Why does Prisma Illya go back and forth between a visually stunning action series with setpieces that would make...

why does Prisma Illya go back and forth between a visually stunning action series with setpieces that would make ufotable blush, and hardcore loli ecchi banned in several countries?

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It should stick to visually stunning hardcore loli action.

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They know what's good

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Everyone's semen toilet Illya-tan is so cute

because it's made for red-blooded men of culture, and understands it.

Does MIyu win the bowl?

Nope. She's so friendzoned it's painful. Illya is definitely going to say "I'm sorry, you're just my best friend" if Miyu ever tells Illya that she's in love with her.

Attached: Illya Prisma.png (1050x1492, 2.14M)

All anime should be like that, really.



They want to keep a thin veneer of it not being porn.

I want my daughter Juju to cosplay as Illya

Because ecchi is best when part of something still good on its own.

It should keep pushing the limits of what they do and show further.

There are no countries where Prisma is banned.

because it is a masterpiece?

It is in Burgerland. If you so much as look in the direction of a girl under 25 you'll be branded a pedo and lynched

Those anglos sure are weird.

You can not only get the series but also Illya daki from Amazon UK and US, they don't care either.

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You can't have a show with Kuro and not make it ecchi.

It's staying true to the VN

Fair enough.
But that's unironically because of the yuri, not the loli ecchi.