I hope tomorrow's episode doesn't disappoint me. Do you remember Quality Queen?
JoJo's Part 5
Other urls found in this thread:
The whole part 5 has been a seemingly endless string of disappointment so far.
>The whole part 5 has been a seemingly endless string of disappointment so far.
the fuck?
Really the whole franchise has been on the decline since stardust crusaders
user is a retard
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has been dazzling me with what I can confidently declare as one of the strongest stretches of the franchise so far. I don’t make that claim lightly – I’d bestow this honor on Battle Tendency as a whole, the last half-dozen or so episodes of Stardust Crusaders, and a couple stretches of Diamond is Unbreakable, but that’s it. Golden Wind feels like it’s cribbing the strongest elements from every JoJo arc so far – the propulsive narrative and unique environmental focus of Battle Tendency, the ensemble road trip appeal of Stardust Crusaders, the flexible Stands and engaging characters of Diamond is Unbreakable. Having seemingly gained much greater confidence in using Stands to facilitate his existing drama, Araki has moved from showdowns like “how can your fire beat my swordsmanship” to its recent train battle, which coherently juggled half a dozen different powers while also making great use of its high-speed environment. It’s always fun watching a show you’re already greatly enjoying undergo a “this is where it gets REALLY good” metamorphosis!
How successful is Part 5 in japan?
I remember back when the 2012 anime was just announced seeing a lot of anons going "They have to reach part 5, that's Japan's favorite one" but I don't know how trustworthy Yea Forums is. Though it wouldn't surprise me.
So we'll get 2 episodes of quality crimson and Bruno backstory, then another snoozefest? I can't wait for Trish to lose her boot
>Have DIO's blood running through you.
>Some people think you are a Joestar
Unironically this. Part 5 has been my 2nd favorite part so far
His mother gor smashed not by Dio's tiny twink dick but by pure Joestar bara meat horsepower.
Giogio is the gay love child of a fused DIO and Jonathan and a whore.
but user, it's already friday
i wish they released the whole part at once. this 20 minute per week thing isn't working out for me
That's funny, because the reason he got a Stand and blond hair is because DIO's soul and genes stronger than Jonathan's genes. DIO's genes completely took over. Jonathan was cucked once again.
disagree, last episode was great as well.
What in Cal Arts is this?
Part 4 as a whole looked awful, whereas Part 5 has looked consistently good. Next episode will be great, just have faith.
I can't wait to see animeonlys being as disappointed as I was at the ending. Once Silver Chariot Requiem appears, everything goes downhill fast, and we get two of the worst arcs in the whole part in a row, and then the thing just ends.
I remember Wesker
I love Requiem and Sleeping Slaves is good. SCR is the arc I want to see adapted most because it's madness.
They are pretty bad for Jojo. They definitely don't feel like a final arc, and no one gets to shine. It's by far the worst final arc so far. Which sucks, since the other Diavolo arcs were all top tier.
Sleeping Slaves felt like outright filler, even if it explored the part's themes.
jesus christ but Trish looks like dogshit in this style
>this twink will probably be voiced by Kamina
We're in an interesting timeline.
this looks like a 9 year olds top half grafted onyo an adults lower half. I really dont remember Doppio looking this bad
How do you think they'll handle the body swaps? Will the characters be voiced by the body's VA, or the soul's VA? I hope it's the former, otherwise it'll suck even more.
I somehow don't think he will. I always liked the idea of them sharing VAs, and in the PS2 game that was handled pretty well, but I think that two voices could also work pretty well and fit the fact that he's two souls in one body better.
its a QUALITY page
This is the result of SS and GOMAD. This is peak male physique. Deal with it.
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
>Muh headcanon : the post
They litterally say that Giorno dies his hair blond. He's got the Star-shaped-birthmark on his neck, and his brown-haired.
i still dont know whats happening in these images
I hope Kamina does both of them. I've always thought they should naturally have one VA.
I thought his hair magically turned blonde when the Dio shenanigans happened/his stand started to manifest
No, having a son is the ultimate cuckoldry. You're literally raising a man who will replace you and fuck all the hot young women you wish you could fuck.
[jaws theme intensifies]
I AM NOT READY! I don't want to see Bruno die and become a zombie. ;_; I remember Quality Queen and all the rage that happened on these threads. Quality Epitaph will be inevitable at some point.
Then leave.
Sexual intercourse with Guido Mista
Anyone know where can I buy one of those boobie mouse mats with Giorno's chest on it?
Honestly the entire series has been on the decline since the second chapter of part 1.
Would he pump and dump or would he take responsibility?
Reminder that Koichi's anime color scheme and general design are still the worst thing the anime has done. And that includes the entirety of parts 1 and 2.
*ting* *ting* *ting* Ahem, an announcement if I may?
Cute. I like this underrated ship.
Doppio anime filler when
I like vento aureo because is jojo but the second half feels inferior and soulless for me. Fugo leaves, Bruno is a zombie, Giorno is more bland than before, Trish only has a single fight, Abbacchio is useless, the minor antagonists are unmemorable, Diavolo isn't a good villain, the whole coliseum arc is disappointing and the ending was rushed.
After the next episode, i only wait for Doppio, Metallica fight and Polnareff
If Kamina is Doppio va, i hope he does a good job. Ishida was perfect but I want to give him a chance, after all he sounds great as Diavolo
I’d love one too. A life sized one
based and redpilled post
What's your faveourite supporting character? For me it's a split between Polnareff, Okuyasu and Mista
It’s the most popular het ship of part 5 in Japan.
>They litterally say that Giorno dies his hair blond.
How can one user be so wrong? It literally said that he DIDN'T dye his hair. It is a plot point to show that despite being conceived with Jonathan's body, he is really DIO's son.
You like lovable dumbasses, basically
Yes, they're greatest bros
This. Japan has good taste
The second half has The Mystery of King Crimson, Metallica, Green Day and Oasis, Requiem arrow and Sleeping Slaves. I honestly believe the second half is greater. Sure, Grateful Dead and White Album are phenomenal fights, but nothing quite compares to Diavolo's reveal, the boat scene, Risotto's last stand, Polnareff's reappearance and Bruno's character development in the face of death.
Go to bed Gio
I want to send you more fanart but I’m not home right now.
>doppio moeshitter has shit opinions
yikes every time
>I like vento aureo because is jojo but the second half feels inferior and soulless for me.
I somewhat agree. Bruno being a zombie was weird, even if I loved the Secco fight. Giorno felt like he peaked in White Album and afterwards he couldn't go beyond that, even if the fight with Ciocolatta was great. Trish is extremely bland from start to finish, so getting a bigger role brings the story down.
I don't think Abbacchio was useless at all, if anything he's one of the most useful characters, but his stand just didn't work in fights. And he was an asshole all the way through, he really fucked up gang interactions before his death because of that. And that made things feel shallow when he died. I'll agree the minor villains are unmemorable only if you don't consider Ciocolatta and Secco, since their arc is top three in the part.
Diavolo honestly wasn't a bad villain. He was interesting during his first two arcs, when he was mysterious and hid behind his stand and Doppio. It's just that Araki dropped the ball once he was revealed and didn't know how to do him properly. Hiding him in one of the other characters is a great idea to keep this aspect of him, but he handled it awfully, and it felt like he devolved to a shallow one off villain instead of the boss we'd seen up to that point. The ending wasn't only rushed, it was mediocre since SCR; Part 5 had built up a great standard for action which wasn't there.
>The Mystery of King Crimson
Great arc
Great arc
>Green Day and Oasis
Great arc
>Requiem arrow
Awful arc
>Sleeping Slaves
Awful arc
>Joestar bara meat horsepower
Calm down retard. George has always been a character, did you forget Joseph had a father?
george isnt barelg a character in BT.
also, that design is inspired by the fanfic.
Kakyoin, Abbacchio and Mamezuku Rai
I mean him being a pilot was the only notable thing about him, a pilot design is pretty logical.
why do you like Rai? im honestly curious.
he always looked kind of bland to me.
>Bruno and trish
shit ship desu
Mista and trish is where it's at
Why is the Joestar bloodline so weird?
He's barely a character, but he existed, and just so you know, Jorge is the same character as George, just in an alternate universe.
Araki just did his design more modern for that cover.
He's very eccentric, logical and really only cares about the endgoal as he demonstrates by bashing on yasuho over and over again. I also find his design and stand appealing and I love the Snoop Dogg reference.
you mean why is the Joestar bloodline so BIZARRE
i'll leave
I like both. Bruno is the one that got away and Mista is who she ultimately moves on and ends up with.
What sound will Emperor Crimson make?
>and ends up with.
Will we really get the new OP this week?
Mista ends up with Giorno
Wouldn't it make more sense to get new OP after the new episode? With KC reveal and all
It makes more sense after the arc is over. Otherwise it'll spoil Fugo, King Crimson and the betrayal.
>Instead of a new OP, we get Epitaph as the new ED
How hype would it be?
I mean we could always get versions. One that doesnt spoil anything then one that does after shit goes down
Or they could just wait an extra episode.
No we need a new OP RIGHT NOW!!!
Ask and you will recieve
I meant I like the idea of Trish moving on with Mista in the far future.
>the idea
>far future
It's not shit but it's obvious that Mista is the only one who was into Trish.
Bruno doesn't like girls.
Bruno was the nice guy provider who gets to die for Trish.
Mista is the bad boy alpha who gets to fuck.
Remember when Koichi was in the cast of part 5? Araki didn't.
He wasn't supposed to be part of the recurring cast. He just left after his job was done.
Koichi left because he finished his business there, goldfish memory-kun
I Talk to the Wind would be a good ED
>he doesn't know its bone marrow that produces blood cells in the human body
It's Jonathan's blood, therefore Joestar blood. Dio being a vampire also means it's someone else's blood on top of that too.
>Or they could just wait an extra episode.
I mean they could but every part with stands has had the main baddie fuck with the OP
>DIO timestop
>Kira's OP rewind in Great Daze
it'd fit to KC fuck with the new OP as well. It's not like DP minds going the extra mile
And that always happens at the end. Why do it now, instead of at the climax of the entire part? They didn't do anything for Kira's introduction, only for AOBTD.
>Why do it now
why not? Start it now then switch versions when its appropriate. It doesnt have to be 100% formulaic
Is that goofy fucking Yea Forums meme dub of Jojo OVA still up
The one with the fucked up compilation of singing STAND PROUD
When will we get the new opening?
Mista's tummy
Mista's hips
Mista's thighs
Mista's ass
Mista's tan
Mista's voice
Mista's eyes
Mista's smile
But it fits better at the climax of the part. And if they do it now, they won't be able to do it later or it'll start feeling repetitive. Besides this OP doesn't fit thematically like the last two, since it's just about the gang.
Are you ready for it?
Why does nobody give a shit about Clash and Talking Head? Sure, the "Oh no, I can't tell the truth!" thing dragged a bit but we got some Narancia focus, and Clash is fucking scary. Plus, the Stand users were dope.
Do you think Mista shaves his ass, or does he leave it like a wild jungle?
Its been on decline since the worst part
dubs and king crimson erases all the gay posters tomorrow
It bothers me that everyone became retarded during that fight, even giorno.
>He thinks that real life science has any bearing in JJBA.
It's DIO's blood. It's DIO's DNA. It's even DIO's soul. DIO took over Giorno's body. Read the manga before you post your headcanon here again.
Clash and Talking Head's placement is awkward. It's a gag fight that comes right after the most dramatic arc in the part thus far. It has its good bits but Notorious BIG would have been way better to have after MoKC
>DIO took over Giorno's body
Does this happen after he saves giorno in the end of part 5?
If you are talking about the manga itself and not retarded headcanon, Giorno is clearly portrayed as a Joestar. Did you miss Koichi's thoughts when he worried about Mario?
Best boy
Araki forgot, stop being stupid
Is Norisuke really dead;? ;-;
>haha DAE Araki forgot memes :3
>le bizarre jojo memes
Truly a reddit worthy post
>I forgot and I'm being stupid
Araki doesn't plan ahead. He does each arc when he wants to do it, and Clash and TH fits there because:
1. They are still in Venice
2. Diavolo has a plan B at close reach
3. Narancia needed an arc after long without having one
4. Narancia doubly needed an arc to solidify his loyalty to Bucellati on his own instead of simply following orders.
He also kills homosexuals without remorse, which makes it ultra kino when he gets bars up his ass.
Just like my life desu
Without looking it up, tell me the names of Clash & Talking Head's stand users.
You can't.
squalo and tiziano
Tiziano and Squalo dummy
FUCK you
Not everyone is a speedreader, user.
>if you don't remember the names of every single irrelevant enemy of the week, you're a speed reader
Now answer this, which one is which?
I really like Squalo's design
squalo = ff character
tiziano = nigga
There's not that many. And they are not "irrelevant", you seem defensive about your speedreading.
Tiziano is the brown one
Squalo is the one who looks like Sale
That's not enough, which stand is whose?
You mean before Giorno went on a murdering spree across Italy? Should I care about Koichi's thoughts more than the facts? Should I forget that Jotaro said DIO took over Giorno's body? READ THE MANGA. I won't give you another (You) until you do.
This. The only really good part after the first three parts is 7.
Tiziano has talking heads
Squalo has clash
I remember part 5 villains thanks to fujos
Ok speedreader, without looking it up, tell me the name of the stand users for
>Marilyn Manson
>Fun Fun Fun
>Planet Waves
>Jumpin Jack Flash
>Jailhouse Lock
>Doobie Wah
>Yo Yo Ma
If you know a tiny bit of Italian it's pretty easy to know which one is which.
Squalo is Italian for "shark"
>before Giorno went on a murdering spree across Italy
Your point? Joestars aren't Batman, they kill baddies.
I'm not sure what your point is. Isn't Johnny a Joestar? Is Jolyne not one? Giorno is a Joestar, just like he's also Dio's son. That's the whole thing about the part, they aren't contradicting aspects.
>Should I care about Koichi's thoughts more than the facts?
They facts are that Araki made a whole part about another Jojo and had a character talk about how he's a Joestar. If you think he isn't because of his later actions, that's your headcanon and you can have that, but don't act like it's official unless you have actual proof.
>Jotaro said DIO took over Giorno's body
lol, and then you tell me to read the manga. I bet you are anime only.
this is either bait or your reading comprehension is scary bad
Asking a really serious question here; where is he ticklish?
>Viviano Westwood
>Miuccia Miller
>Aishou Dainenjima
I never said I wasn't a speedreader
Dont remember
Guard westwood
Dont remember
Miu miu
Dont remember the rest, honestly part 6 minor villains where really forgettable more so than the other parts
I know that, but that's just the stands, not which design is which name.
Guard Westwood
Lang Ranger
Miu Miu or something
Aishou my boi
Porkie hat kid
No idea
Vivianne Westwood
Lang Wrangler?
Goodbye Pork Pie Hat Kid
There was a user?
>There was a user?
Narancia is my wife
>have a friend who sincerely thinks that Battle Tendency was the absolute peak & the series should’ve ended after BT
He's the most forgettable user out there. D&G?
>More retarded headcanon
>This character's speculation, which turned out to be false, proves my point!
>Other Joestars killed people, so Giorno's ruthless, cold-blooded murders don't count!
>Araki MEANT for Giorno to be another JoJo despite the fact that he set up Giorno to have DIO's soul and DNA.
I sad no more (You)'s. Pathetic!
Knowing that squalo=shark pretty much guarantees that you never forget who is who anymore. See the following situations:
1) You know that Squalo=the orange haired guy, thus you know that he's the stand user of Clash.
2) You know that the orange haired guy=Clash's user, thus you know that he's Squalo.
You only need to know who Squalo is to tell him and Tiziano apart.
Sounds like your friend is a man of culture and fine taste.
the dude is just green weather as far as I remember. SO had a really forgettable cast
Yeah, so you have to know one of those. The arc is pretty unmemorable, I doubt a lot of people remember their names, let alone which one is which.
I have a friend who thinks JoJo isn’t good until part 3.
The cast was great, it's the weekly enemies that are forgettable. And they aren't particularly so, since they are about the same as Part 7 and 8.
Yo Yo Ma slice of life spinoff when?
Rock niggers have been great.
He probably watched the anime, where that is true.
>tfw skipped reading the manga up to VA because of the anime
Did I miss something?
I feel more like armpits
Yeah, the actual good version of the story, and the chance to read it fresh without the imposition of the anime's vision.
Just read it, its good fun anyway and the experience of reading a manga is way different than watching an anime.
It should have ended after DiU but yeah, BT was the peak. Early Jojo is the most soulful shit.
I read the manga from part 1 after finishing the part 3 anime, it was really fun to see what didn't make it into the anime and what was changed.
>, since they are about the same as Part 7 and 8
gonna be honest here, I dont remember alot of part 7's enemies or any on part 8 without sitting back and thinking on them. There's Tom, the doctor, the other doctor uh. Yotsuyu. uh... the fat greasy dude uh
I recently reread Battle Tendency and realized the only thing I like about it is Joseph. And even then Joseph's peak is in part 4.
>unironically thinking that ruining the best Jojo in parts 3 and 4 leads to peak Joseph
You sound like someone who projects themselves on Giorno and is so pathetic they have to believe they're DIO too.
I really hate how Caesar throws his life away and the culmination of Lisa Lisa's character is having her unconscious and hanging by her feet. Why build her up into being a badass master then give her damsel treatment? I know they were up against pillarmen but damn have her do more than sit next to Kars then hang from a bridge
>Me protecting myself from the flood of shitty opinions in this thread
Where are the allpartschads and 8chads when you need them? This thread is full of nostalgiafags and anime-onlys
>Joseph's peak is in part 4.
Wow, that's one shitty opinion. Part 4 Joseph was only funny during RHCP, but afterwards he went to shit, even his arc sucked dick.
Without searching
Boom boom family
Goodbye pork pie hat
Ringo Roadagain
Dr Ferdinand
Mike O
Sugar Mountain
A bunch of men with one shared stand
Axl Rose?
Magenta Magenta
Chocolate Disco
AU Diego
I’m guessing for half of them. Holy shit they really are forgettable
OH NO, Joseph is ruined because he is given actual character flaws and isn't a clown all the time
You mean newfags?
Fuck apparently there were characters called Oyocemova and Mrs, Robinson
Sorry if you haven't caught up, sweatie. If JoJo's moving a little too fast for you, we can always ask Araki to publish on a slower schedule.
>isn't a clown all the time
His character in part 4 is basically a clown outside one scene. The hate circlejerk for Part 2 is pathetic, I get it was a kneejerk reaction due to animeonlys when we only had Parts 1 and 2, but before the anime there was never any amount of hate and was universally liked as the best or second best part.
The anime really ruined the fanbase.
shit man you did better than me. the only names I ever immediately remember from 7 are Mrs. Robinson and Oyecomova and that's only because I always mix the two up. I swear I thought Mrs. Robinson was the horse's name and it fucks me up everytime
Mrs. Robinson is Oyecmova's horse, speedreader. But its ok, you can always back to the early parts. They were written for your age-group after all.
Part 2's side characters getting shafted for Stuseph makes it even worse
Caught up in 2012, before the anime announcement. Part 8 is nothing special, it just introduces new characters in each arc only for them to do nothing afterwards. It's like Araki forgot the problem he had with Part 4.
I watched the older stuff and loved it, but the whole "stand" thing put me off. I preferred the breathing technique.
Wrong, speedreader-kun
how embarrassing for you. Quick, maybe if you delete this post, no one will see it
But Joseph is the biggest clown and a retard in part 3, he's also useless. In part 4 Araki also made him a cheater just because he needed another young protagonist and Jotaro was too young to have to a teenage kid. Araki didn't have to make Joseph useless and a cheater to make him "flawed".
>The hate circlejerk for Part 2
Don't you mean every part that has gotten an anime adaptation? Are you telling me the same didn't happen to Part 3 or 4?
Even in 2012 before PB anime, BT was really often in top 3 parts here.
Just push through, everyone passes through that, but it's for the better.
Part 2 would be the best part if:
>Joseph had a tangible character arc
>Caesar and Lisa Lisa were combined into one character
>Esidisi didn't exist
squalo literally means shark how the fuck can anyone get them wrong you speedreader.
If anything the anime brought Part 3 new love, just like with Part 5. Only Part 4 had it different, with people hating on it since it was the fan favorite before getting adapted due to the hype. Then that died down due to the anime being a shitty adaptation.
Part 2 hate lasted even longer due to people missing it during Part 3's airing, before the later arcs.
I was like 2-3 seasons in I think and gave up.
You already said that in the previous thread.
Stands are far more interesting and varied than Hamon could ever hope to be.
Silly me, I forgot Squalo's shark shaped head, tee hee. At least read the conversation, dumbass.
>caught up in 2012
so you've only missed the last 7 years??
sad this is what jojo threads devolve into
I had to look up Mike O. Couldn't for the life of me remember who he was or what he even did
Holy shit you have shit taste.
OG Diego was one of the best characters in the franchise.
Allpart chads report in
No there's actually no character named oyocemova, altough there is a character named Oyecomova, and it's not even hard to remember because it's literally "oye como va"
I hope they keep Part 5 design for Part 6, that would already be a big improvement over the manga.
Caesar and Lisa Lisa are terrible characters and combining them wouldn't fix anything. You can give Joseph a character arc but that doesn't mean it would be well written. Part 2 just has shitty character writing in general and Araki simply wasn't skilled enough at the time.
tfw no female mista scene where the female investigator has to woo her way to the guy running the strip club and gets his guard down with a strip scene and then pulls a gun on him and gets what she needed scene
Which is why the JoJo series should have stopped there and not had some other show pop up with the same branding and names while riding on the coattails of the old show.
Fuck that, they should change artstyle every part. Just like they should've changed composers.
>and it's not even hard to remember because it's literally "oye como va"
bean detected
Part 5 has been really fun so far but it feels rushed but that also could be because Part 5 is the shortest timeline wise out of all the others. I think it only covers like two weeks whereas every other part lasted a good couple months or a year or two or more.
I can't remember the stand users for any of the parts, they don't fucking matter, especially in part 5 where they're all just different fucking Italian foodstuffs that are completely interchangeable and meaningless, this is an unfair test.
Most parts have shitty character writing. Araki just has them stay the same and suddenly have emotional moments for them in one arc, which doesn't matter since they stay the same afterwards.
Part 4's OST is one of the few reasons it wasn't total shit.
Thank god you aren't in charge then, because that would have been worse for both series if they separated.
>All of this until venice takes place during a day or two
>asks dumb question
>gets rightfully shamed by the chads
>still expects people to read his excuses instead of throwing their stones and moving forward
>Oye come va
Why would I remember that?
>Mfw when out of breath from dodging the shit in this thread
Write it user. Be the change you want to see.
The train stuff made it feel so much longer.
I honestly only liked stands in 3 and 4. Non stop action (fights) is really boring (maybe that's why 5 is so boring and dull to me). I loved Spin in part 7. I understand that stands are better for a long running series but I still prefer spin and hamon (the best thing would be having all three of them in one part). I don't like the stand of the week formula, I like the fact that hamon and spin have actual history/mythology around them, unlike stands.
Yeah, I'm not saying it isn't. Part 5's OST is my favorite so far, yet that's not my point. Changing composers for each part would give them a distinct feel, which would end up being for the better. There's many great composers out there.
Yugo Kanno relies too heavily on guitars. Part 5 should've had violins as the main instrument. The OSTs are all too similar since Part 3, for their detriment.
Oh. I know this song
>Caesar and Lisa Lisa were combined into one character
I don't see how this would fix anything. Caesar was the rival who made Joseph take training seriously even after his death. Lisa Lisa was just used to show how evil Kars was. Neither of them are all that great, but turning them into one wouldn't make sense for the overall story.
>he doesn't know basic greetings in at least every major european language, let alone a basic knowledge of them
either bean or murrican detected, please keep butchering those part 5 names.
Sure thing boy. I bet you had to check the wiki anyways.
>Lisa Lisa was just used to show how evil Kars was
Imagine not remembering most of part 2. Sad.
>mfw when
Cómo va is definitely not a basic greeting. That would be Cómo estás, the other is a local version and not universal at all.
>in at least every major european language
why would I give a shit about europe though? I swear Euros try to maintain relevance in the dumbest ways
Can't blame him, it's very unmemorable.
Bros, what the fuck even is Spin? I don't get it. I read an entire part about spin and I don't understand what it is. Why not just shoot them?
If that makes you feel better you're free to believe it.
>Cómo va is definitely not a basic greeting.
it isnt. It's supposed to be something like 'listen to me/my music' in context to the song.
Why not just shoot yourself?
Then why did you continue reading? If you don't like Jojo by part 2 and you keep reading you have to be autistic. Or you know, lying about not liking it.
Just to make sure, is this how king crimson works? Am I understanding it right?
>Diavolo uses epitaph and sees 10 seconds into the future
>When he activates king crimson everything he saw during epitaph is guaranteed to happen and everyone acts it out unconsciously
>Diavolo is intangible and can do whatever he wants during the 10 seconds time is erased
>once time resumes time has been skipped and no one remembers what happened during the time erasure except diavolo
I did this
everything moves in cyclical motions. Harnessing the power of the perfect cycle is a destructive force that's literally unmatched
>damage control
Okay beaner
then you'll love Anasui
It's basic enough, and it's similar enough to the Italian "come va" to be easily remembered in a pair.
Because if you don't you don't really get the meaning of half the words of the english language, you just memorize them without having any further insight into them.
He's not one. His understanding of Spanish is basic at best, he's trying to look cool. Probably a murrimutt.
>no hot pants and Diego
>It's basic enough
It isn't. It's not even a greeting in the song, like said. You are just proving you don't know what you are talking about by doubling down on it.
>Because if you don't you don't really get the meaning of half the words of the english language, you just memorize them without having any further insight into them.
not true. All you need for that is a cursory knowledge of latin root words, which you learn in elementary school. No euro glorification required
It’s probably this user I think he’s being a retard on purpose
Mostly yes, but Diavolo doesn't "become intangible" per se, it's just that any action that takes place during that time is erased, and only the resulting positions of objects will remain, it's as if everything just teleported, by that same logic, Diavolo also can't damage anyone else during time skip.
I love how everytime anyone knows two words of spanish americans just push the beaner alarm. It's kind of charming really.
Whatever, I'm out friendly speedreader, remember to study those stand user for your next exam, maybe trying reading slower or something idk.
They deserved to be together after all the suffering. Better than AU Diego happening
You did this
I think you're focusing too much on the main themes, which are meant to sound similar. Part 5 has a distinct feel from Part 3 and 4 minus some sound effects used on a few songs.
They are kids born from mexican parents, somebody on /int/ confirmed that. Same as online white pridefags tend to be mutts.
This. I was never a big fan of part 5 and was honestly hoping that the anime adaptation could help me to appreciate it more, but it seems even the few things that I did like have been made worse in the anime. Well, King Crimson could redeem it, so we'll see.
its you, terrone, that needs studying considering you yourself had no idea what the words meant
Giorno looks so much sexier as Haruno
Don't be condescending, I'm not saying this from light hearing of the soundtracks. Kanno has a style of his own, and even if he gives each part a flavour, it's still the same style. Hell, he's even used tracks from previous parts sometimes, and it's not jarring. There's only so much a composer can do to make different soundtracks, but in the end they'll have his name all over the composition and style.
Compare that to changing composers like between part 1 and 2, or between part 2 and part 3. That's a noticeable difference, and it would've been better. A lot better.
not that user, but i love analslut
It's still the same part. It's made enjoyable on individual fights, but it won't fix the overarching problems. Just wait until the final arc where everyone flips around and starts hating it again.
Doubt it'll look bad. Have you seen the most recent episode? They were cutting quite a lot of corners. Wouldn't be suprised if it was to give more attention to this weeks and next week's episodes.
Which Joestar does Haruno resemble most
but how did he kill narancia then?
canonically, he looks exactly like young Jotaro
He put him over the bars, so then he fell and gravity did the deed. That, or just by being there when the timeskip ended, the bars appeared inside him killing him.
His personality too, more like a mellow nicer Jotaro
he's a lovable goof
I laffed
I want Taku Iwasaki back for part 7 though, Gyro needs his own opera-style theme.
Taku won't come back. They used his OST like trash, and he's mad at them for that. He didn't even fit Part 2, I wish they'd saved him.
Previously those climaxes also introduced the time-based ability that messed with the OP. King Crimson's ability is introduced now, unlike with DIO or Kira
Well they probably kept him because he's good at making stand rush themes. Part 6 will probably be his swan song.
>cowboy gag character
>opera-style theme
Only they are separated. They have nothing related other than character names. Everything else changed. It is like they took Digimon and ported it over to Pokemon or something.
Dio's ability is introduced earlier though, and it's not until the end of the arc that they change the opening.
He truly is. At this point I want them to keep him, since changing for Part 6 would be even worse, but after that he has to go. SBR-verse Jojo deserves a completely new feel to it.
Have you even read this? Characters are shared between parts, retard. Good job proving you know nothing about Jojo.
It's not like it would fit Caesar for me if I didn't hear it in the anime.
>yfw this is the new ED
>He didn't even fit Part 2
How? I think he fit pretty well. I would like something more (some electro swing maybe) and I think they should have utilized Taku's music better, but I find the OST itself great and fittting for part 2.
>femtaro will never beat up a thot for you
Part 2 should have had something like Part 1 but more upbeat. The techno music didn't fit the part at all, even if it was good. I feel people only liked it because of the memes and liking the silly fit, but to me, who liked Part 2 seriously, it felt like it was mocking itself.
Narancia was fated to die so when time skipped he died without anything actually attacking him
patrician taste
sucks to be u
that makes no sense
>Narancia was fated to die
How? What could have possibly been fated to happen to him that involved him being impaled while everyone else stands perfectly still for ten seconds.
He got hit with a rolling stone. It knocked him into the bars
The only explanation I can think of is that Diavolo spammed time skips and impaled Narancia in between skips to go unnoticed, but it was never explained so who knows really.
This reminds me, I made a femtaro OC myself for Jojolion. It's a bit cringey though but I noticed there was a lack of Nijimura counterparts which was strange. So her name is Kyo Nijimura, and she's also Kira Yoshikage's sister (That's right she's even a Joestar). I can't decide her stand name though, should I go for Going Underground or Born This Way?
Kakyoin and Okuyasu for me.
He said he wanted to go to school or something after they were done with the boss
I need more of my bondage goth husbando.
This is honestly the best fucking description I've ever seen. It makes sense now.
Will they animate his backstory?
In order: Yasuho, Polnareff, Mista
It's factually wrong though.
avdol, okuyasu, and buccellati
Fuck you, stop fucking confusing people. How the fuck is it wrong? It's not.
It needs to include the part where the guy saying "Sup" briefly sees his own self from the future standing in front of him
That's only if Diavolo desided to use Epitaph on somebody else
How does the guy get punched and hurt inside of erased time? If damage "fated" to occur inside erased time still counted, then Aerosmith would've killed Diavolo.
How is it wrong?
Based and Magician's redpilled
I hope so!
You're one dense motherfucker. Diavolo is immune to fate during King Crimson, that's his whole shtick. ESCAPING FATE
Diavolo doesn't attack anyone during the erased time. That action is erased, they wouldn't be bleeding.
Diavolo is the only one who becomes intangible during that time. King Crimson is broken
The revival of King Crimson debates is truly a beauty to behold
Only diavolo is immune to fate during erased time
Diavolo is the user, so things work differently for him. That's the whole point.
I have enjoyed part 5 way more than part 4. Giorno is a bit of a bland character but the rest of the crew make up for it.
No because that's only if diavolo gives epitaph to someone, like he does to doppio or bruno
You should read the manga. There's a reason Part 4 has always been prefered, the anime kind of sucked.
What makes you enjoy 5 more than4?
>I made a femtaro OC myself for Jojolion. It's a bit cringey though
I don't think it makes that much of a difference. If he doesn't like the anime, what could the manga do to change his mind
The cause of the damage is erased but the effect is still there
Since when does Epitaph allow you to touch your own future self?
Some of you gangstars are alright, don't come to the Colosseum tomorrow.
I can't wait to marry him and raise our kids and grow old with him
>cause and effect
4's writing is the same, probably a bit worse in the manga
only improvement is the art
>over 20 years since part 5 first released
>no one can still agree on how king crimson works
Mista is the fourth bullet
my nigga
The way a story is presented matters a lot. Adaptations can really change how you perceive a story.
>a bit worse
Not at all.
The pacing is absolutely an improvement, and the character interactions are enhanced a whole lot since their dialogue isn't cut short at every panel. Stories get enough time to develop and everything isn't rushing until the end, like the anime did while missing the point of the SoL aspects of the manga.
Have you guys really never read the manga of something after watching the anime and completely changing your outlook?
Because nobody is willing to swallow their pride and admit that it just isn't consistent.
I usually read the manga first, so maybe you are right.
This exactly, I loved the part 4 manga but not the anime. It really is down to pacing and direction, not to mention stuff they botched like Killer Queen's introduction. It also cut more than it added in.
July 14th and the Cinderella and Sheer Heart Attack swap improved the story presentation for me
Jesus christ KC, calm down
anyone got the raging gif/webm of him raging in all-star battle?
I know that the most popular songs are like this, but this ost wasn't just techno. "Propaganda" genuinely fits despite having some modern elements in it. I look at the ost as a whole, I don't define it because of dubstep, there were others, smaller tracks that are underrated. It had some soulful, fitting music, like purely instrumental "Not Alone" that plays after Wamuu's defeat, or "Backfoot", or "Fields of Fright" etc. Those songs perfectly capture the tone of certain scenes imo. I appreciate them more now
t. King Crimson fag
What will the final asspull in Jojolion be?
Same. The Cinderella, Angelo, and Lock arcs were pretty mediocre to me in the manga but the presentation was great. But they botched some genuinely great arcs, so I can't really say that the anime is better.
I think people are underestimating how important "art" is for visual media. It's not a good premise that makes a story, it's all in the execution, and that's especially the case for comics.
O MY PAPER MOON is happening before our eyes
Answer this then
You getting a friend. It would be impossible if not for an act of divinity.
He loves Giorno
Damn, Is this the most preview images they've posted? They're really hyping up this episode.
oh, baby a triple!
Does DP draw Trish as ugly on purpose?
What is it about Mista that's so damn sexy?
Daily reminder the world would stomp king crimson
Based and Worldpilled.
she's cute, suck dick fujo
Agreed. This is why I almost always recommend reading the part 4 manga either before or instead of watching the anime. The art and attention to detail is in an entirely different universe.
Trish never really was much of a looker.
Trish has always been ugly
The moment DIO even thinks about using The Worand then King Crimson kills him with a counterattack
If you count him, Part 4 Jotaro.
If not, then Okuyasu.
The guy will have a dozen baby mamas and he'll never marry.
We have had this conversation many times and it always ends with DIO winning. The moment Diavolo gets in range, he becomes a donut.
I think that, since shes part of the gang, DP wants her to be as detailed as the other characters. Sadly all the lines on her face and the overall shape arent very appealing
I’m a straight male and I’m just disappointed that DP is shitting on my waifu
reminds me of how fucked junji ito latest adaptation was. monsters looked goofy rather than scary
Wish there was an actual fight between Giorno and Diavolo at the end of Part 5. Instead of the former just completely decimating the latter. Like instead of absolute negation, the arrow could've just gave GER incredibly fast reflexes or some shit. Would've been way more interesting that way.
>I’m a straight male
Sounds like something a fujo would say
I think so.We should be getting one more tomorrow still.
trish has a belly button
Sorry I forgot that I was on 4channel. Guess I’ll just go back to Yea Forums like the rest of the guys :^)
>We have had this conversation many times and it always ends with DIO winning.
That's because DIO is an immortal vampire, not because his stand is better. Diavolo stomps Alt Diego any day.
post proof
I just get the sense that his dick is really big
How did Narancia die, then?
kira looked pretty goofy most of the time
KQ is a hard counter to timestop, so really the fight just boils down to whether Diavolo’s fast and smart enough to ambush DIO and crush his skull
People say SCR is supposed to be the real final battle, but they don't fight it either.
thank you, Lazaro.
who cares? fuck trash, even anita is better
But she's dead
>Diavolo stomps Alt Diego any day.
A small victory considering that THE WORLD is much weaker than The World.
>KQ is a hard counter to timestop
This myth has already been busted before. It is a check, not a counter. It can cancel a time stop but it can't attack with invulnerability.
>whether Diavolo’s fast and smart enough to ambush DIO and crush his skull
Spoiler: he isn't. He wouldn't go for the head because even if he knew DIO was a vampire (which he doesn't), he wouldn't know that DIO's head is his weakness. Diavolo skips a time stop, donuts DIO, and immediately dies. There is no other way the fight can end unless DIO and Diavolo act out of character.
Like I said, it's because he's a vampire.
predict what Part 6, 7, and 8 threads will be like
people being pleasantly surprised
autists complaining over every single thing
We will all be old boomers and the threads will be completely dominated by the children of today
6 - shit
7 - great
8 - worse but not as bad as 6
>Diavolo wouldn’t go for the head if he knew that DIO was a vampire
Are you implying that Diavolo has never watched a vampire movie? He obviously streams shitty horror films on his laptop when he isn’t busy shitposted on Yea Forums
"This is boring."
"This is overrated."
"When does the plot start?"
you act as if these threads aren't already filled with children
part 7 will have such high expectations these threads will be on shitposting overdrive. Shitposters nitpicking and fanboys freaking out. Theyll probably be worse than these threads.
>another decade of complaining
oh boy...
>6 threads
anime onlys saying that"jojo has become sjw" and partshitters screaming PART 6 BAD at literally every occasion. (also people complaining about the ending)
>7 threads
cripple jokes, people saying that the start is shit, discussions if valentine is the villain or not, and overral a lot of shitposting since its the best part for a lot of people
>8 threads
idk, depends of the ending really.
>Are you implying that Diavolo has never watched a vampire movie?
So he's gonna be coming at him with garlic and stakes?
Has Dio ever had a canon interaction with garlic and holy water?
The only movie Diavolo watches is Y Tu Mama Tambien, and that's why he's naked.
I cant wait for the "part 6 is SJW" posts. These threads will be a dumpsterfire.
Masturbation jokes.
People will be analyzing every horse and arguing over whether it is CGI. I personally think the anime will improve the fights by making them more exciting. That would fix Yea Forums's main problem with Part 7.
Joshu hate threads.
they really are.
This is what Giornofags actually believe
is that trish? diavolo? mista?
i dont even know anymore
its obviously abbacchio look at the hair
look at the clothes on the right
>not enjoying all parts of jojo for what they try to accomplish and drinking the experience that is the evolution of araki as a mangaka
now that is cringe
oh, for fucks sake.
discussions about SJW shit, Pucci being gay for Dio memes, F.F memes, Anasui memes, waifu war
Valentineposting, GyJo, complaints about CGI horses, forced memes, fanboys and contrarians, "the manga was better"
Four balls, waifuposting, Joshuposting, etc
July 14th was a trainwreck and it ruined the four arcs it mixed. Everytime I've argued about this with someone it ends up being that the other person didn't actually like those arcs.
The swapping did make sense, but the awful pacing all around was the biggest problem.
i didnt recognize him because he didnt have the stupid fucking hat thing on his head.
I'm not saying it was just techno, but that was the thing that didn't fit the most. I didn't like how much it changed either, it felt a bit all over the place instead of varied, like there was no overarching theme.
I'm not saying it was bad though, it's Iwasaki Taku, of course he'll deliver great tracks, but I thought it didn't fit and we could have gotten better. It doesn't help that the direction didn't properly use it, since I like a lot of the tracks better when listening them on their own.
Agreed. They are cringe.
>flaming hand was an asspull
jonathan notes that the sword conducting heat was a natural counter to dio's ice, it made sense to burn the glove of the hand that he wasnt using to conduct hamon so that he could resist the ice.
>hamon eruption was an asspull
the whole point of the red stone of aja was to refract light. its mentioned in the show that the millions of refractions increase the power of the light it encountered which is why it was the complimentary artifact for the stone mask. anyways when cars uses the hamon on the stone and it shoots into the volcano it takes his already 100X more powerful hamon and refracts it 1 million times before it turns into a beam of light capable of destroying the rock it goes through. now imagine if joseph used the bottle cap trick in the first episode of battle tendency but it was multiplied by 100 and then multiplied by 1 million. it would completely destroy the soda bottle. the hamon striking the volcano and causing an eruption isnt really an asspull, its more of an ironic twist that kars became impervious to hamon and when he uses it to try and kill jojo, the same stone that gave him his power lost him the fight.
>everything else
yeah its all asspulls
Put on top of the bars, and gravity did its thing. Why do you think he was killed in such a weird way instead of a gut punch?
Is Abbacchio jewish?
When was he put on top of the bars?
no, he has a normal nose
I'm already looking forward to it.
During skipped time. Things can be moved.
>tfw wanted Katsuyuki Konishi to voice Anasui
Who will voice him? Maybe Mamoru Miyano?
not people though
Diavolo can't attack anyone during the erased time, though.
Damage != move.
Diavolo took Trish from Bucellati, literally the first thing KC does.
>Mamoru Miyano
last hours before this image will not be the only anime appearance of KC anymore
some context would have helped this
>Anasui memes
looking forward to it
>implying people will dislike part 6 when it airs
People will love it because it's Jojo at it's most bizarre by far.
But if the action is erased when he skips time, then how could he move them?
Also, how did Trish lose her hand?
I don't like it
I thought it was funnier without context.
damnit, he looks way too much like a girl
my penis is confused
Her hand fell off due to leprosy.
It just coincidentally happened during a time skip.
Truth, remember that Diavolo is a confirmed shitposter.
Abbacchio is girlier than Narancia
I know it's a confusing mess though.What do you think I'm saying? He can't damage things, as in attack them directly, but he can move them. What doesn't make sense is that he cuts Trish's arm, but yeah. I've always said that KC has no explanation because Araki is inconsistent as always, so there'll always be contradictions.
>But if the action is erased when he skips time, then how could he move them?
That's just misunderstanding how it works. Everything keeps moving, only shit like damage is erased. But yeah.
but then yo have no reason to post the following reaction
not in one of the most recent artworks. someone post it. the one with Jolyne and Bruno.
>I've always said that KC has no explanation
But you are trying to explain it in this very post
Can't wait to Anasuipost
Before reading the manga I thought he was a girl
Is that a bite mark on his shoulder? Lewd.
They were always here just look at the posts above
i want part 6 for best Dio's son
I thought Bruno was a girl based on the panel where he licks Giorno's face.
You don't have to wait, user
You can explain how something happened while knowing overall it doesn't make sense. It's power changed throughout the part, so we have to consider each event on its own.
>I've always said that KC has no explanation
Then why are you A. Trying to explain it, and B. Calling a different explanation of it's powers less valid.
Shit like Trish's hand makes sense with the explanation given in
I wish I could shoot up with Prosciutto
not this autistic faggot
even Ungalo was better than him
>you will never be seduced and defiled by your cute subordinate
Tomorrow, Bruno gets ryonad.
nvm, found it. file's too large to post here though
>Calling a different explanation of it's powers less valid.
If it contradicts information present in the same fight, of course it's less valid. Just because it doesn't make sense it doesn't mean you can invent your own retarded explanation and act like it's the one that's canon.
>Shit like Trish's hand makes sense with the explanation given in
That explanation doesn't work since if that were the case Diavolo would just murder everyone quickly during a time skip when they are together. Yet he only murders Narancia and he does that indirectly.
>mfw DP version look worst than a literal silouhette
Based. Anasui is the best thing that could have happened to part 6
cant wait for it
Mean :(
get fucked
Im praying we dont get QUALITY like Killer Queen debut.
Gotta sell those BDs somehow
Which antagonist stand would you like to have in real life?
some of the animation last week was incredible, they would have to make a serious quick decline to get as bad as Kwality Kween
>Ungalo was better
fuck off Rykiel had a whole character developement in which he gained confidence by himself trought his fight , he was great , meanwhile Ungalo had no character and Donatello just tried to become Dio 2.0 by thinking he was hot shit
It's weird. JJBA is the only manga where the colored version is considered the better one. Most manga don't even have a colored version, but when you go on the JoJo wiki or see any manga memes it's always in color. JJBA is bizarre in and of itself.
I liked all the Dio's sons fights tbqh, but as far as character writing goes Rykiel had the best
Oh, user...
Housewife poster marry me please
i also love the song he is associated with : youtube.com
Kenichi Suzumura
the black & white version has a lot of charm but color makes things identifiable at a glance
The World or Heaven's Door.
D4C so I can fuck myself
They didn't even bother redrawing Killer Queen in the BDs
Za Warudo it is, then.
Whatever saving graces Part V might have, it's biggest detractor is the lack of any truly interesting protagonists, Giorno especially. GioGio is an unfortunately static character devoid of any characterization beyond his idolization of the mob as an adolescent, and the vague “I have a dream” speeches that wear out fast. Worse still, he hardly moves the plot at all, as Bruno and his compatriots’ decision to betray their boss was incited by Trish’s near-death, not by Giorno. He disappears behind Mista and Bruno for much of the combat, and emerges at the end of Vento Aureo’s clumsy climax as the worst kind of shonen protagonist - changing only in the level of his ability, completely unchanged in terms of his actual identity or character. When he does take the throne of Passione, we understand as little about him as we do the activities of the gang; what should be his most important trait - his relation to DIO - has no bearing, plot or otherwise, on the goings-on of the part.
Sounds too bratty, though it'd kind of fit. I'd rather get him for Secco.
And Cioccolata, of course, has to be Ryusei Nakao.
KC or Killer Queen would be the most practical
i like miyano but i’m tired of hearing him everywhere, especially where his voice doesn’t fit
I hope they stick with Hiro Shimono Secco
nice blog
>implying he wouldn't be the perfect fit for Anasui
They won't. He was a pretty bad casting, and so far they've changed literally everyone in Part 5 from the games.
Miyano's voice would definitely fit Anasui though. He's supposed to look and sound like a normal attractive man, but he's fucking insane and fucked up. Miyano can definitely sell that.
to be fair, it was kinda sad how Ungalo ended up. Kinda wish they had showned him the light instead of defeating him, but it would be very unrealistic for him to turn against Pucci after he helped him so much
I hated Anasui. Worst thing about SO.
>He's supposed to look like a normal attractive man
I don't know if this is a pasta or not but I agree 100%.
Never heard this song before. Thanks for sharing
>He's supposed to look and sound like a normal attractive man
Uhhh... are you sure?
Im gonna take a gamble here
Whoever part 8 antagonist's going to be
He is. Part 6 is just weird all around, since the Jojo world just went nuts in 2011.
shit, meant Rykiel.
i dunno he sound how i pretty much imagined Secco to sound like : youtu.be
well it seem that Jolyne was willing to hear him out and maybe then talk on it but Hermes didnt want to hear any of it and knocked him out sadly
>Miyano's voice would definitely fit Anasui though.
Trips confirm. I can now only rest in peace after hearing Mamoru snapping about Mickey.
Wow... great writing
i don’t think the casting for some of the part 5 characters in asb/eoe was the greatest but i still love daisuke namikawa giorno
He was the only good thing about part 6.
t. tumblrina
If we ignore his clothes, the pink color and the makeup, he's very handsome
Part 6 is my second favorite part and I am so looking foreword to people starting to agree with me
ok tumblrite
I thought he was annoying as fuck at first but at least he got development unlike trash like Caesar or Kekyoin.
I liked him for what he did, but he was too old sounding for him. I unironically wanted Kensho Ono for him before he was announced, I still can't believe we got him.
>he got development
No he didn't
>tfw we'll only get blondenasui through a color palette swap
yeah he did. He developed the balls to ask Jotaro if he could marry Jolyne
the only good answer
mandom js great
yeah... what the fuck was up with that? fucking hell Hermes, he was sharing information
hol horse I want a invisible gun
Still mad he was a cunt to FF but at least he got his shit in check after her death
Anasui let FF into his body so basically they had hate sex
I hope they do him Blonde. Makes him look a little less not-diavolo.
But with the small anime changes what if, WHAT IF. Araki went absolute madman and actually retained him as a girl?
something like
>diavolo looks at epitaph
>sees himself jumping out of hiding, grabbing narancia and impaling him
>all the while he's getting fucked up by the remaining crew
>time skip
>narancia floats to the bars and is impaled
>diavolo chills out inside trish while the rest are in different positions looking confused
that's how it should work. problem is araki barely ever shows them in different positions after the time skip, even though they totally should have reacted to that.
what a shame. Blonde anasui is my fav
>He developed the balls
That's all you had to say.
Nice try, Digi.
Highway To Hell.
Because when i kill myself, i plan to take some annoying cunt with me.
Absolute kino. How much input does Araki have on the anime? Is it like Grrm and GoT?
im pretty sure he chooses color schemes and Eds. Dunno if he does anything else.
Shigechi counts as an antagonist, right?
Because Harvest is by far the best stand for everyday use.
>4 fucking jojo threads in the catalog
soooooooo what is the new jojo thread?
This one hit hump limit at least
That part was just great, and had an impact on Gyro
not sure, I believe he Handpicks the music for the anime, not sure if the little filler to tie shit together is the work of David Productions (in which case, good job) or Araki adding to it
The ending songs are his choice. He gives them a list of songs he listened to during writing and they take what they can get. Also the color palettes are chosen by him.
And I'm just assuming this one, but I think sorta bigger details like giving Fugo more backstory is approved by him.
Hopefully people will ignore the partwar thread
this , if Shigechi count ill take it , cause like that i never run out of money
if Shigechi dont count ill take Man in the Mirror so like that i can literally steal stuff into the Mirror world and come out of a Mirror far from where i was
Does Metallica count as antagonist? Id suppose not, but if so Im taking it
search "Jojo", find a jojo related thread and post on it.
simple as.
Risotto is the hero of the story
maybe if ur a serial killer but it honestly wouldnt help in normal life situations.
The fuck is practical about Killer Queen
>but it honestly wouldnt help in normal life situations.
you certainly havent read Jojolion yet
King Crimson lets you see the future and erase anything bad that happens to you.
Killer Queen means you don't need to get up to throw things in the trash, which is extremely convenient.
yeah, maybe anti-hero. he never fought main group so I guess he cant really count
KQ is good for never needing to throw away garbage.
Stealing the landlord's money
Nvm that, FUCKING BITES ZA DUSTO self-activated is worth so much holy shit.
>posts Jojolion KQ