Will he assassinate or get rekt?
I don't care, Morikawa-sensei[\spoiler]
Will he assassinate or get rekt?
I don't care, Morikawa-sensei[\spoiler]
I refuse to accept that he'll just job again
Well, he'll probably lose because Morikawa needs to hype up Iga for Aoki's arc
But Aoki is gutter trash tier, if Iga beats up Mashiba he is literally never going to make it with his gimmick boxing. It's going to happen anyway because George can't help but set it up.
We all love Aoki, but he really is garbage and doesn't stand a chance at this level. Not sure how that will affect this fight, though!
Would help if George dedicated at least a little bit of effort towards Aoki's fights, but they are nearly always half a chapter comic relief.
>kumi not in audience
>THREE weaknesses
>Overarching rivalry with Aoki
>Ippo saying it won't be an easy fight
>Has a fanclub in the audience
you can't set up that many loser flags and still have him lose, that'd just make you a hack.
I'd rather believe the theory that Takamura bribed Mashiba to kill Iga.
>Kumi not scheduled to run in and give Mashiba some Yamato Damashi (tm)
We all know George can hack it all day
that would be fucking great. also why the fuck do we need an Aoki arc tho? Kimura should be the actual underdog that gets to shine
Takamura knows Aoki is a chump, encourages Mashiba to take on Iga instead.
Mashiba agrees in exchange for Takamura bullying Ippo to quit boxing cold turkey, since he doesn't want Kumi to have her heart broken and knows there is no way from stopping them being close.
This, it's fucking ridiculous we've had like 5 Aoki arcs focused entirely on him and at most 1 Kimura arc i can remember.
I really hope this trash gets cancelled, how are sales doing? i hope poorly
We had like 1 good Kimura fight where he actually came off as someone with experience and drive, and he still fucking lost.
His fights are fucking hysterical though
If you just accept him and aoki as comic relief, sure. There have been very poor attempts at making them out to be more than that before relegating them back to the only people in the gym that are allowed to consistently lose.
He's gonna be punch-drunk, we don't need this faggot anymore
He's one of the few boxers in the manga that actually go for the brutal shit, his ifghts are generally pretty distinct.