What does Yea Forums think of Abutomato?

What does Yea Forums think of Abutomato?

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Was she ok after that? Were they gentle?

I don't understand what's happening in that image.

I don't understand, doesn't she only have two holes?

>this shit again

Any link to his paid stuff?

Why is he so based?

Some has been leaked on sankaku and such, but I'm not sure what else is on his paid platform.

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Thanks for being a bro.

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poor little meguca

Not even a spork can stop her.

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What was her name again?

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Please shut the fuck up about your obsession with e-celebs.

Madoka is such a nice girl, giving that kid a nice headpat!


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Confess. What have you done that may be making your soul gem tainted? Madokami forgives you and loves you.

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Why are their faces so red? Are they sick?

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I think he needs to ramp up the punishment of Nagisa's ass


How many laws has Mami broken including Japanese ones?

I'd prefer another character to get punished considering the amount of Nagisa so far.

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Don't post pics of the useless cheesy loli! I still hate !Bebe.

Your face is usually green or red. Literally, tsundere nature. Yeah, "Bad Apple" isn't even worth dealing with, tho.

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Post yfw Abutomato

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I think the icon for this chat is a bear... i feel like there was a p something too... ummm pedrobear...nooo umm perobear? idk

cursed thread



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A great man.

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Mami no!

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Why are they almost naked?

Will you ever get over your extreme and intense mental illnesses and obsession? You're literally the only person who ever acts like this.

>not liking futa

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So, why won't you answer Please tell me what it will take to get your over your insane obsessions.

WTF are you talking about?

Is this futa? Better be futa.

A whole lot of futa.




I prefer women without penises.

Wow what a fag.


You are actually retarded.

Post more abu.

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How did she got a mini-me?

No, what's actually retarded is you thinking that you trying to fake "changing your posting style" will ever fool anyone. And of course, you're actually retarded for being so fucking obsessed with spamming the same garbage over and over. No, really, how many times have you made this exact thread? Because it's more than a dozen. You are actually, literally, mentally ill.

What does homura means by this?

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What did you mean by constantly shitposting and spamming the exact same images?

Will you ever get over your extreme and intense mental illnesses and obsession? You're literally the only person who ever acts like this.

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