Hibiki is the perfect protagonist

hibiki is the perfect protagonist

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and maria is the perfect pity character

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but zenbu is who we're actually here for

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I want to sniff her asshole

Imagine man handling Shirabe while making Kirika watch.

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Rampant alcoholism with Hibiki!
Unemployment with Hibiki!
Parental abandonment with Hibiki!
Working at 7-11s while my daughter is turned into space crystals with Hibiki!
Watching terrorists be stripped nude on international broadcasts with Hibiki!
Abandoning small children to their fates with Hibiki!
Dining and dashing with Hibiki!
Throwing pebbles at wizards with Hibiki!
Spamming voicemails with Hibiki!
Unwanted second chances with Hibiki!
Family reconciliations with Hibiki!

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She dipped a little in season 3, but s4 makes up for it. She's great.

Go away, Miku.

I agree.

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Hibiki and Miku's daughters should be made with the magic of IPS cells, not filthy penises.

They'll rub their penises together and then Miku gets pregnant.

With the perfect girlfriend.

She's also the perfect wife and lover

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He's pretty good at chalice dungeons desu.

chris is shit

Why is Hibike such a bottom?

Was it rape?

Hibike consented.

I love the faces Chris does.

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Because being bottom is the most enjoyable role once you see the light

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That's something a bottom would say

Yea Forums is filled with bottoms.

Bless the scrap fist.

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Also something a bottom would say

I want to be scrap fisted by Hibiki.

Please don't bully Elf9.

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I want to jam it inside 3lfnine

Is Hibiki the most positive representation of masculinity in anime to date?


There has to be a fanart somewhere of Hibiki cosplaying Junk Warrior, right? There just HAS to be.

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Can you repeat the question?


Well, that's a shame. If I had any sort of talent whatsoever (which I don't, I suck) I'd try to fix that.

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