Watamote chapter 151
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The Gods have smiled upon us, it's a happy (smug) Yuri chapter.
【谷川ニコ】私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! 喪445
【谷川ニコ】私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! 喪446
/u/ probably wouldn't shut up about this because they don't know that two girls can be friends without wanting to fuck each other, but still it's better than Asuka-pandering.
Godfucking dammit
>Those movements...
>Is she really human?
Sounds funnier in Niponese
Wait, is this real? Already?
At this hour?
I guess, according to the final page, yuri confirmed that kuroki and her are friends. i think? waiting for /u/ translations.
No, imbecile. It's actually a very clever forgery made by some extremely dedicated autist
>Yuri chapter
who gives a fuck about this bitch anyway?
No I'm just kidding, I made this fan chapter all by myself because I'm a Yuri fag
Taimanin RPG
>Yuri got caught in one of Tomoko's sexual fuckups
My fucking sides
What Yuri was saying was that she and Tomoko had fun. But she's basically rubbing it in Nemo's face by referring to Tomoko by her first name. A classic Yuri move.
Shit I saw Asuka in a panel so I imagine the Yurifags will just seethe over that and not be happy that she was damn near MC of yet another chapter.
I see you are a true aesthete
I can tell, this chapter isn't funny at all and characters are uglier than ever. Your talent is far behind Nico's.
I'm serious, how can anyone like her? She's a jealous cunt who rebuffs any efforts others make to be her friend if she hasn't decided they're allowed to be her friend while taking every opportunity she can to be a smug bitch to those same people any time she feels like she's got a leg up on them.
She's honestly been most unlikable character in the series since the Disneyland trip sent her autism into overdrive.
I like her. At least she has a personality and a sense of purpose in this manga unlike Asuka
Nico Tanigawa extended universe
It sound like Yuri is someone that know what she want and don't take shit from nobody
>All this Asuka bitching even when she was only on one single panel
>Instead of being happy of having a Yuri chapter faggots just keep bitching about Asuka
That's why I hope Asuka becomes Tomoko's love interest, with all the screentime it would mean.
At least Asuka is nice even when she clearly wants other people to fuck off so she can be along with Tomoko.
My issue is that I wouldn't mind if Yuri was a bit ambivalent about it. It's the constant bitchy behavior that's really getting annoying. She's not a pleasant person, she doesn't try to be a pleasant person and she goes out of her way to antagonize others. Not to mention her making things awkward for her "friend" Tomoko by acting like a child and storming off if she feels she's not getting the attention she's entitled to (because Tomoko is HER friend and thus isn't allowed to be anyone else's).
Mako was right to ditch her ass for Fang back in the run up to Kyoto. Maybe we'll get some actual development for her where she becomes comfortable enough in her own friendship with Tomoko to allow others in too but if she's still, at the end of the chapter, trying to antagonize Nemo and rub shit in her face then it's obviously not happening any time soon.
>Four (4) Yuri smiles in a single chapter
Is this a new record?
>rebuffs any efforts others make to be her friend if she hasn't decided they're allowed to be her friend while taking every opportunity she can to be a smug bitch to those same people any time she feels like she's got a leg up on them
Based Yuri
>another Yuri chapter about muh friendship with Tomoko
Another two weeks of sleep mode for me.
>because Tomoko is HER friend and thus isn't allowed to be anyone else's
Watamote is so good, holy shit just like real girls do
>trying to antagonize Nemo and rub shit in her face
You... you don't understand Nemo, don't you?
Nemo is cool as ice and would never take it as a serious offense; she sees it as Yuri being Yuri, and Yuri knows that Nemo can handle the banter.
OP here, what I said about Yuri being smug earlier wasn't true. She's actually super smug this chapter
>Asks Nemo who she's played darts with
>Tells her that she and Tomoko played darts together and that it was fun
Fucking love this cocky girl. Well I'm turning in for the night. Remember to add this smiling Yuri to your Yuri folder, I know I will.
Shit chapter.
>all those delicious tears
Best girl win again
>Chapter about Yuri
>about muh Tomoko
God save us from have something else, and before some retard points that Tomoko is the main character, that doesn´t mean she should be the main focus of all and every single thing in the story, at least Nemo has a dream.
That's some nice heterosexual friendship user
Yes, very normal heterosexual friendship that Nemo and Asuka wish they could have
>Yurifag and Asukafag war building up
I like them both, I just want someone female to win the Tomokobowl, bros. ;_;
my personal preference is Asuka taking Tomoko’s innocence and Yuri winning her in the end, but anything’s fine
Looks like a completely autismal chapter, those are some of the best ones.
I don't care, she's adorable. Well, rather, I can relate. She has a shitty personality in a more believable way than Tomoko does.
>no fang
What dark sorcery did Yuri do to get Tomoko all to herself this chapter?
Tomoko has a Harem now
>at least Nemo has a dream.
EDIT please
If you think having friends gives you a harem then I feel sorry for you
maximum Yuri autism this week
It's great, it isn't?
It out now isn't it, translation where
I hate them both so this is entertaining to watch.
>he doesn’t fuck all of his friends
I'm not even an Asukafag, I'm a Nemofag and Akanefag to a lesser extent. I just want Yuri's autismal cuntiness toned down.
Haven't read this in years. Has she gotten a bf yet?
Translation from /u/.
Is there an artist who wants to draw Uchi hanged in the school bathroom?
My wife is so pretty.
No but glasses-kun is a good candidate. His girlfriend broke up with him on New Year's Eve so he's pathetic enough for Tomoko
The shota, the shota is going to win.
Haha Tomoko's shy ass tugging on Yuri's sleeve and making her talk to the cashier
The shota is for a mommy character like Asuka
She's a lesbian with at least 8 different friends now
>YurixTomo chapter with no Asuka
There is a god.
>She's a lesbian
go read a yuri series
They said boyfriend, user
You reach any further user and you'll touch the moon
I'm reading one right now, it's called Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Mein nigga
go read a yuri series them comeback
Is that game place that Yuri & Tomoko went to the typical size for those types of businesses? Because it's really big.
dunno, her entire personality seems to be "...."
and people call asuka boring.
But real thread when?
What this?
yeah, i still remember when my friend got another friend, i tried to brag on how much a better friend i am, like, that one time, i sucked his dick and he came directly into my mouth. That proves we're really good friends.
thank you
What will it take for Yuri and Nemo to be good friends? :(
i fucking love Yuri. Holy shit best chapter.
Honestly at this point it's pretty fucking obvious that she doesn't actually mind Nemo that much and most of her smugness towards her is pretty much just bantz (Asuka and kouhai are a different matter though).
i wish they went with tallmoko
>Since I’m Not Popular, I’ll Win
That’s it, Yuri won. Game over, man.
Futa onee-san x shota/trap is the best pairing.
Fuck you.
Nemo's been ribbing Yuri about losing ping pong to first-years since last chapter so Yuri got some payback in the way she usually does. I don't think Nemo even takes it that seriously anyways, since Yuri's stopped actively pushing her away.
Why the fuck were they watching porn together ?
>he doesn't watch hentai with his mates
>Nemo won the poll
>Yuri gets her chapter anyway
Both of them like ecchi plus they wanted to fuck around with the couple next door.
I am, it's called Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! ;)
>Nemo won the poll
>Gets a goddamn origin story
>Yuri (one of tomokos first school friends, not counting Nemo because she was still normalfagging) gets focus for 1 chapter
>Wow, wtf how dare they
about time
Nemo got her own chapter because she won the Bookwalker poll.
Did the author that shilled for Nemo deliver? I remember he said he'd draw some Yuri stuff if Nemo won.
And then he didn't, the absolute madlad
She had a focus chapter literally right before that (the one where Tomoko calls her by her first name without any interruptions), then a few chapters before that (Golden Week college visit) and then not long before that one (the manga one where she was practically the MC). Even in chapters that aren't about her she usually gets a prominent role (the skirt chapter was more of a Nemo one, the studying/rain one which was Asuka's). Now she's got another long chapter as the star.
I find it funny that Yurifags always complain about Asuka getting "too much focus" when Yuri has a tendency to get shoved into chapters and given attention even when she has nothing to do with anything, like the kouhai chapter two chapters ago.
Nope. Aka wanted his waifu to win, made it happen and strung along Yurifags. Now his manga produced the biggest hit and biggest meme of the season. Further proof that Nemofags are very much Nemo Chads.
>urr durr X character chapter? Fuck that! where's muh Y character chapter!
>/u/ probably wouldn't shut up about this
Can't blame them.
then each other right
They already are.
>Is socially adept but also knowledgeable about nerdy things
>Is realistic about Tomoko's social problems and her future
>Wants to emulate the slice of life anime in real life, a true patrician.
Why is she so perfect?
Nice, a Yuri chapter.
Why the fuck not?
A decent enough chapter. I'm glad Yuri didn't go into autism overload like she had in the other chapters. Her being smug hopefully means she's opening up to other people and won't be so possessive of Tomoko. Normally, she would go the passive aggressive route instead of expressing herself.
I cant read Japanese. Can anyone tell me why they are sharing beds with each other? Are they watching porn together in a hotelroom?
omae wa mo shindeiru
They're holding their rackets wrongly. reee
Or that Yuri has had more focus than everyone else. I like Yuri, but I find her fans the most insufferable.
They're a couple now.
They're getting ready to enjoy each other
Internet Cafe Aprecio
Surprised Yuri didn't even try to stop Tomoko from putting on some porn.
How the hell is that economically sustainable?
I'm just surprised she never tried to punch Tomoko at any point.
Because she was hoping it would lead to other things
my god that's nice.
I'm sure she did after the porn started blaring.
>you and the lads never watched porn together
She's been arrested for stalking.
Is it a crime to be in love...and kill anyone that gets in your way?
best girl
Next big Ucchi Arc is coming.
She reminds me of old Tomoko
Literally who
And you guys make fun of /u/fags for reaching
Can't wait for Tomoko, Yuri and Nemo to go on adventures and dab on loser Minami
I fucking hate this sort of shining skin.
This shit is still going? Did Tomoko ever make any friends at school? Has she gotten a boyfriend or had sex? Is she happy now?
I just want what's best for her
It's inevitable, she's one of the longest gags now.
I love this freaking doujin so much
What's your ideal cast for the college sequel?
Instead you won't shut up about it because you don't realise that two girls can be romantically involved.
What's best for her is Ucchi.
She has lots of friends. She is very popular, but has not had a boyfriend.
Are hetfags still seething?
user, this isn't your fantasy yuri manga where there's something in the water that turns all the girls gay. Tomoko and Yuri aren't in love, they are mutual friends and that's how it will stay. Faggots like you ruin good anime and manga because you don't care at all about the story and just want to see lesbianism fetishised
Yeah, a lot.
Don't you trannies have your own board? For the record, anyone obsessed to this extent with yuri to whine about how there's not enough of it is repressed faggot that regrets not being born a girl so he self-inserts into yuri to make up for it.
>projecting this hard because of fictional 2D lesbians
Wew, I guess Watamote really broke some anons around here.
Everyone except Yuri fags realises that Yuri fags are insufferable. /u/ has Watamote threads, if you want to discuss which of you faggots can reach the furthest about a non-yuri manga, go there.
It was kinda hilarious back then, but now they are just pathetic. Makes me feel a bit sad about them.
Faggots like you don't want to see relationships progress naturally and are neurotically obsessed with Tomoko staying a socially outcast caricature are what ruin anime.
If you're following something that has a majority female cast then you're just going to have to put up with the shipping.
You have no fucking idea how I feel about this manga you dumb /u/ faggot. Don't group me together with the anime onlys that "heard this series became a yuri harem so they aren't interested in it anymore". I like the character development, I like that Tomoko has started to form a circle of friends and I like that she's striving to be a better person. That doesn't mean she has to want to fuck her friends. Fuck off from Yea Forums.
Are probably all going to the same college, so they would be the main cast if there was a sequel. I would love main cast Yuu so much, I hope she overcomes her retardation and passes the entrance exam
You seem desperately trying to avoid reality because you don't like the way in which things are progressing. Your seething nature makes that clear enough to me.
>you seem desperately trying to avoid reality
>is a yuri-fag
Ok user I lose, you trolled me good
I feel like Asuka won't get into the same college as Tomoko. Out of all the girls it seems like Nemo has the best shot at being in the same college as Tomoko. As for Yuu, she'd have to fuck the admissions officer to get in.
Aren't her and Asuka literally applying to the same college though?
It would make no sense for Asuka to be the only one who doesn't make it into the same college as everyone else considering she's apparently pretty smart.
>I'm just a joke character that will never get what I desire the most
>and the author has forgotten about me
What is this?
poor Ucchi.
Write Sisters
a few chapters are translated, but then they stopped. And i think it got cancelled by now anyway?
I see. Thank you dear user.
I have read Scum, Glasses and Literature Girl (fake), it's simple but interesting on its own. I didn't know there was another work in the "Nico Tanigawa Universe". I would call that universe as the "wataverse".
Ucchi Gang chapter where it's the school festival and they have to literally tie her down to stop her raping the girls dressed as maids when? Ucchi has such great potential once Nico delivers on her coming out arc.
D-did they fuck?
The ABSOLUTE state of Cuckmoji
She made friends with a couple of weird girls who were willing overlook her worst personality traits. Since then, more and more classmates got curious about what her deal was and decided to talk to her. Now she's kind of the class retard that everyone wants to invite to stuff because she has a reputation for being entertaining to have around.
If only she knew
Yuri is shit, user. Making it futa is the only way to make it acceptable.
Katou x Tomoko OTP
Kiyota is such a beta bitch boy.
>Calls other people faggots while wishing women to be dykes
>Calls other people neurotic while being neurotically obsessed with fucking friends.
God I want Nemo to insult me
>relationships progress naturally
>"These girls are all gay. Fuck you for not seeing my retarded headcanon
At this point, you can pretty much say almost all of Tomoko's friends are applying there as well.
being obsessed to the point of yandere is called "natural" nowadays? I never knew....
>Tomoko is alone again at college or so she thinks because there's one other girl from her school there and it's Minami
A man can dream
We know Tomoko wants all her friends to apply there, but it hasn't actually been confirmed that any of them will, has it?
Yuri said she will.
She even plays ping pong like she's autistic
I'm not /u/ but this is my favorite manga. It makes me laugh every time and the characters are great.
this shit is still going?
how hasn't it been axed yet is beyond me, it's still has leftover oxygen from Yea Forums's life support years back.
weak bait.
not bait it's a genuine question, how is this unfunny shit still going? it's not even an interesting slice of life either.
muh reliability I guess
You don't read it so how can you tell it isn't funny? People that form opinions about the current state of a series they no longer follow are the worst faggots
come you, just a reply before yours someone called out the bait, and you still fell for it
fuck /u/ faggot
>tomoko's been bisexual for entire manga
>het and /u/ fags still fighting
She's bicurious at best. She looks up porn and gushes over dick pics. She's almost completely straight unlike how /u/ fags portray her as a yuri harem queen like Setsu from Oddman 11.
It never ends.
She ogles girls for entire manga and sexually h arrases them.
She's very realistic bi teen.
You've never sexually harassed your friends? *pfft* faggot. And she's only tried to harass Yuu cause she's a slut. She tried with a pure maiden like Yuri and got shot down.
Bizarro Tomoko is cute
Now post the Nemo with Kuro personality one. It gets my dick as hard as diamonds.
You tried to sneak peaks at basketball teams junk?
>He doesn't constantly feel up his bros and try to get them to wear sexy outfits
what a fag
Dont have it
She was looking at their shoes. Only a creep like Ucchi would think she was trying to sneak a peek
>She was looking at their shoes
You mean the cheer-leading squad don't you? From the Sports Festival?
Yuri is a jealous bitch
Am i the only one that thinks tomoko should be the one dying her hair on these versions?
I want to fuck the Nemo on the right
nico has been purposely putting yuri fuel on every new chapter
he has to stop!
we're never gonna get any more het doujins at this point
Even back then it was 90% futa shit anyways
Yeah, her fans pretty much flip out if any other character gets attention. So she gets shoved into every chapter regardless of whether or not her presence is natural or really fits and it's not good enough for them.
I only want Ucchi in the hopes of the rest of the Ucchi Gang getting some attention. She's just a joke character at this point, not as sexual and fun as her glasses friend or as intriguing as Miyazaki.
No wonder you're a newfag. It's 'they'
Tapping my foot for the scanlations
you should read the recently translated doujins while you wait
>They're all gay
Fuck /u/
Is the joke you're making here that you're being completely wrong?
Tomoko has never been completely straight, and as for Setsu, she HAS been completely straight until RECENTLY. Even to date, she still wants a boyfriend, and despite being in a same-sex relationship, she makes no indications of actually being attracted to her girlfriend outside of one joke.
those two are pretty slice of life if you ask me
not gay enough
>tomoko as ryuko
This is something I didn't know I needed.
The story is made by the guy.
Damn, I wanna buy this
I wouldn't be able to scan it, though. Even if I could
>134 pages
Has it ever really been confirmed who writes and who draws/that they don't do both?
I think it's unfair to refer to the guy as Nico. The artist is Nico too. Nico is the fusion of two awesome people (who have obviously fucked at least once)
Dragon Quest?
bruh id pass you some spare cash if you couldn't scan it
I've got the dosh for it, though I shouldn't be buying things. I really have no experience with scanning, though, and what little I do know makes me not want to try for it being tedious/because it sounds like I'd have to destroy or debind the book (by melting the glue)
Yeah, but the Artist is female. And even if she's often depicted in the Omake as a low-spirited, with social anxiety, follower of the Writer weird antics, I doubt that in real life she never has a word or two about the story itself.
It's been commonly accepted to refer as the male writer as Nico and the female artist as Ikko, though.
Their pen name by itself is very weird, and must reference something for we westerners is beyond our comprehention. Plus, they will never show even their face, let alone their real name.
Meh, just scan them without detaching the pages, then remove the borders with Photoshop. That's how I scanned some french & belgium comics in the past.
The final issue is my not actually having a scanner. I've got access to ones, but they'd cost money and are in public. Would have to get my own. Maybe someday /shrug
Mainly posting that just in case someone else is more willing to get it online. I can't wait for the day more people start distributing digitally...
I have a scanner, and it's just sitting there collecting dust, so maybe I can help out.
How did we get to this point? There's honestly a lot of girls in this manga that seem like they wouldn't too against having sex with her if given the opportunity.
Kyoto trip expanded the cast and /u/ realised there was more than one girl in this manga. Ideally I want no romance but if Tomoko gets a boyfriend it would be great since /u/ would be the seething faggots rather than their usual obnoxious delusional selves.
Now we need an inverted Tomoko/Yoshida version.
It’s been written in the autor notes that the artist contributed the most for the characterisations of the female characters
>It’s been written in the autor notes that the artist contributed the most for the characterisations of the female characters
why can other male magakas do the same?
Honestly, it's delusional to say this series isn't yuri leaning, but not to say that it is.
I think they said in an interview that there’s no serious bullying in the manga because the artist had a bad experience with that in high school and didn’t want to relive it, so she definitely has an input/veto power on what goes in the story.
Because they are usually doing their manga solo, or their co-workers are also guys like them
This is why Minami gets lowkey bullied so much? Is she based off the typical Japanese jk bitch?
Chapter's out. You can dump it here or make a new thread. I don't give a shit either way
New thread
I love that I've lived long enough to see another thing I love mutate into an abomination.