Here's your chance to tell her directly what you think of her. NOW.

Attached: 1543922846126.jpg (790x674, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Your appeal to open borders by brokering peace between nation's leaders is an impossible task as the populous by their very nature will not accept your idealistic utopic ideal.
Monkey couldn't do it and she was capable of trading countries with people who actually controlled them.


>doesn't get the D
>turns into an insane leftist

There's a lesson to be learned here.

I love you. Please marry me.

I want to rest my face on those

Attached: 1429462874811.jpg (768x576, 36K)

Araragi should be handing out dick like candy to stop Hanekawa from spending her entire life committing international terrorism?

I mean it's only right.

Attached: 1496241371790.png (1191x1684, 554K)

cowtits slut

inferior, only snake is worse

She seems naturally GIFTED for terrorism on different levels.

Attached: 1449447290266.jpg (701x769, 150K)

She's terrorizing my boner.

Attached: 1550434310998.webm (1280x546, 651K)

C'mon she's more than that.

Attached: 1469549598484.jpg (1920x816, 140K)

What an ugly slut

her tits are too big in kizu

Attached: gabeNgabeN.png (377x377, 118K)

I want to bury my head in these flesh mounds

Those are her best qualities.

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this guy gets it


Attached: 63436.jpg (734x1024, 174K)

I want to stick my dick between her fat titties.

shit movie.
worst girl.
kuso thread.

i wish that i was her child


Attached: sEtMIG8.jpg (1647x2219, 248K)

So you could drink her milk?

I guess that's the idea

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I am not suprised by all yous insulting her. Hanekawa is just for high IQ Alphas that understand the meaning of breeding and survival.

alphas don't give a shit about generic anime titcows you retarded faggot. they're drowning on 3d pussy


Attached: IMG_6750.jpg (768x1200, 73K)

No Catfags defending their Holy Cow?

>this thread again

Attached: IMG_8263.png (764x1209, 841K)

>cakes in their loli dresses

Attached: 1549441153016.gif (480x345, 3.45M)

Cat is best girl
Araragi confirmed as the Avatar of Homosexuality

I'd cuddle with her.

>being drained 24/7
>surviving a SHTF scenario
Choose one

Attached: 1480572519298.jpg (1000x902, 360K)

tfw no Hanekawa who milks you 24/7

Why are her tits so small?

why are there so few decent long hair big tidday hanekawa doujins

Hey wait!
Who is milking Who?

There's one from Homunculus and very good too

You cannot spoil her

She is so perfect, so immaculate, so desirable.

Attached: IMG_8795.jpg (1080x1161, 63K)

We all know that Hanekawa has redeeming qualities

Attached: anim.webm (640x480, 176K)

Marriage or mere breeding?

We've all heard that Tumblr-Tier explanation, which is just bullshit though

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Post the whole thing you dip.

Attached: 1546725635041.png (1194x1510, 649K)


prized breeder

Attached: hanekawa.jpg (1165x1355, 114K)

Black Hanekawa > Hanekawa

Attached: 1524857265431.jpg (768x1024, 153K)

Hanekawa wouldn't like this thread

Oh man. I want to possess her completely.

Attached: IMG_8796.jpg (2106x3001, 1.34M)

Hanekawa >>>>> Black Hanekawa

Attached: 1508638496636.jpg (800x1133, 326K)

You sure?
Araragi left her frustrated, you know....

Sounds vaguely perverted

If only touching her didn't kill you.

Attached: 1507466288408.jpg (2400x1350, 828K)

The animator had a hard time with her

Attached: 1508637169514.jpg (1234x873, 90K)

I want muh pénis in bagina

Attached: cat schoolgirls in panties.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

Attached: 73251890_p0_master1200.jpg (600x867, 362K)

You had a chance to do it. But you fucked, Ararararagi.

Attached: IMG_8798.gif (498x217, 1M)

Araragi, the King of Fagets

Nice tiddies.

Only reason I still keep up with the franchise. Favorite heroine by heroine by far, and I wanna see how her story wraps up.

Attached: Xi9sJ.png (1024x576, 548K)

fun fact - in the bible it's stated that sugar sweet nightmare is the worst bake season 1 op

Attached: 1543033813783.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

What is this mean to represent?

>That one time where she FUCKING DIES
>RRRG is frantic, spills gallons of his blood to save her
>promises he'll protect her for as long as he lives
>never has sex with her

Attached: 1543875296129.gif (574x367, 1.52M)

dragonmaidmonogatari leaked

jesus fucking christ.
imagine if shaft actually got the right to season 2 of dragonmaid

Attached: 1458666322250.gif (240x169, 497K)

damn could've got trips

Nice tits. Also hanekawa is the only girl that looks better with character development.

Attached: bw.png (620x349, 268K)

I want to hate fuck her tits for hogging so much screen time from better girls

>tfw no tiger stripe, jeans butt, cat gf

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God bless this brave man.

Attached: IMG_8750.jpg (1920x816, 161K)

Cat = Perfection

Tsubasa being "devoured" by her "stress", transforming into Black Hanekawa...

Inferior to the winner and true best girl.

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Attached: flE40e7.gif (600x450, 1014K)

Absolutely god-tier.

Attached: 1539950468619.jpg (573x658, 109K)

This is best Hanekawa doujin for me.

4 black hand violating a pervy slut

Unfortunately the only good doji.

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She looks like Tsukiji here.

Attached: salute.jpg (500x375, 36K)

As much as Nisio tries to make her look smart, she's just a stupid, annoying slut who would have been better off being the town bicycle like her mother.

Mom and Dad dies of dysentery.

Attached: momanddaddieofdysentry.png (1536x978, 299K)

sorry wrong thread

Doubling her breast size made her a more appealing character.

Actually, even more than 4 hands....

ararararararararararararararararagi san

Attached: ce3d11539f6addc90cf08807c9000e89.png (1024x1024, 256K)

cat a shit


>the soles of her shoes have a snail motif

Attached: yot.png (200x200, 60K)

I can't believe Garfield is fucking dead.

Don't worry. It was an improvement from Cat.

i pity garfield

This cat basically ruined her small firm milkers

Attached: fat tats.gif (420x250, 752K)

I don't

if neko has rights to be a cat why not garfield

I don't think I've fapped to a single character more than cat.

you baka

Well, here's her reaction..

Attached: re.jpg (1069x461, 69K)

Best girl

"You guys are being pretty mean to me"

Attached: 1473087655033.jpg (921x662, 78K)

S+ quality furboobs

Get pregnant with my child and I'll stop.

Paizuri marathon.

Attached: Shiki 63.jpg (1240x1754, 174K)

Could you please elaborate?

Attached: 1482242768399.gif (540x379, 1.26M)

I don't like women or even watch this show but I always click these threads because this character is pretty.


Attached: Shiki 25.jpg (657x890, 446K)

I can't enjoy cowtits in 2D porn because I always feel such a disconnect, like I'm not actually looking at a plausible character anymore
but the amount of detail that went into animating this is probably the first time I can actually buy it

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Attached: Big Fat Cat Tats.webm (1280x546, 918K)

Please explain the rules.

Attached: 1491563065075.png (1364x576, 942K)

Cat is only good for sex. Crab is for a long lasting, loving relationship.

This nigga gets it.

This is insane

Well I can't.
Crabfags are delusional.

Also: animator sketches.

Attached: 1508648955137.webm (640x480, 120K)

Pai~zuri~ marathon~!

Attached: Shiki 11.jpg (744x1052, 124K)


Attached: IMG_6753.jpg (705x1000, 115K)

Jesus Christ.
I can’t take it anymore.

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Attached: [Quong] Monogatari S2 - 16 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp79_snapshot_00.48_[2013.12.02_20.10.57].jpg (1280x720, 119K)


Attached: 73275999_p0.png (900x1440, 1.56M)

If she was more direct, she would've been able to bag Arararagi before Senjougahara even came into the picture.

Attached: __hachikuji_mayoi_hanekawa_tsubasa_horie_yui_and_katou_emiri_monogatari_series_and_etc_drawn_by_piro (800x614, 175K)

Who gets more shit on Yea Forums?
Cat or Crab?


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