. I just assumed she believed that if she wasn't capable of wrapping even Shinji (who she sees as a chump) around her finger, then she isn't doing a good job asserting herself.
good points that sum it up in a shorter manner
>4 years ago was 2015
huh. I just realized I've been here for 7 years and still consider myself a newfag
not him but that shit looks like sex to me.
Seriously people. When an abomination is mind raping you, and finally settles on "You struck out with that boy you like and now he hates you" as the optimum strategy, you're well beyond the point of denying her clumsy affection for Shinji.
It is undoubtedly meant to convey intimacy, closeness in thought. Whether you choose to view that as sexual or platonic is up to you. Myself, I always viewed it more platonicically, given the relaxed nature of the shots and character interactions, but it definitely has sexual undertones.
Minor point, but my impression always was that the angel wasn't trying to damage Asuka, it was trying to understand her. All the late angels attempted this, from the floating ball/shadow combo to Kaworu, with varying degrees of maliciousness. It seems equally likely to me that the angel which mind raped Asuka was simply probing to understand humans, and being alien, had no understanding of human boundaries. You're right though, the fact that the scene more or less ends with Asuka crying out for Shinji, shows the depth of how much he means to her.
That's more of her trying hating her self because no one would accept her. Could have put any guy in that position and she'd say the same thing. She felt nothing for Shinji.
I kinda doubt it. Shinji is straightforward by nature, when he is malicious he tends to lash out angrily, rather then manipulatively. Of course, if he becomes a depressed cynic like Gendo, all bets are off, he could learn how to channel his anger to really hurt someone. 14 year old Shinji would be disgusted at the idea of purposefully hurting someone, but a more bitter Shinji could find that he quite enjoys hurting others. Of course, a Shinji like this would probably have little contact with Asuka.
Then why explode at Shinji in particular after the mind rape, why pursue only Shinji among school peers?
Or for that matter, why caress Shinji's cheek in EoE? She rationally decided it was the best move to save her life? Get real.
Because he was a gross faggot.
Pretty much.
Collectively, humans are an 'angel' (children of Lilith) opposing and inimical to other 'angels' (children of Adam).
Adam and Lilith are a sort of weird alien GECK, and you're only supposed to get 1 per planet. They create forms of life not compatible with each other. There was a mistake, though, and Adam landed on a planet Lilith had already farmed with life. It went into sleep mode in Antarctica until humans unwittingly woke him up, causing Second Impact as it started to sterilize the planet to start over and was deactivated with its Lance of Longinus (basically a device designed to scram a Lilith or Adam).
The Evas are reverse engineered from Adam and Lilith and brain-jacked to be able to be piloted by a human. You insert a human's soul into the core, then pilot it with someone the human cared about deeply, usually their child. This is why Unit 01 is so powerful; Shinji's mother's soul was transplanted correctly and she is aware of and very protective of Shinji, while Unit 02 was not put together properly and so Asuka's Eva sync is literally capped to be worse - until Unit 02's soul wakes up.
Unit 00 is an odd one in that it has a partial soul, and its pilot has the rest of that soul. Rei is a vessel for Lilith's soul, as is her Evangelion. Rei can theoretically sync with other Evas because she's a 'real' Angel, but in practice this never works well, and her dummy plug which imitates her only works once.
Asuka was popular at school, though. She had no problems being accepted. The only people to explicitly reject her are Rei, Shinji (accidentally), and Kaji.
>The pretty smart foreign girl had an easy time fitting in
It was all superficial though. Hikari was her only real buddy and that's not gonna help her get over the fact that she saw her mom hang herself while cursing her.
I don't think you have to ship Shinji with Asuka to acknowledge their relationship is an extremely important part of the show. It's the best demonstration of the hedgehog's dilemma we get: two people desperate for love and acceptance but can't bring themselves to say it due to fear of rejection.
You can't fix their relationship without both of them undergoing major personal growth. That's kind of the point.
I'm conflicted, on one hand those additions to the episode made for a much bigger emotional impact finally letting me empathize with Asuka and understand her so much more, but the implications of her feelings towards Shinji that I'm seeing throughout these threads feels so out of place in me. I always figured she's only seeing Shinji because she pinpoints blame on him for taking away Kaji and all the attention she ever had. Maybe it's actually about not giving her anything in return? I could probably accept this phrasing better. I find it hard to find love in any of these.
She'd become a massive passive aggressive jealous bitch. Because Misato.
I guess I feel that love is too strongly worded.
Reifags must be shot.
>Ruining respectful disagreement and debate among anons itt
Please don't
Don't respond to him.
>Could have put any guy in that position and she'd say the same thing. She felt nothing for Shinji.
Other way round. Adam landed first, Lilith went to the wrong planet and caused First Impact. He's called the first for a reason. Earth is rightful Angel clay.
Adam is trapped by the spear after that, until the Katsuragi expedition removed it.
>She had no problems being accepted
That was superficial though, none of them really get to know her. She admits during the mind rape that it isn't her true self.
Is Kensuke the Milhouse of Eva?
Kensuke while an otaku isn't meek by any margin, he practises warfare, is interested in the military, would gladly pilot and risk his life if given the chance. Kensuke envies Shinji. In the manga poking fun at him is probably Sadamoto's way of making a few quips about the reader.
>practises warfare
The angle was that he had a cartoonish take on the bitter experiences of even his closest friends. It plain didn't occur to him that sneaking out to visit an active battle could put him in danger. The last thing he says to Shinji was seething over the phone that he didn't get to be in Toji's place.
Not as important as Rei and Shinji's, which exists to show that two people can in fact reach out to each other.
It's more alarming that you get mad about it to be honest.
>this is where i come to cry
I appreciate that, and Rei's relationship with Shinji is beautiful. However, in terms of expressing the themes of the show, the interactions between him and Asuka are extremely important imo. The fact that Shinji and Rei reach out and help each other is more noteworthy because the show makes such a point of how hard that is to do. The most prominent way it demonstrates that is through Shinji and Asuka's horrible relationship.
Is a retcon/alternate timeline.
I always took them both as canon. I don't think they contradict each other.
I love Rei
you love gei
I want to befriend her
pls respond to my turmoils over Asuka
>Yea Forumsnon having a job
keep dreaming
>Password on an agency computer is L-O-V-E
What kind of mentally incapacitated fucks does NERV's cybersecurity division have creating their password requirements?
A heavy part of the show is talks about people's understanding of one another.
Asuka seems outgoing and lively with everyone, she's the center of attention at nerve and at school, but shinji's really the only one that understands her in a way.
I wasn't aware Asuka actually "like" Shinji.
You are free to think and rationalize whatever you want.
But I will agree with you in a small point.
According to Rei, Shinji is so unsure of himself that he cant possibly feel true love to anyone else. Most likely because true love involves forgiveness, pain, etc.
The same most likely applies to asuka.
The twon have strong, strong feelings for each other, but you can't really say its true love because they don't have the emotional fortification to sustain a relationship. They couldn't forgive. They were being selfish.
Thats why it didnt work out. Thats why asuka rejected shinji in EoE. Thats why the world went to shit.
After EoE is over, shinji sworn to improve himself as a person, so whatever happens next is up to your conclusion.
I don't know about you but the way she touched his face when he chocked her was almost lovingly
She was clearly into that.
She's at least not resisting. It takes her a minute to react, when she does it's to slowly reach up, hand not trembling or uncoordinated at all, and move his hair out of his eyes.
It5's almost, kind of sweet. She just gently carreses his face.
The subtlety in emotion with eva character makes other anime's nuance feel like they were writter by children. Sasuga Anno
toji is brown
Toji's ma nigga
What I'm getting at with my personal rationalization is that while Shinji took away so much from Asuka he never gave her anything to hold on to afterwards. It can be felt that this made her dependent on him, but with the situation worsening ultimately the dependence had no where else to go but to be severed. What she could get in return didn't even need to be full blown romance, but simple attention and caring. Asuka couldn't sustain those by herself after feeling left behind.
please ;_;
The real question is why does he want to fuck a psuedo clone of his mother so badly?
i can see where you're coming from, her issues with abandonment and dysfunctional conditional relationships have for sure shaped the way she approaches her own relationships
That's correct, and the thing that she didn't want the Angel to understand most was how terrified she was that she's unlovable to the one person who actually closed distance with her.
He doesn't really see her that way. At least not anywhere near to a level which you could describe as 'wanting to fuck badly'
Asuka's the one flipping shit at the realization, she's denying to herself that Shinji has that power over her to hurt her just by not looking at her enough.
The series intentionally portrays Shinji as confused with Rei because the entire thesis is that the "perfect" woman that otaku crave is simply an Oedipus complex.
The scene where Shinji calls her motherly, the ones where Asuka calls her creepy (and she responds by showing some of the depth that Shinji/Otakus neglect), the way she's destroyed and replaced with the exact same cookie cutter.
The problem is she grows beyond that archtype, and fans fail to make a distinction between having an affection for the "domestic sex doll" Rei or the constant and determined and self-reliant girl underneath.
Which puts us in a paradox, sinc e Anno wanted fans to recognize their desires were unhealthy, but he ended up developing Rei to the point where you could value her as an individual rather than as a wishlist of traits for a girl.
You good sir, you're so caught up in justifying a theory, you're advocating robotic like rational behavior from Asuka, Asuka of all people. Complete suppression of all other emotions in favor of a fake act that will save herself. That's not only so contra who Asuka is, it's also contra all the messages of Evangelion, it makes no sense for Anno to end the series on a lie. What message of everything will be all right is Shinji supposed to get, when the first person he meets after Instrumentality, lies to him?
>You good sir
She does seem to in the middle of mind rape, decide to blame Shinji for taking Kaji away. I'm not sure that's the only reason though. For one, its irrational to blame Shinji for taking Kaji away, blaming Misato makes more sense. If there's no particular connection between Asuka and Shinji, she should have been lashing out at Misato. And ya, Asuka is angry at Shinji not giving her anything in return. She comes on to him multiple times, is often complementary to him, yet he never responds or makes a move. Her main emotional pillar of being an Eva pilot is crumbling. In terms of people, her main emotional rock of Kaji is gone, and the main substitute one of Shinji is rejecting her, from her perspective. Therefore, there is a lot of rationalization of "I never cared for that damned fool", and overflowing hatred towards him, both because she both detests some of his weakness, and because she detests him for leaving her. I get where you are coming from, thinking love might be too strong a word, but someone can love and hate a person at the same time.
>Whether you choose to view that as sexual or platonic is up to you.
Idiot, they use sex as symbolism of the "we can be like a single being" it was intentionally designed to look like sex.
Summed it up very well user. I'm curious, did you just finish the series, or do you just identify heavily with Asuka?
>its irrational to blame Shinji for taking Kaji away
It's not even the implication that Asuka irrationally believes this. It's Asuka realizing Kaji is unavailable to her, set to the earlier scene of smelling Misato's perfume on Kaji while he brushes her off again.
>Which puts us in a paradox, sinc e Anno wanted fans to recognize their desires were unhealthy, but he ended up developing Rei to the point where you could value her as an individual rather than as a wishlist of traits for a girl.
Don't you contradict that with this?
>she responds by showing some of the depth that Shinji/Otakus neglect
>The series intentionally portrays Shinji as confused with Rei because the entire thesis is that the "perfect" woman that otaku crave is simply an Oedipus complex.
That's shit, they simply were designed with opposite personalities and the author prefers Asuka.
can we have one thread without this half baked tribalist meta reading
>Shinji took away so much from Asuka he never gave her anything to hold on to afterwards
You arent wrong. Did you watch EoE? Asuka tells Shinji exactly that.
Asuka tells him that he always want to be loved by others, but is never there to help those others when they are in need.
When things went to shit, shinji abandoned misato and rei, and started looking for asuka. But asuka predicted the same ending, he abandoning her.
So she rejected him.
This doesn't have much to do with if they have feelings for each other, but rather if they have the emotinal fortitude to handle the ups and downs of a relationship
I think the aspect of not allowing others to get close due to fears of the past, not knowing how to open up and letting that invariably define you is how I best relate to Asuka. At first I hated her character and it really took whole series to find some aspect of myself in her. I did finish the series recently, since then getting into other Eva content and discussion. What provokes me the most is the romance that anons try to spin, it's against what I feel is happening.
it seems like part of the problem is that everyone's working with different definitions of love, romance, "true" versus "false" love, ect
>and she responds by showing some of the depth that Shinji/Otakus neglect
Nigga Shinji's like the only character in the show who managed to recognize, respect and appreciate the existence of any form of depth in her.
Really? Why do you feel a romance, or at least romantic feelings, are so against what happens?
Absolutely, it's very plain that Asuka doesn't want to need anybody, they can decide anytime they like they don't want her and leave. Piloting to her is a showcase for her talents, so she can praise herself and demonstrate she's too valuable to be thrown away.
Yes, Asuka makes it very plain that she thinks "she can live on her own." The angel has simple response to this.
"You big liar."
>doesn't want to need anybody
Key words:
Doesn't want to
But as said, she does.
She wants to be a perfect, independent elite member of society. To not need anyone.
Its impossible. Its the message of the show.
But hopefully, her segment in EoE, her reconciliation with her mom (and their subsequent death), is enough to help her turn the page on such an absurd desire. To accept others on her life, just like shinji decided to.
Yes, that is why that was included.
It's the most fucking obvious reading you can make.
Asuka's attitude to romance is defined by her attitude to adulthood. She desperately wants to be seen as a grown up and grown ups have relationships and sex, therefore she wants a relationship and sex. Her critics use this to claim she's a slut, but this isn't accurate because she shows no interest in the love letters she gets and ditches the guy who brings her on the date.
However, because she has very few close platonic relationships her understanding of what a romantic relationship entails is skewed. She becomes emotionally close to Kaji and Shinji, and therefore (because she is a grown up) feels should start a relationship with them. However, her surface level understanding of what a relationship is means these attempts are doomed to failure.
As you said, she does not know how to open up, but if you're forming a relationship you're going to have to make yourself vulnerable to the other person. She can't bring herself to do this. She's decided to live on her own, but can't do it as says. She thinks if she can find a romantic partner, she won't be alone, but she can't find a romantic partner if she won't open up. It's a Catch-22.
>believing this anyway, knowing what the user base is like
no one to blame.
I do feel that when they mention love they mean romance and not caring. Lots of anons try to justify why it's Shinji and they can only come up with some love between both basing on how he charmed her on a few ocassions. My take is that him dethroning her is the key factor in making Asuka ghoulishly dependent on Shinji in a way that strips any romance. She's not dependent on him because she loves him. She's dependent on him because she is losing herself through him.
Because in reality it's not what Asuka fundamentally craves for. It's not what she needed as a child that she lives out once again. She probably saw romance as some next logical step, especially with Kaji, but it really isn't what gets to her.
These idiots are not realising that EoE is an entirely different continuity, where Anno used a certain doujin artist's take on Asuka to rewrite her character, so they conflate the two Asukas. Asuka only has (stunted) romantic feelings for Shinji in the EoE continuity.
>dependent on Shinji in a way that strips any romance
unhealthy dependence and projection go hand in hand with romance in eva tbqh, every relationship it depicts in any detail is fraught with it
>Congratulations Shinji. Congratulations, Congratulations
>Everyone is forced to merge into one because Shinji couldn't accept himself
>Both Cannon and neither contradicts one another.
The movie was the better ending in every conceivable aspect, people that say the original ending was good are nostalgia fags. I was never nostalgic since the first time I've watched Evangelion was last year.
Anno is about as self-destructive as the fans of his work he so detests.
Why are you acting like she should have a list of reasons to why she logically wants to be with him? Have you never been in love with someone? Sad.
It's true, she becomes dependent on him once she started losing her status as an Eva pilot. But I wouldn't say that's because she's "losing herself through him", it's because she's lost her status as an Eva pilot. Losing status as an Eva pilot is the real blow to her psyche, and Shinji not being there is like leaning on a crutch that's disappeared.
I agree that what Asuka craves most is care, not necessarily romance. Ideally though, care and love should be a part of any romance. Even Asuka realizes this in time. Asuka at the start of Eva is more infatuated with the idea of romance, but by the end she's berating Shinji in instrumentality for not making any real attempt to comfort her. In the end, she is the one to reach out with care first, caressing Shinji's cheek, showing herself to be the more mature of the two of them.
It's Shinji for a few reasons
>makes genuine effort to understand her in ep 9
>jumps into volcano for her in ep 10
>gets the round-winning kill in several angel battles, something she deems a primary signifier of worth
People keep on dismissing this by saying things like "If anyone else had done those things instead, she'd be interested in them" as if that's an argument. If I'd won 6 Super Bowls everyone would treat me like I'm Tom Brady, but I didn't and they don't. If Tom Brady had never been drafted no one would care who he is, but he was and they do.
Also, going beyond his actions if you look at her other crush, Kaji, she seems to have a bit of a type. There are several parallels shown between Kaji and Shinji that make them quite similar.
Regardless of all that, I agree that love is far too strong a word for whatever they feel. They are interested in the other but they're too broken to love themselves let alone anyone else.
>Everyone is forced to merge into one because Shinji couldn't accept himself
From Ritsuko's exposition during EoTV, its implied that the EoTV instrumentality isnt bad, unlike the Rei exposition in EoE.
I am autistic like that. For me, both endings are different, the instrumentality in boths are different and both are actually rather good
>showing herself to be the more mature of the two of them.
i dont really see that as what you're supposed to draw from their exchange, i think its more to do with how she's coded as the embodiment of the interpersonal rejection shinji fears in all their previous scenes together
Like you say, it starts from not being able to scratch an Angel and her whole sense of worth being challenged, she gets defensive, closes off, it tanks her synch ratio, but that was where she became hypersensitive to the judgment and rejection she was perceiving from everybody. Asuka was offered that support but she was shrieking at it.
Human Salvation Project is canon
>the instrumentality in boths are different and both are actually rather good
don't they happen at the same time? it feels that way, like one is more direct (EoTV) and the other is more abstract (EoE)
Well, Gendo states in EoTV that it is a return to the womb. It's also referred to as a return to nothingness. In Freudian psychology, a desire for the womb or nothingness is called the death drive. Instrumentality is also described as a place of total freedom, but Kaworu says in episode 24 that the only way to achieve total freedom is death. Instrumentality is basically suicide.
Anno also equates Instrumentality with a retreat to fantasy via the alternate universe scene, where Shinji imagines a simple world, living in a high school rom-com anime. He's basically saying that retreating to fantasy like a hikikomori or otaku is essentially a drawn-out suicide.
I don't see how someone could come away from the show unsure whether instrumentality is positive or negative when Anno so clearly shows you the intended path.
EoTV is Gendo-endorsed and Rei is presented as not having betrayed him.
How so? We're shown Gendo coming to collect Rei in EoTV, but we're not shown how it starts. At the end of episode 25 in EoTV Shinji is told repeatedly by everyone present that Instrumentality was his choice, that he chose a world where no one was saved, and he states he only did that because no one saved him. That fits with how Instrumentality is started in EoE.
>Anno also equates Instrumentality with a retreat to fantasy via the alternate universe scene, where Shinji imagines a simple world, living in a high school rom-com
I think you're reading things into the AU scene that weren't intended. The simplest reading of the scene, backed up by what's said immediately afterwards, is that it shows Shinji that he can have an identity outside of an Eva pilot.
Depends on your understanding. My analysis is more meta.
In EoTV, Ritsuko paints the instrumentality in a rather good light. They are stuck in what is essentially the matrix, and everyone is neo. People seen to be able to interact with each other.
Take in mind that its the only ending Eva had for like 2 or 3 years. Anno wasnt even sure if he would be able to make EoE.
I take everything that happens in EoTV with face value. It might not been the ending Anno wanted, but it still ends with shinji accepting others in one big group therapy. Its not a sad ending.
EoE goes against that, says that instrumentality is bad and people cant interact while inside it, thus shinji wanted to leave.
For me, thats a complete different ending. With a similar theme of accepting others.
Given how EoTV didn't address Seele,lilith, and others, im sure the original intended ending was EoE, but it doesnt erase EoTV from existence.
I think its a complete different (if thematically similar) ending.
I dont buy the "both endings are the same ending seen from different angles theory"
>We're shown Gendo coming to collect Rei in EoTV, but we're not shown how it starts
You see him call for Rei, she says "Yes" (which she doesn't in EoE), and then we cut to text saying that Instrumentality started. If you didn't watch EoE, you absolutely would not get "actually Rei betrayed Gendo and gave the reins to Shinji and he started Instrumentality" out of it.
At the end of episode 25 in EoTV Shinji is told repeatedly by everyone present that Instrumentality was his choice, that he chose a world where no one was saved, and he states he only did that because no one saved him.
That makes more sense if you read it as referring to his little corner of Instrumentality held together by the remnants of his AT field, not Instrumentality as a whole.
According to Anno, the original intended ending was something like EoE 25 + TV 26, not EoE as a whole. I think what happened was that he realised Instrumentality could be read as a negative ending where Shinji doesn't really get over his issues (though aside from the womb reference there isn't much to support that) so he deliberately wrote Instrumentality as negative and rejecting it as positive in EoE, which is presumably why its cause is moved to Shinji rather than Gendo.
Gendo's in there at all, and the same scene where they refer to Shinji's world that he wished for goes on that they're talking about Shinji's perspective.
Yea Forums has been really liberal with lewds in the past two years
or in general since hiro became a thing, i haven't been able to browse Yea Forums in public for aeons
Despite being a mediocre "boring" person in terms of looks, skill and intelligence Shinji still has other attractive features.
He is willing to risk his life and battle to the death multiple times in heroic acts.
He isn't intrusive. The complete opposite of all those boys that send her letters etc.
Plus of course the 2 points you mentioned.
just google it you fucking newfag.
TV series does not end with successful instrumentality. The fuck are you guys smoking.
the pic was edited, cant get a source.
Where's the indication that it doesn't?
>TV series does not end with successful instrumentality.
If you take EoE's explanation of "finding yourself", then sure it doesn't. However, based off of EoTV alone, it's much more ambiguous...
That's all it was. Your picture sums it up, she never loved or even liked Shinji as a person.
I want to protect her :(
Don't exaggerate. She might not have loved Shinji, but she definetely cared for him. (though I still believe she loved him)
Here is your favorite scene from Evangelion.
proof once again evangelion is the greatest work.
Yeah, but only Angelic Days.
Fuck the Anime, Fuck the manga, Fuck the movies.
Surf up, shinji kun
How does Misato react to coming home and hearing the sounds of Shinji and Asuka in the throws of passion in her bed
I really hate all those pictures that have all the pilots hanging out together, "having fun". Asuka never got over her hate for Rei. Kaworu never even interacted Asuka, and for Rei he was the embodiment of something incredibly grim, he was the realization of her true nature as an angel.
I can't stand it, it so ooc.
Don't you want to see them be happy and carefree for once?
Probably by dialing Kaji-san, for old times' sake.
>An anime about japanese mom outsmarting the jews and saving everyone
Shame that everybody talk only about her retarded son and his harem.
NGE is an angel batlle royale.
He's the only boy who talks to her
She had love letters by the dozens in her locker, didn't she? And there was that scene where she apparently went on a date with some guy but couldn't click with him.
Shinji may have toothpick dick, but goddamn he can fuck for HOURS
>tfw you never jack off and cum on comatose girl
And I'm 30 now. Way past "confused" excuse. Life is pain.
>6 hours
>12:45 start
>19:55 finish
Kowaru = Christ Figure is pretty obvious only faggots miss this because theyd rather see cartoon boys kiss.
Ah, yes ReDrop, they know how to do a good Asuka.
I always thought it was her transforming herself, gaining apotheosis so that she may always be proof of humanity's existence as she drifts off into space at the cost of sacrificing everyone.
Can't even imagine what kind of earth-shattering shag these two would have if they took out all the UST they had on each other.
holy shit i need more like this
Her plan was to stop SEELE, her retarded husband
and save her son along with humanity. Everything else is just a bonus.
patrician taste
details about the last rebuild film are out, apparently characters like /adult Toji and Hikari are in it.
I'd be so happy to have Rei as my friend
>Asuka never got over her hate for Rei.
She was a bit mad with rei when she didnt accept her "public friend proposal", but she was absolutely over it when she invited her to eat some ramen with everyone.
Then asuka started to grow contempt again towards rei as she thought shinji only had eyes for her instead.
I do agree with the kaworu part, but just a significant part of Eva is imagining a better reality they could have lived in if they werent so autistic
>but she was absolutely over it when she invited her to eat some ramen with everyone.
>Then asuka started to grow contempt again towards rei as she thought shinji only had eyes for her instead.
By the end of the show she absolutely hated her tho. The final straw that absolute broke her in the end was the fact that she was the one who saved her from the mindrape.
>Her plan was to stop SEELE, her retarded husband
Her retarded husband wouldn't have worked against humanity's best interest if it weren't for the fact that she were gone.
>Hey Kaji-san, guess who are getting busy right now? Yeah yeah, i know you told me its was going to happen. I suppose you were right. They were so close during that dance, i guess it would be very awkward for them to keep denying themselves anymore. You know what? They remind me of us... Tell me, do you have any plans for tonight?
we have nothing better to do
Where can one find these details?
They don't. Asuka is starved for affection and attention. And he's the pilot of 01 which is an Ego Boost. She also projects her flaws on him and vice-versa. They might have raging hormones flying around but it wasn't love at all.
The resolution is that she felt disgust toward him but she could learn to tolerate him. That's the message of hope to all human beings. It was never a happy romantic ending.
Show me an instance where she cared for him.
khara posted an image of production material scrubbed of anything that could be construed as a spoiler as usual, but unfortunately for them they forgot to make the text containing information about character's heights legible.
Complements him on his viola, shows up to see him in the hospital (though simply looks in from outside the door), is touched when she saves him from falling into magma, caresses his cheek in End of Eva etc.
Asuka needs a white knight and projects her needs onto Kaji first and then Shinji later. She doesn't truly love them. She just wants to be loved and put as a priority.
>wouldn't have worked against humanity's best interest if it weren't for the fact that she were gone
He helped initiate Second Impact, killing half of the planet's population. If you look at the dates they even planned Shinji's conception on that day.
Being involved in a conspiracy that wipes out half the world's people puts a serious dent in the notion that either of them were doing what they did for altruistic reasons.
She doesn't like any rejection,
>She is a bad, shitty person
That's an oversimplification, especially in a setting where several of the characters try to bring about the end of the world/murder innocents without pause.
Thanks for a wholesome thread Yea Forums. Even though I disagree with a few of you these dialogs help me to make better sense of my feelings and relations to both Eva and myself.
>but it wasn't love
She's a teenager; they don't know what love is. She wasn't infatuated with him, that's for sure, but she has a level of possessiveness and expectation that suggests her feelings aren't neutral.
She wanted Shinji to want her. It doesn't matter that the other boys wanted her, she wanted him specifically, and she's beyond frustrated when he can't express that to her.
Being abusive is a lot worse than trying to kill everyone in a fantasy power game
Plus stress. As someone under massive stress for years, I can tell you it shortens your fuse and worsens your personality. Can't imagine what it would be like at that age.
Probably one of the only anime where there's an effort to make the characters flawed and believable.
Anno is the master.
evageeks have a section where they hound kahara's twitter annos twitter and other online media for eva
the twitter feed twitter.com
also Anima is getting an english release.
this is the script, in some examples peolpe were able to translate the text and saw the character hights for some people, Shinji's was the same however Hikare and Toji's are greater than they were in 1.0 and 2.0
looks like that anime-expo short is going places.
>adult Toji and Hikari
This would be huge. Big reversal of what Shinji's told and the guilt he's convinced he has while at Nerv.
Didn't 3.33 imply that Toji died with many other kids after Shinji's disappearance?
Typically I don't follow these threads on Evageeks, I rather go into the movie blind. If you want to follow it I suggest you read through this specific thread.
im only reporting what they translated. The specific pic was deleted on the twitter feed but Evageeks kept a copy.
They are severely dedicated. They will probably know the events of the entire movie before it comes out. pic related
The idea if you go back and watch it was that Shinji was deeply concerned what had happened to them, his expression is staggered but then he seems to have calmed down upon meeting Kaworu. Some people like to think the shirt means Toji is deceased, but I never thought so myself.
That's less relevant than if Shinji thinks they were killed after being provided that shirt. Next scene he's only worried about what happened to his classmates and Kaworu goes from there to claiming all life is extinct except the people Shinji has already personally seen.
Wholesome thread ftw
Unironically a better design.
Freckles overdo it, tryhard cutesy look.
Doesn't fit her bitchy personality though.
Yeh that's what I tell to all girls with freckles irl.
Cutesy look doesn't fit Asuka. If she looks cute even when angry then there's something wrong with her design.
That's when Asuka was to supposed to be the lead character but Sadamoto insisted on having a male carry the show.
He made the right call.
She didnt really love him tho
Pretty sure that anno made sure that Asuka would fuck even Toujo because shes a massive slut
>That's when Asuka was to supposed to be the lead character but Sadamoto insisted on having a male carry the show.
I'm fairly sure that art dates from when the basic characters had been locked down and Shinji was the protagonist, I think bits of it were in the pitch bible.
Yeah, but Shinji is also a pretty boy who saved her from a volcano and can push back when he's not broken.
why is subtle=good
Im asking why is making emotions or themes subtle in media receiving an instant gratification every time. What makes it good outside of label.
Plus, he's not repelled by her personality.
Asuka was a goddamned child, who cares why she was or wasn't attracted to Shinji. Children do stupid things.
What boggles my mind is how any grown man can be attracted to Rei. Asuka, Misato, or any of the other women are at least some resemblance of an actual human, but Rei is a ficking fish.
Im not the guy you were talking to. but personally I say that "subtle" character exploration is fine and sound. Its a byproduct of good story telling, whatever idea that was presented was told consistently enough for a narrative to be explored on top of less-subtle storytelling elements; ie, the angles attacking with character exploration in between. Basically its hard to consistently tell subtle story telling and it is a mark of quality when done right; most writers fail to do so.