>there are "people" that STILL think it will be a harem end
5toubun no Hanayome
Jacob Taylor
Aiden White
Ayden Lewis
Whom are you quoting?
Thomas Sanchez
Who are you @ing?
Dominic Brooks
Ichika's wedding gown is really ugly
Ryder Carter
You're really ugly
Eli Cruz
Ichika is really ugly so it fits.
Cameron Mitchell
Ichika a cute!
Matthew Watson
>looks like a boy
>teases young boys like a prostitute
>backstabers her sisters like a 3DPD
Cute, right.
Adam Lewis
Vol 1 has all of them you dumb fuck, at vol 11 the wedding dress cycle is completed, after that we'll likely get 1 or 2 more covers which will probably be all 5 again with or without fuu, fuu alone, bride alone or fuu + bride