I literally couldn't follow the plot.
Lilith, Adam, Eva-01, Eva-02, there are millions of Reis... None of it makes any sense to me,
I literally couldn't follow the plot
I understood it reasonably well when I was in the 8th grade renting each tape consecutively from a local game store before we even had the internet to look up explanation videos. You have no excuse.
>there are millions of Reis
Rei represents the most inner desire of the characters and who they desire to be with
>renting each tape consecutively from a local game store before we even had the internet to look up explanation videos
I wish i could turn back time
The 14-year old me understood it well enough to not need to go onto the interwebs and ask wtf did I just watch. You're simply too stupid to follow it. I recommend you watch some simpler anime next time.
cause now the guilt is all mine
It's just imagery for the sake of imagery.
Like giant robots fighting, and pedophile fan service.
Anime is for simpletons.
iirc, they pretty much sum up like half the plot when kaworu is talking to seele and ritsuko is monologuing after she destroys the rei clones
where do you think you are?
cant live without
the trust from those you love
Who cares if the imagery wasn't intentional?
It's still a good watch, and the imagery can be properly explained anyway.
I'm literally a mensa genius with 140 IQ, don't give me this bullshit.
>where do you think you are?
You can be an autistic savant and still not understand basic shit, user.
Watch a YouTube video. Basically, everyone is lonely, but getting closer to others only puts you more at risk of being hurt. (Hedgehog's Dilemma) Eva robots have the soul of the pilot's mother in there. Lilith is the seed that births humanity, and Adam is the seed that births angels. Combine those two powers, like Unit 01 did, and you have something capable of Godly feats (such as putting everyone into one life form without barriers, so no one could get hurt).
The whole plot is an exploration of the Hedgehog's Dilemma. If given the power to end sadness, but with it, the contrast of happiness, would you?
Kinda this, but the real beauty o the show is withineach character's arc and their approach to their problems.
forget the shitty movie and read the patrician manga
Even though my dick isn't big enough to satisfy giant Rei, I'd still hit it with all my might.
>not fucking her forehead
but now through all the hurt and pain
it's time for me to accept the ones who love me more than anything
>I literally couldn't follow the plot.
>Lilith, Adam, Eva-01, Eva-02, there are millions of Reis... None of it makes any sense to me,
i hope you expected this response
Dont worry OP, just because you are a homo doesn't mean your brain is weak. It takes some people more than a single watch to piece together what happened, thats why we still have threads on the show all the time.
So is this just lost on well-adjusted individuals?
no such thing
EVA is the greatest 'the messenger is the message' of anime. If you don't get something, refer to Ano's pathetic life and struggles with depression. From being a beta to bisexual tendencies, EVA is just a giant exploration of its creator.
did they really get vandalized or was it just for the movie?