Thread for discussing SO, SBR and JJL.
The other JoJo thread was flooded with nostalgiafags, anime-onlys, and speedreaders.
Allpartschads welcome.
Love for later parts
Other urls found in this thread:
I love stone ocean. Like sure, it's not as subtle as SBR, but it's definitely more colorful and weird, I never get why people shit on it. All the parts are great
I can't explain it, but I just LOVE Gyro
He's like the most likeable person that has ever existed
I want to have a friend like Gyro
survivor is kino and actually the whole manga after that point besides some characterization issues is kino
sbr is nothing but kino and araki's magnum opus
the part 3 anime was garbage
nostalgia/anime only fags have no taste
Kill yourself.
Stone Ocean and Jojolion are great, Steel Ball Run is overrated underwritten trash (beautiful art though)
>Steel Ball Run
Only contrarians hold this opinion. It's one of the the highest rated manga of all time for good reason.
Kids on myanimelist and their ratings aren't that important you know.
>Hundreds of thousands of people's opinions are less important than my own.
Japs rate it lower than 3, 4 and 5, so what?
Oh NOW someone on Yea Forums cares about what Japan thinks. The reason why Japan didn't care for 7 is because 6 was so poorly received. That's a fact. The rest of the world loved SBR, as shown by the lists of top manga.
What are you going to bring up next? Murica? Valentine bad? What? Do tell. The fact is that it is one of the most highly rated manga in the world and there is nothing but love for it.
The absolute state of sbrtards.
I'm going to guess that your favorite part is 2. If that is the case, you have absolutely no standing to attack SBR.
OH NO NO NO IT'S A JOSEPHFAG CONFIRMED. This next meme is something that you are well acquainted with.
I recently read through sbr for the first time
Why did Johnny and Gyro have to fight valentine? In the end it almost felt as if gyros death meant nothing because not only did neither of them win the race, but they didn't really need the corpse for anything
I miss __Gyro_ guys
Sounds like you're a lot closer to that fate than me, pal
what is gappy thinking???
>one month until we see how Tsurugi becomes the main antagonist
Jojolion is the best part and this will be cemented depending on how it ends.
Do you think Kaato will be getting a more prominent role soon if Norisuke is actually put out of comission? I could see her taking over as the family head.
Post yfw when head doctor's stand is 'Rock Lobster' or 'We Will Rock You'
I'm not a btfag. Apparently this is the only thing sbrtards can do; using the quasi-argument "BUT OTHER PEOPLE LIKE IT" or projecting their part faggotry on other people. Nothing but sheep.
I could see it. I'm still hopeful she doesn't take over as main villain, so Jobin can hold that position.
I like Steel Ball Run a lot. Its in my top three parts, but I'm ready to admit it stumbled a bit at the beginning, and that Valentine's inconsistent characterization really hurt the part for me.
On ms paint rn. What should i doodle
She's so fucking dub, it hurts.
giorno on disneyland
What inconsistent characterization? He's god tier
i dont agree
the dub for SO isnt out yet
Holy fucking shit, NICE. Sums up those cancerous threads, retarded VAfags and their apologists.
ha, OP here. I only threw in that Allpartschad line so the thread wouldn't be flooded with Vento Aureo fags. I'm new to Yea Forums and still feeling out the board's opinion of JoJo.
Quite a pathetic attempt at attacking us VAchads instead of constructing fair criticism of Part 5, which I admit is pretty much impossible to do.
I really like him, he's probably one of the most entertaining villains. But at the start he's short, fat, and scheming. By the end, he's fit, young and nearly legitimately noble.
Some people excuse this by DC4, saying he switched bodies with a fitter version of himself. But this has to be untrue, since in the flashback we see a fit him on an expedition to find the corpse, and the corpse only exists in the main universe.
Maybe he switched to a fat version of himself and then switched back
Whatever saving graces Part V might have, it's biggest detractor is the lack of any truly interesting protagonists, Giorno especially.
GioGio is an unfortunately static character devoid of any characterization beyond his idolization of the mob as an adolescent, and the vague “I have a dream” speeches that wear out fast.
Worse still, he hardly moves the plot at all, as Bruno and his compatriots’ decision to betray their boss was incited by Trish’s near-death, not by Giorno. He disappears behind Mista and Bruno for much of the combat, and emerges at the end of Vento Aureo’s clumsy climax as the worst kind of shonen protagonist - changing only in the level of his ability, completely unchanged in terms of his actual identity or character.
When he does take the throne of Passione, we understand as little about him as we do the activities of the gang; what should be his most important trait - his relation to DIO - has no bearing, plot or otherwise, on the goings-on of the part.
can someone explain to me how SBR isn't just intellectual theft of "WACKY RACES" and "RAT RACE"?
>mfw Kaato and Jobin fuse and we get a hermaphrodite main villain
They would just fuse into an amnesiac with no motivation
Don't remind me of that thread.
Except every criticism of part 5 meets with a reaction from vafags that is basically covering their eyes and going "NANANANA CAN'T HEAR YOU"
>Y-you only have that opinion because everyone else likes it
Oh is that who I think it is? The wicked bitch of the west, Asukafag?
Strawmen, wojak variations and I AM SILLY. The holy trinity of retarded shitposts
No, you got that wrong. It was
>Y-you only dislike it because others like it, you c-contrarian! Only contrarians say it's overrated!
This. They always say "make a real argument" but if you take the time to actually express your thoughts on what you liked and didn't like, you just get ignored in favor of shitposts.
>implying this is not how vafags actually behave
g-good lord, is that the legendary... asukafag?
You mean JLo Zeppeli?
Ah yes, the timeless "Giorno sucks" argument. I'll adress it just as all VAchads have adressed it, though it always comes back.
>static character
Hardly unique to Giorno though, Pre SBR, Jotaro and Josuke are also static characters, with the rest having token development at best. Secondly, this has never been an objective mark of a bad character.
>devoid of any characterization
Completely false, you're missing his latent viciousness in battle, his open admiration of "resolve", even in Abbacchio who despises him, and his attempt to build a persona of perfect confidence at the beginning which he slowly replaces with genuine team spirit. The idea of the "mob" is indeed idealized, but only out of the manga. Giorno's hero and Bruno are shown to be genuine benevolent gangsters and Giorno is arguably in the right when he wants to set the mob straight.
>he hardly moves the plot at all
And yet, Josuke is ever more passive, I don't see anyone giving him flak for this. In fact, Jojos pre-SO were all very passive, and it was only the impetus of a side character (Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Joseph in Part 3, Jotaro in Part 4) that pushed the heroes to act. On the other hand, Giorno willingly enters the gang and actually convinces Bruno to let him infiltrate Passione and kills Polpo, triggering the whole treasure hunt and then bodyguarding arc.
>what should be his most important trait - his relation to DIO - has no bearing, plot or otherwise
Most important, says who? VA is a part telling to not let a bad past define yourself, and that's what Giorno's flashback demonstrates: a chance encounter and an innocuous act of kindness is returned tenfold and stops him from going a bad path in life, instead pushing him into active righteousness. Moreover, there would be no reason to push DIO as much, in fact I feel that people would even criticize it, accusing Araki of shoving DIO again.
Giorno is not meant to be a dynamic character and people should stop trying to criticize his character for being one. Static =/= bad character. In fact his static-ness acts as a foil to character's like Abbacchio; at first, he is haunted by his past and constantly projecting his worst traits on the newbie in the gang Giorno, reminding him of the mistakes he made as an aspiring police officer.
Giorno's stoic attitude contrasts with Abbacchio's hotheadedness, highlights his insecurities and flaws as a character.
I thought he was based on Britney Spears. Or is that Johnny?
>partshitter still mad after getting bullied today
Thank you. It means a lot to me to hear that.
I actually read this, despite the cringe I experienced when you started with "ah, yes"
Yes user, a bland character usually contrasts with other, less artificial characters. That's a thing. It' doesn't help to defend Giorno at all.
Thanks for my boner
>seeking validation from the cancer of the threads
cringe orbiter
Imagine being so sensitive and immature that two words make you cringe
>can't understand sarcasm
No prob, it was actually funny and I'm happy that more people see the light.
>cringe vafag accusing others of being cringe after being called out
You can't make this up
>I-I was just being sarcastic!
The original point was the Giorno was bad for being a static character, not that he was "bland" or "artificial".
It's not sarcasm.
Wait, why are we supposed to hate the best part (VA) again?
Cringe indeed. Haters licking each others' dicks just as everyone else has fun following one of the best part adaptation and realizes that Golden Wind was good all along. How pathetic can one be.
for attention and (you)s
based and kino dubs
Wait, why are we supposed to like the worst part (VA) again?
You're not. Ignore anyone promoting VA as anything but the worst JoJo has to offer
Only mental cripples hate it.
>everyone else
Not everyone. People who don't like usually aren't vocal about it, especially here, and if someone even says part 5 anime isn't as interesting to them as previous parts, vafags go "STOP WATCHING IT THEN RETARD, SHIT TASTE ://///". They're insecure manchildren.
>everyone who doesn't like it is a hater for no reason
Nice cope, vafag.
Don't you guys get tired of posting the same things over and over?
I think it speaks to the unmatched quality of VA when it's the part with the worst JoJo and main villain but still manages to be the best JoJo has to offer.
Honestly I can't fathom how Araki-sensei pulled it off.
>People who don't like usually aren't vocal about it
You haters have been shitting on VA for years though. Quite annoyingly I must say. Seethe in silence.
>manages to be the best JoJo has to offer.
It makes sense that VA haters are crossboarding, phoneposting normalfags.
I don't get it. Why there's two Johnnys in that pic?
>And yet, Josuke is ever more passive, I don't see anyone giving him flak for this. In fact, Jojos pre-SO were all very passive, and it was only the impetus of a side character (Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Joseph in Part 3, Jotaro in Part 4) that pushed the heroes to act.
Not him, but that's probably because of how the plots for each part are set up. Those parts are all about the MC being pushed into action by something else. Jonathan just wanted to go study archaeology, but he's forced to go on a quest to fight Dio instead, stuff like that. Part 5 is different because the only reason why Giorno gets involved with the gang is because of his own dream. So it makes sense that people are more critical of his passiveness compared to others.
That makes 0 sense
And now many normies love it because it got an adaptation with some sakuga and pretty colors, so why are you mad, retard? Why are you even paying attention to the filthy "haters"? Are people's opinions on the internet ruining your fun? I guess it's not a really strong feeling after all, if a tiny group of "haters" can bother you to the point of replying.
Steal Ball Run was great until everything with Valentine
The irony of this post
What didn't you understand about it?
Based prettycolorsposter.
Except I don't deny that vafags are giving me cancer and I hate them. Meanwhile vafags often pretend like they don't mind "haters" and say shit like "WE CAN'T STOP WINNING BROS XD" yet for some reason they're not able to ignore the "haters" and always reply.
Just because Gyro dies?
Objective manga part ratings
Valentine is great
not him but Valentine's speech was the stupidest shit. I literally cringe everytime a Valentine fanboi gushes about 'taking the napkin'
>lel y are u mad bro
Typical haters. Can't advance one argument against Part 5, stoop down to gratuitous provocation, and hide behind the illusion of jest.
Is part 4 before Kira considered good?
>every time people criticize VA vafags don't pay attention
>le no arguments!
That bugged me because he death was extremely anti climactic considering he'd lived through worse in earlier fights. Also Valentines actions contradict his motives who the whole reason why he wanted the part in the first place. There's absolutely no reason why Valentine or Johnny couldn't have just been "Oh you wants the corpse parts? I want them for the same reason, let's team up" considering Johnny's motive to get them is just "I want them"
And yet you cant ignore VA (since you watch the eps) or its fans or the animeonlies who like it (because you attack them no matter what, sometimes for no reason)
Part 4 isn't good after Kira.
based and red hot chilly peppered
>And yet you cant ignore VA (since you watch the eps)
It's just a part of being an allpartschad. Gotta see the good and the bad.
Fair enough, partshitter posterchild
What's with Digibro and why won't people shut up about it when I'm talking JoJo these days?
Anyways, I'm reading SBR and holy shit, the whole mountain thing with the words and the dinosaurs is so fucking stupid. I've barely started reading and it already feels like Araki turned into a crack addict after Part 6
>the mountain thing with the words
It's a Devil's Palm. It can reshape the landscape to whatever it wants.
Also what's wrong with Scary Monsters?
johnny and gyro's pose is top tier
Digibro is an autistic lolicon who can't appreciate the masculine glory that is JoJo or even fathom the idea of other people appreciating it.
He's filled with rage because his only criteria for good character design is fuckability and the only things he finds fuckable are little girls who are drawn to practically look like babies.
>I want them for the same reason, let's team up
That's basically Passione versus La Squadra. Vento Aureo and SBR are my favourite parts and could be resolved easily. Still, I like them for the whole thing but specially those points in common are absurd.
Trips confirm.
Only the first three parts are the masculine glory though and he saw them. I think he actually read PB earlier than the majority of fags here.
Digibro was introduced to JoJo through the OVA.
Which means his first part was part 3.
Which means he skipped parts.
And he bragged about it.
>Passione versus La Squadra was just a misunderstanding, guys!
Stop this meme. La Squadra were assassins who wanted to kill Trish after torturing her to glean information about the boss. They wanted control over Diavolo's drug empire. Even ignoring the fact that 4 out of the 6 members of Buccellati's gang had no idea that 2 of the 6 were out to kill the boss, they still didn't want any harm to come to Trish, which the hitmen were dead-set on bringing. And even if Giorno could convince them that working together for the time being would be the right move, Diavolo would know of it and prepare accordingly. And even if they managed to find and defeat him after all that, a gang war would be inevitable. One side would still have to decimate the other to vye for control.
This. In the very first encounter between Narancia and Formaggio, it's established that Bruno's gang sees the hitman team as pure scum.
Seeing it first doesn't make you an authority on shit. Digibro is Nostalgia Critic levels of raving autistic shittard. Especially when it comes to anything that isn't some generic uguuu faggot shit
i LOVE stone ocean, plot has good direction and it's fights are great
but...but it's ending is so sad... ;_;
it's not just the end of a story arc but it's the end of an entire series technically
phantom blood: all the craziness of JOJO in 80's manga skin
battle tendancy: jojo begins to get uniquely crazy
stardust crusaders: becomes iconic JOJO
diamond is unbreakable: continuation of sdc excellence but has story issues until introducing kira
vento aureo: excellent all the way through, hits its stride early on
stone ocean: excellent all the way through, hits its stride early on
steel ball run: excellent all the way through, hits its stride early on
jojolion: araki has no clue what he's doing but at least we still have an ongoing jojo
I never thought it was a misunderstanding, more like "both wanted to kill boss so why they are killing each other", but you guys are right, La Squadra's intentions were different from Giorno's intentions and in the end there's no way an agreement would work.
Do you think they will they tease Polnareff next OP?
Is anyone else really excited for the 7-page beatdown? The handled the dance well and this is almost as much of a meme. In relation to Steely Dan's beatdown it'll probably take a good minute.
>steel ball run: excellent all the way through, hits its stride early on
Nah. More like an interesting concept that gets flat out butchered in the first several volumes and then slowly gains traction until about halfway through, where it gets fucking amazing.
So what do you guys think kaato's stand name is going to be?
I've heard Queens of the Stone Age come up, but haven't heard many other guesses
JoJo is fucking gay yes?
What if they pad out Brunos flashback and the gang on the boat too much and the ep doesn't end with a donuting.
everything is true but battle should be way lower
do you people just look up jojo thread, not read the op, and then post?
Is Pucci black? Let me know what you think.
How many hours until episide 20 is out?
he's tan
yes? why u asking
He's Italian, so obviously yes.
Shit, now that actually reminds me that Giorno started out like Dio. iirc, Dio despised his dad because of what he did to his mom.
Where can I watch Golden Wind of Jojo?
>steel ball run: excellent all the way through, hits its stride early on
It's actually the other way around. The first few chapters were hella slow but it got better
Of course not. This is not the face of a black man.
Lurk for two years before posting.
>when the fuck is the main villian gonna show up
The beginning of SBR is fun, I liked the mystery of stands and the ability those with weak/no stands to be threatening.
Stone ocean is my favorite from the stand parts (3-6). The fights were really creative and out there. I liked how there was more hand to hand fighting with some pretty bloody results (Pucci and Jolyne going at it was a fresh take on hero vs villain fight in jojo). I also like Pucci as a villain. It was fun seeing him barely survive most of his fights, while taking out hero after hero. Cant wait for the anime.