Let's make predictions for the Netflix adaptation of Cowboy Bebop!

Let's make predictions for the Netflix adaptation of Cowboy Bebop!

>Spike is now overtly Jewish
>Edward is now a sassy black teen instead of a ditzy lil girl of ambiguous ethnicity
>Faye's gypsy heritage is a much bigger deal
>The multicultural future of Cowboy Bebop is constantly made a big deal out of and is one of the series new central themes
>Jet is the butt of all the jokes

Wadda you guys think?

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Wasnt Jet already the butt of all jokes ?

You forgot to say that jet will be black

No, he will be white and that's why he's the butt of all jokes.

kek let the series die Was the movie even good or were they just milking the cash cow

>spike vapes instead of smokes
>ed is confirmed autism and has an arc about it
>jet is black
>Faye is brown and not a character with any ill intent

Ian is a friendly pitbull

My prediction is it will be garbage that's shilled here for a week and then completely forgotten

They would need a dorky white person in the cast.

Why do you care op, its people like you who give a rise to these abominations. Remember death note? how much of a shit storm you guys created? but you guys still saw it at the end of the day.
If you ignore it they won't keep making it

OP here, I have never watched the Netlfix Death Note movie and most likely never will.

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>Vicious is the evil antagonist, so of course he'll be the perfect Aryan phenotype.

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any previews or images?

>>Spike is now overtly Jewish

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Here is my prediction. It will fucking suck.

>they will be looking for bounties on reddit

top kek

The casting call for Spike is asian actually. Presumably because Spike was part of the triads

>spike is asian
>faye is asian or part asian (presumably since she's from singapore
>jet is black
>ed, julia, and vicious are open cast as far as race goes

Part of me feels like that's more to avoid whitewashing controversy, even though the cast of Bebop, aside from Ed, was white. Besides, the universe of Bebop was very obviously multicultural so having a white guy in the triads didn't feel out of place there compared to something set in modern day earth.

>ed is confirmed trans

True. I don't have much issue with them being different races though.

Not that I'm exactly holding my breath that it'll be any good. The track record for live action anime adaptations is definitely against it. But the race thing doesn't bother me

its going to go the way of the death note

Will they have Tijuana?

>even though the cast of Bebop, aside from Ed, was white
Were they? Jet was but wasn't it implied that Faye was from Singapore? Spike is physically based on a jap actor, has a jew fro and lastname and used to roll with a Chinese crime syndicate, so i have no idea what the fuck he was supposed to be.

Spiegel is a common Jewish last name, just saying.

I believe Watanabe said he didn't invision Spike as Jewish, he just thought the name sounded cool. The fact he uses an Israeli pistol was coincidence.

I'm going to ignore it like how I ignore my son on easter sunday and so should all of you.

It's not that there would be other races, but that those races will be selected and behave in such a way as to transparently push the current narrative.

If Jet is black, then Faye would be white, and it would be implied (or more) that Jet is fucking Faye for example.

Faye is gonna be asian according to the casting call

they need a character to be the gay person, and not have any character traits other than being gay

Spikes starring Idris Elba


>Spike and Faye romantic arc
>Episodic structure is dropped, instead we have loosly tied plotlines connected with last minute cliffhangers
>Edward being the most annoying characters, basically just a nerdy superhacker with "insane" oneliners
>Faye isn't a stupid whore anymore
>Only episode plot that is reused is the one with that guy with tits
Could work honestly

Pic related
In other news, I just found out Rooster Teeth got Koichi Yamadera to do a voice for their shitty mecha show. I'm genuinely impressed by the hustle and wish them the very best.

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who will be transgenre?

thats because the Jewish mob definitely for sure completely doens't exist goy
only gentiles are criminals

>Edward is now a sassy black teen instead of a ditzy lil girl of ambiguous ethnicity
>the character that was joked about being a transgender, transracial alien in the anime is going to be none of those
>Jet, who is voiced by a black man in the English dub that everyone knows and is already on the darker side in the original anime, is going to be white when they're trying to push diversity
Do you fucktards even watch the anime?

Das Rite!

He was explicitly part of the triads you dumbass. Yeah there are jewish gangs and gangsters, but the triads are chinese

Could be coincidence, but my impression is that the success of Crazy Rich Asians may have opened Hollywood's mind to the casting of Asian leads. That movie has plenty of flaws, but it stood up fine by traditional measures while being a vehicle for Asian-ethnicity talent.
In any case. casting Asian leads bodes very well for the future of anime adaptations (accepting that they are inevitable). As long as casting non-white actors is seen as a rare political statement, adaptations of foreign media are going to be fucked.

>responding to a troll thread

>Only episode plot that is reused is the one with that guy with tits
Thats one of the best episodes pleb

>star in some of the best episodes
>have the best theme song
>one of the few characters connected to the 'main' plot
>generally a cool guy
>people only remember you for your tits

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Gren had a hard life

To this day I haven't seen it. Fuck you.

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Holy fuck thank you. I'm going to be infinitely amused by this for the rest of the fucking day lmao great post friend

I agree.
Netflix too, but for the wrong reason.

I don't think that race was an specially crucial part that affected the plot or the characterization in a particularly profound way, to be completely honest. If they felt like switching the races around, as long as they kept the characters' core intact, I wouldn't be too opposed to the idea. Change the skin as much as you want, but don't touch their personalities. I guess I'm just not all that exigent.

Exigent is a rather formal word to use there. I'd go with "picky" or "hard to please" unless you're trying to make a point.

The movie was good. It wasnt needed and it was very doughy in parts but it was still fucking gorgeous.

I felt the movie was way too long. It had some awesome moments and great music, but it felt to me like one of those less interesting episodes stretched over two hours. I'm not sure what exactly was the problem, besides the length, probably Elektra and Vincent weren't captivating enough despite their backstory.

I've got a bad feeling about this....

>If you ignore it they won't keep making it
You know that's bullshit. Hollywood is too scared to invest money in new ideas, they only invest money in things that already have a well built fanbase, even if said fanbase wouldn't engage with a live-action adapation of the work, they just want to have something to justify to the higher ups when shit goes wrong. Even if Cowboy Bebop live bombs, they will try to pick up the rights to Trigun or Darker Than Black or whatever other classic anime adult viewers might like and keep trying and trying. That being said I never watched Netflix's Death Note.