New chapter is out.
Neeko the NEET
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>still no jelly rolls
Why won't this mango stand and deliver.
No, I am depressed. No.
>female neet
literally who cares. Women aren't supposed to be working anyway.
It's sweet her dad loves her so much
Poor Neeko, if she was blessed with a different home she'd have a Hinata who hugtackles her every morning and shouts NEE-NE NEE-NE
thought she was watching actual porn
I kinda feel less and less sorry for her with every chapter.
I relate to Neeko
I do this too but I do not understand how a hot girl could have this problem.
Even if you are a hot girl you have to put in some effort. You can be a model, but if all you do after you finish school is walk home you won't get a boyfriend.
Also I forgot, was it ever said she's hot?
In animu and mango world, where every female below the age of 50 is a bonafide 12/10, neeko is probably just a mere 11.75/10.
I also make eggs, sometimes
Just eggs
>Also I forgot, was it ever said she's hot?
Does it have to be said? Look at her.
I mean your 2D version looks very hot too.
>Does it have to be said
Yes? a manga if is a very stylized and physical characteristics worth of note need to either be told or shown through exaggeration.
Cute mom.
Thank you so much
There is something I don't like about the mother
This, I wanted to be a female and get taken care of in exchange for letting men fuck me, it's not fair.
She may be "mean" but she's 100% in the right about being upset with Neeko's situation. Honestly, that she slapped her so she could recover her senses is makes her better than 99% of the moms who have children like this because she's at least not ignoring her, she's not letting her wallow in her depression and throw a pity party, and she's trying to get her involved in the house and teach her at least how to cook. She's, at the very least, trying. Most parents, specially Japanese ones, would simply pretend there's nothing wrong. She's strict, but ultimately, a good mother.
Goddamn it
She has to because the dad clearly spoils/ed her.
what if food porn is code for souma x aldini yaoi doujins
What a good dad.
>Most parents, specially Japanese ones, would simply pretend there's nothing wrong.
She's doing worse than pretending nothing is wrong. She's actively denying her daughter may have a mental disorder, and causing it to further develop.
>She's actively denying her daughter may have a mental disorder
How exactly? She actively tries to get Neeko to do something for her life, for herself, even if roughly. Neeko's biggest issue is her extreme lack of self-worth, and unless she gets on her ass to do an activity where she can see progress and start thinking "Hey, I can do this, I'm not useless" she'll never get out of that pit.
This series sure switches in tone quickly doesn't it
It's always been depressing as fuck under the comedic undertone. Hell, I'd even say the comedic undertone makes it worse because it makes fun of Neeko's plight and comes as mean spirited at times.
Her biggest issue is depression. Associating opening up about how she feels with pain is a quick way to worsen depression.
Neeko would think that if she can do it everyone can do it and there is no point in being happy about that.
I didn't say anything about opening up, is all about doing and activity. You're more likely to wallow in self-hate and self-pity while you're idle doing nothing of worth than when you have both mind and hands occupied with the task at hand.
Oh boy, one of these chapters. Not quite as suddenly depressing as the one where she finds her old stuff but still.
No him, but sounds kinda simmilar to welcome to the NHK.
I'm not getting in an argument about proper diagnosis and treatment of depression on Yea Forums of all places
Does the dad end up fucking his daughter? Just walking around the house like that in the middle of the night, she's asking for it.
>on Yea Forums of all places
You don't know life.
3000 yen she would have been thrown out already by some good parents.
3000 yen should would have already been wifed up by looking like that
Well marriage interview arc is coming, I wonder what this Tousuke dude is like.
My bet is that it's a childhood friend of hers, and she breaks down saying she isn't ready to get married.
I'd rather have this than have him look at her like walking garbage.
fuck that cuts deep
>mean spirited
Given that she's a literal 10/10 she should just marry a millionaire.
Are we meant to assume that in-universe she isn't actually so good-looking?
Everybody looks good in 2D.
>Making fun of mentally ill people is funny
You might want to see a therapist.
Hello there /r9k/
>if i could turn back time
Hello there reddit.
I don't think they're allowed to tell you stories about their other patients.
>literally a body that was made for BREEDING
>waaah waaah woe is me how will I ever get married
It'd be more realistic if she were a Tomoko-tier butterface or something
I you had a sister you would know that even good looking women can have serious problems.
Really? Are you really that high up in fantasyland? She's actually a hard sell because of perceived barrier by perspectives.
I'll have you know that Yea Forums only offers the best treatment for depression for its users.
Between this and the cursed panel this serie really hits too fucking close to home, farming is the task that usually trigger this on me, but at least I can cook well
Just so we are on the same page here. She is not actually depressed in the sense that she has a neurological condition which makes her feel that way regardless of her situation. This is an emotional development issue.
>spoiled by her father
>mother is better but shames her for expressing her pain and doesn't help her through her emotions
>infantile behavior which leads to a loss of intrinsic motivation to do even menial tasks
>avoidance behavior which leads to anxiety issues
Inferiority complex towards her imouto.
Dad wants to fuck the daughter right?
Which one?
This manga never fails to depress me, but it also encourages me, it's a weird sensation.
Don't forget her inferiority complex towards her sister and how she's pretty shy by nature which leads to even more troubles.
Get fucked this is me
That is literally the exact opposite of what she should have done.
Are you saying backhand?
The smelly one.
At least she is not having visual hallucinations yet.
She just needs to trick some wage-slave into knocking her up so that he'll be forced to take care of her
Why does she have gray hair? Is she old?
Iirc it's because social pressure. i.e PTSD due to the job interview
She completely bottled her job interview, her marriage interview is going to be a total trainwreck.
Some people can get gray hair really early because of genetics
My mom went totally gray by the time she was 25
Yes but the main issues are not the emotions but the behavioral and thought patterns which reinforce her emotions. In the case of her inferiority complex she needs to force herself or be forced to ignore her perceived inferiority to actually focus on herself productively. Of course at this point you can't exactly expect her to do this on her own.
Indeed, it's like watching a car crash about to happen.
Hooray, incest end!
I hope you weren't abused by your dad, user.
Would anons here waifu Neeko?
I'd rather Imoko.
discount sagiri
mama a cute and also cares for her daughter
little sister will take care of her oneechan
Does the imouto is in a relationship? And already planning to be engaged? Because I want to see Neeko suffer more, seeing her sister having a normal, fulfilling life while she trances between depression and helplessness in life.
Imouto is still in high school so marriage is still a bit far off, giving her a boyfriend would do more harm than good for her own sake.
I wish I could play mario kart with neeko
>farming is the task that usually trigger this on me
how do you mean, farming?
While there would be a lot of breeding, there would be absolutely no working. There would be a comforting solace knowing that my existence and presence would provide someone joy.
This puzzled me too at first, but then you have to realize that for the sake of an appealing story you don't want it to be "realistic"; either an ugly woman or an even uglier man.
She's cute because it sells more, that's all. You need to suspend your disbelief a little more intensely for this manga.
Boiled eggs and some times scrambled eggs yumyum
This but unironically. Real helpful people exist even when you have no face or a name.
Why is she such a bitch
Who would do that?
What is this dance and what does it mean?
I usually have a bad touch with plants, everything I plant fucking dies and being on the sticks doesn't help me, I usually trow the tools and got depressed.
What happened though?
I would, I was literally thinking that at the previous page.
It's the wrong thing to do as demonstrated in the next two pages.
Crippling social anxiety. However, it's strange since you'd think she'd be too anxious to make friends in high school, if she can't hold a job or attend higher learning.
How do you help someone like this?
It didn't help, but I don't think it made the situation any worse. Though I would have told her to focus on the cooking over whining.
>all happy and bright
>suddenly goes dark and slaps her daughter across the face
What is going on here?
What the fuck woman that's now how you do things.
The daughter has depression and her mom has a reverse electra complex
Of course it went dark as soon as the two most unstable people in the house were alone together
You can read up on the causes of depression but it varies for everyone.
a combination of medication + therapy and actively switching up your routine is the best bet.
Seriously, doing something new and different everyday, even going outside in the sun for a few hours can seriously improve someones mood.
Is suffering universal? How do the nips get it exactly right despite being on a completely different island?
>reverse electra complex
But aren't they home together all the time?
Human psychology is nearly universal because a lot of it is based in brain chemistry which doesn't differ greatly between ethnic or geographical demographics.
It's the same way there's unity through dick. People are people no matter where they are or where they're from.
Honestly, all these issues have become very commonplace in this modern society of ours. Just look at how much feelings of loneliness, helplessness and uselessness and lack of hopes for the future are so common now.
No one would give a shit about this manga if the MC wasn't a hot as fuck anime girl. I can't take this seriously for that reason alone. If the MC was an ugly loser male like 99.99% of people in that situation IRL would be, the only discussion about him would be how big of a piece of shit he is.
No one wants a socially retarded ugly fuck, not even their parents. The only solution is to eat a bullet.
Wait, this step isn't right.
depression is sneaky like that
She's jealous of her daughter because she thinks the daughter is stealing her husband away.
Imagine being this insecure.
Loads of people have these types of feelings, probably now more than ever before but choose not to actively talk about it to for being fear of shamed for it and looking like they're whining over nothing, first world problems and shit.
It's human to feel lonely, depressed, that you're not good enough, and other emotions of worthlessness. Having someone to genuinely talk to about how you feel is really helpful but it takes take a lot of trust in whoever you're talking to and not everyone has that outlet available.
>armchair psychology thread
Literally the worst type of threads.
Or maybe it's a genuine fact that physical harm is not the way to go to treat things like this.
I see this said a lot but I'm not sure it's actually true
My main beef is that people who are depressed or have anxiety, at least in the modern age, aren't actually that often "socially retarded" thanks to the relative ease of connecting painlessly and temporarily to other people. The internet affords you a lot of communication practice, and while it doesn't transfer to face-to-face communication 1:1, it certainly helps with the more abstract parts.
Certainly a lot of people with anxiety and depression are conventionally unattractive, since many fall completely out of physically-intensive activity and eat like trash, especially in an age where quick, filling junk food like instant ramen or various bagged snacks are extremely easy to obtain and prepare. In addition, many shirk personal hygiene as well, for obvious reasons. But these are temporary problems, they can be fixed in less than a year with good diet, exercise, and access to running water.
I don't think it's fair to say that the vast majority of so-called ugly loser depressed males are unsalvageable. Of course, I'm probably biased and it shows, but that's my take on it.
>wants her daughter to get married
>teaches her all this stuff
>tfw she's married and all she does is stay home and take care of a NEET
So what's even the point of all that training just to get a husband then get stuck sitting at home forever? Does she actually regret everything she's done? What is the role of a mother? What is the difference between that and a wife? Was she ever an OL?
>No one would give a shit about this manga if the MC wasn't a hot as fuck anime girl.
Just like real life faggot, do you think you made a earth-shattering discovery by saying this or something? Get over yourself.
That's the duty of a wife, which is the ultimate goal of a Japanese woman, it's part of their culture user, heck, a bunch of woman try to get better jobs so they can meet and marry a better man.
>the ultimate goal of a Japanese woman is to become the ultimate wife so they can NEET for the rest of their life
What the hell?
>tfw you stop yourself from reading further
That's why the ultimate chad move is to just be gay
Get some fujoshi to surrogate your child for you
Are you retarded?
>Being this new
He's right about a housewife being the ultimate NEET. I've lost count of the number of MMO moms I've met who started playing them because they were bored out of their minds every day after finishing all their chores in 10 minutes. And the best part is that they get praised for staying at home doing fuck-all all day every day "taking care of the house".
>sister is still in highschool
>inferiority complex
Jesus, and here I thought she is already a productive member of the society. What's the thing she is envious about? The good ol' days of being a teenager?
>What's the thing she is envious about?
How about reading the manga buddy?
Have you tried reading the manga?
Have you ever been practicing a hobby and seen a 14 year old who does it a lot better than you and gotten jealous of their skill at such a young age? (this happens a lot of you're any sort of artist)
It's like that.
It's a cultural thing really, you wouldn't understand it unless you were born on that kind of society, worst part is how they expect the husband to be away as much as possible so they can do whatever the hell they want to do with their time besides being the masters of the house, and I mean really, it's a common thing for japanese wives to control their husband's money by giving them allowance from their own salary so at the end of the day a regular japanese husband is just some dude that lives in your house and gives you money for taking care of your own home, and maybe fuck you one or two times per month.
TL;DR: Being a japanese housewife is not a bad deal.
Meanwhile brainwashed westerners hear "housewife" and can only think of reeee'ing about how oppressive, misogynist, or whatever other new age buzzword they can think about.
Someone post Neeko's shitty resume.
>reads about parasitic leeches taking all their money and barely maintaining a relationship with them
>"that sounds great, stupid westcucks don't understand how great this is"
I can just look at my own.
way to make things worse lady, luckily she's not so far gone (yet) that her emotions swallow her whole after that.
Anyone who calls NEETs a parasite is people jelly they have go slave away while the NEET is taking it easy at home.
>screencapping a post from 2 weeks ago like it's some kind of great quote
Are you just capping the things you yourself write?
Who the fuck gets hungry in the middle of the night? Fairly often I'll have supper around 6PM, and then my next meal is breakfast at 10AM, and I don't feel hungry at any point between.
>sometimes I think this about the things I'm doing
>then I actually look up the things other people are doing and realize most of them are too retarded to ever do what I do
It's a rollercoaster of depression to egotism with me
A NEET does obviously. They expand a lot of energy watching youtube.
People who don't keep a schedule, and eating at random times a day.
Like what? Are you really good at scripting?
Night shift guys.
Its a cat
Neeko is going to marry a cat?
Shes going to take care of the cat but ended up becoming twitter boobies e-whore (plus cat)
>how exactly? She actively tries to get Neeko to do something for her life, for herself, even if roughly.
Forcing someone to do something they clearly are inefficient or incapable of doing due to something anxiety related is a bad, even deleterious way of going about that issue. Understanding that she is in this vicious cycle because of something that still remains unascertained or misunderstood is the first step to fixing it.
> Neeko's biggest issue is her extreme lack of self-worth, and unless she gets on her ass to do an activity where she can see progress and start thinking "Hey, I can do this, I'm not useless" she'll never get out of that pit.
And what is causing her extreme lack of self-worth? If giving her a job would fix this then she would've had one already, but it's obvious that the thing that's causing her anxiety haven't been probed yet. Finding exactly what that is is the first step. Helping her realize the procedures she could take to possibly to fix is the second and goes on from there.
I do not like this image.
But she seemed fine. So what took place? Did she begin to overthink?
They can go on forever Neeko! You just have to believe!
Here's a test for you, user.
>Work all day at a job you don't love for an average but not amazing salary
>Trudge home
>Lights are on
>House is warm
>Greeted by someone who cares about you
>Dinner is already being cooked
>It's actually good, well cooked food, not trashy garbage you make for yourself out of laziness/exhaustion
Not having to rouse the energy to cook dinner after working all day is an amazing feeling. You will instantly understand why people love the idea of a housewife.
No wonder Japan society is so happy.
I don't think they've gone into the details but something bad happened during a job interview that causes her to freak out whenever she thinks about it
Leave Neeko to me
That sounds like shit. I don't mind having someone to come home to, but if the relationship is between an exhausted asshole who barely raises his kids and a person who treats their spouse like a tired glorified child then I would rather not want that
What could possibly happen in a job interview that scars you for life?
Getting told you'll never find a job?
Passing some gas in a very audible fashion.
Is this from one of her YouTube videos?
Oh boy, how is this one gonna end up?
My bet is it goes well after some awkwardness, but then he turns out to be interested in the sister instead
One time when I was in highschool I went to hand in a job application and the managers were all hanging out in the office poking fun at me. Needless to say I never got a call back from them.
>tfw your sister takes someone else away from you
>Everybody looks good in 2D.
but that's a chad move
>it's a group interview
>tries to stand out, but interviewer spins out everything that you said to shits on you
>more or less get ignored for the rest of the interview
>meanwhile the others boasting of their experiences and skills and get high praise by the interviewer
Yeah let's increase the chances of suicide.
Neeko x Tousuke
I expected him to be more Chad, he looks like a pussy to me.
Tousuke massaging Neeko's boobs
Neeko using Tousuke to play with Imoko's boobs to get Twitter epeen from ojiisan.
Wrong. Mom is correct. Vocalizing self mutilating ideas just because they enter your head is the number 1 way to continue your depression. You don’t address depression by thinking, you address it through productive behavior. Physical reinforcement cannot work on children, but absolutely works on adults.
Then why does she continue to fuel her daughter's depression?
That's nice Mohammad
Oh no she's making her cook instead of letting her be a lazy piece of shit what a horrible mom!
What's to stop a housewife from seeing another man anyways? What if one man just picks up all the housewives?
father-daughter incest is so underrated.
Why did he like it? Is it because she's the first daughter?
I'd imagine that any father would be overjoyed that their daughter still pays attention to him.
This hit me deep
>Work all day at a job you don't love for an average but not amazing salary
Legend says everybody in Japan is happy with their job. I guess it's true except for a lot of people in big cities.
I don't need this shit right now
I already feel bad because of rl shit I don't need to see a cute girl sad for similar reasons
I wouldn't wife her but we would become bros, 2 against nature in a quest to better ourselves
Go back to /pol/
Goddamn I feel this so bad right now
My roommates are all moving away after years together and I was so afraid of being alone I'm moving back with my mom now
Housewife+working man is the best situation if you can afford it. Wife gets to be a pseudo NEET with money and you get to come home to someone who loves you.
I'd like to try some rice in my omelettes, but ketchup? That's sacrilege.
The fried rice is sauteed with ketchup too.
Isn't this that one TLR clone? I thought it was a harem. If it's not anymore. I might pick it up after all. This development looks good.
At least she got friends to play games with during her school days
I've got none.
Hits too close to home.
This series is trying a little too hard to be sad and relateable, kind of ruins any emotional impact.
That's why she's cute so I can forget the woes and just enjoy.
file name made me chuckle
I find bullet teleportation into the head works well
Because of all the other things she's doing (forcefully encouraging her to get a job, apparently now setting up a date, etc.). The girl doesn't have depression, she has anxiety. Slapping her to get her out of a self-destructive funk is an ok thing. All the rest of that stuff isn't though.
>No wonder Japan society is so happy.
Good one
How did she graduate school if she is so afraid of failure to not try after a while?
Remember that time Neeko became a Vtuber?
It just happens then it snowballs.
>The girl doesn't have depression, she has anxiety.
Chapter 6 definitely got me thinking it could be both.
She was apparently fine right until that job interview, god knows what happened in there but it broke her.
I just want to be her friend and give her a hug.
this is NHK level depressing
Yeah, it's too hamfisted.
Seems like they really chewed her out cause she wasn't fully committed to them from the jump. From that point on, she lost all self confidence.
Yeah this is basically me. I've been too spoiled my whole life, i never had to leave any sort of confort zone which led me to being extremely prone to run away from anything that is mildly difficult. I keep telling myself that one day i'll do somethig that i'll be magically talented at with no effort which will save me. Of course, that will never happen. My parents are both extremely caring and say that they'll never resent me or punish me for being a NEET, they are just very worried about how i'll survive after they pass away (they're both 61). And i do believe that they genuinely mean it. But i don't feel like doing anything.
I hate universities and the idea of becoming some simple servant or office worker disgusts me because deep down i have a superiority complex and belive that i'm "meant for greater things". The only two saving graces that i have are that i still have never felt jealous of my sister, i'm genuinely very proud of her accomplishments, and that i still have friends (although they're slowing leaving or getting bored of me since i haven't grown up in the last 6 years)
So what do you do all day, user?
She's cute, I want to hire her.
I mean i feel like this is an obvious answer but i browse this place all day basically. Either that or games.
same, my parents are both 50 and I'd probably kill myself after they die and I run out of inheritance money. My dad is rich but his life is lifeless office drone. I don't want to become like that... It's better being a NEET, learning nip and read bunch of manga. It's not like you need a lot of money to sustain that kind of lifestyle.
Do you get depressed? I was a NEET for 9 months a couple of years ago and was borderline suicidal towards the end of it.
She'll just quit right away, you know?
Post Imoko
Yikes. Burn it.
Not really but i do suspect it's because i live with my parents and my sister so it's a lively, full residence and like i said before i do have plenty of friends despite having been a NEET for six years. They're all friends who have been with me since high school and i talk to them every day on discord. I feel like if it wasn't for them i'd be horribly depressed. What i do feel though is a crushing sense of guilt since i'm surrounded by people who are supportive of me and i still refuse to be any bettter. My parents are amazing people and they deserved a better son. I don't deserve the amazing friends i have either.
>have microbiology degree
>apply for several jobs; neet for 6 months because of pickyness
>dad suddenly offers to fund med school
>self-study for 6 months for med school qualification exams
>be in a decent range for top percentile
>dad backs out and ghosts me because he and my mom fought
>fuck all mode made me waste 2 months being a neet again
>push myself to find a job in the same line of my dad (corporate) in hopes of surpassing him as my motivation
>currently have a managing job in a company that sells biological products
Wish me luck bros...
>be NEET who is living the good life
I don't know how to comprehend this.
>Even if you are a hot girl you have to put in some effort.
No you do not. My sister did not finish high school and spent 5 years living with some trash who knocked her up and then ditched her. Despite having no experience a terrible attitude and simply being lazy she instantly got the first job she applied to because she has big tits and the manager wanted to fuck her. If you are a young woman with large breasts and a slim waist it is quite literally impossible to not find success.
>It's literally an omlette served over rice with ketchup
It's what I imagine a hobo eats with what he has in his fridge.
For now, but everything will crumble. I can see it happening, i can see myself going towards that future where my friends are gone and my parents are dead and i don't have money to sustain myself so my sister starts giving me her hard earned cash and i eventually just commit suicide to stop being a bother coming from a mile away. I see it coming but i just don't feel like doing anything to stop it.
Is that kind of life fulfilling though?
Since has awesome people around him he feels he's a piece of shit for taking advantage of them even if they don't see it that way. Been there.
It's actually one of the reasons I got my act together back then.
It means she does not have a crippling anxiety neither it seems like a good life. At this rate you can settle for some hideous, old woman and let her support you.
Honestly I feel the same way about my younger brother. He's athletic, social, and just does everything better than me. It's even more obvious since my fuckups can be easily compared to his since we're only two years apart.
I don't know how he does it. I don't know how anyone does it. I'm not the worst in the world, but I'm really not doing good.
That's not really proving anything. I guarantee you that lardass looks better in 2d than in 3d.
you bozos really haven't lived until you've tried it, seriously. It's absolutely delicious.
Yeah she stinks of depression and anxiety.
>tfw no neet gf to get with because she's at home watching tv and mooching off her parents
>tfw only have ever made it for self and not someone else a cute girl
I'm sure the experience must be different.
I'd rather have her as a neesan
Personally I don't think her mom should be criticized or praised. Outside of drugs which has its own problems there simply is no effective way to deal with heavy anxiety in modern society. Whether she ignores the problem, encourages her or admonished her none of them are really a good solution. It's just a very unfortunate thing to have a kid with anxiety now that society is so social and interconnected. It used to be people like that would just work on the farm or in a factory but those sorts of jobs are a tiny percent of employees compared to things like retail or service industries. It's not really a problem in parenting but an unfortunate reality of modern society where first world nations have moved from producing goods to providing services and selling things made in other countries.
>now that society is so social and interconnected.
And yet people feel lonelier than ever and relationships have become extremely shallow.
>now that society is so social and interconnected.
Society is full of people whose only form of social interaction is talking to faceless people over video games that they'll never have a meaningful conversation with
>It used to be people like that would just work on the farm or in a factory but those sorts of jobs are a tiny percent of employees compared to things like retail or service industries
You mean it used to be where people grew up in small towns where they knew all their neighbors and formed friendships and connections that lasted their whole lives, where they had strong father figures that worked meaningful jobs and loving mothers instead of growing up in broken families, working shit jobs, and spending all day on social media
I can barely take care of myself emotionally, let alone another person with their own slew of baggage. I would try to be her friend though.
That entire chapter was like peering into my own psyche. It was awful. This page in particular.
Cute loli Imoko
A cat is fine too.
>it ends with neeko raising 40 nekos
Is there any character who can defeat him?
where do you get your raws from?
>tfw no NEET gf recluse to mooch off of you
I just want someone to welcome me back when I get home, guess I'll buy that hologram box thing soon.
Wish I was a women so I could buy the NEET life with pussy
bought them with $$$
Just become a stay at home husband.
Don't you need to be a literal 9/10 to live the gigolo life?
Yes, that's you.
Instagram and be sponsored by some fitness supplement garbage.
Top image is me but fifteen years ago
Some pretty good nostalgia items in here.
>recently found this somewhere in the attic
God I want to go back.
>No suicidal thoughts
Shit's fake and gay
This father is too kind, no way I would have put up with my daughter throwing away money on gacha shit
>tfw no Tokiomi papa to spoil me
It's not fair bros...
yes and we'll work on ourselves together
What Neeko needs is not this hardass bullshit. She needs to get professional help to figure out just what exactly is holding her back,and to get treatment for it. After that following some kind of program that helps people get used to working life would be optimal. But i guess those kinds of things are evil and socialist so thats never going to happen in japan. (or america for that matter)
>(or america for that matter)
But you see the media and stuff always telling you to go to therapy for every fucking little thing. The issue in the west they care more about squeezing as much out of you rather than truly wanting to help you out.
That's pretty cute. I like seeing amicable father-daughter relationships in manga.
Where i live we don't have that problem at all. You don't even need to pay for it. America and the rest of "the west" are not the same.
Literally me but with my dad and my 3 uncles
yeah! whiskey and putting on the eagles works just fine
Where is that?
The Netherlands
>Gatebox cannot be ordered at this time, also is not being shipped outside of Japan
Not even a fake wife can save me from the loneliness.
This is how the discord ERP tranny is born.
God no, I may be many things but gay or a tranny I am not.
Many have said that before falling into such pits never to crawl out.
And many more have found better ways to deal with loneliness, who look down upon such behavior.
Hey, just saying, never say never.
The logical man realises that he will still hate himself even if he is a tranny.
>Die in a gutter.
Niggers can't read, as always.
I don't know. Die in a gutter is more of a "I'll become a hobo and die alone and starving somewhere in the city and my rotting corpse will be discovered days later" feel or vibe than a "I wanna die, I should end it all" suicidal kind of feel. But that's just me.
because he loves his daughter. not sure if the fact that she actually did something rather than just reading manga also played into it, he seems to be less worried about that than her mother.
>if i could turn back time
>If I could find a way!
The only treatment for this is a bullet.
It's normal dad behavior to be chill.
edgelord and Yea Forums(nel) pilled. You're really fitting in!
not always, but on average it does seem like the dads are much more relaxed and less anal about things than the mothers, yeah.
You'll see things differently in a few years.
Have the Neeko vtuber videos been subbed yet?
So we all want Neeko to succeed in her marriage interview just to find out that the guy actually likes, and maybe even fucks behind her back, Imoko, right?
Marriage talk was a red herring, Tousuke is a fucking cat.
That's fine too.
this hits a bit close to home again. the worst parts of the day are always those where I have time to think because that never ends well
>mom always bitches about how hard household chores are and that people don't appreciate her enough for doing them
>picks up some side job with something like 5 hours per week
>quits after the 2nd months because "it's too stressful"
household chores really are a joke with all the tools you have nowadays to speed them up.
pretty much. I could do even the shittiest job if it meant making someone who really cares about me happy.
I can hardly motivate myself to work for myself though. if there wasn't the social stigma attached to it I could get by just fine on welfare, too.
you drag their ass to shit so they are occupied with doing something since their worst enemy is their own brain. as long as it is busy with other stuff it won't have time to take a shit on them.
super taxing though because they won't be excited about it so most people won't bother and just abandon them instead.
still way hotter than he would be in 3D
you don't need to be an ugly bastard to have low self-esteem. it's just a lot easier that way because if you're ugly no one will try to prove you wrong about it.
I would probably disagree with the "bright, happy and trivial" in the screencap, but the "simple" is spot on. There's something really appealing about a fantasy world where the hero has a clear task which he can work on at any moment, with a clear distinction between good and bad. That makes even life threatening danger look like an acceptable price to pay.
>was always fairly good at stuff which made my mom worry I might turn into a braggart
>so she always belittled my every achievement and said it was nothing special anyway
>completely incapable of feeling pride in anything now
>always have that ugly voice in my head telling me that if I can do it, so can everyone else and the only reason they didn't is because they didn't bother to try
>even after placing first in the nationals in my category the only thing that went through my mind was "I bet the others just had a bad day" rather than feeling any joy
th-thanks mom. at least I'm not a braggart I guess.
probably. we can be in a codependent relationship where she needs someone who takes care of her and I need someone who loves me and thus gives me a reason to continue.
that damage is never going to be fixed on my side anyway.
making friends in high school is easy (assuming you are at least average looking). there'll always be someone who basically forces themselves onto you and drags you along to do some stuff.
that quickly ends afterwards when people are getting busy with their own lives and that's where you start to realize you fucked up by taking them for granted.
having had a better life in the past doesn't make the current shit life any better if that's any solace to you.
Speaking for myself, I could easily support a stay-at-home wife and a child or two. I'm sure there are others like me here, who instead spend their spare income on things they don't really need because girls like Neeko are not only rare, but if they exist they are impossible to find for us who work full-time and have no social skills/connections.
it's a shitty situation that's impossible to resolve without some pain, yeah.
>You mean it used to be where people grew up in small towns where they knew all their neighbors and formed friendships and connections that lasted their whole lives
probably one of the most important aspects. nowadays you often lose your whole social circle (that's not family) every decade or so because you have to move.
of the people who currently know me, none of them knows anything about me that goes back more than maybe 4 or 5 years. they'll never know you on the same level as someone who was your childhood friend would - also because you won't voluntarily tell them about your failures and bad traits that someone who knew you all life would know about simply because they were there when it happened.
I dunno, I feel that shit requires a level of delusion most people here aren't capable of. Half of the time, user's main problem is that he's even incapable of deluding himself in the same way a healthy person would to build some self-confidence.
>impossible to find for us who work full-time and have no social connections.
Basically the main problem. Objectively speaking, when I ignore my brain talking down on me, I'd be a pretty good catch in every regard but social connections.
That doesn't help though if no one knows about it because you don't know anyone personally really.
Wouldn't the bills eat up your money?
>Have a very good paying job for my country
>No social life to speak off
I could also easily support a family, but where the hell are you suppose to find someone nowadays? I pretty much only spend my money on vidya and gacha, and that is barely enough to make a dent in my finances. If I don't get married or anything i'll probably just retire at 45 and rot away
sounds like ideal life
Not everyone is a born recluse, some people want to be part of or support a family, but need to be put in the position to get there a la arranged marriage.
1 egg. Warm it up in a cup of warm water.
Butter up a microwave safe bowl.
Put egg, without shell, in bowl. Add a couple spoonfuls of cream or milk, cheese cubelets, ham or bacon strips (cooked, not raw) and seasoning to taste (go easy on salt). Mix in bowl and microwave for 90-120 seconds with a plate on top, depending on your microwave. Put fresh green leaves on side and nom away.
this is like the manga version of the movie where matthew mcconaughey living with his parents
It's her jealous delusions of being harem member #435 channeled into a succubus-fueled fantasy of a future life with him. She apparently experienced 11 years of it in inside 5 min of the trance, so her mindbreak when they pull her out of it next chapter is gonna be great
There are plenty of other jobs in the world. Robots will soon enough get rid of the typical office worker.
You'll understand when you have a daughter one day.
I'm pretty sure neither my waifu nor hand can be pregnant
father will always dote on dotter, thats how the world works
unless he's an incestuous daughter abuser
Fale and gay. If you ignore some moments of madness my father fucking loathes me since childhood.
Will Neeko ever find happiness like watamote mc or is she doomed for life
Just knowing how to script is already above average. If you are really good at scripting you should really try to find a job to use that.
your father probably loathes everyone else more
>hotter ≠ hot
>Women aren't supposed to be working anyway.
Do you
>feel sad
>have less energi
>don't have interests or pleasure for things you like
then you are most likely suffering from
and other minor symptoms can be
>lack of sleep/too much sleep
>lack of initiative and daily routines
>lack of consentration
>lack of feeling both happy and angry
>lose appetite and weight, or increase appetite and weight
>depressing thoughts like I'm not worth anything and I'm not good enough
>suicidal thoughts like my life is meaningless and it would be better if I wasn't here
this picture unironically hurt
a lot of things are fine, working, having duties both to family and work
but those days back in teens and early twenties
will never come back
>The only treatment for this is a bullet.
That's not how you spell cognitive behavioural therapy. Or even psychotherapy.
Your father loathes you for being a dress wearing faggot
I can't even make eggs. Not that I want to, but I still can't.
Can't publish that with all of the actual suicides in Japan these days
>Get eggs
>Put in bowl
You don't need to attend cooking school to figure this out
Can't even fry an over-easy? You'd have to be one hell of a wizard to even screw that up.
I want to punch every girl with silver hair.
Need a doujin of her cucking her mother immediately
>suicidal thoughts
>not fantasizing about murdering people who piss you off instead.
So, suicidal thoughts?
is the dad jobless? he's drinking every night and cant sleep
Her hair used to be brown. That job interview must've really fucked her up more than expected to completely turn her hair white.
That's fair. (And depressing.)
>reading a manga about dysfunctional human being
As if I didn't have to deal with myself already.
Same. Father-daughter incest without the rape/mindbreak being needed is great.
this except I did it to myself
If my daughter is cute: doting dad
If my daughter is ugly: stern dad.
why are the colors so fucking shit
Shit taste
All women are queens!
you'll be fine user, I believe in you even though you have shit taste in cumdolls
Go white knight your single mom somewhere else, cuck. Hitting your child is always wrong and only shows that you have serious communication issues and that you're a failure of a parent.
>all these anti NEET faggots
Kill yourselves nromalfags, collect your autismbux and fuck the retards working for the capitalist pigs.
this isnt true, the narrative of our lives is played out by its meaning. you must find why you exist
Not really but if projecting makes you happier feel free to do it.
The same here user, one thing different is Im a sole child, no siblings and maybe slightly more emotionally fucked because of that. I'm gonna be frank, no /x/ posting here, the thing that saved me from your exact chain of thought about inevitable suicide ending my pathetic leach life is I've found out reincarnation is real(e.g. a book by Wayne Dyer and Dee Garnes on the topic) and as such killing yourself, something that can be called an ultimate procrastination, isn't an option. Same shit will keep on happening until you deal with it. Maybe this info will help you maybe not, laugh all you want, whatever. You'll get it after dying
Holy fucking based
Kill yourself tranny/woman
>teaching your daughter she can get away with pulling shit if she's cute
That's how we get 3DPD.
Not a choice.
People having children is how we get 3DPD.
You got a problem with people having children?
fucking this
I want to turn Altina into a grown up NEET like Neeko!
dude reading this fucking manga made me depressed as fuck
god i want to fuck the sister so fucking bad i want her sitting on my face and i want to hold hands with her in public
why isnt 2d real fuck this world
whats going on here
Mothers are often jealous of their daughters since they're the younger version of themselves.
She needs to take baby steps to get out of the rut she's in. She obviously has deep self-esteem issues due to comparing herself to her younger sister. It doesn't help that her dad spoils her, and her mom doesn't allow her to express her negative thoughts, which I get. It must be hard for a parent to have hear their child talk so lowly about themselves, but she needs to get it out of her system. A therapist and light volunteer work would be steps in the right direction. Volunteer work isn't as stressful as an actual job, but you still need to be responsible and interact with others, which will help with her social anxiety. On top of that, she should try new things. Nothing big, but maybe leaving the house once a day to feel the sun on her skin, going for walk around the neighborhood or local park, helping her mom cook etc.
>Depressed NEETS falling for the wagie copium
You understand that on welfare you are an elite class? Tax payers are the slaves of our modern day Athens. The welfare plebs get to sit around and be waited on while the capital owners are much the same. Unless you want money for something specific or there is a job you want to do you shouldn't take pride in being in the slave class.
>You understand that on welfare you are an elite class?
thats so ghetto
Oh shit this is a manga? Last time I was in this thread it was about this image Wait it's been a year already? Fuck.
Why does the normie work so hard? To raise a family sure, but a good portion of modern people don't even bother with that in favor of hedonism. So the only thing left is to save for retirement. The NEET bypasses that and simply has a retirement lasting a life time. Sure they lack certain material wealth but the state won't let them die and they have more than enough to do.
People get depressed about failing to climb the wagie ladder because of social conditioning not only from schools and media but everyone surrounding you. The normal person is trained to think in this way to justify being a taxpayer despite it being the worst off class politically by a long shot.
>People get depressed about failing to climb the wagie ladder because of social conditioning not only from schools and media but everyone surrounding you. The normal person is trained to think in this way to justify being a taxpayer despite it being the worst off class politically by a long shot.
this. life would be so much better if we lived like moomin.
ultimately work can provide a feeling of independence, i.e that you are capable of providing for yourself and others around you. Gives you feelings of self worth as you are not a parasite and provide things for people. Also you can reach a higher level of material wealth and get nicer things. NEETs claiming to be some master race that have "got the whole system figured out" are funny, its obviously either a psychological defense mechanism to protect themselves from the fact that they provide no value and have no value to anyone else or the NEET getting stockholm syndromed by their own crippling laziness or anxiety.
What value is that? Paid surgeries for trannies? Wars for foreign nations? Self worth for what? Exchanging your scarce time doing some task for someone else's goal? Only half of wagies these days even have kids, the ones that do are destined to be gender fluid goblinos and their children destined to be genetically modified furries. They won't even be remembered for "contributing" three generations later.
Your response is nothing but trying to desperately project any worth on to the normie behavior model you waste your life doing.
>What value is that?
You provide no value in that it doesnt matter whether you live or die. Few know you exist, even fewer care. You dont give anything to anyone, no one needs you or depends on you for anything. You are isolated. Of course in theory you could be some uber popular social butterfly who also happens to be a NEET but that seems unlikely seeing as they are two very different sets of attitudes.
Is that measured by social media connects? Because I doubt you have many "friends" you actually converse with more than small talk, if any at all. You know who depends on you, the NEETS you despise because you're a sucker who gives his tacit consent and loves giving his hard work the ghetto mommies and sending your money right back to your boss.
Do you think anyone outside of two generations give a flying shit about you either? Your boss wouldn't care if you got isekai'd by truck. And thanks you giving all your nice money away those kids who are the only ones who will remember you get a great education in hermaphrodite theory.
Does it matter if you live or die? Will the system miss it's pocket change for ghetto mommies? Will you even do anything to be remembered by anyone but your children? I'm fairly certain I entertain more people in a close relationship than you do, but I would hardly call that as mattering that much.
Is it some great feat to be loved by the mass of drooling retards or to raise a kid to send to commie education camp?
>Is that measured by social media connects?
It is measured only by honest self appraisal
>Because I doubt you have many "friends" you actually converse with more than small talk, if any at all
We like to get together when we can and have fun, we improve our others lives in a mutually beneficial relationship.
>You know who depends on you, the NEETS you despise because you're a sucker...
I do not despise NEETs, I sympathise with them more than anything, knowing full well the allures of cutting yourself off from society. But that attitude in the long term will likely deprive you of happiness. I think NEETs should be helped back into the fold. I dont even despise those who claim to "have the system gamed" like you, I just pity you. Ultimately the good relationships in life are mutually beneficial, I provide someone with something and they provide me with something, in this way everyone benefits and feels like a part of the community. NEETs dependence is not mutualism but parasitism, they take but do not give.
>Do you think anyone outside of two generations give a flying shit about you either? Your boss wouldn't care if you got isekai'd by truck
My boss isnt supposed to care. My friends however would.
>Does it matter if you live or die? Will the system miss it's pocket change for ghetto mommies? Will you even do anything to be remembered by anyone but your children?
I hope that the people around me would miss me. Ultimately we all get forgotten eventually, but for non NEETs this doesnt usually happen whilst we are alive.
>I'm fairly certain I entertain more people in a close relationship than you do, but I would hardly call that as mattering that much.
This is possible, but seeing as NEETs tend to be shut in as they dont have any reason to leave the house this seems unlikely.
Seems unusual to hate socialism when you are living entirely off of others
Okay so power of friendship then? I have numerous people who I converse with nearly daily who would be mildly sad when I died, and that is probably the same as your social circle. It isn't the 1300s you can have microphone conversations with people all over the world.
It seems hypocritical to pay taxes to a system that does mostly things that you dislike, including supporting those parasites. It's not like every NEET just sits around alone fapping to hentai and playing MMOs.
I've hosted a few hundred discussions of many topics and ideas enjoyed by a few thousand people, am writing various projects and have a book club I host time to time.
I hate socialism because paying into a system that turns around and gives it to the two elite classes (welfare/capital owners) is gross not only morally but practically. I can't participate in such a system with a good conscience. If all the government cheese went away then I would be happy to work.
Hell I even made enough money last year that the IRS considers me self employed. The ideal situation is to be below the threshold of paying any taxes.
But you clearly derive self value from how others see you, and this goofy idea of contributing, even if that contribution is warped and grotesque. And that is purely your opinion, a common one conditioned into most people. There is no deeper meaning to what you are saying than stop doing thing I don't like.
If you acknowledge that dust is to dust It seems silly to get upset if there are people being "parasites". You have already given your consent to them by participating willingly.
>normalfag NEET vs normalfag wageslave
How would you solve Neeko's problem and what would be the first step
I'd get her to solve my problems first.
literally the opposite ideological position, dumbass.
Completely unrealistic as an attractive woman, really breaks the immersion.
so when does she fuck the dad
Would you read a manga about some hideous monster? And even in real life being attractive but having social anxiety and/ or depression won't make one amount to anything
You'd be hot too if you were 2D.
yea this is getting too real for me, I don't need this kind of mirror of my own life in my escapism
>the IRS considers ne self employed
So you're not even a NEET then. Why are you grandstanding?
Because the IRS considers extremely tiny amounts of money to be self employed. Either way a NEET or person who doesn't file is infinitely better than a pavlov dogged normie living for their ego.
Knowing is half the battle. It's time to get cracking. Dust off the cv and just apply to menial shit, work at a garden centre or something. Quiet sunday bakery, even late night shifts at the local supermarket. You often don't find your lifelong job instanly, just bounce between things while you look for it, It'll get you used to being out of your comfort zone.
Get into a vocational school and learn a trade, society is always gonna need brickies and weldernators, pay's good apparently.
Just do it fgt. Get hustling
This guy gets it.
Excellent taste.
Interviews don't go that way.
People are usually nice or at least neutral and they don't trash talk you, evn if you're the worst candidate, they just tell you they'll call you later and never do so.
IS this the princess from Log Horizon?
>>dad backs out and ghosts me because he and my mom fought
How? is he your real dad or just your step dad?
Good luck with your new job btw.
What if she was interviewing at a black company?
>age determines the worth of a screencap
Actually now that I think about it, Neeko would probably end up getting a job at a black company and her life becomes even more hell.
>ywn be a househusband and freely live the NEET life dream
Your job is the house, my dude.
It determines the extent to which I am willing to save it, yes.
She juat needs a sugardaddy
I wonder how much money Neeko makes as a youtuber.
Too real.
Then she'd better hurry up, those usually don't want anyone older than 23-24
What do you think her first job will be?
Behind every NEET girl is an incredibly over-indulgent father.
and a bitchy mother?
This hurts so fucking bad
Nah, I've seen one where they do trash talk the candidate, and the interviewer tried to save his own ass by going 'lol I'm just testing you'
God dammit
>no granddad assassin to spoil you either
Ugh. This hits pretty close to home. I don't wanna work either.
Nobody does, you work you die.
Therapy. She has the bad fortune of living in a country that doesn't believe in psychologists.
If only