Which girl deserves Shirou the most?

Which girl deserves Shirou the most?

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Rin deserves him the most.


None of them

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Sakura desu, she literally has nothing else going for her in life. Saber is a servant, and Rin already has a promising mage career

Shinji is enough for her


Fuck whores, acquire imoto

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Saber, she waited a eternity for him to come for her and he did.

LE is the true ending by the way

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Okay, guess Sakura is a virgin and Rin is straight, then.


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Well Sakura has never known love's touch, and Rin is as straight as spaghetti.

The best one.

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is Bazett a pure person?

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basically this

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Neither, they all belong to my self insert.

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>LE is the true ending by the way
remind me again, which route was observed by Zelretch?

But Mashu is canonically the only girl for you, user. And Rin + Sakura don't even exist in FGO lol

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Its unlocked by clearing all 3 routes, so it’s the ultimate end to the FSN VN.


Mashu is trashu.
> Rin + Sakura don’t even exist in fgo lol
But user, Ereshkigal and Ishtar both posses Rin’s Body. As for Sakura, Parvati took over Sakura’s body.

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A ghost of the past or a highschool crush when the one that loved him the most was next to him

Sakura, it's canon.

Sakura, and that's kind of her biggest problem. Saber can have a happy ending without getting together with Shirou. Same with Rin. But Sakura can't. She cannot have a truly happy ending without Shirou, which weakens her compared to the others.

did she have a thing for Shirou or was she just really erotic?

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Saber and Shirou are bound together by fate
Even Archer says that one of the only things he remembers from his life is the first time he saw saber

Saber. The idea of them finally reuniting is just too good.

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trying to save Sakura drags Shirou down, it's ultimately a very toxic relationship for him

>Mashu is trashu.
You did confess to her in ServaFes event
>But user, Ereshkigal and Ishtar both posses Rin’s Body
Not Rin in FGO timeline
>As for Sakura, Parvati took over Sakura’s body.
Not Sakura in FGO timeline too

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>it's ultimately a very toxic relationship for him
It's literally the only route where he becomes a normal person. All other routes result in him either being stuck in avalon or headshotting sandniggers in middle east.

Actually no, since she takes over the archery club in every instance and has admirers of her own, like Ayako's little brother. Plus she ends up getting a father figure in HF True that helped her regain what she lost from Zouken.

Her problems stemming from her father's bad decisions is separate from her ability to be a social person. She became a literal diva at her club with her kouhai both guys and girls taking to her pretty well.

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How? he discards his borrowed ideals and finds his own

Regardless of which timeline Rin and Sakura are apart of, the servants are still using Rin’s and Sakura’s bodies.
>you did confess to her in Servefest event
Need a source for that.

At the end of Heaven's Feel he's a hollow shell who can't survive without constant mana input from Sakura. He's lost a lot of his memory and forgot many things that were intrinsic to his identity. He's lost his ideal and the only thing that he has to live for is Sakura, Contrast with LE where he pursues his ideal, becomes a hero of justice and then ultimately reunites with the women he loves, achieving harmony with his ideals and personal happiness at the same time. It's obvious which girl is more positive for Shirou

>it's ultimately a very toxic relationship for him
But yeah despite that truth, Shirou still chose to save her because he loves Sakura more than he loves himself and his ideal

Pure. Not in the sense of goodness, but in the sense of purity, of being only a single element.

Just really erotic.,

Rin is the girl who deserves Shirou, but does not need him.

Who does she need then?

He doesn't need constant input, cut out this headcanon. Sakura literally says they do it too much, meaning he has enough tuning from her, and they are just a happy couple banging each other for fun. Shirou implied he regularly helps Issei with rebuilding the temple, and Sakura isn't fretting over Shirou being gone every single second, she is pretty chill in HF True, she even laughs off Rin and Shirou being shy around each other, making fun of them for it. They said Shirou sometimes needs help because this is an unprecedented situation with using the Third on a human try his way, not that he is tethered to Sakura. Sakura has her own symptoms as well, they just deal with it.

>Regardless of which timeline Rin and Sakura are apart of, the servants are still using Rin's and Sakura's bodies
So what do you want to say ? Since i did say the same thing
>Need a source for that
Pic related. The first choice is "The moon is beautiful" = "I love you" and the second choice is "The sea is beautiful" = "I find myself drowning in your"

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Look at Archer and Kiritsugu. HF is the best route for Shirou.

Sakura deserves him the most. saber deserves gil and tohsaka gets nothing but old men

…That's right.
Sakura's body still has after-effects from Angra Manyu.
Even with the contract broken, she's still a Holy Grail.
She was connected to Angra Manyu, so she's still connected with the other side.
Vast amounts of magical energy are collecting in Sakura's body, and she has to periodically let it out.

It's because of that magical energy that she can keep Rider, even after the Great Holy Grail's destruction.
But she still can't use it all, so she must be giving the surplus to Shirou.
Shirou's current body has a very weak Magic Circuit, so he would return to how he was before without her help.

She's crap

Nice headcanon

>>bitchy, high maintenance, dead fish in bed, cold, career oriented, spoiled brat who gets everything she wants and enjoys flaunting it in peoples faces
>>actual female autist who can hardly even function as a normal woman. Would rather continue sacrificing herself and pursue ultimate tard willpower.
>>Cooks for (you), wakes (you) up, showers (you) with love and wild passionate sex, (you) are literally the only thing that can save her and keep her happy, both her and (you) want a happy and simple normalfag existence caring for each other and (your) friends

How the FUCK is this even a question.

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Lancer artoria. Otherwise all of them

None of the routes are observed by Zelretch. Currently FGO is the canon, ergo SakuraxShirou doesnt exist, RinxShirou doesnt exist.

However, SaberxShirou outside the time and space does exist

>Imaginary Around & Limited Zero Over
I love it

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saying the word headcannon doesn't make you right

Aha! So Sakurafags are all self-insertfags, as I suspected!

Plus, its not like we didnt go over it and prove it with facts, quotes and WoG.

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>make a comment about scenery
>it's taken as a confession
Jesus, being a nip is dangerous.

>SaberxShirou outside the time and space does exist
Does Shirou meet Saber in FGO timeline ? Also speaking of Avalon, each timeline has its own Avalon (Avalon = the inner sea of the planet)

Try refuting a single word of that cuck
Saber and rin deserve painful death

To be more exact, Japanese usually use "The moon is beautiful" to confess with the one they love though

She recognizes archer when they meet in Chaldea, so the Saber summoned in that timeline is that same as the one from FSN

So ? ToH has all servants from all timelines

It's funny there is no doujin of only three of them.

You wanna know why Rin and Saber are better than Sakura? Because they function as individuals without Shirou, leading they and Shirou to each improve the other. Sakura is a useless woman who can't function as her own person without Shirou. I have no interest in hopeless individuals who can't be bothered to do anything about their own situation, and even fight against being saved by the person they love due to their own selfish desires.

However Saber does not exist in the throne of heroes because she went to Avalon after her death, this means that Avalon must exist between timelines as well.

>Pic related. The first choice is "The moon is beautiful" = "I love you" and the second choice is "The sea is beautiful" = "I find myself drowning in your"
I understand the implication of both choices. However, wouldn’t it all boil down to the interpretation of the player? Whether Gudao says the moon/sea is beautiful in a literal or romantic sense.

>she went to Avalon after her death
Yes, in Fate timeline. And like i said before, each timeline has its own Avalon

>Saberfags are FGOfags
Back to your containment board.

Without her help does not mean attached at the hip, it's a situation that is unknown, so of course his symptoms will be unknown, so she checks him.

Kill yourselves fatemonkeys

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Sakura improved shirou the most though. She completely discarded all his foolish ideas about being superhero, it’s why heaven’s feel is the true end to stay night. Her love taught him to make sacrifices for the things he loves, and he learned throughout the route to put his own desires above others. Rin and saber’s love was in no way strong enough to change who he is as a person and he will become archer after fate and ubw

based reading comprehensionlet bro.
I'll go slow
The Saber from FSN went to avalon after the grail war
The Saber you summon in fgo is that same Saber
However she did not experience the grail war in that timeline, because the fifth holy grail war played out differently in that timeline
So therefore the Saber you summon is from a different timeline, AND from avalon
Meaning that you are accessing the avalon of a different timeline
Meaning avalon can be accesed from multiple timelines, meaning it is not necessarily bound to a normal concept of time
Get it?

>choosing Shirou over Gil,Archer and Cuu
only in Fateshit

>She completely discarded all his foolish ideas about being superhero
There is nothing foolish about Shirou being a superhero. Him being a superhero saves people. Also he doesn't become Archer after either Fate or UBW, only in a version of the Fate timeline where things didn't go so well.

You would only be his pet and that’s until he gets bored of you
Muh ideal
Will die tragically in front of you

What the hell are you, the prototype version of Fate's protagonist?

your just splitting hairs now, Shirou is dependent on Sakura for mana. end of story

Sakura might have issues, but that is a bit harsh mate. Given she grows quite well after she is freed, you're wrong all around. Blaming someone who can't really do much without risking instant death and has been dealing with that since the age of four is pretty unreasonable. No, telling someone would not help, and she saw someone die trying to help at a young age. She is probably a good look into how perverse the magus society really is, while Rin romanticizes it quite a bit.

>he will become archer after fate and ubw
No. IIRC Nasu did say Shirou will not become Archer after Fate, UBW or HF. But yeah i do agree i like Shirou x Sakura the most

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>There is nothing foolish about shirou being a superhero
You missed the entire message of the VN. You cannot save everyone no matter what you do, and if you try you will only destroy yourself and evil will continue to persist. It is far better to protect the things you care about then try to save an endless amount of literal whos.

Sakura literally solves the Matou situation all on her own, and is resisting being saved because she wants to selflessly solve the Angra Mainyu situation on her own.

>There is nothing foolish about Shirou being a superhero.
Constantly sacrificing himself because of some misplaced guilt is foolish. No-one sensible would risk their life mindlessly just satisfy their romanticized ideal of heroism.

>. Him being a superhero saves people.
You can save others without having to become a superhero.

>Saber from FSN went to avalon after the grail war
Only in Fate route
>the Saber you summon is from a different timeline, AND from avalon
FATE summon servants from ToH. Merlin is the special case since he has Independant Manifestion skill

My main beef is the second Shirou decides to stop helping Sakura, all she wants is for him to stop, even though it's going to kill her in a few days if he doesn't try and help her. She only thinks about how much it would hurt her to lose Shirou, she doesn't give a shit about how he feels about her. That kind of selfishness irritates me, regardless of her circumstances growing up. If you can't treat your romantic partner like an equal and consider their desires as well you have no business being together.

All three routes have a message and all three are legitimate. Thinking there's only one way you can choose to live your life is foolish, it's much the same for Shirou. Post-Fate Shirou, Post-UBW Shirou, and Post-HF Shirou are all completely valid ways for Shirou to live and continue on, they're just different approaches.

Being a superhero doesn't mean endless self-sacrifice, that's part of what UBW was about. You can take a measured approach.

Sakura since I like Shirou x Sakura the most. Plus Shirou becomes his most human in HF, which is a plus.

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>treating your romantic partner as an equal
That is not how any romance works and that same mindset is why couples are more dissatisfied in this age than any time. Men and women can’t be equal, love is inherently unequal. You have to prioritize your own desires first, and if your partner is incompatible with your desires then you are simply being dishonest with yourself by staying with them. Sakura is an emotionally vulnerable girl who very much wanted a strong man to fight with her but at the same time wanted him to be safe. That’s completely natural and you can’t blame her for that especially when she was infected by the literal source of all evil that commanded her to pursue every lustful thought that entered her brain.


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>You have to prioritize your own desires first, and if your partner is incompatible with your desires then you are simply being dishonest with yourself by staying with them.
I think a middle ground can be met. No one human being is ever going to check out all the boxes you want in a partner, these are just facts.

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That’s literally the polar opposite of selfishness. From Sakura’s perspective, she feels as if she’s dragging Shirou into an inevitable death against Zouken due to the lesson that Kariya taught her, and hates it.

>that's part of what UBW was about
No. Shirou clings onto to his ways, because he's stubborn and even if Archer were to be right, he doesn't care. He's going to continue on the he chose, and that's final. Plus the only reason why UBW!Shirou doesn't turn into EMIYA is because of Rin. His entire future existence literally depends on one person, which doesn't sound like a very equal relationship to me.

In the case of shirou, he was exactly what sakura needed. When met with someone who is everything you need in life it is natural and human to crave them and do everything you can to keep them in your arms.

See, it's always the "She was corrupted by Angra Manyu" defence to explain any flaws Sakura might have. Saberags and Rinfags cop to the flaws of their chosen heroine, but Sakurafags act like every decision Sakura made of her own will was completely justified, and that any negative thoughts she ever had were simply the result of corruption. I don't completely dislike Sakura, and I don't begrudge anons their liking of her, but it irritates me when she's not accepted as the flawed individual she is.

It's selfish because she's not considering Shirou's perspective, she's trying to prevent him from attempting to jump over the high jump bar he can't reach, when that's why she fell in love with him in the first place. Shirou throws away his entire previous identity, the core ideal that kept him going for years, in order to save Sakura. Sakura doesn't accept his sacrifice in any way, she's a complete hindrance to his efforts, well-meaning or not.

That's not what it's about. I find it amazing to think anyone thinks post-UBW Shirou would turn into EMIYA without Rin when EMIYA told him the truth about making a contract with the world, and doing clean-up for the world by murdering countless people isn't what Shirou ever wanted. That's why EMIYA starts to regret things in the first place, which makes him question is ideal and realise its flaws. Now that Shirou knows, he may be a hero for the rest of his life but he will never become EMIYA, with Rin or without Rin. Even in Fate a successful relationship with Saber prevents him from becoming EMIYA since he goes to Avalon instead.

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See, it's always the "She was corrupted by Angra Manyu" defence to explain any flaws Sakura might have.
What the fuck? I’d like to see how well you would do if you were possessed by something like that. Even then, she is constantly noted by zouken for being mentally resilient for resisting it’s influence for so long, even as they manipulated her into awakening into angra mainyu. You seem to just hate sakurafags at this point.

>a human should never have any inhuman thoughts
Why do rin and saberfags think being a mary sue is a good thing

>with Rin or without Rin.
No. She's necessary in order for him not to turn into EMIYA.

It's not that she doesn't give a shit, see the many interludes where they talk privately. She knows he will not care about HIMSELF, see her argument with Rin about Archer's arm.
She isn't some ideal made into a character, she is honestly conflicted.

>Sakura doesn't accept his sacrifice in any way
I don't think you're really taking into account why she can't. She already saw what happened to someone that had tried to help her. Also , in terms of Shirou not caring about himself. Which is something apparent in the two previous routes as well.

>not wanting a girl who will fuck you daily and keep you from going outside
>there are gays in Yea Forums whose penis does not response to this
>there are normalfags in Yea Forums who actually go outside

>w-wormslut deserved everything Rin said to her anyways!
Sure they do.

Did you really expect differently in a Fate thread? It's clear that a bunch of normalfags are here along with some r*dditors going by things stated in old threads. Not to mention the constant bringing up of F/GO.

Heavens feel movie part 2 will hopefully show them the light

If Angra Mainyu doesn't corrupt people, then why do Saber, Kirei and Sakura herself wank Gil for being the only notable character completely unaffected by it?

Sakura’s resistance comes from her being a fundamentally a strong and good person, Gil is just so autistically self-minded that he does not let himself be influenced by literally anything other than his own will, which is a sign of how fucked up he is if anything.

Sakura has flaws for sure. The issue is that this gets focused on so much that her haters seem to think they have a carte blanche to make up anything negative they want about her and justify it with ”hey you have to accept her bad sides too :)” while conveniently glossing over the negative sides that the other characters have.

Didn't Assassin state that the purer a person, the greater the affects of corruption?

And unlike sakura, rins flaws stem from her being a spoiled brat rather than having been tortured for 10 years

Except Zouken, Rin and Illya note that her personality was disapearing. Zouken was even laughing his ass off about Sakura keeping Saber and Berserker alive because she would lose her mind without him having to do anything.

Zouken was overconfident, eventually he realized Sakura needed an extra push so he arranged for the shinji episode as the last straw. Once again, something she can’t control

absolutely anyone but wormslut

>waited for a literal eternity
>never lost hope despite odds being near impossible
>Only managed to meet again because he loved her and spent his whole life being true to his promise with her
Saber is the only right answer. She was allowed normal human happiness after death. She just had to fill some insane conditions to achieve it and believe that Shirou would as well.

Also, the Sword/Sheath analogy was too strong for any competition.

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No, I'm talking about right before Shirou rescues Illya when Assassin asked Zouken why he hasn't gotten rid of the other Servants because he was the only one he needs. Zouken mocks Sakura for keeping Saber and Berserker alive out of defiance, because she would have to draw more energy from the Grail, which would eventually result in her completely losing her mind.

Everbody except Sakura and Taiga

Shirou was allowed normal human happiness in HF, and he had to go through insane things in order to achieve it.

based, Sakura confirmed as worst written character

>not being independent makes a female character poorly written
Don’t you have some American voice actors to be gossiping about?

Rin belongs to Archer

>Shirou was allowed normal human happiness in HF

Besides the part where he isnt really human anymore but a soul inside a shitty puppet body that only works by prana support from Sakura.

Shirou's quality of life in HF is the worst out of the three endings. In Fate he literally becomes his ideal superhero; achieves exactly what he wants to achieve without going full retard like Archer and then gets to spend eternity with his waifu in Avalon

In UBW he has an incredibly bright future ahead of him where he knows the limits of and potential final destination of his ideals but appreciates them all the more for the experience and has his Mage Waifu there to support him every step of the way

In HF he is basically reduced to Sakura's pet/fuck toy that cant function without her and has no future prospects unless Rin can somehow find Touko who is impossible to locate if she doesnt want to be found and get a proper puppet body made.

HF is easily the worst ending for him.

According to Takeuichi, even Lancer would be a good fit. No wonder UBW had the weakest romance.

>Rin, on the other hand, is more of a free agent because her relationship with Shirou doesn't define her in any way. Of course we have the Archer/Rin pairing, but a Lancer/Rin pairing would work out just as well and be just as good in its own way.

None cause he's a fag

Rin and Lancer had brilliant banter to be fair. Rin is just someone who is charismatic enough to get along with multiple people

>Besides the part where he isnt really human anymore but a soul inside a shitty puppet body that only works by prana support from Sakura.
Everything about your post is so wrong, but I won't bother since it's a conversation that will never stop, but see pic-related.

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>According to Takeuichi
who would've thought

>Rin and Lancer had brilliant banter to be fair.
In the same quote, he goes on to wank about how Shirou x Saber wouldn't work without each other in Fate. Seemed to me like he was knocking down Rin x Shirou a peg.

And this screen is then entirely contradicted by the next text that states why Rin is looking everywhere for Touko.

She certainly isnt trying to find Touko because Shirou's body is A-OK and everything is fine and dandy.

You played yourself.

>shitty puppet body
>according to Rin, not only does it practically function exactly like a normal human body, but he could eventually use UBW if he started training
>even starts fantasizing about the four of them winning some magic tournament and getting a ton of money, instead of being worried about his condition


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Maybe. Shirou and Saber are incredibly specific to eachother. Its why they have a pretty great and respectful relationship with eachother accross the three routes.

They are both fundamentally similar people with different angles of autism.

Rin is a well adapted human being so can function with others easily enough. Both Lancer and Archer seem to understand that the way to get to Rin's soft side is to lightly tease and banter with her.

>You played yourself.
How so? Rin even states that could eventually use UBW if he were to train.

Rin. Wormsluts don't deserve anything.

>excepting a r*dditor to know any of this
oh user


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I still think Takeuchi was just being a massive Saberfag. I mean sure Rin is independent and could work well in the possibility of being paired with others, but let's not act as if she isn't necessary in order for Shirou to not to turn into EMIYA.

Sudou said fuck every other Shirou pairing with this one.

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Cause Touko is the best puppet-maker. Do you ever know about the 3rd ? Shirou needed a new puppet body which is 98% as same as his original body

She also says that his magical circuit is extremely weak in his current body and without getting prana from Sakura his body would revert to the second hand puppet that it one was.

Shirou's body in HF may resemble a human and go through the same processes but his situation is still extremely precarious and it relies on Sakura for its continuation.

Again, if the body was perfect then Rin wouldnt be trying to find Touko. Its a downgrade in life quality however you spin it, especially if you compare it to his state in the two other endings.

>Rin is “pure” but has no concept of loyalty
>Sakura is “used” but is loyal and pure
Oh the irony

Thats purely down to the fact it was a movie and therefore free of restriction of adult content like TV anime are.

Not sure how her being hypothetically able to get along with Lancer is "disloyalty", user

Honestly, when I played this as a little girl, I'd say Saber because I would want her to win. But now, it feels like a boring loser like Shirou shouldn't get better than Rin.

If you think Shirou is a boring loser then he would be best suited with Sakura, who is another boring loser. Surely?

So much bait in one post

She literally confesses to him.

Saber. Its not even a competition

Last Episode utterly blows the fuck out every other ending in terms of what was achieved by the characters and the happiness the pair managed to gain. I mean, Shirou just goes full Superhero and it works out like a fucking charm and then he gets to bang his waifu in their own personal Eden and they get to hang out with Merlin

She "literally" doesnt, what retarded bullshit are you posting?

It relies on having to have a sex with Sakura, the woman he loves and placed above his ideals, a few times a day. Woe is me!

>Its a downgrade in life quality however you spin it
He becomes his most human in HF. That's not a downgrade to. me.

This. Fate Shirou is the ultra Chad. He did what he set out to do and did it so well that he avoided pitfalls that other versions of him fell into and he then got to fuck his wife in Celtic Heaven as a reward for being awesome.

He is a copy in HF. Not a human. He needs prana to live. Even Sakura in that ending admitted that they had a really rocky road ahead of them.

>last episode
>not even featured in the special video for the 15th anniversary

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Shirou doesn't deserve any of them. But since she's the worst he should have Sakura.

Sakura is built for sex, the others are strong independent women who don’t need no man

>Not a human
Did you skip this post ? He's literally going to grow old and die of old age. If he wasn't a human, that wouldn't be possible.

Doesnt make it any less canon. Your sour grapes amuse me though

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Last Episode is just fanservice to be quite honest. Sure, it's a beautiful way to end Shirou's journey but it still unrealistic as fuck.
UBW True is for me the best ending for Emiya, he is the happiest there.

Sure, but the line in the page before that says that he is a "copy" of Shirou and that his existance is basically that of a Servant without a contract.

Rin's narration in that scene is all over the place. She does not seem to be able to fully explain to herself/audience what his situation is as its so unique. Again. Sakura herself admitted that they have a fucking tough road ahead of them as it stands.

>Thats purely down to the fact it was a movie
Not really. Even waving off the sex scene, we still have a ton of great Shirou x Sakura scenes. Sudou really sells their romance, something Miura lacked to do with the UBW anime.

I love how shirou progressively downgrades as the VN goes on
>Fate - he can project Excalibur just by feeling connected to saber
>UBW - he can project but only through watching a literal copy of himself do it first
>HF - needs the copies left arm to do it and even then it’s extremely dangerous and he can lose his entire personality and life just by doing it once or twice

No fucking shit Sherlock

It works within the narrative and setting though. And its the ending achieved after seeing every other ending in the game so its as canon as the rest of them.

What your opinions are towards it are irrelevant.

> Sudou really sells their romance
Well he kinda had to. The VN does such a poor job of selling any romance between the two that it needed something to redeem it. I dont really care either way but I'll say that the romance scenes, as cringy as they were, were still far better than the VN scenes which featured Sakura lying in bed feeling sorry for herself for half the game

>so its as canon as the rest of them.
Nobody is arguing against that, calm down.

>is just fanservice
>I-im not saying its not c-canon!

Make up your mind mate.

!UBWShirou is the strongest though. He has seen Archer's Unlimited Blade Works and can develop his own Reality Marble at 17. He is OP.

That's wasn't me you replied to. I thought that user meant that Last Episode is too sweet for him, and he prefers UBW.

Possibly, though we dont know what heights that Fate Shirou reached.

However you can take it that Fate Shirou also became overpowered as fuck as at no point did he feel the need to make a contract with the counterforce in exchange for stength. And as Fate Shirou was unaware of Archer's story and fate this makes it all the more impressive.

He went in blind and achieved like a motherfucker. He then died and was able to fuck his soulmate. Due lived the life and afterlife.

>Sakura herself admitted that they have a fucking tough road ahead of them as it stands.
She's says it's a rocky road then we get

>There are lots of problems to living normally, but Sakura's constitution is a huge advantage if she's planning to live as a magus.

They'll be more than fine.


Thats just Rin's hope for them, not any official forecast.

Is this a euphemism for youthful body and high sex drive

>Last Episode is just fanservice to be quite honest. Sure, it's a beautiful way to end Shirou's journey but it still unrealistic as fuck.

Last Episode was made to provide Saber fans a good end to her route

>comparing a movie made to shill Sakura to two TV anime that don't even shill the heroines that much
>the other of which is basically made a sequel to the previous anime

>The VN does such a poor job of selling any romance between the two
I don't agree. Sakura x Shirou has always been my favorite of the three pairings. It's their romance that stuck with me with I finished the VN. Sudou just worked with that Nasu and Takeuchi created, and added some original scenes here/there. It's not as if he completely rewrote their relationship.

>not any official forecast.
I don't see why not. I never got the feeling that Sakura and Shirou would be unhappy in HF TRUE. Are there going to be struggles? Sure, but that's just life.

A good end was originally planned but cut by Nasu near the end as he wanted to bittersweet. It was re-tooled and added back in for RN when it received a negative reaction.

The negative reaction was simply down to Fate only having one end when the others had two and Nasu was just being grimderp for the sake of it.

Fate and UBW anime were based on Realta Nua, and HF is based on the original FSN.

Why do UBW fans hate HF route?

>Sakura x Shirou has always been my favorite of the three pairings.
Its bland and frustrating as fuck but Ok user. To each their own.

Sudou literally did re-write nearly all their romantic scenes together though.

>Last Episode was made to provide Saber fans a good end to her route
This. LE wasn't even suppose to happen, and Nasu stated that he was content with the ending she got in the original VN. Robot man was suppose to be the ending we got, but Takeuchi fought tooth and nail for a happy Saber end.

I love useless arguing and shitthrowing for the sake of it when talking about purely subjective things.

Let's talk about something objective, like how F/HA proves none of the routes took place and are non canon.

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Sakura x shirou is the only romance that actually makes sense. It’s made apparent they love each other right from the beginning whereas rin and saber’s relationship comes from something platonic. The sex feels far less forced in HF

I dont hate it. I was just massively disappointed with it. It took liberties with too much of the established plot and setting to deliver what was a very melodramatic romance plot. It could have been great but it was a jumbled mess of Ilya and Sakuras routes.

One of the main things I want to see from TM at some point is Nasu's original plot for both Sakura's route and Ilya's route before the two got mashed together.

I honestly hope canonfags get cancer and die. Imagine arguing about continuity in a vn.

Thats not what happened. See Takeuchi never has to fight for anything. He is the literal boss of the company and tells Nasu what to do, not the other way around.

this girl

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Saber's romance is text book star crossed lovers meeting by FATE.

That kind of romance has always been the best. Its why Romeo and Juliet is considered one of the best love stories ever penned.

The "childhood friend one sided love" gimmick is always shallow as fuck

Wormfags would kill themselves en masse if Fate and UBW got proper movies too.

They conveniently forget that the 2006 anime was only faithful to the source material until Archer dies and the UBW anime became a Fate/Zero sequel.

>Sudou literally did re-write
Not really. He just added a teeny bit more than what the VN gave us, or simply went all the way. For example, the rain scene is the same, but we have Shirou pushing the house key into Sakura's hand so that was something new. Then we have the scene where Shirou is about to kill her, and the VN mentions how hot his eyes feel and how he's trying to choke down a rising sob or something like that, and Sudou simply goes all the way with having him cry.

Fate is heavily rumoured to be getting some kind of adaption next. Cant wait to see what they do with it.

I remain convinced that adding in lots of Garden of Avalon flashbacks would be amazing. Really flesh out Artoria's time as King with her Round Table and showing her experiences as her major motivator for the HGW

>being relevant in any way
It's basically a fandisk taking place in a dream

>Its why Romeo and Juliet is considered one of the best love stories ever penned.
Many would disagree with you. It's a great story, but not a love story to everyone since the love comes across as shallow.

The “gimmick” is made impactful by the circumstances. Just having a normal happy relationship like that is the one thing that keeps Sakura sane and is something that Shirou fights like a madman to achieve. Their intense emotions and the circumstances make it impactful and feel very satisfying. It’s them against the world. Shirou and saber is second best but it doesn’t have nearly the same human element to it since they are both such perfect beings in that route.

Oh no no no

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You can be as contrarian as you like but there is a reason why it is literally considered the archetypal tragic love story.

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Lets discuss whether Reality Marbles could really be transferred.

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>since they are both such perfect beings in that route.

Are you fucking serious? Never go full fucking retard

The Fate route goes to great fucking lengths to point out that Saber and Shirou are both utterly broken people for similar but not exact reasons

Stop being retarded

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>I dont hate it. I was just massively disappointed with it. It took liberties with too much of the established plot and setting to deliver what was a very melodramatic romance plot. It could have been great but it was a jumbled mess of Ilya and Sakuras routes.

Did you hate Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime's Akiha route, CCC, and Zero too?

yes this proves everything

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F/HA is great. TM characters being able to enjoy themselves and be happy is wholesome as fuck. Its why Cooking Emiya and Carnival Phantasm are so beloved. Kagetsu Tohya as well

>You can be as contrarian
Two teens that barely knew each other and hardly spent time together fell in deep love? I'm suppose to take that seriously? Also I'm not the only critic of the story.

Fate Canon: Fate/stay night, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Extra, Fate/Extra CCC, and FGO

Fate Non-Canon: Everything else

I'm glad you agree.

None of these are remotely the same as HF or have HFs issues but I'll humor you

Excellent it parts; a bit meh in others; pretty great overall
>Akiha's route
Very good but the least good of the Far Side routes
Utter trash, like everything related to EXTRA cancer
Really good but I have many issues with how Urobutcher took liberties with established characters and settings

>HFs issues


"almost turned".


Perhaps I didn’t mean to say they are perfect, but rather they are difficult to relate to. Their feelings of martyrdom and self sacrifice are elevated emotions that a very small amount of the human population throughout history has ever felt. It is not a story that has the same visceral element as heavens feel, which is about two humans falling madly in love to the point of losing their ideals, but fate is an almost biblical epoch which conveys a standard of beauty most humans can’t reach. It’s love, but it becomes such a pure love that it stops being human.

>Thats not what happened.


は「何言ってんの! あのセイバーエンドを汚す気!?」という思いがあっ

Takeuchi proposed the happy Saber ending. Nasu didn't want it at first.

Shirou deserve her

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Yes, you are supposed to take it seriously.

Again, its why "Love at First sight" and "Destined lovers finding eachother at a random point in life" gimmicks are the most popular in the love genra.

Your like of the "childhood friend" gimmick is based on some childish notion of "the first one interested should be the one to succeed". That aint how love works, bud.

Read my previous post, genius.

They have great chemistry together. She would have been a fantastic love interest and is easily the best side character.

100% true
Sakura brings out the worst of shirou's broken personality while Rin's relationship with him is perfectly complementary and mutually beneficial.

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UBW already has a movie, though.

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or her


HF was better than UBW
Lots of edge, which is secretly his specialty
An actually good romance
A strong message that’s more impactful and relatable than the messages of the other routes


Shirou would’ve put her in her place

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>That aint how love works
Neither does it work by falling in love with someone you barely know. Destined lovers and childhood friends/romances are both overused tropes.

Sakura is pretty good too.

It's because 'tsuki' and 'suki' sound almost the same even to Japanese people.

>Fate is heavily rumoured to be getting some kind of adaption next.
It's not. Some people just jumped the gun because Saber was the only character on the 15th anniversary ad.

of course Cute Sakura
look this pic so cute

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People who like characters like Rin generally dislike one's like Sakura. And vice versa.

>UBW babies think Shirou vs Gil was better than this

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Cute Sakura

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Rin was at her worst in UBW, right?

Rin is god tier
Sakura is skilled prostitute tier
Saber is traitor tier

What do you mean by worst?

I refuse to believe UBW kotomine is actually kotomine
>gives shinji Gilgamesh for literally no other reason besides shits and giggles
>neglects lancers battle continuation ability which he should’ve known about since HE WAS HIS FUCKING MASTER
The route depicted him as just being a typical psychopath who died like a jobber when he’s always been far more than just that

>The VN does such a poor job of selling any romance between the two
Maybe if you look at it in a vacuum, but the little screentime she gets in Fate and UBW quite clearly establishes her as the one Shirou cares about the most but can't end up with for plot reasons. HF is the route that finally explores that possibility that the first two routes set up.

It's hilarious how some anons on Yea Forums were 100% sure that nips would hate Sakura with the second film, when all it did was bring her popularity up.

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>Taiga/Ilya's maids are GOD tier
>Rin is old men tier

How would you make Kotomine work in UBW's story?

Do taigafags actually exist?

>gives shinji Gilgamesh for literally no other reason besides shits and giggles
And so that Caster could actually succeed in taking over the church later.

He didn’t need to have a large presence but he seriously took some stupid pills

He could’ve easily accomplished that without actually transferring ownership of his servant

Just make a 10 minute Last Episode UFOtable, please.

The upper echelon of fatefags.

Fate Kotomine is just as much of a pathetic jobber. Before HF, he was pretty much Roa-tier as a villain.

Why didn't Lancer help him?

You misunderstood me. Caster was only successful because Gil just so happened not to be hanging around in the church.

>Fate Beginners fair to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of FSN by Animate
>Romani and FGO stuff
>still think FSN 15th Anni will have Fate anime adaption
Sweet Summer Child...

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Saber deserve Shirou

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>Romani and FGO stuff


Reminder that Shirou doesn't become EMIYA in any of the routes and therefore Rin is meaningless

Rin is confirmed to be Nasu's favorite

>Nasu: I will say that Rin was my favourite character when I was writing the story. Rin is like Aoko in so many aspects that it felt good to write Rin's story. Of course, Rider showed up shortly after that and everything went to hell. With regard to Saber, writing her story was always nerve-wracking because I knew she was really important to Takeuchi. I had a similar experience writing Hisui in "Tsukihime". Whenever an artist gets attached to a specific character, it's really stressful for me to write that character's portion of the overall story.

>Takeuchi: I think Rin is a character who is all about potential. Maybe that's why I'm only truly appreciating her now. Saber felt so complete right from the start, and the poetic beauty of her pairing with Shirou only added to the perfection. In Rin's case, however, a lot of events and situations like that whole London deal kept bringing out new sides of her that we hadn't previously seen. She makes you think about what "potential" really means, in a variety of ways. For example, if we were to do a spin-off story for Saber that took place in the Knights of the Round Table era, we still wouldn't be able to disband or do without the pairing of Saber and Shirou. That combination is just so complete that it's hard to adapt it to totally different situations. Rin, on the other hand, is more of a free agent because her relationship with Shirou doesn't define her in any way. Of course we have the Archer/Rin pairing, but a Lancer/Rin pairing would work out just as well and be just as good in its own way. We could even set up a story where Rin and Luvia are fighting over Shirou. In this way, I feel like Rin has earned her place as a face of the "Fate" series right alongside Saber.

Doesn't change the fact that he wrote a story in which Shirou doesn't need her.

>Rin is confirmed to be Nasu's favorite
That has nothing to do with what that user stated.

Fate kotomine lost because he wanted to see shirou slowly lose to the corruption. Nor did he feel particularly motivated to fight for his goals as he did in heaven’s feel, when he was on the verge of death and minutes away from seeing the birth of angra mainyu. It would’ve been a waste to show kotomine’s true depths in the first route but it still did well at establishing him and keeping us interested in learning the real story.

S-Saberfags? Explain this one?

Did Kotomine have different motivations between Fate and HF?

>No chance of Fate remake

This kills the Saberfag.

They will save it for the 20th anniversary

Unless Rins VA dies


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Saber will be dead in 5 years

I'm sure they will

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Rin farts

But does she masturbate?

Take that back.

Zero is shit.

this needed more rin episodes

Yes, while farting

Not really, one whole episode to herself, in which she saves everyone by herself is a fucking joke.

>Salty Saberfags shitposting because they aren't getting a new Fate adaptation
Move along

She a healthy girl, I bet Sakura only farts worm slime

Stay mad, it was great

Sakura and Rin fart on each other as part of their sister bonding

Girls don't fart.

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I disagree.

I can't wait for the final film. I wonder if Sudou would dare to add in wedding rings or wedding talk in the epilogue.

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Reminder that Carnival Phantasm ripped off a Sakura doujin by the Tawawa author in that Caster scene.

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They do, and usually it’s much worse smelling because of their weaker digestive systems

>Tawawa author
I love that he's a Sakurafag.

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Why would he fall in love with chestlets?


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I think that user meant that him being a Sakurafag should come as no surprise since Saber and Rin have very small breasts.

whoever gets nabs him first

>recap episode with fanfiction tier fever dream its the start of a new journey writing
Come on now, Last Episode was the fucking worst thing in the whole vn. Literally the same ending as pokemon.

Dumb porn addicted bimbo has no reading comprehension

Sakura is dependent on Shirou.
Shirou is dependent on Rin.

But Saber and Shirou are mutual partners that were literally brought together by fate. They are soul mates connected by a bond that crosses time and space. The World brought these two together. Whether you feel they were the best romantic relationship or not doesn't change their bond as Master and Servant. They are the most similar to one another and thus connect in a way the other girls simply cannot.

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>But Saber and Shirou are mutual partners
Yea, that's why he puts down her skills as a fighter cause of her sex. So mutual, so equal.

>Uro: Honestly, Saber doesn’t look much like a heroine to me. I can still see traces of the male version of Saber that appeared in the early version of Fate. Because of that mental image, Saber’s relationship with Shirou doesn’t seem like a realistic relationship between a male and a female, but a complicated relationship with a boy who became a girl.

>Nasu: Typical Urobuchi… I really can’t pull the wool over your eyes… I intended to take that to the grave with me, but I guess this 10-year anniversary is a good place to talk about it. Just like Urobuchi-san said, it’s difficult to call the relationship between Shirou and Saber a relationship between a man and a woman. Saber has fought for a long time as the ruler of Britain, but then turned into a girl all of a sudden and fell in love with Shirou. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it. But I really wanted to push it towards that sort of boy-meets-girl story. So as a last resort, I had Shirou continually say things to her like “But you’re a girl,” and “Girls aren’t supposed to fight,” in order to remind the users that “she is really a girl.” It’s like the author’s actually the one trying to convince Saber that she’s a girl… I feel like I could have written it a lot better now, but that was the best I could do at the time.

Saberfags are actual homosexuals.

Remind me again which outcome got observed by an actual relevant humanity observer aka MERLIN which got published and released Fou as consequence? Zelshit is unable to peek on Avalon.

Holy shit, this is actually hilarious.

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He stops that shit after after his first fight alone with Rider, the weakest servant. Keep seething wormfag

>Zelshit is unable to peek on Avalon
Citation needed. Thanks user

Seething over what?

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Why did you mention Fou ? You were talking about Fate route right ?

Sakurafags and sakura are the only heterosexuals in this thread

Yes, I exist, and I'll love her forever.


>Saber doesn’t look much like a heroine to me.
Uro just doesn't give a fuck, does he? Takeuchi must have been seething over that comment.

Last episode is not the ending. The ending is Realta Nua.

>relevant to FSN
Fuck off, tertiary newfag.

How dumb do you have to be to still debate what the canon ending is? It's got 3 completely different endings.

>The ending is Realta Nua.
What the fuck does this even mean?

Exactly, even the bad endings are canon.

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Ubw solves nothing.

How does it make you feel that wormslut (grailharlot) took literal miles of Shinji's dick?

Mashu exists only for cucking with other female servants.

I feel empathy for her since she was a rape victim.

>Shinji fucks the worms
>Shirou is the first human who gets to fuck her real pussy after Kotomine removes them


25th post best post

I don't self-insert. I like Sakura with Shirou.

Shinji’s an okay guy, I don’t mind

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>edited screenshot

As long as you're her last partner, it doesn't matter how many partners she's had before. You're the one cuckolding them.

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Sakura already won, user

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Did you really expect differently from those devoted to misunderstanding her character?

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Garden of Avalon ln. Written by Nasu. Zelshit is now irrelevant to Fate.

Description of Avalon. Both np and place cannot be touched by the 5 modern sorceries.

Stop pretending to a Sakurafag. You keep posting this with the tumblr filename in order to get SAKURAFAGS ARE FROM TUMBLR reactions. Way too transparent.

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ubshit is for manchildren

>p-please care about this obscure irrelevant booklet! what the VN itself says doesn't matter!

Sabercucks BTFO

Canon OTP so nothing else matters

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>Canon OTP
There you again trying to get a reaction.


Last episode starts with a flashback that ends literally saying he is fucked and could not meet her again. THEN the ending called REALTA NUA like the Vn kicks in and the miracle happens. Last Episode is there to make it bitter before the endingn makes it sweet.

>Both np and place cannot be touched by the 5 modern sorceries
I think it is "people can't go to the Avalon, even by the True Magics" though ? Zelretch does observe every parallel worlds, and he can go to every parallel worlds too but yeah like other humans, maybe he can't go to the Reverse side.
Also what Merlin observes is everything of that specific timeline, which is different from the 2nd and Zelretch

Came with ubw anime and got its own cd drama WITH its own ost.
Zelshit is even in the vn. MERLIN was talking to Saber.

No one cares for F/GO. Fuck off with that shit.

>Garden of Avalon ln. Written by Nasu. Zelshit is now irrelevant to Fate.
I know, but this is still not relevant to Fou tho ?

Avalon is NOT a parallel world and is BREACHED by them. All of them are irrelevant on the other side of the world. A non Avalon shitspot Fafnir Sieg hundled cancelled the third.

Merlin is just the guy who gave Saber a dick and played some pranks on her. Nobody cares about retcons made up 10 years after the fact.

Reminder that it's totally okay to want to become a superhero.

Merlin only releases Fou if Saber gets a happy ending and tells him to touch beautiful stories.

>Avalon is NOT a parallel world and is BREACHED by them
Source please ? From what i know, Avalon (the inner sea of the planet) is a part of the Reverse Side in every parallel worlds

>not want a calm rational and reliable partner
>wanting a crazy bitch and a control freak tsundere
Saber is the best of women without the worst of women.

Secondary here, what type of relationship would Shirou and Saber Alter have?

Attached: pmDdLUz.jpg (1386x1722, 183K)

Nobody cares about a lieral who oc from another non Fate franchise over one of most famous wizards of all time. Take your trash back to Shittyhime noncanonical existence.

He said in the GoA drama cd ? If that so, then can you post that part/give the link about that part ? Thanks user

>a literal who oc
user... He does appear in a lot of TM works

Literally the kanji? Used for it. That is why the third got fucked up in apoc conclusion. Atmosphere is like Ages of Gods. The 5 modern sorceries were born in the age of men.

Back to /vg/, FGOcancer. Nothing after Hollow Ataraxia is canon.

After looking for an hour, I guess I'll ask. Where is this from? The only mention of this leads directly back to /vg/ and Yea Forums. You've been spamming this quite a lot, and the ones in archive dont have the interview source.

But how ? Because every world has its Reverse Side and the inner sea of the planet

I am on my phone. But yep. Search the cd drama in youtube is complete. Fou quotes back what Merlin told him before saving Mashu.

>not want a calm rational and reliable partner
>wanting a crazy bitch and a control freak tsundere
Saber is the best of women without the worst of women.

Not that user but iirc it is from the same interview which Nasu said Saber and Rin = romance while Sakura = love i think

>Saber is the best of women
So you want a guy in a womans body? That's really fucking gay.

Best Girl
Stop debating this

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It’s not edited

It's from CM II. Chats between Nasu and Takeuchi about different characters.

>Shirou is a self-sacrificing idealist who was essentially guided through life by the things he believed in, but Sakura was an exception for him.

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Because Zel does not have actual clarivoyance? Merlin could see to the other side if he wanted it and did in GoA. Nowhere Nasu implies he observes anything outside jokes. His kit with the 2nd is all about using its energy with a sword and cannon. His specialization is minerology AKA jewel magecraft. None of the 5 magics bŕeach Avalon anyway.

Yeah, okay esl-kun.
Thanks user.

But given by Fou, Merlin didn't say anything about Saber ?

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Yeah, Merlin could still see everything in that world. Like i said before, Zelretch observes every parallel worlds while Merlin can observes everything happens in that specific timeline. Observe =/= go

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user Solomon, who has the same eyes as Merlin but different time period, is aware of what happens inside Mooncell which is a parallel world and knew about existence of aliens outside the man's universe/domain, he taught the guy whose name lore ministry is named after. Zepar was using in ccc the knowledge he knew from Solomon observation. Proto Merlin from a OTHER WORLD (not parallel yes there is a distinction) also knows shit from fgo literally sends Arthur there.
We never see featless Zel ever doing something like that.

>Zepar was using in ccc the knowledge he knew from Solomon observation.
Didn't Zepar can only find CCC Kiara's data in the Universe of Record (she didn't exist in the Universe of Awareness after CCC iirc) because she was a Beast Candidate ?

>But Saber and Shirou are mutual partners that were literally brought together by fate. They are soul mates connected by a bond that crosses time and space. The World brought these two together. Whether you feel they were the best romantic relationship or not doesn't change their bond as Master and Servant. They are the most similar to one another and thus connect in a way the other girls simply cannot.

Actually, they were brought together by coincidental circumstance and Kiritsugu shoving Avalon in Shirou's boihole to save him from dying in the fire.

Don't forget Irisviel, too


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No he knew of her and he connected her to the multiple Kiaras in the multiverse including a Demiya.he HAD the bad luck the beast candidate trait from ccc survived and triggered this because her transformation was half complete. Even Gil has access to parallel worlds records.

Solomon can see Past, Present and Future. Merlin can only see the Present

She survived as record in mooncell imaginary numbers but her actions were observed. This screw him up.

Why do Rinfanss get triggered by Sakura?

rhino is just a lost case

>Rin is my waifu!

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if Rin is the canon ship for Shirou, then she can't be your waifu, unless you enjoy cuckoldry.

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Luvia > Rin.

Luvia x Rin

I am a simple man. I judge by boobs size. The biggest the better the girl. Rin and Saber have both small boobs. Sakura has big boobs. Sakura is better.

I rationalize after the fact. Sakura has a big personality and a huge pair of presence. She is a full girl having prominent, erect intellect. She's the best because of her weighty humour full of the milk of passion. That's how it works.

Poor sakura couldn’t find any bikinis that fit

By your logic then Passionlip is surely the best girl right ?

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What the hell is going on with the breasts of Sakura and Rin?

Rin pleases big breasted finnish heiress for money .

Passionlip is absolutely the best girl in Fate, but that has nothing to do with her breast size.

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There is such a thing as cancerous breasts, and Passionlip crosses the line. I don't care about her personality, her "personality" is too big and too prominent for any human being.

Sakura has a wonderful personality though.

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You are weak, your bloodline is weak, you will not survive the winter.

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Chapter 3 when?

Listen. BB is an incredible woman with a powerful air of gravitas around her chest, and a multi-layered mammary development from start to finish, but Passionlip was her mistake. Too much isn't always better. There's a limit in all thing. The middle way, you know.

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That's clearly Sakura.

It is not "too much".
It is simply "too much for you".
For you are small, frail, mortal.

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>only servants can harm servants
>most of the fights in FSN is human vs servant with the humans winning

If you cant hug her back while kissing her there's really no point

Never is it said only servants can harm servants. You're misinterpreting two different things. Only servants can FIGHT servants, i.e. engage them on even ground and have a chance in hell. And only magical things can meaningfully harm servants for various reasons.

I could absolutely hug all the way around Passionlip. She's a very small girl, other than her chest.
But then I am american sized, not japan sized.

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Sakura is a needy bitch. Make as many excuses as you want she's the worst of the three and one of the worst of the franchise. Its a shame her route is so good, which had nothing to do with her character.

Who is BB
Who is Ishtar
Who is Eresh
Who is Meltlillith(?)


PL is cute

>Zelretch does observe every parallel worlds
No, actually he doesn't observe anything. Nasu used to joke about it before he scrapped the concept for actual observers (Mooncell, the great Clarivoyans). In Strange Fake, the only instance Zelretch has of observing this is with the help of a mystic code shaped like a book he made using the Second and can get info through it but he automatically isn't omniscient at will as Merlin and Solomon can be if they really wanted to. The book like every single of his things (the jeweled sword and his cannon which plays a role in MBN manga) can be used by third parties too, it's not necessary Zelretch who possesses a natural gift.

Even among the DAA, Caubac Alcatraz is better in making guesswork from the past and calculates the future than Zelretch by the way, which shows that he actually doesn't observe things as you believe. Probably Zepia too.

Proto Merlin is able to look into other worlds (not adjacent/parallel worlds but completely different branch implication) and sent Arthur there, so there's no reason to believe her male counterpart can't do that either.

Ishtar still likes Gil, she also hopes to hook up Ere with Guda.


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>Another fate thread
>Another shitup by cancerous wormfags
Dis why people hate Sakura

A few posts about the Sakura clones is not shitting up the thread.

Was Rin bi or not?

Yes. Stop asking.

No. Stop asking.

>Dis why
This is why nobody takes Sakura haters seriously. Back to wherever you came from, cancer.

>rhinos still alive

>implying you can inherit a reality marble
What kinda bullshit is that?

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Like clockwork, every time

>t. rhinokek

Wait, Medea can't time travel, can she?

Who knows but he sure negates death inside the temple.

Saber deserves him the most.
Rin would help him the most.
Sakura needs him the most.

Yeah, she's bisexual leaning to lesbian.

Shirou loves Sakura the most so that's that

Based wiseanon.

They all deserve better than Shirou so why punish them like that?

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Dude, it's just the worms.
I can't.

>inb4 but they aren't there anymore
Doesn't change the fact that they were there.

Because there can only be one

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So you hate them?

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Taiga is a spook


Sakura already got her happy ending in the original VN though.

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Source: your ass.

>source: Shirou

Fuck the king

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I'd rather the King's son.

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Shirou didn''t like her anymore after he got STDs and fungus on his dick after fucking her in her route.

Source: Shirou

I can also play this game.

you lost tho


The two of them learn so well through each other.
Also she's hungry and he's a cook so its a cute dynamic.

This doesn't mean Rin isn't best girl, I just think Shirou and Saber are super cute together

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There's a reason why her route is called Fate. She has the title of the series ordained on her route. It's the canon one.

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You're thinking of Rin.

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It was already answered 15 years ago you simple fuck

>have tomboy fetish
>absolutely love Miyuki Sawashiro's voice
>don't wanna watch Apocrypha cause I hear it's trash.
>Also Mordred is kind of a shit in fiction (more so than King Arthur).

pic unrelated

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>please reply

Thank you Sudou.

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>and Rin already has a promising mage career
Sounds like a reason for her to get Shirou though. She is fucking horrible as a mage, she doesn't have the temperament for it.

Can Sakura even reproduce anymore? Her womb is be beyond saving

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>which route was observed by Zelretch?

Prisma Illya.

F/GO if you want to get picky.

Rin sucked off Waver for grades user

Rin is my favourite girl but Sakura makes the most sense to end up with Shirou.
Saber and Shirou both have similar autistic viewpoints and staying together won't heal either of them.
Rin is an independent enough women that can handle herself just fine.
Sakura is a damsel that needs Shirou in her life to be saved from her tragic background.

if it's sakura and shirou there's nothing imposssible to aco

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Specifically, he says that Shirou does not become Archer in any of the routes that we see, which by default includes bad ends. However, there is still a non-zero chance in ALL of those routes for it to happen. So Shirou COULD become Archer out of Fate, UBW, HF, Mind of Steel, or whichever ending you like. We know he doesn't, but there IS a chance of it happening no matter if he's "chosen" Saber, Rin, or Sakura.

>this mid school comprehension

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Sakura was originally adopted into the Matou family to breed the next generation of the family who would have fought the 5th Holy Grail war if it came back 50 years later instead of 10. It would rather be counter-productive to make her sterile.

And we accept your concession

I recall it being put that he came from a timeline similar to Fate, but "something was missing". This is more a conceit so his presence in a non-linear story could make logistical sense. The Throne of Heroes exists outside of time, so although the Archer we know isn't the same Shirou, that's not to say Shirou won't become any number of other Archers. We can be certain that he doesn't after HF because that necessitates he abandons his dream, the main requirement for him becoming Archer, or after Fate because of Last Episode.

>Constantly sacrificing himself because of some misplaced guilt is foolish. No-one sensible would risk their life mindlessly just satisfy their romanticized ideal of heroism.
Not that guy but putting others above one's self and doing things for the greater whole isn't foolishness.

A Reality Marble cannot be directly inherited, that we know of. It is uniquely intrinsic to the individual who develops it.

However. (And this is in keeping with the way Nasu usually rolls with things, making a rule and then breaking it.)

While a Reality Marble cannot be inherited, its properties can be "employed" in one fashion or another. For example, Shirou, while using Archer's arm, cannot access Archer's UBW. He's bluntly straightforward about that. What he CAN do is draw things from it, because the arm is a part of him. But those things are still part of Archer's RM, not Shirou's RM (HF Shirou never develops UBW at all, and while Rin speculates that it might be possible for him to do it, this never actualises and is only speculation anyway).

As far as Magic Crests go, they are the only vaguely possible way you could "inherit" a Reality Marble. However, again, this is not the same as "put RM into crest, can now deploy UBW". That's now how a RM works. We know it is possible, thanks to El-Melloi Case Files and Luvia (and the Edelfelts) running around adding inactive shit to their Crest, that you can put something into a Crest without it being accessible or usable in general.

Because of this, it is -speculatively- possible that UBW could be implanted into a Magic Crest, by way of taking Shirou's circuits etc. and sticking them into a crest of his own (or Rin's or Sakura's or whoever as long as the person getting the crest is his descendant - like how Rin's crest is the Tohsaka and Edelfelt crest).

This would NOT, with what we know of crests, make UBW accessible. Shit, it would probably earn a Sealing Designation, since just having an RM is a SD from the Clock Tower anyway.

But it would, in theory, mean UBW could be "inherited". What it would do to the crest, what it would add to the crest, whether it could be activated at all, all of this is entirely up in the air and very questionable.

So really: it depends on what Nasu thinks would be fun.

>Sakura was originally adopted into the Matou family to breed
I mean, allegedly. Zouken took her and then threw her into the wormpit on the first night for shits and giggles to let her be raped and her womb ruined by worms. He didn't give a fuck about her, it's just Tokiomi who believes he did.

Not that guy but that's a case of selfishness I witnessed IRL many times. It's the kind who only cares for others as far as others are to them. It's literally
>I only care for X because I feel bad if something happened
this kind leads to all sorts of pseudo-selfless shit where they do things they believe are helpful to the other but only because it makes them feel good. I've seen people get "helped" into worse states because the helper is so preoccupied with how happy they feel that they don't actually see the person they help. This kind of selfishness also leads to
>If I don't feel anything bad, I don't care even if something bad happens to X
as I've seen numerous cases where they don't give a fuck about something bad all because they don't feel bad.

I would disagree, simply because Nasu's statement is very basic as a question response:

>I’ll just say now that he doesn’t become a Heroic Spirit in any of the routes, but the possibility is still present in all of them as well. Basically, the probability of it happening is almost zero.

Fate, UBW, HF, whatever. It doesn't matter. He doesn't become a HS in any of them. But the possibility is still there. It's almost zero in ALL of the ones we see, but it's possible. That includes HF.

What you're referring to is this.

>Unlimited Blade Works BD set II: Q: What was the Fifth Grail War that Heroic Spirit Emiya experienced in his lifetime like? Was the Archer summoned there also Emiya?
>Nasu: It was a world where the conditions at the beginning of the war were mostly the same, but something was missing. Shirou summoned Saber and fought until the end, didn't save Saber's heart but understood her, and they destroyed the grail together and parted... that's the image I have.
>Takeuchi: Ahh, so something like a Fate route Good End we didn't make in the game?!
>Nasu: Yeah, probably. After that, it is believed he cooperates with Rin who survived, and heads to London.

It's similar to UBW in some ways, but different in others, because the UBW we see does not result in Archer. But the possibility remains(remained) in all of them.

>Samefaging this hard
Learn to type before posting here, all your posts have the same problem

Rin is perfect, and doesn't need Shirou. Which means it's mostly a toss up between Saber and Sakura. Both are sad girls with sad lives that need love and comfort. But I would probably say Sakura just because Saber actually has other people in the past that do care about her. I mean, most of them died or turned crazy. But at least she has them.

>You would only be his pet and that’s until he gets bored of you
It's called a harem, user. It's fun to be a part of that.

>Muh ideal
A man with spirit and ideals is the best.

>Will die tragically in front of you
How is that a problem? Don't you want true romance and self sacrifice out of your partner?

Hello, narrator from Kaguya sama.

FGO is a canon.
There are a few main timelines, and GO is actually not one of them as it is an anomaly.

Mmmm you're making sense

Rin is just kind of a awesome larger than life figure. She doesn't need to a relationship to define herself in the same way other characters do. Hell, UBW's harem ending pretty much has Shirou and Saber becoming part of her harem rather than Shirou's.

Would it make you feel better if I told you she and her master were the best part?

>it's just Tokiomi who believes he did.
What the fuck possessed him to think Zouken would make a good adoptive parent? I know the guy is possibly the worst judge of character in the Fate Universe. But anybody that can talk with Zouken for more than a minute without somehow disqualifying him as a person to raise a daughter is mentally handicapped.

That just makes her a degenerate.

Why did anybody deserve to have Shirou? Like, Fate/Stay Night having romance always bugged the shit out of me. The whole point of Shirou's character is that he's basically an empty shell that can only find joy in helping other people. But for some reason, he's still totally interested in romance.

A couple of reasons.

1) Zouken's worst excesses are kept hidden from the public eye. Tokiomi simply didn't know the full extent. Oh, he knew about the basics of Makiri magic, but that's not the same as knowing all the details the way the reader is.

2) Zouken is just one person, there are others in the family who are more "normal" for mages (not normal normal, but at least "relatively" so).

3) Sakura would have been "closer" to Aoi and her original family.

4) The Edelfelts fucking despise the Tohsaka family because of the 3rd War and the Tohsakas stealing one of their heirs and one of their crests (the theft of which has fucked Ore Scales). As a result, Tokiomi did not have any options of a blood tie.

5) Tohsaka luck. It fucks them over at the worst of times, and is practically a force within the story.

From the outside, the Makiri/Matou family is actually not too bad an option. I mean, it's not the absolute best possible one, but of the ones Tokiomi found presented to him, it was pretty good based on what he knew.

>Establishing a harem.
Why are christians this pathetic? Do they just enjoy pretending sexuality is something it's not?

Nuh uh.

I mean, I guess it kind of makes sense. If anything the problem is less anything in the story. And more the fact that Zouken looks like the devil.

Does it even matter. Can saber and rin even reproduce? they would make horrible mothers.

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She can reproduce. Would be best mom.

PROBABLY can't reproduce. Would make a pretty shit mother, going by her last son.

>trapped by Tohsaka's legs
Leglock. Delicious.

Rin has aborted too many old men's fetuses and has too many daddy issues.

Saber may not physically exist, but don't understimate her! She would make a great mother.

Mordred is not her son.

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>Somebody was paid to write this.
What a world, what a world.

I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.

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>not degenerate
Dont project your twisted morals user. Try living in a country that practices poligamy and actually interract with the people who have harems and the society there: my father has two wives and yes he and his friends are "degenerates". Just because its practiced doesnt mean we can run away from society and reality, that shit has been around for more than 100 years and it is still unnacaptable to most people.

It made a lot of money in the long run. I can see why anyone would at least try.

A shame there wasn't a footjob scene from Toesuker

Harems have been around for literal thousands of years. Only a few whiny christian nations threw a massive hissy fit about the concept for about a millennium because of political reasons.

Men want harems and womans don't mind being part of one as long as they are provided for. It's how relationships have, and always will, work.

>I mean, it's not the absolute best possible one, but of the ones Tokiomi found presented to him, it was pretty good based on what he knew.

No, Nasu hid it in Zero Hanafuda, but Tokiomi suggested sending Sakura to the Edelfelts when he saw Kariya take Sakura along to a Grail war. Comedy or not, Nasu put that there for a reason. Also, the Makiri were a dying family on the cusp of being dead, sending a superstar before she can develop into absolute crap is stifling their ability. It was laughable he even implied having her be a rival to Rin with so many handicaps. The guy was arrogant, shortsighted, and had terrible insight into people. The fact Zouken knew about his wife's copter more than he did is telling. If anybody should be praised for her surviving so long its Sakura herself, and Dilo for being someone who gave her back what she should have had, a chance to be great.

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>Tokiomi suggested sending Sakura to the Edelfelts
Who already had an heir. The protection for Sakura is as the heir to a mage family. The Edelfelts have one already. Sending her there would do fuck all.

user, most polygamous marriages end in divorce 3 times more than monogamous unions. Granted its a smaller number but its still substantial enough that its accapted in research papers. I dont know what to say to your thinking that its a good thing or that its because of christians or politics that its not accepted. I'm not from a christian nation and its already allowed by law, but people still think its vile and immoral to do so, it also just doesnt work as well you think. They even passed a law to prevent people from marrying and divorcing after less than a year if they had kids to prevent people from being irresponsible degenerates.

Her ow father suggested it, it wasn't me who thought it up.
I still enjoy how disgusted loli Sakura was hearing Kariya and Tokiomi talk about what a glorious rack she will have growing up. Never saw a better look of disgust from a 5 year old.

The very idea of marriage of obsolete. It has no place in a civilized equal country that threats woman as equals. Polygamous relationships are natural, and will be the norm again.

Except it wouldn't work.

polygamous relationships are okay if it okay with both partner, marriage? Fuck you trying to dodge your fucking taxes

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killing to get to Sakura

>>>actual female autist who can hardly even function as a normal woman. Would rather continue sacrificing herself and pursue ultimate tard willpower.

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>unless Rin can somehow find Touko who is impossible to locate if she doesnt want to be found and get a proper puppet body made.
You realize Touko was the one who made the puppet body, right?

Does Merlin have access to the true magic that Zelretch uses?

>proper puppet body
I think he does.


Do we ever see sakura’s first encounter with the matous? When she’s still pure and a tohsaka? Thinking she’s just going to be adopted by a family friend? Before it actually sets in? Do we???

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No u

>jobbed so hard she died before the war even started

Is there any more JUST master in the history of the 5 grail wars?

The 06 anime has a really silly series of flashback shots where Zouken has a cab and a bunch of servants who pull her away from the Tohsakas as she cries. It also implies that Rin knew about what Sakura went through all along, but that Zouken somehow died before the events of the story started. Yeah, the way they tried to work HF into the 06 anime was a mess to say the least.

I hope ufotable adapts Hollow Ataraxia after Heaven's Feel III

to be fair, she jobbed to Kotomine, who overall isn't a bad guy to job to.

Deserves is a rather slippery word. It requires the evaluation of the worthiness of each participant and how possitively/negatively they influence eachother in different contexts, which is pretty difficult.

I'm not really sure which pairing would I label as the most deserving. I suppose both Sakura/Saber do get benefits from interacting with Shirou and they both seem to be deserving of the benefits, so they'd qualify, though Rin don't seem to really gain that much from being associated with Shirou apart from the grail war, so if the question is which one is most deserving of him being their life partner, then I would say that Rin doesn't really deserve him as she'd be better off with someone who can help her pursuit her goals and to better match her personality, though if we take it from that angle then there is no after for Saber as she deserves to gain her closure, meaning that the question of deserving doesn't really apply outside of the bounds of the grail war, as long as you consider the pairing within their dedicated routes/endings that would make sense to me.

That kind of leaves Sakura as the best suiting within the parameters as she's deserving of him beneficially and would have a decent proscepts with him outside of the bounds of the grail war, though in general I personally prefer the pairing of ShirouXSaber the best.


what would her route be like?

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All this back and forth has been annoying and contrived. Fuck saberfags, rhinos and sakuracùcks. Luvia is best girl.

sakura's smile > the world

t. shirou

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t. worm

Hopefully it has a good ending where she makes her own harem.