So now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that Violet Evergarden was Anime of the Decade, right?
So now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that Violet Evergarden was Anime of the Decade, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
I found it entertaining but I wouldn't call it aotd
*blocks your path*
nothing personnel, kid
But that's Kaguya
What a faggot
it was absolute fucking garabge
dogshit anime with 1000 filteres layered on top to artifically make it look """"good""""
It couldnt even beat yuru camp in its own season
that's really ridiculous if you sit down and really think about it for a second
But it did look good.
But that's Sora Yori
Living in your head; brain-free
>limited color palette
>blurry borders
>CGI water
like i said, it's dogshit. stop shilling this turd.
Okay, but it still looks good.
Hell no!
if you consider a slightly polished turd as "good", so be it. i won't stop you, user.
Why does every VEG thread devolve into "muh filters" shitposting?
No one ever discusses the characters or themes.
because the show itself doesn't have any substance so all the desperate fanbase can do is to hold on the slightly above average visuals
Ask the guy angry at the filters, he could've started bitching about anything else but chose the most trivial aspect.
Because it gave birth to literally the most cancerous posters last year? VEG threads just boils down to that VEGfag pretending he know what good animation is and 5 other fags call it shit while the same emotionally unstable anons as every thread that say they cried at every episode. The series is old news and just shitposting fuel.
This. The series is dead except for the 3-4 shitposting anons, so is this thread.
t. retard that doesn't know what projecting means
Kumiko's anime is definitely AOTD
The ape doesn't realize that assuming something about a fanbase is projecting. How adorable.
because it's shit
See you when the PV comes out.
>every blond female in a dress is a saberclone
She literally has the exact same hair cute.
it's fucking trash, it could literally have been written by a 14 year old.
stop spamming these threads you disgusting kyoani faggot.
People and especially kyoaniggers will be plenty busy over the maid dragon s2 PV instead.
and the writing is still worse than Reki Kawahara's.
You're supporting literal trash. Stop.
Lmao this is the average VEG fan boys.
Doesn't even understand the words he uses.
Assuming the second season is indeed from kyoani the PV isn't coming out before the end of winter 2020 or so.
My, you're adorable too. You and the guy circlejerking his butthurt ITT.
This is either some heavy projection or some pretty good bait.
Lmao haters hate the reading comprehension of a chimp.
Don't even understand a simple sentence.
>circlejerking his butthurt
What did he mean by that?
Dragon Maid is just a manga adaptation, it's not part of the LN Anus cult.
What board did you save that from?
That's none of your business.
literally the whole controversy around VEG is perpetuated by a handfull of autistic shitposters
especially the whole ''''rivalry''' between sora yori and VEG
because there is nothing to discuss. The characters are a goddamn joke and the themes are literally laughably explored.
You don't really have to answer that. It's certainly not from Yea Forums and that's all that matters.
It's on Yea Forums now, faggot.
It certainly is, and sadly I cannot stop your kind from infecting the board.
Not that it matters anymore. This place is basically a reddit and /pol/ colony just like Yea Forums, Yea Forums and so on; all I'm doing is confirm my bias about the kind of "people" that dislike VEG.
can you please stop being so wholesome about this?
I would like to go back to insulting people who dislike an asian cartoon I don't enjoy
>anime of the decade you ask? well that's obviously going to be Non Non Biyori.
Why would you insult somebody that dislikes the same thing you dislike?
If an incomplete LN adaptation is actually anime of the decade, then things are really bad right now.
>all I'm doing is confirm my bias about the kind of "people" that dislike VEG.
Well you fucked up user, I like VEG.
hmm I seem to have fucked up the phrasing. no bully pls
It's incomplete?
Still Madoka. Gomen nasai.
Violet evergarden is the finest piece of anime of the decade
No you don't.
It wasn't nearly as successful as the real anime of the decade, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, so no.
Damn man, i like Violet Evergarden so much.
Exactly; and it's the redditors and /pol/nd scum colonizers that are still trying to shill Dollar General Saber here.
You gotta know
Not even the top 100
Not even the top 300
Not event he top 20
Dishonest animation.
>muh anime Faust
what the fuck is that thing
>he doesn't know
and I'm better off not knowing
>Violet evergarden is the finest piece of SHIT anime of the decade
It's the gift that keeps on giving.
It's pic related
Was it really necessary to sexualize a 14 year old girl?
user she's just bowing.
more like presenting.
>t. sicko
God I want to give her everything she wants
It's shit.
Do not spoil the Viretto.
Imagine mounting Violet from behind and making her moan "shousa"
I do not spoil. I just want my daughter to smile often.
Here, have a Violetto smile.
Can you bring people back from the dead?
Violet ... She is trying hard.
W-what? Violet is a lively cool woman, if that is what you mean.
The best smile you could ever give her is if you ressurect Gilbert back from the dead.
The major is dead dummy.
C'mon. Who was in the last episode? This story is not over.
>Who was in the last episode?
I have a clue.
No, the major isn't simply a deserter living in some house by himself. He's quite likely dead.
It is not true. If you believe in good stories, you must believe me. Violet will find the Major. The story continues
Probably this. Ping Pong was great
Leon will make Violet forget about the major.
The ironic thing is that VEG is one of KyoAni's weaker shows. Plodding and melodramatic, a nonsensical setting clearly designed by someone with not even a cursory knowledge of military life, and good animation hampered by character designs that are far too detailed in a way that translates poorly to animation, backgrounds ruined by horrible lighting and filter usage, and ultimately only two good episodes (5 and 10).
My all-time favorite anime is from KyoAni, but the studio has overall been in decline since its divorce with Kadokawa, an act of hubris that led to them farming from a fake novel contest and focusing on tedious melodrama to be seen as "above" a medium full of niche pandering (though their best anime in the past five years was ironically an otaku pandering manga adaptation).
Give it up user, he's dead and has been dead since episode one.
The story went on without him just fine.
Cattleya was pretty hot.
Trash. One of the very few shows I never finished.
Weak pasta desu.
It's not really pasta, I'm just reposting my opinion.
Maybe I'm just a pussy but I cried every episode, this show is beautiful in every possible sense and none of you can convince me otherwise.
Your opinions is so bad it became pasta through reposting.
Endro is AOTD.
Lantis shill at it again.
Kill yourself, shill.
I love the OST.
>I don't know what projecting means
Your shit taste does not match kyoani masterpieces.
>waifufag things their particular waifubait is good
why do waifufags lack basic self awareness?
You can like something and not think it's the greatest thing ever. Especially when you only like something only because a specific character who isn't even really that interesting beyond how much you want to fap to her.
Did you just reply to him twice?
Yeah. Show my anger.
ew, a nigger
Animation wise it's probably the best anime ever made, plot wise it's pretty meh tier.
Violet has a pretty sexy body for a 14 year old.
The animation is mediocre 95% of the time though. The other 5% that gets spammed here would look good if it wasn't for the garbage fucking filters.
I don't think they even really exist. It's just a handful of people trolling for (you)'s. I don't think they were ever fans of the show in the first place.
Cute contrarian. Your seat is over there in the corner, right behind the local pedo.
she is a growing girl.
Shitposter: I don't like Violet Evergarden.
VEGfag: Why?
Shitposter: Saberclone a shit! Violet has autism! VEGfags are cancer (jk, there aren't any)! FranXX/Yorimoi was AOTY!
VEGfag: Okay.
There's literally no difference between VEGfags and shitposters. They're the same thing.
>forgetting about muh filter and muh timeskip
Disappointed desu.
>day 320
>still no PV
Violet is too busy shitposting to shoot the PV.
Not even AOTS
>no scars
>real hands
Who is that?
How about this?
This one is official art.
I want to molest her so badly.
/u/ ruins everything - again
fucking isabel just had to come in
I wonder how many anons believe this is how the scene played out
Just imagine Violet's cold, hard, robo hands wrapping around you.
It would've made sense if it had played out like that.
The first 4 or so episodes were borderline unwatchable, it later got better but I can't really say VEG is anime of the decade when a third of the show was just utter garbage. It also doesn't help that Violet as a character is as bland as a wet noodle.
>that slit
What did Violet mean by wearing this type of slutty undergarments?
You always post this but only like 2 people ever reply, probably yourself included. What exactly is the response you're expecting? Tell me so we can move on from these copy pasta posts.
A character with repressed personality cannot be bland.
easy access for people to put their penis into her vagina.
And yet you're always here.
How come?
It can, and it was. On paper her character sounded interesting but it never went beyond a simplistic portrayal of an emotionally crippled war veteran with PTSD.
This is the type of underwear that Gilbert likes.
What kind of show You like? The show is not for everyone. There is never a show for everyone
She needs someone to fill the gaping hole in her life. Between her legs. In her crotch.
>Violet steals your chocolate milk
What would you do?
Something bland must not have strong features and characteristics, therefore Violet's repressed humanity that slips here and there makes her not bland.
Bland are her initial reaction to events because of her almost completely emotionless face.
The scene where Violet gives the letter to the soldier's family in episode 11 and then everyone starts comforting her for some reason reminded me of the force awakens when Leia comforts maRey-sue after Han dies, and chewbacca just stands there awkwardly.
The premise of her character wasn't bland, it was the portrayal of it.
The initial portrayal was intentionally bland, yes.
Otherwise it wouldn't have been a portrayal of a broken character that can't even express itself. That doesn't make the initial episodes bad, if anything it creates a clear contrast between the before and the after.
Would you date someone like Violet? Or does she have too much baggage?
Well I disagree, her entire portrayal was bland for me. There was nothing thought provoking about the way she developed.
You should say it was uninteresting to you personally, that doesn't make it something objectively bland.
And you saying it wasn't bland doesn't make it true either, so I guess we're done here.
Thankfully I'm using the definition of bland to support my argument. Yeah I guess we're done.
I don't have the patience to teach her what dating means.
I see, but how does "repressed humanity" as you say automatically make her not bland? Character traits like that are dime a dozen in drama, anime or not. You can find examples of this in masterclasses of characterization like Pulp Fiction as well as low brow trash like SAO. Just having this trait doesn't mean much, it's how you portray it and that's my problem with Violet. It doesn't go beyond the bare minimum. There's no nuance to it, thought provoking messages, or internalization in characters that make you do a 180 and think of them in a different light. Hell, even her development is laid out in the very first episode with the several monologues Hodgins had with her, it was that shallow.
the story basically shows how violet learn human emotions starting from being infant. I guess guys here do not have a GF, do not have a child. The show is useless for you.
Because she immediately stands out from the rest of the cast with her behavior and situation, a bland character would behave exactly like a random background no-name one from a generic crowd.
She's not the only war veteran in the cast but she is the only war orphan with a denied childhood.
These make her, by definition, not bland. Her development is an entirely different subject.
Based and Mawarupilled
How do the Soras keep getting such sweet rent-free deals in your head? Who's their realtor?
It wasn't even best show of the season (far from it; heck even Slow Start was arguably more fun to watch), and it wasn't even the best KyoAni show of 2018 (Free S3, as inferior was it was to the previous seasons, was still more enjoyable).
On the other hand, at least it was better than Tsurune.
>guy X posts "it's sora yori"
>guy Y replies with a shitpost
>you come in and say guy Y has sora yori inside his head for free
Hurr durr.
Does "zama mirou" translate as "rent free"?
>best two anime series of decade in K-ON!! and VEG
>best two anime movies of decade in Koe no Katachi and Liz and the Bluebird
Sasuga, KyoAni.
To somebody as stupid as you it might as well.
>best two anime movies of decade
Best three: Disappearance of Haruhi
>best two anime series of decade
Best four: Nichijou and Dragon Maid
Fuck me K-on is boring as fuck
it was sappy and melodramatic, nothing good about it besides its animation
i like veg
Why are vile evergarbagemen so bitter? I mean, I get that Yea Forums and /pol/ keep banning them for posting anime, but why do they have to take their frustration out on us?
>I guess guys here do not have a GF, do not have a child.
You do?
>What is Devilman
>What is Megalo Box
Accept my place in the universe and then walk into the ocean until I drown.
Please tell me you don't actually drink choccy.
Why are you posting backgrounds as examples of VEG looking good? Backgrounds were actually criminally average like rest of the show.
At least post shots that are visually interesting and aren't flat like Violet's 14 year old butt.
Detailed and color rich backgrounds are as visually interesting as they get nigger.
fuck you, you made me take my arm out of my blanket in order to shift + left click this thread
this is a patrician opinion though, spbp
* continues blocking your path *
choccy eases your soul. why do you think Violet loves it?
No but the big fat deposits of the poster above you surely do.
They're so small, though.
I brought my own posse.
>hot pants Violet
>Violet with nothing but bandages to cover herself up
Violet was pretty wild back when she was a child.
Here's a bigger one then.
>fan art
>still looks worse than VEG sketches
It was not even top 5 of its own season, but if for you it was AOTD nobody can say otherwise; but do not expect many to agree with you.