
Forseeing fluff for the forseeable future, senpai.
And without carol, even.

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Too cute.

Those dorks.
So, all these chapters will be like that. I can imagine the rest of the cast beign annoyed with their lovey-dovey thing
Also, Jun is a masochist

HOLY FUCK THIS SHIT IS CUTE!! Now it is all down hill from here.

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Back to the shadow realm with you and your 7

The tomboy is too powerful for your spells, demon.

Attached: 1ED67CEC-4839-4219-9B4A-9A4840493B16.png (1412x1912, 2.42M)

why do i keep clicking on this

There must be a proper and legal wedding ceremony first. The dojo requires legitimacy.


Attached: I will mamoru you.jpg (634x594, 24K)

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Tomo is turning too much into a moe-blob.

Attached: Every Tomo-chan thread is the same..jpg (2708x1591, 1.48M)

Now. Always. Forever.

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Watch as we see people try to break them apart.

Attached: Mommy.jpg (818x440, 136K)

always makes me laugh

what does it mean when a tomboy gives you that look while punching you?

it means a normal man's arm would've broken

it means she wants to have tombabies

She wants to be bred.



Attached: bogan.png (640x922, 675K)

I started going to the gym and to practice Judo since hiatus to be able to come back to the manga and self-insert as Jun

Change "death" to "snuff".

Fumita is almost making up for the bullshit hiatus.

Attached: kyaaaaaaah.jpg (263x182, 15K)

Attached: El Hermano vs Jiren & SSW2 Gohanpadre Calvo.webm (854x480, 2.93M)


>and get put on the nsa watch list
no thanks

>Hiatus is over

WTF, there's a future for this series with couple shenanigans?

That's too cute for this world.



So what I'm getting from this is that jiren said tomboys we're shit and dont lead to ultimate strength so his brother beat his ass for it.....ok

Why is pregnant one of the bad ones?

If Fumita doesn't find a way to somehow return to the status quo, yes.

Look at that. She's already hitting him. This is what an abusive relationship looks like anons. If you're in one, get help.

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Attached: 1529812017328.jpg (300x300, 20K)

sometimes you just want to have sex with your tomboy without worrying about having to get a job to support a family and raise a child
Pregnant is overrated

Fucking dorks

Attached: 1550678166757.png (331x347, 40K)

She is expecting retaliation with dick and mating presses.


Wait a fucking minute.

this isn't dropout

Attached: 1550706681831.png (204x180, 26K)

She looks like a happy puppy.

Attached: cute tomboy.jpg (239x185, 16K)

>You'll never experience your lovestruck tomboy gf's embarrassed arm punches as you gently walk her to school

Attached: jun.png (178x190, 26K)

Attached: Tired Jun.png (253x196, 74K)

>not Dropout

>Dro- Nani?!

You fucking faggot. When you fuck a tomboy, you do it without a condom. That is the only purist way of making sweet vanilla love to them. You completely show your affection in letting her know that you will take responsibility if you impregnate her.

there's the pill you fucking redneck

Your dark, cynical view is not allowed here.
You disgust me. Leave.

>teleports behind you
nothing personnel, dropout-kun mate

>s-so this is the power of bogan instinct!

>poisoning a tomboy's ovaries
>ensuring weaker chidlren

not everyone is catholic, guys

Just when things were going so well

Attached: SLAYING.gif (165x106, 148K)

>not wanting to impregnate a tomboy

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This is really cute.

Fucking newfags.

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The giant hand labeled fisting always gets me.

Now I definitely want it to end soon so I can remember it fondly.

>oldfag boomer lecturing zoomer shitposters


Attached: [#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 874.png (640x958, 259K)

There's a difference between the "impregnation" and "pregnant" tags. You just inseminate in the former, and you fuck a lady who is several months pregnant in the latter, so she'd have a big belly already.

Nah, after so much dickteasing, I'll take a few chapters of cathartic reward before it ends.



Attached: dropout.png (204x189, 45K)

Better font than



Redraws didn't save for some reason.

Attached: [#dropout] Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! page 874.png (640x958, 258K)


I was about to say, it's not like you guys to not redraw.

Attached: dropout.png (184x197, 45K)


Attached: 1539751523375.png (238x99, 38K)

late lol


Attached: lovey dovey tomboy.png (222x135, 40K)

But seriously, god this is cute and now I'm sad.


Looks like we have something going on here.

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Oh, and by the way, for the guy that asked for Chio, it's out.

"ow" doesn't convey pain well enough, maybe "ouch"?
just saying

>finally get off Namek
>want it to end immediately
Jesus christ user, can a nigger get a little healing first?

It's like earning an orgasm and then cutting it off like 1/10ths of the way through.

Attached: I WANT TO CUM INSIDE SUZY.jpg (500x480, 33K)

the first hundred chapters or two were all done by two groups at almost the same time


Attached: tomo.png (354x241, 114K)

don't upscale and don't leave white
see this guy, he learned last thread

I’ve got some pretty controversial opinions that I’d like to share. I think we’re all familiar (whether we agree or not) that the mangaka is just a hack that struck gold, but when it comes down to it I want to fuck Misuzu

Attached: 8256EE1C-0CEC-461A-A3AC-4CADA2DCDD7D.jpg (1242x1107, 496K)

Well, so my sides

>I think we’re all familiar (whether we agree or not) that the mangaka is just a hack that struck gold
there hasn't been a thing that he has made that I hate, outside of SPRAYED, because I'm not a fan of rape.

hnnng they gonna fugg


post rare tomos

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I am fully aware, but it's still nothing bad, It doesn't turn do anything for me personally, but having sex with your pregnant tomboy wife doesn't sound like a bad thing at all.

>tfw you will never experiment this feeling again
>tfw you have never experimented this feeling ever

Attached: tru olev.png (351x972, 894K)

You must have me confused with someone else. I didn't make any transparencies last thread.

Attached: restless tomboy.png (200x176, 51K)

You had two chances at that word
Seems like you're young enough to have many more chances at love

So how long is Fumita gonna drag out these two dorks avoiding each other in school to hide the fact they are a couple out of embarrassment?

another day of no misuzu

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Off you’reself muchacho

I want them to be open with it.

>hide the fact they are a couple
They'd have as much success with that as Manabu & Reina.

>another day of no misuzu
if she or Carol don't show up tomorrow I'll eat my hat

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damn son

It hurts man.

Attached: 4.png (914x461, 504K)

Some doujins emphasize on how its extremely uncomfortable or even bad for the baby for the woman to have sex during late pregnancy. There's also the fact they might not have as much sexual desire given their body is busy growing a baby. I guess it's not as degenerate as the other fetishes in the image but I suppose a traditional thinker who likes vanilla would just want to lay off sex while the tomboy is pregnant and just cuddle.

Ya had me worried

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No, it's actually extremely good.


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them quints

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Is Jun gonna finally smash that fire crotch?

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Best be soon.
Tomo sitting on Jun's lap when?

>Jun sitting on Tomo's lap when?

>Suddenly Tomo wakes up
>Everything that had just happened was all just a dream
>She gets up out of bed, distressed and walks over to the dojo
>Sees three little Tomos and two little Juns practicing karate with Grandpa Gurou and Grandma Akemi vice gripping another one

I want to sniff this picture so badly


Attached: witchrun.webm (1280x720, 751K)

last thread was me, im probably making transparencies the wrong way

Attached: 1547485868735.png (255x457, 147K)

>not wanting pic related

Attached: Sitting in lap.jpg (269x299, 57K)

name a more bullshit powerup, i dare you

More bullshit than O MY RUBBER NEN and O MY SEVEN QUIRKS for sure.
Jun just used the tree mindset powerup to break the bonds of reality.


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How would you react if you had Tomo's boobs pressed against your back?

I was going to write a post about how tired I was of the dumb "jun and tomo smile and blush with screentones behind them" thing but this joke is actually pretty funny.

I have never thought about lap-sitting in that way
What can't Japan lewd?

Attached: UglyDesires.jpg (836x1200, 427K)

I would also communicate with the trees.


>I'm glad I was brave enough to confess.
Wait, the madman actually did it?
I haven't kept up with this since readtomochantoday died. This can't be real.

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Attached: tomofacetrans.png (232x244, 35K)

It's like meditation.
There's a good reason why the Buddha sat under a tree.

Attached: m10-192-might-of-oaks.jpg (672x936, 279K)

Yeah, he confessed, but it was a dream.

Fucking hell, 3 chapters in and nothing fucking happens. What is Fumita doing? Did this really take 3 months of brain power to write?

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I fucking knew it.

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Short haired Mizusu tomorrow.

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>all these cute Tomos
Are we in the golden generation of cute Tomos?

where is this from? I don't remember it

get up to date, dude
the manga is already too short, and the pacing is fast when it's been read in a sitting

Aren't they all sex crazy during pregnacies due to their hormones going all whack?

What chapter is that from

Attached: NekoLewd.png (112x112, 25K)

>getting your sex education from ero manga
Yea Forumsnons never cease to amaze me.

God, Tomo is adorable.

victims of the american education system
laugh at them

>But the way Tomo hides her embarrassment...
>Still, I want to fuck Misuzu

So the sex Jun will be having with Tomo will be as strongly embarrassing and Tomo will be beating his dick and he will take it all even if his first time will for sure hurt him?
Best man.

How many chapters will it take them to hold hands?
My guess is 40

Jun is hard as a rock

Post the others

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Thot Tomo

Very cute! How long until drama and/or miss-understandings ruin everything?

Cum is supposed to be directly injected in the womb and flood the ovaries after deep cervical penetration and no femoid or doctor will convince me otherwise.

I honestly don't know where this conversation comes from. This is a wholesome vanilla tomboy romcom 4koma.

>not everyone is catholic, guys
For the sake of their souls they should be. Tomboy pregnancy is both the in the path to salvation and a blessing you get for it.

This is the Tomboy isekai we need.

Lap sitting is basically vertical spooning

had to remind me of this. his new work took somewhat the same direction tol

>tomo’s on a date with jun
>they’re at a abandoned factory
>tomo prances around
>she sees something shiny and bends down to look at it
>wakes up
>can’t move her hands
>”You’re finally awake”
>looks up to see snowy mountains
>”You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that that imperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there”

Morrowind is better


Attached: 1447600994407.png (360x360, 93K)

>user's typesetting is better
>user's cleaning is better
>user's is faster


Lets be cool now.

it's all in good fun.

they hated him because he told the truth

Attached: 1486701336326.png (216x212, 51K)

Attached: ThisIsSoSad.jpg (500x378, 35K)


>de he he he
>not cute
That shit is kawaii yo.

As an EOP, dropout's translation seems to be better. Is that not the case?

I needed this

If the next page is just a collection of panels where schoolmates react to the news by saying "no duh" the manga can end right there. Thanks.

Todd Howard, you did it again!

Jun is such a faggot holy shit, why doesn't he just fuck another man?

isekai'd tomboys, you say?

Attached: aizawa_tomo___sports_glasses_by_gutsisberserk_fb-dcp6lai.jpg (888x899, 157K)

Fuck off incel.

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that's it, breaking up inevitable. Jun will go "I have to leave to become stronger and survive your love" and then they will separate for some years only to be reunited when they are older but sadly, Tomo will be already married and with a child.

>user's typesetting is better

>ellipses on its own line

Attached: 1527109997072.png (782x918, 591K)

I hate you

Attached: 1550554486567.png (446x444, 775K)

No Misuzu ever.
And it's amazing.

This is one of the most kindhearted and optimistic responses to a stupid typo that I've ever seen on this board.
Not him, but I thank you for your kindness, user

Oh fuck off. It's only the third page.
And even then, it's already hella cute

the only thing better is the "it hurts"
it's a better punchline than "ow"

Except the title, which sets up the joke, was completed disregarded in the user one.

Jun to Kao- I mean Tomo

I love that manga


Misuzu is a dyke so never.

Wait, what?

They are already doing it.

And then Tanabe woke up.


Attached: Oyakodon.jpg (118x72, 7K)

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What do you want them to do, make the font size stupidly small to fit the ellipsis on a single line?

The heart I agree with but speed is the name of the game here, kiddo.

Attached: Tomo.jpg (650x1003, 75K)

>retaining the single ellipses in the raw is bad

I'm talking about the last bubble ellipses

Why doesn't he pin her down right here and now and give her the dick?

People are watching