New chapter out.
Kaguya 139
What sorts of things has Fujiwara done to Kaguya while she was in this states the previous times?
Prez has good taste.
Thanks for the dump!
Sure, it's no problem. I'm just doing it since we usually always have a separate thread for a chapter release, and recently there's been too many constant threads.
Finally no shitty korean shit
And that's it, chapter end. Apparently next chapter will feature Iino, or something relating to her will happen. Since we're counting down until Christmas, and the number of chapters to end the volume is apparently still not met, i'm guessing he'll manage to talk to her when it arrives.
Geniuses at work
This is that good shit
Yes, it says next issue is a miko event
So S2 is basically guranteed right?
BDs selling like shit, the manga had no change in sales because of the anime, and the manga sales have been dropping. It's also getting bad placements in rankings on the magazine. I'd give it 6 months before canned.
I didn't hear they were making this change until now.
>spent 300 energy and 50$
>still no Kaguya-chan
>BDs selling like shit
It's been holding a good spot for a while now. If you mean actual sales total, no anime has been selling well BD wise these days
>the manga had no change in sales
Literally boosted every single volume available to top 40 for a while, and as far as i'm seeing on platforms over there, lots of new readers got introduced to the series thanks to the anime picking their interest.
Actually check out on what you're talking about before spouting lies, it's currently selling a lot, even reaching the top 10 among more best selling stuff.
>shitty korean-eng translation said "YOU'LL BE 18 IN 2022"
This sounds like utter bullshit to me.
>Thats my secret Captain...
There's a reason nobody uses secondary translations for scanlations, and uses the original instead. Plus the user who made the translation asked everyone else not to typeset his stuff anyway, since his wording and TL are still on awkward tier.
Nothing Happens: The Chapter
>8th most grossing media franchise since start of year
What chapter is the one where Fujiwara calls Ishigami and prez industrial waste?
Why are you reading a comedy manga?
Well yeah, they're both confused since the overly lewd kiss made Prez extremely confused, and Kaguya is afraid of how quick she went and Prez thinking she's a slut.
The countdown means we'll probably get it resolved soon enough, and it even specified that it's lunchtime.
>he doesn't like the gag chapters
wew. I remember when the shitposters in the threads were people complaining that the manga was moving too fast and it was losing the the episodic gag format.
In what situation you misread a girl that suddenly french kisses you?
Otterfags i swear
You'll get several more consecutive gag chapters and you're gonna LIKE them.
Monster virgin detected.
Why make thousands of threads about this shitty manga? No one cares about this crap. You're not convincing anyone to read this garbage romcom. Fuck off.
Prez and Kaguya are complete utter retards when it comes to love. And the lewd kiss made his "How cute" delusion even stronger on how absurd it is.
Reminder that Prez will impregnate her on Christmas
What does he have in store for lino in the next chapter?
The situation where you've been playing psychological one-upmanship with the girl for as long as you've known them.
O kawaii koto
>artistic license only goes so far
>This is much worse than before the ultra romantic confession
I feel the author somehow knows that this manga has already had the claws of normie, reddit, and possibly tumblr fags inserted into it and is just trying to warn the old followers who liked it before the kiss, that we have reached shark jumping territory and that it would be safe to leave the ship now before its original spirit dies due to pr stunts and advertisement.
You thought we have beaten status quo ?
How cute
Are you retarded? Japan doesn't care about any of that. Also, it's been reddits top favorite or at least one of it's darlings for a long ass time now.
Are you just trying to say stupid stuff on purpose or something? Cause the situation is worse because Kaguya is now a complete retard, but that doesn't mean it won't solve itself after a while.
The author doesn't even write those blurbs you idiot
Chapter's been out for days
Stop talking shit about people that is doing a favor
>Ishigami 2
Second hand rushed Korean TL, that missed made errors, and didn't include the child like talk doesn't count user.
Shitposters gonna shitpost
>dropping a work because reddit likes thing
>giving a damn what reddit thinks about thing
>looking to reddit for permission on whether you can like thing or not
Stop trying to fit in.
>Stop giving criticism to people doing a bad job at something
I think you're mistaken user, this isn't reddit where that is frowned upon.
So why didn't he have these delusions when he was asking Kaguya to come to Stanford with him? There was prime how cute potential in that scenario
who does then?
Threads are forever ruined because you impatient faggots can't wait and settle for shit quality scans while posting unmarked spoilers everywhere and have the gall to start scanlation drama as well.
What a great favor indeed.
>t. Jaimini nigger
He was completely sure he could pull it off and had total confidence so that didn't happen, now he's confused and embarrassed due to having his throat cleaned up by a tongue.
It's not really Korean user's fault, since he was just doing a quick job so we could understand the gist of the chapter. The korean scans he was working off were bad to begin with, anyway.
He explicitly avoided confessing because he was still playing the game user. Stop speedreading.
Yeah, fuck shit scans, not even paying attention to them
Could you prove the point any harder?
How can you shrink back into the body of elementary schooler just because of mental condition?
I don't like how Jaimini handle their work but the translations are good, I really just wish people wouldn't post spoilers everywhere. Getting the kiss spoilt for me because some idiots were posting it everywhere and even making threads just flashing the image off as the OP, that was a sad fucking day.
>t. Jaimini nigger
The editor/magazine. They are omitted in the volume release.
I don't mean Korean user as well. He did warn everyone his translation was quick and faulty, and the Korean scans themselves can't be trusted since they're done in a rush themselves, and miss out or translate stuff wrong from time to time. He made it quite clear that was subpar, my problem is with anons who like to attract drama to shit up the threads typesetting it against his wishes, and using LQ watermarked scans.
>Hey guys, I really hate reddit, but I also love talking about it, let me just do something that will surely shit up the threads further so I can bitch about reddit more.
>Gook TL comes out
>Jaimini niggers post TL on a Thursday
That wasn't the point, he still would've been by btfo'd by howcuteguya just the same, because you don't just ask someone to come to another country with you unless they're really special to you.
The point I was trying to make is that Aka could've just placed a how cute gag there to preserve that part of his character, but he chose not to because it shows that Prez doesn't care about that over actually being with Kaguya.
How long has it been since the last "How cute..."
Does anyone know if Chinese scans can be gotten early? I feel like I could do a better job than Korean user of making early translations.
that's the best part of the whole ordeal
Why should people care if some random faggot gets spoiled?
Fuck off back to your Jewmini safespace discord server, nigger.
Yeah the shitty scans have been out, this one is much better no reason to not post this.
I hope they continue getting sniped. Faggots who wait till Saturday/Sunday to post a chapter deserve it.
Same, I can barely browse these threads now because no one knows how to use spoilers correctly. At least the shitposting about the Fuji ED has died down more or less
I got one first try, guess you have no luck.
>Shitty Korean TL is used to attract reddit
>Anons responsible act like it's a victory
>Love it when reddit shows up despite not wanting them here and anyone who complains is reddit
Man, what happened to Yea Forums.
Anyone disagreeing with this is a discordnigger
I don't mind the shitposting, but I swear there was never any dissonance or rivalry between those who read the user-translated gook scans and those who waited for english translations before the anime came out, but I also can't work out a damn reason how those things would affect eachother
Quite recently actually. It's in small text though so it's kind of hard to see.
is this doujins?
What the fuck was she up all night doing to look like this?
>I swear there was never any dissonance or rivalry between those who read the user-translated gook scans and those who waited for english translations before the anime came out
Did you forget all about the post-Jag scanlation wars?
Shut the fuck up about it already. It's like you faggots want to go back to the days where Fans scans retards were destroying the threads with shitposting because of Yea Forumsnon scans publishing their own stuff alongside them.
dry humping her pillow
I remember people being pissy about jaimini being witholding little bitches and acting like prissy self important fuckers, and they were right to be pissy cause it sucked but it ain't solved anything unfortunately.
I think a while ago when Jaimini were really out of sync and not doing anything some anons typeset the gook translation and popped it on mangadex early and then suddenly Jaimini hurried their fucking act up, I think if we do that again once in a while they'll pull their shit together and realize they're not getting away with it so easilly
Where does it say its a miko chapter?
I'd rather have scanlator drama than sucking jaimeme's dick just to have delayed scanlations.
The ones post jag were fans scans though.
>digital raws come out on wednesday
>chapter drops on Thursday/Friday
Why are you so mad?
>mentally unstable
Fuck off, if you love reddit that much go make an account and go talk to them there. Nobody's sucking anyone off, you're just trying to attract shit for no reason.
how can you manage to speedread one chapter
why did they release it early? because they felt threatened? seems unlikely
Fuck of nigger. I hope they continue to get sniped once in a while just so they are forced to do their job on time. They brought this on themselves by sniping the Yea Forums group. Now do it properly.
Not him but, didn't Yea Forums scans just stop once the Jaimini took over? I remember they didn't feel the need to keep it up since fans was the one shitting up the place, so they didn't want to continue when they stopped.
Yea Forums scans died solely because of its own internal issues. Not to mention they were even slower than Fan Scans/Jaimini at the time.
Why am I responding seriously to this?
>nobody's sucking anyone off
>"bawww, why was jaimeme sniped? they always do a good job and i'm glad to support them. they should be THE ONLY ONES allowed to scanlate kaguya"
>They brought this on themselves by sniping the Yea Forums group
Thank god they got sniped. Those fuckers were releasing two weeks late
This thread is shit.
Read my first post again you ultimate nigger. I'm not saying other scans can't happen, i'm just saying your entire deal is to make someone else butthurt and attract it here so the threads become inhabitable because you want to "laugh at the butthurt", despite not even having decent scans or a translation to be able to do so.
If you can get a group started and do a decent job i'll be happy, but all you're doing here is making an attempt to create a shitfest for no reason like in the fans scans days.
Stop shoving words in my mouth because you have no argument and go live off your welfare check while looking for daddy.
>Yea Forums
It was dropout pretending to be anons. We all know how Juliet scans have been going.
>based STALKER threatening with legal action
Not so based anymore, huh? He was a jaimini shill all along.
Wait, the Yea Forums group was Dropout?
Every new kaguya thread there's less and less replies to the pages talking about them and more and more of people just fucking complaining and arguing, I just want to talk about the thing I love, I don't even read it here first but when I see a new chapter out I run for the thread to talk with Yea Forumsnons about it like i have for so so many chapters now, but it just hurts at this point.
I want to go back. I want everyone to be happy and I want the people who read the gook scans to come to the translated thread too and engage with us and share their thoughts and feelings about the chapter with the people who didn't, and we can all be one dysfunctional, retarded, happy group of idiots reading about the stupid smart idiots in love
Whatever it is I trust this madman.
Wait, does that mean Fujiwara saw Kaguya in that state before meeting Prez and thus when she was still Ice Kaguya ? How did that even happen ?
The Yea Forums group were shit and always released much later than this. Im glad the Yea Forums group died.
I'm not laughing at the butthurt, I'm just glad the entitled jews at JB lost more than 30k views.
Someone needs to update this one now with the Pwez.
This isn't reddit we don't give a shit if some secondary nigger gets spoiled.
>kaguya thread turns into scantalator drama
Scanlation drama is a fucking horrendous and common cancer user, and so overwhelming is the drama that actual discussion of the series being translated falls to the way-side between petty gripes, prancing and peacocking over snipes. Pathetic.
Jesus fuck, can you get any more obviously Yea Forums. Is Wojak and Pepe spam not enough for a subhuman like you
We need more manga only threads (only concerned with the current chapter). Starting a new thread for a new dump.
Can't Kaguya go beyond Srare+ stupid? What happens if she achieves 90% happiness and 10% escapism?
Funny thing is. I'm pretty sure it's just anons bitching at each other for the most part, and others convinced it's reddit complaining or something and adding to the fire.
So JBros, how much did you get paid to shill on Yea Forums?
Ah, good ol' troll chapter right after an arc. Classic Aka.
I think I figured out. He's trying to purify the otterfags. He's going to corner them while giving them bait at the same time, until they're forced to admit Nisekoi is not the endgame of any meandering in a romcom.
So the anons complaining are just doing so because they want to suck off the other reddit group they like better?
There is nothing to discuss, the chapter was translated more than a day ago.
>people are shitting on JB
>t-they must be doing it for someone who was translating this a year ago!!!
grasping at straws, shill
How did Nisekoi get so popular anyway when everyone clearly hates it?
I applaud your efforts but it's far-reaching to think the autists who actually argue about scanlation backroom bitching won't follow.
You have a terrible case of newfags who think calling everything reddit hides their new, scanlator autists who think anyone cares and all samefagging hard whilst ignoring how badly they are hurting thread quality.
I just want to post Bakaga
Because the dynamic and early setups were fun, and people wanted to see where it goes.
I kinda miss it, in a way
You have the whole series plus the absolute game changer that is the kiss, plenty to speculate on the coming changes unless you're an unironic otterfag.
Uhm, anons, why don't you CARE that we were sniped? Can you please shit up the threads more with us? Please please please?
Imagine being this triggered about translating a chinese comic book.
Nisekoi wasn't so obviously a mobius strip plus the author wasn't strapped into writer hell yet. Writer hell is being stuck in a status quo and unwilling or unable or lacking the confidence to make changes which means that the dragged out ''''romance'''' actually murders characters as their intelligence has to be forever undermined to maintain it.
I have a feeling he's going to be saying this a lot in the future...
At least until they end up tainted by America college culture, and he becomes a cuck while Kaguya has 3 other boyfriends of various colors.
They were probably promised special roles on discord :^)
Yea Forums doesn't deserve Kaguya anymore
Yeah, let's repost the same jokes again.
We've reached a level of irony that I can no longer tell what this is supposed to be arguing for.
Please never post again.
It was kinda good in the beginning and at the time there wasnt much things that were similar to it and popular and once people read it they couldnt stop no matter how bad it became. So it easily hooked many people and slowly tortured them as the story continued.
Are you an otterfag? You have a confession turn make-out session so grand it broke their brains and you have nothing to discuss?
Next game will be the two trying to make the other ask them on a date.
I literally have no affiliation with them user, stop thinking anyone who dislikes all this crap has to be shilling for someone. I just dislike all sides on this.
It's arguing that the only people who would care about the scanlation drama are the scanlators themselves. The gook TLed chapter had no drama whatsoever. JB posts the chapter on Yea Forums and suddenly it's a dumpster fire. There's only one group of people who are mad about this ordeal, and they're the ones shitting up the threads.
It reminds me a lot of how Seo writes and operates.
God save the souls of Yea Forumsnons lost to Seo's endless bullshit when we were young and ignorant.
Shut up bitch, eat your soup
>nothing happened
Waifuism. Tsugumi best girl
>everyone who dislikes the kaguya general circlejerk stale forced memes must be an otternigger
Half-sleep Kaguya is actually creepy.
General threads kill everything.
You say there is nothing new to discuss and that all threads are retreads of stagnant content despite a series changer only a few chapters ago.
You don't post with the image, but you are an otterfag.
See that's the thing, there are plenty of shitty romcoms to fawn over. Nisekoi's girls feel like nothing special, further amplified by the fact that the story is awful.
Did you mean... People who leech ad revenue via retarded delays?
Jesus Christ, I didn't dump this chapter just so anons would act like they're back on the old days of scanlation drama. Calm the fuck down.
What's the point of shitting up the thread with unrelated shit to the manga?
Is there really anyone here who wasn't okay with the snipe? All I'm seeing is one faggot trying to derail the thread by bitching about Jaimini even though no one gives a fuck.
None but off they go, they've tied their ego to this thing which is why a usually good time manga has so many autists taking things personally.
What the fuck am i reading?
It isn't one user, it's one member of jaimini's box who is mad about it and this is the only place he could vent.
Prez dived in not caring for the How Cute cause the situation was too important, it was do or die
He was actually pretty surprised she agreed to come. He was mainly expecting having to actually confess and then have a four year long distance relationship.
Good on him to still prepare for every scenario and prepare the recommendation letter for her
I swear this shit is being done by the one user who was ok with the dropout taking 2 weeks each to post when a new chapter came out, and finding a new target to bitch at after all this time, so he can justify it. Anons keeps going "JB is bitching" but all i'm seeing is anons complaining about shit translations being used, and noticing the mistakes now, and people screaming that JB are the ones shitting up the place.
Most Kaguya threads now are 50% discordniggers 30% ircniggers and 20% Yea Forums
I'm not seeing any venting here, just jaminigger and jewmini posting. The retard who's posting that is arguing with someone who's not even on Yea Forums in the first place.
People were still mad about Double Arts and wanted to support the author.
>I swear this shit is being done by the one user
Is it not a dead giveaway with his posting style?
Think about it logically, who except jaimini's box and discordfags would be angry, and why?
I literally have no idea what you're talking about. I dumped this last time as well, and it was super calm, and only the ocasional retard came about. The only thing i'm seeing here are people clamoring about JB this and JB that, and shitting up the place more.
Since you seem to know so much about it, i'm guessing you frequent those places too, just stop bringing unrelated shit to the threads.
If you opened up discord and went on their server you would find them discussing this very thread and discussing the replies that they got, including screenshots of posts. This post is accurate , although I don't know anything about IRC.
Anons who don't like gook shit and bad translations? Have you been on Yea Forums for like 1 day to not know most anons don't like translations being scanlated with another group's stuff, since it's always bound to have mistakes or missed nuances?
Have you been on Yea Forums for one day to not know that JB has been hated for literally years? Fuck off back where you came from.
How about you post some screenshots of said discussion then.
Then why the fuck can't this faggot take his thread derailing shitposting and bring it over there? Most of the people here aren't JBfaggots, literally no one here cares about the snipe.
I was just answering your question, I haven't talked about jaimi in all the thread
They've posted it before on here and on reddit too. They want people to stop posting gook translations, and want them to only do gook "summaries". So JB won't get sniped.
Silly user, you're responding to the same user shitting up these threads saying "fuck JB"
Wouldn't they just lose their incentive to work faster if they get sniped before they even have access to the digitals or is there some other factor that would make them want to rush after the speedscans were already released?
Where were you when the otterchads won?
Good lord, unless this manga takes place in a reality that hasn't let loons over run the universities in America, these two are going to come back way worse than Fujiwara. Kaguya isn't ugly or fat, and has a proper man, so she will probably be safe from modern day feminism at least.
Kaguya with a tramp stamp, taking duck faced selfies, and uploading videos of her twerking on social media
It's a chapter everyone's already read. Sure, the quality was pretty shit this time, but if we get a better translator that won't be the case. The sooner they release a chapter that is better in quality, the less people will read the shitty version. Keep in mind they do it for the ad money.
When they sniped the Yea Forums group, they were releasing as early as Wednesday. When they won, they got complacient and there was the time they released the chapter as late as Sunday.
Don't misunderstand. Those faggots love to see reddit sucking their cock. Too much to resist being triggered by any attempt to snipe the manga.
When was this?
I'm not talking about those assblasted redditors, I'm talking about this one retarded user who keeps posting "jewmini" as if the group he's attacking is in here.
And literally no user is complaining about the snipe, people were just pointing out the mistakes the koreans made in their scans.
The plane is going to crash
Like what are you even on about? Plenty of redditors/discordfags complained in this and the previous thread.
user please, I've been reading it on Yea Forums since it was on monthly, saw it get dropped by Jag and then the ensuing scanlation war. After JB picked up things calmed down, and nobody even really care about scanlator shit anymore unless to complain about a chapter taking a day or so longer to come out. If you're going to pretend at least know how the threads usually go. Things started to go to shit after we started getting General like threads.
It's an alternate reality.
Yeah. A lot of people seem to forget that they use to release chapters more consistently on friday night/Saturday evening, which was jarring for anons since we got them Thursday afternoonish during the Jag days.
Easily one of the worst chapters ever
Then you should know why no one likes JB, and how this is not exclusive to kaguya threads but Yea Forums in general.
Still better than Fujiwara training arc #100000.
It's a fine chapter and will be looked back on as such, the only issue is this stalls the actual fallout for the TONGUE by another chapter which of course is just edging unbearably for Yea Forums at present.
>her boyfriend
>her son
It makes sense though,
>knock if off
Is this why they're always 4 days late? Is that how long it takes to proofread?
user, you don't get to speak for everyone. I never gave a shit so long as it has someone working on it, and when the shitscans dropped the only ones making a fuss were the ones clamoring for the "great snipe" or something, and very little in the way of complaining. I'm sure there's a few retards from reddit here, but anons have complained about bad quality shit before. Either way this is a fruitless endeavor, all it's doing it shitting up this thread further, so I guess there's not much point in keeping it up.
>Like what are you even on about?
No one here gives a fuck about JB, so faggots should stop shitting up threads because they're not even fucking here. Take this shit to reddit/discord where those faggots actually are.
They were too scared of losing all that sweet ad money user.
They have ads?
Raws aren't available until Wednesday though. They took 1 day to scan it now. Lhscans uploaded their 20 or so hours ago for example.
>It's a fine chapter
No, it isn't. This chapter is exactly what I hate about gag manga, too much filler. If there's any hint of progress the next chapter is back to status quo.
I agree, but in my case it's only because I really don't like how Chibiguya looks. I know she's supposed to have a retarded side, but even Bakaguya in Kaguya's mind was somewhat graceful, and cunning enough to understand she needed countermeasures to her dad, and even fever ridden Kaguya had some sort of awareness about her condition.
Kaguya simply going full stupid doesn't fit her. Or anyone in this manga for that matter.
Cute chapter.
>Scanlation Wars 2: Electric Boogaloo
Please. The first time was bad enough.
Of course they do
What the hell happened?
I hadn't realized.
Kaguya always had filler chapters here and there though, even after a major event had just happened, like the balloon chapter.
Plus keep in mind, the countown and the chapter talking about how they're on "lunchtime" next chapter may happen on the same day, and the next one after that too, and Kaguya can end up recovering and they can talk about.
Read the chapter? It's explained literally the next page you replied.
Or rather, the chapter in the SC that follows a big arc is always a filler. I don't know what the big surprise is.
>Literally pretending to be retarded
What the fuck is this?
There is no war.
All I see is pure hate embraced as a culture by handful of people.
I personally respect people who bring about the best available quality at this moment, almost selflessly. To find things to hate in this is to subject yourself to a twisted outlook on exchange of valuable products.
Stick with quality, support the people bringing you that quality.
First time posting on Yea Forums, so I expect some assuring that I don't get the culture. Don't think I'll return tho.
Secondaries and shitposters
Any regular knows that after a big event there is a cool down period. We've had two chapters evading but we'll be in a new world eventually as both mains can't be without their brains forever.
Good. Fuck off back whence you came from and never return you colossal faggot.
>mentally unstable
And here it is folks, proof that discordshitters are shitting up the threads
>almost selflessly
Their site is filled with ads.
>The Culture Festival Arc was longer than anyone could have imagined
That explains the rushed pace of the earlier chapters. He had more to write than he thought he did.
I was worried Aka lost his touch.
>almost selflessly
>JB literally works for money
really makes you think
Your morals and appreciation of free quality content is wasted here. Only toxicity and entitlement is allowed.
>Kaguya always had filler chapters here and there
I'm aware but I've never liked them and I don't wanna buy the manga because I know every time I read this arc I'll always get to this dumb looking Kaguya and it's not even funny.
She should really make those random guys who compliment her on the street wear condoms. I know she's rich and can easily afford as many abortions as she needs, but still, a lot less trouble to just make them bag it.
>hate embraced as a culture
And you people say discordfags aren't invading the threads.
Oh nooo, not ads! Tiny ads that you can barely even tell are there, how fucking dare they not do everything we want completely for free as quickly and as perfectly as possible!
That's why I said almost. Viz get paid a shitton more and look at them releasing... what, exactly?
Btw, not affiliated with Disc or reddit or w/e. I come from Belarussian side of things.
I'm pretty sure Miko and I are safe, user
Kill yourself
Who doesn't use an adblocker? Fucking nigger
The series is like 70% pure comedy chapters, how the fuck are you still reading
Yea Forums always likes to get spoiled as early as possible. If newfags and lurking redditors don't like it, then fucking ignore the threads until JB dumps it. I don't see what the big problem is. Someone translated the korean raws in a thread, and then another guy scanlated it. It's just an early version for those who don't want to wait. Stop fucking whining about quality. It was never meant to be another scanlation war unless you faggots tried to bring it up.
Something like this, I think
It was posted on Mangadex for everyone to feast on, though.
So? Why do you fucking care? You do you, JBnigger.
>Waah, we don't want people to read from places other thsn our website. Wait for your fucking two weeks if you don't want to give us ad money
Yea Forums always likes to get spoiled as early as possible. If newfags and lurking redditors don't like it, then fucking ignore the threads until JB dumps it. I don't see what the big problem is. Someone translated the korean raws in a thread, and then another guy scanlated it. It's just an early version for those who don't want to wait. Stop fucking whining about quality. It was never meant to be another scanlation war unless you faggots tried to bring it up.
Profiting from unofficial translations is very scummy and should never be supported. There are groups willing to do it for free but they don't do it because of JB's personal army.
I bet the niggers at Jaimini don't even support the author.
>Ishi just How Cute'd Kaguya
Any other day he would've died before he finished that sentence.
Is a good chapter.
There's really no scanlation war. Thread just went to shit when a few anons were pointing out mistakes in the gook scans then a few retards misunderstood that as JBshilling
Read the thread. Stop pretending there's not at least 2 discordniggers shilling for JB right fucking now.
She has to clean herself after she gets dragged trough the bathroom floor and spit on.
Does it even count? He's only doing it because Kaguya is too stupid to understand what's even going on.
I always knew cute animal girls were a lot like pets
Yea Forums is pretending to have morals now?
You're not even trying to pretend that you aren't from here, are you?
This, how the fuck did these niggers even lasted till fireworks
>I've always wished I could talk to animals
He'd better pray Kaguya does not get to remember anything in that state.
>le epic Yea Forums amoral hacker
Fuck off back to where you came from, retard.
She couldn't remember Prez figered her so he should be safe,untill fujiwara throws him under the bus
I'm convinced they didn't, it's speedreaders and secondaries complaining about the way the series has operated since the beginning.
It's not Nisekoi, progress is happening, but it's still a comedy manga at heart, albeit with some truly shining moments that BTFO most other romance works.
>See that's the thing, there are plenty of shitty romcoms to fawn over. Nisekoi's girls feel like nothing special, further amplified by the fact that the story is awful.
If you say so.
They cant shitpost and ruin your threads with scanlator bullshit if you ignore them and the samefagging. They want the drama because it's all they care about, not the series itself.
>otterfags obliterated by the kiss -> uncensored kiss -> french kiss combo by aka the madman
>things calm down afterwards from the climax
>otterfags proclaim victory because aka knows how to write a manga with ups and downs
This fucking thread
>supposed oldfags moralfagging
>supposed oldfags saying there has never been moral here
>supposed oldfags answering seriously to newfags and bait
The week by week BTFO was so deliciously sweet.
they literally link to the threads in their discords, what did you expect?
>65 posters
>258 replies
Cool thread
Off topic, but that's one thing I'll never understand about girls. They always complain about how long the lines are and how crowded it is in their bathrooms, yet they don't seem to realize a big part of that is them going in groups or pairs.
Not that the act itself is retarded. Public bathrooms aren't the wilderness, you don't need a toilet buddy. And the ones that go in there to gossip? Oh yes, what a great place to have a conversation, among the smells and sounds of random strangers pissing and shitting in a crowded room.
>above fucking love live
What the hell is this?
>gridman threads ruined by yuri and immense amounts of samefagging and complaining about samefagging in a circle
>every mob episode thread filled with unspoilered spoilers from the manga in both text and image form
>kaguya anime initial subs were godawful and have to be fixed
>kaguya threads now in nonsense war over stupid things
I can't take it anymore anons. everything I love gets shat on or becomes shit or gets ruined for me. This is just from the last two seasons. It's getting exponentially worse.
4 pages when
Hop on on Facebook, we have the best discussion there.
>gridman threads ruined by yuri
Blame that on the writers, not the fags here.
I'll just wait for the next manga thread (or make one myself)before I start posting relevant discussion topics again. Threads only go to shit if everyone lets it happen
>***,200 (â–³***,209) *2,666p Kaguya wants to be confessed
Looks like meme dances aren't enough to sell a show.
I need sauce on that chief
Looks like meme dances are enough to sell a show.
It's flopping.
>truly the thought process of a virgin
This made me laugh more than it should
Maybe she's just a slut.
I'm afraid you can't warp reality no matter how many times you say it.
rengoku no karma, not much of female bullying on what has been translated though.
Her entrance is just hilarious, this panel is pure comedy to me.
If that's flopping I can't imagine how the other shows below it are doing, probably on death row
even a serie over 500 can't be considerate as flop.
Its doing good
How did Kaguya even get into a state like that before?
Also, I always forget just how well Fujiwara understands Kaguya. She outright acknowledges the "mental instability" and cold heart, and yet she still completely adores her. It's honestly worthy of respect. She also has great taste.
Damn it, Hayasaka. It was you who pushed her into this.
I wonder just what she felt when she let her go to school. It wasn't even the first time, apparently.
Prez is obvious, but Ishi is surprising. I honestly felt she did appreciate Fuji more than him.
Maybe it's her jealousy, or maybe she just doesn't feel much affection for her in the moment, since F triggered her with boobs.
If Kaguya remembers this, Ishigami is dead to her.
What would Iino even think about the refined Bakaguya? She still thinks Kaguya is scary. Maybe she will start figuring her out a bit next chapter?
Not for a series with this budget.
It's a flop.
To be fair Prez has a point, if you have sex with a girl, doesn't mean that you are married.
5toubun dropped like a rock. Wasn't it doing better than Kaguya? Weren't they baiting otaku with tickets to see the VAs?
stop replying to bait.
The big share is still going to A1's darling SAO. If you look closely, Kaguya takes a lot of the shortcuts Shinbo normally uses in his power point presentations.
Amazing, thank you.
>How did that even happen ?
Considering she's said she's only seen Kaguya-chan 3 times, and they've been friends since childhood; it's not that out of the question.
>Prez is obvious, but Ishi is surprising. I honestly felt she did appreciate Fuji more than him.
It's a surprise, but an understandable one. Kaguya and Ishigami have gotten a lot closer as senpai and kohai, to the point that he almost seems like a little brother to her.
this is about the series in general, not just the bd sales, all merchandise, and kaguya always was one of the best selling romcoms without an airing anime.
I dare guess all of those three times were from when she was starting to thaw. Middle school Kaguya had no concept of happiness. And Fujiwara did jack shit to change that.
we can only speculate, but she is in a childlike state, it might had been because she was annoyed at fuji for all that hugging.
You shouldn't reply to trolling Doomposters user.
Fujiwara and Kaguya don't really seem like friends to an outsider's point of view. Kaguya doesn't have the same dynamic she has with Ishigami or Kashiwagi.
All I've seen about their friendship is Fujiwara latching onto Kaguya while Kaguya barely tolerates her. Outside of that chapter when she acknowledged her, she almost never refers to Fujiwara as her friend.
No that's not selling in general.
fate and one piece's number are too low they usually sell 1 or 2 digits more
I made a gif version of these scans, since I think the childish talk is cute. Not the same user who made the previous one however.
>she almost never refers to Fujiwara as her friend
That's harsh considering Fujiwara would've still been her only friend to this day if she never broke out of her ice phase
And here's a slightly faster version.
That or their friendship is used as a joke, like Kaguya calling Fujiwara her precious friend only to disregard her text a second later, or imaging an ideal student council where Kashiwagi replaces Fujiwara, or inwardly cursing Fujiwara only to do a complete 180 and declare them friends a second later when Fujiwara does something nice for her.
Many Thanks man. Can you also do versions with the Japanese RAW?
Can someone post that gif of Miko hitting Ishigami?
thank you
>I didn't think I'd get to see you this year
Definitely pre-Iceguya, and independent of Shirogane.
You mean with the JP text? You can try swapping the words if you want, i'm not really interested in doing one with raws.
Double translations are inherently inferior, even if both translators were good.
That's just how language barriers work.
You're a good user, I'm not a fan of the constant threads either.
What also bothers me is that Fujiwara seems to be perfectly aware of Kaguya's issues, considering she knows about her being mentally unstable, yet she did nothing for her in all the years she was with her in middle school.
She calls her a friend but completely ignores her acting like a bitch without calling her out? Is that what a friend does?
Faster you say?
Why is so hard to understand that Japanese authors have no idea about what the west thinks and don't even care about it?
Actually wait, i'll do it real quick.
Not every friendship is the same or one size fit all. Some are beligerant, some act like they're practically married, it all depends on their personality. We also haven't seen how they became friends in middle school yet to assume this is how it's always been. Finally they do talk about how they sometimes act shitty, like the girl talk chapter.
I should have spoilered this
how will baka be voiced in the anime?
Here you go user. I just took the words out of the LHscan raws, since their scans are lower quality compared to the typeset chapter.
It is possible Fuji alone couldn't do much. Shinomiya brainwashing seems to be pretty thorough. And that way at least Kaguya had a friend.
Maybe F didn't feel comfortable changing Kaguya for some reason. I know I usually don''t challenge my friends on their worldviews much.
The main reason the brainwashing failed in the first place were probably her family mostly ignoring her and Hayasaka covering up for her. And Prez being Prez, of course.
Who is Fuji? A mountain?
Many Thanks again, user.
But we know Fujiwara isn't like that. She's a meddlesome girl by nature who volunteered first to help President the first time he needed training.
Something about their friendship is fucking weird, and it's not on Kaguya's side, since she's a kind girl at heart. From what we know from Kaguya, years of selfless friendship should have been enough to wear her down.
I've saved every one of these I've seen posted so far. No regrets.
I want to fuck Chika
Actually, it wasnt until prez that she finally started opening her heart to other people, even her 'friends'. She says as much to Sugardaddy the first time they meet in person at the sports event.
She herself says that the main reason she fell for President was that he proved to be a good person, with no interests attached. He was the first one to show her that, despite Fujiwara being her friend for god knows how long.
Is Ucchi the love-child of Prez and Kaguya?
what the FUCK I am reading?
>Hey Kaguya, want to be friends
Don't know about the second
>Subject F keeping Kaguya up during a sleepover
Obviously, Kaguya has now entered the path of Gacha.
I mean, really. What the fuck? Who green lighted this?
Aka is a man of wealth and taste.
problem, secondary?
i'm stunned. Having a hard time to believe that this is REALLY, unironically what we got after all this wait. Unbelievable
sure, otternigger.
what a fat butt
Read carefully the conditions required for the Srare kaguya.
Leave the cancer discord drama on plebbit please.
Deepest lore again, Aka.
Hayasaka has a hard life
imagine this girl resting on your arms after a long day of work
sure, otternigger.
Because the one-shot is unironically great and set a certain tone and pace that readers hoped the manga would follow, and then the series not only failed to meet those expectations but seemed to maliciously bait-and-switch the readerbase with hints of serious tone that quickly fell apart.
Love Live is a dead franchise
worst chapter i've ever read
Fever-san got it on his first free roll
Birds flock together. Fujiwara is not good person like Pres and Ishigami.
>otterniggers using my insult
nice chameleon, otternigger.
Shirogane has been willing to throw a match just not to hurt Fujiwara. He helps complete strangers just because he can. He's a good person. And Ishigami not being able to throw Ootomo under the bus to rescind his suspension and protecting Miko despite receiving only verbal abuse make him a good guy as well.
From the time Fujiwara helped Shirogane she hasn't been able to shut up about it. Plus for all she says about liking being admired, she plays with the girl who admires her like a toy.
I want hayasaka to snap and reveal her true power and get 1st place on the next exams
original user that made the gifs here. nice and any tips on making stuff like this
arent the chapters on mangadex the same as the ones on jewminibox, why do people care again
Follow what she said after: she started seeing that afterward there were others who didnt operate out of self interest, with both fujiwara and ishi in the panel.
Mangadex release the chapters like a week or 2 later than JB's release, some non-competition clause or something.
I did by making a layer mask, which is described here:
But there is a few ways like
that's stupid, what are discord niggers going to do, threaten to stop translating or something? lol
Shinomiya does not
Even compete by a
Sure, she's selfish, but it's not like Fujiwara ever asked for anything in return from Prez. It doesn't mean she's a bad person. At the very least, your argument for that is shallow.
And you could say expecting admiration and thankfulness from people for helping them isn't "noble" or something, but it's not wrong either, and it doesn't make a person not good. Good doesn't have to be nice. Kaguya is a good person too, even if she's selfish as fuck as well.
This or the ramen chapter. Fuck idiots who ironically like that cringy shit.
Her friends might not appreciate. She's been pretending for a long, long time.
fuck off
Which ramen chapter? The Student Council eats cup ramen or Fujiwara goes to the ramen stand chapter?
The only manga that did a slope very well was arguably Koe no Kotachi and that's cause everyone was stuck on a slide of pain and there was no getting off in sight.
Please leave then. No one will miss you
Could anyone with decent drawing skills replace "Pwez" with "user" or something similar' in I was thinking about making another version of this.
Close enough.
>this chapter
wait were the otters actually right all along?
is aka going to pull a nisekoi?
What did they mean by this casting?
Read between the lines dammit. There was no progress because Prez couldn't talk to her, but that doesn't mean it's completely back to status quo, only that their talk got delayed.
>implying it won't be repeatedly delayed ad infinium to keep the status quo with them being unable to confirm for 1000+ chapters a recurring joke
Stop falling for bait dammit.
get a life nerd. no wonder no one likes you (even your family)
Miko is now a rank hypocrite.
Here's how it's gonna play out. Prez is determined to talk to her about it "today" no matter what, and the chapter was taking place during lunchtime. Next we'll get some Iino focus, but it will most likely happen on the same day, then we'll jump back to kaguya, who took a nap and recovered and it will most likely be afternoon or time to leave for home already. Prez will then show up, and ask her where they stand, and that he wants to go out with her.
That way, he confirms their relationship at the chapter that would be the equivalent of the end of Volume 14, and we still have a spaghetti filled Christmas date.
Kaguya is precious.
This has to be a joke by Aka, there should be an omake showing them all reacting to the live action show and Miko's horrified face
How is the artist's name in this piece spelled? I cannot make out the last 2(?) letters after Aom.
Does Hirano do the type of ASMR Miko listens to?
Are the doujin or 4koma canon?
4-koma yeah, the doujin no.
Don't you remember that time she threw a jealous fit over her shirogan's dancing lesson being usurped? Her complaints about Shirogane's training arcs are in jest. She plays with everyone like a toy, Iino is no exception. Her whole persona is messing with others.
Wait, is that actually Sho Hirano? I thought it might be, but seriously?
Nevermind, managed to figure it out.
The whole bloodline is tainted!
Fujiwara is a creature of evil and should be treated as such
Is what I am reading real? A manga focused on a romantic relationship actually delivered in a wholesome and non-autistic way and people are actually mad about this?
I mean, I now understand why authors never do real romance if kissing makes people do damn mad for reasons I don't even understand.
>people are actually mad about this?
Otterfags aren't people
>non-autistic way
I wouldn't go that far.
Holy shit, that's extremely impressive. Congrats Aka.
>monogatari still charting
>non-autistic way
>girl lost her ability to think right afterward and nobody can communicate with her
End of vol 14 they fug
I really want to domestically abuse Miko Iino.
Go away Fujiwara
No you don't understand, she wanted this.
Iino is a repressed catholic school girl who's really freaky
Miko is a slut
she's just misguided. she's never had the context to express her desires in a normal way that's all
What chapter
No she is my wife.
Official Doujin Chapter 10
Can Aka fund "ib: Instant Bullet - Re:Chain of Memories" by now with how well Kaguya has done?
Das it mane
why'd they make 5touban such high QUALITY?
I recall reading that he lost the angst that made ib Instant bullet possible. It's gone my man. I only discovered Kaguya because of Instant bullet but it's time to let go.
Well then..
What pose will her first figure be in?
All of the above.
Nips have been saying on twitter that they found a post from Aka from two years ago where he said he was a virgin. How is a virgin able to make such a good romance series?
You could call him a.. monster virgin
He literally says the reason himself in the manga using his self-insert ishigami
She became something even lower than Bakaguya.
Because it's a romance story about two virgins with a completely dysfunctional relationship, and their virgin friends.
See this is what I needed
based aka making clear that his characters will be 18 when he inevitably writes his 4-page long sex scene
>Aka is a virgin
How cute
Is Karen okay? Was she taken to the nurse room? I wish shippers were all this cute.
Doesn't that mean Ishigami is right to be her natural enemy and break her down if her persona is like that?
What does Aka think of Kingdom Hearts?
She's dead, user.
Shit. And I was so sure Maki would be the first to die.
Oh well. At least Karen died of pure happiness. It's a shame Erika will no longer have someone to hold hands with.
Erika will just steal discount Kaguya's hands
But Shirogane is 17.
Kaguya should still be 16 for around another week, too, unless she's a year older than all of the other second-years for some reason. Probably either Aka messed up the ages again or her brain's so messed up right now that she even got her own age wrong.
> only adults can go outside Japan
is this true?
You mean, with or without adult supervision?
>Have you been on Yea Forums for like 1 day to not know most anons don't like translations being scanlated with another group's stuff, since it's always bound to have mistakes or missed nuances?
Have YOU been on Yea Forums for like 1 day? 90% of the people here are cancerous shitposters and they LOVE getting shit early.
Kaguya-san gachashit when?
Don't get fooled, you guys. Remember, behind that cute face lies the heart of a lecherous nymphomaniac.
>heart of a lecherous nymphomaniac
I want to be fooled then
>BDs selling like shit
>industry evolved to monetize a lot from streaming
jokes on you
Is it rape if I want to be raped?
No idea but they make a great comedy duo.
>yfw the live action adapts several of the setup chapters and segways into Dual Confession
Would be decent desu
That's not how it works.
>4 days late
More like 4 days after the shitty korean speedscans
We've been getting these chapters pretty much instantly after the better scans become available
Make it the same size as the "spoiler" image for a better effect
How is this status quo?
>will be 1000x chapters of them not knowing if they're going out or not
>not status quo
Ishigami is a virgin social reject but has been shown to be very perceptive of people and women in general. Maybe author self-insert?
Chika is trash!
Jealousy is bad for you health, Kaguya.
>will be 1000x chapters
otterniggers getting desperate.
I just want a god damn Kaguya thread. If you don't like the manga, leave. If you going to talk about other than Kaguya, leave. There are a lot of threads on Yea Forums. Just go to one of them.
Just fuck off.
>I just want a god damn Kaguya thread.
that dream was gone when the anime aired.
you knew this, right?
We all knew this.
But to be fair, I expected 5toubun to absorb all the shitposting, being the most generic haremshit possible.
It's too sad
What the fuck
If you want to see only quality discussion you should visit Kaguya threads once per week when new chapter is out. The same way it was for years before anime aired. It's hard to discuss the same chapter for a whole week so obviously every thread will get progressively worse.
This is new chapter discussion thread and I don't see how it is different from any thread we had for a year before anime aired. Otterposting existed before anime. Shipping wars existed before anime. "X girl is shit, Y is the best" autism existed before anime.
The ideal type of Subject F is someone who continually advances despite the obstacles, who improves. Ishigami hasn't been doing that for the last few months thanks to Kaguya?
Ishigami x Subject F confirmed
you are completely right, now fuck off
>Ishigami x Subject F confirmed
I know Aka loves to bully Fuji, but he is still not so cruel to pair her with that nerd.
>not a horror manga
>I expected 5toubun to absorb all the shitposting
>kaguya being WAY better that toubun
where do you think they would shit on harder, huh?
need a Subject F edit of this
Are you new or what?
chika infinite spin!!!
thas was discussed months ago (5? or more)
Well I guess I missed that thread, what was the conclusion?
>Nothing happened nothing happened
I wish you fuckers would at least stay contained in the Tomo-chan threads.
This is why it's irritating. Tomo of all things has progressed farther than Kaguya
After 800 chapters
And still no kiss. I seriously doubt Fumita would do it, even.
Albiet, chapter-pages where the two weren't ACTIVELY working to mind-game the other rather than shonen HOT-BLOODED denseness.
Tomo has nothing else going for it other than the romance between that mains, and considering that, it took an awfully long time.
The fuck are you trying to say nigger? I feel like you are saying a lot while at the same time saying nothing of value.
How is he going to write a sex scene if he doesn't know how sex looks like? I bet it will be some virgin bullshit where Kaguya and Prez hold hands under a blunket for 10 minutes and then next morning Kaguya is on 8th month of pregancy.
>complaining about a COMedy chapter
>muh meaningful progress
>"filler" chapter
See folks this is what a plotfag is
Yeah, i mean it's not like you can get any information about sex unless you experience it yourself
That would be impossible
They're either trolling or self-absorbed autists that cannot understand how other different people may find value in different things, so they read series not aimed to them just to go rambling about "fillers"and "status quo".
I think it's people that don't actually really like their "hobby". They get mad at a time waster for wasting their time. It's like the people that "watch" anime on 1.5x or 2x speed.
Yeah, maybe it's that too.
I want to cum inside Chika during her first time!
>during her first time!
bit late for that, champ.
She's more pure than a certain slut who french kisses guys on a first date.
Pez doesn't count
>change the characters character for a doujin or lewd art
Why is this allowed.
Why would she let her son cum inside her?
Pez is the dog
Seriously, you herd of niggers, stop replying to bait.
They kissed?
Dump it.
Remove Subject F
Add Subject F
Divide Subject F
Please, don't multiply.
MULTIPLY kidding
Cum inside the square root of Subject F.