Shingeki no Kyojin
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Nuh nuh
4channel and leddit are literally the same. How did it come to this? Sad. Sad.
Fuck leddie
We need to study more dumblrinas here to balance out the ledditness
I was about to say it would be funny if manlet and Zeke were competing to get Eren to fuck their cousins but then Zeke would probably try to prevent any sex at all.
Would Zeke be okay with homosex since it can't produce offspring?
LM soon.
It could be worse, it could be dumblr
I just want Zeke to be happy.
Post the real LM.
Erenfags are ledditors
What the FUCK was his problem?
Best girls
He just wanted to restore Eldia to its former glory. Grisha did nothing wrong
Why hasn't there been a NWF EM edit?
And what should I do when someone pretends to be EHfag?
Is he also Benji or Ahmed?
he's ok with any sex as long as you wrap it up, you don't need to use Zeke as an excuse to have homo sex, go
>Today I will remind them...
You're annoying, with this shit hogging the threads stfu
Cute and canon
Anything liked by Armong is automatically worst anything
Sex with condom has like 2-3% possibility of impregnation, you think these parameters are acceptable for Zeke?
No. Any chance above 0% is to high, you need to just be abstinent to make sure.
what about anal
Yes. As long as it's with your brother who understands you completely and would never ever betray you
>Hisu's smelly cunt
based and redpilled
That's ok and also oral sex and menopausal women.
Eren will kill the manlet.
>Hisu's fat milkers
If Eren wants to betray Zeke why does he not tell anyone including his dicksucking Yeagarists?
No please
Why doesn't Zeke just get a vasectomy and leaves eldians alone
Yelena would find out. He has to fool Yelena.
Killed the hype
Eren isn't even with the Yeagerists, he's using them too. He had no clue what Floch had done when he got out of jail.
Are there any solid reason or hints to believe EH will become canon ? Or people are just messing around ?
Real question, I see a lot of people talking about that here
EHfags are delusional shipperfags from leddit
But Yelena’s goals seem contrary to Zeke, if Zeke did tell the truth to Eren he could just tell her what he is planning
Shut up. I do not want another fucking shipping war. Nobody knows the answer. We'll find out when we find out. Shut up. Shut the fuck up.
>Yelena’s goals seem contrary to Zeke
She wants to take down Marley and free the colonies, so neither Zeke nor Eren help in that.
If Eren rumbles it may potentially just kill everyone.
but if he limits his insanity he can probably just push Marley back and force terms. It might not be everything Yelena want's but it's the right direction.
I mean you have to be braindead to not see it
To be fair the only reason Grisha gave Eren the serum because he wanted to join scouts. It's totally opposite from Zeke.
Zeke blasted the manlet for good
get over it
he should have been sterilized.
>decides to kill his entire fucking race because of a janitor's comment
Why is Zeke so comfy? He makes me want to protect him
It's pretty obvious for me Eren likes Historia more than a friend now if he ends up being the father or he couldn't do the deed himself is another thing. Even Hange told him I was sure you wouldn't sacrifice her, which shows her looking at Eren strange each time Historia was mentioned right after, she probably was aware that Historia was special to him but couldn't really understand why he took such a drastic measure to put her in danger.
I don't think this shit can be more obvious from Eren's point of view.
Not only manlet is alive but LM was always dead. Stop trying so hard LMfag.
For what purpose did Isayama decide to make Eren this hot during the timeskip? It's really hard to concentrate on anything else when he's onscreen now.
he felt he had to make up for what happened to Fae
He's gradually making Eren darker and edgier so he can take manlet's place bringing in fujobucks.
EL soon..
What possessed Isayama to make the last arc about Gabo?
Why is he so cute?
Poor Isayama may have been wanting to get rid of the manlet for a while. At least we may have a few chapters without him
Prove this wrong. Pro-tip:Youncan't
So 114 revealed what Zeke true plans are, but what about the restoration of the eldian empire? Is it the goal Erens side is striving towards and Zeke has nothing to do with it?
He probably thought that he needed an anchor between the Marley and Return to Paradis arcs since Eren and Reiner were going to spend a lot of time out of focus in each arc.
>restoration of Eldian empire
well I'm pretty sure, but don't quote me on this one, that the sterilization of Eldians might put a hamper on the "restoration of the Eldian Empire"
There's some more to it, he knew about the Warriors and recognized this wasn't stopping at one wall, he'd just discovered there wasn't any Eldian King about to defend the subjects, and he was getting to the end of his own 13 years. He gave his boy a chance.
What's the original supposed to be?
Leon Kennedy and Chris and Claire Redfield from Resident Evil
Question: Do you think if Zeke dies/is eaten then do the people who ingested his spinal fluid could transform by the new Beast Titan's command?
It seems very doubtful to me.
Section 2
Muh parallels
Section 5
But this
"I believe that Isayama deliberately set up this hint to suggest that Eren Yeager solved the crisis by having a family with Historia."
Stretched as fuck
Interesting but you don't really need to have a high IQ who stop at least half of those reasons. People are in denial still somehow.
This is so long, why the fuck would you write something so long when you could sum it up in like 3 sentences. Rethink your life, please. Fucking dumblr.
I don't think so, in fact that may be a solution to the MP problem
I wonder how well Eren would fare if a new popularity poll was held right now.
It's a compilation - or, rather, a pile - of logical deductions made in these threads. Some of them are way more stretched than others which lessens an impact of the whole thing.
>30 ips
>1 dumblr post
It's over pals.
Appendix 1:
Didn't Eren also say he was ashamed of looking in the eyes of his family? And a few chapters later he looked at both Armin and Mikasa hinting it might not have been them?
>However, the key thing to note is that Eren Kruger telling Grisha to save Mikasa and Armin doesn’t really make much sense. Rather, it feels like Eren Kruger is really talking to Eren Yeager. Now, if we use this logic for the entire scene, then perhaps the entire speech from the start is partially meant for Eren Yeager as well and Eren Kruger is telling Eren Yeager to make a family and have a “full household”.
>bringing in fujobucks
My cheque book is right here Isayama. Give Eren pov already
It's like that every month and we're still here somehow.
Fuck what fujo's think, Eren now is a much better and more complex character than the old RAGETARD we use to have.
cause we're eternal
The ridiculously long dumblr post is new though, it's also hilarious.
It won't work, fujos are so fucking attached to manlet that it doesn't matter if he is being an edgy autist, a grumpy babysitter or even if he spends 40 pages just a taking a huge shit in the woods while screaming how much he misses Petra or Hanji, fujos will all see it as proof of how sugoi heichou is and twist it as undeniable evidence that he is in love with Eren or Erwin.
He also later says to Falcon that in actual fact the letter didn't go to his family but rather to his friends. When I read that, I thought it strengthened the possibility that 'family' doesn't refer to AMJCS.
(and have no life)
>''I believe that Isayama deliberately set up this hint to suggest that Eren Yeager solved the crisis by having a family with Historia.''
It is but people love to act like hypocrite cunts and only say the 2nd part was for Eren and 1st for Grisha because it doesn't fit in their headcanons.
Retard. EH started here on Yea Forums. EHfags on Reddit are the minority there.
I feel like I have read this thread before. I must be going crazy.
>In the AU Historia accuses Eren of rape, this is evidence that Eren did indeed rape Historia as part of his evil plan, as to spite his brother into breeding further unneeded Yeagers
Ah, nice theory.
Surprisingly good analysis. For all the darkness we are still dealing with, this article actually provides a lot of info to understand what's going on, regardless if Eren's the father or not. Thank you, user.
>Nobody's responding to me, maybe with another bait.
>Another popular theory is that Kruger impregnated Jean through paths. He then birthed a mule.
Yes you have.
>It is very likely that farmer is Kruger's son and birthed mule, who became a farmer in an attempt to disguise himself as a human.
Fuck, I hate myself for laughing so hard at this
10/10, Jean confirmed to be the cart titan's father
Yeah, it's just an overly long compilation of arguments that have been circulating since July and some weird ass stretches here and there. It's at least fun to mock for the ultimate display of autismo it seems to be and frankly can't be worse than the Manlet/ELfujo onslaught we've had to deal with last month.
Also worth noting out Hobo Eren was really calm and at ease with everything. For someone who supposedly told one of his best friends to go fuck a random dude he sure was pretty normal, he only changed his demeanor after Sasha died. It seems ooc he was normal if he pimped Historia but went Hitler mode after Sasha died.
I have not seen such a great speedreader in a long time
Well that was fucking unexpected. I spat out my tea, there.
Why am I not surprised.
>Grim reminder 3.0 soon
Here. Another meme that hasn't aged well for ya.
my favorite crack ship
something something wanted to see the airship something something
Waiting to pop Eren Jr out.
At this time nobody knew Historia got pregnant AGAINST the plan.
I referred to the fact that she believes that Mikasa's tattoo is new
Imagine if the guy who made that had the balls to admit they were wrong. They probably just moved on to another shitpost.
>The final panel represents Gabi giving birth to herself through paths. As we can see she is now "free to gas all eldian devils" as she's no longer shackled by her material body, having reached the status of Ymir and eldian goddess . In a series where achieving your dreams represents intellectual dishonesty, Gabi rebirths herself as a wish fulfillment.
JM soon!
Jean and Magath falling in love will save the world!
115 Jean/Magath sex chapter.
What are people predicting for Chapter 115? Seems a lot of characters are either in jail, crippled or almost dead.
Still better than Jean/Mikasa
So... when Annie was attacking the scouting formation, why did she spin that one poor guy to death? It seems like she was having fun killing him, but then they try to make it seem more like she didn't enjoy it. You wouldn't just spin some poor fucker like he's a yoyo unless you liked killing people.
Annie's a cunt, mate.
Probably just having fun
>Manlet/ELfujo onslaught we've had to deal with last month.
Huh? Do you miss it or something?
Annie is twisted.
This is even lowest than BBCposting.
I really hope it's a warriors chapter
EH chapter whan?
will annie finally leave the damn crystal???
How would you guys list the titan shifters in terms of combat ability so far?
She's tsundere for her own combat skills. She likes fighting and winning, and she was kind of a sadist even when she was trying to flirt. She doesn't like slaughtering people she trained with and got attached to as much, or bystanders that aren't fighting her at all, and she's visibly terrified of fights she could lose.
What's his name again?
Not sure how a fight between WHT and Colossal would go.
That's some advanced Tsundere-ness.
I feel like the Colossal would just flat out win in a straight fight against any of the others. It's size and strength are just ridiculous. I could maybe see the Jaw titan being able to win by somehow managing to climb up it without it being able to shake the jaw off. We don't know if the WHT can launch attacks 60 meters into the air to hit it's nape though.
So the Attack Titan is relatively bad at attacking ?
Where's Founder? And how do we even distinguish between Founder and Attack, since we haven't seen them being used much separately
It's more complicated than that, if the Colossal titan is a fair distance away it's very vulnerable to ranged attacks. If you have some way to take out just one of its legs, all you have to do is knock it over and wait for it to die, in the Warhammer' s case if you can crystallize you can just wait for the Colossal to burn out and pluck the shifter from its nape.
I didn't rank the founder for that reason. In direct combat it's probably one of the worst. In overall power it's undeniably the best. You can't really make a direct comparison.
Looks that way. Unless it has more abilities that we haven't seen yet.
True. I bet the Beast Titan would actually be VERY effective against it then. Sure the Colossal is strong, but how many boulders can it take to it's knees/legs? I wonder if the armored could potentially run into it's leg at full speed and potentially break it.
Right exactly. Unlike for example the Annie vs Eren fight, any fight against the.colossal is very asymmetric. There are scenarios where the Colossal is by far the beat but it also has some glaring weaknesses.
The distinction between Attack and Founder is pretty clear when a doctor with no background in fighting and transformed for the second time in his life steamrolls the king.
Frieda had no idea how to use it properly.
It only came to me that the Wagon is the most unpleasant opponent for ... the Colossus. Judge for yourself: the Colossus is slow, and the Carriage is the fastest titanium (faster only Jaw, maybe). She just needs to run away from the supergiant as far as possible, and then just watch and wait until that gasoline runs out - and it ends quickly at the Colossus. The cart itself, if you remember, can keep the form for months. When the power of the shifter runs out and he leaves the titanium, it is enough for her to just run up and tear him, good enough for that even her 4 meters will suffice. The main thing here is not to miss his transformation and leave the place in time, in which, again, speed will help her.
Put it back
What's the point of the female titan? This doesn't seem to add any special ability or anything.
It adds tits, which makes the upper body aerodynamic
It has the scream to draw other titans to it. It should have named the siren titan or singing titan. But yeah it sucks compared to the others. The only reason it did anything was because Annie is good, she has hardening and Eren had basically no experience.
Being Mikasa is suffering.
It's got that scream that can summon other titans. Remember, Zeke can only control titans he created with his spinal fluid. It also has the normal shit titan shifters have, like super strength. Like that other Yea Forumsnon said, Siren titan would have been a better name.
Don't worry, Jean's on it
>transformed for the second time in his life
There's no confirmation that Grisha didn't attempt to better learn how to use his power. How he would manage to go about doing it without anyone finding out is beyond me. But it wasn't necessarily impossible for a titan transformation in the walls to go unnoticed as we've seen with Eren's pure titan transformation and Uri transforming to restrain Kenny.
No thanks, she's suffered enough.
It's not like she has better options.
Put. It. Back.
>gets BTFO and dies without fulfilling his autistic promise
Thank you based Zeke.
Chapter 125
No, I literally said that dumblr post can't possibly be worse than the Manletwhale invasion from last month.
You mean Jean suffered enough, he deserves better than trash girl
Right, I completely forgot about the scream thing. That doesn't help much if there are no mindless titans around though. Seems like the weakest type anyway.
Jeanbo will have a harem of hot Hizuru girls at the end and they won't include Mankasa
Alright, fine. Whatever.
That's where OG Ymir's feminity went to, I guess. Each of the nine didans represented an aspect of who she was in life or her aspirations maybe.
Goku asking Vegeta to kiss his wife.
>hot Hizuru girls
Such a thing exists?
The only reason why I don't want it to be true is because 125 would be 10 whole fucking months away and that's just too much.
True, but the Attacker Titan only seems to have extra strength than a normal titan it's size. If the user doesn't have good skills though, it's extra strength is useless. I feel like most of them rely primarily on the users ability, except for the Colossal, since you can pretty much nuke anything by just transforming.
If you are Jeanbo, every asian girl is hot
Yeah true but I'd be surprised if it's anything before the finale that's if it happens.
He's alive and well
In my heart.
Founder - Core
Female - Femininity/Lust
Attack - Determination to advance/Rage
Armour - Desire to protect/Misery
Colossal - Wrath/Hubris
Beast - Wild side, sadism
Warhammer - Creativity/Ingenuity
Jaw - Bloodlust??/Self-sacrifice??
Cart - Hard Work/Exactly Rightness
Armored is pretty op too desu
This, also Warhammer OP
I fucking like it, user.
Jean is the only Paradis character with an alive parent. He hasn't suffered shit compared to everyone else.
We'll see..
Would Eren have beaten Annie during the 2nd time they fought if she hadn't been focused on running and fighting off the survey corp members? Or would she have fucked him up again?
True. Jean is the only one left who could walk away from all this and live a vaguely normal life afterwards.
Mikasa wishes she can have him but she's blown her chances already
Mikasa is destined to lust after the Eren dick
LM soon.
Who's the bigger cuck? Mikasa or Claire?
She would have won again definitely. But you have to be fair to Eren, he was a lot less experienced and the main reason Annie won both times was because of hardening.
to be fair, we havent seen the AT titan abilities yet. (beside PATH that is). the only thing we know that he has insane strength(tho the armored titan does too so his super strength doesnt count as an ability) I really hope isayama reveal its power because if it he doesnt then the AT is just a freedom obsessed normal titan
Not just hardening, she also was way more in control of herself and her titan too.
calling him a slave doesnt help the situation. now eren hated her because of it. so no dick for mikasa
Gotta be the Warhammer. If it uses the crystal the Colossal titan can't win and it's too big to retreat.
It wasn't just hardening of course but if you go back and look at the defining moments where Annie took Eren down for good, they were both caused by attacks that were accentuated with focused hardening.
>the founding titan is shown to be holding a war horn probably for controlling the titan at far distance
>eren has the WHT therefore he can make a war horn for himself
welp this solve the distance problems
>Eldian are new yorker.....
he can use his titan more often than other fags, that's the AT's ability you brainlet
Claire lives in an universe filled with perma-virgins so she never had a chance from the start.
Who's the faggot that voted for Armin's CT?
There is nothing at all that indicates that, it seems more like Eren himself started training his stamina when transforming.
Nothing is confirmed, it might be that the number of transformations just increases with the users willpower
>he can use his titan more often than other fags, that's the AT's ability you brainlet
dumb brainlet calling other brainlet. if you going to talk about endurance then the cart titan beat out the AT everyday. the pieck stayed in her titan form for 2 months. therefore pieck should able to transform multiple time (but we never see it yet because there isnt a situation for it)
It'd be in Annie's favour. She has the advantage of being trained to use a titan but Eren has tenacity so he could potentially upset her
>Saying something like it's a fact when there's no source in canon
She beats him soundly in the manga but was too focused on running away like you said. Without hax abilities Annie is pretty fucking hard to beat in a 1v1 15m titan battle because of her skill in CQC
she knew how to mindwipe, and do other Founding Titan things.
she didn't know how to fight. she didn't need to be a Titan to still learn how to fight.
>making shit up
We don't know what the AT's ability is. He could barely transform more than twice in a row during Uprising.
Ironically, Leon would gladly fuck Mikasa.
if you love manlet so much why don't you marry him?
Leon would fuck a licker if it stayed still long enough
Mikasa x Leon is the pairing we need
A-And how do i get to that universe? H-Haha asking for a friend!
>want the chapter even though it'll probably disappoint
It's mental illness by this point
>it'll probably disappoint
You're weak and needy
Well, you are a shady individual that regularly unleashes fluids that turn people into creepy monsters so you'll fit right in
Can't be worse than 109, 111 and 113
If anything 114 rekindled my hope for this arc to turn out good.
Don't know why people shit on Mikasa's timeskip hair so much. I like that Ada Wong look.
It looks fine in some panels and utter trash in others, blame Isayama.
It's a different style, Mikasa's hair is too short in some places. Her ear shouldn't be visible.
You can see Ada's ear in her RE4 and DSC designs
Then, my friend, you are retarded. Zeke's plot reveal was peak autism, we basically found out he suffers from a mental illness and his plan is shit, that's it.
It's okay, the anime will fix that.
His entire plan revolves around a jannie that was mean to him once.
AA is endgame.
>More people voted "Shipping is stupid" on Reddit
why do we think we're better than them again
We're not.
There's a shitload more shipping here than on leddit. There might even be more shipping here than on dumblr
If armang looked at me like that, suicide would be the only option.
Retarded "muh secret club" mentality of angst teenagers
I wasn't really talking about his plan, since we still don't know how he originally intended to proceed before Eren became a factor and even now we're missing too much information to clear up the bigger questions it brings (why encourage Marley to resume the FT retrieval operations, why the Liberio raid, why bait Paradis with the 50 year plan if it's all bullshit, why the need to come back to Paradis in the first place etc.). I mainly liked the chapter because Zeke was presented as more than just some meme keikaku master, and I found his longing for suicide quite relatable, weirdly enough. His outlook on the Eldian problem and life in general made sense given his upbringing and the people who ended up being major influences in his life. He's obviously wrong for trying to enforce that on his entire race but I can hardly blame him for coming to the conclusion that there's no way out.
Isayama already draws all women like twigs so giving Mikasa shorter hair just makes her look even less feminine than she already was
CHADmin will save the world
>el gemelo de DIOS MIO
>hombre con la peluca
>Dios mio...Espiritu del Senor. Espiritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo, Santisima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, angeles, arcangeles y santos del paraiso, descended sobre mi. Fundeme, Senor, llename de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquilas, destruyelas. Expulsa de mi los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el paradisiaco... Por favor, destruye la infestacion diabolica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad fisica, psiquica, moral, espiritual y diabolica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca mas me toquen a mi ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espiritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominacion... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcangel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talon de la Virgen Santisima Inmaculada, aleja el aberracion genetica, al ogro de las Paraiso... Amen.
What a disgusting language.
>feel like i am becoming eren due to family issues
welp lad should i grim remind them?
You aren't important or good looking enough to get away with the shit he does
This and your family issues are nothing compared to his. Get over yourself.
Why did Grisha's Attack Titan look so much like the Beast Titan in terms of physique?
Eren will get the same dad bod titan once Hisu gives birth
>that one vote for Cart
Gosh I wonder who could've picked that.
Maybe the reason why Eren's Titan looks different is because the FT morphed the appearance of his Titan from a regular AT to a fusion between the two?
It looks almost the same as Kruger's SNK. I just chalk it up to inconsistencies from before Isayama came up with the 9 titans shit.
I like gabi
Kruger's snk looks pretty damn lanky compared to the muscled chad that is Eren's Titan.
Eren's SNK looks lanky too
Looks like both are looking at Armin, since he's speaking.
>a Facebook meme for the OP
>thread still up right now
Shingeki is the most cancerous fanbase since ________
I want Reiner to live so much bros.
I want him to survive this tragedy.
>a Facebook meme for the OP
Worse, it's a Yea Forums meme
Why do you hate him so much?
>Mankasa looking at Armong with a smile because she agrees with him while Eren is glaring at him because he doesn't
>this is somehow supposed to be an EM moment
Holy shit the state of this fanbase.
The only way Reiner will die is when he finally finds inner peace and desires a fresh start. If he continues as he is he'll probably even survive the curse as a sick practical joke by the SnK gods
>If he continues as he is he'll probably even survive the curse as a sick practical joke by the SnK gods
The one asspull I'm ready to actually applaud Isayama for if he ever pulls it off.
Jaw hardcounters war hammer, and loses to everything else (except colossus)
Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.
>gives son titan aids and condemn him to a life of killing
>does it again
Eren was already a killer before he got the Titan
Eren > Zeke > Armin > Reiner > Annie > Porco > Pieck
I'd put Annie above Reiner due to her martial arts and slightly higher speed. Armour loses its usefulness and becomes a hindrance when fighting someone with diamond-tier fists
we are at the peak of suspense right now. if you sit down and read the arc without having to wait a month for each chapter, i’m sure you would enjoy it more as well
I want to breed Mikabae
How come EMfags don't hate Armin? He always ruins any potential EM moment
I thought you were Wesker nowayfagging Pieckcella
In a straight 1v1 it loses to all of them, since it has a short time limit and is the slowest. All they'd have to do is just run circles around the colossal titan until it breaks down.
They do, they all wanted him dead during the serumbowl.
They mostly ignore it and pretend that he did not exist, so they can believe that Mikasa was always more important to Eren than Armin
I rabu Piku.
Ask Eren to give you a dick, Louise.
>this is actually possible now
I want Eren to make Keith a loli
No, I was laughing at you because you believe LM died because manlet "died" and not because those two characters are not attracted to each other, LMfag.
And no saying manlet didn't die doesn't make me a manletfag
>Eren turns Armin into a girl
>4channel and leddit are literally the same. How did it come to this?
Because they literally are the same people with minor differences in how fucking hammy or edgy their community allows them to be.
at this point /snk/ is just leddit on shipping war steroids
Or because anyone can see the twist.
>this level of autism
Yeah, but his second son was totally into it.
Doesn't Kruger apologize only after saying the 2nd part, and acknowledges it makes no sense?
Annie only fights the scouts who directly fight her, she spins the guy for the benefit of the scout watching it. She scares him off, so that she doesn't have to kill him and then ignores him. Even when she runs after Armin she gets right next to his two superiors and very obviously ignores them until they attack her.
I guess that's why black "Ymir" didn't get any femininity then lmao
>Doesn't Kruger apologize only after saying the 2nd part, and acknowledges it makes no sense?
Not that user but Grisha asks him who is Armin and Mikasa and he says he wonders it himself whose memories those are. They never discuss that love someone inside the walls needed to save them. Except shipperfags there are some that believe it was directed to Eren because this idea all came in the same page, makes no difference if Grisha loved someone or not and he was talking about memories in plural.
>She scares him off, so that she doesn't have to kill him and then ignores him
She kills that guy too
This is embarrassing
Coping this bad, pathetic.
I've been seeing memes about this, but why is this a thing?
Too bad for Chris that Claire only attracts lolis
The shifters or the titans? Combat Ability (Skill) or Combat Effectiveness (Results)?
If it's the shifter's overall skill and effectiveness it's likely Annie>Porco>Eren>Zeke>Reiner>Pieck>Bertholdt>Armin
with Hammer's user somewhere high.
The first poster is correct in terms of titans, except perhaps Jaw over Attack/Female, but they're probably right for reasons stated later.
Bertholdt was said to be the most physically capable recruit, but that could simply be due to his physical strength/size (seemingly irrelevant for a titan) and we never got to see how good he was at hand-to-hand. Reiner also mentions how indecisive he is, and judging by how he died, he probably wasn't that great of a soldier.
The Colossal Titan is unmatched in war or against other titans. I'm not sure if another Titan could even match it unless it could climb (Jaw/Beast?) or was the warhammer. However, the Colossal was never able to kill a single scout (with a notable exception) and when faced with them either had to retreat, steam them for years or die.
Reiner seemed to be the least skilled of the shifters, as he lost to Eren every time even when Eren had no hardening. However, he was so skilled in conventional war or his titan was so effective that he was able to regain favor with Marley even with his blunder. This seems like a point for Armored and a point against Reiner. Eren also could not take on Armored head-on at first, so it seems like the Armored is a very good titan.
Zeke can't really be separated from his Titan. His rock throwing is quite effective and he was at least strong or skilled enough to beat Reiner straight up so he must have some merit besides his partial royal control.
warhammer also can't be separated from the user, but was obviously unmatched in effectiveness, and possibly could've been able to destroy the colossal without having its weakness against infantry.
I wonder how things would have turned out if Eren and Zeke switched places.
Would Eren be the ideal son Grisha wanted during his time in the marley restorationist?
>reddit spacing
I want leddit to leave.
The Jaw titan is the point of contention. Porco put up a good fight against Eren, and possibly would've won alone. However, Mikasa states that Porco's titan is so effective that it's almost like it wasn't the same titan as Ymir's. Ymir wasn't a bad soldier. In fact, Hisu only got into the top 10 because Ymir boosted her somehow, so Porco might simply be extremely skilled (and the Jaw itself isn't that great) and Marcel did a great job of "boosting" him out of the top 4. Yet Porco's Jaw also seems to have hardening that surpasses Eren's, even in its claws, so it could very well be better, but I feel like size probably does count for something.
Annie's female has limited titan control built in, so it's probably on par with Attack. Annie is also probably the best in terms of hand-to-hand skill. Though after all these years, maybe Eren and the others surpassed her.
But at the time, Annie was the one of the three who ran their missions alone, and had the most involved jobs. Reiner and Bertholdt were simply there to make quick in and out surprise demolitions that hardly lasted a minute and presented minimal resistance. They all trusted Annie to run the most dangerous task alone.
I'm pretty sure it makes more sense since it's basically a list with separate categories...
Reddit spacing is when they hit double return after every single sentence. That user has actual paragraphs.
Kruger and Eren look almost exactly the same aside from the jaw
How good looking is Eren in canon? I know Keith said he looks like Carla so he's like a pretty boy?
I noticed everytime there is a who in the OP or manlet suggesting someone to fuck Eren the threads are slower.
Fujos must be mad
The Female Titan still doesn't make any sense outside of the context of the revelation that it's Annie. They say it's all-purpose but then call it the female titan without making any point about what happens if a guy inherits it.
I think Keith said his eyes were the same as Carla's. He used to be a prettyboy. Now he's a chad.
Historia is a lucky girl.
I remember a theory about Hange eating Annie to reveal of she is a man or a woman (the OP had Hange acting like a shifter and she said she would devour Annie) I thought that was Isayama hinting at something or perhaps he really doesn't know what to do with Annie
If Pieck finds out that Zeke has betrayed Marley, do you think she would side with Eren?
But Pieck's cart looks masculine. It's probably the same thing, it'll just make the man look more feminine.
They have to shop him out in order to pretend those EM moments exist.
You mean how she was literally the person to discover Zeke's betrayal? Also why the fuck would ANYONE outside of the walls side with Eren.
She doesn't know though.
i feel that's the case for half the main cast right now, and probably the reason isayama is focusing on them before the important ones
>But Pieck's cart looks masculine.
Pieck's cart unironically looks like a chimp with downs syndrome.
>I remember a theory about Hange eating Annie to reveal of she is a man or a woman
>Hange eating Annie to reveal of she is a man or a woman
Will Eren be crowned King?
>FEMALE titan
>A character we don't know if male or female
>We don't know what happens if a man eats the Female Titan, maybe a man can't eat it
I know some anons will say dumblr for that shit ass long read but most of the reasons are valid points which have been said here as well. The outcome is pretty self-evident I think but will probably come right before the end.
>everyone else
Yes she does? Stop speedreading, she was the one who found out that Yelena was one of Zeke's fanatics who disappeared on the Survey ship, and they were literally all there when the military announced that Zeke's body was nowhere to be found and that he was working with Paradis.
The only ones who are against it call you a ledditor when at this point Isayama gave clues enough to think Eren is the real father.
At this point is their only argument against it kek
I don't know why they call you ledditor since most of the other social platforms have seen a raise in popularity for EH as well and that's because the possibility is there not because leddit suddenly thought about this.
I dropped the manga a while ago because without Annie it just wasn't the same, when will she come back?
Soon tm. Why Annie though, the entire purpose of her character was to introduce the Warriors and a human threat from outside the walls, I don't see how she could be reintroduced back into relevancy since everything she could have done was fulfilled by other characters, even combat wise Eren would probably kick her ass and Mikasa and manlet (pre 114) could fight her blindfolded.
When you stop being a retarded waifufag
Annie humiliated her until Manleto came, get fucking real.
Shoot cummies at pictures of the best girl on your monitor and she is bound to absord your lifeforce and slowly but steadily manifest into this reality once again, casting all the heretics who doubted her return into the darkest pits of hell and ushering her devout believers into paradise.
Shut up, Armong
Not really? She got ineffectually sliced up while running away until manlet arrived, that's not really humiliating for either side. She did fine in Stohess, and given Thunder Spears and way more experience fighting shifters I don't see how Annie poses a reasonable threat.
Why didn't Annie simply eat him in the forest and get the FT back.
she is retarded
Because she didn't know if he had the FT or not.
Eren is best boy.
Asian bitch is so retarded, it's obvious Annie would've won.
If we're going to be like that, it was probably a mutual decision to give the snk to someone else, I'm pretty sure Marley would've mentioned that in their briefing. Nobody knew that Eren had the coordinate at that stage.
Also Levi could've done the same thing to Zeke in the recent chapter. I'm pretty sure he could've left or immobilized one of the titans easily to eat Zeke immediately.
Not possible, Zeke remote controls the Titans so unless manlet literally forces down the Titans Jaws it's impossible to get one to eat him.
How does it make you feel that this has more chances of happening than EM, EA, EAr, EL, ER, or EJ?
Oh, yeah that would've been more difficult than I thought. However at one point I'm pretty sure Zeke was unconscious as Levi cut him out, so that would've been a good time I believe?
I was joking about annie, is pretty clear that RBA weren't sure that eren was the FT so they tried to play it safe, i doubt marley wanted to combine titans because i doubt there is a way separate them, also this is probably the reason why RB wanted Historia as assurance in case Eren wasn't the Founder
That was due to the multiple thunder spear explosions, it was a spur of the moment battle so if he decided to cut him out instead of blasting him open it wouldn't have worked I guess.
When did aot become a eugenics fest on the scale of ck2?
When magic blood got introduced as an important plot point
Wow this thread is still here? Did based jannie ban Benji?
Who is Benji?
Eren is just using him
Absolutely patrician
Benji is the only YHfag who still posts on Yea Forums. Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie.
The Chads/Stacies: Farmer, Jannie, Historia, Reiner, Gab, Falco, Porco, Pieck, Yelena, Mikasa, Louise, Floche, Hitch, Pixis, Kruger
The Virgins: Eren, Hange, Manlet, Annie, Armin, Boyega, Nicolo
The JUSTS: Zeke, Connie, Karl, Jean
>The Chads/Stacies: Farmer,
t. YHcuck
Notice how Nigmir is not in JUST tier
She ded though user. I only list people who are ALIVE.
I bet leddit was pro farmer till Yea Forums gave more and more reasons for Eren to be the father. I also saw when someone posted their bingo calling Boyega suspicious when last time I checked for spoilers they were pretty much licking his dong (or maybe they were more fujos)
Why do you keep putting Mikasa on the Chad side?
Is the EMYH shitty alliance. And she is so retarded she put Nicolo in virgins and Connie in Justs
But user, I'm a virgin
That's why Kruger and Karl are there too
How can you speedread your how post?
There spirit is alive and lives in Eren
We know, Benji.
So why don't you post every past Shifters, including Ymir?
Their spirits*
Dubs and Zeke gets a happy ending
Fuck them and Fuck Ymir. They aren't that important right now.
So, like Ymir in Porco? And Kruger is a chad and Eren is not?
And can you fucking explain why you keep pretending that Mikasa is a chad?
KEK you are just afraid of posting Ymir with the chads, YHtrash. You got caught by your stupidity AGAIN
But Connie, Annie and Jannie are important?
Zeke deserves a lonely and agonizing death wondering what he did wrong
Grisha pls
We know, YHfag
>*move the story along*
Yurifags are retarded
It's literally just one guy. There is only one YHfag on Yea Forums. Name's Benji
Pretty sure there is a very long list of people who want Zeke dead over Grisha. Seriously the only group he hasn't attracted the ire of (yet) are the Yeagarists and his group of fanboys, and I give it ~5 chapters depending on when he's shown again for him to fuck them over as well.
Forced to be super bad because SL can't be in the wrong
Forced to be with a fanservice character that overwelcome his stay. At least Isayama got rid of him (for a few chapters, enough for the editor to shut the fuck up)
>Eren and Yelena
Forced to be muted because Isayama needs 2 years to reveal any stupid twist. And if Yelena talks is for more vague shit
We haven't seen any instances where Ymir has influenced Porco so she's not alive and living in the guy. The Eren we see now is not the real Eren but Mr. Method actor Kruger influencing him.
/fit/ QT and potential heir to a well respected family
>fanservice character
What? Fanservice for what exactly? What does Zeke have to do with this boogeyman editor that somehow has more say over the story than Isayama does?
When will these starcrossed lovers meet again?
It is known.
Eren's lover is Hisu.
So Kruger is a chad influencing Eren and that doesn't make Eren a chad? And we saw Porco talking about Ymir's memories.
What makes Eren a virgin when he pretty much fucked Historia?
I'd imagine because if she did, she'd be influenced by the freedom autism and refuse to go back home or some shit like that
>figure skaters EH and coaching team ZF
Never knew I needed this
>/fit/ QT
Oh so it was the Ymirtrash.
Eren is using him retarded Ymirtrash, I like ZE but you are desperate at this point
Sure benji
I assume manlet is the fanservice character
So Reiner, Annie, Zeke and Peck have less than one year left. I understand Zeke, but why Pieck and Reiner cares?
Kruger controlled Eren fucked Historia (if it turns out that he actually did). Just because we saw Porco talk about her memories doesn't mean he is under her influence.
I don't like YH you cunt.
the titan curse loses to the BRAUN curse
reiner will survive the 13 years
>getting this embarrassed over a midget's light teasing
why is Mankasa so beta?
You are really retarded, Benji.
Annie nearly killed Mikasa in Stohess, it's clear that ordinary soldiers, Ackerman or otherwise have a more difficult time in a city then in the forest because there's less to hook into. That said Mikasa would do a lit better against Annie now in any environment.
I see you are preparing that new damage control
>Forced to be super bad
He's been super bad ever since he survived the suicide charge and you didn't say shit until he got Keith beat up
That's not Zeke retard.
>/fit/ QT and potential heir to a well respected family
Yet Eren is /fit/, good looking, is now regarded as the god emperor of his people and you put him in the virgin faction
Pic related looks like an important panel with a lot of foreshadowing. Perhaps Hango figured out Eren's fondness for Historia and didn't like it.
That's obviously Reiner you dumb faggot.
>Kruger controlled Eren fucked Historia
Why would Kruger help Eren to follow his own agenda of destroying the rest of the world including the other eldians?
Annie is love
Annie is life
Compared to Mikasa? Hell no. That man bun makes him look like a total faggot.
Dunno what the point of having those panels with Hongo looking suspiciously at Eren was, especially when he wasn't acting out of the ordinary. Even without those it would have been obvious that the point of the flashback beyond introducing the 50 year plan was to showcase Eren's concern for Historia. Heck, I'm still wondering why Hongo geared the conversation towards Historia to begin with when she herself claims near the end that Eren's actions put the island as a whole in trouble.
Well, YH doesn't exist, only Shitmir -> Christa. Ymir never met Christa or Historia and Shitmir only met Christa - zir ran away when Historia stopped being Christa.
Hange saw the dangerous combination of Eren liking their Queen (who would get involved in important matters) and they are in the middle of important negotiations. I keep thinking Hange knew what she was doing when she brought Historia despite following Zeke's plan
>my husband's son
Imagine having such shit taste.
I see nothing but truth in this post
Annie a shit
He won't destroy the world user.
He's the most attractive male character and I have yet to see a better set of abs on any manga character
Eren is exhilaratingly good looking. No homo
That's Hanjo's autism, she did the same with Nick's killers and Boyega, trying to read their intentions. In Eren's case my bet is that she saw Eren was already making his own plan behind SL's back just like when he hid information from them, all when it was about Historia.
Get rid of the man bun and have looking like pic related again. That's a good looking son of a bitch right there.
Mankasa is ugly user unless you have jeanbo levels of bad taste
I want a full ZE flashback, but not superserious, I want some humour on it like Zeke trying to play baseball with Eren and trying to look cool in front of him
What about Zeke?
She's a QT. Would've looked even better if she kept her long hair like pic related.
So to sum this shipping war up, let's take a look
>Erenfags: Annie, Armin (at the beginning), but now 90% ship him with Historia
>Kurifags: Reiner, Ymir (at the beginning), now they are Hisufags
>Hisufags: mainly Eren
>Mankasafags: Eren, Armong, manlet
>Armongfags: Annie
>Manletfags: Eren, Hango, Erwin
>Jeanfags: Mankasa
>Detective Hanji
This is getting really desperate
Eren hiding such important info probably made hanji wary of him, i mean if he hid that for a year what more could he been possibly hiding
Hair alone doesn't make him a QT
This makes a lot of sense. Perhaps SC really was planning to use Historia as a negotiation piece and as breeding puppet queen. Eren not being on board with this would have (and did) caused them a lot of problems. Perhaps she was suspicious of him ever since Eren hid information from them to protect Historia.
You sound desperate
Best girl!
The flashback could be a whole chapters worth, best to divide it with Zeke acting goofy and joking around and then switch to serious when Eren wants none of it and just wants to focus on the matters at hand.
Zeke's chest is just broader. Aesthetics is about more than just raw mass and Eren has all the right ratios, he's Zyzz level.
I couldn't give less of a shit of your trauma with the LHfags, ErwLmod. Eren fucked Historia, get over it.
Anime doesn't count user
I thought you jumped to detective Neil now
best /u/ ship in SnK, blows Y/H out of the fucking water.
I can't wait.
Carla would have not liked Zeke at all
You forgot something
I also couldn't give less of a shit about your trauma with that whale you are obsessed with
What? She blatantly runs after that guy next and kicks him into the fucking stratosphere.
Detective Neil is what you benji keep shoving into our mouth to make people believe we actually said that
So that manga panel of Hango looking suspiciously at Eren is meaningless according to you?
I don't pander to yuri shipping fetish that has no chemistry or relevance in the story
Why not, Zeke was just a normal kid at first, young Zeke is basically Armin besides not really caring about the outside world.
Why not? He seemed like a sweet child until his mind broke
You forgot those who were non-shippingfags pre-Uprising but became EHchads post-Uprising.
You have to go back
Sure ErwLmod, sorry you get so triggered everytime someone brings those panels. Keep writing Eren being a faggot and Mankasa being a QT.
Honestly, depending on how far away they are from each other, the Beast might be strongest on an open field. Easy line of sight, and as long as he has some boulders around people need to look the fuck out.
I still think the Yeager elf ears will be a plot point.
I just realized Eren’s conversation with Falco about not being able to face his family is about Historia and not LAM or a coverup.
Why should I add plotfags/ non-shippingfags/ EHchads (later) into a shipping war summary?
is snk your first manga?
Ignore him
I don't think it's meaningless just Isayama building more scenes to create more questions. It would ve fitting for Hange to be the one to reveal EH but that's gotta be Armin.
unironically uprising is what made me return to read this series again
I mean that's a theory but nothing else, I don't know why people try to 100% confirm Eren is acting because of X reason, the real reason will probably be a lot more complicated than just Historia/friends/Paradis. Of course I could be wrong as well and the reason for his actions could be really fucking simple but that'd be kinda lame for all the mystery behind him right now.
I feel like if a man ate the female titan, it would just look more similar-ish to him, but also with feminine features like the tits, and wider hips.
>Why not?
Jealousy. My beautiful royal blooded son was special. That bar slut would not have liked that.
See I also couldn't care less if Shitren is a fag or not or how Mankasa looks, but I know you will continue being paranoid about your Twitter "celeb"
What do you see, Eren?
Literally Armin
Was about to say this
That's a first, dropped it around the time because the early chapters were excruciatingly boring. Binge reading it it's not so bad but it's still not a arc I'll ever find myself rereading. I loved Marley and reread it the most out of any arc so I don't mind slower paced arcs with not much action either.
Kill yourself, dumb EHfat.
>Annie eats Eren
>becomes the new MC, although it's her struggling to try and keep to her mission, while dealing with Eren's freedom boner attempting to free her from (((Marleys))) influence
>she now has the strength and rage of the attack titan along with the female titans ability to summon mindless titans, and it's later revealed she also has the founding titan
Holy shit, she'd be OP as fuck. She could just bring a horde of mindless titans with her wherever and control them with the founding titan.
Post best siblings
She can't use the Founding Titan
>and control them with the founding titan.
Dumb speedreader.
i think that could work quite well in ironic sense, a person going so far becuase such a lame and simple motivation, in a series that always talks of great deeds and missions
Best EH even Armin agrees
You just did!
she has the scream though, its not really control but she can call for titan support
First trips gets a happy ending for their favorite character
The scream just draws titans toward her because they want to eat her. It's not much use in a fight.
>not much use in a fight
because jumping into a swarm of titans is not a problem right
Shit, you're right. I forgot about the royal blood being needed... Well, at least she'd still be able to keep it out of M*rleys hands.
well i'm not saying uprising is the best of the best but it was the fist attempt of making a plot heavy arc for isayama and he well enough in my opinion
I'm tired of plots happening for the sake of subversion so I'd rather Eren be a little more complex in his motives than what everyone is expecting instead of being simple. Part of the reason people actually like him now is because of his mystery, if it all ends up being for nothing that'd be rather disappointing.
It's not, because the swarm of titans is now attacking Annie and one of them has eaten her, before then being eaten themselves, and the process continues until there's only one left. All you have to do is sit back and watch.
I still don't see how the second panel during his internal monologue makes any sense to his motives unless he is literally complaining about people having hope and dying honorably instead of committing race wide suicide
Yeah that seems like a reasonable explanation. Hange seemed less surprised than everyone else when Kiyomi talked about the 50 year plan so she must have figured out beforehand that something of the sort was bound to be brought up during the meeting. With that in mind she had every reason to be wary of Eren's reaction considering the fact that he'd already hidden info from everyone for a year just to protect Historia.
Not really. She was easily able to escape from her titan and use it again. It could be used as a good distraction in a fight. And if the enemy hadn't seen the trick before, they might believe you were eaten.
i get ya, in the end is all about how isayama does things in the end, also im not saying i like that idea either im just saying that it can work thematically
She escaped because she happened to have 3DMG and was in the forest. That wouldn't be the case most of the time.
>And if the enemy hadn't seen the trick before, they might believe you were eaten
Okay so it's great at faking your death, not so much in actual combat though.
EH thread
>fake your death
>enemy is offguard
>re-emerge and get a cheap shot on them
Faking your death is a good ploy if it can work. Plus, she could just put 3DM gear on anytime she thinks she'll end up using it.
You mean the anime or the manga Uprising?
Gabi inheriting the attack titan next confirmed.
Ah I see. That's pretty rare since you usually hear about people dropping the manga around Uprising. I liked it a lot myself, just wish WIT put more effort into it in its first half and didn't rush so fucking much.
it's pretty common for people to drop a manga when it moves from its comfort zone, the fact that most readers only cared about action back then
I will unironically kill myself if Eren and Historia becomes canon. Not because I care, just because it would ruin SnK.
Don't forget to stream it!
Woops, meant for
>it would ruin SnK
Lesbians are retarded.
>104 ips
Is the hype, dare I say it, restored? Weren't we at barely 50+ ips last thread?