Would any girl ever manage to create such an enormous anal devastation as the ones these two created?
Would any girl ever manage to create such an enormous anal devastation as the ones these two created?
Other urls found in this thread:
Make way for the original.
Why do shipfags still care about this 10 years after these series were actually relevant?
im still mad over this you fucker. Time doesn't heal shit.
Possibly if nami ends up with luffy or sanji
Other than that... Maybe cowgirl from goblin slayer
There was a heated debate on Yea Forums on Katherine vs Catherine
Orihime barely created any anal devestation. Most people were mad at how shitty the manga ended that they couldn't give 2 shits about the pairing. The only ones that even talked about it when the manga was over were the IchiHime shippers.
Shipping is like the special olympics - even if you 'win' you're still a retard
>Other than that... Maybe cowgirl from goblin slayer
I feel like shit will hit the fan when Emilia officially wins in Re/zero.
Yes. Didn't even take more than a few months.
Hinata deserved naruto but Kishi did a terrible job making her important to naruto. No opinion on bleach
>not the animated version
Step it up senpai
I'm still convinced most Bleach shippers on Yea Forums are just taking the piss.
I can see people on other shitty anime message boards actually caring about crappy romantic relationships in Bleach, but not here, we really seem like a different breed of asshole entirely
>Orihime barely created any anal devestation.
Newfag spotted.
>but not here
Another newfag spotted.
A lot of it is just people that, while not being particularly into Bleach, didn't like Rukia very much and found the asshurt from the Ichiruki crowd too hilarious to not mock.
Nah. Compared to the NaruHina reveal the IchiHime pairing was just a drop in the ocean. Barely anyone gave a shit.
That was a fun day.
I never understood caring about ships at all. The only situation i can kind of understand it is in romance series. But shonen MCs act like asexual autists until the epilogue always.
but she didn't win anything
Bro a ton of girls were Hella mad that Orihime won. I mean it was fucking obvious that she was winning but what can you expect from thots.
As a Naruhinafag and ichihimefag I still swim happily in your ocean of tears fuckers. Stay mad
Keep crying
I wouldn't have a relationship with any of them but Katherine is the hotter one
Shipfags are mentally ill. It's not rocket science.
Stay mad.
>Would any girl ever manage to create such an enormous anal devastation as the ones these two created?
Is it coincidence that both Naruto and Bleach had the timid big breasted girl win?
This blonde midget over here if her baby is indeed Eren's.
litterally who?
if you didn't spend the majority of your childhood caring about the ship, then why even bother posting it in the thread?
I'm certainly not crying. I couldn't give a shit about the dumbest most boring character in the series Orihime, but my RenjiRukia pairing won.
Abe wants his people to BREED
Sure, just wait till One Piece ends. You think the fandom doesn't care about shipping but just wait
>Why do shipfags still care about this 10 years after these series were actually relevant?
A lot of people grew up with those shows obviously. For some, it was their first indication of romance in anime and it stuck with them forever
Well yeah. Orihime was a dumb boring character. Rukia was a self insert to girl readers.
>Barely anyone gave a shit.
Completely false, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Imagine actually rooting for the girl in shounen who isn't the obvious winner
Ikr. It was pretty traditional for Shonen manga to end with the hero riding into the sunset alone. This change in ending making the hero into a family man is such an obvious propaganda.
Personally, and I'm probably speaking for a lot of others too, it's that Sakura was a horrendously unlikable and shitty character, while Hinata was sweet and likable, so even though I hadn't followed the series in goddamn forever, it was still nice to learn that best girl won. The pissy Sakurafags just made it more fun.
>street rat
>haughty cunt
why did they self insert rukia again? cause MUH STRONG WOMAN ?
That slut deserved a destiny worse that death
>Orihime barely created any anal devestation
You are fucking lying. There's a full second Hall of Anal Devastation and I think it's bigger than the NaruSaku one. People are still talking about this.
If you ever see a Bleach thread now, it's either bitching about wanting more or screeching about WHY DIDN'T RUKIA WIN BROS
She was a soft spoken shy girl bro.
You mean Narusakufags. Sakurafags were rooting for Sasusaku.
>Another newfag spotted.
Don't be retarded.
>I'm still convinced most Bleach shippers on Yea Forums are just taking the piss.
Nope. When Bleach was running, you could basically never talk about Orihime at all because everybody was so hardcore on the IchiRuki train.
Well, ironically, the chad guys that go out in the sunset have more chances to breed than the family seeker beta.
and shy girls want to be a more confident person, so they self insert into Rukia.
I don't know who that is but I'm assuming she's not from a long-running shounen over a decade so I don't believe you.
By the time Pain attack and surely when Neji died it was a given that Hinata won. You had to be pretty deluded to think otherwise.
Which is pretty much why I think the Bleach shippers must be trolling
Yeah, i mean, naruhina is so pure and vanilla that internet exploded with good doujins. None degenerate.
Same reason why Asukafag's and Reifag's keep butting heads to this day.
esdeathfags still seething
People see ships in everything. They are no better than sitcom or soap opera fans.
The only ones that perpetrated and talked about the pairing when the manga ended were the small ammount of IchiHime shippers that still cared, and people who didn't give a shit but wanted to get in on the trolling. Anyone actually invested in the series talked about how shitty the ending was. Especially here on Yea Forums
The IchiHime ship conformation was barely anything.
How mad will people get when One Piece ends and Robin wins Luffy?
user, its gonna be a fumino end.
>Especially here on Yea Forums
Nope. You obviously weren't around for the last chapter threads so stop trying to act like you knew how Yea Forums reacted.
One Piece will end with either Luffy on the gallows like Gold Roger or sailing into the sunset. I can't see it ending any other way.
>Especially here on Yea Forums
Were you actually here on Yea Forums when the final chapter came out?
Are we pretending ICHIGO FACING THE RUKIA wasn't spammed for like two weeks before the chapter came out?
Robin is now Luffy step mom. 2 years with Dragon in his hideout. Imagine the Chad the man is to a mature woman like her. The most wanted guy in the planet and probably one of the strongest. Her terrorist pussy can't resist.
I was there the whole way. From start to finish of bleach threads on Yea Forums as well as continuing to shit on the rushed ending a week after it ended. And what I saw were people talking about how shit and rushed the ending was, and IchiHime posters and trolls desperately trying to make that winning pairing relevant in the conversation.
I understand you have rose tinted glasses because your pairing won, but lets not kid ourselves, compared to NaruSaku, no one gave a shit.
So what you're saying is wincest end?
I really wonder what would happen if she wins, she was not even considered as a possible love interest until pregnancy
It wasn't two weeks, but they did spam threads cause of fake early spoilers.
Never got involved in Naruto shipwars but why the fuck would anyone who remotely cares about Sakura want her to end up with a guy who's treated her like shit for most of the story? That shit is as bad as Eren x Mikasa.
Like I said, the ending was so rushed, and so shitty that even the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring about their ship losing because of how bad Bleach ended.
I think Icihime sucks
It was two weeks because the chapter was delayed a week I thought
t. Ichiruki cuck
Eh, she was the most likely contender anyway.
Didn't expect Minami tossing a solid punch in her stomach though.
>that even the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring about their ship losing
Half of every Bleach thread is screeching about Ichiruki
Kokoro got pretty close. Caused some massive outrage amoung certain watchers
>From start to finish of bleach threads
Ok, so what were the fake spoilers? There was ICHIGO FACING THE RUKIA and another one that anons somewhat believed.
>compared to NaruSaku, no one gave a shit.
But Yea Forums was rooting for Naruhina cause Hinata was seen as the underdog. Majority, if not all, the Narusaku butthurt was from other sites, like a lot of Ichiruki butthurt.
>that even the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring about their ship losing because of how bad Bleach ended.
Lies. Even to this day, they're still seething. Why the fuck are you lying to such an extent?
I pray for the second coming of TWGOK in every romcom.
I was a RenRuki shipper my dude. My pairing won.
Well. No. because luffy is asexual autistic manchild, as we know. And he do not even has the freudian excuses like Naruto had to be clueless about anything.
ErenxHistoria will cause mass anal bledding from fujos and mankasatards. I'm waiting for it. The impregnation is a bonus
>while Hinata was sweet and likable
Yet Sakura has more character, while Hinata had none -- nothing but a cocksock for the MC from beginning to end.
She was impregnated by the farmer and your tears will cause the worst derailing ever for snk threads.
>litterally who?
Another series that drew a lot of attention back in the day. The unedited version of that page was even sticked, back in the day.
I am posting in this thread to once again express my belief that Bleach shippers on Yea Forums are trolling, or at least taking the piss in some way, because I honestly can't see a lot of typical Yea Forumsnons really, earnestly caring about romantic relationships in something like Bleach
I wouldn't say "timid" myself. "useless, simpering pussy" is more like it
>so shitty that even the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring about their ship losing because of how bad Bleach ended.
Deathberry, the now dead Ichiruki site, was the most busy the day they lost. There is literally no reason to lie like this when it's all online for us to see.
Also was Goku and end up with shitchi
>that even the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring about their ship losing
You sure about that one?
>Even to this day, they're still seething
look at you. This is exactly like what happened when bleach ended. You IchiRuki shippers wanted so desperately for people to care that your pairing won that you make up shit about everyone seething. Most people cared about how the ending was rushed than which pairs won.
The NaruSaku shit was WAY WAY more devastating than this. That's just facts. Yeah I remember all the whole moon rain BS where "orihime represented the rain and the rain is what causes Ichigo sadness" theory bullshit. And if Bleach had an actual fleshed out ended then yea I would agree with you, but that's not the case. Kubo completely dropped the ball on the ended and that completely overshadowed any winning pairings. My ship even won yet I couldn't care less because of how bad Bleach ended.
For the joke. Oda is more childish about relationships. The only one kind of showed was Roger and Ace's mom.
I'm speaking from an Yea Forums standpoint. Of course you can find fan sites on the internet who gives a fuck about facebook and geosites groups?
Nah. At the end of the day, Franxx was only a 24 episode show. That's like saying Saki's rape scene in Valvrave affected anything.
Wanted Hinata and Rukia to win I mean like or not Rukia made the more sense, about Hinata's victory was really unexpected and great.
Wanted anyone but this slut to win.
Hasn't won anything yet, and probably nobody will ever win the Ashbowl, also she's a cringe character.
I hope she wins.
Didn't really care about this one, all the girls in that show were terrible.
>that you make up shit about everyone seething.
There's no reason to make shit up when there's literally a folder imgur.com
>I'm speaking from an Yea Forums standpoint.
Even from that standpoint, there was still a reaction on Yea Forums.
Would Serena from Pokemon qualify?
Of course there was a reaction, im not denying that but that reaction was completely overshadowed by the reaction of how shitty and rushed the ending was. This is why the IchiHime ship conformation is no were near as devestating as the NaruSaku one.
As I recall, most people in the threads hated Orihime because she was annoying, rather than shipping.
I don't actually recall much earnest shipping discussion in Bleach theads before it came close to its end
I wasnt angry that Orihime ended up with Ichigo.
I was angry that BEST GIRL Rukia ended up with the worthless jobber scum.
>I mean like or not Rukia made the more sense
-At no point were they ever portrayed as romantic
-Kubo literally said their relationship was not romantic
-Rukia is like a bajillion years old and also dead, yes this is a factor
-Ichigo and Rukia basically stop having any really meaningful interaction after Hueco Mundo in the whole series
-Orihime confessed first, battle shounen authors don't like writing romance so they make easy shit like this happen
-It's like you people saw stuff like Rukia and Renji's flashback or Ichigo saying stuff like "protecting Rukia is your job" and just pretended they didn't exist
>the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring
My sides.
There wasn't any shipping talk in Bleach because at the time it was basically "Rukia is the only girl who could win or no one wins" as the primary narrative. Plus, the story never focused on it
>that even the IchiRuki fanbase stopped caring
You can't be serious
Have you heard of Deathberry?
I nutted in your waifu at long last!
So petite I scarcely fit!
Posting caps of bait posts only further proves what most people already know. IchiHime posters so desperately want people to care about their ship winning, when most people only cared about how shitty the ending of bleach was.
I can't believe I missed the Yea Forums meltdown. Used to love TWGOK but dropped it after the Goddess arc and wasn't around for the clusterfuck after best girl won.
Was so happy to find out though, rarely have I ever wanted a girl to win so badly while thinking she had no chance only for her to win in the end.
That was literally the entire point. Chichi was a dumb hick who had learned all she knew about romance from magazines and Goku was an even dumber hick who knew he had no clue how the world worked, so they got married because "You touched me between my legs, that means we have to get married and have babies now" "Is that how it works? Ok, if you say so. What's a baby again?". You're supposed to chuckle at how silly the entire situation is, not care about them as a couple.
Is deathberry Yea Forums?
No? see
This. Even the anons who had no investment in a ship knew how retarded and rushed the end pairings went.
That's cool. I liked Renji and Rukia the most anyway
>Posting caps of bait posts
So now you IRcucks are denying the existence of Ichirukifags on Yea Forums? Really? You gonna deny that Rukia with the most popular Bleach girl among Yea Forums next? How pathetic.
>This. Even the anons who had no investment in a ship knew how retarded and rushed the end pairings went.
Yeah but there was still butthurt
>So now you IRcucks
This is what I mean, you so desperately want for people to care about your ship winning that you manufacture and mislabel people. I was a RenRuki shipper. My Ship Won. Yet even I can see from an unbiased perspective how much your ship fanbase was just attention seeking. Your ship winning got overshadowed by the overall shit ending that was Bleach. This whole thread proves my point. Fucking deal with it.
>This is why the IchiHime ship conformation is no were near as devestating as the NaruSaku one.
Of course since Naruto maintained popularity till the end, but let's not act as if IR shippers weren't devastated with the outcome of the pairings.
>Hasn't won anything yet, and probably nobody will ever win the Ashbowl, also she's a cringe character.
Comments like this aren't exactly making you not look mad. And she most definitely caused a colossal shitstorm.
>IchiHimefags are once again sperging out over their IchiRuki boogeyman and not accepting the fact most of the fandom always hated Orihime and IchiHime.
>At no point were they ever portrayed as romantic
They were really close, nobody will ever complain if that ended as a romantic relationship.
>Kubo literally said their relationship was not romantic
Didn't know about this, so your point.
>Rukia is like a bajillion years old and also dead, yes this is a factor
I could work pretty much fine like Ichigo's parents did.
>Orihime confessed first, battle shounen authors don't like writing romance so they make easy shit like this happen
Besides that confession those two character had no chemistry at all
>It's like you people saw stuff like Rukia and Renji's flashback or Ichigo saying stuff like "protecting Rukia is your job" and just pretended they didn't exist
I could answer you the same thing about that time Ichigo said Rukia changed his destiny, not romantic at all but it would sound like something romantic at this point if Rukia was the winner, of course is not the case.
t. Cucked assblasted IRfag
They don't come close to the level of tears produced by LNs. Just wait for Yahari to end, and you'll see what I mean.
Yes. If either Kirishima or Bakugou from BNHA end up with any girl, fujos who make up a rather large part of the fandom will get absolutely assblasted, tumblr has already deluded itself into believe that they are canon gay for eachother. Such a hall of anal devastation would reach glorious proportions.
Nice job changing the topic at hand. You can try and act like no one on Yea Forums cared about the pairing outcome, but that's just a lie. There was a reaction on Yea Forums. We had Bleach thread after Bleach thread for the final chapter spoilers and the final chapter. To say that there wasn't a reaction would be to erase the existence of Ichigo x Rukia shippers on Yea Forums.
>ichirukifags on Yea Forums didn't care that they lost
>shipping fights still happen in bleach threads
Not mad at all, because we all know how the anime works, that forced romance and Ash acting more "mature" without aging were factors totally out of place for people who follow the anime, the battles were great yes, anything else was just plain terrible and Serena's character whose only purpose was lusting at Ash's dick was maybe the worst part.
There you go putting words in my mouth. I only said that more people cared about the ending being rushed and shit than which pairs won, and IchiRuki shippers seem to have some napoleon complex that their ship was overshadowed by the fact that more people cared about how shitty and rushed Kubo did the ending than cared about which ships won so they desperately try to attention whore every once in a while, like this thread.
You never answered my question. If you were around then what was the other fake spoiler that anons were starting to believe?
BNHA has one of the most cancerous ships I have seen recently. I just skip the threads. Only good one is TodorokixMomo.
Also midoriya a shit
Bleach ended so shittily that most people would rather forget it happened than talk about shipping wars. That's how bad it was then. There was a whole bunch of posts where people said things like "couldnt care if my ship lost Kubo completely fucked up the ending to this series" yet those weren't capped.
>There wasn't any shipping talk in Bleach because....
>the story never focused on it
Sounds likely
>at the time it was basically "Rukia is the only girl who could win or no one wins" as the primary narrative.
Doesn't sound likely.
Well you have to admit hori isnt trying to correct them either. Bakugou shows zero attraction to any chick so far, and him only accepting Krishima's hand to be saved is massive fujo bait.
>most people would rather forget it happened than talk about shipping wars
Demostratively false. Look up any recent bleach thread in the archive
>There you go putting words in my mouth.
Not putting anything in your mouth. This is your post , right?
>you make up shit about everyone seething
I have no reason to make anything up about anyone seething because some user made a compilation of the reactions to the final pairings, reactions from Yea Forums included. There's proof online, and if you were actually around for those threads, you would know what had gone down. An Ichiruki shipper even made a separate thread to mourn.
I honestly don't get why that user is trying to rewrite shit so hard.
It doesn't change anything of what i jave said, BNHA has reached mainstream and Tumblr has latched on it HARD, if their biggest gay ship gets sunk they will seethe hard.
You're literally willing to believe, 5 years on, that a bunch of attention seeking fans of another ship posted thousands of fake bad reactions as a rapid-response, coordinated effort to make other another group of different shippers look bad, even though they had already gotten what they wanted and didn't need further validation, than believe your were the minority non-bitchy part of a vocally rabid and petulant fanbase that just had their most deluded, fragile hope dashed?
You're either and antishill or you were one of those shitty, whiny people
>the picture was fake but the spoilers were real
that was a fun time
>they will seethe hard.
Looking forward to another fujo breakdown.
I can already see people getting mad about Uraraka winning even though everyone can see it coming.
True, but Kirishima's and Mina's shared past may lead up to something. It's the best bet as of now. It's also the only one.
My first crush did. Does that count?
>that one ichirukifag/newfag pretending to be a renrukifag
>still cant tell us what spoilers were roaming around in the threads for the final chapter
Kaneki literally had sex with her and they still had hopes for a fujo ending?
I honestly have no idea if they still had hope or not. These were the reactions to the sex chapter.
>the only main girl to ever kiss Ash
>the only one to have kissed him on the lips
Did they just throw darts at a board? Because it really random that Serena was the one chosen to do that over a May, Dawn or Lillie.
The salt from that time still brings a smile to my face.
>implying that matters
He's gonna pull a Kishi and just pair them with random girls they talked to once.
She will when she becomes Mei Midoriya.
Did Choji ever talk to the cloud village chick?
>reading Bleach
I don't believe you
>I don't believe you
An official jump reader statistic showed us that half the readers for naruto and bleach were females.
This one is fucking obvious. Just retards think it's not gonna happen cause Muh fat main girl sucks
Serena was vilified since the synopsis that she knew Ash as a child. Misty/Ash shippers had the worst knee-jerk reaction, though.
Inform thyself.
>more girls like One Piece than Bleach
but why
the reason I dislike Orihime is the same reason she's the only one that ever could've won the Ichigob Owl
if she DIDN'T get with Ichigo, what the fuck was the point of her character? She has no purpose except to be Ichigo's love interest
SNK will be another interesting story just you wait.
>the reason I dislike Orihime is the same reason she's the only one that ever could've won the Ichigob Owl
>if she DIDN'T get with Ichigo, what the fuck was the point of her character? She has no purpose except to be Ichigo's love interest
so basically hinata but a main character
the difference is Eren is way more interesting than Naruto or Ichigo
How the fuck why? Why would the least expected girl win? Fucking hack.
Jesus Christ I hope the farmer impregnated her. The fucking meltdowns all over Yea Forums would be hilarious as shit.
>what the fuck was the point of her character?
Teach Ulquiorra about THE HEART. Also heal people
Are you literally denying, that on 4cahn, people aren't willing to falseflag in order to troll?
>same voice
Orihime was as much of a main character as Hinata was. Difference between the two is Hinata told her feelings to her man straight up and actually fought for him.
Cause bleach was the worst of the big 3 through it's entire run?
>Look up any recent bleach thread in the archive
"hey look up these threads with shipeprs samefagging the whole thread"
>-Ichigo and Rukia basically stop having any really meaningful interaction after Hueco Mundo in the whole series
To be fair Bleach stops having any meaningful interest for most people after/during Hueco Mundo
>Hinata told her feelings
And then was ignored
>straight up and actually fought for him
So did Orihime
I just wish Yea Forums can come to the agreement that romance in manga, generally fucking sucks.
As someone who DID want Hinata and Orihime to win you can't exactly tell me their chemistry was ever well written. They never spend time with each other outside filler, they never interact outside of 'we need to go fight together now'.
Hell even series where romance is the focus it's still done fucking awfully because Mangaka either A. have no idea what people do on dates, or B. Fall into the TERRIBLE Pokemon mindset that 'They've achieved their goal, the series is over now nothing else ever happens in their life' so they keep teasing and doing 'will they won't they'. Hell remember Masamune Kun they actually started to date and then the author pulled some melodrama to keep it going for another 10 chapters?
Or how about World's End Harem, a series that you legit have to hate sex to like the protagonist who is damning humanity because he won't have sex?
Japan has a fucking problem.
>So did Orihime
After 300 chapters of KUROSAKI-KUN TASUKETE
Considering she was also the only main girl to have been actually established to be in love with him... no, that's not random at all.
>Hinata told her feelings to her man straight up
And he never answered her or even thanked her. Then when it comes to the end of Pain Arc, Kishimoto decides to have Sakura hug Naruto, because baiting Narusakufags was more important to him than actually giving Naruhina a well-deserved moment despite Hinata almost dying for him.
>actually fought for him.
How? Pain fight? In the manga, she gets BTFO right away. It's basically how Orihime ran to Ichigo when he was getting BTFO by Yammy, only to get BTFO herself.
Soon, brothers.
>Possibly if nami ends up with luffy
That will never be a thing. If anyone thinks it will, they're retarded.
>ad reductio
>They never spend time with each other outside filler,
That applies solely to Hinata. Orihime was a nakama to Ichigo.
That, and May had her own romance angle with a different guy going, while Dawn was basically the writers trying to see how much yuribait they could sneak into the series without getting told to stop.
>they never interact outside of 'we need to go fight together now'.
You can only say this for Naruhina, and even then that's because Naruto was almost always outside of the village.
Hinata > Orihime
both were just [x]-kun machines after a certain point especially hinata. im convinced people like her more cause sakura was her competition and sakura is bottom of the barrel trash so she looks like a great character in comparison.
Naruto > Bleach in general, and that's really saying something considering how bad Naruto is.
Name me one time Ichigo and Orihime went on a date outside, (hell even inside) filler.
You can't.
Because Japan just doesn't do romance.
By the way, I forgot to mention this because I'm tired AF and got mad so I forgot. But Yea Forums glosses over these facts ALL THE TIME due to autistic ship wars.
Like my Masamune Kun example. Yes I was a Maidfag, but not once did I ever believe she would win. I still think the ending was garbage because the last arc was just done to pad the manga out yet because of ship wars this is glossed over because Aki won. Same with Prison School. FUCKING AWFUL ENDING, but Chiyo didn't win so we gotta herald it as great.
So tl'dr of both my posts. Japan sucks at Romance, Yea Forums laps up shit because it helps their narrative.
ah shit, you're both completely correct.
If you're going to pair Naruto with someone, might as well pair him with the girl that actually likes him and not the horrible bitch.
t. narutard
please no she deserves better
>Name me one time Ichigo and Orihime went on a date outside
Never, but just because they didn't go on a date, doesn't mean they never spent time together outside of fighting.
Causing butthurt in the fans of the most popular character must count for something.
>Naruto > Bleach in general
The characters of Sakura and Sasuke alone make Naruto the worse series. Literally no characters in Bleach are unlikeable as those two in term of personality. He's an emo ass while she's a major bitch.
This shit is going to be good.
Orihime is hated and worst girl. That won't change even if you gloat about it, you know.
>she's a major bitch.
She makes Louise look like a fucking saint.
bad characters are still better than boring characters. Every Bleach main character is a boring nakama robot.
Step aside. The real bland romance series coming through
I would post one but it will cause a certain two autistic romcomfags to derail the thread with their arguing with each other like they always.
>Every Bleach main character is a boring nakama robot.
I'd' rather a "boring character" over a dumbass MC that calls the guy basically responsible for his parents death THE COOLEST GUY.
>Because Japan just doesn't do romance.
my gut reaction is to tell you to not look for romance in shounen, but Bleach sucks at even normal shounen stuff
Do it. This thread isn't worth that much.
I unironically wouldn't, I've never read Naruto but that sounds way better than Bleach.
big tits aways win, flats get the gas
Kek do you think romcomfags can beat Bleachfags and Narutofags? At most you will get no replies and so
>Because Japan just doesn't do romance.
Love is universal
>I dont know shit about what Im talking about
Concession accepted
Well if two retards come, start arguing with each other then start accusing people of being each others bogyman then it is your fault. I am abandoning the thread just in case ether of them come.
All you've done is convince me Naruto is way better than Bleach.
>Would any girl ever manage to create such an enormous anal devastation as the ones these two created?
you have yet to experience true devastation son
Has there ever been a universally loved main ship?
I already accepted your concession. You dont need to keep showing how retarded you are.
Yes but they are always the ones that get sunk.
Ed x Winry? Kenshin x Tomoe? Hak x Yona?
I mean, it did.
Lemme rephrase my question
Has there ever been a universally loved, canon, main ship?
I didn't concede, you just ran out of arguments when you realized you were describing a better story than Bleach
But orihime is a a shojo protagonist. Why do they hate her?
>Has there ever been a universally loved, canon, main ship?
the main couple from horimiya
But that's the problem, WE barely see that. If we don't see it then we don't know if it happens or what happened during it.
Imagine you go to see an acrobat do a 3600 flip off a tiger's back, into a swimming pool of piranhas, and through a firing squad. You get there, and you just see a sweaty man saying 'I did it!'
You're either not going to believe he did it, or you're going to wish you saw it.
Same thing happens when romances pull Childhood friend cards. Sure they'll maybe show a few scenes of them in the past but they never try to make me understand why they're so close that the guy will forever be loyal to her and only her.
An exception, not the rule.
There were way more rukiafags then sakurafags, so of course the shitstorm was worse.
You don't need to keep showing how retarded you are, but apparently you just want to do it. Keep going then
The frog will win damnit!
Luffy can fuck anybody he wants, id be dissapointed if he settled for one
Kind of like how pic related caused a massive shitstorm in Akame ga Kill! (manga only though) it helps that the MC had a small harem. If the most popular ship is the one to sink then there will always will be a shitstorm.
no one will win the Luffybowl because he is asexual according to the author.
fuck off
OP is gonna end with Luffy giving his hat to some kid.
Luffy has no clue what sex even is, just look at Hancocks desperation
Jobbers get jobbers
I can actually sort of see him ending up with Hancock after realizing just how much she loves him.
well shit I thought you were gonna post Nino
Kaguya and Prez or
>I can actually sort of see him ending up with Hancock after realizing just how much she loves him.
I can't imagine the series ending up Luffy becoming a family man, but I can see Hancock being the one to birth his child. I still think the series will end with Luffy dying.
>Kaguya and Prez
overrated. ugly art as well.
Sasuke was fun as fuck when he was comically evil. Naruto was the boring one.
Luffy isnt a chad nigga. He doesnt want girls
Naruto was still the better or the two series overall but Sasuke and Sakura were indeed walking disasters.
If only Sakura wasn't such a huge bitch...
>Naruto was still the better or the two series
Not with all those asspulls and retcons
You missed the point. She was the only girl who liked him for himself
King of the pirates is a megachad
To you and hancock but no one is fucking him
Won’t happen
What bothers me is that Sauce had feelings for her in part 1 but Kishi made him a one dimensional fag with muh revenge in part 2. If he was redeem before the war started then he could have got away with an apology or something.
No, "yeah sorry" doesn't cout.
>is that Sauce had feelings for her in part 1
ah yes. the look of a boy in love.
>Sauce had feelings for her in part 1
What? He "cared" for her but didn't have deep feelings for her.
The only thing I was mad at was Sakura for getting with Sasuke instead of Lee
God I just wanted Lee to get a victory but they sidelined him so hard
>Sauce had feelings for her in part 1
Hmm what?
>Sauce had feelings for her
For once can people stop putting Hinata and Orihime on the same level. This is insulting to Hinata. There isn't anything similar to these characters at all. I bet people can't think of one thing these two have in common besides liking the protagonist, boobs and long hair.
Not that many people, not for so long, and that doesn't account for all the corners of the internet that Yea Forums is not that messages were from, Yea Forums being famously insular
>well shit I thought you were gonna post Nino
To be honest what I posted caused EVERYONE to be butthurt including the side that won.
>God I just wanted Lee to get a victory but they sidelined him so hard
Lee was better off without Sakura. But the real cucking was taking away his final battle in the Ninja War and giving it to Guy. Now I'm not saying Guy's fight with Madara was bad, but that was the only window of opportunity for Lee to push the limits of his philosophy by taking on the most talented ninja ever and wrecking him with pure martial arts. Now Rock Lee is regulated to "Metal Lee's Single Dad" status forever who hasn't had a fight that seemed important since Boner Man
Same VA.
being a Tenri fag was suffering.
especially since we got a letter.
Does not being a cunt count?
>This is insulting to Hinata
How so? Orihime is a kind and caring girl that harbored feelings for the MC before he became the hero as well. They both were willing to sacrifice themselves for them as well, Hinata trying to go up against Pain and Orihime going to HM. As much as love Hinata, she didn't have much of a character in Part II unfortunately.
Hinata > Orihishit
I love them both, and I'm glad they both got their happy endings. Nothing against Rukia or Sakura though, especially the former. It's just that they were a bit too bitchy for my tastes.
From what I'm understanding in this thread: Hinatafags and Himefags are one of the same? Makes sense since they are both incredibly obnoxious over characters who barely did anything outside of wanting to get fucked by the main characters.
>It's just that they were a bit too bitchy for my tastes.
>Not having a doormat personality makes a girl a "bitch".
>being this mad
>Hinatafags and Himefags are one of the same?
Are you blind? This user likes Hinata, but dislikes Orihime. While I personally like them both.
Neither Hinata or Orihime were doormats though. Would a doormat continue to take on her stronger cousin when he told to give up? Would a doormat slap a high-ranking Espada?
>I have shit taste in girls.
Thanks for sharing that with us.
oh boyyyyyyyy. heres comes an user that thinks a female character has to yell and hit the mc in order to show that she has a personality or whatever. fags in the west are such cancer.
when 125 dropped even the biggest etofag started to unite with the toukafags just to shit on these fujos, best times
Every single time
Better than being a shit eater like you who prefers the demure type because they are more submissive.
Look at this whipped cuck
But how can ether of them be best girls if they don't have a dragon for a husband/boyfriend?
i dont particularly care for any of the four girls but its fucking ridiculous how faggots think you that in order to not be considered a doormat, a girl has to be a mega bitch that is always yelling and hitting the mc for the hell of it. if it was reversed, fans wouldnt be eating that shit up. you really think narusakufags and ichirukicucks would still ship those pairings if ichigo and naruto were hitting rukia and sakura? kicking them or slapping them in the face? not a fucking chance. its about treating someone with respect.
Being submissive as fuck and just care about your crush is somehow "a girl with personality"?
>if it was reversed, fans wouldnt be eating that shit up
Not that user but I'd watch the fuck out of a series where Naruto hits Sakura for being a fucking retard.
Aho girl is also a series about this exact thing. Aho talks shit, Aho gets hit.
>Being submissive as fuck
this is RICH coming from a sakurafag since she literally becomes an actual doormat for sauce. let's not forget the way rukia gets with byakuya.
>but I'd watch the fuck out of a series where Naruto hits Sakura for being a fucking retard.
yea but you wouldnt ship it.
Sasusakushitters ship their pairing even though Sauce treats Sakura with less respect than Hinata.
>Being submissive as fuck and just care about your crush is somehow "a girl with personality"?
But that's like 100% of all good tsunderes.
I also I'd like to see anyone hits Hinata for being a such a empty bitch who can't even think for herself.
>Sasusakushitters ship their pairing even though Sauce treats Sakura
cause SS has the bad boy/good girl dynamic or thats what they like to believe. same with ulquhimeshitters from what i remember. narusaku and ichiruki dont have that trope.
Fuck off, leave my dead otp alone.
Ranma is kind of a colossal dick to Akane at times, yet people still ship them
Well just as long as nether of you like Esdeath then it is fine.
>yea but you wouldnt ship it.
Probably not. That is correct.
Such violence. "This person has done nothing. so lets hit her".
You do very little to further endear people to Sakura's personality when you want to hurt people who haven't done anything at all.
That's ironic tho, I mean, both girls have that shitty ass doormat personality and yet you faggots like to label only one as a doormat bitch since it's the one you despise the most.
>good tsunderes
No such thing exists.
>who can't even think for herself.
When Neji tells Hinata to give up during their fight, what does she do? She keeps going, she doesn't stop until the fight has to be stopped by the instructors. When Naruto tells Hinata to leave instead of fight Pain, what does she do? She ignores his pleas. When Neji dies, does she give up like Naruto almost did? No she keeps going because a war is going on. Nothing about Hinata screams doormat, she was just a bit timid due to confidence issues caused by clan. Which she eventually overcomes as we see in the last arc. A female character doesn't need to act like one of the guys all the time.
When Sanji gets Nami
You know that "development" went to trash in The last.
>Being submissive as fuck
Ah yes, I remember all those times Naruto/Ichigo treated Hinata/Orihime like shit and they just sat there and took it with a smile on their face. So submissive and doormat like
Now we must what for the second hall of mass butthurt.
The only shitty tsunderes are Sarada and that girl from baka and test.
>The last.
You mean the same film where she goes to the enemy to save her sister and is the one to rip out her eyes from his socket? Keep going you stupid fuck.
>When Neji tells Hinata to give up during their fight, what does she do? She keeps going, she doesn't stop until the fight has to be stopped by the instructors.
Because Naruto told her to. Funny you forgot about that.
Everything she does centers around Naruto. No independence.
>a tsundere
I understand you ship pic related but there's no need to spread lies.
>that girl from baka and test.
That was a shit fucking show. How the fuck did that get a second season and why would you ass-end all of Minami's character development into one episode near the end?
She had a legit episode with the "Mon amie" thing but then she was so shit the rest of the time that you just reached a point of "I really don't care about this chick. I just want to see how they can fuck over more classes"
I don't recall Sarada being a tsundere. She's more of a straightforward girl.
Lmao really faggot? And yet she ended up like the girl in a hurry being rescued by her loved one. Very nice right?
Doesn't change the fact she is pure shit which is what happens when you have the worst traits of each of your parents. I also ship pic related because I hate Sarada.
>Because Naruto told her to.
You mean when he encouraged her? Something not even her own teammates were doing.
...I don't mind her winning (2nd best girl for me) but I really feel bad for Tenri. She deserves to be happy.
This is the thing about Sasuke. No-one hates Sakura more than he does.
It's the irony of the entire thing is that no-one rails on Sakura harder than Sasuke does.
>because I hate Sarada.
(2) Post discarded.
Everyone is being a doormat to Sauce there
I mean even fucking Louise wasn't as abusive as minami.
....No one asked why you ship pic related.
>i-it doesnt count
pathetic just like sakura. a woman that accepted basically becoming a single mother cause her husband fucked off and never bothered to contact her or their child.
Louise is such a fucking faggot too. You know you're in a bad place when your entire character is hitting Saitou.
I mean look at Sarada, she looks like a dyke with a tumblr blog and acts like one too, don't forget about how much of a Child prostitute she is in the manga.
Can't you even read what you're posting you dumb fuck? Sakura has nothing to deal against Kaguya, he even tells the same shit to Kakashi. Both were the ones who had no God powers like Naruto and him.
How old are you?
That's only in the anime though she and the MC is MUCH better in light novel and the manga (though the MC attempts to rape her at some point)
Sumire looks like a slut too in the manga.
But that user is right, though.
Has an important or semi-important female character in battle shounen ever been shitted on as bad as Sakura? I mean Kishi literally wrote a spin-off when Sarada didn't even believe she was her real mom.
>(though the MC attempts to rape her at some point)
Did she start treating him better after the attempted rape?
But not as much as Sarada and her black friend do.
Sasuke is harsher on Sakura.
A slut is a slut user...
>important or semi-important
Sasuke is treating them equally there.
Naruto is the better man for Sakura but unfortunately she isn't the better woman for him.
so? she still has a forlorn look on her face while kakashi and naruto just annoyed with him. you really think she would have let that shit slide if naruto were the one that said it to her? she would have yelled and smacked him the face and you all know it. face it, shes a fucking doormat for sasuke and still is in the present.
Oreimo had a bigger impact than these 2 shows.
I see the same tone to both of them. He gains nothing from being harsher to someone because it doesn't have the same God powers like him.
my body is ready for the Mikasafag meltdown
I mean she was the heroine, that makes her at least semi-important.
Are you really just being nitpicky here faggot?
Actually the ehfags meltdown.
>Masamune-kun no Revenge
>Maid got kissed in second from last episode
>Choose Aki in last episode
Delicious Maidfags' tears
>sasuke is a jerk to sakura
>she takes it
>ino is a jerk to sakura
>fights back
>naruto annoys her
>is a mega bitch to him, might even hit him
>that one time sai said some comment about sasuke
>punches in right in the face
shes a doormat for sasuke. always has been, always will be. sakura isn't a naturally timid girl and we see that in every other interaction she has.
if anything Sakura was a villain
Sakurafags and Rukiafags are lucky there character just lost the shipping war instead of becoming a chirstmas tree star as well.
They were so smug about the maid winning that losing at the last second broke them more then even the narusakufags.
I don't think you took your meds today, user.
I grew up rooting for Sasusaku and spamming horrible fan art all over Live Journal.
Then the Narusakufags invaded and took over. Bullying the ship because of how toxic and hurtful to women it was.
>Feels so fucking good to look back now and see their tears. I loved that toxic cluster fuck of a relationship, they are perfect for each other.
>Shounenshitters in charge of knowing their shitstorms
Kirino winning caused more salt than the two of them combined.
>becoming a chirstmas tree star
What did he mean by this?
In akame ga Kill one of the girls that like MC got killed and her head was put on a spike, the chapter came out on chirstmas so the scene was edited into pic related, she was also the second most popular character.
Because it's still interesting. Same reason people like WW2 stuff still.
The part that people who ask this question forget is that those were very long running and very popular series. The manga sold millions and the anime even aired on TV in many countries.
Any series that doesn't have that kind of insane popularity, which is most of them, isn't going to produce that kind of result.
You can't beat Cow Tits. Thinking Men Mangaka know this. Flatfags don't (You) me.
Nether of them married a dragon so their victory is invalid until they receive the dragon cock.
Loli tsunderes are justice though.
Cow tits is just 3D shit though.
Eva will always be relevant and nobody actually knows who won in the end or who likes who because Anno had know idea what he was doing while making the anime.
Every major harem causes a shitstorm when it ends, so I fully expect Yea Forums to freak out regardless of who wins bokuben or quints. The big difference with the OP was that every website had a meltdown. The Tumblr tears were by far the best part about the end of Naruto
Hinata goes to Mexico.
Does anyone still have the dragon semen tube meme?
bokuben wont cause a huge meltdown. i expect the urakafags to take it the hardest since they seem to be the most delusional of the bunch. quints will cause a bit of a shitstorm though, especially if nino loses, which she will cause itsuki is the clear winner.
Kallenfags are pretty salty about LLCC being canon
>Best girl
I bet It will be Connie
Usagi drops
Sister Lily potentially getting with Asta from Black Clover would trigger so many Mimosa and Noelle fans
Stay mad pinkshit.
Yours truly an Inofag
Unironically Hinata and Orihime getting blacked while their cuck husbands watch gets me 10/10 hard. These sluts are prime bimbo material.
>Well, fuck you! I like blonde Sakura!
Ino: Never let her son attempt to go rouge, doesn't sperg out over child asking question, can act causally around her husband, isn't in debt,
Sakura: Let her daughter run away, destroyed her own home and sperged out over her daughter asking a harmless question, acts like a fangirl and submissive beta around Sausage, in debt from destroying home
I can't imagine Ichigo putting his dick inside Orihime. Ichigo just feels so pure and innocent when it comes to sex and romance, and Orihime is a humongous slut made for nothing but sex. There's such a big disconnect.
Si which series will be the next one to give a hall of anal devastation?
Totally not biased and exaggerated at all by a salty pigfag.
Which part?
> yeah sorry" doesn't cout
wtf were they gonna do only one man that could stop Sauce is his best friend
also he was the best char in the show part from might guy and maradra ichiwaha
You’re not going to get through to him this is how autists think
I don't know... maybe all of it?
>Hate Sakura so much that you'll completely reconstruct how the series was written just to shit on her.
This is sad. Plain and simple.
desu i was hopeing S/K and Sakura would be the nanny
Hopefully the trend is dead, MHA doesn't have any secondary ships. It was a cheap tactic from shitty mangaka.
How about none of it?
Sure fujoshit, your tears are delicious in snk threads
Problem with this page is that Sasuke is not wrong.
This isn't even being harsh it's just being realistic in the situation. If Kishi was a better writer he wouldn't even have Kakaki and Sakura try shit there. Or he wouldn't have written a shit god tier villain. Or her wouldn't have... etc.
>10-year-timeskip over all of it
The author couldn't either. It's just mandatory for battle shonen protags to end with the breedeing cow. Naruto ended not long before it, he just looked at that and copied it, he was a hack like that, he didn't care by the end.
Naruto was always friendly with her, but literally just ignored her when she confessed until the end of the series when suddenly without any buildup they got married.
>No opinion on bleach
It was even worse. Bitch didn't even confess to him on screen.
Lot of seething itt.
Uraraka's going to die. Deku is the Jap Spider Man and shes the Gwen Stacy
>Deku is the Jap Spider Man
That poor unfortunate soul.
Although I doubt Hori is going to shit on Deku enough to qualify for that role.
Gwen is doing great lately.
I don't know about much about Naruto and how those ships went down but Bleach's ending made me consider that Kubo and Kishi are just practically boomers and have this unexplained tendency to romanticize the unrequited perfect relationship as purely platonic, then cuck themselves out of it and go for the shallow breeding cow that proves them their own cynicism for life. It's kind of like a form of taught masochism.
By the time these manga ended the world has changed, people like heroic battle couples now and equally as strong female charters. There's no surprise the endings were badly received.
Nobody wanted to see Ichigo marry and settle down like a fucking casual. He had a perfect way out of having to live that life and Fullbring Arc showed he had no inclination to go down that path either.
But this is a "discussing manga written for kids" topic. 90% chance there's far more being read into this than anyone in the production process thought about.
Kishi also seems like a closet homo.
>not dropping after season 1
The goddess arc ruined literally everything. It was supposed to be an infinite comfy dating sim with a 10/10 protag, beautiful soundtrack and setting, posh and eloquent school uniforms in a school so rich their library is multiple floors, and MC is actually attractive even though he's a nerd.
>that one user hoping for the onodera ending
Bless his poor soul
I´m not sure if she was supplanted by meiko at this point.
In Naruto, Naruto had a crush on Sakura, but she treated him like shit and pined for Sasuke, while Hinata was one of the few people that had always respected him. It wasn't like Bleach's ending at all.
>still no sidonia
really niggers?
>comparing obsessing over the relationships of fictional chararacters to being interested in the events of the most important war in human history
Fuck Botan.
Die in a glorious blaze of glory.
Become demon emperah.
Do anything, anything at all that isn't going back to the one girl who looks and acts mentally challenged 90% of the time. It's disturbing.
I can't wait to see the EL/EM tears, bros. Literally everything in the story supports the idea of Eren being the father, especially after what we've been shown in regards of Zeke's anti-natalist philosophy and the duality of their ideals. + The parallels between chapter 89 and 107 and even during uprising arc when Historia stood up for him. EH is not a ship. It's the fucking plot
Fuck I just started reading TG. I like their dynamic I'm only at chapter 28. So it's confirmed that they're together...
I'm glad. I can't wait to see how their relationship will develop, I really liked the chapter when they dressed as Highschool students and went into the CCG headquarters.
Literally the only good thing about that shitshow of an ending was that it pissed off a lot of shippers.
Don't worry, guys. Sasuke is cucking hinata everynight now!
Good times. Always satisfying to see the tsundere get BTFO by the loving, supportive sweetheart. Never got why people shipped sakura and naruto in the first place. Sakura doesn't like him, i don't even know why naruto likes her, and they have shit chemistry. Naruto and hinata were clearly the better couple and endgame from the beginning. I'm a lot more sympathetic towards the rukiafags.
I don't think Koko even won the outrage match in her own show. Pretty sure ichigo did that with her executive-order, Jurassic-park, self-shipping shenanigans.
She was scandalous.
Ayumi didn't deserve what she got. Tenri didn't deserve being the last place despite her efforts.
In Bleach Orihime thought that Ichigo was scary, and Tatsuki was Ichigo's childhood best friend and wanted them to get along. I like to think though that Orihime begged Tatsuki to get knocked up by Ichigo so that they could all be closer.
I wonder if it'll happen a second time with Bort, Salad and Sumire
Fuck you
>In Bleach Orihime thought that Ichigo was scary
That doesn't happen in the manga. The anime changed Orihime's character a lot.
It's a plot for a fucking fanfiction you shipfag. The real plot is having her pregnant by the farmer.
Shut the fuck up with that shit. There's literally nothing that supports borusumi
No she doesn't. Sakura doesn't even have a real character arc. She's nothing besides pairing drama: the character.
>Sakura doesn't even have a real character arc.
Speedreading much?
And the sequel had them do such lovely things like tearfully burying their firstborn and abandoning their surviving kid to save his life.
Jesus, no. Edgetrash was fucking awful and only her waifushitters disagree. She could've stand to get btfo in the ending much more though, it felt like the cunt got off with a slap on the wrist considering everything she did.
If only this was during Yea Forums's peak.
>i cant wait to know how their relationship develop
It doesnt
She dissapears and they dont talk for 120 characters, her character becomes a one dimensional waifu that waits for mc dick. Then after those 120 characters they fuck get married and she gets pregnant in the spawn of seven chapters, and then she becomes irrelevant again.
If it helps you, its not just touken or touka's character. The entire manga goes to shit after tsukiyama raid ends near chapter 60 of re onwards.
It must be hard to think it can be that bad from a tokyo ghoul reader, how someone that wrote tokyo ghoul can write that badly.
No, reading correctly much. There's a grand total of jackshit character development on her end that isn't completely peripheral to the main characters (i.e. Naruto and Sasuke) she parasites. What drives her actions on the story? Getting Sasuke back in the village or at least redeem him, none of which comes from any action she undertakes. She's completely passive in what's supposed to be her only thin connection to the overall narrative.
>inb4 b-but she wanted to be stronger to stand by her teammates
That's not her character arc because
1. wanting to be stronger was just a mean to accomplish her real goal which was already established as getting Sasuke back in the village/redeemed, which I already said had nothing to do with her efforts
2. if you take her words at face value them she failed spectacularly because not only is she hilariously weaker than the guys she swore to catch up to, but also lacked a single moment in canon were she didn't need their protection. The final fight against Madara/Kaguya drove that point home like a slap across Sakurafag's faces.
Don't be retarded. Look at the pathetic puppy eyes she gives him when he calls her useless. That's the thing people are pointing out, she's physically incapable of standing up to or contradict Sasuke. He even years her a new one yet again when she confessed to him (again) to convince him not to fight Naruto one last time, which of course accomplished nothing, just to clearly reinforce this point.
t. Hinafag
lvl0 reading comprehension fags must suffer, and that suffering is indeed delicious. Imagine them grow 5-8 years older and STILL not understanding why this happened.
Et al.
Since nobody posted it yet...
>Don't be retarded.
You're the retarded also the one who lacks reading comprehension here.
>Look at the pathetic puppy eyes she gives him when he calls her useless.
He never said she was useless. He said she CAN'T do nothing against the enemy which it's factually correct. Not to mention he said the same shit to Kakashi and Naruto complains he's not cooperating with anyone.
>That's the thing people are pointing out, she's physically incapable of standing up to or contradict Sasuke.
She seems she understood the situation after all. Why would she contradict something that she already know? Dumbfuck.
>He even years her a new one yet again when she confessed to him (again) to convince him not to fight Naruto one last time, which of course accomplished nothing, just to clearly reinforce this point
What point? Do you that drama was only to introduce you to the most faggy fight ever? Also, why would you let someone to interfere your fight? Think again, idiot.
>nobody posted it yet
Dumb tgfag
I bet even YHfags will rise from the dead just to off themselves again if EH happens.
Good taste user.
Wasn't Kiba in the infirmary and shino.....is shino.
Cry harder.